Flag Raising at Iwo Jima February 1945 |
By Thornton Crowe
A holiday to celebrate our victories and losses but also one to reflect on just what America means to us...
In our times of high political correctness, it is not an outrageous thing to entertain, given Obama's 'almost' apology for Hiroshima speech, will our holidays honoring military become extinct? It is surprising that over the last seven years, this hasn't been entertained or discussed. Given the current president and his strong dislike for the founding values of America, it is quite surprising he hasn't tried to outlaw our cherished holidays like Memorial Day, which honors our soldiers whom have given their lives so we can continue to be a
free nation.
Prisoners of War in Japan, WWII |
One thing about Obama's Hiroshima speech that he failed to mention was the horrors Japanese soldiers exacted on American prisoners of war during the Second World War. The inconvenient fact that many of them had contests to see how many POWs they could behead or the starvation in their detainment camps. Yes, he forgot to even mention the biggest reasons for the US official engagement:
Pearl Harbor. It's inconceivable that at any other part of our country's history, our military's commander in chief would forget such facts. Furthermore, it's an insult to every soldier who fought and died for this country so we could continue to live as a free nation.
From a recent riot |
Looking at the contrast between young Americans serving in WWII and the ones wearing hats saying, "AMERICA WAS NEVER GREAT," it's a abysmal commentary on just how much American Pride has disintegrated over the last few decades. With our president vilifying our history, it's no wonder Millennials have no respect or appreciation for the price many paid so they could riot in the streets, airing fictitious grievances, unfettered. They have no clue what it is like to live under oppression or socialism like the people of Argentina and Venezuela or to engage in actual combat in hostile territories as their peers in serving in the armed forces, shield them from such atrocities and horror.
V-J Day, 1945 - NYC Times Square |
Beginning in 1860s, many local areas performed rituals and parades, honoring fallen war heroes. As a tradition, they gathered on specific days to celebrate those who gave their lives for our freedom. It wasn't until 1971 when it became a federally recognized national holiday and since, has become more an official beginning of the 'summer' season for many local beach towns; thus, its real meaning becoming clouded or lost altogether.
This weekend, more so than probably any other year before, our military's history and sacrifice should be remembered and honored because without them, we would not be free.
Additionally, in this pivotal election year, it's a time to reflect on a pertinent question regarding our country's tenuous future: Isn't it time we elected people who possess respect for those who have served and protected us rather than damning and apologizing for it?
The choice is yours.
How say you?
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during Hurricane Sandy |
To my ancestors and all the men and women who fought, served and continue to serve in our armed forces to keep us free, I Thank You for your Service.