As the frail George Burns, (Ron Alessi) went on the Bill Redish Show this morning he said the following.
We have a cancer in our community and it is the blogs. All responsible news organizations, like this radio station, answer to someone. The bloggers answer to no one. The bloggers think they are important and that they are a creditable news source. They are not news, they are garbage. They have been after me for the past three years, first because of my association with the Zoo, then because I was honored by a national organization and now because of one business civil law suit that made no economic sense for me to defend after 40 years in business.There are many good and decent individuals in our community who have been vilified, demeaned, and attacked for no good reason. It is no wonder that there is reluctance for qualified individuals to get involved in our community for fear that they will come under attack by these demented individuals. These bloggers serve no purpose but to destroy organizations, individuals and their families.They cower behind their computers and spew out venomous lies that discourage and demoralize individuals and organizations that give freely of their time, talent and treasure to improve the quality of life in our community. How come we do not see these individuals donating their time and their dollars to make our community better? I do not see any of their names listed in any of the many community organizations. I don't see them running for any office.Who gave them the right to judge others? What is their background? Maybe we need to check them out and see how moral and upstanding they are.There is no room in our community for rude and disrespectful individuals. If I am given the honor to be the first Wicomico County Executive, I will encourage free and open discussion of the issues. However, we will do it in a civil and respectful way and I will not permit any conduct that does not respect each other.Let me end by making this promise to the bloggers. You keep up the harassment of me and my family and you are asking for a fight. I am normally a mild mannered person and I like to resolve issues gentlemanly and peacefully. Up until this point I have ignored you, but if you continue to harass me or my family, when I get done with you an apology won't be adequate - I'll get in your wallet!
Let's get one thing perfectly straight here Mr. Alessi, any time, any day, you want to attempt to get into my wallet, you better have a team of attorneys retarded enough to play that game and eat whatever you have left in your old age retirement to play with me, bring it on!
You said:
"How come we do not see these individuals donating their time and their dollars to make our community better? I do not see any of their names listed in any of the many community organizations." "What is their background? Maybe we need to check them out and see how moral and upstanding they are."Jennifer and I have given to the community. Jennifer put in 18 years at the Salisbury Zoo and herniated three disks in her back
on the job and was forced out by you because she could no longer handle the physical stress from such work. That's NOT giving enough? After 18 years she was making a mere $27,000.00 a year, (
after 18 years)! That's NOT enough? You terminated her position because she counldn't continue giving enough? We filed to get a Grandparent Friends Membership, sent in the money and you personally sent our money back and said we weren't friends of the Zoo
and you had the City Council actually make up new rules "
after" you had already turned us down, 18 years wasn't good enough? THEN we
unconditionally donated funds to sponsor 4 animals for an entire year and you sent our money back! I have personally raised several hundred dollars for the Night of the Living Zoo as well as my time and all of our children's time to help run that event. Not good enough Ron?
We live in Delmar, DE. Ron Alessi, NOT Salisbury. Yet we still give back to that community every single day. Heck, you got $2.75 in parking garage fees and meters from us today alone! You mentioned that we have been after you for three years. My Blog Site is 2 months old. The other Blog Sites haven't been around for even two years. How good will you be with memory God Forbid you became County Executive? How many animals are in the Salisbury Zoo Ron? How many died last year Ron? How much money have you raised for that $2,000,000.00 building the AZA has demanded and you covered up? Why did you and Jim Rapp deny knowledge about the illegal pipes draining into the River from exhibits within the Zoo when you both knew they were illegal? Are you still upset with me because I found 5 mauled ducks in 9 days at the Zoo and Jim Rapp never told you about it? My pictures don't lie Ron. So threaten a lawsuit all you want, you DO NOT scare me at all! You are a Public Figure and I may say "anything" I like about you.
Quit sounding off like a cry baby because you're quickly losing ground. Because people are asking you how many animals died last year. Because people see the pollution in the river at the Zoo. Because people see dead animals in the Zoo. Because people realize there's next to no animals left at the Zoo. Because you are about to lose accreditation at the Zoo from the AZA because you covered up the building for 2 years so the Press wouldn't find out and now you're in deep trouble. Because you backed and supported Jim Rapp who admittedly stated he did in fact expose himself to women at the Zoo and you supported him, backed him and stood by his side while the MSM covered it up. Because you refuse to tell anyone just how many animals are at the Salisbury Zoo! Remember it here first Folks, there were 500 animals at the Salisbury Zoo 3 years ago! They might have 125 left. Keep in mind they keep adding animals every year too.
The Blog Sites are exposing FACTS! Even you are trying to claim there's a glitch in the accounting system that
NO ONE ELSE has ever experienced but good ol' Ron Alessi is unique. You have enjoyed "manufactured news" from the Daily Times long enough. You may not like the fact that Blog Sites are making cheaters like you accountable but that is the real world Mr. Public and you cannot sue people. They can even lie about you Ron and there's nothing you can do about it. So nice try and big words for such a little man. I'll bet it felt good hiding behind that microphone and talking real big! Yeah, you're the man Ron. Say Goodnight Gracy!