DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Dog Found On Shad Point Road: UPDATE
How Do Our Legislators Rank?
The 2011 Roll Call is out! Released for the last 25 years by the group Maryland Business for Responsive Government (MBRG), the Roll Call scores each member of the Maryland General Assembly on bills that are important to Maryland businesses.
So … How do our Senators and Delegates from the Eastern Shore rank?
2011 Score | Cum. Score | |
E. J. Pipkin | 100 | 83 |
Richard Colburn | 100 | 84 |
Jim Mathias | 45 | 54 |
HOUSE | ||
2011 Score | Cum. Score | |
Steve Hershey | 100 | -- |
Jay Jacobs | 100 | -- |
Mike Smigiel | 91 | 73 |
Rudy Cane | 9 | 35 |
Addie Eckhardt | 100 | 86 |
Jeannie Haddaway | 93 | 82 |
Norm Conway | 20 | 59 |
Mike McDermott | 100 | -- |
Charles Otto | 100 | -- |
So, who stands up for business on the Shore? It doesn’t look like Rudy Cane, Norm Conway, and Jim Mathias are too worried about job creation in Maryland … unless it’s GOVERNMENT JOBS.
CORRECTION - This post originally showed Del. Norm Conway with a 2011 score of 100 and Del. Mike McDermott with a 2011 score of 20. The numbers were reversed. We apologize to Del. McDermott for the mistake.
BREAKING NEWS: Earl Bradley Found Guilty on All Counts
Former Lewes and Milford pediatrician Earl Bradley was found guilty Thursday afternoon on all counts stemming from the rape, assault and exploitation of more than 100 underage victims over a 10-year period.
Superior Court Judge William Carpenter Jr. announced his verdicts in front of a Georgetown Superior Courtroom that was filled with more than 60 onlookers and nearly 20 members of the Delaware Corrections Department and Capitol Police.
Bradley was found guilty of 14 counts of first-degree rape, five counts of second-degree assault and five counts of sexual exploitation of a child. Sentencing for the crimes will come Aug. 26 at 10 a.m. Each first-degree rape charge could carry with it a penalty of up to life in prison.
BREAKING NEWS: Men Charged In Plot To Attack Military Recruiting Station
MILLER: Conservatives’ Spending Pledge
The House conservatives' Republican Study Committee (RSC) came up with Cut, Cap, Balance to restrict spending at 18 percent of gross domestic product. Rep. Jim Jordan, the RSC chairman, told The Washington Times that his group "put the ball on the field" and "with this pledge, conservatives in the House, Senate and all across the country have now picked it up and begun to run with it." There are 42 grass-roots groups coordinating efforts to promote the issue around the country, including Club for Growth, FreedomWorks, Tea Party Express and Let Freedom Ring.
Many inside and outside the Beltway are skeptical of closed-door leadership negotiations after being let down by April's continuing resolution in which a promised $100 billion in cuts ultimately failed to yield any real savings. According to the Congressional Budget Office, this year's spending is already $132 billion higher than last year's.
They also lack faith in politicians sticking to spending caps beyond the next election, which is why the pledge seeks to amend the Constitution. "We agree we need immediate spending cuts, caps and entitlement reform, but that's exactly what Washington did in the '90s when we were $5 trillion in debt," Mr. DeMint told The Times. "Now Gramm-Rudman is ignored, the entitlement reforms never materialized, and debt has exploded to over $14 trillion. Americans won't be fooled again; they know none of these grand promises will ever happen unless we force Washington to do it with a balanced-budget amendment."
For the "Cut, Cap, Balance" pledge to work, more members will have to sign on to it in the next couple of weeks. With a big push from the Tea Party and related groups, that could happen. Americans sent an unmistakable message in November that business as usual was over. The debt-limit deal is the last opportunity this year for Republican leaders inside the Beltway to prove they're serious about shrinking our out-of-control federal leviathan.
Grand Jury Indicts Man After Del. Woman Loses $73K
Attorney General Beau Biden said in a statement on Wednesday that 37-year-old John J. Papaneri, of Mount Laurel, N.J., has been charged with 15 counts of securities fraud and theft for soliciting the funds from the woman in the scheme.
Papaneri was arrested on May 18. State officials say he met the victim last February and told her he was a partner in a business that sells energy-efficient refrigeration units.
Authorities say he later contacted her in Delaware and asked her to invest in his company for a promised return of thousands of dollars but she received no money despite her investment.
Information from: The News Journal of Wilmington, Del.,
Salisbury Police Department Violating The Charter
However, here's the problem. The tickets were written at and around 2:30 AM. My friend called the Police Officer the next day to contest the ticket and when he arrived he stood there and said, what does that sign say. He explained how this was 2:30 in the morning and that there is NO violation after 4:30 PM. The Officer said, the sign says one hour, I'll see you in Court.
I did some digging into this and there is absolutely no doubt, the Officer is 100% wrong. While so many of us are doing whatever we can to help boost our local economic and development in Downtown Salisbury, this is exactly the reason why we continue to hit a brick wall.
It goes even further. Did you know that if you are a SU Student living Downtown you get a special discount of 50% off parking if you park in the City Garage. Now I'm not sure just how many Students live Downtown but why not EVERYONE who lives Downtown? It makes no sense. Its not as if the City's Parking Garage is filled to capacity, not anywhere near.
It's simple things like a special discount that could encourage people to want to live Downtown. Why stop there. Why not come up with a plan for all Downtown residents to have a place to put their daily trash. In most cases, there is no place for these residents to discard their trash, so it ends up filling the cans daily on the Plaza.
In the mean time, the SPD needs to stop writing tickets and the citizens need to be informed that this is wrong. The meters are only in effect from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
An Aspirin A Day May Fight Skin Cancer
Daily aspirin may protect against melanoma
Long-term use cut risk of deadly skin cancer by almost half, study finds
Come Meet U.S. Senate Candidate Dan Bongino
Come meet U.S. Senate Candidate Dan Bongino (www.bongino.com) at the next WCRC Meeting.
June 27 , 2011
Refreshments 6:30 pm Meeting Starts 7:00 pm
Location: Salisbury Chamber of Commerce
144 East Main Street, Salisbury, MD
Issa: DOJ Claims Are 'Out Right Lie'
The Washington Post on Tuesday stated that Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, was told of the operation, which allowed automatic weapons to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, at an April 2010 meeting and raised no objection.
But Issa spokesman Frederick Hill told Newsmax on Thursday that “what is reported in the Washington Post is an outright lie.
Representative Issa did not learn about the operation until after the death of [Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives] agent Brian Terry” in December 2010.
The "Fast and Furious” operation oversaw the sale of weapons to known and suspected suppliers for Mexican drug cartels. The program was designed to go after drug traffickers, but two of the guns were found at the Arizona crime scene where agent Terry was killed.
Hill told The Hill newspaper that Issa was not briefed at the April 2010 meeting, during a meeting with officials from the ATF — a Justice Department agency — and did not learn about the controversial gun-tracking program until this year.
Spokesman Hill told The Daily Caller that the Justice Department has been shopping the Issa story around town. “We have had people who have contacted us before the Washington Post,” he said. “They told us people in the Justice Department were trying to push this story and I think a number of publications didn’t think it was credible or, for whatever reason, decided not to run it.”
Issa has been sharply critical of the Fast and Furious operation and has called for the resignation of ATF acting Director Kenneth Melson.
Referring to the Justice Department’s alleged efforts to plant the Issa story, Hill told Newsmax: “There are serious questions of integrity at the Justice Department right now.
“There are people within the Justice Department who have to be afraid for their careers now.”
Read more
Somerset County Sheriff's Office Press Release
HURT: No Ifs, Ands Or Butts: FDA Warning Photos Faked
On Tuesday, the government unveiled its latest salvo in its campaign against these companies.
Tobacco peddlers will soon be forced to emblazon every package of their product with graphic new warnings that show what the government says will happen to you if you smoke cigarettes.
One warning shows a cadaver lying on a steel table, chest zipped closed by giant staples. Another, a pair of nastily corroded lungs. In another image, an infant is confined to an incubator and hooked up to a breathing tube. In one startling image, a man is puffing on a cigarette with wisps of smoke escaping a tracheotomy hole in the center of his throat.
There is only one problem with the federal government’s great campaign of graphic images aimed at combating the deceit of tobacco companies and rescuing us from our stupid selves.
The images are fabricated.
Northeast Emissions Plan Helps Maryland Shift To Clean Energy And Avoid Fossil Fuel Pollution
- Strengthen RGGI’s cap on carbon emissions. A stronger cap will allow RGGI to function better as an incentive to move to cleaner energy sources and improve the states’ ability to make clean energy investments.
- Invest all RGGI funds to clean energy programs. Investing in energy efficiency and clean energy measures will provide energy bill relief to customers large and small and make achieving the environmental goals of the program easier.
- Consider expanding RGGI to include additional states. RGGI has proven itself as a framework for capping pollution and funding clean energy. One of the best ways to build on that success would be to bring additional states on board with the effort. RGGI has inspired the creation of similar initiatives in other parts of the country.
ATF hosts 1st Gay Pride Observance Despite Scandal
ATF works to ensure sexual orientation discrimination and prejudice are not tolerated in our workplace, said Melson.
"ATF is an equal employment opportunity environment where effective and equitable participation is encouraged. We are grateful that the Honorable Rep. Frank could share his experiences with our workforce as we celebrate diversity today," he said.
Congressman Frank spoke about his experiences serving as an openly gay congressman for the 4th Congressional District of Massachusetts and his rise to Democrat stalwart status.
ATF created its LGBT affinity group called ATF Pride with the primary goal of ensuring equal employment opportunity and enhancing development opportunities for LGBT employees at the agency, according to its press office.
The ATF has been underfire for an alleged operation that contributed to the deaths of Americans.
Negotiations Not Going Well For VP Biden
USPS Stops Funding A Portion Of Retirement Plan
Put Good Money After Good Money
Our ads are only $100.00 a month. Since every one and their brother comes to Salisbury News, stand out and be recognized. You are welcome to contact me and hear about the additional services we provide for the $100.00 a month and you'll be forever convinced there is no better place to advertise.
Contact me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com.
Maryland Gets $8 Mil To Help Find Federal Jobs
The Federal Reserve- A Corrupt Institution
“Mr. Chairman,we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks,hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation’s debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over.
“This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of these United States,has bankrupted itself,and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates,through the maladministration of that law by the Fed and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it. Some people who think that the Federal Reserve Banks United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers;foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers;and rich and predatory money lender. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man’s throat to get a dollar out of his pocket;there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislatures;there are those who maintain International propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us into granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime.
“These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia,and thus drove a wedge between the allies in World War. They financed Trotsky’s passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution,and placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky’s disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden so that through him Russian homes might be thoroughly broken up and Russian children flung far and wide from their natural protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children. “Mr. Chairman,there should be no partisanship in matters concerning banking and currency affairs in this Country,and I do not speak with any.”
“In 1912 the National Monetary Association,under the chairmanship of the late Senator Nelson W. Aldrich,made a report and presented a vicious bill called the National Reserve Association bill. This bill is usually spoken of as the Aldrich bill. Senator Aldrich did not write the Aldrich bill. He was the tool,if not the accomplice,of the European bankers who for nearly twenty years had been scheming to set up a central bank in this Country and who in 1912 has spent and were continuing to spend vast sums of money to accomplish their purpose.
“We were opposed to the Aldrich plan for a central bank. The men who rule the Democratic Party then promised the people that if they were returned to power there would be no central bank established here while they held the reigns of government. Thirteen months later that promise was broken, and the Wilson administration,under the tutelage of those sinister Wall Street figures who stood behind Colonel House,established here in our free Country the worm-eaten monarchical institution of the “King’s Bank”to control us from the top downward,and from the cradle to the grave”.
“The Federal Reserve Bank destroyed our old and characteristic way of doing business. It discriminated against our 1-name commercial paper,the finest in the world,and it set up the antiquated 2-name paper,which is the present curse of this Country and which wrecked every country which has ever given it scope;it fastened down upon the Country the very tyranny from which the framers of the Constitution sought to save us”.
What The Hell's Wrong
We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.?
In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile , Pakistan, Libya, Egypt and Turkey .. And now Japan
Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!
Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour
Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$'so and Tons of Food to Foreign Countries!
We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans.
AMERICA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without 'needed' meds, and mentally ill without treatment - etc, etc.
They have a 'Benefit' for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies.
Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries.
Sad isn't it?
Maryland State Police Salisbury Barrack will join more than one hundred law enforcement agencies across the state in an effort to educate the public on the lifesaving and injury-reducing benefits of safety belt/child seat use. Additional attention will focus on the reduction of aggressive driving and driving while impaired. This campaign will take place from May through December 2011.
The Maryland Chiefs of Police, Sheriffs, Campus Safety Directors, and Maryland State Police Barrack Commanders challenge their law enforcement personnel to design community-outreach programs and events to recruit community partners, and to conduct enhanced educational and enforcement initiatives. In Wicomico County, state and local law enforcement officials will be conducting an aggressive driving campaign, entitled the Smooth Operator Program. This enforcement initiative will be from July 3 to July 9, 2011.
10 States That Consume Too Much Fast Food
Want fries with that?
Using government data on the percentage of restaurants in each state that serve fast food and the percentage of dining-out dollars the average resident spends in them each year, Health.com identified the 10 states where fast-food consumption is most prevalent. Here they are, in alphabetical order.
Who Is Abandoning Salisbury’s Neighborhoods?
On June 7th Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton vetoed the budget passed by the Salisbury City Council the previous evening. As we noted at the time, Ireton’s rationale for vetoing the budget was long on rhetoric but short on substance.
One item Ireton used to attack council members Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, and Tim Spies was:
Neighborhood Lighting Upgrades - I support. Council has turned its back on taxpayers in the Canal Woods and Spring Chase neighborhoods. Citizens expect city government to hold up its end of the bargain and provide services. …Has council really turned its back on those neighborhoods? Well, if your definition is refusing to spend tax dollars on something because some residents want shiny new street lights then I guess you can make that argument. However, if your definition is providing services WHEN NEEDED then I don’t think so.
Do the neighborhoods of Canal Woods and Spring Chase NEED new street lights? Let’s look.
Canal Woods has, admittedly, an odd mix of street lights. There are some (on the left) that are brown and boxy. There are others that look more like what we think of when we talk about city street lights (on right). They all appear to be working. Therefore we have to ask what all of the hullabaloo is about.
It should also be noted that there is one light as you enter Canal Woods which has a broken lens. The light works, but the lens is broken. The city has a separate budget line for repairing street lights. This has NOTHING to do with the city council’s decision not to replace the lights in Canal Woods.
What about Spring Chase? Their lights (on right) all appear to be working. The neighborhood may want them replaced. Perhaps they offend Jim Ireton’s personal aesthetic. Who knows.
The bottom line is simple – if the neighborhood has working street lights, how is this “abandoning our neighborhoods”?
Perhaps this would just be a case of agreeing to disagree. However, the rhetoric coming from the administration has been increasingly inflammatory, culminating in the Mayor implying that some members of council were racists. In addition, some of the Mayor’s “allies” (in reality people who will support anyone who opposes Campbell, Cohen, and Spies) have resorted to putting up deliberately false information online and claiming that refusing to replace perfectly serviceable street lights is somehow “political payback”. One example is the photo on the left. Posted by one of the more disreputable local bloggers, it purports to be a street light from either Canal Woods or Spring Chase. As evidenced by the photos above, you can clearly see that it is not.
We are forced to ask the question – Couldn’t more be accomplished for city residents by attempting to work together rather than attacking someone because you disagree with them?
The 10 States That Restrict Personal Freedom
24/7 Wall St. reviewed the George Mason University’s biannual “Freedom in the 50 States” report authored by the school’s Mercatus Center, a libertarian think tank. According to the report’s authors, they “explicitly ground [their] conception of freedom on an individual-rights framework. In [their] view, individuals should be allowed to dispose of their lives, liberties, and properties as they see fit, as long as they do not infringe on the rights of others.” As a result, a more “free” state in the study will have more liberal social policies and more conservative economic policies. The report considered “a wide range of public policies, from income taxation to gun control, from homeschooling regulation to drug policy.
The Freedom report ranks individual liberty of state residents based on three major categories: fiscal freedom, personal freedom, and regulatory freedom. Fiscal freedom involves issues including state taxes, government spending, and wages. Regulatory freedom involves the impact that local laws have on personal economic choices and property, including labor regulation, mandatory health insurance, and eminent domain. Personal freedom involves individual choice, such as the right to drink, smoke and shoot guns.
Is your state among the most restricted when it comes to freedom? Read on to find out.
Rutgers Is Latest College to Sell Naming Rights to Stadium
In contrast to the ubiquity of corporate-named stadiums in the NFL, the vast majority of college football stadiums have stuck with their traditional names. The dominoes may be starting to fall, though, after Rutgers sold the Rutgers Stadium naming rights to High Point Solutions for a reported $6.5 million over 10 years.
NJ.com quotes the Rutgers athletic director, noting he doesn't mention High Point Solutions by name:
"I am satisfied and excited. The climate is difficult for everybody. ... We feel really, really good about it, not only given the climate but also because we were being picky about a partner. We were trying to find someone who has the same core values and a New Jersey-based company. And in the end, we're thrilled with the results."
According to ESPN, Rutgers will be only the 15th school to play home games in a corporately-named stadium, and five of those play in NFL arenas.
Do you think college football will go the NFL soul-selling route, or will tradition continue to hold off greed?
Rutgers reaches stadium naming rights deal [NJ.com via ESPN, Newsvine]
Wicomico County Health Department To Hold Rabies Clinic On 7/13/2011
(Salisbury, MD) The Wicomico County Health Department will be hosting a rabies vaccination clinic on Wednesday, July 13th at the Parsonsburg Fire Department from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Residents interested in bringing their pets for vaccination should be aware of the following:
Pets must be brought by a responsible adult; Dogs must me secured on a leash; Cats must be in a carrier or box with air holes; Only dogs and cats will be vaccinated; Pet owners are encouraged to bring previous rabies vaccination records so that their animals may receive a 3 year vaccine. Otherwise, a 1 year vaccination will be given; $10 per animal. Cash only. No Checks.
Maryland Law requires all dogs and cats older than four months to be currently vaccinated to protect them against rabies. The rabies virus is present in every county in Maryland and every year many pets in Maryland are needlessly euthanized due to exposure to suspected or confirmed rabid animals. Health Officials are urging residents to protect their pets and vaccinate them before it is too late. Rabies vaccine is the best way for pet owners to protect the pets they love.
Vaccination is a simple, easy process. Don’t hesitate to vaccinate. Only you can protect your family and pets from the deadly rabies virus. For more information, please call the Wicomico County Health Department, Environmental Health Division at 410 546-4446 or visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at http://www.cdc.gov/rabies/.
All animal bites or scratches should be reported to the Wicomico County Health Department at (410) 546-4446 during business hours and 410-543-699
Verdict To Be Announced In Delaware Pediatrician Case
The judge presiding over the case of Earl Bradley was to deliver his verdict on Bradley's guilt or innocence Thursday afternoon.
The 58-year-old Bradley waived his right to a jury trial after the judge denied a defense motion to suppress videotaped evidence seized during a 2009 search of Bradley's former office complex in Lewes. Prosecutors said Bradley recorded more than 13 hours of videos showing him abusing the children, mostly toddlers.
14-Year-Old Faces Adult Rape Charges
Baltimore Boy Accused Of Raping Teenager
Baltimore City police said the alleged rape took place May 27 at a house near Union Park.
Police identified the 14-year-old as Shemarr Gilbert, who officers took into custody Wednesday morning.
Sussex County Council to Discuss “Anti-Criticism” Policy
After the American Civil Liberties Union of Delaware complained that an anti-criticism policy for speakers at Sussex County Council meetings violated the law, the council will discuss a possible change to those rules next week.
The county's legal staff has been reviewing the policy -- which bars speakers from personally criticizing county officials -- and a possible draft change may be presented at Tuesday's council meeting, county spokesman Chip Guy said Wednesday.
The ACLU contends the policy, adopted in 2009, is unconstitutional because it discriminates against certain viewpoints. In a letter last month, the organization cited a 2005 federal court ruling in New Jersey that struck down a school board rule barring statements that were "personally directed."
The policy sets time limits for speakers during the "additional business" portion of the weekly meetings, requires residents to speak about county business and bars criticism related to personnel decisions or "matters ... that are personal in nature." It does not bar residents from criticizing county decisions or council members' actions.
The council meeting is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. at the County Administration Building on The Circle in Georgetown.
LOST DOG – Lab / Pit Mix
His name is Cullen and he is a 1 1/2 year old Lab / Pit mix. He was wearing a black collar and he got out of his kennel on Sat, June 18th. He is a big part of our family and we miss him!!
We live near the Centre at Salisbury (mall).
If you find Cullen, please contact Kandi at 443-614-1389 or by email at futurekandidavis@yahoo.com
Cardiologist Defends Self at Licensing Hearing
The Towson cardiologist accused of placing cardiac stents into patients who didn't need them had a chance to defend himself Wednesday before the Maryland Board of Physicians, which is deciding whether the doctor should retain his license.
The board that oversees physicians' licensing and discipline had charged Dr. Mark G. Midei last June with falsifying patients' records so it would appear they needed treatment.
Hearings are closed to the public, but Midei's lawyer, Stephen B. Snyder, said the doctor "was able to articulate all the issues before the full board, and I think they were receptive."
BREAKING NEWS: New Home Sales Fall For First Time In Three Months
Move Over Funnel Cakes, Fried Kool-Aid Is Here
"Oh, the moment of truth," said Joe Cocoba, a 31-year-old nursing student before biting into the glistening brown dough ball with a pink fluffy interior. "I can taste it (the Kool-Aid)! It's good."
San Diego County fair goers can't seem to get enough of the newest, oily treat that debuted at "Chicken Charlie's" food stand about two weeks ago when the annual event kicked off at the Del Mar horse race track and fairgrounds, about 20 miles north of San Diego.
Charlie Boghosian _ aka "Chicken Charlie" _ is the man behind the creations. The 42-year-old Boghosian has spent two decades testing the limits of what can be cooked in grease and still taste good. Each year, he adds new, unusual items to his popular food stand.
This year, it's fried Kool-Aid.
Wicomico Employee Unions Support Public Education, Forgo Negotiations On Pay
This spring, the members of the Wicomico County Education Association (WCEA) and the Association of Public Schools Administrators and Supervisors (APSAS) agreed to continue working under the terms of their existing contracts, without opening negotiations on a pay increase or any language changes. This marks the second consecutive year the members of APSAS have agreed to forgo formal contract negotiations. Wicomico is the only school system in the state in which cooperation of this magnitude is taking place.
“Teachers have recognized the impact the economy has had on the county’s budget as well as the education budget,” said Dave White, president of WCEA, which represents teachers. “While the funds are not there, public education must be there for the county to continue to grow and thrive into the future.”
The principals, assistant principals, other administrators and supervisors who are members of APSAS recognize the financial constraints the school system faces, said Bryan Ashby, WESPA president. “We wanted to be partners in a solution, to keep our relationship with the school system strong.”
The Wicomico Education Support Personnel Association (WESPA), which represents classified employees, sought minimal changes in language in the agreement for its members and did not receive a pay increase for Fiscal Year 2011-12.
For most employees of Wicomico Schools, the 2011-2012 school year will be the third straight year without a step increase or cost-of-living adjustment. In fact, due to recent legislative changes, employees will lose 2% of their pay this year as that amount shifts to cover the cost of administering the state retirement system, helping the state balance its budget. A 2% tax credit for teachers, to help offset the cost of classroom materials they purchase, will be unavailable after December.
“We are very appreciative of our associations working with us and understanding the constraints we are under. Over the past year, we have built a stronger relationship with all of the employee groups, and much greater respect for each others’ roles,” Board President L. Michelle Wright said. “I look forward to another good year of working together on behalf of students through difficult budget times.”
Jason Leopold Discusses New FCC Report On The State Of Local Media (Video)
Rent-to-Own Electronics Can Cost You 3 Times Retail
For decades, rent-to-own services like Rent-A-Center have advertised themselves as an affordable way to purchase pricey electronics and appliances by making monthly payments. But while it might seem tempting to make a small monthly payment on a huge TV, an investigation by our smarter siblings at Consumer Reports says you could end up paying upward of three times the retail price if you go the rent-to-own route.
While CR admits there are lures to some rent-to-own plans, like the ability to just return the item to the store when you can no longer make payments, the negatives outweigh the benefits:
“Consider the deal for a $612 Toshiba laptop computer we found at one rent-to-own store. It was being offered at $38.99 a week for 48 weeks, for a total of $1,872, excluding sales tax and other charges. That's the same as buying the laptop at the manufacturer's suggested retail price and financing it at an interest rate of 311 percent. You could buy three of the laptops outright for that $1,872.”
CR points out that you'd actually fare better by financing on a high-interest-rate credit card. Figuring a 29.99% interest rate and still paying $38.99/week (about $156/month), you'd save more than $1,000 compared with renting-to-own and you'd own the laptop in only 20 weeks, instead of 48.
BREAKING NEWS: U.S. To Release Millions Of Barrels From Oil Reserve
BREAKING NEWS: Plunging Oil Prices, Weak Jobs Data Slam Stocks
Cost Of Wars A Rising Issue As Obama Weighs Troop Levels
As Mr. Obama begins trying to untangle the country from its military and civilian promises in Afghanistan, his critics and allies alike are drawing a direct line between what is not being spent to bolster the sagging economy in America to what is being spent in Afghanistan — $120 billion this year alone.
On Monday, the United States Conference of Mayors made that connection explicitly, saying that American taxes should be paying for bridges in Baltimore and Kansas City, not in Baghdad and Kandahar.
The mayors’ group approved a resolution calling for an early end to the American military role in Afghanistan and Iraq, asking Congress to redirect the billions now being spent on war and reconstruction costs toward urgent domestic needs. The resolution, which noted that local governments cut 28,000 jobs in May alone, was the group’s first venture into foreign policy since it passed a resolution four decades ago calling for an end to the Vietnam War.
And in a speech on the Senate floor on Tuesday, Senator Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia, said: “We can no longer, in good conscience, cut services and programs at home, raise taxes or — and this is very important — lift the debt ceiling in order to fund nation-building in Afghanistan. The question the president faces — we all face — is quite simple: Will we choose to rebuild America or Afghanistan? In light of our nation’s fiscal peril, we cannot do both.”
Demonstrators describing themselves as “angry jobless citizens” said they would picket the Capitol on Wednesday to urge members of Congress to use any savings from Mr. Obama’s troop reductions to create more jobs. The group sponsoring the demonstration, the Prayer Without Ceasing Party, said in a statement on Tuesday that it was “urging the masses to call their congressmen and the president to ensure that jobs receive a top priority when the troops start returning to America.”
BREAKING NEWS: Oil Dives Below $92 On IEA Announcement
Writer Sells 1 Million Self-Published Kindle Books

Moco News reports the author, John Locke, is one of only eight to have earned the distinction. His latest book is appropriately 45titled How I Sold 1 Million Ebooks in 5 Months.
The 60-year-old man from Kentucky has written nine novels and sells them for $0.99. That includes his thriller Saving Rachel, which made it to the New York Time's ebook bestseller list.
If you read ebooks, what sort of books do you buy, and how much does pricing play a factor in what you'll try?
The First Self-Published Author To Sell 1 Million Kindle Books [Moco News via Engadget]
from Phil Villarreal @ The Consumerist
Best Buy to Launch Cloud Music Service

Best Buy offers a tutorial on how to use the service in a blog post.
If you use cloud storage for music or data, which service is your favorite?
Best Buy soft launches Music Cloud service [Yahoo News]
from Phil Villarreal @ The Consumerist
BREAKING NEWS: Weekly Jobless Claims Rise
Budget Gimmicks Explained
Last week, California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a budget that he said was filled with gimmicks — or as he put it, “legally questionable maneuvers, costly borrowing and unrealistic savings.” Editorial boards have praised Brown for exercising responsible fiscal judgment. Meanwhile, Brian Joseph of the Orange County Register has written that Brown’s own budget plan uses gimmicks, too.
All this begs the question: What qualifies as a budget gimmick? There’s no textbook answer to that question. But there are certain techniques that states sometimes use to make the budget look balanced when it arguably isn’t. If there’s one thing all of these tricks have in common, it’s that they push this year’s budget problem off into the future.
Here are five common budget gimmicks states use:
Maryland Board of Education Delays Action on Suspensions
After strong objections surfaced from educators around the state, the Maryland State Board of Education delayed Tuesday any action on proposals to ensure that students who are suspended are dealt with fairly and quickly.
Board members seemed unlikely to be swayed by opposition, but they asked state Education Department staff to gather more information from those who object to their proposals.
The proposal would require a superintendent to decide within 10 days whether a student would be placed on long-term suspension or expelled. If the student receives a long-term suspension, parents have the right to appeal. Some students are being held out of school during the appeal process.
The board proposes that students must be able to return to school on the first day after they have served their suspension, even if the parents file an appeal.
The state board has been considering changes to the disciplinary codes because of cases in the past year in which students seemed to have been punished harshly for minor infractions or had no access to schooling while under long-term suspension.
More People Getting Their Clothes Mended or Altered
Now that the economic downturn has well set in and there's no booming recovery around the corner, it's a good moment to take stock of the little things that have changed. Ed, a dry cleaner in Brooklyn, says, "I'm seeing a lot more repairs, a lot more patches."
Instead of throwing away clothes that have a rip or don't fit, more of his customers are asking for work done. His customers are telling him, "Let it out, let it in," he says, getting pants that are too tight adjusted, dresses that are too wide cinched up.
It seems the "everything is disposable" mentality has gone in for alterations.
"People are holding onto stuff longer," says Ed.
And not to put Ed out of a job, but if you want to save even more money than just repairing clothes rather than buying new ones, here's a complete guide to mending your own clothes.
Are you a small business owner? How have you noticed your customers' behaviors changing in response to harder times? Sound off in the comments.
How to Mend Clothes [HowStuffWorks]
Barry Brittingham Appointed to Worcester Board of Ed
Tuesday, June 21, 2011, the Worcester County Commissioners appointed Barry Brittingham, Sr. to fill the District 2 vacancy on the Board of Education (BOE).
Mr. Brittingham is a graduate of Stephen Decatur High School. He served the nation as a member of the United States Army for three years and went on to serve the residents of our community as a member of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office for 26 years prior to retiring in August 2010.
Mr. Brittingham has been married to his wife, Iris, for 33 years. The couple has three grown children, all of whom attended Worcester County public schools and graduated from Stephen Decatur High School. Mr. Brittingham volunteers with many area nonprofit agencies and is an active member of the community.
For more information, contact Kim Moses, public information officer, at (410) 632-1194.
Delaware Senate Passes Tax-Cut Legislation for Banks
Legislation that would lower taxes on banks based in Delaware and provide subsidies for new jobs created in the financial-services industry flew through the state Senate on Tuesday.
Senate Bill 91, which passed 21-0 with no debate, would reduce the alternative bank franchise tax rate and lower the amount of assets that Delaware-based banks hold nationally that are subject to the levy.
The bill also creates a $1,250 tax credit for every new job created for banks that bring 200 or more new jobs to the state and invest at least $15,000 per new employee in capital improvements.
Cutting the alternative bank franchise tax would require lawmakers to forgo $3.4 million of revenue in the 2012 fiscal year that begins July 1 and $8.5 million in revenue in the 2013 fiscal year.
Artists Wanted for Outdoor Paint Event
$1000 to First Prize Winner!
Artists may still join the Ocean City Paint Out scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, July 16th and 17th. One Thousand Dollars will be awarded the winner of “Artists Paint Ocean City” on Saturday and Sunday, July 16thand 17th. The second prize is $500 and third is $250. The Art League of Ocean City is sponsoring this event and the Ocean City Development Corporation is providing the prize money. Artists will paint throughout the city. A complimentary light fare dinner will be served to artists (and guest) on Saturday at the Art League of Ocean City. On Sunday from 4—7:30 pm there will be a show exhibit and sale on Somerset Street off the boardwalk.
“We are excited about the number of artists who have signed up for this event and hope visitors take advantage of the opportunity to buy local artwork at the sale on Sunday. We are fortunate to have so many talented artists participating,” said ALOC president, Margaret Spurlock.
Artists may register by July 1st and get further information by calling the Art League at 410-524-9433, Paige Ruby at 410-208-1614, Margaret Spurlock at 410-218-6380 or online at www.artleagueofoceancity.org
Smoke from Carolina Fire Arrives in Worcester County
Areas of Worcester County are experiencing smoke and odor conditions resulting from a wildfire that originated in Dare County, North Carolina.
The Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office urges residents to be aware of this situation and to avoid calling 911 to report general, non-specific smoke and odor conditions, which may be caused from the North Carolina fire. This would assist Worcester County Emergency Services, the Fire Marshal’s Office and our volunteer fire companies from using resources unnecessarily.
The smoke from the North Carolina fire has traveled up the Eastern Shore, prompting calls to the Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office from individuals in the Pocomoke, Public Landing, Stockton, Girdletree, Snow Hill and Assateague Island areas. Today's strong northeasterly winds have driven the smoke inland in some areas of the county.
The National Weather Service has advised the Worcester County area could see a worse condition this evening due to the winds decreasing, the heat and high humidity. An Air Quality Alert is likely later this afternoon.
We greatly appreciate the public’s increased awareness and cooperation during this period. As always, please dial 911 to report any specific emergencies. Information about the smoke advisory is available at http://www.erh.noaa.gov/akq.
Libertarians, Greens Get Back on Ballot for 2014
The Libertarian and Green parties regained their official status on election ballots Tuesday after retired Anne Arundel Circuit Judge Eugene Lerner found they had collected enough signatures on petitions.
“It is great news for third parties in Maryland,” said Libertarian Party Chairman Bob Johnston.
The judge ruled that the State Board of Elections should not have invalidated many of the signatures the parties collected on petitions. The candidates for governor of the two minor parties did not receive enough votes last year to continue their official status, and needed to collect registered voters’ signatures to get back on the ballot.
Lerner found that there was “sufficient cumulative information” on the petitions to validate that the signatures were from registered voters. The decision is part of long-running legal disputes over what information is required from voters who sign petitions.
The ruling means that the two parties can nominate candidates in Baltimore City municipal elections this year and on state ballots through 2014.
“Obviously we disagree with the judge’s decision,” said David Paulson, a spokesman for the attorney general’s office, which represented the elections board. “No decision has been made about appealing, but obviously that is an option.”
Mark Grannis, an attorney for the political parties, said the parties had each collected more than 12,000 signatures. They needed to collect 10,000 to regain their official status.
GOP Awards Business with Tort Reform
For the last two decades, Larry Mocha has had a simple request for lawmakers in his home state of Oklahoma: make it harder for people to file lawsuits against businesses.
Mocha, the 65-year-old owner of APSCO, Inc., a small, Tulsa-based company that makes truck parts, has a personal reason for his pursuit. In the late 1980s, he faced a pair of lawsuits from people claiming that faulty parts made by Mocha’s firm had led to personal injuries. Mocha strongly denied the accusations, but he never had a chance to prove himself in court because his insurance company — fearful of a big payout if a jury sided with the plaintiffs — forced him to settle, costing the insurer $600,000. Later, the insurance company dropped him altogether, even though he insists he never did anything wrong in the first place.
The episode was a turning point for Mocha. He says it nearly cost him the business that his father had started in 1964. He joined the local, state and national chambers of commerce — even rising to the level of board member with the U.S. Chamber — and lobbied lawmakers relentlessly in Oklahoma City and Washington to do more to protect businesses from the threat of costly lawsuits. He says he visited the nation’s capital for the first time in the early 1990s and “knocked on every Senate door” in an attempt to draw attention to his cause.
TSA Modifies Screening of Young Children
After incidents like this pat-down of an infant at a Kansas City airport landed the Transportation Security Administration in a public relations mess, the head of the agency said this morning that TSA has changed its policies regarding the screening of small children.
Speaking to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, TSA chief John Pistole said screeners have been told to make repeated attempts to screen young children instead of resorting to a pat-down.
Even so, Senator Rand Paul took Pistole to task over the screening of children:
Recall Elections Surge in State and Local Governments
The new president of Arizona's state Senate, Russell Pearce, had only 21 days to enjoy that position before opponents began circulating petitions in January to recall the freshly reelected conservative.
That's more time than Jim Suttle had. The night the Democrat was elected mayor of Omaha in 2009, backers of his rivals began to talk online about trying to remove him from office. Suttle barely survived a recall election in January.
Once a political rarity, recall elections are surging in local and state governments.
The number of mayors who faced recalls doubled in 2010 from the previous year, the U.S. Conference of Mayors said. Anti-tax activists even tried to recall two Democratic U.S. senators last year, only to be shot down by courts, which noted that there are no provisions for recalls in federal law.
The Rise of “Declinism” in 2012 Presidential Race
“Declinism” is everywhere in Republican presidential politics these days.
Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty used the word while defending his ambitious economic plan at last week’s debate; “This president is a declinist,” Pawlenty said. “He views America as one of equals around the world.”
The term was also regularly invoked at this weekend’s Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans — particularly by Rep.Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.), a longshot potential presidential candidate.
All of the “declinism” talk prompts a simple question: What is it exactly?
Pulitzer Winner Admits That He Is An Illegal Alien
A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who covered presidential politics and the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings for The Washington Post is going on network television to announce he is an illegal immigrant.
Jose Antonio Vargas tells ABC News in interviews airing Thursday and Friday that he is outing himself as one of millions of illegal U.S. immigrants after living with the secret for years. He also told his story in a New York Times Magazine essay published online Wednesday.
"I'm done running. I'm exhausted," Vargas wrote. "I don't want that life anymore."
He referred a request for comment to his public relations team, which did not immediately make him available Wednesday.
Club for Growth Goes After Jon Huntsman
The conservative powerhouse Club for Growth has taken a decidedly harsh view of former Utah governor Jon Huntsman’s fiscal approach in a new, detailed analysis of his record in office.
While Huntsman’s tax policies get a positive review, his record on government spending, regulation and health-care reform come in for considerable criticism in a new “presidential white paper” released by the Club.
“Between his inexcusable record on spending and his statement that ‘health care is a right’, Governor Huntsman has a lot of explaining to do if he wants to win the Republican nomination,” said Club for Growth President Chris Chocola.
In its white paper, the Club notes that Huntsman at one point considered an individual mandate for health-care coverage and created a government-run health-care exchange. The organization argues that he expanded state government unnecessarily in the 2000s.
Don’t Bend Your iPod
Adolescence is a time for people to learn by doing, but here's one bit of advice we'd like share with the future of America now: As tempting as it may be, don't go bending your iPod — or really any electronic device — back and forth until it breaks, the battery explodes and the ambulances come.
Unfortunately, our words come too late for a New Hampshire high-schooler, who felt the need to mangle his iPod until the casing broke and the battery inside began sparking and smoking.
A second lesson we'll share with the youth of today, if this happens, don't pour water on your sparking and hissing iPod.
Texas Woman Stops Robbery “Punks”
Disgusted with all the "lawlessness" these days, a brave Texas woman chased three men who tried to steal a few cases of beer from a Walmart, the Houston Chronicle reported. Ironically, the heroine's name is Monique Lawless.
On Sunday, she watched three men walk out of the store without paying for the cases of beers they had in tow. Determined to stop them, Lawless told the clerk to watch her purse.