"In February 2007, an investigation was initiated by the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at the request of Somerset County State's Attorney Kristy Hickman into alleged physical abuse by Warden James L. Henderson of the Somerset County Detention Center. Hickman acknowledged a conflict of interest due to her close working relationship with Henderson.
The investigation continued for several months, and was eventually turned over to the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit. In July, Sheriff Mike Lewis was quoted in The Daily Times as saying: "If allegations are true, State's Attorney Kristy Hickman could ask the WBI to press criminal charges against Henderson, or she could allow a grand jury to weight findings for a potential indictment."
It is now April 2008 and the silence is deafening. After thousands of taxpayer dollars spent and hundreds of hours used by county and State Police detectives, will there be no closure? I am not an attorney, but common sense would seem to indicate if Hickman had a conflict of interest in this case from the beginning, that would exclude her from making the final decision as to whether this case should go to a grand jury. Even the perception of a conflict is reason to exclude oneself.
It is also puzzling that Hickman would state in the July 6 edition of The Daily Times: "Results would be forwarded to the Somerset County Commissioners, who hired the warden."
Why? The warden had already resigned at this point; since when would the commissioners start handling criminal cases? Obviously the commissioners never received a report, since they rehired Henderson to another supervisory position at dog control. County Commissioner Daniel Powell was quoted as saying: "We've never seen anything from anybody in terms of criminal charges or civil actions."
So the question remains: Where's the report?
If allegations were found to be untrue, I think those results should be published to clear Henderson's good name. If I were Henderson, I would be demanding this be done.
On the other hand, if the allegations were found true, why haven't charges been brought? Could it be the "good old boy" network, a cover-up or could someone be waiting for the statute of limitations to run out?
I do not know the answer, but I do know the public deserves answers.
Gary W. Cullen
As Seen In The Daily Times
Mr. Cullen, you are absolutely correct! I received a call early this morning asking if I'd dig deeper and investigate what's going on here and quite frankly, it's a mess!
State's Attorney Kristy Hickman has absolutely failed to present the evidence and demanded closure. There is clear evidence to substantiate all charges brought forth, yet nothing seems to be happening to the people involved.
I have been informed that Warden Henderson assaulted and physically abused inmates, one of which he dragged through the Jail naked and another he dragged by his feet, (also naked) making a joke about his genitals. The evidence will also show the Warden regularly showed up at the Jail on weekends allegedly under the influence of alcohol.
I have also been informed that the Sheriff, (Bobby Jones) is also being investigated for his alleged involvement with the Warden by allowing Inmates to come to his home and pull weeds in his front yard as well as other allegations.
Warden Henderson resigned from his position and is now working as the head of Animal Control in Somerset County. Many wonder why he would be able to hold any position, let alone be charged for these acts?
It reminds me of something that belongs in a movie because ALL of the allegations brought forth can and have been substantiated, so I'm told. Perhaps with enough attention on this matter, (state wise) justice will be brought against those involved? There is also some talk about Grant money and the statute of limitations but time will tell.
I will say that these cases are still under investigation with the Attorney Generals Office and there will be more to come.