GO HERE for Calls for service. "12/29/2007 09:08 London Av/Monitor Ct Extra Patrol Check 200700043441 Cleared-Other"
I can understand the extra patrol checks at Anne & Baker Streets, right off of Church this is a high crime area as we know. What I don't understand is the extra patrol check at this intersection of London & Monitor. This is where Barrie and Gary live. So what is going on? Is the crime in the city creeping over into her neighborhood now? Is it getting so bad over there she now needs extra patrol checks? Will she now admit the City under her lack of leadership is nothing but a ghetto filled with Gangs and all that comes with them?
I'm sure they think Joe Albero is STALKING them. LOL

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, December 31, 2007
Salisbury Fire Department Lashes Out
Did they burn to the ground? That would have been the idea thing, ask any home owner after the FD gets through with the mess they so conveniently leave behind after a fire.
salisbury firefighter said.....
Yes, know it all the three homes I speak of did burn to the ground. If you were more informed you would understand why we do what we do ass hole. No fire department conveniently leaves a mess behind after a fire. That statement just goes to show what bumbling idiot ass hole you are. Only if you were a firemen would you know about the fire service. You need to shut your f*cking mouth Joe before someone shuts it for you.
I say, bring it on, You PUSSY! Happy New Year! LMAO!
salisbury firefighter said.....
Yes, know it all the three homes I speak of did burn to the ground. If you were more informed you would understand why we do what we do ass hole. No fire department conveniently leaves a mess behind after a fire. That statement just goes to show what bumbling idiot ass hole you are. Only if you were a firemen would you know about the fire service. You need to shut your f*cking mouth Joe before someone shuts it for you.
I say, bring it on, You PUSSY! Happy New Year! LMAO!
A Bad Day At The Office!
This is a MUST SEE! GO HERE to view the video. What a great way to end the year! LMAO!
Breaking News!!!
The Audit Is In! The City just reached out to the Council and announced the City Audit is complete. Now I don't know any details and if it came with a Letter from the Accountants but it is in.
My copy will be delivered next month. LOL
My copy will be delivered next month. LOL
I'll Give You $250,000.00 CASH For This Building

County Executive Rick Pollitt confronted a large crowd last Friday in the GOB where he gave his biggest speech yet. If you'd like to see it in its entirety, GO HERE to see the entire Speech.
Do take notice of the alleged Multi Million Dollar Brochure Bill Duvall has been crying about these past few days. Billy, if you'd like one I'm confident I can get one for you directly from Rick. You may want to read it first before you open your mouth and perhaps learn something from it.
Duvall has been sitting on the sidelines for YEARS not showing up for meetings and even picking up such said Brochures to know what really happened. I guess he felt there would be a major uproar over the Brochure?
Why nothing on the Fire Boat Billy? If you're so worried about Tax Dollars, don't just pick on the small stuff, you Idiot. Get into the trenches and act like a real Blogger.
SPD Press Release

December 29, 2007
On December 28, 2007 at approximately 7:10 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to the 1000 block of North Division St. for the report of a shooting. Upon arrival, the officers found a victim who had suffered a single gunshot wound to the upper chest area. The wound was not life-threatening. The victim advised that he had been outside of his residence when he observed a subject hiding near the residence. The subject sprang from a hiding place, near the residence, and fired a single shot at the victim, striking the victim. The suspect then fled from the area on foot towards Rt. 13. The victim was transported to the Peninsula Regional Medical Center, where he was treated and released.
The suspect is described as an African American male, approximately 18 to 19 years of age, wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt and dark colored pants. The suspect is believed to have a gold front tooth.
The investigation is continuing. CC # 200700043392
On December 28, 2007 at approximately 10:46 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to the 600 block of Smith Street for the report of a shooting. Upon arrival the officers found a victim, identified as 18 year old Jermal Lemuel Wright, of Salisbury. The victim was transported to the Peninsula Regional Medical Center for treatment, and was admitted for surgery. Information provided from witnesses revealed that the victim had been with a friend behind a residence in the area when several shots were fired. The friend attempted to chase one of the suspects but was unable to maintain contact.
Witnesses described two (2) or three (3) possible suspects that were in the area with the victim at the time of the shooting, who were seen fleeing from the area. These suspects were described as wearing dark clothing, unknown race, one (1) possibly wearing a facial mask. The victim was reported to be in stable condition.
The investigation is continuing. CC # 200700043410
If anyone has any information concerning the above two (2) incidents, they are asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at 410-548-3165, or to contact Crime Solvers.
Salisbury Fire Department Still Wants $800,000.00 Boat!

Once again, the Daily Times has announced the want of an $800,000.00 Fire Boat by the SFD.
They also claimed that the boat sunk because of heavy rains. NOT! It did NOT rain heavy enough to sink a boat the other night, it's all bullshit. Yes, you heard me right, it's all bullshit!
NOW, if the SFD wants to tell the TRUTH as to what actually happened, I'd be happy to Post it. However, like I said, they'll stop at nothing to get everything they want and they'll do so even with your DONATIONS.
If you want to make a DONATION to the SFD, give them a new Smoke Detector. However, don't give them money and don't give them a receipt in which they can return the smoke detector for cash. Just give it to them and teach them a lesson.
Some Investigative Reporting too! Uh, this is the second time this boat sunk in two weeks. Of course, no one is going to offer that information and even though we ALL know the DT follows this Blog Site like there's no tomorrow, wouldn't you say things are a bit fishy when they leave out such a major point like that?
One Year Ago Today
Someone Else Who Knows About Boats Wants Answers Too
I'm having a hard time understanding why it sunk the first time. Rain is not an adequate answer. All of the other boats in the harbor are still afloat, why did this one sink, yet again? Why does it have a starboard list? Someone commented earlier this was the problem the first time, these photos show it to be the problem yet again, it's listing to the starboard side. Why? If it's an outboard there would be no bilges to pump. Didn't you all pull the plug when you moored so it could/would drain? Who taught you all how to tie a boat up at a dock? Where are your hull bumpers? Where are your spring lines? Good lord, who captains this boat? Whoever it is, YOU'RE FIRED, should be the next thing you hear from your superiors.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Here's Your Opportunity To Welcome Home Lt. Clay Groton
As I can assure you Clay and his Family will be visiting this Site while he's home, take a moment of your time and send him a message.
The announcement came in very late that Clay would be arriving today. In fact, I believe he was supposed to return on the 28th. We got confirmation late this morning and many could not be there.
Clay, Thank You! While you're out serving our Country, we are enjoying the freedom you deliver us each and every day and for that I am personally grateful to you and your Brothers & Sisters in the Armed Forces. We are all blessed to have so many unconditionally supporting our Freedom and protecting those rights we live by. If we can only reach out to the few that arrive every so often into our communities, we're going to continue to show up and give thanks because we appreciate everything you're doing. Welcome Home and I hope it's a long two weeks!
If we can get 100+ comments on a sunken Fire Boat yesterday, let's see what we can do with this comment section?
GO HERE to see these stories on Blognetnews.com/maryland.
With very few dry eyes, Clay arrived and stepped off this Plane to a peace he hasn't seen in quite some time. OK, so he had to make a brief stop in Salisbury on his way to Snow Hill but hey, it was a welcome like none other yet.
So many familiar faces to most of us but strangers to Clay as he walked into a crowd showing their support and thanks for all he offers/delivers. I have saved a few "KODAK MOMENT" photos coming up that I'm sure all of you will agree, they just might be the photos of the year for this Blog on this New Years Eve, Eve.
Thank You We Care Wicomico County!
Welcome Home Part II
There were people from Delaware, Ocean City, Snow Hill, Salisbury, you name it! My guess would be somewhere around 100+ people were there for this Welcome Home Ceremony including the Salisbury Police Department, The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department, The Salisbury Fire Department, Salisbury City Council, VFW, my God it just goes on and on and it was unreal. I know how exciting it was for me personally, I just can't imagine being Clay and walking into such an overwhelming crowd! Thank You, ALL of you for being there and showing your support. More to come as it keeps getting better, you'll see........
A Hero's Welcome Home Part I
As Family, Friends and Admirers gathered to welcome home Clay Groton from Iraq, the Wicomico County Airport was packed with people excited to welcome this young man home.
Each and every time our local hero's come home the crowds grow more and more and its the type of reception these young men and women deserve. More to come.......
Wanna Do Something Good With Your Day Today?
1st Lt. Clay Groton that he will be coming in from Iraq at 2:00 p.m. TODAY at the Wicomico County Airport.
Another Interesting Comment
An interesting column I found while surfing the internet.
Fire Service and the Internet.
Friend or Foe?
William Carey for Tin Helmet
I believe that the sole contributor to the loss of honor, brotherhood and
loyalty is probably the most used instrument in the fire service; the Internet.
When I started, you knew of another department's fire by either being at the
fire or by word of mouth, in detail, from someone who was there working. If
there was a problem on the fire ground, or a problem among persons, it was
usually handled by those immediately involved. With the Internet the fire
service has the ability to have photographs and comments of a fire
immediately posted for the viewing public, long before units on the scene
have begun to go in service. Forum boards allow immediate posting of fire
ground radio transmissions, almost verbatim, along with periods if immediate
questions, thoughts and speculation. Most fire service news has become a
matter of cut and paste instead of quality composition and follow-up articles.
No sooner is a story no matter the subject matter, posted then members of
the fire service adds comment to a relevant forum. Simple thought provoking
comments turn into fiery arguments where one firefighter (or groups of
firefighters) wages a faceless battle against another firefighter, in an effort to
prove each other wrong, to prove that his department is better, that his
tactics and strategy are far superior. The ease of entering into this fray is
made best by having internet access available nearly everywhere we go, at
almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
20 years ago, if I heard about a fire ground problem at Station __'s fire, if I
wasn't there, or didn't know anyone there, and I wanted to interject myself
and my comments, I'd have to call that station personally, or go to that
station myself. Now, if I read about a firefighter having to bail out a window
in Everett, Massachusetts, I can, in seconds, make my thoughts known to
everyone in the little time it takes to post on the Internet. Mind you, I have
never been to Everett, have no knowledge whatsoever of the fire, fire
conditions, fire building, fire department and firefighter, yet I can post my
comments immediately as if it were a department press release. Look at the
idiocy posted today. "Brothers" not even on the same coast, passionately
concerned about a department in my county not having an ambulance.
"Brothers" not even living in Charleston, New York or Boston, are posting
spirited thoughts about how each of these departments should be operating
in light of past incidents. I would be sensitive to their words if they were
actual members of the departments involved; yet the majority of them are
not. Just like nearly every wireless conversation before it, what might have
started with good intent and honest questionings, has quickly turned into a
simple ideology versus ideology in a schoolyard bully manner.
There is no honor, brotherhood and loyalty anymore in the fire service, in
one collective body. One "brother" can immediately attack another "brother"
based on what he perceives as a fault, with little, factual support, and other
"brothers" join in on each side, like sharks being attracted to chum. I am not
saying that the Internet completely is at fault, but what I am saying is that
generations ago, some of us remember the adage, "if you don't have
something nice to say, don't say anything at all." With the ease to compose
and send messages, to anyone and everyone, it is almost addictive being
able to say what you want, even though you may have no relevance to the
subject at the time, aside from being a "brother". My childhood best friend,
who is a chief officer, had two working incidents recently that were
successfully handled. No one was injured, firefighters that is, or killed. The
property loss was kept to a minimum. Being in a volunteer department, he
and other members operated as best as possible considering staffing, units
responding, mutual aid and such. Yet on a local forum, a "brother" took my
friend's department and operations to task, not because he was there, but
because he perceived many ideas all based on listening to a scanner and
making assumptions. This "brother" posted his thoughts immediately and as
expected, other "brothers" added to the fray. And yet not one of them took
the time to call my friend's department and ask their questions. Fortunately
my friend has the better character to not even register to post a reply, being
confident that he, as well as other chief officers, from mutual aide
departments, knew what happened and that all went well.
We, the fire service in general, look very good at the oddest times. We put
on good funerals, and we are good at "never forgetting" and making sure
"everyone goes home", but with not even the slightest hint of disrespect to
all and any of the fallen firefighters in the American fire service, we would do
well to change those phrases. Make "Never Forget" into "Remember
Why" and change "Everyone Goes Home" to "I will go home".
Turn the focus, in the fire service, not on your "brother" but on
yourself. Turn the focus from not being a part of the fire service,
to "how do I represent the fire service".
During the Civil War, when General Thomas Jackson was in the Valley, he
never told his subordinates what his plans were. The men marched for days
without knowing their course. But they followed; they obeyed. They
concerned themselves only with what they had to do at the moment, and not
about what Johnston or Ewell were doing. At another time, a color bearer
from the North was seen retrieving his colors near the end of a battle. Some
of Jackson 's men were remarking on the bravery of the man when Jackson
rode up. After being told what his men said, Jackson replied "I don't want
them brave. I want them dead." Granted these are quite old examples of
being concerned with you, focused on "I" and duty. The impression I hope
you understand is that, today, it is far easier to become distracted,
concerned with the other firefighter, the other department, instead of our
own self. Personally, I don't like using the term "brotherhood" in the fire
service anymore. I have seen how friends are treated for being a volunteer
or a paid guy. I have seen how a friend was called a scab for volunteering in
my county yet being hired to work in D.C. I have seen how a current career
firefighter, and former volunteer, led a drive formally labeling all volunteer
departments in my county as "rival organizations". I have seen a longtime
career member called a "puke" and yet this man was a longtime volunteer
before being hired. I have seen firefighters judged based on the number of
responses their department does, alone. "Brotherhood", to me, is in the
catchphrase list along with "crew resource management" and "enclosed
space firefighting." The internet is a great tool, most valuable to the fire
service for learning as much as possible about this trade. But it is being used
too much to define the firefighter. Loyalty, brotherhood and honor are being
defined by what social clique you are identified with in the World Wide Web.
Focus on the "I". Not the selfish "I" but the "I" that you can make the biggest
impact on. When I came in for my shift, I didn't care why the FDNY didn't
inspect a building, why Boston wears running pants and why Charleston uses
booster lines.
I am concerned with: Are my guys here? Is everyone doing okay? Has the
rig and tools been checked? What does the driver need? What will we drill on
tonight? What rigs in the battalion are out of service? What are we going to
do for dinner? Doing housework and paperwork.
I can only say it works for me. I think "loyalty", "brotherhood" and "honor"
would be more valuable if we were more concerned with the guy or gal riding
across from us than the one in some other state.
I may sound hypocritical writing this, but I believe that many individuals in
the fire service would benefit from being off the computer for a good month
or so. Imagine what you could do with the time.
Fire Service and the Internet.
Friend or Foe?
William Carey for Tin Helmet
I believe that the sole contributor to the loss of honor, brotherhood and
loyalty is probably the most used instrument in the fire service; the Internet.
When I started, you knew of another department's fire by either being at the
fire or by word of mouth, in detail, from someone who was there working. If
there was a problem on the fire ground, or a problem among persons, it was
usually handled by those immediately involved. With the Internet the fire
service has the ability to have photographs and comments of a fire
immediately posted for the viewing public, long before units on the scene
have begun to go in service. Forum boards allow immediate posting of fire
ground radio transmissions, almost verbatim, along with periods if immediate
questions, thoughts and speculation. Most fire service news has become a
matter of cut and paste instead of quality composition and follow-up articles.
No sooner is a story no matter the subject matter, posted then members of
the fire service adds comment to a relevant forum. Simple thought provoking
comments turn into fiery arguments where one firefighter (or groups of
firefighters) wages a faceless battle against another firefighter, in an effort to
prove each other wrong, to prove that his department is better, that his
tactics and strategy are far superior. The ease of entering into this fray is
made best by having internet access available nearly everywhere we go, at
almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
20 years ago, if I heard about a fire ground problem at Station __'s fire, if I
wasn't there, or didn't know anyone there, and I wanted to interject myself
and my comments, I'd have to call that station personally, or go to that
station myself. Now, if I read about a firefighter having to bail out a window
in Everett, Massachusetts, I can, in seconds, make my thoughts known to
everyone in the little time it takes to post on the Internet. Mind you, I have
never been to Everett, have no knowledge whatsoever of the fire, fire
conditions, fire building, fire department and firefighter, yet I can post my
comments immediately as if it were a department press release. Look at the
idiocy posted today. "Brothers" not even on the same coast, passionately
concerned about a department in my county not having an ambulance.
"Brothers" not even living in Charleston, New York or Boston, are posting
spirited thoughts about how each of these departments should be operating
in light of past incidents. I would be sensitive to their words if they were
actual members of the departments involved; yet the majority of them are
not. Just like nearly every wireless conversation before it, what might have
started with good intent and honest questionings, has quickly turned into a
simple ideology versus ideology in a schoolyard bully manner.
There is no honor, brotherhood and loyalty anymore in the fire service, in
one collective body. One "brother" can immediately attack another "brother"
based on what he perceives as a fault, with little, factual support, and other
"brothers" join in on each side, like sharks being attracted to chum. I am not
saying that the Internet completely is at fault, but what I am saying is that
generations ago, some of us remember the adage, "if you don't have
something nice to say, don't say anything at all." With the ease to compose
and send messages, to anyone and everyone, it is almost addictive being
able to say what you want, even though you may have no relevance to the
subject at the time, aside from being a "brother". My childhood best friend,
who is a chief officer, had two working incidents recently that were
successfully handled. No one was injured, firefighters that is, or killed. The
property loss was kept to a minimum. Being in a volunteer department, he
and other members operated as best as possible considering staffing, units
responding, mutual aid and such. Yet on a local forum, a "brother" took my
friend's department and operations to task, not because he was there, but
because he perceived many ideas all based on listening to a scanner and
making assumptions. This "brother" posted his thoughts immediately and as
expected, other "brothers" added to the fray. And yet not one of them took
the time to call my friend's department and ask their questions. Fortunately
my friend has the better character to not even register to post a reply, being
confident that he, as well as other chief officers, from mutual aide
departments, knew what happened and that all went well.
We, the fire service in general, look very good at the oddest times. We put
on good funerals, and we are good at "never forgetting" and making sure
"everyone goes home", but with not even the slightest hint of disrespect to
all and any of the fallen firefighters in the American fire service, we would do
well to change those phrases. Make "Never Forget" into "Remember
Why" and change "Everyone Goes Home" to "I will go home".
Turn the focus, in the fire service, not on your "brother" but on
yourself. Turn the focus from not being a part of the fire service,
to "how do I represent the fire service".
During the Civil War, when General Thomas Jackson was in the Valley, he
never told his subordinates what his plans were. The men marched for days
without knowing their course. But they followed; they obeyed. They
concerned themselves only with what they had to do at the moment, and not
about what Johnston or Ewell were doing. At another time, a color bearer
from the North was seen retrieving his colors near the end of a battle. Some
of Jackson 's men were remarking on the bravery of the man when Jackson
rode up. After being told what his men said, Jackson replied "I don't want
them brave. I want them dead." Granted these are quite old examples of
being concerned with you, focused on "I" and duty. The impression I hope
you understand is that, today, it is far easier to become distracted,
concerned with the other firefighter, the other department, instead of our
own self. Personally, I don't like using the term "brotherhood" in the fire
service anymore. I have seen how friends are treated for being a volunteer
or a paid guy. I have seen how a friend was called a scab for volunteering in
my county yet being hired to work in D.C. I have seen how a current career
firefighter, and former volunteer, led a drive formally labeling all volunteer
departments in my county as "rival organizations". I have seen a longtime
career member called a "puke" and yet this man was a longtime volunteer
before being hired. I have seen firefighters judged based on the number of
responses their department does, alone. "Brotherhood", to me, is in the
catchphrase list along with "crew resource management" and "enclosed
space firefighting." The internet is a great tool, most valuable to the fire
service for learning as much as possible about this trade. But it is being used
too much to define the firefighter. Loyalty, brotherhood and honor are being
defined by what social clique you are identified with in the World Wide Web.
Focus on the "I". Not the selfish "I" but the "I" that you can make the biggest
impact on. When I came in for my shift, I didn't care why the FDNY didn't
inspect a building, why Boston wears running pants and why Charleston uses
booster lines.
I am concerned with: Are my guys here? Is everyone doing okay? Has the
rig and tools been checked? What does the driver need? What will we drill on
tonight? What rigs in the battalion are out of service? What are we going to
do for dinner? Doing housework and paperwork.
I can only say it works for me. I think "loyalty", "brotherhood" and "honor"
would be more valuable if we were more concerned with the guy or gal riding
across from us than the one in some other state.
I may sound hypocritical writing this, but I believe that many individuals in
the fire service would benefit from being off the computer for a good month
or so. Imagine what you could do with the time.
A Poem
Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man, who's not a creep,
One who's handsome, smart and strong.
One who wants to listen all day long,
One who thinks before he speaks,
One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
I pray he's gainfully employed,
When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed.
Pulls out my chair and opens my door,
Massages my back and begs for more.
Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind,
Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?"
I pray that this man will love me to no end,
and always be my very best friend.
I pray for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs who owns a bar
on a golf course, and loves to send me fishing and hunting.
This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shit.
Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man, who's not a creep,
One who's handsome, smart and strong.
One who wants to listen all day long,
One who thinks before he speaks,
One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
I pray he's gainfully employed,
When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed.
Pulls out my chair and opens my door,
Massages my back and begs for more.
Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind,
Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?"
I pray that this man will love me to no end,
and always be my very best friend.
I pray for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs who owns a bar
on a golf course, and loves to send me fishing and hunting.
This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shit.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Daily Times Wants To Be Just Like Joe Albero
Not only is The Daily Times now posting all the crime stats, (which is a really good thing) from the SPD but now when you go to their Home Page and look at their top news stories, look what they send you to! I posted my story at 9:10 AM this morning and they decided it was so good that they better follow my lead. Click the link below and it takes you to the same story/facts. ROTFLMAO!
DATA CENTER: Maryland tax rates by county, municipality - 2:31 PM
Oh, do tell me, what does the Daily Times cost per day and what does Salisbury News cost per day? Just wondering!
DATA CENTER: Maryland tax rates by county, municipality - 2:31 PM
Oh, do tell me, what does the Daily Times cost per day and what does Salisbury News cost per day? Just wondering!
Salisbury Fire Boat Sunk To Bottom Of River For 2nd Time In Two Weeks!
Click on images to enlarge.
Yes, this boat has sunk twice in two weeks and the SFD still refused to pull it out of the water. The Dock Master told me it some how got caught up under one of the piers and as the tide rose the boat kept filling with water from heavy rains and flipped and sunk. I have owned boats for many years and let me assure you, I would never tie up a boat that would have enough room to slip under another dock and get snagged!
The last time, Fire Fighters were claiming it was a total loss, (two weeks ago) and as I saw pictures, the brand new motor the City just bought last year was above the water and safe. I guess it wasn't good enough the first time since the bilge pump failed, leave it in the water again and this time DO IT RIGHT!
Everyone knows from my past articles just how desperate See & Gordy have been about getting that new Boat. This should tell each and every one of you that they are so dumb, they simply put that boat that sunk just two weeks ago BACK into the water to finish the job! I wouldn't give these guys 2 cents for anything in the future!
So let me ask you Taxpayers of Salisbury, just how much of this CRAP are you going to take?
Oh, as for those Idiots who dared me to come close to any one of them, I did just that and every single Fire Fighter that was there was VERY respectful. I got in no ones way, took up close shots right along where they were standing and left the scene. Thank you Gentlemen for being so kind.
What about FINES? I used to live on the Bay in West Ocean City and boats would sink every year. The SFD Boat has now sunk twice, were they ever fined???? Oil & Gas pollute the river and the fines are VERY steep! I want to know if they were fined the first time and this time?
It can also be seen on 47 & 16 News. I wonder how they got there? LOL
The Plaza Continues To Fall Apart
There are multiple problems with the Downtown Plaza but seriously, who designed these left over plumbing pipes and a wire going through it as a design? If you look at the last pole, it's bent and the wire is not only busted off of it, there was black electrical tape holding it together before it got ripped off here again.
The brick walls are constantly getting hit by vehicles and even the patio area in front of one of the restaurants is buckling and not safe. I know money is tight in the City, (why, I don't know) but either this is a place of pride or it's a junk yard in the making?
Perhaps Citizens can come up with their own ideas and designs of what they think the Plaza could look like and propose it to the City Council, like they did with the Rt. 50 Bridge going into Ocean City? It wouldn't cost the City anything and finally the people that pay the bills in the City could be a part of the pride with an end result.
Anything has to be better than what they did the last time with the place. What do all of you think about the Plaza and the future of it?
Who Does This Work?
I want to know who does this kind of work locally? I saw this the other day and thought, I want one done to one of my vehicles that has Barrie Tilghman all over it and says, "GOING SOON!"
Now I just need a local company to handle the idea. No, I haven't decided what picture to use but yesterday's Post with that orange colored shirt might work well, eh?
I'm Back!
It has been such a bummer lately taking pictures with my camera. If you hadn't noticed, the photos have been way off, until last night!
Last night I met up with my friend Steve at the Basketball Tournament and showed him how bad things were with my camera. He looked at it and agreed something was very wrong. With the push of a few buttons he had my pictures as sharp as the day I received the camera. As a matter of fact, it encouraged me to play with it myself and get the time and date straightened out on both of my cameras and now I'm good to go.
To see the difference, just look at the Rick Pollitt Post yesterday and then look at the pictures of the Basketball Tournament. THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!
So to my friend Steve, (who is always there for me) THANK YOU!
Last night I met up with my friend Steve at the Basketball Tournament and showed him how bad things were with my camera. He looked at it and agreed something was very wrong. With the push of a few buttons he had my pictures as sharp as the day I received the camera. As a matter of fact, it encouraged me to play with it myself and get the time and date straightened out on both of my cameras and now I'm good to go.
To see the difference, just look at the Rick Pollitt Post yesterday and then look at the pictures of the Basketball Tournament. THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!
So to my friend Steve, (who is always there for me) THANK YOU!
Basketball Takes Center Stage At Wicomico County Civic Center
There is a great Basketball Tournament going on this weekend at the Civic Center this weekend. It's raining, it's a boring weekend, for $7.00 ALL DAY you can hang out and watch some great competition. I was there last night and it really was enjoyable. Snow Hill was down by 10 points their entire game and in the end, (right at the end) they came back to win by 10 points. It was an exciting game to say the least.
County Tax Rates
2007-2008 County Tax Rates
Below is a list of counties in Maryland, and their property tax rates in effect on July 1, 2007. *All rates are shown per $100 of assessment.
Note: The Department of Assessments and Taxation provides tax rate information on our website as a courtesy to the citizens of the State of Maryland. The Department does not regulate or collect taxes, these are functions of local governments. If you have questions regarding the rates listed below please contact the tax billing and collection office for the the appropriate County.
GO HERE for the results. It will blow you away.
Below is a list of counties in Maryland, and their property tax rates in effect on July 1, 2007. *All rates are shown per $100 of assessment.
Note: The Department of Assessments and Taxation provides tax rate information on our website as a courtesy to the citizens of the State of Maryland. The Department does not regulate or collect taxes, these are functions of local governments. If you have questions regarding the rates listed below please contact the tax billing and collection office for the the appropriate County.
GO HERE for the results. It will blow you away.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Prior to delivering the annual “State of the County” address, Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., unveiled the county’s Community Enrichment Grants Program. An amount of $50,000 for grants to non-profit organizations was submitted by Pollitt and approved by the County Council last June for the Fiscal Year 2008 Budget.
In announcing the program, Pollitt said, “It is important that our citizen’s lives be enhanced by exposure to the arts and uplifting social and recreational opportunities. I believe that a community thrives when government works in partnership with its citizens to create the ideal place that we call ‘home.”
Pollitt said that applications for the program are available from his office in the Government Office Building. He also encouraged citizens to contact him by phone at 410-548-4801 or by email at rickpollitt@wicomicocounty.org.
The deadline for applications to the Community Enrichment Grants Program is February 12th.
Public Works Press Release
Breaking News!
At 6:00 AM this morning there was a stabbing at the WCDC. The victim was stabbed multiple times in the back and once in the head.
At 10:00 AM the WCDC contacted the WCSO about the stabbing and asked that their Team, (Wicomico County Bureau Of Investigations) come in and investigate. No inmates are talking, the victim refuses to say anything and the suspect refuses to talk.
More importantly, because so much time has passed before the Detention Center contacted the WCSO, the crime scene was completely compromised. The victim was taken to PRMC, treated and released back to the WCDC.
It Was 60 Years Ago Today!

"It's Howdy Doody Time" When you visit my friend Totmom's Blog you'll see a Post about how today is the 60th Anniversary of the Howdy Doody Show.
The names and faces have changed but the Show lives on right here in Salisdoody. Nevertheless, how old are YOU feeling right about now?
Mayor Barrie Tilghman Denies Sheriff Lewis A City Parking Pass

Mayor Barrie Tilghman told the County she will not give Sheriff Mike Lewis a Parking Pass in the City of Salisbury.
On many occasions, Sheriff Lewis comes into the City in an unmarked Dodge SUV to take care of business. One day, County Council President John Cannon noticed Sheriff Lewis putting quarters into a Meter and said, don't you have a Parking Pass? Sheriff Lewis replied, no.
That being said, Council President Cannon went through the proper channels to ask for a Pass for Sheriff Lewis and the Mayor denied the request. Now let's see, Brew River is in the County, isn't it? So is Market Street Inn, right?
I'm not at all suggesting that Sheriff Lewis would ever be on the lookout for Mayor Barrie Tilghman but if it were me, let's not even go there. County Council Members get these Parking Passes as well as the City Council. I guess now that Barrie has joined the Hillary Clinton Team, she thinks she's above the law and can't be touched? How quickly she forgot what happened to her Daughter.
This could be Political Suicide for Barry Tilghman, that's for sure. In the very least, there's a sky blue Volvo that I'm confident all County Deputies will now have tattooed in their brains while driving down the road, day or night.
Salisbury Is A Pain In The Ash!
WalMart & Sam's Club sites are full of fly ash used to stabilize the mudholes both sites became just before paving. As a certified FOB the city said sure no problem bring all you need in. Joe this came from DP & L Indian River Site and was hauled in there for 2 weeks in every dump truck available to Interstate out of Delmar,MD This stuff happened behind the scenes and if the water wells adjacent to these sites become contaminated who's bill will that be on? I'll bet Salisbury's because they authorized it like many other things "Sure fob go right ahead."
The exact problem at the locations mentined and this doesn't include health issues!
"consistent testing. In addition, to reduce costs, cement manufacturers have been known to use too much fly ash (typical construction specifications permit substituting fly ash for just 15% of the cement) in the production process. As a result of one such case, after an earthquake in Taiwan in 1999, many buildings collapsed. Problems with fly ash used as a fill material in cement construction has also been documented in the United States. In Chesterfield County, Virginia, at least 13 buildings built around 1997 developed problems, including floors heaving upward and cracking, because fly ash fill that had been exposed to moisture was used in their construction."
Another Worthy Comment
I stumbled across this blog by accident and I was compelled to add my 2 cents. I am not from this area nor am I a firefighter. What I found here is totally amazing and paltry. If I understand the scenario the correctly - an off duty fireman arrived at the scene first and ran into a building without regard to his health and safety to save if not the occupants the structure itself. It this true!? What is wrong with you people? What is all this petty squabbling about? If it was my home and I knew there was an off duty fireman there I would be begging him to help. In my uneducated opinion I would think the amount of damage a fire can do in a mere five minutes would be intangibly Huge. The man should be commended and recognized for a selfless act (which rarely happens this in the day in age). All of you that condemned him or attacked his character should be ashamed of yourselves. What happened to the fireman’s creed? Does it exist there?
I keep thinking back to when I was in elementary school and all the boys wanted to grow up to be firemen. Firemen were considered brave, kind, considerate heroes. If the comments made on this blog are from his fellow firefighters it is no wonder there are no heroes left in the world. You are showing your true character and I would be ashamed to have my children want to grow up to be like you.
I keep thinking back to when I was in elementary school and all the boys wanted to grow up to be firemen. Firemen were considered brave, kind, considerate heroes. If the comments made on this blog are from his fellow firefighters it is no wonder there are no heroes left in the world. You are showing your true character and I would be ashamed to have my children want to grow up to be like you.
An Interesting Comment On The WCDC
A VERY close look is required when dealing with 3D (Director Doug Devenyns). Just who is this guy, anyway? He claims years of experience in the Navy, but no one has yet witnessed any Military knowledge out of him. Take a good look at the way he is standing in the photo offered to get here. There's no Military pride or training in him. Was he really in the Military, or could it be 3D isn't who he claims to be?
One of his first actions upon assuming control of WCDC was to throw out all the "books", the rules and regulations, the descriptions of how jobs are to be accomplished while on duty. These have yet to be replaced with anything - except when someone from the Standards or DoJ demand to see one, and then it sort of magically appears out of thin air. Of course, the moment Standards or DoJ leaves, so does that bit of paper, never to be seen until requested by someone else.
Since his appointment as Director of WCDC, inmates have committed suicide and not been found for HOURS, have managed to get cell phones and cell phone batteries into the facility so that they can conduct drug deals or threaten potential witnesses. They conceal their actions behind blankets hung like curtains, and routinely use officers to get contraband smuggled in. Officers have affairs with inmates, which used to be against the rules, but since those rules are gone, there's nothing to stop the practice now. Those who get caught doing wrong wait for months to see whether they'll be punished or not, and most often nothing happens to them. To say that morale is low is a gross understatement. Officers are leaving WCDC in droves. The number of experienced officers is shrinking to an alarming rate, and many of the new officers are so afraid of the inmates that they don't even show up to an ASAP (inmate brawl) to back up their fellow officers.
DDD has never stood a post in a jail and knows almost nothing about security, leadership or support of his staff, yet he has charge of a jail. Who's brilliant idea was this? His ignorance is glaring and, if allowed to continue, will get some officer killed, if not more than one. He's already had one escape, which Dopy and the Seven Dwarves did nothing about. How long before there is a mass break out of U.S.Marshall inmates? The tax payers of Wicomico and the residents of all three states are not safe while Director Doug Devenyns is in charge of the jail.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Fire In Delmar, It Was Wayne Barrall Sr.'s Home!
Looks like common sense doesn't run in this Fire Fighters Family? My earlier Post expressed how neighbors had been complaining how tons of white smoke would regularly come out of this chimney and it was only a matter of time.
It doesn't surprise me Wayne Jr. is now using a camera and not instructing or fighting fires. I will say, I'm certainly glad no one was hurt but this is the type of fire someone should have known better. We're not talking about faulty wires. We're talking about someone not taking proper care of their chimney and now their home stinks, bad! It's probably a bit water logged now too.
Fire Moments Ago In Downtown Delmar
After another Tip, I was asked to check out a fire in progress in Downtown Delmar, Delaware. While speaking to the neighbors, this home is constantly burning huge fires in their fireplace and they said it was just a matter of time. One Fire Fighter said when they first arrived there were flames coming out of the chimney. Delmar quickly responded and got things under control in no time. Salisbury arrived after a while to back Delmar up. The DT, 47 & 16 were nowhere to be found. LOL Thanks Fire Woman.
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