DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, December 09, 2011
Needing Doesn't Justify Stealing
Yes, now and then one's needs can be urgent and great, as when one must get the services of a surgeon lest one lose the use of a limb. Yet, one isn't by any stretch of the imagination authorized, morally, and should not be legally, to conscript those who can provide the necessary service. That would make slaves of those professionals! And no one is justified in enslaving anyone, however urgent one's needs may be.
One would think these are elementary matters in a society that has experienced slavery or involuntary servitude and finally abolished it. But no. I recently objected to the first class mail monopoly that the US Postal Service enjoys, as a constitutional grant, in fact, and someone commented that people often need first class mail, so surely it must be provided to them.
Doesn't follow at all. We often need things quite badly that others can supply but they and their labor doesn't belong to us so we must obtain them voluntarily. And that has proven to be a very workable arrangement, much more so than have coercive alternatives. Why then do people often support the idea that it is okay to conscript other people's work?
Maybe one reason is the regrettable precedent of taxation. For a while even in the USA, a supposedly shining example of a polity of human liberty, the military draft was legally accepted, tolerated. And of course, for centuries on end coercion was routinely used by the powerful to obtain what the less powerful produced. Today it is quite common to have major political and academic figures chiming in to favor robbing the rich because, well, they have what others want from them. The idea that it belongs to them and thus must be obtained without resort to the violation of their basic rights doesn't even come up. It's just wished away, silently, as if it should be forgotten in the face of the needs of others. But then, of course, at one time these needs were used to justify chattel slavery and servitude to the ruler. It is not an accident that the Southern social theorist George Fitzhugh considered and favored slavery as a quintessentially socialist institution.
But just because an older generation got wise about these matters it doesn't follow that we inherited this wisdom. Many of us are perfectly willing to forget what we should have learned from history, including that no matter how precious our goals may be, conscripting others to serve them is morally, and should be legally, prohibited. So the president of the USA, shamefully, is advocating robbing the rich so as to help him carry on with public policies that he prefers but for which he cannot find sufficient support.
Fruitland Police Department Press Release 12-09-11
INCIDENT: Driving under the Influence of Alcohol
LOCATION: Camden Avenue @ Sharps Point Road
CASE NO.: 2011-1458
PERSON CHARGED: Ernest Eugene Jones
AGE: 32
ADDRESS: Princess Anne, Maryland
CHARGES: Driving under the Influence of Alcohol
Driving while Suspended and Revoked
Reckless Driving
(Numerous other related traffic charges)
DISPOSITION: Released to custody of Central Booking at WCDC
On the above date and time a Fruitland officer observed a vehicle driven by the defendant traveling at an extremely high rate of speed on Camden Avenue. The officer immediately attempted to stop the vehicle as it accelerated to speeds nearing 100 mph while running a stop sign. The vehicle eventually pulled over and the officer detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from the driver and interior of the vehicle. The officer conducted Field Sobriety tests and the defendant performed poorly. The driver was belligerent throughout the encounter and was also found to be unlicensed with suspended and revoked privileges. The defendant was placed under arrest and was transported to WCDC where he continued to be uncooperative and belligerent. The defendant was charged and served with 13 traffic citations.
DATE & TIME: Thursday December 8, 2011 @ 1317 hours
INCIDENT: Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana / Warrants
LOCATION: N. Fruitland Blvd @ Pollitt Dr.
CASE NO.: 2011-1456
PERSON CHARGED: Langley E. Willis
AGE: 40
ADDRESS: Cambridge, Maryland
CHARGES: Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana
Fleeing and Eluding
Resisting Arrest
Fail to Obey a Lawful Order
Obstructing and Hindering
Escape 2nd Degree
Assault 2nd Degree (Police Officer)
(Numerous other related charges)
DISPOSITION: Released to custody of Central Booking at WCDC
On the above date and time a Fruitland officer initiated a traffic stop of a vehicle, in which the defendant was a passenger. The officer immediately detected the overwhelming odor of Marijuana emanating from the vehicle’s interior. As officers had the occupants exit the vehicle to perform a probable cause search, the defendant was found to possess a suspected Marijuana grinder and as it was located in his pocket he pushed away from officers and fled on foot. After a lengthy foot pursuit the defendant was apprehended, hiding in a nearby dumpster, and placed under arrest. The defendant was found to have 4 outstanding arrest warrants and also had been concealing a large amount of suspected Marijuana and a digital scale within his belongings in the vehicle. The defendant was transported to WCDC and charged with 15 criminal offenses.
Fruitland was assisted by Salisbury Police and the Wicomico County Sheriff’s office.
Jim Sinclair
'Tangerine Tango’: The Bright, Encouraging Color of 2012
The world is about to look a lot more vivid: the Pantone Color Institute has named “Tangerine Tango,” a radiant red-orange, as the top color of 2012. The color experts have been amping up their selections each year, with the serene and calming turquoise in 2010 giving way to 2011’s honeysuckle, a warm, reddish-pink color meant to lift spirits and instill confidence.
Congressman Fires Three Employees For Drinking On The Job
Can A Mom's Touch Keep Her Kids Off Drugs?
The Labor Department Wants To Force Contractors To Hire More People With Disabilities
House On Collision Course With Obama Over Payroll Tax Cut, As Senate Bills Fail
The Senate on Thursday afternoon rejected rival Democratic and GOP plans for extending the cut. The failure was expected, cueing the House to step in with a new plan.
The Army Plans To Cut 8,700 Civilian Jobs By Next September
The Scent Of A Man? It Could Be An STD
Eddie Murphy Reportedly Tapped To Play Marion Barry
The biopic is reportedly in development at HBO Films, with Murphy attached to star and Spike Lee attached to direct
Fla. Cop Found Drunk In Squad Car, Not Cuffed
The latest Keystone Kops-like episode came when an off-duty cop was discovered passed out and drunk in his patrol car, the Miami-Dade, Fla., police department told local media.
And it gets worse: Instead of being cuffed and booked, Fernando Villa, 32, was allowed to go home after signing a form promising he would appear in court, the Miami Herald reported.
Forget Guns, iPhones May Be Best Crime-Fighting Tools
Well, it seems things have changed.
The next time you see the FBI in action, agents may be armed with cell phones.
Soon, agents may have smartphones with a new app called Mobile One, which plugs into their phones and allows them to scan fingerprints in the field and plug them into the national criminal database.
Six Decades Later, Dutch State Apologizes For Indonesia Massacre
Casa Drops Challenge To Signatures In Dream Act Referendum
Huge Eurobank, Rated 'Britain's Worst,' Now Accused Of Gouging US Consumers
No Tuxes Or Dresses At Graduation After School Settles Lawsuit With Lesbian
Copiah County School District will ditch gender-specific graduation outfits and instead require all students to wear a cap and gown as part of a settlement of a lawsuit filed on behalf of lesbian teenager whose tux-wearing photo was excluded from the senior yearbook.
And though it’s not possible for Ceara Sturgis’ photo to be pasted back into the 2009 Weston Attendance Center yearbook, the high school will include it in her class’s composite picture hanging in the school library.
"I'm really happy, I'm excited," Sturgis, now 20, told msnbc.com by telephone Thursday from Orlando, Fla., where she is now living. "I'm proud of my school because they decided to do the right thing."

Presidential Candidate Tom Miller Is In Washington, D.C. Today And You're NOT Going To Believe This

He just happened to be at the Hotel when he noticed this conference. While he was taking this image, the SEIU Union Thugs confronted him asking, what are you doing?
Absolutely Amazing!
2nd Child Shot by Mom in Texas Welfare Office Dies
Timothy Grimmer died Thursday evening at a San Antonio hospital after he was removed from life support, Laredo police investigator Joe Baeza said. His sister Ramie, 12, who authorities say was also shot by mother Rachelle Grimmer, died Wednesday night at the same hospital.
Taco Bell To Stake Its Future On Doritos Locos Tacos
10 Of The Craziest Things Newt Gingrich Has Ever Said
Indefinite Military Detention For U.S. Citizens Now In The Hands Of A Secretive Conference Committee
Walmart Heirs Worth Same Amount As Bottom 30 Percent Of Americans In 2007: Analysis
The six children of Walmart's founders, Sam and James "Bud" Walton, had the same net worth in 2007 as the entire bottom 30 percent of American earners, according to an analysis from Sylvia Allegretto, a labor economist at University of California-Berkeley's Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics.
BREAKING NEWS: Connecticut Man Sentenced To Death In Home Invasion
From Fox News
Problem Property Demolition Avoided
Israel May Ban Women Singing In Public
If the government won't yield, says one rabbi, the day will soon come when rabbis will "have to say" to soldiers, "You have to leave those events even if there's a firing squad outside, and you'll be shot to death."
Ashley Wants Beach Horseback Riding Discussion
Don't Touch Those Banana's
OC Condo Bookkeeper Charged In Theft Scheme
Republican Governors Squeezing As Much As They Can From Working People
Ex-FBI Agent Who Vanished In Iran: "Help Me"
In the video emailed to his family in November 2010, Levinson pleaded with the U.S. government to meet the demands of his unidentified captors.
More Than 100 Arrested In Washington's 99% Movement
Lost Dog

I am hoping that you will post this information on your website; flyer with picture attached. My dog, Gus, wandered away from our home on Tuesday, December 6th. He was last seen by a neighbor around 9pm in a field on our farm. He is completely blind and mostly deaf. He also has congestive heart failure, but has been on a successful treatment for this and has been in very good health. However, he has not had his medicine since Tuesday morning, and may be coughing quite a bit at this point. He also is unable to walk in a straight line because he is blind, so he will walk in zig-zags and circles. Gus weighs about 20 pounds and looks like a Golden Retriever on Dachshund legs (he is very short). His collar is a faded red color. He is likely very frightened and may not let anyone near him. Please call my phone at any time if you see him. 410-430-2494. Thank you.
All The Wrong Moves: Putin Plots His Strategy Against The Protesters
Airline Ribs Blagojevich With 'Seat-Selling Sale'
A day after Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years in prison on corruption charges, Spirit Airlines announced $14 one-way fares from Chicago to seven cities.
It tells customers to buy now or risk missing a "seat-selling" sale.
Blagojevich was caught on tape trying to sell or trade the U.S. Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama
The Blackest Black Hole: Scientists Find A Monster The Size Of 21 Billion Suns
NC Woman Charged With Buttocks Injections Gone Bad
Lauretta Cheek, 42, of Greensboro was arrested Wednesday and charged with one misdemeanor count of practicing medicine without a license, Guilford County Sheriff's Det. Craig Cotten said. Cheek was released on a written promise to appear in court.
She did not have a listed telephone and Cotten did not know if she had an attorney.
Wicomico Recreation, Parks & Tourism 22nd Annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet
Outstanding Youth Coach - Jamie Knapp
Outstanding Sports Coach - Tommy Bowden
Outstanding Civic/Business Booster - St. Johns United Methodist Church
Outstanding Tourism Volunteer - Gary Kleiman
Outstanding Citizen Volunteer - Dottie Konrad and Eleanor Brewer
Outstanding Community Volunteer - Michael Morris
Outstanding Environmental Volunteer - Brooks Bowden and Chase Bowden
Outstanding Youth Volunteer - Dell Waters
Unsung Hero - Charlie Briddell
Lorne C. Rickert Lifetime Volunteer - Charlie Smith, Jr.
GOP Questions ‘Two-Month Gap’ In Kagan’s Health Care Involvement
Rep. Lamar Smith, the committee chairman, told Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. that emails show Justice Kagan took an interest in the case in January 2010, when she was solicitor general, and he demanded to know what role she played between then and March 2010, when President Obama tapped her to sit on the high court.
“The issue is how involved was she in health care discussions between Jan. 8 and March 5. Just as President Nixon had an 18½-minute gap, does Ms. Kagan have a two-month gap?” Mr. Smith said.
Income Gap Widens Within The Black Community
Over the past decade, the share of black households ranking among the poorest poor _ those earning less than $15,000 _ climbed from 20 percent to 26 percent, according to census figures released Thursday. Other racial and ethnic groups posted smaller increases. During the same period, the percentage of African-Americans making $200,000 or more a year was unchanged at 1.1 percent, even after the Great Recession.
More Drivers Text At Wheel, Despite Bans
About half of American drivers between 21 and 24 say they've thumbed messages or emailed from the driver's seat. And what's more, many drivers don't think it's dangerous when they do it _ only when others do.
A national survey, the first government study of its kind on distracted driving, and other data released Thursday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration underscore the difficulty authorities face in discouraging texting and cellphone talking while driving.
This scam can be perpetrated by the victim being contacted usually by telephone. The caller advises the victim that they have a delinquent or have an outstanding loan and that if not paid; the victim will be charged criminally. The thing that makes this scammer seem credible is the amount of personal and bank information known by the caller when speaking to the victim.
Bailey Jewelers
Taking a trip down memory lane with the originator of our "Exclusive Chesapeake Collection"
Thank You for posting us on your blog, I've gotten more feedback from you than my ads with WBOC.
Melissa Bailey
Bailey Jewelers
30400 Mount Vernon Road
Princess Anne, MD 21853

FINALLY, A Restaurant In Salisbury To Rave About

While there are only a select few restaurants in which I can truly recommend, with all confidence the new "Steak Salisbury" at the old Fountains is just to die for.
The Owner Gus is giving any and all local restaurants a run for their money. Top shelf Chefs, brand new equipment and decor, this man has fronted millions of dollars to offer the finest food on the Shore.
When I spoke with Gus the day after he bought the Fountains he assured me that this would be the finest dining around. Yeah, people say such things but last night my Wife and I made reservations and had the honor of meeting the entire Staff, including the Chef.
We ordered the crab dip, TO DIE FOR! Lump crab meat and truly loaded. I ordered the prime rib and my Wife ordered the scallops. You might look at the plate above and think, only four? Guess what, we brought home TWO! My prime rib was absolutely perfect and believe me, Gus is NOT ordering his food from Sysco, nor Sam's Club.
We finished our delicious meal with a chocolate volcano, oh my God. We also ordered a cup of coffee each and let me assure you, this was some of the finest coffee I've ever had the pleasure of enjoying here on the Shore.
The prices were more than reasonable and even the owner of Ruth Chris had eaten there and loved every bit of what he had ordered. Mind you Folks, if you're looking for quick service, this is NOT the place to go. This is fine dining at its best. I'm not suggesting you have to wait forever to get your meal. I'm simply stating this is the kind of restaurant in which you go to relax and enjoy your meal without feeling the pressure of, NEXT! I'll add, the pricing is comparable to ANY local restaurant.
The personal service will surprise you, without having to go to the Bank to finance your meal. It's exactly what Salisbury has been begging for and you need to give them a shot. I can assure you of one thing, you'll probably catch my Wife and I there fairly often and for once we can call our friends from Ocean City and invite them to Salisbury for a great meal.
We welcome Steak Salisbury with four generations of ownership from Montgomery County, now living here on the Eastern Shore.
Man Gets 9 Years In Prison For Robbing Laundromat Of $13
Juamal Samuel Carroll will also have to complete five years of supervised release for the robbery.
Carroll and another person entered No Rulez Laundromat in the 8000 block of Martin Luther King Highway in Glenarden and pointed a loaded gun at an employee, according to Carroll's plea agreement. They took $13 and left in a van.
You See, I Have An Issue With Liberal Democrats. Here's Why...

You see Folks, as MOST of our readers, (even those nay sayers) can recall, we didn't have air conditioning in Elementary School or Middle School. Back in the day when there were more Republicans in charge there was a master plan for the quality of our lives.
Its called, progression. As some have come forward to City Council Meetings claiming SPD Officers should be paid the same as Sheriff's Deputies or the MSP, bull crap! No disrespect to the Officers on the SPD, it's progression. You want better pay, apply for a job at the WCSO or MSP.
When it comes to schools, the High School is the nicest in the entire state. Children in Elementary and Middle School have something to look forward to, something to EARN.
WHY these wet pants liberals act like we're sending our kids off to a Nazi Camp and putting them in ovens is just ridiculous. Democrats seem to want to entitle every one at taxpayers expense. Yes, America is one great country but GET A GRIP, we can't afford these entitlements any more.
These Schools were built to last 200 years. I mean, come on now, they are ALL built with cinder block and brick, they're made to LAST. Put a new roof on it, add air conditioning, if you like. However, don't you dare try to feed me your line of BS that its falling apart. TAKE CARE OF IT YOU SOB'S! Why, (as taxpayers) are we paying such high maintenance fees, yet everything, (including cinder block and brick) is falling apart?
Today the Democrats build with planned obsolescence. Metal roofs and crap material. Why, because they plan on rebuilding down the road. I want every one of you to take a ride into Delmar and take a look at the old Bonanza building. They're taking an old structure for restaurant use and converting it to an Office Complex. Convert Bennett Middle School. Stop pressuring the taxpayers into something they cannot afford.
We, (many of us) grew up in those so called harsh conditions and quite frankly I don't recall ever having a problem with it. We looked forward to progressing to High School where they had air conditioning and the whole nine yards. Hell, many of you sitting there reading this article do NOT WORK in environments as nice as these Democrats want for our Schools. Does your Boss feed you breakfast and lunch every day and send a bill to the taxpayers?
Enough of this crap. Fix the damn School up and make it last the 200 years it was built for. You got away with the High School but you will NOT get away with a new Middle School.
Giant Food Voluntarily Recalls Uncle Ben's Whole Grain White Rice Garden Vegetable Packages
According to Giant Food, the product may contain milk. The following product is affected by the recall:
•Uncle Ben's Whole Grain White Rice Garden Vegetable, 4.7 oz., UPC 5480040778 with best before date of 08/12 and code dates of 133BA4RP06 or 133BB4RP06
Charlie The K-9

Mr Albero,
There has been some confusion about when Charlie was retired and sold to me. I attached a copy of the ownership and letter from the vet so you could see they are lying. That was my entire issue. Lt XXXXXXXXXX kept saying he couldn’t retire the dog because the “City council” needed numerous items and letters from the vet. This all concluded on Monday afternoon. I signed the papers as well as he did and I became the owner. I then immediately had the surgery on Charlie. They are telling people that Charlie was retired and sold to me 2 weeks prior and that I was angry because I wanted the city to pay. This is not true at all and id appreciate you making the citizens aware of the truth.
Earl Campbell
Click on image to enlarge.
Atlantic Veterinary Services
10656 Worcester Highway
Berlin, MD 21811
December 5, 2011
Ocean City Police Department
I am writing concerning the health and condition of “Charlie”, (K-9, German shepherd, Male, born 1/16/2005) patient identification number 672-15. On my November 10, 2011 examination of Charlie, I found that the reflexes to both his left and right pelvic limbs (hind legs) were diminished. The patient also shows mild difficulty with balance and use of these limbs. These are symptoms of nerve dysfunction and can greatly interfere with performance as a working, police dog. This condition is likely to continue to progress and worsen over the next few months. It should be considered, and I recommend, removing Charlie from active duty as a police dog.
William R. Watson, D.V.M.
In a formal ceremony on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 6, 2011, Senior Trooper Workman was honored for overcoming two life threatening incidents, where he was critically wounded while performing his job duties as a Maryland State Trooper. After recovering from both occurrences, he returned to work to continue to serve the citizens of Maryland. During both instances, Workman was on duty and was transported by Medevac to R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma in Baltimore.
In 1998, while standing next to his patrol car during a traffic stop on I-495, Workman was struck by a vehicle traveling at 50 mph, launching him almost sixty feet in the air. His injuries included a severely broken leg and serious damage to his spleen and lungs. Workman was hospitalized for six weeks, endured at least twelve surgeries and remained on life support for two weeks. Miraculously, Workman returned to duty after eight months and continued to outperform his peers.
In December, 2006 Workman’s determination would again, be put to the test. While working as criminal investigator at the Westminster Barrack, Workman was shot by a kidnapping suspect he and members of a fugitive task force were attempting to arrest in a Baltimore County home. For the second time in his career, Workman was airlifted to Shock Trauma with a life threatening injury.
The gunshot had pierced one of his lungs and a kidney. His spleen was also destroyed. The bullet lodged in his back, about two centimeters from his spine, where it remains to this day. During surgery, doctors removed his spleen and once again, Workman was put on life support. After three months of rehabilitation, Workman returned to duty, executing search warrants for armed robbery and identity theft suspects.
Today, Senior Trooper Eric Workman remains ever vigilant about his call to duty. “Although the job of a police officer can certainly be dangerous, it is the most rewarding career I could have chosen and would do it all over again if ever I had the chance,” says Workman, “I’ve given my oath, my commitment and I will honor it until I can’t.”
Nominations for the Capital Area Theodore Roosevelt Police Award are endorsed by the nominee’s commanding officer and the department chief. Eligibility requirements for the award include full time employment of a federal, state or local law enforcement agency and to have experienced a serious physical handicap, illness or injury.
“Despite nearly losing his life twice, Senior Trooper Workman, without hesitation, returned to his job with enthusiasm and vivacity,” wrote Sergeant Ben Neil, in his nomination of Workman for the award, “His work ethic is exemplary and inspirational.”
Senior Trooper Workman is currently assigned to the Maryland State Police Criminal Investigation Division’s Maryland State Apprehension Team. He continues to perform at a high level, leading his team in warrant closures. For the first half of 2011, Workman has closed 215 warrants.
Police Watch For Sex Offenders During Holidays
Police say plainclothes officers will be posted in busy shopping areas where children congregate to watch for registered sex offenders prohibited from being near children.
If a plainclothes officer determines that someone is violating parole or probation, they'll contact a uniformed officer who will speak with the offender. The person's name may be passed on to the state officials for enforcement action and the offender could be returned to jail.
Opportunity To Support Wicomico Students And Schools
Bookfair to Benefit Wicomico High School
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble in Salisbury will host a bookfair to benefit Wicomico High School on Friday, Dec. 9. From 5:30 until close, the WiHi community will sponsor special features, including gift wrapping, cookie decorating, crafting, writing, and storytelling. A special alumni corner where WiHi students past and present can reminisce and share current information will also be available. Parents will even have an opportunity to win a Nook. By presenting a voucher at checkout, portions of sales during the Bookfair directly support the school. Vouchers are available from WiHi students, at the school, and at Barnes & Noble the day of the event. Shoppers may continue their spree at Uptown Cheapskate; by showing a valid Barnes & Noble receipt dated Dec. 9, shoppers supporting the Bookfair may receive 10% off of their purchases at this upscale, wear-it-again store. Can’t make it to the Bookfair at Barnes & Noble in Salisbury that day? Visit bn.com/bookfairs between December 9-14 and enter Bookfair ID10586071 at checkout.) Customers at Barnes & Noble stores across the country can also use this ID at their local Barnes & Noble on Dec. 9 to benefit Wicomico High School. 410-677-5146
Report: Maryland Among Worst Places To Quit Smoking
Maryland is among the worst states in the country to get public help to quit smoking, according a report released yesterday.
The American Lung Association ranked Maryland as tied for the third-worst state for smoking cessation efforts. The report took into account whether states require private and public insurers to cover quit-smoking aids, as well as how much the states spend on initiatives to curb smoking.
"There is absolutely no excuse for these states' tragic failure to help (their) … smokers quit," Dennis Alexander, regional executive director of the American Lung Association in Maryland, said in a statement. "It's urgent Maryland policymakers step up and provide access to quit-smoking treatments and services that will save lives and money."
Newt Gingrich: Copying Off The Smart Kid's Paper
And each has a similar campaign strategy. Ron Paul is smartly running on his record of being a consistent conservative over 30 years. Flip-floppers Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are likewise smartly running on Ron Paul's record of 30 years of ideological consistency.
Is it any wonder why Newt Gingrich has said he doesn't want any "negative" campaign ads?
Newt has been working his way up the polls by copying off the smart kid's paper, Ron Paul. Until recent months, there's been no daylight between Newt and Obama on the issue of the individual mandate. Now, like Ron Paul, he calls it "unconstitutional." Likewise, Gingrich's opposition to global warming legislation took place after the Nancy Pelosi commercial promoting it. Guess who opposed global warming legislation all along? Gingrich has also suddenly discovered the evils of the Federal Reserve after doing nothing about it when he was Speaker of the House (and was in a position to prevent the economic bubbles this nation has suffered) at a time Ron Paul was screaming for action.
Proof The Light Goes Off
The doctor says, "Gary everything looks great. How are you doing mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace with God?"
Gary replies, "God and I are tight.
He knows I have poor eyesight, so he's fixed it so when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, *poof* the light goes on. When I'm done, *poof* the light goes off."
"Wow, that's incredible," the doctor says.
A little later in the day, the doctor calls Gary's wife.
"Marianne, he says, Gary is doing fine but I had to call you because I'm in awe of his relationship with God. Is it true that he gets up during the night and *poof * the light goes on in the bathroom, and when he's done, *poof* the light goes off?"
"OH MY GOD!" Marianne exclaims.
"He's peeing in the refrigerator again!!!!"
Breaking News: Feds Falsely Censor Popular Blog For Over A Year, Deny All Due Process, Hide All Details...
But, in a story that's been in the making for over a year, and which we're exposing to the public for the first time now, this is exactly the scenario that has played out over the past year -- with the only difference being that, rather than "a printing press" and a "magazine," the story involved "a domain" and a "blog."
There are so many things about this story that are crazy, it's difficult to know where to start, so let's give the most important point first: The US government has effectively admitted that it totally screwed up and falsely seized & censored a non-infringing domain of a popular blog, having falsely claimed that it was taking part in criminal copyright infringement. Then, after trying to hide behind a totally secretive court process with absolutely no due process whatsoever (in fact, not even serving papers on the lawyer for the site or providing timely notifications -- or providing any documents at all), for over a year, the government has finally realized it couldn't hide any more and has given up, and returned the domain name to its original owner. If you ever wanted to understand why ICE's domain seizures violate the law -- and why SOPA and PROTECT IP are almost certainly unconstitutional -- look no further than what happened in this case.
Okay, now some details. First, remember Dajaz1.com? It was one of the sites seized over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend back in 2010 -- a little over a year ago. Those seizures struck us as particularly interesting, because among the sites seized were a bunch of hip hop blogs, including a few that were highly ranked on Vibe's list of the top hip hop blogs. These weren't the kinds of things anyone would expect, when supporters of these domain seizures and laws like SOPA and PROTECT IP talk of "rogue sites." Blogs would have lots of protected speech, and in the hip hop community these blogs, in particular, were like the new radio. Artists routinely leaked their works directly to these sites in order to promote their albums. We even pointed to a few cases of stars like Kanye West and Diddy tweeting links to some of the seized domains in the past.
Phillips Learns Patience On Road To Recovery
Phillips says he might spend some time in a wheelchair, but it won’t be a lifelong situation. “My rehabilitation is about using a wheelchair, but I’m working toward walking someday,” he said from his bed at Jefferson Health System’s Magee Rehabilitation Hospital in downtown Philadelphia.
Among the local leaders speaking at the Symposium will be University of Maryland, Baltimore County President Freeman Hrabowski; Urban Land Institute Executive Vice President Maureen McAvey; and Whiting Turner Construction Executive Vice President Dan White.
Marylanders are also encouraged to share insights and ask questions via Twitter using the hashtag #MDJobsForum.
The Symposium will be live streamed here.
WHAT: Governor to host Maryland Made Easy 2012 Symposium on Job Creation
WHEN: Friday, December 9 at 9:30 a.m. (Networking), Program begins at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Miller Senate Office Building Conference Room West 1 & 2 11 Bladen Street Annapolis, MD
Occupy Dover Marks Delaware Day
WDEL's Jim Hilgen reports..
A light drizzle, and the threat of more rain may have held down the turnout as Occupy Dover held a discussion of the Constitution.
Will McVey says the Constutution is meant to limit lawmakers authority.
Maryland May Be Headed Towards Greece Faster Than You Think
And as has happened in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, & France – the same scenario could soon emerge onto our shores. Take a look at page two of the graph and look at how the pension cost is going to rise from its present estimate of $975.6 million to $1.5 billion by 2016 or an increase of over 50% – just four years from now.
Better prepare your fire extinguishers and gas mask.
Seaford Man Charged With Child Porn
Attorney General Beau Biden says 45-year-old Steven Cox posed as a teenage boy on the social networking website myYearbook and tried to obtain lewd images from similarly aged girls.
Educational E-Mails
I can no longer open a bathroom door without using a paper towel, nor let the waitress put lemon slices in my ice water without worrying about the bacteria on the lemon peel.
I can't sit down on a hotel bedspread because I can only imagine what has happened on it since it was last washed.
I have trouble shaking hands with someone who has been driving because the number one pastime while driving alone is picking one's nose.
Eating a little snack sends me on a guilt trip because I can only imagine how many gallons of trans fats I have consumed over the years.
I can't touch any woman's handbag for fear she has placed it on the floor of a public toilet.
I MUST SEND MY SPECIAL THANKS for the email about rat poo in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet sponge with every envelope that needs sealing.
ALSO, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.
I can't have a drink in a bar because I fear I'll wake up in a bathtub full of ice with my kidneys gone.
I can't eat at KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes, feet or feathers.
I can't use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.
THANKS TO YOU I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward an e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.
BECAUSE OF YOUR CONCERN, I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.
I no longer buy gas without taking someone along to watch the car, so a serial killer doesn't crawl in my back seat when I'm filling up.
I no longer use Cling Wrap in the microwave because it causes seven different types of cancer.
AND THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW I can't boil a cup of water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face, disfiguring me for life.
I no longer go to the cinema because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS when I sit down.
I no longer go to shopping centres because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.
And I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a huge phone bill with calls to Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore and Uzbekistan ..
THANKS TO YOU I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big black snake could be lurking under the seat and cause me instant death when it bites my butt.
AND THANKS TO YOUR GREAT ADVICE I can't ever pick up a 10 cent coin dropped in the car park because it was probably placed there by a sex molester waiting to grab me as I bend over.
I can't do any gardening because I'm afraid I'll get bitten by the Violin Spider and my hand will fall off.
If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, and the fleas from 120 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbour's ex mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's best friend's beautician . .
Oh, and by the way.....
A German scientist from Argentina, after a lengthy study, has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity read their e-mails with their hand on the mouse.
Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late.
P. S. I now keep my toothbrush in the living room, because I was told by e-mail that water splashes over 6 ft. out of the toilet.
Jerry Sandusky's Wife Denies She Ignored Rapes
Sandusky was arrested Wednesday on 10 new counts of child sex abuse charges based on the testimony of two new alleged victims. The new allegations bring to 10 the number of alleged sex abuse victims.
NBC Is Now Checking Roots Songs For "Fallon"
Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson of The Roots says now he's "gotta clear a lot of the song choices" with the network.
U.S. Traffic Fatalities Hit Lowest Level Since 1949
Annual traffic deaths in the U.S. have fallen to their lowest level in six decades, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Released on Thursday, the figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that highway deaths fell to 32,885 in 2010. That's the lowest figure since 1949 and represents a 2.9 percent drop from 2009 — despite the fact that Americans drove almost 46 billion more miles during the year. Americans collectively drove about 3 trillion miles in 2010.
A Better Way To Pay Off Debts
APNewsBreak: EPA Theorizes Fracking-Pollution Link
The draft finding could have significant implications while states try to determine how to regulate the process. Environmentalists characterized the report as a significant development though it met immediate criticism from the oil and gas industry and a U.S. senator.
Study: Some Cereals For Kids Contain More Sugar Than A Twinkie
You wouldn't feed your kids Twinkies for breakfast (right?), so the news that some cereals aimed at kids have more sugar than those processed yellow bits of foam food is a bit disturbing. As Americans get more obese by the day, a new study warns of the sugary punch packed in many cereals.