DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Procession Escorts Ex-Navy SEAL Kyle To Burial
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — After a 200-mile journey, former Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle was buried Tuesday in Austin as his family members and fellow SEALS looked on amid the sounds of drums and bagpipes.
A giant Texas flag flew at half-staff over the Texas State Cemetery as Kyle was laid to rest. Kyle, considered to be the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history, was killed along with a friend earlier this month while at a North Texas gun range.
A white hearse carrying Kyle's flag-draped coffin was among 200 vehicles in a procession that left Tuesday morning from Kyle's hometown of Midlothian, about 25 miles southwest of Dallas, to travel to Austin. Many motorists pulled to the side of roads to watch the procession that included motorcycles, motor coaches, police cruisers and other vehicles.
A giant Texas flag flew at half-staff over the Texas State Cemetery as Kyle was laid to rest. Kyle, considered to be the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history, was killed along with a friend earlier this month while at a North Texas gun range.
A white hearse carrying Kyle's flag-draped coffin was among 200 vehicles in a procession that left Tuesday morning from Kyle's hometown of Midlothian, about 25 miles southwest of Dallas, to travel to Austin. Many motorists pulled to the side of roads to watch the procession that included motorcycles, motor coaches, police cruisers and other vehicles.
Wicomico Recreation Men’s Slow Pitch Softball League, Pre-Season Tournament At Henry S. Parker Complex This Spring
Registration Open Now for League & Pre-Season Tournament
(Salisbury, MD) Team registration is now open for Wicomico Recreation’s men’s slow pitch softball league. The season is slated to begin Monday, April 8 at the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex in Salisbury. Teams will play 21 regular season games on weeknights through July. Double elimination playoffs will take place after the regular season.
League registration fees are $500 per team plus $63 per player contract. Registration will be accepted at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21804; M-F, 8am-6pm) or online at www.WicomicoRecandParks.org through Friday, March 15.
In addition to the men’s softball league, Wicomico Recreation will hold the Wicomico Classic Tournament, a pre-season men’s softball tournament, at the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex on Saturday, March 16. The tournament has a three-game guarantee. The registration fee is $50 per team (plus umpire fees) for teams who are registered for the men’s slow pitch league. Teams not registered in the league may register for $130 per team (plus umpire fees). Registration will be accepted at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21804; M-F, 8am-6pm) through Monday, March 11.
(Salisbury, MD) Team registration is now open for Wicomico Recreation’s men’s slow pitch softball league. The season is slated to begin Monday, April 8 at the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex in Salisbury. Teams will play 21 regular season games on weeknights through July. Double elimination playoffs will take place after the regular season.
League registration fees are $500 per team plus $63 per player contract. Registration will be accepted at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21804; M-F, 8am-6pm) or online at www.WicomicoRecandParks.org through Friday, March 15.
In addition to the men’s softball league, Wicomico Recreation will hold the Wicomico Classic Tournament, a pre-season men’s softball tournament, at the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex on Saturday, March 16. The tournament has a three-game guarantee. The registration fee is $50 per team (plus umpire fees) for teams who are registered for the men’s slow pitch league. Teams not registered in the league may register for $130 per team (plus umpire fees). Registration will be accepted at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21804; M-F, 8am-6pm) through Monday, March 11.
The Daily Currant strikes again — this time with a fake story about Glenn Beck. Despite the fact that the headline and copy of the story were both obviously satirical in nature, several people still fell for it and quickly attacked Beck as an ignorant “Islamaphobe” and “racist.”
“Glenn Beck Calls 911 After Accidentally Eating Halal Pizza,” the headline reads.
The story is even more ridiculous than the headline. Here’s a partial transcript of the completely made up “911 call” from Beck:
On February 11, 2013 a Circuit Court Judge in Wicomico County sentenced Tyrelle Kimble to two additional years in the Department of Corrections for attempting to intimidate a State’s witness from testifying against him at trial.
Kimble made contact with the State’s witnesses’ family on two separate occasions leading up to his September 18, 2012 trial date. On each occasion, Kimble threatened that if the State’s witness showed up for trial, “she ain’t gonna see her kids and family.”
Upon receiving the threat, the witness and her family immediately notified the State’s Attorney’s Office. An investigation was conducted and Kimble was ultimately served with the additional charges. On September 18, 2012, the Defendant was convicted of distributing heroin and received a 20 year sentence with six years of the sentence to be served in the Department of Corrections.
Today, Judge Jackson found Kimble guilty of Obstructing Justice by threatening a State’s witness or their family. The Judge sentenced Kimble to two additional years in the penitentiary that is to be served after he finishes his first six years. The Judge commented, “Attempts to influence or intimidate a witness strike at the very heart of the Judicial process. I encourage the State’s Attorneys Office to continue to look into this type of case and treat them seriously.”
Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matthew A. Maciarello commended the Maryland State Police and the Safe Streets Team for their excellent teamwork in the investigation and prosecution of this case. Mr. Maciarello also thanked the citizens of Wicomico County for reporting this crime and Safe Streets Prosecutor, Richard J. Brueckner Jr., who prosecuted this case.
On February 11, 2013 a Circuit Court Judge in Wicomico County sentenced Tyrelle Kimble to two additional years in the Department of Corrections for attempting to intimidate a State’s witness from testifying against him at trial.
Kimble made contact with the State’s witnesses’ family on two separate occasions leading up to his September 18, 2012 trial date. On each occasion, Kimble threatened that if the State’s witness showed up for trial, “she ain’t gonna see her kids and family.”
Upon receiving the threat, the witness and her family immediately notified the State’s Attorney’s Office. An investigation was conducted and Kimble was ultimately served with the additional charges. On September 18, 2012, the Defendant was convicted of distributing heroin and received a 20 year sentence with six years of the sentence to be served in the Department of Corrections.
Today, Judge Jackson found Kimble guilty of Obstructing Justice by threatening a State’s witness or their family. The Judge sentenced Kimble to two additional years in the penitentiary that is to be served after he finishes his first six years. The Judge commented, “Attempts to influence or intimidate a witness strike at the very heart of the Judicial process. I encourage the State’s Attorneys Office to continue to look into this type of case and treat them seriously.”
Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matthew A. Maciarello commended the Maryland State Police and the Safe Streets Team for their excellent teamwork in the investigation and prosecution of this case. Mr. Maciarello also thanked the citizens of Wicomico County for reporting this crime and Safe Streets Prosecutor, Richard J. Brueckner Jr., who prosecuted this case.
D.C. Council Mulls Jailing Parents For Children's Truancy
WASHINGTON - As the District continues to battle one of the highest truancy rates in the country, D.C. councilmembers are considering taking a tougher approach to the growing epidemic.
Councilmember David Catania is proposing up to five days in jail for parents of habitual truants, which account for more than 10 percent of students in the District.
"We as a community have no recourse but to have consequences to those adults who would have these children go uneducated," he says. "I believe that is child abuse."
Councilmember David Catania is proposing up to five days in jail for parents of habitual truants, which account for more than 10 percent of students in the District.
"We as a community have no recourse but to have consequences to those adults who would have these children go uneducated," he says. "I believe that is child abuse."
What's Happening In Ocean City
February 15-17 Seaside Boat Show
OC Convention Center | Visit Website
OC Convention Center | Visit Website
February 15-17 2nd Annual President's Day Weekend Craft Show
Gold Coast Mall | Visit Website
Gold Coast Mall | Visit Website
March 3 Relay for Life Undersea Adventure
Old Pro Golf | Visit Website
Old Pro Golf | Visit Website
March 8 Handbell Ringers Concert
OC Convention Center | Visit Website
OC Convention Center | Visit Website
March 8 & 13 Home, Condo & Outdoor Show
OC Convention Center | Visit Website
OC Convention Center | Visit Website
Farmers Take To Tractors To Protest Septic Limits
Farmers are rallying from their tractors to repeal a law designed to reduce the growth of septic systems in Maryland.
Joe Kuhn, of Woodbine, gave interviews to reporters while riding on his tractor near the Maryland State House. Farmers who oppose the law say it devalues their land by reducing development potential.
"You take property rights away, take value away from farmers. We need it for our property rights," Kuhn said of the repeal bill as he rode by the governor's residence.
Joe Kuhn, of Woodbine, gave interviews to reporters while riding on his tractor near the Maryland State House. Farmers who oppose the law say it devalues their land by reducing development potential.
"You take property rights away, take value away from farmers. We need it for our property rights," Kuhn said of the repeal bill as he rode by the governor's residence.
Show This To Anyone That Believes That "Things Are Getting Better" In America
How can anyone not see that the U.S. economy is collapsing all around us? It just astounds me when people try to tell me that "everything is just fine" and that "things are getting better" in America. Are there people out there that are really that blind? If you want to see the economic collapse, just open up your eyes and look around you. By almost every economic and financial measure, the U.S. economy has been steadily declining for many years. But most Americans are so tied into "the matrix" that they can only understand the cheerful propaganda that is endlessly being spoon-fed to them by the mainstream media.
As I have said so many times, the economic collapse is not a single event. The economic collapse has been happening, it is is happening right now, and it will continue to happen. Yes, there will be times when our decline will be punctuated by moments of great crisis, but that will be the exception rather than the rule. A lot of people that write about "the economic collapse" hype it up as if it will be some huge "event" that will happen very rapidly and then once it is all over we will rebuild. Unfortunately, that is not how the real world works.
We are living in the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world, and once it completely bursts there will be no going back to how things were before. Right now, we are living in a "credit card economy". As long as we can keep borrowing more money, most people think that things are just fine. But anyone that has lived on credit cards knows that eventually there comes a point when the game is over, and we are rapidly approaching that point as a nation.
Have you ever been there? Have you ever desperately hoped that you could just get one more credit card or one more loan so that you could keep things going?
At first, living on credit can be a lot of fun. You can live a much higher standard of living than you otherwise would be able to.
But inevitably a day of reckoning comes.
If the federal government and the American people were forced at this moment to live within their means, the U.S. economy would immediately plunge into a depression.
That is a 100% rock solid guarantee.
But our politicians and the mainstream media continue to perpetuate the fiction that we can live in this credit card economic fantasy land indefinitely.
And most Americans could not care less about the future. As long as "things are good" today, they don't really think much about what the future will hold.
As a result of our very foolish short-term thinking, we have now run up a national debt of 16.4 trillion dollars. It is the largest debt in the history of the world, and it has gotten more than 23 times larger since Jimmy Carter first entered the White House.
As I have said so many times, the economic collapse is not a single event. The economic collapse has been happening, it is is happening right now, and it will continue to happen. Yes, there will be times when our decline will be punctuated by moments of great crisis, but that will be the exception rather than the rule. A lot of people that write about "the economic collapse" hype it up as if it will be some huge "event" that will happen very rapidly and then once it is all over we will rebuild. Unfortunately, that is not how the real world works.
We are living in the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world, and once it completely bursts there will be no going back to how things were before. Right now, we are living in a "credit card economy". As long as we can keep borrowing more money, most people think that things are just fine. But anyone that has lived on credit cards knows that eventually there comes a point when the game is over, and we are rapidly approaching that point as a nation.
Have you ever been there? Have you ever desperately hoped that you could just get one more credit card or one more loan so that you could keep things going?
At first, living on credit can be a lot of fun. You can live a much higher standard of living than you otherwise would be able to.
But inevitably a day of reckoning comes.
If the federal government and the American people were forced at this moment to live within their means, the U.S. economy would immediately plunge into a depression.
That is a 100% rock solid guarantee.
But our politicians and the mainstream media continue to perpetuate the fiction that we can live in this credit card economic fantasy land indefinitely.
And most Americans could not care less about the future. As long as "things are good" today, they don't really think much about what the future will hold.
As a result of our very foolish short-term thinking, we have now run up a national debt of 16.4 trillion dollars. It is the largest debt in the history of the world, and it has gotten more than 23 times larger since Jimmy Carter first entered the White House.
2 Students Reportedly Dead In Murder-Suicide Near University Of Maryland
Police say a University of Maryland student shot two housemates, one fatally, in an off-campus residence and then killed himself.
The shooting happened at around 1 a.m. Tuesday in College Park in Prince George's County.
Police did not release the names of any of the students involved in the shooting, but all three were male.
The shooting happened at around 1 a.m. Tuesday in College Park in Prince George's County.
Police did not release the names of any of the students involved in the shooting, but all three were male.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -- The mother of an Alabama boy held hostage in an underground bunker for days said her son witnessed officers fatally shooting his kidnapper.
Jennifer Kirkland's comments about her son, identified by authorities only by his first name Ethan, came in an interview with Dr. Phil McGraw for an episode of the "Dr. Phil Show" that is set to air Wednesday.
In a promotional clip posted online, Kirkland said her 6-year-old son saw officers shoot the gunman identified as Jimmy Lee Dykes, 65, of Midland City.
Jennifer Kirkland's comments about her son, identified by authorities only by his first name Ethan, came in an interview with Dr. Phil McGraw for an episode of the "Dr. Phil Show" that is set to air Wednesday.
In a promotional clip posted online, Kirkland said her 6-year-old son saw officers shoot the gunman identified as Jimmy Lee Dykes, 65, of Midland City.
Beware The Consequences Of Pre-Emptive War
Last year more US troops died by suicide than died in combat in Afghanistan. More than 20 percent of military personnel deployed to combat will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some 32 percent of US soldiers reported depression after deployments. More than 20 percent of active-duty military are on potentially dangerous psychotropic drugs; many are on multiple types. Violent crime among active duty military members increased 31 percent between 2006-2011.
The statistics, compiled by the military last year, are as telling as they are disturbing. The Defense Department scrambles to implement new programs to better treat the symptoms. They implement new substance abuse and psychological counseling programs while they continue to prescribe more dangerous psychotropic drugs. Unfortunately, most often ignored are the real causes of these alarming statistics.
The sharp rise in military suicides, drug and alcohol abuse, and domestic and other violence, is the unintended consequence of a violent foreign policy – of an endless and indefinable “global war on terrorism.”
The statistics, compiled by the military last year, are as telling as they are disturbing. The Defense Department scrambles to implement new programs to better treat the symptoms. They implement new substance abuse and psychological counseling programs while they continue to prescribe more dangerous psychotropic drugs. Unfortunately, most often ignored are the real causes of these alarming statistics.
The sharp rise in military suicides, drug and alcohol abuse, and domestic and other violence, is the unintended consequence of a violent foreign policy – of an endless and indefinable “global war on terrorism.”
‘The Intersection of US 113 and MD 12 Will Finally Receive a Traffic Signal’
(Annapolis) -- “The Maryland Department of Transportation has finally recognized the dire need for a traffic signal at the US 113 MD 12 intersection. Snow Hill residents and travelers can now rest assure that their travels through that area will be much safer. ” stated Delegate Mike McDermott (R-Worcester & Wicomico Counties).
Delegate McDermott received a letter today from the Maryland Department of Transportation stating its plans of installing a traffic signal at the intersection of Us 113 and MD 12 by mid-summer. This letter was in response to Delegate McDermott’s letter urging the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Transportation to take action to remedy the large amount of car accidents occurring at the intersection.
As Delegate McDermott explained in his letter, “For countless years, the citizens of Worcester County and the travelers passing through our area have dealt with the treacherous two lane sections of US Rt. 113. Perhaps the worst area of this terrible section of the highway is located at the intersection of Rt. 12 in Snow Hill. The fatalities and serious injury accidents are astounding.”
(Annapolis) -- “The Maryland Department of Transportation has finally recognized the dire need for a traffic signal at the US 113 MD 12 intersection. Snow Hill residents and travelers can now rest assure that their travels through that area will be much safer. ” stated Delegate Mike McDermott (R-Worcester & Wicomico Counties).
Delegate McDermott received a letter today from the Maryland Department of Transportation stating its plans of installing a traffic signal at the intersection of Us 113 and MD 12 by mid-summer. This letter was in response to Delegate McDermott’s letter urging the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Transportation to take action to remedy the large amount of car accidents occurring at the intersection.
As Delegate McDermott explained in his letter, “For countless years, the citizens of Worcester County and the travelers passing through our area have dealt with the treacherous two lane sections of US Rt. 113. Perhaps the worst area of this terrible section of the highway is located at the intersection of Rt. 12 in Snow Hill. The fatalities and serious injury accidents are astounding.”
Kendel Ehrlich To Join Leopold Replacement Forum
Former Maryland first lady Kendel Ehrlich, the wife of former Gov. Bob Ehrlich, could be jumping into the political scene.
This Thursday, Mrs. Ehrlich will join Republican Delegate Steve Schuh and U.S. Senate candidate Dan Bongino in a forum for candidates seeking to replace John Leopold as Anne Arundel County executive.
Leopold resigned as county executive earlier this month after a judge found him guilty of misconduct in office.
This Thursday, Mrs. Ehrlich will join Republican Delegate Steve Schuh and U.S. Senate candidate Dan Bongino in a forum for candidates seeking to replace John Leopold as Anne Arundel County executive.
Leopold resigned as county executive earlier this month after a judge found him guilty of misconduct in office.
“We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.”
― Eric Hoffer
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”
― Eric Hoffer
“People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
― Eric Hoffer, The Temper of Our Time
“Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Anger is the prelude to courage.”
― Eric Hoffer
“It is the individual only who is timeless. Societies, cultures, and civilizations — past and present — are often incomprehensible to outsiders, but the individual’s hungers, anxieties, dreams, and preoccupations have remained unchanged through the millenia.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Our greatest pretenses are built up not to hide the evil and the ugly in us, but our emptiness. The hardest thing to hide is something that is not there.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Far more crucial than what we know or do not know is what we do not want to know.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Our frustration is greater when we have much and want more than when we have nothing and want some. We are less dissatisfied when we lack many things than when we seem to lack but one thing.”
― Eric Hoffer
― Eric Hoffer
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”
― Eric Hoffer
“People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
― Eric Hoffer, The Temper of Our Time
“Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Anger is the prelude to courage.”
― Eric Hoffer
“It is the individual only who is timeless. Societies, cultures, and civilizations — past and present — are often incomprehensible to outsiders, but the individual’s hungers, anxieties, dreams, and preoccupations have remained unchanged through the millenia.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Our greatest pretenses are built up not to hide the evil and the ugly in us, but our emptiness. The hardest thing to hide is something that is not there.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Far more crucial than what we know or do not know is what we do not want to know.”
― Eric Hoffer
“Our frustration is greater when we have much and want more than when we have nothing and want some. We are less dissatisfied when we lack many things than when we seem to lack but one thing.”
― Eric Hoffer
New Castle County Courthouse Shooting Investigatio
New Castle County Courthouse, 500 North King Street, Wilmington, DE
Date of Occurrence:
Monday, February 11, 2013 at 8:15 a.m.
Christine Belford-39 of Newark, DE (deceased)
Laura Mulford-47 of Newark, DE (deceased)
Thomas S. Matusiewicz-68 of Edcouch, Texas (deceased)
Delaware Capitol Police Officers
Michael E. Manley-42, 7 year veteran of the Delaware Capitol Police (treated and released)
Steven D. Rinehart-50, Capitol Police Officer since July 2012, also a 25 year retired New Castle County Police Officer (treated and released)
Wilmington-The Delaware State Police Homicide Unit continues to investigate the fatal shooting that occurred yesterday morning at the New Castle County Courthouse.
Preliminary investigation has determined that on Monday, February 11, 2013 at approximately 7:40 a.m. the suspect Thomas S. Matusiewicz-68 of Edcouch, Texas, along with his son identified as David Matusiewicz-45 also of Edcouch, Texas, entered the public lobby area of the New Castle County Courthouse located at 500 North King Street, Wilmington, DE. David Matusiewicz was scheduled to appear for a child support matter involving his former wife, Christine Belford-39 of Newark, DE. David Matusiewicz proceeded through the secure checkpoint monitored by Delaware Capitol Police, and made his way into the court facility.
Thomas S. Matusiewicz remained in the public lobby area. At approximately 8:15 a.m. Christine Belford, accompanied by Laura Mulford-47 of Newark, DE entered the public lobby area of the courthouse to also appear for the scheduled court hearing. Thomas S. Matusiewicz approached the two female victims that were standing within the public lobby area, produced a .45 caliber semiautomatic handgun and fired multiple rounds at close range, striking Belford in the upper body. Mulford attempted to flee and Matusiewicz fired multiple rounds at close range striking Mulford in the upper body. He then engaged in a gun battle, firing multiple rounds in the direction of Delaware Capitol Police Officers that were in the lobby as he was attempting to walk out, striking two of those officers in the upper body, protected by their ballistic vests. Total number of rounds fired has not been determined at this time due to continued evidence and forensic processing being conducted at the crime scene.
During the exchange, Matusiewicz suffered two gunshot wounds, one in the upper body and a second, a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. He was pronounced dead at the scene. His body was removed and turned over to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner where an autopsy was performed and the cause and manner of death was determined as Suicide-gunshot wound to head.
Belford and Mulford were transported from the scene to the Christiana Hospital Trauma Center where they were pronounced dead. Both were turned over to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner where an autopsy was performed and the cause and manner of death was determined as Homicide-gunshot wounds to chest.
Delaware Capitol Police Officer Michael Manley-42 and Officer Steven D. Rineheart-50 were both shot in the upper body striking their ballistic vests.
Both were transported to the Christiana Hospital Trauma Center and where they were treated and released with minor injuries.
David Matusiewicz was located at the courthouse and interviewed by detectives. During the course of the interview it was determined that he was in violation of a federal probation violation and was held for hearing. (Questions pertaining to this status can be directed to Kimberly Reeves the US Attorney’s Office 302-893-4935.
New Castle County Courthouse, 500 North King Street, Wilmington, DE
Date of Occurrence:
Monday, February 11, 2013 at 8:15 a.m.
Christine Belford-39 of Newark, DE (deceased)
Laura Mulford-47 of Newark, DE (deceased)
Thomas S. Matusiewicz-68 of Edcouch, Texas (deceased)
Delaware Capitol Police Officers
Michael E. Manley-42, 7 year veteran of the Delaware Capitol Police (treated and released)
Steven D. Rinehart-50, Capitol Police Officer since July 2012, also a 25 year retired New Castle County Police Officer (treated and released)
Wilmington-The Delaware State Police Homicide Unit continues to investigate the fatal shooting that occurred yesterday morning at the New Castle County Courthouse.
Preliminary investigation has determined that on Monday, February 11, 2013 at approximately 7:40 a.m. the suspect Thomas S. Matusiewicz-68 of Edcouch, Texas, along with his son identified as David Matusiewicz-45 also of Edcouch, Texas, entered the public lobby area of the New Castle County Courthouse located at 500 North King Street, Wilmington, DE. David Matusiewicz was scheduled to appear for a child support matter involving his former wife, Christine Belford-39 of Newark, DE. David Matusiewicz proceeded through the secure checkpoint monitored by Delaware Capitol Police, and made his way into the court facility.
Thomas S. Matusiewicz remained in the public lobby area. At approximately 8:15 a.m. Christine Belford, accompanied by Laura Mulford-47 of Newark, DE entered the public lobby area of the courthouse to also appear for the scheduled court hearing. Thomas S. Matusiewicz approached the two female victims that were standing within the public lobby area, produced a .45 caliber semiautomatic handgun and fired multiple rounds at close range, striking Belford in the upper body. Mulford attempted to flee and Matusiewicz fired multiple rounds at close range striking Mulford in the upper body. He then engaged in a gun battle, firing multiple rounds in the direction of Delaware Capitol Police Officers that were in the lobby as he was attempting to walk out, striking two of those officers in the upper body, protected by their ballistic vests. Total number of rounds fired has not been determined at this time due to continued evidence and forensic processing being conducted at the crime scene.
During the exchange, Matusiewicz suffered two gunshot wounds, one in the upper body and a second, a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. He was pronounced dead at the scene. His body was removed and turned over to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner where an autopsy was performed and the cause and manner of death was determined as Suicide-gunshot wound to head.
Belford and Mulford were transported from the scene to the Christiana Hospital Trauma Center where they were pronounced dead. Both were turned over to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner where an autopsy was performed and the cause and manner of death was determined as Homicide-gunshot wounds to chest.
Delaware Capitol Police Officer Michael Manley-42 and Officer Steven D. Rineheart-50 were both shot in the upper body striking their ballistic vests.
Both were transported to the Christiana Hospital Trauma Center and where they were treated and released with minor injuries.
David Matusiewicz was located at the courthouse and interviewed by detectives. During the course of the interview it was determined that he was in violation of a federal probation violation and was held for hearing. (Questions pertaining to this status can be directed to Kimberly Reeves the US Attorney’s Office 302-893-4935.
Breaking News
Authorities responding to reports of up to 2 police officers down amid shootout involving fugitive Christopher Dorner
The fugitive ex-LAPD cop suspected of killing three and declaring war on the force exchanged gunfire with authorities in the San Bernardino Mountains, law enforcement sources said.
Two police officers were reportedly injured, and it was not known if Dorner was hit or in custody.
A police source told The Associated Press Christopher Dorner burglarized a cabin on the mountain resort area where days ago Dorner’s truck was found burning. Two people were bound inside the cabin, but one managed to escape and call authorities around 12:50 p.m. local time.
The fugitive ex-LAPD cop suspected of killing three and declaring war on the force exchanged gunfire with authorities in the San Bernardino Mountains, law enforcement sources said.
Two police officers were reportedly injured, and it was not known if Dorner was hit or in custody.
A police source told The Associated Press Christopher Dorner burglarized a cabin on the mountain resort area where days ago Dorner’s truck was found burning. Two people were bound inside the cabin, but one managed to escape and call authorities around 12:50 p.m. local time.
A Tale of Two Stories - Part II
Author's Note - My apologies for not posting Part II on Monday. Family travels and work prevented getting the article completed on time.
Does Ireton REALLY Speak for City?
Sunday's front page Daily Times article is, admittedly, a less than flattering profile of incumbent Salisbury mayor Jim Ireton. Like its companion piece about candidate (and SBYNews publisher) Joe Albero, we will concur that the piece is accurate. However, informed observers of Salisbury politics and government will note that what was omitted from this piece makes it a borderline puff piece.

Jim Ireton - Control Freak
Yes Ireton does appear to be a bit of a control freak, but his motivations (not his actions) are the real story here. Reporter Jeremy Cox portrays an Ireton that may need therapy for his OCD, but (by and large) his heart is in the right place. Really? Dig beneath some statements and a totally different picture appears:
But the part-time schoolteacher, who is seeking re-election this spring to a second term, goes farther than any of his predecessors in recent memory, according to those familiar with behind-the-scenes workings at the city of Salisbury and Ireton himself.
Under a policy imposed by Ireton, no media inquiries posed to city employees, including department heads, can be answered unless the mayor is first consulted. If he’s the first Salisbury mayor to do that, he said, it’s because “no previous mayor has had to deal with the 24-hour news cycle.”
...Ireton also helps craft virtually all news releases, including those warning of traffic lane closures and approaching severe weather.
First of all, the 24 hour news cycle began with CNN in 1980 (Ireton was in grade school). Politically, it became a major factor in 1992 (Ireton was in college). Salisbury has NEVER really had a 24 hour news cycle. While SBYNews may come close, Ireton won't return its phone calls. Because of changes in printing, the Daily Times has actually seen its deadline window shrink while Ireton has been mayor. So why did Cox included it? Because it sounded good?
Politics, NOT Policy
The facts are that Ireton exercises a stranglehold over city media access because he views the role of mayor as strictly political. Ireton uses press conferences and press releases to attack his political opponents rather than a means to inform the public. Taxpayer dollars are spent to construct little theater sets around the city so that Ireton can have the right visual backdrop for his screeds against council members Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, and Tim Spies. Does anyone remember his budget veto rant accussing the council majority of being against everything short of mom, apple pie, and puppies or Ireton standing on a street corner and implying that they were racists because they didn't want to see taxpayer dollars spent on quarter million dollar apartments at "The Bricks" or seeing the city go deeper into the property management business?
While we had numerous policy disagreements with Ireton's predecessor, Barrie Parsons Tilghman, she was a piker when it came to manipulating the media.
Government Gridlock
In addition to forbidding city department heads from commenting to the media, Ireton has continued the policy of refusing council members from having access to department heads as well. Council can't get answers to questions so they can't vote on legislation. What is Ireton's response? He has the chutzpah to then call a press conference and attack the council for "not doing the people's business". If you have ever read Joseph Heller's novel Catch-22, you would realize that Salisbury government under Jim Ireton exemplifies the term more than almost anything else today.
Yes Cox glosses over the fact that Ireton refuses access to department heads, but where is the research into why?
I know that I'm not the only reader to ask the question: Given that Ireton is a part time mayor, and given that his chooses to micromanage media access to city government, and given that Ireton seems to put far more effort into politics rather than governance, is it any wonder that Salisbury's economy isn't getting better?
If you bothered to read the complete article, you would find the most telling portion right at the end:
Some employees grumble privately about the policy, but they declined to discuss it on the record for fear of jeopardizing their jobs. One department head contacted begged off discussing the policy even anonymously, then contacted Ireton immediately about the conversation.
A text message from Ireton to The Daily Times came a short time later: “I would have given you somebody to use as a source. now you gotta submit questions to any dept 24 hours in advance.
In a subsequent phone conversation, Ireton said the incident illustrated why the mayor-first policy exists. Asked how the reporter could trust that an employee selected by Ireton would be able to speak freely, the mayor said he would never threaten an employee with their job over their comments.
Vindictive is really too kind (and certainly too mature) a term to describe Ireton's behavior. It looks like Ireton is taking behavior lessons from his 10 year old students rather than the other way around.
This Isn't Dragnet
I could be wrong to claim Cox's piece was factually inaccurate. Unlike the Albero piece, I also don't claim that Cox even misrepresents facts. Unfortunately, this isn't an episode of Dragnet. "Just the facts" doesn't cut it when you are doing any type of investigative piece. You have to dig a little deeper. You have to look at motive. Sure you need to disclose what you're doing, but you need to do it!
Tune in tomorrow for the third and final instalment.
Tune in tomorrow for the third and final instalment.
G. A. Harrison is a former editor of Salisbury News and a guest contributor. He also writes at the DelMarVa Observer.
Maryland high school students are graduating at record high rate, according to newly released statewide data.
The four-year cohort graduation rate reached 83.57 percent for the class of 2012 – students who entered school in the fall of 2008 – compared to 82.82 percent in 2011. The new rate represents a jump of nearly a full percentage point. At the same time, the four-year cohort dropout rate fell statewide from 11.22 percent in 2011 to 10.28 percent in 2012.
“Because of the better choices we've made together, Maryland’s public schools have been certified as number one in the nation five years in row," said Governor Martin O'Malley. "Thanks to our dedicated educators, students and parents, our high school students are graduating at a higher rate now than ever before. Together, we're building state-of-the-art classrooms, creating innovative curricula, and preparing our students for the jobs of tomorrow. The more students that graduate, the stronger our economy will be and the better our future together."
Maryland high school students are graduating at record high rate, according to newly released statewide data.
The four-year cohort graduation rate reached 83.57 percent for the class of 2012 – students who entered school in the fall of 2008 – compared to 82.82 percent in 2011. The new rate represents a jump of nearly a full percentage point. At the same time, the four-year cohort dropout rate fell statewide from 11.22 percent in 2011 to 10.28 percent in 2012.
“Because of the better choices we've made together, Maryland’s public schools have been certified as number one in the nation five years in row," said Governor Martin O'Malley. "Thanks to our dedicated educators, students and parents, our high school students are graduating at a higher rate now than ever before. Together, we're building state-of-the-art classrooms, creating innovative curricula, and preparing our students for the jobs of tomorrow. The more students that graduate, the stronger our economy will be and the better our future together."
Motor Vehicle Administration Reduces Costs As Transactions Rise
While other units of the Maryland Department of Transportation have been roughed up at budget subcommittees in recent weeks, the Motor Vehicle Administration breezed through Friday before a Senate panel.
MVA came away unscathed from legislative budget cutters mainly because its number of transactions last year was up 3% to 12.1 million while its costs went down .4% and the productivity of its employees was up.
“This is very popular with the secretary’s office,” Acting Deputy Transportation Secretary Leif Dormsjo told the Senate Public Safety, Transportation and Environment budget subcommittee, “but not with the other modal administrators” who head MDOT’s transit, highway, port and aviation operations.
MVA came away unscathed from legislative budget cutters mainly because its number of transactions last year was up 3% to 12.1 million while its costs went down .4% and the productivity of its employees was up.
“This is very popular with the secretary’s office,” Acting Deputy Transportation Secretary Leif Dormsjo told the Senate Public Safety, Transportation and Environment budget subcommittee, “but not with the other modal administrators” who head MDOT’s transit, highway, port and aviation operations.
Fed’s Holdings Of U.S. Gov't Debt Hit Record $1,696,691,000,000; Up 257% Under Obama
(CNSNews.com) - In data releasedThursday afternoon, the Federal Reserve revealed that its holdings of U.S. government debt had increased to an all-time record of $1,696,691,000,000 as of the close of business on Wednesday.
The Fed's holdings of U.S. government debt have increased by 257 percent since President Barack Obama was first inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009, and the Fed is currently the single largest holder of U.S. government debt.
As of the end of November, according to the U.S. Treasury, entities in Mainland China owned about $1,170,100,000,000 in U.S. government debt, making China the largest foreign holder of U.S. government debt.
The Fed's holdings of U.S. government debt have increased by 257 percent since President Barack Obama was first inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009, and the Fed is currently the single largest holder of U.S. government debt.
As of the end of November, according to the U.S. Treasury, entities in Mainland China owned about $1,170,100,000,000 in U.S. government debt, making China the largest foreign holder of U.S. government debt.
Judge Suspends Sept. 11 Proceedings Over Charges Of Eavesdropping
FT. MEADE, Md. — The military judge in the Sept. 11 conspiracy case abruptly granted a defense request to halt the proceedings until Tuesday after lawyers for the five men accused in the plot raised fresh complaints that government intelligence officials were spying on their confidential attorney-client discussions.
The judge, Army Col. James L. Pohl, also ordered three top prison officials at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to testify Tuesday before he rules whether the military trial, the only criminal case to arise out of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, should go forward.
The defense lawyers said government intelligence officials, known to them only as the "original classification authorities," have eavesdropped through microphones at defense counsel tables and planted microphones in smoke detectors in holding cells where lawyers confer with their clients. They also say prison guards routinely ask what language they will be speaking when they set up visits with their clients.
The judge, Army Col. James L. Pohl, also ordered three top prison officials at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to testify Tuesday before he rules whether the military trial, the only criminal case to arise out of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, should go forward.
The defense lawyers said government intelligence officials, known to them only as the "original classification authorities," have eavesdropped through microphones at defense counsel tables and planted microphones in smoke detectors in holding cells where lawyers confer with their clients. They also say prison guards routinely ask what language they will be speaking when they set up visits with their clients.
The D.H.S. And The Nazification Of America
“An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our DOMESTIC SECURITY and protect our HOMELAND.”
“You are now witnessing the beginning of a great epoch in German history … this fire is the beginning.”
Adolf Hitler said the above in proposing the creation of the Gestapo. The event preceding it was the 1933 fire which burned down the German Parliament Building–the Reichstag. There is zero doubt that this was a “false flag” event. At the time Hitler was at Goebbels’s apartment having dinner. They rushed to the scene where they met Göring who was already screaming false charges and making threats against the Communists.
What followed very shortly thereafter was “A Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the People and State”. This decree seriously limited or outright abrogated the following German constitutional protections:
—– Free expression of opinion
—– Freedom of the press
—– Right of assembly and association
—– Right to privacy of postal and electronic communications
—– Protection against unlawful searches and seizures
—– Individual property rights
—– States’ right of self-government
A supplemental decree then created the SA (Storm Troops) and SS (Special Security) Federal police agencies.
In short, Hitler consolidated and finalized power using the oldest trick in his playbook — TERROR. Hitler and his gang funded, fomented, shepherded, and manipulated the fear of terror occurring in every corner of Germany. He even used Biblical language to portray himself as an angel of light on a white steed to appear to save Germany from the Evil Ones …. all done under the pretext of “Homeland Security.”
“You are now witnessing the beginning of a great epoch in German history … this fire is the beginning.”
Adolf Hitler said the above in proposing the creation of the Gestapo. The event preceding it was the 1933 fire which burned down the German Parliament Building–the Reichstag. There is zero doubt that this was a “false flag” event. At the time Hitler was at Goebbels’s apartment having dinner. They rushed to the scene where they met Göring who was already screaming false charges and making threats against the Communists.
What followed very shortly thereafter was “A Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the People and State”. This decree seriously limited or outright abrogated the following German constitutional protections:
—– Free expression of opinion
—– Freedom of the press
—– Right of assembly and association
—– Right to privacy of postal and electronic communications
—– Protection against unlawful searches and seizures
—– Individual property rights
—– States’ right of self-government
A supplemental decree then created the SA (Storm Troops) and SS (Special Security) Federal police agencies.
In short, Hitler consolidated and finalized power using the oldest trick in his playbook — TERROR. Hitler and his gang funded, fomented, shepherded, and manipulated the fear of terror occurring in every corner of Germany. He even used Biblical language to portray himself as an angel of light on a white steed to appear to save Germany from the Evil Ones …. all done under the pretext of “Homeland Security.”
Lawmaker Invites Ted Nugent To Obama's State Of The Union Address On Tuesday
Outspoken musician and gun right supporter Ted Nugent will be Rep. Steve Stockman’s guest Tuesday night at President Obama’s State of the Union address.
Nugent is well known for his defense of the Second Amendment and for his criticism of Obama's politics. Obama is expected to make gun control a central part of this address.
While appearing at a campaign stop for then-GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney last year, Nugent declared, “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."
Nugent is well known for his defense of the Second Amendment and for his criticism of Obama's politics. Obama is expected to make gun control a central part of this address.
While appearing at a campaign stop for then-GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney last year, Nugent declared, “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."
Student Being Bullied In One Of Our Dover Schools Once Again
This is a post that was sent to face book as a cry out for help because she is being bullied at her school and the teachers do nothing. something has to be done about this and I'm sharing this for all the un heard students who are scared to express themselves. Please reach out and help me to stop the bullying in our schools once again. I now have to seek counseling for my daughter because of this. she is emotionally drained and is not liking school because of this and I don't want it to exculpate into anything further. what should I do?
Why am I the target. Why is it that this has to happen to me? That's all i want to know, Why do people bully and bash others for their appearance or things they can not change about their self.Besides i’m just being myself! and this is what I get for standing for something, Being different, being me! I’m sick of it! it hurts, it truly does and people always say “it gets better” or “it can be worse” but put yourself in my shoes deal with people saying you’re a :fat bitch” or calling you names like precious, Because it hurts, and to deal with this on a daily basis, it burns. You know on Fridays i’m just happy school is over because I finally get a break, but the Hateful words don’t go away. they stay there.permanently in my thoughts. I hardly remember anything good that's happened to me at all.
But i’m just sick of it. like the very first day of school People laughed at me, called me fat, stared at me. And when I got home mom asked how it was and i replied like i always do “It was good” no details needed, Nothing. I just didn’t want to relive any of it because it hurt so bad. and that went on then it got really bad and it moved to the bus, and that was still within the first month of school. and almost every day I’d get home go to my room and cry, reliving and playing back everything that was said to me that day and before on. then it would die down a little then come to an extreme. then I actually made three good friends, but that was three months later so i was lonely, sad, depressed, for three months.
And now here we are, in February, six months in, and it still hurts. and these past two weeks where emotionally draining.because last week on Wednesday, January 30th, 7:46 am in homeroom these guys were really talking about me but the thing that gets me the most is that the teacher walked by, stopped, looked at them, and walked away. Just WALKED AWAY! no help whatsoever. and the main people who tell you that you need to tell an adult or someone, is the TEACHERS! And yesterday in the library, the same guys were doing it again but this time there where more than just one teacher. there was three. and not one said a thing! then in science, we had just got new seats and just as the teacher walked by this boy called me a “Fat bitch” just loud enough that almost everyone in the classroom heard him, but of course the teacher, did NOTHING!
But I’ve came to a conclusion that no one is going to help you but yourself. so i’ll just have to suffer through it I guess...Why?
Why am I the target. Why is it that this has to happen to me? That's all i want to know, Why do people bully and bash others for their appearance or things they can not change about their self.Besides i’m just being myself! and this is what I get for standing for something, Being different, being me! I’m sick of it! it hurts, it truly does and people always say “it gets better” or “it can be worse” but put yourself in my shoes deal with people saying you’re a :fat bitch” or calling you names like precious, Because it hurts, and to deal with this on a daily basis, it burns. You know on Fridays i’m just happy school is over because I finally get a break, but the Hateful words don’t go away. they stay there.permanently in my thoughts. I hardly remember anything good that's happened to me at all.
But i’m just sick of it. like the very first day of school People laughed at me, called me fat, stared at me. And when I got home mom asked how it was and i replied like i always do “It was good” no details needed, Nothing. I just didn’t want to relive any of it because it hurt so bad. and that went on then it got really bad and it moved to the bus, and that was still within the first month of school. and almost every day I’d get home go to my room and cry, reliving and playing back everything that was said to me that day and before on. then it would die down a little then come to an extreme. then I actually made three good friends, but that was three months later so i was lonely, sad, depressed, for three months.
And now here we are, in February, six months in, and it still hurts. and these past two weeks where emotionally draining.because last week on Wednesday, January 30th, 7:46 am in homeroom these guys were really talking about me but the thing that gets me the most is that the teacher walked by, stopped, looked at them, and walked away. Just WALKED AWAY! no help whatsoever. and the main people who tell you that you need to tell an adult or someone, is the TEACHERS! And yesterday in the library, the same guys were doing it again but this time there where more than just one teacher. there was three. and not one said a thing! then in science, we had just got new seats and just as the teacher walked by this boy called me a “Fat bitch” just loud enough that almost everyone in the classroom heard him, but of course the teacher, did NOTHING!
But I’ve came to a conclusion that no one is going to help you but yourself. so i’ll just have to suffer through it I guess...Why?
No Greater Love: The Four Chaplains And The Sinking Of The Dorchester
On January 23, 1943, the USAT Dorchester left New York harbor bound for Greenland carrying 902 officers, servicemen and civilian workers. The Dorchester was escorted by three Coast Guard cutters. On February 2, one of the cutters detected the presence of a submarine but failed to find the submarine’s position. The C.O. of the Dorchester ordered the men to sleep in their clothing, with life jackets close at hand. They were only 150 miles from Greenland and daylight would bring air cover from the American base.
Down in the old converted cruise ship’s stifling hold, four U.S. Army chaplains circulated among the frightened young men, some lying wide-eyed in their bunks, others nervously playing cards or shooting dice.Those chaplains were Lt. George L. Fox, Methodist; Lt. Alexander D. Goode, Jewish; Lt. John P. Washington, Catholic; and Lt. Clark V. Poling, Reformed. Chatting with the troops, the chaplains eased tensions, calmed fears and passed out soda crackers to alleviate seasickness.
Early in the morning of February 3 the chaplains were still up just before 1:00 when the torpedo struck. The missile exploded in the boiler room, destroying the electric supply and releasing suffocating clouds of steam and ammonia gas.The tremendous explosion threw soldiers from bunks and the lights went out as the stricken ship listed to starboard, sinking fast.
Those not trapped below rushed topside. Amid the shriek of escaping steam and frantic blasts of the ship’s whistle, dazed men stumbled about the dark, crowded decks. Some gripped the rails, too struck with horror to head toward the lifeboats.
The four chaplains quickly moved among the bewildered men, calming them, directing them to life rafts, urging them to escape the doomed ship. Many had forgotten their life jackets. The chaplains located a supply in a deck locker and passed them out. When the bin was empty they pulled off their own and made others put them on.
Some Vets Get Chance At Medical Retirement
Roughly 70,000 veterans who were given a medical separation between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2009 have the chance to have their separations reviewed and possibly upgraded to a medical retirement. This could mean thousands in added benefits for disabled veterans who were originally denied a military retirement.
The review is being conducted by the Physical Disability Board of Review, which will examine each applicant’s medical separation records and make a recommendation to the respective Service Secretary based on their findings.
Although there is no guarantee that applicants will become retirement eligible, there is no risk of veterans losing their existing benefits. Veterans who are granted a medical retirement and had originally been given a severance check will have their original payment taken from their retirement pay until the original balance is fully recouped. However, since their retirement will be back dated, they are likely not to see much of an impact.
To be clear – Veterans will not have to have to pay back the severance out of their pockets and no applicants will lose their existing benefits – regardless of the board’s findings.
To be eligible veterans must have been medically separated between the dates noted above with a combined disability rating of 20 percent or less, and originally not found eligible for retirement. There is no deadline to apply and next of kin can also apply.
According to my source at the Physical Disability Board of Review, about 50 percent of the applications they have received to date have been recommended for re-characterization.
Visit the PDBR website to learn more and begin the application process.
The review is being conducted by the Physical Disability Board of Review, which will examine each applicant’s medical separation records and make a recommendation to the respective Service Secretary based on their findings.
Although there is no guarantee that applicants will become retirement eligible, there is no risk of veterans losing their existing benefits. Veterans who are granted a medical retirement and had originally been given a severance check will have their original payment taken from their retirement pay until the original balance is fully recouped. However, since their retirement will be back dated, they are likely not to see much of an impact.
To be clear – Veterans will not have to have to pay back the severance out of their pockets and no applicants will lose their existing benefits – regardless of the board’s findings.
To be eligible veterans must have been medically separated between the dates noted above with a combined disability rating of 20 percent or less, and originally not found eligible for retirement. There is no deadline to apply and next of kin can also apply.
According to my source at the Physical Disability Board of Review, about 50 percent of the applications they have received to date have been recommended for re-characterization.
Visit the PDBR website to learn more and begin the application process.
State Police Identify Victims And Suspect Of New Castle County Courthouse Shooting
New Castle County Courthouse, 500 North King Street, Wilmington, DE
Date of Occurrence:
Monday, February 11, 2013 at 8:15 a.m.
Christine Belford-39 of Newark, DE
Laura Mulford-47 of Newark, DE
Thomas S. Matusiewicz-68 of Edcouch, Texas
Wilmington-The Delaware State Police have released the names of the two female victims and the suspect involved in the New Castle County Courthouse shooting yesterday morning.
Delaware State Police Homicide Detectives continue their investigation by conducting interviews, reviewing video surveillance, and collecting evidence at the crime scene. Further information and investigative details to be released later today. Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation as this investigation progresses.
New Castle County Courthouse, 500 North King Street, Wilmington, DE
Date of Occurrence:
Monday, February 11, 2013 at 8:15 a.m.
Christine Belford-39 of Newark, DE
Laura Mulford-47 of Newark, DE
Thomas S. Matusiewicz-68 of Edcouch, Texas
Wilmington-The Delaware State Police have released the names of the two female victims and the suspect involved in the New Castle County Courthouse shooting yesterday morning.
Delaware State Police Homicide Detectives continue their investigation by conducting interviews, reviewing video surveillance, and collecting evidence at the crime scene. Further information and investigative details to be released later today. Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation as this investigation progresses.
Md. Tax-Free Weekend For Energy Star Products Announced
If you live in Maryland and are looking for some new appliances for your home, next weekend might be the time to buy them.
Comptroller Peter Franchot is announcing Monday the state's third annual weekend of tax breaks on certain Energy Star products.
The weekend of savings will begin at midnight Friday through midnight on Monday in which qualifying Energy Star products will be exempt from Maryland's 6 percent sales tax. Those products include:
Comptroller Peter Franchot is announcing Monday the state's third annual weekend of tax breaks on certain Energy Star products.
The weekend of savings will begin at midnight Friday through midnight on Monday in which qualifying Energy Star products will be exempt from Maryland's 6 percent sales tax. Those products include:
Obama Wants 1% Pay Raise
It looks as if President Barack Obama will propose a 1 percent pay raise for federal wokers in his fiscal 2014 budget plan. It comes after more than two years of a pay freeze followed by a 0.5 percent raise that is supposed to begin in March. Federal unions said it's better than nothing but not good enough. The American Federation of Government Employees said a 1 percent raise does not tell feds that the White House values their work.
Domestic Violence
A worker who is a victim of domestic violence does not have to prove it and definitely should not be forced to go to the police, according to tips in new guidance by the Office of Personnel Management. The handbook for agency leaders stems from a 2012 presidential directive on stopping domestic violence in the federal workforce. The guide addresses sexual assault and stalking too. It recommends agencies assemble planning groups of managers, union representatives, human resources experts and security professionals to assess current policies. It said agencies must have reporting procedures and incident response plans. Each agency has four months to tailor a draft policy based on the guidance.
Undocumented Immigrant From Las Vegas To Attend State of Union
Every year, a hand-picked set of special guests sits with the first lady as the president delivers the State of the Union address.
This year, President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama have selected a young, undocumented immigrant from Las Vegas to be in one of their seats of honor.
Alan Aleman, 19, was one of the first young, undocumented immigrants from Nevada to receive work authorization under Obama’s direction to defer deportation proceedings against so-called “Dreamers” and allow them to find jobs.
Dreamers are young people brought to the United States illegally as children under the age of 16 who are enrolled in college or enlisted in the military and who, under the proposed Dream Act, would eventually be eligible for citizenship.
This year, President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama have selected a young, undocumented immigrant from Las Vegas to be in one of their seats of honor.
Alan Aleman, 19, was one of the first young, undocumented immigrants from Nevada to receive work authorization under Obama’s direction to defer deportation proceedings against so-called “Dreamers” and allow them to find jobs.
Dreamers are young people brought to the United States illegally as children under the age of 16 who are enrolled in college or enlisted in the military and who, under the proposed Dream Act, would eventually be eligible for citizenship.
Hundreds Of Thousands Federal Employee Furloughs
The White House Office of Management and Budget Controller Danny Werfel said hundreds of thousands of federal workers will have to take leave without pay if the government follows through on $85 billion in broad spending cuts next month. He said agencies should have informed employees last week. But agencies that actually go through with furloughs must give employees who are affected more detailed, personalized notices at least 30 days in advance. Werfel said he has not heard of that happening yet and some agencies would make immediate cuts under sequestration while others might aim for gradual decreases in spending and services. He added agencies may not have a choice without reprogramming authority from Congress.
Girl Scout Cookies
It’s time again for Girl Scout Cookie sales. Please remember that this is a FUND RAISER for one of the most wonderful organizations in the world, just like the ”RED KETTLE” fund raising at xmas time. If you buy cookies you don’t really have to take your change. If you don’t buy cookies, you can still donate a dollar or two and get a beautiful smile. If you really believe in this organization a $ “fiver” would be quite appropriate. This time it is really ”for the children.”
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