Third, The Disgrace's LieMonique is non tre chic. Monique needs to get her facts straight, especially if she ever expects to move up and make a living wage someday in journalism. Today's Carroll Street Disgrace on page 4 contained the following sentence:
"Tilghman's public statement was prompted by an email sent to her by Albero and temporarily posted on the Reallifejustice site."
Not true. I never posted Mr. Albero's email on my blog. To the contrary, Mr. Albero posted a comment to one of my posts which contained wording similar or identical to the email Czarina published yesterday to the citizenry. I deleted it within seconds of my observation of it. It was in bad taste and I feel I know Joe Albero well enough to know that he didn't mean it, would later regret it if I didn't delete it, and he must have had a momentary lapse of reason where he forgot that we ain't in the Bronx anymore.
Joe Albero contributes nothing to the written content of this blog except when specifically noted. I know the S.O.P. of the Disgrace is that Czarina et alia alter its content but guess what Ms. Lewis, that's not the way its done elsewhere, even in the MSM. In the rest of the Western World, newspapers and other media disassociate themselves from local politicians so as to avoid conflicts of interest and remain objective and impartial. You will succeed in your profession if you will view as skeptical most, if not all, of what any politician tells you, especially one, like Czarina, who is being dressed down almost everyday.
You wanna play Hadley, let's play ball because I've got them all!