DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Virginia Woman To Be Executed In 2002 Deaths At 9 PM Tonight
Death penalty opponents argued that Lewis -- who has almost no hope of a reprieve -- should not die for a murders-for-hire scheme that spared the triggermen a capital sentence.
Lewis is set to die by lethal injection at 9 p.m. ET at Greensville Correctional Center.
The victims' family members are to witness the execution, state Department of Corrections spokesman Larry Traylor said.
Kathy Clifton, daughter of murder victim Julian Lewis and sister of victim C.J. Lewis, said she would be among the witnesses.
Lewis' attorney, Jim Rocap, described her as "remarkable" and said she was aware of what was going on, and that she accepted it.
The death row inmate pleaded guilty in the 2002 slayings of her husband and stepson in their rural home near Danville, Virginia, about 145 miles from Richmond. Two male co-conspirators were given life in prison without parole.
Lewis, whom the state argued is evil, would be the first woman executed in the United States in five years.
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The resolution, which was presented to Chief DiPino on August 20, 2010, was given by MSFA’s President Roger Powell. Stated in the resolution, “Be It Resolved by the Officers and Delegates Assembled at the 118th Annual Convention and Conference of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association; do offer our sincere thanks to Bernadette DiPino, Chief of the Ocean City Police Department, for her leadership, and to each of the members of the Ocean City Police Department for their dedication, support and cooperation, ensuring each year that the Convention and Conference is successful.”
In addition, the resolution expressed gratitude to the Town of Ocean City, the Mayor and City Council and the combined services of the Ocean City Police and Fire Department.
“It is an honor to receive a resolution from the Maryland State Firemen’s Association,” said Chief DiPino. “We take pride in the partnership we have with the Ocean City Fire Department, and we are thrilled to have expanded that partnership to the Maryland State Firemen’s Association.”
The Maryland State Firemen’s Association, which represents volunteer fire, rescue and EMS personnel of Maryland, will hold its 119th Annual Convention and Conference in Ocean City from June 18-24, 2011.
Katy Perry Too Sexy for Sesame Street?
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
Sesame Street has decided to pull Katy Perry’s segment from the show after parents complained her outfit shows too much cleavage.9/11 Words By Iran Leader Lead To Walkout
In his speech to the annual General Assembly, Ahmadinejad said it was mostly U.S. government officials who believed a terrorist group was behind the suicide hijacking attacks that brought down New York's World Trade Center and hit the Pentagon.
Another theory, he said, was "that some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy, and its grips on the Middle East, in order to save the Zionist regime" — his way of characterizing Israel.
"The majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree with this view," Ahmadinejad told the 192-nation assembly
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Check Out This Gem From MDDEMS.ORG
Marylanders Beware of National and State Republicans Making Empty Promises
Maryland Citizens Urged to Read the Fine Print in Republican Pledges that Actually Hurt Middle Class Families
Annapolis, MD (September 23, 2010) - Maryland GOP leaders showed again today that they are all talk and no action with a repackaged "pledge" from Newt Gingrich's failed experiment.
For the past year 2 years, Republicans have accomplished nothing but the art of criticism. Now that they lack a plan they are pledging to to implement the same failed Bush-era Republican economic policies that helped cause the economic crisis, only to leave middle class families to fend for themselves.
The GOP promises to bring back jobs but includes no plan to do so. The GOP's only proposal to create jobs has already been approved. The GOP promises to cut taxes and spending yet fails to mention which programs will be cut or how they will pay for tax cuts.
This pledge is nothing but a set of empty campaign promises intended to distract Maryland voters from the real issues they are facing. Voters want action not empty promises. Marylanders deserve leaders who have a plan to move forward not backward.
"Would urge Marylanders to read the fine print in any GOP or Ehrlich plan," said Maryland Democratic Party Executive Director Travis Tazelaar. "The last plan Bob Ehrlich pushed through led to $3 billion in hidden taxes and fees and historic increases in state spending."
The complex had been most recently used as a minimum-security annex for the Wicomico County Detention Center. It has been vacant since June, 2009. The National Guard will be paying $117,000 a year for the use of the facility. The County budgeted $75,000 to maintain the complex in good condition during Fiscal Year 2011.
According to a previously published report, the Maryland Army National Guard intends to move its 115th Military Police Battalion to the Annex property while the Blair L. Crockett Armory in Salisbury undergoes a major renovation. In the same report, Guard officials indicated that the renovations may take as much as two years.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases
Date of Incident: 22 September 2010
Location: 1500 block of Arbutus Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Holly A. Sterling, 33, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 22 September 2010 at 6:30 PM, a deputy went to a residence in the 1500 block of Arbutus Drive in Salisbury to look for Holly Sterling, the subject of a Circuit Court Warrant. Upon reaching the residence and making contact with Sterling, the deputy detected the odor of marijuana emanating from within the residence. During the process of taking Sterling into custody on the warrant, the deputy located a smoking device that still contained marijuana.
The deputy then transported Sterling to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance on the marijuana possession charge, Sterling was released on Personal Recognizance on that charge. However, Sterling was detained without bond in the Detention Center for the Circuit Court indictment for Distribution of CDS.
Charges: Possession of Marijuana
Incident: Theft
Date of Incident: 22 September 2010
Location: 800 block of Chippewa Blvd., Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Timothy Jones, 24, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 22 September 2010 at 10:48 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office was in the 800 block of Chippewa Blvd. when the deputy’s attention was drawn to a vehicle operated by Timothy Jones that was blaring out loud music while driving down the street. The deputy stopped the vehicle for the music and then discovered that the license plates displayed on Jones’ vehicle had been reported stolen. The deputy also discovered that Jones’ privilege to drive a motor vehicle had been suspended in Maryland.
The deputy placed Jones under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, jones was detained in the Detention Center in lieu of $5,000.00 bond.
Charges: Theft
Driving While Suspended
Incident: Escape
Date of Incident: 21 September 2010
Location: Old Ocean City Rd at Greenlawn Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: 1. Gregory L. Newcomb, 31, Salisbury, MD
2. Linda G. Bradley, 62, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 21 September 2010 at 3:13 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office observed a wanted subject, Gregory Newcomb, in a parking lot off of Old Ocean City Road. While confirming the warrant, the deputy observed Newcomb enter a vehicle and drive eastbound on Old Ocean City Road. The deputy received confirmation on the warrant and subsequently stopped the vehicle and took Newcomb into custody.
After being handcuffed and placed in the patrol vehicle, the deputy then tended to the other two passengers in Newcomb’s vehicle. While speaking with them, the deputy observed that Newcomb managed to take off his seatbelt, open the door and run away on foot, all while handcuffed behind his back.
The deputy pursued Newcomb on foot to and caught up to him on Fawn Drive, where the deputy observed him trying to get into a vehicle, still while wearing the handcuffs. The deputy managed to grab a hold of Newcomb before he was able to successfully get into the vehicle, which would be discovered to be operated by his mother, Linda Bradley. During the ensuing investigation, the deputy determined that Bradley knew that Newcomb was running from the deputy and had outstanding warrants when Bradley attempted to pick up Newcomb which resulted in the deputy also arresting Bradley.
Both Newcomb and Bradley were transported to the Central booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Newcomb was held without bond while Bradley was released on Personal Recognizance.
Additionally, Newcomb was held without bond on a Wicomico County Circuit Court Bench Warrant for Felony Theft.
Charges: Escape 2nd degree / Obstructing and Hindering (Newcomb)
Obstructing and Hindering / Harboring a Fugitive (Bradley)
Millsboro Woman Charged In Stealing From The Elderly Tenants

21111 Arrington Drive (Brandywine Assisted Living) Selbyville, De
9 victim’s ages ranging from 82-89 years of age
August 18, 2010 and August 23, 2010
Holly A. Lathbury-24 Millsboro, De
Charge(s) and Bond Information:
8 counts Burglary Second Degree
2 counts Theft $1,500 or Greater and Victim 62 Year of Age or Older
7 counts Theft Under $1,500 and Victim 62 Year of Age or Older
Theft by False Pretense Under $1,500
Falsifying Business Records
Released after posting $6,450 secured bond through a Bail Bonds Company
Selbyville-Today Delaware State Police have arrested an employee of the Brandywine Assisted Living facility located in Selbyville Delaware. Delaware State Police between August 18 and August 31, 2010 have taken nine theft complaints from the Brandywine Assisted Living complex.
State Troopers have arrested Holly A. Lathbury-24 of Millsboro on 19 total charges related to this incident. Lathbury between the aforementioned dates is alleged to have entered the rooms of 9 different victims and then stole jewelry, money and miscellaneous items. The victim’s whose ages range from 82 through 89, one of which is blind reported items being missing from their apartment style rooms. Each victim has their own individual room and the nursing assistances help maintain certain aspects of the quarters.
State Troopers learned after viewing area pawn records that Lathbury and other family members pawned items that were stolen. Most of the items stolen had already been resold however Delaware State Police did recover a few items. At this time no additional charges have been filed against the others involved with pawning the stolen items.
Today Holly A. Lathbury was arrested on 8 counts of Burglary Second Degree, 9 counts of Theft, Falsifying Business Records and Theft by False Pretense. Lathbury was released after she obtained the services of a bail bonds company on $6,450 secured bond.
GM Resumes Political Giving
The Detroit company gave $90,500 to candidates running in the current election cycle, Federal Election Commission records show.
The beneficiaries include Midwestern lawmakers, mostly Democrats, who have traditionally supported the industry's legislative agenda on Capitol Hill, including Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.), Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio) and Rep. John Dingell (D., Mich.).
The list also includes Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, the House Republican Whip, who would likely assume a top leadership post if Republicans win control of the House in November.
It isn't unusual for big companies like GM to spend on political campaigns, but complicating GM's situation is that the company is majority-owned by the U.S. government.
Here is more
Delaware State Police And Local Pediatricians Partner To Address Parents Concerns
Dover - The Delaware State Police and Delaware Pediatrics have joined forces to address concerns parents are voicing in light of the Bradley case. Utilizing an already successful child ID program with equipment funded by The Ronnie Williams Foundation, the partnership will include "The Safety Zone" which offers digital safety tips, doctor's advice and many other safety topics. One such topic is what to expect when your child goes to the Dr. submitted by Dr. Jason Hann-Deschaine of Delaware Pediatrics. Hann-Deschaine said, "This program helps parents keep their children safe by increasing awareness about important topics. I am excited by this opportunity to work with the State Police and educate families on what to expect when going to the doctor."
Another topic offered by New Castle County Councilman David Tackett, is Parks and Rec safety. Tackett said of the program."The Park can be beautiful place to go with your family but it can also be a dangerous place, It is very important to keep your family close and always be alert to your surroundings. Even in a peaceful setting you cannot let your guard down. That's why the DSP Safe Kids Cards are a valuable resource if ever needed."
Since 2006 the Delaware State Police has provided over 8,000 CD ID kits to Delaware children. The updated ID's will now offer education in addition to identification. Delaware State Police Superintendent, Col. Robert Coupe said, “The Delaware State Police appreciates the partnership we share with the Ronnie Williams Foundation; working together to protect children. We are very excited about the expanded partnership to include Delaware Pediatricians, which will allow us the opportunity to provide this valuable identification program to more families.”
This new partnership will also offer an informational website, www.delawaresafetycoalition.org The site will offer safety topics, input from participating pediatricians and printable safety activities for children. In addition to "The Safety Zone", parents can watch a short video produced by the Delaware State Police. "Run, Yell, Tell" emphasizes the importance of abduction prevention and talking with children about stranger safety.
The digital CD ID cards are available through the Delaware State Police at community events and at Delaware Pediatrics locations in North Wilmington and Townsend. All Delaware pediatricians are welcome to participate in the program. The unique partnership allows doctor's to offer their patients a vital safety tool and the Delaware State Police to assist parents with the completion of each ID. Jennifer Hawkins, Co-Founder of the Ronnie Williams Foundation says "A partnership like this opens up lines of communication among doctors, parents and police. By offering parents a program where they know they will get solid answers to their concerns is a win win scenario for everyone involved."
To find out about events where the Delaware State Police will be offering their Safe Kids Card program, visit www.thergwfoundation.org/events.html
To request the program for your community event, contact Sgt. Walter Newton at: Walter.Newton@state.de.us
If you are a pediatrician that would like to partner with the Delaware State Police and offer the CD ID's to your patients, contact Jennifer Hawkins at 302-893-0177 or visit www.delawaresafetycoalition.org
Senate Close To Delaying Vote On Bush Tax Cuts
WASHINGTON — Two leading Democrats say a Senate vote to extend sweeping tax cuts that expire in January might have to wait until after the November congressional elections.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus of Montana said he is ready to take action, but other Democrats are eager to start their election season recess, leaving little time to address the tax cuts. Democratic Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware said the political climate "is not conducive" to addressing the tax cuts before the election.
Democrats were expected to make a final decision on the debate's timing during a lunchtime caucus Thursday.
The most sweeping tax cuts in a generation, enacted in 2001 and 2003, are due to expire in January.
Bill Clinton's Renaissance And The Passage Of Time
Bill Clinton has been enjoying a renaissance among the chattering class.
Pegged to his Clinton Global Initiative, he's giving advice to President Obama that the press is eating up. "Embrace people’s anger, including their disappointment at you," he told Politico.
"And just ask ‘em to not let the anger cloud their judgment. Let it concentrate their judgment. And then make your case.”
Clinton added on "Meet the Press": "I think that [Democrats'] only chance here is to shake their own voters out of their apathy and respond to the legitimate voter anger by saying, 'What's going to happen in the next two years? What do we need to do, and who's more likely to do it.'"
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Somerset County Sheriff's Office Color Guard
Sheriff Robert N. Jones announces the formation of the Somerset County Sheriff's Office Color Guard, which recently participated in the National Hard Crab Derby Parade in Crisfield and the Labor Day Parade in Deal Island.
This unit was formed after a need was realized during the dedication ceremony of fallen Warden/Deputy Sheriff Lewis Dryden earlier this year.
Today's Survey Question
Man Arrested After Picking Fight With Pet Parrot
Three 911 calls were made following the Tuesday night incident. Lt. Renee Bush said the parrot was "squawking loudly" when officers arrived.
But the bird was fighting back, leaving one of its owner's thumbs "scratched and bloodied."
The parrot suffered a red eye and bald patches. Bush said it also was limping.
The owner told officers he was disciplining and training the bird. He was being held in the Washtenaw County Jail pending charges.
Obama Tells Iran: Come Clean On Your Nuke Program
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YouTube Channel Offers Hope To Gay Teens

Willards Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary
Will be held October 9, 2010 at the Willards Lions Club
Doors open at 5:30pm and Bingo starts at 7pm.
Food, Beverages and Desserts will be available
All Baskets and Bags will be FILLED
Chinese Auction and Raffle Tickets on sale
For Tickets and info visit www.willardsfire.com,
Last Week It Was Bikers, This Week Its Farmers
Squatters Moving Into Upscale Neighborhoods
On the big screen, actor Randy Quaid may be best known for his mooching, move-in-and-never-leave character “Cousin Eddie” from National Lampoon's "Vacation” films. Last weekend, he allegedly followed his own Hollywood script.
Quaid and his wife, Evi, were arrested Saturday after they were found living in a guest house on a million-dollar, Montecito, Calif., property Quaid once owned. While Quaid claims his name remains on the deed, the actor and his wife were jailed until they were able to post $10,000 bail.
Quaid is hardly alone in his distinctly post-bubble legal trouble. Such high-end "mansion squatting" has becomg an increasingly visible irritant in or near Seattle, St. Louis, Chicago and Los Angeles and probably elsewhere, industry experts say.
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Obama's Aunt Not Sorry She Accepted Public Housing
Zeituni Onyango tells WBZ-TV in her first interview since being granted asylum in May that the United States is supposed to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and "help people, help the poor, help other countries and help women."
Onyango came to the U.S. from Kenya in 2000 and was denied asylum by an immigration judge in 2004. She stayed in the country illegally, living in Boston public housing, where she remains to this day.
Jobless Claims Rise For 1st Time In 5 Weeks
The Labor Department says initial claims for jobless aid rose by 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 465,000. Many economists had expected a flat reading or a small drop.
The rise suggests that jobs remain scarce and some companies are still cutting workers amid sluggish economic growth. Initial claims have fallen from a recent spike of more than half-million last month. But they have been stuck above the 450,000 level for most of the year.
The four-week average of claims, a less volatile measure, declined by 3,250 to 463,250. That's the lowest level since the end of July, but down by only 4,000 since January.
S-510 Food Safety Bill Is Dangerous
The food safety bill is a misnomer as it will be ruinous to our ability to grown, sell and eat healthy foods. It is the ultimate in Government take-over of our lives.
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The ad is mostly a series of obviously scripted sound bites spoken by unidentified persons who whine about the tax displayed above “Andy Harris: 23% Sales Tax”. According to Susan Tilghman it would “really make things unaffordable.” In a second quick take she says “I don’t know how we would manage.” Mark Tilghman remains silent throughout.
Either the Tilghmans were duped by Kratovil (or his PR firm) or their Salisbury law practice does not net enough for them to pay very much as income and employment taxes. Given their educational level and acumen, it’s very hard to believe that they think Andy Harris is proposing additional taxation or that no reduction of other taxes would occur as part of the plan. Mr. and Ms. Tilghman can explain what they actually think or understand about the matter by sending a message that will be posted on this blog.
The format and substance of the Kratovil ad is similar to ads that have been run by Democrat operatives in other states this year to falsely smear Republican candidates who support the Fair Tax Plan. A respected public watchdog group – FactCheck.org – has criticized those ads as “misleading,” which is putting it mildly. In this case, the ad is being run by Kratovil himself – he states at the end that “I approve this message.” Bad move, Frankie boy.
Mr. Kratovil should issue promptly a public apology to both Andy Harris and the residents of the First Congressional District for trying to smear him and scam them – and thereby spare Mr. and Ms. Tilghman the embarrassment of doing so. And Kratovil should fire whoever on his campaign staff talked him into copying a false and unfair ad that FactCheck has previously taken to the woodshed. And, if it was his idea, other action is appropriate.
[for information about the Fair Tax Plan see www.fairtax.org]
Posts Every 5 Minutes
Castle May Be Next To Submit Write-In Bid
He says he "probably won't do it. But he notes that he's "given it some thought."
Last week, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) launched a drastic, last-ditch, write-in effort to try to retain her Senate seat. In August, attorney Joe Miller unexpectedly edged Murkowski to secure the GOP's Senate nomination.
Now a week after losing to tea-party endorsed Christine O'Donnell, Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE) isn't ruling out following in Murkowski's footsteps. O'Donnell upset Castle for Delaware's GOP Senate nomination in the biggest shocker of the 2010 political cycle.
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RNC Pays Palin Legal Bills In Exchange For Help
The Times obtained a copy of a check for $128,518.85 that was made out to Anchorage law firm Clapp, Peterson, Van Flein, Tiemessen & Thorsness, which Palin hired after a string of ethics charges were lodged against her when she was Alaska's governor and the GOP's nominee for vice president.
RNC Treasurer Randy Pullen, who co-signed the check with RNC Chief Administrative Officer Boyd Rutherford, said Rutherford told him the check was in exchange for Palin's help with RNC Chairman Michael S. Steele to raise money for midterm election campaigns.
"The initial payment was for Palin to do several different fundraising events and sign fundraising letters for the RNC," Pullen said. He said the RNC has committed to sending the Anchorage law firm a second check of an equal amount, which would bring the total to $257,037.70.
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Dem Drops F-Bomb On Tea Party
The head of the Ohio Democratic Party is brushing off his description of Tea Partiers and other opponents of President Obama's health care law as "f--kers," saying he shares a penchant for blurting with Vice President Biden.
"It is what it is," Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern told Fox News regarding his Monday appearance at an endorsement event by the United Steelworkers for several Ohio Democrats, including Gov. Ted Strickland.
"Vice President Biden and I have a way with words," Redfern said, conjuring up the vice president's description this spring of the signing of the health care law as a "big f---ing deal."
He also suggested the audience could handle it.
"Look, I was speaking to 40 grizzled steelworkers," Redfern said.
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Farm Owner Pleads Fifth In Egg Recall Hearing
The owner of Wright County Egg, Austin "Jack" DeCoster, said he was "horrified" to learn than his products might have been the cause of the illnesses. The CEO of Hillandale Farms, Orland Bethel, cited his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and did not answer questions.
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Get Ready For A Wave Of Bank Mergers
Banks have a problem. Loans outstanding have dropped 10 percent since October 2008, the sharpest contraction in more than 35 years, according to Goldman Sachs (GS). That's left them with unused lending capacity, idle cash, and depressed market values. As analysts at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods (KBW), Rochdale Securities, and CreditSights see it, those conditions make the industry ripe for a wave of takeovers that could rival the buying binge of 2001 to 2007.
This time, the four biggest banks won't be doing any significant buying. Bank of America (BAC), JPMorgan Chase, (JPM) and Wells Fargo (WFC) each controls something in the neighborhood of 10 percent of U.S. deposits, the most permitted by regulators when considering takeovers, and Citigroup (C) is trying to sell assets. The absence of those banks may keep prices down in any merger wave. And it leaves the field to regional banks such as U.S. Bancorp (USB) and PNC Financial Services Group (PNC). "Those companies have the luxury of looking at anything," says KBW analyst Christopher McGratty.
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GOP 'Pledge To America' Looks Unlikely To Inspire
So, with that in mind, what should voters make of the GOP "Pledge to America" that will be unveiled Thursday? Whereas the contract was mostly procedural, promising such changes as requiring a three-fifths majority to raise taxes, the pledge offers more policy specifics. Some of them, such as an intention to keep the Guantánamo Bay detention facility open, are a bit overly specific and odd. Guantánamo is regarded by experts across the political spectrum as an imperfect solution to the vexing problem of where to keep suspected foreign terrorists. One would hope that keeping people who have been never been convicted of a crime in permanent legal limbo is not something that Republicans, much less swing voters, are actually enthusiastic about.
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Tax, Spending Cuts Top GOP 'Pledge To America'
WASHINGTON — Six weeks before midterm elections, House Republicans vowed to cut taxes and federal spending, repeal President Barack Obama's health care law and ban federal funding of abortion as part of a campaign manifesto designed to propel them to victory in November and a majority in the next Congress.
The "Pledge to America," circulated to GOP lawmakers Wednesday, emphasizes job creation and spending control, as well as changing the way Congress does business. It steered clear of controversial issues such as Social Security and Medicare, big drivers of deficit spending.
Draft of House Republican leadership's Pledge to America (PDF)
It pairs some familiar Republican ideas — such as deep spending cuts, medical liability reform and stricter border enforcement — with an anti-government call to action that draws on tea party themes and echoes voters' disgruntlement with the economy and Obama's leadership.
"Regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent," reads a preamble to the agenda. "An arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites makes decisions, issues mandates, and enacts laws without accepting or requesting the input of the many."
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"Super" Harvest Moon Lights Up The Sky Tonight
Farmers named the harvest moon -a full moon near the time of fall equinox - in the days before electric lights. Farmers used the harvest moon to spend more time gathering crops.
Typically the harvest moon comes within days or weeks of the equinox. But this year the moon hits its maximum brightness six hours after the equinox, which is at 8:10 p.m., said Griffith Observatory Curator Laura Danly.
The full moon is at its brightest at 2:17 a.m
Blockbuster Files For Bankruptcy Protection
In a submission to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York on Thursday, the company said it plans to recapitalize its balance sheet and transform its business model.
Once a home entertainment powerhouse, Blockbuster has been losing market share and money for years as more Americans rent DVDs from subscription service Netflix Inc. and popularity surged for streaming video over the Internet.
The company, which had warned investors it might file for bankruptcy protection, was delisted in early July by the New York Stock Exchange.
Texas School Board Debates 'Pro-Islamic' Bias In Textbooks
It appeared that Texas had finished battling over textbooks — with social conservatives winning a clear victory in May — but the Texas State Board of Education is taking up another explosive curriculum question: Are Texan youth being fed a sugar-coated version of Islam while Christianity is unfairly taken to task for its sins?
At a three-day meeting that started Wednesday, the board is scheduled to consider a resolution that would require it to reject textbooks that it determines are tainted with teaching “pro-Islamic, anti-Christian half-truths and selective disinformation,” a bias that it argues is reflected in current schoolbooks.
“I think our documentation clearly shows that the bias is there,” said Randy Rives of Odessa, who drafted the resolution. “And we feel that it was not done on accident.”
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$190 Million Contract Approved For State Veterans Home Despite Lower Bid

After scrutiny from the Board of Contract Appeals on a lower bid and being pulled from meeting agendas twice, the Board of Public Works on Wednesday unanimously approved a $190 million contract for HMR of Maryland to continue managing the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home until 2014.
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So far we are not aware of any upcoming public events with local candidates -- broadcast or otherwise -- by any group, including the League of Women Voters, Greater Salisbury Committee, etc. Before the primary the local Chamber of Commerce did luncheon discussions with local candidates that were not well attended due to the time and location.
This is an opportunity for more election coverage by SBYNEWS -- so stay tuned to this channel!
Yard Sales Anyone?
Please send all requests to atlanticjw@aol.com.
This is a FREE service.
Please type "yard sale" in the subject of your email, as some are found in the spam folder. Feel free to add as much information as possible including address, directions, date and times, and items for sale.
Justice's Panther Pursuer To Testify On Case
Commission officials confirmed Wednesday that Christopher Coates, who signed off on the federal-court complaint saying three party members had disrupted a Philadelphia polling place in the 2008 elections, had agreed in a hand-delivered letter to testify when the panel reconvenes its hearing on the case.
In the letter, Mr. Coates said he wanted to attend the meeting “to present testimony to comply with the outstanding subpoena served on me as part of your statutory investigation.”
In December, the Justice Department had told the attorneys who filed the complaint not to cooperate in the commission's investigation. Joseph H. Hunt, director of the Justice Department's Federal Programs Branch, had ordered the lawyers' silence, saying there were “well-established” and “lawful” department guidelines prohibiting them from cooperating with the commission.
Mr. Hunt said at the time that the Civil Rights Commission “possesses no authority to initiate criminal prosecution of anyone” and could only make referrals to the Justice Department recommending that a criminal case be opened. He said the commission did not have the authority to enforce subpoenas.
The commission had subpoenaed Mr. Coates and J. Christian Adams, the lead attorney in the New Black Panther Party case, in December, seeking their testimony and documents to explain why the complaint was dismissed just as a federal judge was about to punish the party members, who never responded to the charges.
Just days after the Hunt ruling, Mr. Coates was removed from his post as section chief of the Voting Rights Division and transferred to the U.S. attorney's office in South Carolina.
Merit Pay Study: Teacher Bonuses Don't Raise Student Test Scores
Offering middle-school math teachers bonuses up to $15,000 did not produce gains in student test scores, Vanderbilt University researchers reported Tuesday in what they said was the first scientifically rigorous test of merit pay.
The results (pdf) could amount to a cautionary flag about paying teachers for the performance of their students, a reform strategy the Obama administration and many states and school districts have favored despite lukewarm support or outright opposition from teachers' unions.
The U.S. Department of Education has put a great deal of effort into prodding school districts and states to try merit-pay systems as part of its Race to the Top competition, although teachers' unions have often objected on the grounds that they don't have fair and reliable ways to measure performance. In most school districts, teacher pay is based on years of experience and educational attainment levels.
The report's authors, of the National Center on Performance Incentives (NCPI) at Vanderbilt University's Peabody College of Education, stress that theirs is just one approach. The Nashville teachers who hit the mark based on their students' test scores received a bump in their paychecks but no additional mentoring or professional development. Neither their principals nor fellow teachers knew who participated in the experiment or who received bonuses.
The Electoral College Takes Another Hit
As previously stated, it is also important to remember the three other state legislatures that approved the scheme but met with gubernatorial vetoes (California, Rhode Island, Vermont). A reasonable legal argument can be made that the gubernatorial vetoes are irrelevant. Thus, NPV may have as many as 138 electoral votes.
At its heart, NPV is a blatant strike at the Constitution. It tears apart a well-established institution that was admired by the Founding generation and that has served America successfully for centuries.
Second, NPV achieves its objective only because its plan does an end-run around the constitutional amendment process.
The Council’s action gives constitutionalists in both parties an excellent opportunity to highlight their allegiance to the Constitution during this election season. Constitutionalists in the House and Senate should sponsor resolutions of disapproval if and when NPV is signed by D.C.’s mayor. Those congressmen who fail to defend the Electoral College — and thus our Constitution — should be held to account at the polls.
New Tea Party: Energy, Money And Detente With GOP
Separate tea party groups still squabble over roles for Republican insiders within the movement, but the conservative activists and GOP stalwarts have reached a truce for the common goal of defeating Democrats, heeding calls for unity from Republicans including Sarah Palin.
One group — the nonprofit Tea Party Patriots — on Tuesday announced a $1 million donation from an anonymous donor, a shot of cash to be spent before the election on voter mobilization efforts. The Tea Party Express is preparing to assist specific candidates, building on its targeted advertising campaigns during primary races in Delaware, Alaska and Nevada.
Meanwhile, the Republican Party and GOP-allied outside groups are already helping some tea party-backed candidates, most notably Sharron Angle who is seeking to unseat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid in Nevada.
"Ultimately, that's what we all hope happens, as citizens," said Tea Party Patriots co-founder Mark Meckler. "The political parties support the candidates that the people support, not the other way around."
It's hardly unusual for opposing forces to coalesce after primaries to confront the opposition party. But the vigor with which tea party activists went after longtime Republican office holders — such as Sen. Robert Bennett in Utah and Rep. Mike Castle in Delaware — had raised the prospects of a rift that would be difficult to heal.
But Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, was offering plenty of salve Tuesday.
"I think the tea party's been a very constructive movement in American politics," he said. "People are tired of everything thrown at them from Washington, and they are not going to take it anymore. We have embraced their enthusiasm and their energy in the Republican primaries and now we're strongly behind all the Republican nominees, including a number of candidates who are very actively supported by the tea party movement."
Murkowski To Keep Position On Energy, Resources Panel
After debating her future during a closed-door meeting, the GOP conference voted to let Murkowski keep her committee position despite the write-in challenge she has mounted against Joe Miller, the winner of her state’s Republican primary.
Republicans worry Murkowski’s candidacy could cause their party a safe seat by splitting the GOP vote with Miller, who upset Murkowski after receiving support from the Tea Party movement and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R).
But several of her colleagues argued Wednesday that Murkowski should get to keep her committee position as she fights to retain her seat in the Senate.
Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas) and George Voinovich (Ohio) were among several senators who spoke in her favor, according to Republican aides. They said the conference should not do anything to harm her following Murkowski’s resignation as vice chairwoman of the Senate GOP conference
“Most felt that she had stepped down from her leadership post and that [Sen. Richard] Burr [R-N.C.] would be ranking member on Energy next Congress if he wanted it,” one senior Senate GOP aide said.
Up until the meeting, Republicans had been expected to name Burr, who is also up for reelection this year, as the Energy panel’s senior Republican, at least in an acting capacity, for the remainder of the year. Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) had spoken to Republicans on the panel on Tuesday about removing Murkowski.
Pelosi And Hoyer Split On Tax Vote Before November Elections
A split has opened between Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) over whether to hold a vote before the midterm elections on extending the George W. Bush-era tax cuts for the middle class.
In closed-door leadership meetings this week, Pelosi has pushed for the House to act on the middle-income tax cuts before lawmakers bolt Washington for the campaign trail, while Hoyer wants the House to wait for the Senate to act first, according to Democratic aides.
The disagreement between the two party leaders reflects a broader divide in the Democratic Caucus. Centrist and vulnerable Democrats want to push a vote on the tax cuts until after the election, and many want a temporary extension on rates for the wealthy in addition to a permanent extension of the current rates for the middle class. Liberal Democrats want an immediate vote on extending the middle-class cuts, arguing that the move would give incumbents an act to tout on the campaign trail and would force Republicans into a political corner.
Hoyer indicated his preference at his weekly briefing with reporters on Tuesday. “I want to see what the Senate can do,” he said. “I think that will have a great effect on what members believe ought to be done or can be done.”
Pressed on whether the House should vote on it even if the Senate did not, Hoyer replied: “We want to see what the Senate can get done. Let me reiterate that and leave it at that.”
Pelosi has not said publicly whether she wants to hold a vote before or after the election. At a press conference last week, she pledged only that the tax cuts for the middle class ultimately would be extended.
“What I believe the American people deserve is a tax cut for the middle class, and without getting into procedure and timing and process, what we’re going to do is to say, at the end of the day, the extension of the Obama middle-income tax cuts will take place,” she said.
[You like that? The 'Obama' middle-income tax cuts. I guess we won't Blame Bush this time.-- Editor]
New Health Care Provisions Go Into Effect This Week, But Read The Fine Print
GO HERE to read more.
Get Out The Eggnog, It's Christmastime At Home Depot

Which CDOs And Banks Had Deals With The Most Cross-Ownership?

As we reported last month in our story with NPR’s Planet Money, top investment banks on Wall Street created fake demand for their hottest product – mortgage-backed securities called collateralized debt obligations [2] – in the two years before the financial meltdown. Their activity increased banker bonuses but ultimately made the crisis worse. As real investors fled the market, Wall Street’s CDO machine arranged for CDOs to buy other CDOs.
We have now created an interactive feature that lets you see for yourself [1] one way in which the market became rife with self-dealing. As our story noted, we found 85 instances during 2006 and 2007 where two CDOs bought pieces of each other's unsold inventory. These trades, which involved $107 billion worth of CDOs, approximately a fifth of the market, underscore the extent to which the market lacked real buyers. Often the CDOs that swapped purchases closed within days of each other.
GO HERE to read more.
President Obama Selling Health Care Overhaul
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
The Patients' Bill of Rights, an important part of President Obama's health care bill, kicks in on Thursday. Now, the president is campaigning for support for the changes before mid-term elections.
How To Get The Best Deals At 10 Major Retail Chains
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Republican Governors Association Attack Ad Flunks Fact Checks
Will Ehrlich Ask D.C. Republicans to Retract Their Dishonest Ad?
Annapolis, MD - Independent media outlets are questioning the dishonest and misleading claims in the latest RGA-funded attack ad, leading the Maryland Democratic Party to wonder: will Bob Ehrlich ask his Republicans allies in Washington, D.C., to pull down their dishonest attack?
Both TBD and The Baltimore Sun ran articles yesterday questioning the truthfulness of the out-of-state attack ad currently running on Ehrlich's behalf.
"Bob Ehrlich's national Republican allies are misleading Maryland voters with a factually-inaccurate and dishonest attack ad, and independent media outlets are calling him out on it," said Travis Tazelaar, Maryland Democratic Party Executive Director."The only question now is whether Bob Ehrlich will do the honorable thing and demand that national Republicans pull their dishonest ad until they can get their facts straight."According to TBD, the RGA "doesn't have all their facts straight," noting that the RGA is "placing the blame on O'Malley" for the national recession, when in fact "a case can be made that Maryland is managing the recession - which state policy didn't cause - better than most." TBD goes on to point out flat-out inaccuracies in two of the ad's major claims about O'Malley's record.
The Baltimore Sun's Second Opinion column took a similarly skeptical view of the RGA ad, noting that "unemployment in Maryland, despite an uptick reported today, is still well lower than the national average, and personal income in the state is above pre-recession levels, a distinction Maryland shares with just one other state."
The Sun also took issue with a misleading claim in Ehrlich's own ad: "the 'massive tax increase' is conjecture on Mr. Ehrlich's part. No Democratic leaders, and certainly not Mr. O'Malley, have announced any such plan."
In contrast, the Sun upheld the O'Malley campaign's factual claims about Bob Ehrlich, writing that the "claims about [Ehrlich's] record in the [O'Malley] ad are true - in addition to the property tax increase in his first year in office, Mr. Ehrlich raised a wide variety of fees, most prominently car registration fees and tolls, and enacted the 'flush tax,' which assesses a fee to help pay for upgrades to Chesapeake Bay-polluting sewage treatment plants."
Chris Coons: 'I Studied Under A Marxist'
(A serious hat tip to Dan Riehl over at Riehl World View.)
Now the title of this article has been bandied about in a few media quarters, only to be laughed at and dismissed. Coons himself leads us to believe that he was just joshing.
The problem? No one is taking the time to really read the contents of the article and connect it to what's going on right this minute in American politics.
As mentioned earlier this week, if what Christine O'Donnell did in high school is important, than what we have here is a very disturbing look at the mind of a man who now thinks he's entitle to a seat in the United States Senate.
Here's Chris Coons on Chris Coons:
"The point that others ignore is that I was ready to change. Experiences at Amherst my first two years made me skeptical and uncomfortable with Republicanism…"
"Kenya provided a needed catalyst; …I studied under a bright and eloquent Marxist professor at the University of Nairobi…"
"Some of the 'Leftists' that I met were terrifyingly persuasive, although I never admitted that."
"…several professors challenged the basic assumptions about America and world relations with which I had grown up…and undermined the accepted value of progress and the cultural superiority of the West."
"I came to suspect…that the ideal of America as 'a beacon of freedom and justice, providing hope for the world' was not exactly based on reality."
"What do other nations think of us? Can private enterprise and democracy solve the problems of developing nations? Is Marxism an evil ideology, leading millions into totalitarian slavery? These were some of the questions in the back of my mind…"
"I realize that Kenya and America are very different, but experiences like this warned me that my own favorite beliefs in the miracles of free enterprise and the boundless opportunities to be had in America might be largely untrue."
In short then, Chris Coons the Senate candidate is determined to get to the Senate and be an agent of the Obama radical redistributionist agenda.
And the person that stands in the way is Christine O'Donnell.
Any questions?
Salisbury, MD - Safe Kids Lower Shore MD will celebrate Child Passenger Safety Week (September 19-25) by conducting a FREE car seat checkup event for families and their children on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at the Fruitland Walmart from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. Nationally, certified child passenger safety technicians will be available to provide child safety seat inspections and hands-on education to parents and caregivers.
“Research shows that as children age, they are less likely to be in the appropriate child safety seat for their age and weight,” said Tammy Griffin, Coordinator of Safe Kids Lower Shore MD. “Safe Kids Lower Shore MD would like to change that by helping assure that each child in a vehicle is fully protected. Every child deserves to grow up safely and we are pleased to work with our partners at the state and local level to promote and improve child safety in vehicles during this week.”
Safe Kids Buckle Up, the child passenger safety program of Safe Kids USA in partnership with the General Motors Foundation, hosts child safety seat checkups and other vehicle safety events throughout the year.
Nationwide, the Safe Kids Buckle Up program has reached more than 21 million people with local coalitions inspecting more than 1.28 million car seats since the program began in 1997. Parents and caregivers can find additional Safe Kids Buckle Up seat check events by visiting the Safe Kids web-site at www.SafeKids.org.
A 2008 report from NHTSA shows that children from birth to age 1 were in a car seat 99 percent of the time. Children from ages 1-3 were in car seats 92 percent of the time and kids 4-7 were in seats 89 percent of the time. Sadly, as kids get to be between 8-12 they ride in a restraint only 85 percent of the time.
Also according to NHTSA, child safety seats reduce the risk of death for infants (under 1 year old) in a vehicle crash by 71 percent, and reduce the likelihood to toddlers (1 to 4 years old) by 54 percent. All 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have laws requiring children to be restrained while riding in cars.
Parents and caregivers should follow a few basic guidelines to determine which restraint system is best suited to protect their children in a vehicle:
· For the best possible protection keep infants in a back seat, in rear-facing child safety seats, as long as possible—up to the height or weight limit of the particular seat. Never turn a child forward-facing before age 1 and at least 20 pounds, although keeping kids rear-facing until at least age 2 is safer and preferred if the seat allows.
· When children outgrow their rear-facing seats, they should ride in forward-facing child safety seats, in a back seat, until they reach the upper weight or height limit of the particular harnessed seat. Many newer seats exceed the old 40 pound weight limit.
· Once children outgrow their forward-facing seats, they should ride in booster seats, in the back seat, until the vehicle seat belts fit properly.
· Seat belts fit properly when the lap belt lays across the upper thighs and the shoulder belt rests on the shoulder or collar bone (usually when the child is between 8 and 12 years old, approximately 4’9” tall and 80 to 100 pounds).
Baltimore, MD -- Today, Governor O'Malley will continue the 'Kitchen Table' talk series, meeting with Montgomery College students at the home of a local family whose son recently graduated from the school. Last week, Governor O'Malley kicked off the series with County Executive Jim Smith and Baltimore County moms.
The 'Kitchen Table' Talks are part of an ongoing conversation that Governor O'Malley and Lt. Governor Brown began with Maryland families in 2006 to discuss the choices we make to keep Maryland moving forward.
Governor O'Malley will also greet Marylanders at the Silver Spring Metro station, meet with members of Montgomery County Democratic Clubs and join with all of the primary candidates from Baltimore County for a unity rally.
Governor to meet Marylanders at Metro
Silver Spring Metro Station
8400 Colesville Road
Silver Spring, MD
Governor to meet with Montgomery County Democratic clubs
Silver Spring Tastee Diner
8601 Cameron Street
Silver Spring, MD
Governor to hold 'Kitchen Table' talk
20428 Aspen Hill Lane
Montgomery Village, MD
Governor to attend Baltimore County Unity Rally
1035 York Road
Towson, MD
Second Contest Question
The Fruitland Recreation Commission
is holding a contest for 2 FREE tickets
to the All-You-Eat-Breakfast at Uno'son Saturday, Septemper 25, 2010
7:00 am - 10:00 am
The question is:
The Fruitland Chamber sponsored the City of Fruitland's slogan contest which garnered 121 entries...
What was the winning Slogan?
(The answer can be found on the chamber's web page @ www.fruitlandchamber.com)
When you answer the question, please leave your first and last name.
The tickets will be waiting for you at the door on Saturday, just ask for Kimmie.
Good Luck!
City/County Government Office Building Room 301
Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.
6:08 p.m. PROCLAMATION – Mayor James Ireton, Jr.
Proclaiming "Code Enforcement Month"
6:13 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Brenda Colegrove
September 13, 2010 minutes 1a
Resolution No. 1969 - reappointment of William Ahtes to the Central City District Commission
Resolution No. 1970 – reappointment of Donna Forgash and Dr. Francis Kane to the Ethics Commission
Resolution No. 1971 – appointment of Christopher Eccleston to the Marina Committee
Resolution No. 1972- approving a project to help the expansion of Kids of Honor® Programs within the City of Salisbury to include the STARS afterschool programs
Resolution No. 1973 - accepting grant funding from the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators for investigations into prescription drug fraud
Resolution No. 1974 - accepting funds in cooperation with the Wicomico County Circuit Court to provide for overtime reimbursement to police officers participating in the Circuit Court Drug Treatment Program
Resolution No. 1975 - accepting from the Lower Shore Sierra Club the gift of $600 in annual dues to provide membership for a period of one year in the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives Organization
Resolution No. 1976 – accepting federal funds awarded by the U.S. Justice Department through an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program for maintaining and upgrading the technology of the Salisbury Police Department
6:18 p.m. AWARD OF BIDS – Assistant Internal Services Director-Procurement Mark Reilly
6:30 p.m. ORDINANCES – City Attorney Paul Wilber
Ordinance No. 2122 - 2nd reading - amending Section 10.12.010 of the Salisbury Municipal Code to update the snow emergency routes
Ordinance No. 2123 - 1st reading - establishing the fee schedule for an automatic sprinkler system in a one-and-two-family dwelling
Ordinance No. 2124 - 1st reading - establishing a fee structure for the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Salisbury Board of Zoning Appeals,and the Mayor and City Council relative to advertising fees for certainpublic hearings
Ordinance No. 2125 - 1st reading - amending the FY11 General Fund Budget to provide additional funds to cover repairs of the slate roof and gutters at the Poplar Hill Mansion
7:15 p.m. RESOLUTIONS – City Administrator John Pick
Resolution No. 1977 - petitioning the Administration and the Maryland General Assembly to reinstate State shared revenues diverted from municipal governments to fund operations of the State and to provide more diverse revenue raising authority to municipalities
Resolution No. 1978 - approving the extension of acting status for Acting Resource Manager Tina Roach
Resolution No. 1979 - approving the extension of acting status for Acting Fleet Maintenance Supervisor Benjamin Baker

Woman Arrested after Leaving Child in Car Unattended

Date of Occurrence: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 1:30 p.m.
Suspect: Erica Dugan, 25, 200 block of North Maryland Avenue, Wilmington, DE
Endangering the Welfare of a Child
Reckless Endangering
Victim: 1 year old Wilmington female
Resume: A 25 year old Wilmington woman has been arrested by the Delaware State Police after she left a one year old child alone in a car this afternoon.
The incident occurred at approximately 1:30 this afternoon as Erica Dugan of North Maryland Avenue in Wilmington parked her vehicle in the parking lot of the Walmart store located on Centerville Road. Dugan then exited the vehicle and went inside of the store leaving a one year old female child who she was babysitting, behind. Concerned patrons, seeing the child alone in the car sweating profusely, called police. Responding troopers located Dugan inside of the Walmart and took her into custody after finding that she had been inside of the store for close to an hour. She was charged with one count each of Endangering the Welfare of a Child and Reckless Endangering. Dugan was arraigned at JP Court #2 are released on $2000.00 unsecured bail. The child was not injured and turned over to her mother.

“I am extremely pleased our campaign was able to attract such a talented group of professionals,” said Wargotz. “The experience this team brings to the table will be invaluable in our quest to retire Barbara Mikulski this November and bring real leadership back to Washington.”
The campaign has announced the following hires:
Bo Harmon will serve as campaign director, overseeing the strategic direction of the Wargotz campaign. Harmon has been a senior advisor on several high profile campaigns in Maryland and around the country and is currently a partner at Response America, a successful political consulting firm.
Demetrios Karoutsos will manage day-to-day operations and campaign communications. Karoutsos has worked with candidates and political organizations in Maryland and in 12 countries around the world.
Carin Nersesian will serve as Finance Director and oversee fundraising operations. She has 12 years of political, policy and fundraising experience working for Congressional campaigns and trade associations.
Suzannah Weeks will manage political, scheduling and administrative activities. She brings over 8 years experience working in both the House and Senate on Capitol Hill to the campaign.
Inaugural ‘Good Beer Festival’ On Tap For October 9-10, 2010
(Salisbury, MD) With summer over and a new season upon us, minds quickly turn with the anticipation of fall favorites including the changing of the leaves, pumpkin carving and of course fall festivals. This season, Wicomico Recreation, Parks & Tourism is excited to bring a new festival to the mix, The Good Beer Festival. Designed to showcase craft beers from around the country to an audience of Maryland Eastern Shore locals and regional visitors alike, The Good Beer Festival is on tap for Saturday, October 9th and Sunday, October 10th from 12:30pm to 6:30pm each day at Pemberton Historical Park.
Featuring over 50 craft beers, adult admission gets you as many 2oz. samples as you can responsibly consume. Local favorites including Evolution Craft Brewery, Dogfish Head and 16 Mile will be represented along with many other unique craft beers from throughout the country. Guests can also purchase full pints of their favorite craft brews as they meander the festival grounds relaxing to the sounds of live entertainment, perusing the eclectic wares for sale or snacking on delicious cuisine offered by local area restaurants.
Entertainment includes both a main and side music stage. The guitar-driven pop rock of Love Seed Mama Jump will bring the festival to an energetic close on Saturday while the laid back bluegrass of Chester River Runoff will create the perfect relaxed atmosphere for Sunday afternoon. On the side stage, local favorites include blues aficionado Chris English and Wes Davis with the Davis Holiday Band. Sport fans need not worry about missing their favorite team play, as the Fox 21 Sports Zone will be playing all of the weekend’s big games.
The Good Beer Festival will take place at the beautiful Pemberton Historical Park located in Salisbury, Maryland. This historic nature park hosts the 18th Century Pemberton Hall as well as miles of hiking trails, water views and historic buildings. In an effort to protect the natural surroundings, Eagle Recycling will generously manage all recycling efforts at the festival. Advanced tickets are available for $20 per day or $30 for a two-day pass. Tickets purchased at the gate will be $25. Youth and Designated Driver tickets are also available for $5.
Proceeds from The Good Beer Festival will benefit the Department’s Recreation and Parks Division and be used to help offset rising program costs. Visit www.goodbeerfestival.org for a complete festival schedule or to purchase tickets.
“Operation Diamond Dog” Nets 35, Five More Still Being Sought
Rodney Village (West of US 13 Dover)
Star Hill (East of Camden)
Meadowbrook Acres (Magnolia)
Woodland Manor Mobile Home Park (Felton)
Six month long investigation
Goals and Objectives:
Targeting Cocaine and Marijuana distribution in Kent County Central Delaware
Seizure Items:
$206,032.00 United States Currency
Over 1 pound of Crack Cocaine
Approx: 7 pounds of powdered Cocaine
Marijuana, Heroin, Ecstasy, Xanax and Vicodin pills, 13 firearms, 11 vehicles and nine canines used for dog fighting
Participating Agencies:
Spear Headed by:
Kent County Drug Task Force/ Governors Task Force
Assisting Agencies:
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Delaware State Police (Troop 3 Criminal Investigative Unit, Electronic Surveillance Unit, Delaware Information and Analysis Center (DIAC), Special Operations Response Team, Sussex County Drug Task Force/ Sussex County Governors Task Force, New Castle County Drug Task Force, New Castle County Governors Task Force)
Dover Police Department (Drug Unit, Special Operations Response Team, Safe Streets)
Camden Police Department
Georgetown Police Department
Delaware Department of Correction
Office of Probation and Parole
Kent County District Attorney General’s Office
Over 100 law enforcement personnel utilized over a span of six months
Defendant and Charge(s):
Marquinn Bordley-35 Felton, De
Racketeering, 7 counts Trafficking Cocaine, 7 counts Delivery of Marijuana, 21 counts Conspiracy 2nd Degree, 8 counts Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances, 4 counts Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances, 2 counts Criminal Solicitation 2nd Degree, 5 counts Delivery of Cocaine, 3 counts Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 2 counts Possession With Intent to Deliver Marijuana, Resisting Arrest
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $1,000,000 cash bond
Nathaniel D. Evans-34 Dover, De
Trafficking Cocaine, Conspiracy 2nd Degree
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $1,000000 cash bond
William A. Loper-38 Felton, De
Racketeering, 7 counts Trafficking Cocaine, 7 counts Delivery of Marijuana, 18 counts Conspiracy 2nd Degree, 11 counts Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances, 2 counts Possession With Intent to Deliver Marijuana, Resisting Arrest
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $1,000,000 cash bond
Deandrae Thomas-19 Dover, De
5 counts Possession of a Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony, Assault 2nd Degree, 3 counts Reckless Endangering 1st Degree, 5 counts Reckless Endangering 2nd Degree, Fail to Obey the Command of a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, 2 counts of Criminal Mischief, Extortion, Robbery 1st Degree, Attempted Murder 1st Degree, Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony, 3 counts Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited, 13 counts Conspiracy 2nd Degree, 15 counts Delivery of Cocaine, 20 counts of Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances, 6 counts Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 7 counts of Trafficking Cocaine, 5 counts Possession with Intent to Deliver Cocaine, 8 counts Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana, Racketeering, 8 counts Criminal Solicitation 2nd Degree, Delivery of Marijuana
Gander Hill Correctional Center $184,500.00 Cash bond
Juan C. Benitez-28 Wilmington, De
2 counts Trafficking Cocaine, 2 counts Possession with Intent to Deliver Cocaine, 2 counts Conspiracy 2nd Degree, 2 counts Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances, 3 counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $515,000 cash bond
Luis A. Sanchez-46 Hazelton, Pa
Trafficking Cocaine, Possession with Intent to Deliver Cocaine, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances, 2 counts Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Criminal Impersonation
Howard R. Young Correctional Institute $2,177250.00 cash bond
Latoya Barlow-22 YOA Magnolia, De
Racketeering, Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited, Carrying a Concealed Deadly Weapon, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Trafficking Cocaine. Released after posting $25,000 secured bond
Shakesha Sullivan-29 YOA Dover, De
Racketeering, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Trafficking Cocaine
Released after posting $20,500 secured bond
Earleen Bordley-60 YOA Felton, De
Racketeering, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Trafficking Cocaine
Remanded to Delores J. Baylor Women’s Correctional Institute $61,000 secured bond
Rakeem I Peace-20 YOA Dover, De
Racketeering, 2 counts conspiracy 2nd Degree, Robbery 1st Degree, Trafficking Cocaine
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $90,000 cash bond
Robert L Harris-30 YOA Camden, De
Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Heroin, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $14,500 secured bond
Richard Humphrey-52 Felton, De
Racketeering, Attempted Murder 1st Degree, Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony, 3 counts Possession of Firearm by a Person Prohibited, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances, Possession of Crack Cocaine
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $200,000 cash bond
Lacurtis Scott-40 Wyoming, De
2 counts Criminal Solicitation
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $20,000 secured bond
Nichole Thomas-34 Dover, De
Racketeering, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Heroin, Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances
Delores J. Baylor Women’s Correctional Institute $10,200 cash bond
Shaquille Thomas-18 Dover, De
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances, Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana, 2 counts Trafficking Cocaine, 2 counts Conspiracy 2nd Degree, 2 counts Possession with Intent to Deliver Crack Cocaine, 2 counts of Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances, Criminal Solicitation 2nd Degree
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $40,000 cash bond
Tremayne Thomas-29 Dover, De
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances, Possession of Marijuana
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $12,000 secured bond
Roland Patterson-34 Dover, De
2 counts Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited
Lawrence J. King-38 Dover, De
Trafficking Cocaine, Possession with Intent to Deliver Crack Cocaine, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $55,000 cash bond
William Sells-53 Woodside, De
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $10,000 cash
Christian J Payton-25 Dover, De
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Marijuana
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $200.00 secured bond
William Preston-23 Dover, De
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $10,000 cash bond
Neal A. Barnes-24 Dover, De
Racketeering, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 18 counts Conspiracy 2nd Degree, 4 counts Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances, 2 counts Possession With Intent to Deliver Marijuana, 2 counts Possession With Intent to Deliver Cocaine
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $1,000,000 cash bond
Randall Guinn-27 Dover, De
Trafficking Cocaine, Possession with Intent to Deliver Cocaine, Criminal Solicitation 2nd Degree, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $50,000 cash bond
John D. Rollins-61 Felton, De
Racketeering, Trafficking Cocaine, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, 4 counts Maintaining a Dwelling For Keeping Controlled Substances
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $12,000 secured bond
Jack G. Clay 3rd-26 Dover, De
Racketeering, Possession of a Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony, Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited, Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana, Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana within 1000’ of a school, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Criminal Solicitation 2nd Degree
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $44,000 secured bond
Kyle E. Scott-22 Dover, De
Racketeering, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Delivery of Crack Cocaine
Released after posting $6,000 secured bond
Tanya L. Bulter-33 Magnolia, De
Racketeering, Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances, Possession of Marijuana
Dolores J. Baylor Women’s Correctional Institute $6,000 cash bond
Manfredis Argueta-Lopez-23 Camden, De
Trafficking Cocaine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession with Intent to Deliver Crack Cocaine, Criminal Solicitation 2nd Degree, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center $54,000 secured bond
Nawaynna Johnson-28 Felton, De
Racketeering, Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances
Dolores J. Baylor Women’s Correctional Institute $6,000 cash
Latasha Bordley-38 Magnolia, De
Racketeering, Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Trafficking Cocaine
Dolores J. Baylor Women’s Correctional Institute $37,100 cash bond
Leroy D. Clark-29 Hartly, De
Possession of a Schedule IV Narcotic Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Jacqueline Guerra-40 New Castle, De
Delivery of Marijuana, Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances, Conspiracy 2nd Degree
Dolores J. Baylor Women’s Correctional Institute $5,000 secured bond
Darin Johnson-45 Marydel, De
2 counts Criminal Solicitation Second Degree
Daniel P. Rusanowsky-53 Camden, De
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of Cocaine
Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping Controlled Substances
Lazaro Guerra-52 New Castle, De
2 counts of Delivery of Marijuana
Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances
Conspiracy Second Degree
Kent County-Spear headed by the Delaware State Police Kent County Drug Task Force, Kent County Governor’s Task Force, The Drug Enforcement Administration and other assisting Law Enforcement Agencies amounting to the utilization of over 100 Law Enforcement personnel have completed a successful fight against the War on Drugs.
During a six month long investigation which targeted drug distribution and dog fighting in Kent County, the Delaware State Police was able to identify and arrest key figures who distribute illegal drugs throughout the County and State.
During this investigation Delaware State Police identified Marquinn Bordley, Nathaniel Evans, William Loper and DeAndrea Thomas, Paul Wills, Juan Carlos Benitez and Luis A. Sanchez as “Major” cocaine and marijuana distributors.
The aforementioned distribution “Kingpins” were responsible for supplying the communities of Rodney Village-Dover, Star Hill-Camden, Meadowbrook Acres-Magnolia and Woodland Manor Mobile Home Park-Felton.
Delaware State Police further determined their extended drug distribution network included Dewayne Bordley- Latasha Bordley and Tanya Butler, Janet Earleen Bordley, Latoya Barlow, Shakesha Sullivan, Naywanna Johnson, Sharon Clay and Nicole Thomas.
This criminal nexus has been linked to the distribution of approximately 3 to 4 kilograms of cocaine and approximately 20 to 25 pounds of marijuana per month throughout Kent County Delaware. Based on figures through information obtained from informants, undercover drug purchases and drug sale trends the estimated annual potential profits for this type of distribution network would exceed $4,000.000.00 annually.
On June 15th and 16th twenty-one search and seizure warrants were executed in connection with this drug investigation. As a result of these search warrants at residences in Dover, Camden, Felton and Magnolia $206,032.00 United States Currency, over a pound of crack cocaine, Seven pound of powder cocaine, marijuana, Heroin, ecstasy, Xanax pills, Vicodin pills, thirteen Firearms, eleven cars and nine canine used for dog fighting were removed from the streets.
As the War on Drugs continues Delaware State Police is seeking the public’s assistance in locating the following individuals:
Karen E. Sebastian-45 Flagstick Lane Magnolia, De
Possession with Intent to Deliver Cocaine
Possession of Marijuana
Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping a Controlled Substance
Criminal Solicitation Second Degree
David R.Vilone-21 East Street Harrington, De
Criminal Solicitation Second Degree
Dewayne Bordley-27 Crestwood Drive Felton, De
Possession with Intent to Deliver Cocaine
Trafficking Cocaine
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances
Conspiracy Second Degree
Paul Wills-42 Golden Acres Drive Wilmington, De
Trafficking Cocaine
Conspiracy Second Degree
2 counts of Delivery of Cocaine
Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substances
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Sharon Clay-24 Chestnut Street Wilmington, De
Delivery of Marijuana
Trafficking Cocaine
2 counts of Conspiracy Second Degree
Callers may remain anonymous. Tips may also be forwarded to law enforcement through tip lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-333 3 or on line at www.tipsubmit.com.