DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, August 28, 2009
This Post will answer ALL of your questions as to what happened Monday night at the Salisbury City Council Meeting.
You wanted to hear it from the other side, you got it!
You wanted to know what was going to be said by the woman who was ejected from the meeting by City Police, we're going to deliver it.
Be here at 9:15 AM and experience what this woman has truly been put through. It will amaze each and every one of you.
See you then.
Robbery This Evening In Delmar
Domestic Altercation Results In Arrest

Location: Shiloh Way Laurel
Date of Occurrence: August 28, 2009
Suspect(s): Raymond France, age 66 of Laurel
Resume: On Friday August 28, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Troopers and Laurel Police Department responded to a domestic altercation.
The 65 year old victim awoke to the defendant/ Raymond France asking her if she wanted to try some of the steak that he had cooked on the grill. When the victim looked outside, she observed her large Longerberger basket collection engulfed in flames.
France then told the victim to look inside the refrigerator for her medication. The victim discovered France had removed her three month supply of medication.
France then grabbed a large fillet knife and waved it at the victim, as he made statements that he was going to kill her.
France fled into the woods, after the victim had called 911. Troopers located France a couple of doors down from the victim’s residence. France resisted arrest and refused to cooperate with being fingerprinted.
France was arrested for resisting arrest, failure to comply with fingerprints, criminal mischief, theft, reckless burning, terroristic threatening, aggravated menacing, and possession of a deadly weapon during the commission of a felony. France was committed to SCI, after failing to posting $38,000 secured bond
Burglary At Hockers Grocery- Suspect Arrested

Location: 34960 Atlantic Avenue Clarksville
Date of Occurrence: August 27th, 2009
Suspect(s): Harry J Marker III, age 22 of Bethany Beach
Resume: On August 27th, 2009 at 11:59 PM, troopers were dispatched to Hocker’s Grocery and Deli for a burglar alarm.
When troopers arrived on scene, they discovered a side door was open. Troopers checked the interior and determined a suspect had attempted to make entry into a locked office. The office door and glass window had sustained damage during the break-in attempt.
A surveillance video showed a shirtless tattooed white male had forced his way into the building with a disguise partially covering his face. Employees who viewed the video were able to identify the suspect as a new employee of the store.
Troopers then responded to Marker’s residence and made contact with him. Marker was wearing the same clothing as seen on the store video surveillance. Subsequently Marker was arrested for Burglary 3rd, Wearing a disguise during the commission of a felony, attempted theft, and criminal mischief. Marker was committed to SCI, after failing to post bond.
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases

On August 23, 2009 at approximately 1:50 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Sears Department Store at the Centre at Salisbury for the report of a shoplifter. Upon arrival the officers were advised by store employees that the below listed suspect had been observed taking shoes from the store without making any attempt at payment. The property was recovered and returned to the store.
ARRESTED: Tracy Mechelle Purnell, 38 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Theft (under $ 500)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900029641
On August 26, 2009 at approximately 8:45 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant for an assault that occurred on August 21, 2009. On that date an investigation revealed that the suspect assaulted a victim in the parking lot area of Break Time on South Salisbury Boulevard.
ARRESTED: Casey Robert Jamison, 27 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Second degree assault
Reckless endangerment
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900030007
On August 26, 2009 at approximately 9:00 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant for an assault that occurred on August 14, 2009. An investigation revealed that on that date the suspect was involved in the assault of an employee of the Brew River Restaurant on Main St. The suspect was also involved in the damage to a vehicle in the parking lot of Brew River. The restaurant employee was not injured.
ARRESTED: Hunter Kristian Sondberg, 23 years of age Sunderland, Maryland
Second degree assault
Malicious destruction of property
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900028659
On August 26, 2009 at approximately 2:09 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Walmart Department Store for the report of a shoplifter. Upon arrival the officers were advised by store employees that the below listed suspect had been observed taking clothing from the store without making any attempts at payment. The clothing was recovered and returned to the store.
ARRESTED: Robert Lee Williams, 42 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Theft (under $ 100)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900030046
List Of Dozens Of Groups/Businesses That Support Illegal Immigration And Amnesty
Brad Botwin, Help Save Maryland
Statement by Secretary Napolitano About Today's White House Meeting on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Release Date: August 20, 2009
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
"Today's meeting on comprehensive immigration reform was an important opportunity to hear from stakeholders and build on the significant time I've spent on the Hill meeting with members of Congress on this critical subject. I look forward to working with President Obama, my colleagues in Congress and representatives from law enforcement, business, labor organizations, the interfaith community, advocacy groups and others as we work on this important issue."
Declaraciones De La Secretaria De Seguridad Nacional Janet Napolitano Sobre La Reunión Sobre La Reforma Integral De La Inmigración "La reunión de hoy sobre la reforma integral de la inmigración fue una oportunidad importante para escuchar a las partes interesadas y sumar al tiempo significativo que he pasado en el Capitolio reunida con miembros del Congreso sobre este importante tema. Anticipo con entusiasmo trabajar con el Presidente Obama, mis colegas del Congreso y los representantes de las agencias de la ley, empresas, sindicatos, grupos religiosos, grupos que abogan por la comunidad, y otros a medida que trabajamos sobre este importante asunto."
Participants in Today's Meeting:
AFL CIO, Paul Almeida
AFL CIO, Ana Avendano
AFL CIO, Arlene Baker
Agriculture Coalition for Immigration Reform, Monte Lake
American Civil Liberties Union, Chris Calabrese
America's Voice, Frank Sharry
American Farm Bureau, Ron Gaskill
American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, T.J. Bonner
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Paul Booth
American Immigration Lawyers Association, Crystal Williams
American Jewish Committee, Chelsea Hanson
American Meat Institute, J. Patrick Boyle
Arizona Latino Commission, Eve Nunez
Asian American Justice Center, Karen Narasaki
Associated General Contractors, Katherine Knott
Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO, Robert Pleasure
Casa de Maryland, Gustavo Andrade
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Mark Franken
Cato Institute, Dan Griswold
Center for American Progress, Angela Kelley
Center for Community Change, Gabe Gonzalez
Change to Win, Anna Burger
Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Allison Johnson
Church World Service, Jen Smyers
Citigroup, Paul Thornell
Compete America, Rebecca Peters
Compete America, Bo Cooper
Esperanza USA, Mary Clark
Essential Worker Coalition, Laura Reiff
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, Jon Adler
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society/Interfaith Immigration Coalition, Mark Hetfield
Hewlett Packard, Gina Bancroft
Immigration Equality, Julie Kruse
Immigration Policy Center, Mary Giovagnoli
Information Technology Industry Council, Dean Garfield
Intel, Ryan Triplette
Interfaith Worker Justice, Kristin Kumpf
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Terry Yellig
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, John Coli
International Chiefs of Police, Russell Laine
International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers, Paul Shearon
International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craft workers, James Boland
Irish Apostolate, Geri Garvey
Jesuit Refugee Service, Shaina Aber
Laborers' International Union of North America, Bevin Albertani
League of United Latin American Citizens, Rosa Rosales
Legal Momentum, Lisalyn Raquel Jacobs
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, Leslie Velez
Major City Chiefs, Dean Keuter
McDonalds, Bo Bryant
Mennonite Central Committee, Tammy Alexander
Mexican American Legal Defense Fund, Dini Karasik
Microsoft, Bill Kamela
Migration Policy Institute, Marc Rosenblum
National Association of Asian Law Enforcement Commanders, John Lee
National Association of Evangelicals, Galen Carey
National Association of Homebuilders, Jenna Hamilton
National Association of Police Organizations, Andrea Mournighan
National Baptist Convention, Rev. L.B. West
National Council of Jewish Women, Elissa Froman
National Council of La Raza, Clarissa Martinez
National Day Laborers Network, Chris Newman
National Electrical Contractors of America, John Grau
National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Rev. Dr. Angel Nunez
National Immigration Forum, Jeanne Butterfield
National Immigration Forum, Ali Noorani
National Immigration Law Center, Marielena Hincapie
National Korean American Service & Educational Consortium, Eun Sook Lee
National Latino Peace Officers Association, Arturo Venegas
National League of Cities, Ricardo Gambetta
National Restaurant Association, Beth Johnson
National Sheriffs Association, Ann Yom
National Urban League, Valerie Wilson
New Democratic Network, Simon Rosenberg
Oracle, Dejan Pavlovic
PICO National Network, Jared Rivera
Police Executive Research Foundation, Chuck Wexler
Police Foundation, Hubert Williams
Presbyterian Church USA, Julia Thorne
Rights Working Group, Jumana Musa
Service Employees International Union, Eliseo Medina
Sheet Metal Workers International Association, Marc Norberg
Sisters of Mercy, Regina McKillip
Society for Human Resource Management, Mike Aitken
Sojourners, Rev. Jim Wallis
South Asian American Leading Together, Deepa Iyer
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center, Helly Lee
Tech America, Jeff Lande
Tyson, Nora Venegas
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Angelo Amador
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ryan Dwyer
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, David Ferreira
UNITE HERE, Brenda Carter
United Farm Workers, Arturo Rodriguez
United Food and Commercial Workers, Joe Hansen
University of Texas, Dr. Ray Marshall
Wal-Mart, Adam Hemphill
World Relief, Jenny Hwang
White House Domestic Policy Council, Melody Barnes
White House Domestic Policy Council, Heather Higginbottom
White House National Economic Council, James Kvaal
White House Office of Public Engagement, Tina Tchen
White House Office of Public Engagement, Buffy Wicks
Department of Homeland Security, Marco Lopez
Department of Homeland Security, David Martin
Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas
Department of Homeland Security, John Morton
Department of Homeland Security, Esther Olavarria
Department of Justice, Juan Osuna
For more info about Help Save Maryland, reply to Brad Botwin BB67Chev@aol.com his email is in the cc field above
Note to many bcc'd Maryland 912ers: this is a sample from Maryland Independent Party's high-volume policywonk e-mail broadcast. If you think this might be useful to you, please call Steve Schulin at 301-433-4211
Salisbury Targets Spending To Avoid Layoffs In Latest State Cuts

SALISBURY, Md- As Maryland counties and cities try to adjust budgets to deal with state cuts, the mayor of Salisbury says his administration will weather this storm.
Mayor Jim Ireton said the city continues to add up the cuts which currently stand at about $1.2 million. That's about 4 percent of Salisbury's general fund.
Ireton hopes to avoid layoffs and furloughs.
"The effect on employees- I can't say that nothing is going to happen to them- but I don't foresee it," Ireton said. "I think we can make up the $1.2 million in spending. We can do that by looking at every department in the general fund budgets."
Potential cuts include new police cars, new sanitation trucks and storm drain repairs.
This latest round of budget cuts has some workers fearing for their job. Employees say whenever you hear of state cuts to your department - it's always unnerving.
"It's a trickle down effect you know," said Jay Shores ,who works in Salisbury's roads division. "We just hope it works out for the best for us."
Seems to me, most everything the Mayor wants to cut, "new police cars, new sanitation trucks and storm drain repairs" relieve him of the majority of his campaign promisses? Very interesting!
Last Call: 95-Year-Old Bartender Retires

Angelo Cammarata has been serving beer since end of Prohibition
WEST VIEW, Pa. - Only minutes after Prohibition ended in 1933, Angelo Cammarata, 19, served a 10-cent bottle of Fort Pitt beer to a customer in his father's neighborhood grocery.
Ever since, except for a 30-month hitch during World War II, the son of Italian immigrants has been tending bar and serving drinks. Guinness World Records dubbed him the longest-serving bartender a decade ago, and he's earned induction into Jim Beam's Bartender Hall of Fame and numerous other honors.
Now 95, he's calling it quits.
GO HERE to read more.
Kratovil, H2B Visas & Crab Industry

Kratovil, Crab Industry Reps, and Watermen to Mark Securing the Needed Workers to Salvage Remainder of Crab Season
Access to H2B visas have allowed the industry to open for a late season, but a season that will ensure jobs, local commerce, and continued strength of the industry.
Washington, DC – Although the prospects were often unclear, the Maryland Crab Industry will come to celebrate the release of additional H2B work visas that will provide the needed work force to keep the industry afloat.
Responding to efforts by Congressman Frank Kratovil the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the release of FY09 H-2B visas for temporary workers; provide immediate relief to numerous Maryland crab processing businesses.
This announcement is welcome news to the Maryland crab industry, which has been dealing with a severe labor shortage that has prevented a number of processing facilities from opening this season, while those that have been opened have been operating at levels far below capacity. Reopening these facilities will have a major impact on the local economy; a recent study from the University of Maryland found that each H-2B worker in the crab industry supports 2.5 American jobs.
Who: Rep. Frank Kratovil, local watermen, restaurant owners, crab house owners.
What: As the watermen return to shore after a day’s work they will be met by the Congressman, crab house owners, and restaurant owners to celebrate the salvaged season.
Where: Old Salty’s Restaurant
2560 Hooper’s Island Rd.
Fishing Creek, MD 21634
When: Monday August 31st -- 3PM – 5PM
“This is an opportunity for Eastern Shore communities that have been hurting because of the closed picking houses to come together and celebrate this industry saving development. These additional visas will allow Maryland’s crab processors to open and remain viable throughout the rest of this season. Its good news for the watermen, picking house owners and employees, truck drivers, restaurant owners, community bankers, and everyone else whose livelihood is impacted by the crabbing industry, I’m glad to have the opportunity to celebrate with them all.”
– Rep. Frank Kratovil
N.J. Mayor Going To Court To Keep Gadhafi Out

Libyan leader's warm welcome for Lockerbie bomber leads to anger
NEWARK, N.J. - A northern New Jersey mayor said he's going to court Friday to stop renovation work at the mansion where Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi wants to stay next month when he addresses the United Nations General Assembly.
"If the U.S. State Department won't shut this down, we will," Englewood Mayor Michael Wildes said. "New Jersey's governor, its two U.S. senators and its U.S. congressmen are all on board on this."
Libyan intelligence is widely believed to have orchestrated the 1988 attack on Pan American flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, which killed all 259 aboard — including 38 people from New Jersey. Gadhafi, who has worked to try to rehabilitate his image in recent years, provoked a backlash last week by helping secure the release of the only man arrested in the bombing from a Scottish prison. Television cameras captured Gadhafi giving Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the convicted bomber, a warm greeting as a cheering crowd welcomed him back to Libya.
GO HERE to read more.
Salisbury News Welcomes Another New Contributor
Scott has proven to have one heck of an eye for beauty and we are very pleased to offer a sincere welcome to out network of fine Contributors.
On select days Scott will offer his work at 8:30 AM and after seeing a lot of what he has to offer, I can't wait to see what he delivers on a regular basis.
Bill Would Give President Emergency Control Of Internet
Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.
They're not much happier about a revised version that aides to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, have spent months drafting behind closed doors. CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft of S.773 (excerpt), which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.
The new version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.
"I think the redraft, while improved, remains troubling due to its vagueness," said Larry Clinton, president of the Internet Security Alliance, which counts representatives of Verizon, Verisign, Nortel, and Carnegie Mellon University on its board. "It is unclear what authority Sen. Rockefeller thinks is necessary over the private sector. Unless this is clarified, we cannot properly analyze, let alone support the bill."
Representatives of other large Internet and telecommunications companies expressed concerns about the bill in a teleconference with Rockefeller's aides this week, but were not immediately available for interviews on Thursday.
GO HERE to read more from CNET News.
FDIC-Insured Institutions Lost $3.7 Billion In The Second Quarter Of 2009
Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reported an aggregate net loss of $3.7 billion in the second quarter of 2009, a decline of $8.5 billion from the $4.8 billion in profits the industry reported in the second quarter of 2008. Insured institutions earned $424 million in net operating income during this latest quarter even after a special assessment of $5.5 billion to bolster the FDIC's insurance fund. However, one-time losses and other items totaling $4.1 billion pulled the industry results into negative territory.
"While challenges remain, evidence is building that the U.S. economy is starting to grow again," said FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair. "Banking industry performance is -- as always -- a lagging indicator. The banking industry, too, can look forward to better times ahead. But, for now, the difficult and necessary process of recognizing loan losses and cleaning up balance sheets continues to be reflected in the industry's bottom line."
Chairman Bair went on to say, "The FDIC was created specifically for times such as these. No matter how challenging the environment, the FDIC has ample resources to continue protecting depositors as we have for the last 75 years. No insured depositor has ever lost a penny of insured deposits...and no one ever will."
Provisions for loan losses totaled $66.9 billion in the quarter, an increase of $16.5 billion (32.8 percent) over the second quarter of 2008. Extraordinary losses stemming from writedowns of asset-backed commercial paper totaled $3.6 billion, compared to extraordinary losses of $366 million a year earlier. Noninterest expenses were $1.7 billion (1.7 percent) higher, primarily due to increased FDIC deposit insurance premiums.
Indicators of asset quality continued to worsen during the second quarter. Both the quarterly net charge-off rate and the percentage of loans and leases that were noncurrent (90 days or more past due or in nonaccrual status) reached the highest levels registered in the 26 years that insured institutions have reported these data. Insured institutions charged off $48.9 billion in uncollectible loans during the quarter, up from $26.4 billion a year earlier, and noncurrent loans and leases increased by $40.4 billion during the second quarter. At the end of June, noncurrent loans and leases totaled $332 billion, or 4.35 percent of the industry's total loans and leases.
"Deteriorating loan quality is having the greatest impact on industry earnings as insured institutions continue to set aside reserves to cover loan losses," Chairman Bair noted. "Of all the major earnings components, the amount that insured institutions added to their reserves for loan losses was, by far, the largest drag on industry earnings compared to a year ago."
All told, more than 28 percent of all insured institutions reported a net loss in the second quarter, compared with 18 percent a year earlier.
Financial results for the second quarter and first half of 2009 are contained in the FDIC's latest Quarterly Banking Profile, which was released today. Also among the major findings:
Net interest margins improved in the quarter. The average margin (the difference between the average yield on interest-earning assets and the average interest expense of funding those assets) rose to 3.48 percent from 3.39 percent in the first quarter and 3.37 percent in the second quarter of 2008. More than half of all institutions reported higher margins than in the first quarter. Net interest income totaled $100 billion in the quarter, up from $96.6 billion a year earlier.
Net interest margins improved from the previous quarter at community banks and at larger institutions. "This is good news for community banks, since three-fourths of their revenues come from net interest income," Chairman Bair said.
Total assets of insured institutions declined by $238 billion. A $125.5 billion decline in loan and lease balances accounted for more than half of the decline in total assets of insured institutions during the second quarter. The 1.8 percent decline in industry assets followed a $303.2 billion decline in the first quarter of 2009. Banks' balances with Federal Reserve banks fell by $99.4 billion (20.4 percent) during the quarter, and assets in trading accounts declined by $65.5 billion (7.9 percent). The industry's investment securities portfolio increased by $130.6 billion (5.9 percent).
The number of institutions on the FDIC's "Problem List" rose. At the end of June, there were 416 insured institutions on the "Problem List," up from 305 on March 31. This is the largest number of institutions on the list since June 30, 1994, when there were 434 institutions on the list. Total assets of "problem" institutions increased during the quarter from $220.0 billion to $299.8 billion, the highest level since December 31, 1993.
Total reserves of the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) stood at $42 billion. Just as insured institutions reserve for loan losses, the FDIC has to provide for a contingent loss reserve for future failures. To the extent that the FDIC has already reserved for an anticipated closing, the failure of an institution does not reduce the DIF balance. The contingent loss reserve, which totaled $28.5 billion on March 31, rose to $32.0 billion as of June 30, reflecting higher actual and anticipated losses from failed institutions. Additions to the contingent loss reserve during the second quarter caused the fund balance to decline from $13.0 billion to $10.4 billion. Combined, the total reserves of the DIF equaled $42.4 billion at the end of the quarter.
Chairman Bair distinguished the DIF's reserves from the FDIC's cash resources, which included $22 billion of cash and U.S. Treasury securities held as of June 30, as well as the ability to borrow up to $500 billion from the Treasury. "A decline in the fund balance does not diminish our ability to protect insured depositors," Chairman Bair concluded.
California Kidnapping Suspect Gives Jailhouse Interview
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
DUI Driver Wrestles With Trooper during Traffic Stop

Date and Time: Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 11:45 p.m.
Suspect(s): Daniel J. Newman, 30, of Olden Avenue in Newark, Delaware
Resume: Late last evening, a Troop 2 patrol officer conducted a traffic stop on a blue Chevrolet pick up truck which was observed changing lanes without signaling on Old Baltimore Pike and Route 273. The operator of the truck was identified as Daniel J. Newman.
A DUI investigation ensued and the investigator established probable cause to take Mr. Newman into custody. The officer summonsed a second unit to assist with towing Newman’s truck. While waiting for back up, Mr. Newman became unruly. He tried to make his way back to his truck and did not comply with the Troopers commands to place his hands behind his back.
A struggle ensued and Newman pushed the officer. Eventually, Newman was taken into custody. He was then treated and released at Christiana Hospital for an injury to his nose. Upon his release, he was transported back to Troop 2 where he was formally charged with the following misdemeanor offenses: Offensive Touching of a Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting Arrest, DUI, Menacing, Following Too Closely and Improper Lane Change.
The Trooper was not injured.
He was released on a $1,950.00 unsecured bond.
Burglars Search Facebook, Twitter For Targets

Social network users post information about big ticket purchases, vacations
SYDNEY - Facebook users enthusing about an upcoming holiday or a recently purchased high-tech gadget may not just be telling their friends but also potential burglars, warns an insurance company.
A survey of 2,092 social media users by British-based Legal & General found nearly four in ten, or 38 percent, of people using social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter post details about holiday plans and 33 percent details of a weekend away.
"Coupled with the finding that an alarmingly high proportion of users are prepared to be 'friends' online with people they don't really know, this presents a serious risk to the security of people's home and contents," said the insurer.
GO HERE to read more.
Feldman's Condemned Again
While every possible real estate deal has fallen through on this old landmark, Feldman's has been condemned and it has been reported that the Bank of Delmarva now has control of the building. The Bank claims that several companies have stated the buildings are structurally sound, Code & Compliance see it very differently. Mold is also an issue.
With this economy it's highly doubtful anyone is going to step in any time soon and take on such a large project and renovate what's currently there. For me personally, I'd like to see that happen, as I'm sure many of you would as well but so far the Downtown's future isn't looking exciting, (investment wise) for anyone.
With any luck someone will be able to see the beauty of this location, (riverfront)and make good use out of it. However, just across the street the new Condos still aren't selling, so I doubt we'll see anything like that. The final and most major issue is parking. While Feldman's does have their own parking lot, it wouldn't get very far with today's codes. Oh well, Walt Disney made it with swamp land in Florida. I'm sure someone will come up with something.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Incident: Thefts from Motor Vehicles
Date of Incident: 28 August 2009
Location: Wicomico County
Suspect: Pending
Narrative: During the last 72 hours, the Wicomico Sheriff’s Office has received an upsurge in the number of complaints where vehicles have been entered overnight, throughout Wicomico County. In these incidents, the vehicles had been left unlocked. We would like to remind all of our citizens to please secure their vehicles when unattended and please be cognizant of anything out of place.
So far we have received complaints from the following areas:
3000 block of E. Rustic Drive
4000 block of Ramblin Road
30600 block of Willis Way
31000 block of Mt. Hermon Road
6000 block of Westbrooke Drive
6000 block of Dunes Court
27000 block of Muirfield Drive
Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4890 or Crime Solver’s at 410-548-1776.
Shades Of Hitler's Brownshirts?
Please urge everyone you know to watch today’s show, which airs at 5 PM and 2 AM (ET).

At Least One Town In Maryland Gets It
In an act of protest, Hampstead Mayor Haven N. Shoemaker has ordered the Town’s municipal flag to be replaced by the historic Gadsen “Don’t Tread On Me” flag. Mayor Shoemaker will raise the flag after a brief ceremony at the War Memorial in Hampstead at 6 p.m., September 1. The timing of the ceremony coincides with anticipated cuts in state funding to local governments including Hampstead.
“We have the so-called stimulus which is nothing more than an unprecedented issuance of debt. We have ObamaCare. In Maryland, we have a complete failure by Governor O’Malley and the Legislature to balance the state budget,” Shoemaker said. “The $3.8 billion in federal money sent to Maryland was wasted on pork barrel projects and social program spending rather than on rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. Now the State is dumping their failure of fiscal leadership into our laps.”
Mayor Shoemaker directed the flag switch through his first formal executive order. “Normally, I would just call Town Hall and ask our folks to take care of something, but this is a little out of the ordinary.”
When asked what he hoped to accomplish through the symbolic change, Shoemaker was philosophical. “Maybe this won’t amount to anything. Maybe other local governments will decide to join us. In any event, the people in Hampstead will know that there is still one level of government left in America that is of the people, by the people and for the people.”
The Gadsen Flag has become a popular symbol of the recent Tea Party movement. The historic yellow flag features a timber rattlesnake and the phrase “Don’t Tread On Me.” When asked how long he expected to fly the flags, Shoemaker shrugged and responded, “We’ll see.”
Open Thread
How To Prepare For Higher Taxes

No one knows which taxes are going up and by how much. But there are ways to cushion yourself
Financial advisers for wealthy Americans assume that their clients' tax bills are going up. But that's about all they know for sure.
President Barack Obama campaigned on proposals to raise taxes—on income, capital gains, and dividends—on Americans who earn more than $250,000 per year. And in the year since he formulated that platform, the federal government's fiscal situation has gotten more dire, as a result of the recession, stimulus spending, and preexisting debt. On Aug. 25, the Congressional Budget Office raised its estimate of the total deficit from 2010-19 by $2.7 trillion, bringing it to $7.137 trillion. The White House's estimate for the deficit over the next 10 years is $9 trillion.
Eventually, tax experts say, the government will need to fill those deficits with extra revenue. "Don't expect any good news on the tax front," says Marilyn Cohen, president of Envision Capital Management. "We've got a multitrillion-dollar bill to pay, and it's not going to pay itself."
GO HERE to learn more.
Notification On Homeless Sex Offenders

This news release is being sent out as an advisory. These subjects are NOT wanted for failing to register.
Gary Seldomridge
Registered as homeless on 080709
Tier 2 Mod risk
Not wanted Public Notification Only
Keith Gudz
Registered as Homeless on 081109
Tier 2 Mod risk offender
Not wanted Public notification only
Dallas Drummond
Tier 3 High Risk
Registered Homeless in Dover Delaware 19901 on August 10, 2009
Not Wanted Public Notification only
Michael Tucker
Registered Homeless on August 6, 2009 in Wilmington, Delaware 19809
Tier 2 Moderate Risk
This is for Public Notification Only however this offender is also wanted for Shoplifting
The Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk Makes Top 10 In US

From East Coast classics to West Coast promenades
For nostalgic Americans, boardwalks are the stuff of summer dreams, mixing memories of salt water taffy at sunset, white-knuckled wooden rollercoaster rides and kids with dogs racing along weathered walkways.
James Lilliefors, author of “America’s Boardwalks, From Coney Island to California,” says boardwalks have always been “bright, alluring, loud, lucrative and very American.”
Still, as Park World magazine reported in 2007, “In the 1920s there were more than 1,500 authentic seaside amusement parks in the United States, today there are less than two dozen.” Despite these dwindling numbers, those that remain are flourishing: Where once boardwalks were merely the venue for the world's greatest oddities, now they have a civic purpose, acting as a nexus for local business and a spur to nostalgia-based urban renewal.
GO HERE to read more.
Better Than A Flu Shot!
The church organist,
Was in her eighties
And had never been married. She was
admired for her sweetness
And kindness to all.
One afternoon the pastor
Came to call on her and she showed him &
into her quaint sitting room.
She invited him to have a seat while
she prepared tea.
As he sat facing her old Hammond
The young minister
Noticed a cute glass
bowl Sitting on top of it.
The bowl was filled
With water, and in the
Floated, of all things, a
When she returned
With tea and
They began to chat.
The pastor tried to stifle his
About the bowl of water and its
strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer
'Miss Beatrice', he said,
'I wonder if you would tell me about
this?' Pointing to the bowl.
'Oh, yes,' she replied, 'Isn't it
I was walking through
The Park a few months ago
And I found thi s little package on the
The directions said
To place it on the organ,
Keep it wet and that it would prevent
the spread of disease. Do you know I haven't had the flu all winter.
2 Va. Tech Students Found Slain At Campground

Killings hit campus still reeling from 2007 massacre, recent beheading
BLACKSBURG, Va. - Two Virginia Tech University students were found slain Thursday at a Jefferson National Forest campground that is a popular hangout for students, authorities said.
The latest killings are hitting a campus still reeling from the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history and the beheading of a student earlier this year.
The bodies of David Lee Metzler, 19, of Lynchburg and Heidi Lynn Childs, 18, of Forest were found by a passerby, Montgomery County Sheriff Lt. Brian Wright said. Both appear to have been shot, he said. Wright said Metzler's body was found inside a car in the parking area of the Caldwell Fields campground and Childs was found outside the car. The campground is about 15 miles from Virginia Tech's campus in Blacksburg.
GO HERE to read more.
2008: 1ST Quarter - $ 7.0 Million
2ND Quarter - 20.8 Million
27.8 Million
2009: 1ST Quarter - $ 4.4 Million
2ND Quarter - 5.3 Million
9.7 Million
Although the economic malaise is surely a factor, there are other matters of major concern, including the City’s rapidly rising impact fees, water and sewer charges and property tax rate, all of which can be avoided by locating elsewhere. That factor and the City’s increasing crime problem may explain why so few single-family homes are being built in Salisbury.
In fact, residential development in Salisbury began to decline several years before the recession began, so there is another reason for concern. And in case you have not noticed there is now a glut of vacant commercial and retail space in many parts of Salisbury.
We could be in a period of several years of very little growth and an even longer period of lower growth than in most of the past 10-15 years. This could be a self-perpetuating situation because one effect of low growth will be higher impact fees and charges for services as well further increase in the tax rate. And being in Wicomico County and the State of Maryland will also result in lower growth and higher costs than would otherwise be the case.
More Vehicle Vandalism
Just as the State Police had informed everyone the other day, LOCK YOUR DOORS! This is the very last time I'm going to put up a Post about this because quite frankly I do NOT feel sorry for a single individual who leaves their car unlocked with private, valuable items inside.
Many unlocked vehicles were tampered with last night, so if you're missing items, well, now you know why. We're in a recession/depression, HELLO! Use your head Folks, lock your doors, especially at night.
Democratic Health Care Bill Divulges IRS Tax Data

Obama's Health Scare Plan

Dear Fellow Conservative,
We do need health care reform in America, but there is a right way -- and a wrong way -- to go about it.
President Obama and Congressional Democrats want a government-run health care system that puts a Washington bureaucrat between American families and their doctors.
Their first thought was to try to rush a bill to the White House before Congress left Washington for August recess, and now we know why.
The American people have had a chance to read for themselves what President Obama and his Democrat allies in Congress intend for our health care and have been letting them know, loud and clear, in townhall meetings and national polls, that they don’t like it at all.
But the Obama Democrats have circled the wagons, stung and angry that the people dare presume to tell them what kind of health care they want. So Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid will be coming back to Washington to show the American people they won’t let a little thing like public outrage get between them and their desire for socialist control over our lives.
Barack Obama and congressional Democrats think government is the solution to every problem.
They're wrong.
The government already runs car companies, banks and mortgage companies. Republicans believe that the last thing the American people want is government telling them when and where -- or even whether -- they can get medical treatment for their families.
That's why we need you to help us keep the heat on the Democrats, and keep them accountable to the American people.
The RNC believes your voice should be heard before the Obama Democrats nationalize almost one fifth of our economy, incur trillions of dollars in new spending and debt, and begin rationing health care to the American people.
Your opinion on the many domestic and foreign policy issues that America faces has been vital. The future of health care in America is so important -- especially as Obama Democrats are moving swiftly to bring European-style socialized medicine here -- that I am asking for more of your grassroots insight today.
That's why I hope you will take a moment right now to fill out online our Future of American Health Care survey. Your input will help Republican leaders in Washington, D.C. and across America know where you stand on the Obama Democrats' nationalized health care plans and the Republican alternative.
And, after you complete your survey, please take this opportunity to make a secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or $25 to help support our efforts to combat the Democrats' attempt to impose "Obamacare" on all of us.
You and the RNC are all that stand between our sensible Republican plan for real health care reform and the Democrats' scheme to take more of your hard-earned income to pay for other people's health care while limiting yours.
So please complete your Future of American Health Care survey online right now and support our efforts to ensure our health care freedoms by making a special RNC contribution if you can.
Thank you.
Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee
Newspaper Slump Deepens As 2Q Ad Sales Fall 29 Percent

Newspaper advertising sales shrank by another $2.8 billion in the second quarter, a 29 percent decline from the same time last year.
The numbers released Thursday by the Newspaper Association of America show the industry's financial woes deepened in the April-June period.
The latest decline left U.S. newspapers with ad sales of $6.8 billion in this year's second quarter compared to $9.6 billion last year.
The recession and advertising's shift to the Internet have been eroding newspapers main source of income for the past three years, triggering thousands of layoffs and wage reductions.
The second quarter's advertising contraction was the worst yet. Newspaper advertising revenue sank by 28 percent in the first quarter.
Child Care Tips Offered To Parents
In light of this event, DSP as well as the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families (DSCYF) would like to take a moment to share some tips and ideas for parents to consider in regards to child care.
Kelly Bachman, Community Relations Coordinator for DSCYF, has provided the following indicators of high quality child care. She adds that several research studies have found that high quality child care programs have certain characteristics in common. These characteristics can help parents make better child care choices for their children because they indicate a much greater likelihood of high quality care. Quality indicators measure the conditions that generally foster a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for children.
They are:
Low child to teacher ratios
Low teacher turnover
Staff with higher education
Prior experience and education of the director
Well-compensated teachers who receive good benefits
Accreditation or a higher-than-minimum license
Cpl/1 Jeff Whitmarsh of the Delaware State Police has offered the following questions parents should ask on an ongoing basis of their child’s day care facility
“How often is a head count taken of children in the facility?”
“What steps are taken if a child is found missing?”
“What safety procedures have changed since I first enrolled my child at this day care facility?”
“Does the child to teacher ratio change throughout the day? And if so, to what degree?”
“Is my emergency contact information up to date?”
“Is this center currently under investigation by the State of Delaware? Has it been since I enrolled my child?”
“Does this facility participate in a child identification program of sorts and is my child’s photograph on file should they go missing?”
“Is there a process of an ongoing back ground check of my child’s teachers?”
Ensuring the safety of our children means staying involved. It means asking tough questions and asking those questions on an ongoing basis. More information can be found at the following link: http://kids.delaware.gov/.
BBQ For A Cure
When: Sunday August 30th
Where: Jack’s Market
Rt 50 Hebron, Maryland
Dinners will include 1/2 Chicken, baked beans, roll, chips and a soda for $8.00
All monies raised will benefit Jesi Simpson and his family!!
Thank you for your support!