DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Volunteer Finds Cat In A Box Outside Of Shelter
The volunteer was dropping some things off and found the cat inside of a carrier with nothing but a handful of cheetos.
The cat was brought inside, cooled off, and must have used up one of it's nine lives but seems to be doing ok.
Group Asking Wal-Mart For A Little (retirement) Respect
Respect DC, a group demanding better pay for workers and help for D.C. communities, organized a flash mob inside the Laurel Wal-Mart, belting out a version of Aretha Franklin's "Respect."
The song featured re-worked lyrics and choreographed dancing, with each dancer carried a small yellow sign that looked like Wal-Mart's yellow, smiley-faced mascot.
Video of the performance has made its way to YouTube.
The Deficit Is Not Default Of Obama
Judge Denies Harford Co. Democrats' Redistricting Challenge
Door is open for an appeal to higher court
A circuit judge threw out a lawsuit Wednesday from Harford County Democrats who are challenging the makeup of the all-Republican commission drawing new County Council district lines.Judge John F. Fader II said the suit essentially asked him to legislate a change to the county charter, which Democrats believe is written in a way that unfairly led to their exclusion from the redistricting commission.
"You're asking me to make new law," Fader said in court. "I'm not willing to do that."
Feds To Close More Than 20 Data Centers In Maryland
Officials expect to close 373 centers nationwide by the end of next year and 800 by 2025, an effort the Office of Management and Budget estimates will save taxpayers more than $3 billion.
The centers, which typically house computer equipment, can be as large as a building or as small as a closet.
In one example cited by the White House, the Treasury Department will close a roughly 13,000-square-foot facility in Lanham.
Operation AIG II To Save Pensions?
In the most revealing comments to date, Charles Plosser, the president of the Philadelphia Federal Reserve, told Reuters [3] the nation has for months been in “contingency planning mode” to deal with the fallout when the federal government runs out of money.
“We are developing processes and procedures by which the Treasury communicates to us what we are going to do,” Plosser said. “How the Fed is going to go about clearing government checks. Which ones are going to be good? Which ones are not going to be good? There are a lot of people working on what we would do and how we would do it.”
The Treasury Department has repeatedly denied making plans for default, saying raising the debt ceiling is the lone acceptable option. A spokesman did not comment to Reuters.
Wall Street officials are in the same boat, devising what the New York Times called [4] “doomsday plans in case the clock runs out.”
Meanwhile, the Wall Street firms, the Times wrote, are seeking to reduce their risk related to Treasury bonds while hedge funds are hoarding cash to purchase U.S. debt if the price plummets in the event of a post-default sell-off.
The paper wrote that a full-scale financial panic has not set in but is close.
“The metaphor is a pile of sand,” Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, told the Times. “You keep putting one piece of sand on the pile, nothing happens, and then, all of the sudden it just caves.”
Plosser also told Reuters that, despite the shaky economy, the Fed may raise interest rates before the year is out. He said he expects the unemployment rate, now at 9.2 percent, to fall to 8.5 percent.
“I don’t see the fundamentals of the economy as changed that much,” he said. “Yeah, there’s been some shocks and disruptions, but the underlying forces that are going to cause us to continue a slow, moderate recovery are still in place.”
Hate to tell you, but it's becoming easier and easier to telegraph the Fed, the ECB and the rest of the financial "elite." I literally laugh when I read about a "doomsday scenario" or Wall Street firms "reducing their risk to Treasuries." Who are we kidding here? Wall Street firms are long Treasuries, so is PIMPCO and they're all long risk assets waiting for the Mother of All Short Squeezes. When everyone is bearish, get greedy and become a pig. Contrary to popular belief, pigs often don't get slaughtered and they make out like bandits!
It will be rocky but at the end of the day this sucker has to keep grinding higher or else the risk of debt deflation shoots up tenfold -- something which the financial oligarchs will not mess around with. They'll fight dflation or the perceived threat of deflation tooth and nail to ensure future profits.
Redistricting Alert
I encourage all of you to attend these meetings to have your voice heard!
Public hearings have been scheduled for the following dates and locations in or near the First Congressional District:
Saturday, August 27th
- Harford Community College – Amoss Center, 11:00AM
- Towson University – Stephens Hall Thater, 2:00PM
- Anne Arundel Community College – Center For Applied Learning & Technology, 4:00PM
- Salisbury University – Wicomico Room OR Perdue Hall, 12:30PM
- Chesapeake College – Todd Performing Arts Center, 4:00PM
If you would like to speak at the public hearings, please email the Maryland Department of Planning at Redistricting2011@mdp.state.md.us or by calling (410) 767-4490.
Again, I encourage everyone to attend these meetings so that your voice can be heard on a very important community issue.
Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Andy Harris
"It’s A Cash-Flow Problem": The Ever Broker US Consumer Increasingly Relying On Credit Cards For Daily Staples
GAO Audit Exposes Fed's Corruption Once Again
We wonder if it was Dudley who signed Friedman's waiver? From Bloomberg [2]: "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s William C. Dudley got a waiver in 2008 to keep personal financial holdings of American International Group Inc. (AIG) after the company received a Fed rescue, a U.S. senator said.
Dudley, who was the New York Fed’s markets-group chief at the time and is now the bank’s president, is the senior New York Fed official identified in a Government Accountability Office report today as receiving the waiver, Senator Bernard Sanders, a Vermont Independent, said today in a statement. Jack Gutt, a New York Fed spokesman, declined to comment." Of course, when one is from Goldman, one does not care about the glaring impropriety of one's actions. After all, one rules the world. And speaking of Bernie Sanders, he earlier tore the Fed a new one, after he released details of the Fed's GAO audit and took every opportunity to make his opinion on the master criminals well-known: "As a result of this audit, we now know that the Federal Reserve provided more than $16 trillion in total financial assistance to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world," he said. "This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone else." Well, didn't everyone know that by now?
More from the Hill
The Federal Reserve: Our Policy Is To Steal From You
We know two things: 1) the official policy of the Federal Reserve is to engineer and maintain inflation and 2) inflation is theft. As I have recounted here many times, in nominal terms, it looks like average wages (earned income) in the U.S. have been rising smartly for decades. But measured in purchasing power, i.e. adjusted for inflation, earned income has declined for most workers, especially in the past three years.
Measured in purchasing power, i.e. the number of gallons of gasoline or loaves of bread an average worker could buy with one hour of labor, American workers have experienced a steady decline in the value of their labor for the past 40 years.
Whenever a pundit scoffs at the idea that the dollar might lose 95% of its value, readers remind me it already has lost 95% of its value in the past century.
The Myth That Democracy = Freedom
Mercer is a native South African whose parents and other relatives still live there. Her father is a renowned Rabbi who was for decades an outspoken opponent of apartheid, which she herself condemns in no uncertain terms as "the repressive – and reprehensible – apartheid regime." She has written about a topic that the Western media have almost completely ignored – the failure of post-apartheid South Africa to move in the direction of peace, justice, and prosperity. She hopes that her book will be a small contribution that can help turn things around in her native land, while providing valuable lessons to Americans as well.
Some blame the weak recovery on special factors such as high personal saving rates as households repair their balance sheets. But people are consuming a larger fraction of their income now than they were in the 1983-84 recovery: The personal savings rate is 5.6% now compared with 9.4% then. Others blame certain sectors such as weak housing. But the weak housing sector is much less of a negative factor today than declining net exports were in the 1983-84 recovery, and the problem isn’t confined to any particular sector. The broad categories of investment and consumption are both contributing less to growth. Real GDP growth is 60%-70% less than in the early-’80s recovery, as is growth in consumption and investment.
Deal With Socialists
No matter how much evidence you offer them to support the free market system they still want their job-killing socialism. Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are just the latest fools in a long line of failed socialists.
Lady Thatcher had a wonderful way of dealing with socialists.
She called them out and mocked them.
Mark Alexander: A Sign Of Sanity Amid The Budget Banter
Prospects Good for BBA
"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution ... taking from the federal government their power of borrowing." --Thomas Jefferson (Letter of November 26th, 1798)Over the din of the rancorous budget bull this week, the latest chapter in a debate, which has been raging ad nauseam infinitum for two years, you might have missed a small news summary about a comprehensive survey of small business owners and managers. Would you be shocked to learn that the vast majority of them are very concerned about taxes, regulations and out-of-control government spending? So concerned are they about the insurmountable debt, which threatens to collapse the U.S. economy, that small business owners are not hiring or spending reserves on business expansion.
This matters because small businesses are the foundation of free enterprise and the locus of most job creation and economic expansion.
For the record, I can assure you as a small business owner myself, that I did not need a survey to let me know what every business owner with whom I have spoken in the last two years has already affirmed: Barack Hussein Obama and his leftist cadres have placed our nation on a collision course with economic catastrophe, and plan to resurrect the pieces under a new Democratic Socialist framework.
Consequently, businesses of all sizes, those which have not already been blown away, are preserving capital in order to weather the gathering storm.
Twenty five years ago Ronald Reagan warned, "When a business or an individual spends more than it makes, it goes bankrupt. When government does it, it sends you the bill. And when government does it for 40 years, the bill comes in two ways: higher taxes and inflation."
Those were the good old days.
Today, deficit spending has become institutionalized, and the unprecedented debt accumulation enacted by the Obama regime in the last two years has taken the country to the brink of economic collapse. Every American should be concerned about the implications of this debacle, and its impact on the future of Liberty.
It's remarkable how far we've fallen. Just three years ago, then-Senator Obama was merely a smooth-talking presidential aspirant. But today, only a fool, or Socialist co-conspirator, would deny the threat that the Obama's ideological vision for the future poses to Essential Liberty.
With all that as a backdrop, there was additional news this week that provided a bright ray of hope through the oppressive cloud of budget banter.
Keep reading..
GOP Presidential Hopefuls Face Off In First Ever Twitter Debate
The project is the brainchild of Andrew Hemingway, the creator of Digital-Acumen.com, which teaches politicians how to use Twitter effectively, and the chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hamphsire. He originally came up with the idea while riding in a car with presidential hopeful and former Speaker Newt Gingrich. He took the idea and started working with developer Adam Green, who, with his son Zach, helped create the debate.
more: http://techland.time.com/2011/07/21/gop-presidential-hopefuls-face-off-in-first-ever-twitter-debate/#ixzz1SljfVRZo
Hikers Presumed Dead After Falling Over Yosemite Waterfall
Md Dream Act: Republicans Paint Themselves Into A Corner
Criminal Arrest / Theft From Vehicle
Case # 11-158
LOCATION: 202 Broad Street, Berlin,Worcester County
CRIME: Theft over $10,000 and up to $100,000
VICTIM: Teresa Lerner Ocean City,MD
ACCUSED: juvenile male age 17, Berlin,MD
CHARGES: Rogue and Vagabond, Theft over $10,000 and up to $100,000
On July 5, 2011, the Berlin Police Department initiated an investigation into the theft from a vehicle. It was learned that the "victim" owner and landlord of an address located on Broad Street in Berlin, responded to the location to collect the monthly rent from tenants. During her time away from her parked vehicle, her purse was stolen. Items contained in the purse were several pieces of jewelry with a reported value of $20,000.
Due to the nature of the crime, the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation was contacted to continue the investigation.
During the investigation, it was learned that a juvenile residing in one of the apartments was involved in the theft. Contact was made with the juvenile’s father and a meeting was scheduled to speak with the juvenile.
During the interview, the juvenile confessed to the theft and all of the stolen items were ultimately recovered and returned to the victim.
The juvenile was arrested and charged on July 20, 2011 and released to the custody of his father, pending a juvenile hearing.
Great White Jumps On To Research Boat
Today’s Top Local Posts
This post is "sticky". New posts are below.
Dem. Senator: GOP Has ‘Morphed Into A Kind Of A Cult’
"The sad reality is that America no longer has a two party system. One of our two parties has morphed into a kind of a cult driven by a singular fixation and obsession – preserving and expanding tax breaks for the wealthy at all costs. This so-called balanced budget amendment would make it all but impossible to raise revenues in the future," said Harkin at a press conference on the "Cut, Cap and Balance" legislation passed by the GOP-led House on Tuesday.
Read more
BREAKING NEWS: Pentagon To Announce Repeal Of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
From Fox News
Rep. Lee: Greedy Politicians Don't Want Balanced Budget
Lee, who introduced the "cut, cap and balance" act in the Senate and is the author of “The Freedom Agenda: Why a Balanced Budget Amendment is Necessary to Restore Constitutional Government,” said some members of Congress are reluctant to support his amendment even though polls show wide public support for a balanced budget amendment.
Why? “Because a balanced budget amendment would make politicians less powerful,” he said. “It would make Congress as an institution less powerful. Anytime an institution has access to an unlimited pool of money, especially if it is a lawmaking institution like Congress, it will be made more power as a result of that.
“We need the balanced budget amendment to save the American people from this power," Lee added. "Every time we expand the power of the federal government we run the risk of interfering with the individual liberty of Americans.”
How To Help A Dog Locked In A Car
New Zealand Bans Weird Baby Names
The country’s Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages has been cracking down on parents who get too creative when naming their kids, Australia’s Herald Sun reports.
The list of weird names for kids that are banned by New Zealand’s names registrar has grown to include Lucifer, Duke, Messiah and 89.
Also not approved: Bishop, Baron, General, Judge, King, Knight and Mr., names that were all said to be too similar to titles.
The letters, C, D, I and T were also rejected as first names, the Herald Sun says.
As well, the agency has refused to allow names involving asterisks, commas, periods and other punctuation marks.
And three different sets of Kiwi parents wanted to name their children Lucifer, only to have the name choice nixed.
Google Closing Experimental Lab, But Gmail Features Will Survive
That news prompted fear and news reports that popular "experimental" features in Gmail and other products would also be killed.
Heavy users of Gmail -- including me -- have come to rely on Labs features such as "Undo," which gives you a few seconds after hitting send to revoke the command, to the extent they now feel like permanent features.
First Celebrity Sex Tape? Alleged Marilyn Monroe Film Up For Auction
Coburn Bets a ‘Porterhouse Steak’ Obama Will Sign ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’ Bill
Despite President Barack Obama’s vow to veto the Cut, Cap and Balance bill passed by the House of Representatives, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said he would bet a “Porterhouse steak” that the president would sign the legislation if it arrived at his desk.
“It doesn’t matter what the polls are,” Coburn told reporters at the Capitol on Thursday. “We’ve got to fix our country, and this is the only viable plan right now that will do that. And I will bet you a Porterhouse steak that if it lands on his desk, he’ll sign this puppy.”
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney responded to Coburn’s bet.
Lost Lab: UPDATE
Found in less than an hour!
O’Malley to Announce Gay Marriage Strategy on Friday
UPDATE: O’Malley Will Make His Announcement Friday in Annapolis
Gov. Martin O'Malley said this morning that he will reveal his strategy on same-sex marriage at an event either tomorrow or Monday.
Activists have been working for months to persuade him to put his name on the controversial bill and include it in his legislative agenda. "I supported it last year," he said. "I support it now."
The governor made his remarks in Washington, D.C. after addressing Democratic members of Congress at a closed door meeting.
O'Malley has told the Sun that he would have sponsored the bill this year if he thought it would be helpful for passage. The measure cleared the Senate this year, but was pulled from the House floor when it became clear that supporters were a few votes shy. The governor made phone calls to wavering members, but never made a full court push for the bill.
O'Malley this morning noted that the recently enacted gay marriage law in New York shows "that we can protect religious freedoms and equality of civil marital rights at the same time."
Much of the lengthy debate on the issue in Maryland centered on ensuring that churches, synagogues and other religious institutions could opt-out of performing ceremonies their faith does not condone. Supporters accepted amendments in committee and on the Senate floor to beef up that section of the bill -- making it clear that churches would not have to change their practices to accommodate gay members.
But opponents never believed the changes were sufficient -- in particular they wanted to enable religious institutions to deny gay couples services offered to the wider public, like adoptions.
POLITICO Slants Coverage of Debt Ceiling Debate
Read three articles published in three consecutive days, and the conclusion one would draw is clear: It’s the Republican-controlled House of Representatives that is to blame for the debt ceiling negotiation stalemate.
That’s not the view coming from one of the left-leaning talking heads employed at MSNBC. Nor is it something from the New York Times opinion page. Instead, it is coming from Politico, an outlet that claims it has no political leaning. But a closer look indicates otherwise, whether it is intentional or not.
In three separate articles published on July 18, 19 and 20 respectively, Politico reporter David Rogers found fault with congressional Republicans in his reporting on the standoff between the GOP-controlled House of Representatives and the Democratic-controlled Senate and White House. In those stories, he quoted Democrats at a margin of 2-to-1 over Republicans.
In his July 18 report, Rogers was very critical of the Republicans’ efforts in the House of Representatives.
BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft’s 4Q Results Beat Expectations
From Fox News
GOP Confronts NLRB Over Boeing Plant
House Republicans on Thursday pressed to rein in the National Labor Relations Board in its fight to stop a nonunion factory being built by aerospace giant Boeing, pushing forward a bill that would eliminate the regulator’s authority to oversee private business decisions on investment and where companies can relocate.
The House Committee on Education and the Workplace voted 23-16 to bring the bill to the floor, following a Thursday-morning markup. Rep. John Kline, Minnesota Republican, who is the panel’s chairman, said he expects a floor vote by the full House next week.
The NLRB filed an action in April to prevent the opening of the massive $750 million new plant near Charleston, S.C., intended to build Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner, contending the company was illegally punishing its union workers in its Washington state manufacturing base by opening the new plant.
“This is the economic death penalty for workers,” Rep. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Republican, told the committee. NLRB officials “have abused this remedy, and they should lose it.”
Two Arrested, Third Sought for Purple Parrot Burglary
Two Milford men – one a recent employee of the Purple Parrot Grill – were arrested July 19 in connection with the July 10 burglary of the restaurant. Police continue to search for a Milford juvenile allegedly involved.
Rehoboth police arrested Purple Parrot employee Ryan J. Smith, 20, and Brandon Williams, 18, and recovered the kegs of beer, cases of alcohol and flat-screen television taken during the July 10 break in, said Chief Keith W. Banks of the Rehoboth Beach Police Department.
The three men allegedly conspired to commit the burglary and were aided by intimate knowledge of the business obtained from Smith, Banks said.
Numerous people called with information after news of the burglary was released, he said.
Smith and Williams were charged with third-degree burglary, possession of burglar's tools, theft under $1,500, criminal mischief under $1,000 and second-degree conspiracy. Smith additionally was charged with two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana.
Philly Woman Gets 11 Months for Kidnap, Extortion Plot Against “Cheapskate” Spouse
Authorities say Yudeka (you-DEE’-kah) Valdez complained her estranged husband wasn’t making payments on her Mercedes.
They say she told the supposed kidnappers that her husband was a heroin dealer who kept $20,000 in cash at home.
But the men were an undercover agent and informant.
After her 2008 arrest, Valdez said she never planned to go through with the plot.
U.S. District Judge Curtis Joyner told Valdez at Thursday’s sentencing that the 35-year-old Valdez is catching a break, given the three-year guideline range.
A defense lawyer called her a foolish woman, but one who was emotionally spent.
Authorities have been unable to find the husband.
from the Washington Post / AP
BREAKING NEWS: Boehner Prepared to Compromise!
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday he has prepared his members to compromise on the debt ceiling and that a majority of House Republicans could support a potential deal with Democrats.
In a news conference at the Capitol, Boehner pressed anew for the GOP’s “cut, cap and balance” plan but also pushed back against conservatives in his caucus who are unwilling to move beyond it.
The Speaker was asked to respond to comments from Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, who described the “cut, cap and balance” plan as “the compromise” and signed a pledge opposing other alternatives to raising the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling.
“I’m sure that we’ve got some members who [aren't willing to compromise], but I do not believe that’s anywhere close to a majority,” Boehner said.
Asked earlier if he had prepared his membership to compromise, he replied: “I have.”
What Does the Founder of Home Depot Know About Creating Jobs Anyway?
Investors Business Daily interviewed Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot, and what he said can’t be too pleasing to King Barack:
IBD: What’s the single biggest impediment to job growth today?
Marcus: The U.S. government. Having built a small business into a big one, I can tell you that today the impediments that the government imposes are impossible to deal with. Home Depot would never have succeeded if we’d tried to start it today. Every day you see rules and regulations from a group of Washington bureaucrats who know nothing about running a business. And I mean every day. It’s become stifling.
If you’re a small businessman, the only way to deal with it is to work harder, put in more hours, and let people go. When you consider that something like 70% of the American people work for small businesses, you are talking about a big economic impact.
IBD: President Obama has promised to streamline and eliminate regulations. What’s your take?
Marcus: His speeches are wonderful. His output is absolutely, incredibly bad. As he speaks about cutting out regulations, they are now producing thousands of pages of new ones. With just ObamaCare by itself, you have a 2,000 page bill that’s probably going end up being 150,000 pages of regulations…
Bear Rescued from Jar Stuck on Its Head for Three Weeks
A black bear is back in the woods in Tennessee after getting help with a problem — a plastic jar stuck on its head.
State wildlife officers looked for the bear for three weeks after reports he was caught in the jug. The Knoxville News Sentinel said the male bear was roaming around Newport, in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains.
On July 17, wildlife officer Shelly Hammonds was checking another report of the bear when the animal ran in front of her vehicle. Hammonds fired a tranquillizer dart and the bear collapsed in downtown Newport.
The bear weighed just 115 pounds, about half its expected weight. It was released into the Cherokee National Forest. Wildlife officials believe the bear got into the jar while foraging through garbage.
NASA Launches RockSat-X
NASA launched a Terrier-Improved Orion suborbital sounding rocket from its Wallops Flight Facility this morning.
The rocket, carrying experiments from four universities, launched at 7:58 a.m. after the event was delayed because officials were waiting for boats in the water near the facility to move, according to the NASA webcast.
The experiments were developed by undergraduates through a program with the Colorado Space Grant Consortium called RockSat-X. The students attend the University of Colorado at Boulder, the University of Northern Colorado, the University of Wyoming and the University of Puerto Rico.
To learn more about the sounding rocket program, visit the NASA site.
Bozell: Republicans Who Support "Gang of Six" Will "Walk the Plank"
The debt reduction proposal issued Thursday by the group of three Democratic and three Republican senators — known as the “Gang of Six” — won guarded optimism from some conservatives, but damnation from others.
In a statement to The Daily Caller, ForAmerica Chairman Brent Bozell promised retribution against any Republican who supports the deal, which would allow for an increase to the country’s debt limit.
“Conservatives will stand together to say the Gang of Six plan is dead on arrival and so is any effort to pass a short-term extension that only kicks the can down the road and does nothing to solve the problem,” Bozell said.
Bozell continued: “Should the Gang of Six plan pass, those fake ‘conservatives’ who supported it will walk the plank. That’s a promise.”
Wicomico County to Open Cooling Center Due to Extreme Heat
With temperatures expected in the high 90’s and possibly exceeding 100, Wicomico County government officials announced the opening of a cooling center Friday, July 22 and Saturday, July 23. The cooling center will be at the Wicomico County Youth and Civic Center, 500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury. Center hours are 10 AM to 8 PM each day.
Anyone coming to the cooling center should bring all medications with them as well as snacks. Bottled water will be provided.
A cooling center information line has been established at 410-548-9452. It will be staffed Friday and Saturday from 9 AM to 7 PM
Family, friends and neighbors who are at high risk will need extra help and residents should consider how they can help someone they know get to an air conditioned place, if needed. Protect yourself and family with these heat safety tips:
- Stay Indoors, preferably in air conditioning
- Drink plenty of cool fluids
- Replace salt and minerals
- Wear appropriated clothing and sunscreen. Schedule outdoor activities carefully
- Pace yourself if you must be outdoors
- Use a buddy system. Keep an eye on co-workers
- Monitor people at high-risk
- Bring pets indoors if possible and make sure they have plenty of fresh, clean water
- Use common sense
For heat related tips and updates, visit the health department website at: www.wicomicohealth.org
A Party Divorced from Sanity
by Gene Lyons
No wonder people are cynical. The nation increasingly appears to be governed by cheap political theater: made-for-TV melodrama more like professional wrestling than actual combat. As I write, the United States allegedly hovers on the edge of a fiscal crisis.
Should Congress fail to raise the National Debt limit between today and Aug. 2, the government will default on its debt for the first time in U.S. history -- a cataclysmic event, should it happen.
Dressed in his big boy suit, Republican House Speaker John Boehner put it this way on CBS News' "Face the Nation" back on May 15:
"I understand what the President was saying about jeopardizing the 'full faith and credit of the United States.' That's why I've said in every public and private utterance that our obligation is to raise the debt ceiling ... We could see the end of our economy if we don't act."
True, Boehner reads from a different script sometimes. Meanwhile, President Obama has made similar noises all along. Never mind that debt default by the world's largest economy could trigger a worldwide depression. Last week he told CBS that a failure to raise the debt limit might mean he couldn't guarantee Grandpa’s Social Security checks. In keeping with the time-honored precepts of Washington theater, Republicans cried foul.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette columnist Gene Lyons is a National Magazine Award winner and co-author of "The Hunting of the President" (St. Martin's Press, 2000). You can e-mail Lyons at eugenelyons2@yahoo.com.
Free Public Wi-Fi Coming to State House for 2012 Session
The entire State House complex will provide free public wi-fi access starting with the 2012 legislative session.
The Joint Advisory Committee on Legislative Data Systems unanimously approved a measure on Wednesday to allow the public to access the Internet for free from all meeting rooms and office areas throughout the complex.
“We’re turning the whole place into Starbucks, minus the coffee,” said Del. Kumar Barve, the House chairman of the committee.
The committee also supported a recommendation to redesign the General Assembly website which has changed little in the last decade.
Matt Maciarello Quits
What many of you do not know is the time and effort I personally spent with Matt trying to convince him it was NOT the right thing to do.
After several hours of conversation over the next two days, Matt was convinced the time was now to get back into the race and win it.
The move to get out and then jump right back in was thought by most to be a death wish for any chance of Matt winning this campaign, they were wrong.
Let's hope Matt never forgets where he came from.
Shore Health Names New CEO
Kenneth D. Kozel has been named President and Chief Executive Officer of Shore Health System.
Kozel has 23 years of health care experience, including most recently as president of the two hospitals that comprise Upper Chesapeake Health in Harford County. During more than eight years in executive leadership at Upper Chesapeake Health, Kozel helped guide the organization through multiple major projects resulting in improved patient safety and an enhanced environment of care, including a $35 million patient tower expansion and infrastructure renovations for Upper Chesapeake's two hospitals.
"I am very excited about becoming the next President and CEO of Shore Health System," Kozel said in a statement to The Star Democrat. "It has been a career aspiration of mine to become a CEO of a community hospital system and Shore Health is exactly the type of community I was hoping to find. In addition to finding the ideal community setting, there are so many similarities between Upper Chesapeake Health and Shore Health that will help to ensure my success. These similarities include the size of the hospitals, the scope of services provided and most importantly, the outstanding people who work for the health system and live in the community. Finally, the engagement and commitment to excellence demonstrated by everyone on the Shore Health Board of Directors, the medical staff, and the leadership team was great to witness and I am eagerly looking forward to becoming part of the Shore community and calling the Shore my home."
Kozel is scheduled to begin working at Shore Health System by Oct. 3.
Marinas Become the Target of Theft
When Marian Nazelrod discovered her boat had been robbed while it was docked at the Bay Colony Community Yacht Club marina east of Dagsboro, her initial reaction was anger.
At some point between the evening of July 9 and the morning of July 12, rod and reels, a fishing net, the anchor, a cooler full of fishing supplies, tool and tackle boxes and some parts for the motor were taken from the Nazelrods' pontoon boat.
The couple was informed by their friends, John and Eileen Loftus, who also had items stolen, including two large crab pots, rods and reels and a Big Bertha towable float tube.
Nazelrod estimates it will cost her close to $500 to replace the items.
"I find it appalling," she said. "I'm just so angry. We've been (at the marina) since 2002 and we haven't had anything taken in that time."
Since July 12, two other boats have reported missing items, Nazelrod said, and she believes the economy is to blame.
The Nazelrods' and Loftus' boats are docked at the farthest pier in the marina, she said, making it easy for someone to arrive by boat and grab "everything they could take off with."
Bill to Abolish Visa Lottery Sent to Full House
A bill to abolish the U.S. government's annual visa lottery, which awards slots for legal entry into the United States, introduced by Virginia Republican Bob Goodlatte, has been referred by the Judiciary Committee to the full House.
Every year millions of would-be immigrants take a gamble and submit their names for the U.S. government's annual visa lottery. The odds of getting permission to move to the United States are slim at best — nearly 15 million people applied in 2010 for 55,000 visas — and could get slimmer.
Critics of the lottery argue that problems of fraud and the potential for the program to be exploited by terrorists make it a threat to national security.
O'Donnell Campaign is PAC's Largest Donor
Former GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell has been the biggest contributor to the political action committee she launched in January.
Christine O'Donnell speaks at the Values Voter Summit on Sept. 17, 2010 in Washington, D.C.
“ChristinePAC” reported raising nearly $120,000 between Jan. 1 and June 30, according to a report filed Friday with the Federal Election Commission. The report showed a transfer of $50,000 from “Friends of Christine O’Donnell” to the PAC in April.
The PAC spent more than $86,000 during the first half of the year. Rent and fees for legal, communications and administrative services were among the expenses.
As of June 30, the PAC had more than $33,000 and no debts
ChristinePAC is a “Super PAC,” meaning it can accept unlimited amounts of money from any source.
O’Donnell can accept a salary from the PAC. She also can use it to spend unlimited amounts on political ads supporting or opposing individual candidates and touting specific issues.
On Friday, federal prosecutors closed an investigation into allegations that O’Donnell used campaign funds in 2009 to make rent payments.
U.S. Attorney Charles Oberly sent O’Donnell’s attorney a letter saying he was closing his investigation and “does not intend to pursue criminal charges at this time.”
Oberly said his office would refer the matter to the Federal Elections Commission.
Apple's $76B Question: What to Do With the Cash?
Apple announced its quarterly earnings Tuesday, and -- big surprise -- they were stellar. But one of the numbers not discussed much in analysis of its results was the more than $76 billion Apple holds on its balance sheet. This includes $12.1 billion in cash and cash equivalents, $16.3 billion in marketable securities, and $47.8 billion in long-term marketable securities. More remarkable still is that, based onApple's earnings, that figure could reach $100 billion by year's end -- after all, the upcoming two quarters include back-to-school and the holiday season.
What Apple will do with all of that money has been discussed for two or three years as the balance has grown. Apple has made few acquisitions of any size. Its stock rose to near $400 after it released results. With a market cap in excess of $360 billion, it could easily use its stock as currency if it wanted to purchase of another large company.
BREAKING NEWS: O’Malley Accuses GOP of Trying to Destroy the Economy
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) said that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and the “dinosaur wing of the Republican Party” are actively trying to ruin the economy by undermining debt-ceiling negotiations.
Speaking to reporters at a Capitol Hill news conference Thursday, O’Malley said certain elements of the GOP are trying to undermine the economy to harm President Obama politically. O’Malley claimed that these Republicans are trying to either push the country into default or hurt the economy by cutting government jobs.
“I believe that there are some members – some members – of the Republican Party who, in order to defeat President Obama in the next election, would like to kill the jobs recovery now, either by default or by massive sudden cuts to public sector jobs,” O’Malley said.
When asked by CNSNews.com after the press conference which Republicans he was talking about, Gov. O’Malley fingered the House Majority Leader and a “dinosaur wing” of the GOP.
“I’m talking about Eric Cantor and the dinosaur wing of the Republican Party,” O’Malley said.
Budget Disagreement In Memphis Threatens To Delay School Year
Ireland Denounces Vatican Over Abuse
The government and all opposition parties unanimously backed a motion accusing the Vatican of sabotaging the Irish bishops' 1996 decision to begin reporting suspected cases of child abuse to police.
Worcester County Offers Alternatives to Beat the Heat
With temperatures soaring throughout the week, the public is invited to escape the heat by visiting any of the five Worcester County branch libraries, located in Ocean City, Ocean Pines, Berlin, Snow Hill and Pocomoke, as well as the Worcester County Recreation Center (WCRC) in Snow Hill during standard operating hours.
The WCRC is open Monday - Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., closed Saturday and Sunday. Residents are invited to walk on the four-lane competitive track, register for a youth sports camp, join in a table tennis game, or simply relax on the retractable bleachers, which can comfortably accommodate up to 520 people.
The Worcester County branch library hours are as follows:
- Ocean City Library hours are Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tues. - 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sat - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Berlin Library hours are Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wed. - 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sat. - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Ocean Pines Library hours are Mon. - 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tues., Wed., Thurs. - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Fri. - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sat. - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Snow Hill Library hours are Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wed. - 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sat. - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Pocomoke Library hours are Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tues - 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sat - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Call Recreation and Parks at 410-632-2144 or the Worcester County Library at (410) 632-2600 or visit www.worcesterlibrary.org for more information.
Worcester County Emergency Services urges residents to drink plenty of fluids, avoid alcohol and caffeine, and take frequent breaks from stressful activities to avoid becoming dehydrated and overheated, which can lead to heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
Be aware that heat stroke and heat exhaustion are both serious conditions. Heatstroke, which is characterized by a body temperature greater than 105 degrees, can develop quickly and is often accompanied by the following symptoms: dry, red skin, convulsions, disorientation, delirium and coma. Heatstroke is treated by rapidly lowering the body temperature by a cool bath or wet towels. A heatstroke victim should be kept in a cool area; emergency medical care should be obtained by dialing 911.
Heat exhaustion is a milder form of heatstroke, and symptoms may include extreme weakness, muscle cramps, nausea, and headache, vomiting or fainting. Heat exhaustion can be treated by drinking plenty of liquids and resting in a cool, shaded area.
Rep. Allen West – NO APOLOGY for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Rep. Allen West dug in his heels after congressional Democrats called on him to apologize for a heated email he sent to the Democratic Party chairwoman, adamantly denying reports that he had already done so.
West claims he was in his right to send fellow Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz an email Tuesday calling her "vile" and "not a lady," in response to her criticism of him on the House floor.
Rep. Allen West speaks at the Faith & Freedom Conference and Strategy Briefing in Washington June 3.
"Don't poke me in the chest, that's the bottom line," he told Fox Business Network on Thursday, adding that an apology is "not happening."
His aides underscored that response following reports and audio tape that seemingly showed him backing off his original comments. In the tape, West could be heard telling a Huffington Post reporter: "I just apologized."
It's unclear what he was referring to -- a West aide immediately shot down claims that he had apologized, calling them "absolutely false." Wasserman Schultz likewise said she had not heard from West.
Former P.G. Exec Johnson Collecting Pension Benefits
Former Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson has been collecting benefits thanks to a loophole in Maryland's pension law that officials are now trying to close.
Johnson began receiving payments for his $49,552.32 per year pension in January, despite admitting to accepting up to $1 million in gifts for steering taxpayer dollars to crooked developers while serving as county executive for eight years.