SPAM AAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH We get tons of it and today I will share a few of the message titles. The Tattler has been getting up to 500 attempted spam posts a day which is larger than the 200 to 300 per day that make it past my e-mail spam filters.
My advice to anyone who gets these it hit the delete button, DO NOT OPEN THEM and most of all do not buy anything from them.
There is no particular order to these as I randomly cut n paste and please do not think we wrote any of these they are true 100% spam e-mails received overnight:
Will you be able to please her 5 times a night?I want sex with man 21 - 53
Discounted drugs at discount pharmacy.
The F.B.I.'s plan to "profile" Facebook (over 1,000 spam e-mails with a variation on this title this week alone)
It make shock you, but you will have it up for 36 hours.
Is your love stick as hard as stone?
List of gastroenterologists etc..
Dont look fat and stupid this summer.
Make her long for you every night.
Shield your loved ones financial health from harm
Instead of our old formula, the new one is more concentrated and alot more powerful
What time is okay for you
**JUNK** Pay for leads after closing
**JUNK** Notification of payment by ATM Master Credit Card
Dating sex with ...Ambrose
Personal information for you. darned money.
Jane Lost 25 pounds in 20 Days with Tea
Home Delivery of NY Times
75% Off for All New Software. microsoft, adobe, macromedia!
Nothing is fresher, safer and healthier than food you grow yourself.
Remove Harmful Errors that Slow Down Your PC
10 secrets of better xxxlife!
Respected Canadian Chemist. Millions of customers cannot be wrong.
F.B.I. Watching Hezbollah in Facebook
FBI on the Hunt for Facebook users
What steps should Congress take to get our economy back on track? (Congressman John P. Sarbanes
Hot sex with Viagra pills.
Give her your attention every night.
Get fit for summer beach season.
Won't forget last night
Experince more long and continous pleasure.
Protect your home now with the most trusted name in Home Warranties
**JUNK** ANTI-ED solution know from the ancent times!
Be her owner in bed. Best way to cure yourself
Fatburner hits big in Hollywood
Viagra and Cialis for everyone!
It looks like Internet marketers from around the world are concerned about my weight, health, home warranty, the size and durability of my, well you know, that my wife / lover is not satisfied or that I need a new lover or that my PC may be getting slowed down by virii from spam e-mails.
Maybe we need a new home mortgage or leads of people who responded to a spam e-mail offering a home mortgage. Then there must be a gazillion sources of "discounted drugs" whose prices all seem to be 10X higher than our local City Pharmacy.
Then there are the "political messages" from all kinds of wacked out groups, the one from our State Senator somehow got tagged as spam, all the political town hall meetings, on-line of course. Then there are the people either trying to "protect me" from terrorists or who may think I am one doing something 'bad' on facebook and need to be warned about the FBI.
This came in after deleting the ones above and writing a few lines but it reminds me:
Problems with plastic money? We can helpWho does not have problems with plastic money? Heck there is no such thing unless they mean my credit cards, which brings us to the blog spams:
giochi 7 card stud inlineafree payday loanameriloan payday loantexas hold poker spielcasino netonline casino promotionplay bingo onlineomaha poker spieleninstant approval credit card canadainternational online casinobanana phone ringtones free banana phone ringtonescash central loan payday cash loan payday check to cash payday loancard cashback credit ukbet and win pokerbad credit cash advance advance bad cash credit loan payday no fax cash advance for bad creditI won't even get into posting the porn spam names because they are offensive to even look at while deleting them.
The drag is sometimes posts go into our spam catcher and I find about 3 to 5 legitamite posts or responses mixed in with all the garbage.
From the tone of the internet advertising one can borrow money to bet at an on-line casino to pass the time while waiting for your credit card to come in the mail along with the life and wang extending drugs to please the lady who wants a man age 18 to 53 looks not important that reminded me we chatted last night and set it all up.
If you posted a comment to the blog and did not see it or think we edited it, sorry thats not our policy. We have been getting sometimes as many as 200 spam "post responses" an hour and I just hit the delete all button.
If we missed anything, besides that offer to deposit $3 to $30 million in my bank account or winning the e-mail lottery or "Dear Blessed Child of God" whom I trust with my departed husband assistant to former president of __________... Please let me know and post your comments here, hopefully it won't get caught in our spam filter.