This photo may appear as if there are quite a few people in attendance but in reality, most of the people you see are candidates and or friends of candidates.
Below, (center) is my wife, who walked in and they asked, are you a young professional? No. Are you under 36 years old? No. Then Mike Lewis walked in, came right over to Jennifer and shook her hand saying hello and they said, oh go ahead and just go in.
The guy in the bottom right hand corner clapping his hands, another friend who just walked in and because he walked in at the same time we did, they let him through.
All in all there were about 15 Young Professionals attending this event. Similar to other events, most of the people there are candidates and or their friends and there is a VERY serious problem with public participation and the Chamber of Commerce discouraged the Public's right to attend.
Now I also hear we're having issues with PACE and their not putting Charles Jannace on the agenda to speak. Wait till the lawsuits come out on that one!