Hey Joe,
Just got word that there's a huge accident on RT13 near the Fruitland Walmart and Cherokee lanes. Lots of emerg personnel. They are all looking in the river right now for something.
Just wanted to give you the heads up.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
There was just a break in on Druid Hill Ave in Salisbury. Three large white males, (over 200 pounds each) were seen in a dark colored, (perhaps dark green) F 240 or F 350 work truck. It could gave been a GM vehicle as well.
There is plywood sticking over the tailgate and the Delaware Tag is mounted on the top left corner of the tailgate, (illegally).
If you see this vehicle ANYWHERE, call the Police immediately. Keep your eyes open for it as they could be in your neighborhood as well.
There is plywood sticking over the tailgate and the Delaware Tag is mounted on the top left corner of the tailgate, (illegally).
If you see this vehicle ANYWHERE, call the Police immediately. Keep your eyes open for it as they could be in your neighborhood as well.
The Truth About "Tea Partys"
For the record, I think it is great that people can come together and organize like this. It reminds me of Obama's Presidential campaign. But I think you all should know exactly what you are getting into and how you are being used like pawns by the people who actually pull the strings. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's "of the people by the people". Just like 99% of things political in this country, nay the world, it is controlled by corporate interests, the same corporate interests that have been robbing the taxpayers, destroying our natural resources, and the same ones Americans elected Obama to stand up to. You are being duped. If you're OK with it, then I'm OK it.
Last week, Think Progress reported on Republican lawmakers planning to speak at anti-Obama “tea party” protests taking place nationwide on April 15. Last night, Eric Odom of the DontGo website — one of the organizers of the protests — wrote a blog post stressing that these protests are displays of “regular American[s] in protest of government spending and extreme taxation,” rather than something affiliated with a political party or special interest agenda.
Today on Fox News — which has actively been promoting the protests — Glenn Beck pushed the tea party talking points, similarly claiming that the protests aren’t “coordinated” and are fully organized by “regular” people.
Despite these attempts to make the “movement” appear organic, the principle organizers of the local events are actually the lobbyist-run think tanks Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works. The two groups are heavily staffed and well funded, and are providing all the logistical and public relations work necessary for planning coast-to-coast protests:
– Freedom Works staffers coordinate conference calls among protesters, contacting conservative activists to give them “sign ideas, sample press releases, and a map of events around the country.”
– Freedom Works staffers apparently moved to “take over” the planning of local events in Florida.
– Freedom Works provides how-to guides for delivering a “clear message” to the public and media.
– Freedom Works has several domain addresses — some of them made to look like they were set up by amateurs — to promote the protests.
– Americans for Prosperity is writing press releases and planning the events in New Jersey, Arizona, New Hampshire, Missouri, Kansas, and several other states.
This type of corporate ‘astroturfing‘ is nothing new to either organization. While working to promote Social Security privatization, Freedom Works was caught planting one of its operatives as a “single mom” to ask questions to President Bush in a town hall on the subject. Last year, the Wall Street Journal exposed Freedom Works for similarly building “amateur-looking” websites to promote the lobbying interests of Dick Armey, the former Republican Majority Leader who now leads Freedom Works and is a lobbyist for the firm DLA Piper.
Americans for Prosperity is run by Tim Phillips, who was Ralph Reed’s former partner in the lobbying firm Century Strategies. The group is funded by Koch family foundations — a family whose wealth is derived from the oil industry. Indeed Americans for Prosperity has coordinated pro-drilling ‘grassroots‘ events around the country.
This afternoon, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, leader of the corporate-funded American Solutions for Winning the Futures (ASWF), blasted an e-mail to his supporters with a reminder to attend the protests, along with a "Toolkit" of talking points. Gingrich's ASWF is funded by polluters and helped orchestrate the "Drill Here, Drill Now" campaign last summer. ASWF has been an official "partner" in the tea party effort since at least March.
Last week, Think Progress reported on Republican lawmakers planning to speak at anti-Obama “tea party” protests taking place nationwide on April 15. Last night, Eric Odom of the DontGo website — one of the organizers of the protests — wrote a blog post stressing that these protests are displays of “regular American[s] in protest of government spending and extreme taxation,” rather than something affiliated with a political party or special interest agenda.
Today on Fox News — which has actively been promoting the protests — Glenn Beck pushed the tea party talking points, similarly claiming that the protests aren’t “coordinated” and are fully organized by “regular” people.
Despite these attempts to make the “movement” appear organic, the principle organizers of the local events are actually the lobbyist-run think tanks Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works. The two groups are heavily staffed and well funded, and are providing all the logistical and public relations work necessary for planning coast-to-coast protests:
– Freedom Works staffers coordinate conference calls among protesters, contacting conservative activists to give them “sign ideas, sample press releases, and a map of events around the country.”
– Freedom Works staffers apparently moved to “take over” the planning of local events in Florida.
– Freedom Works provides how-to guides for delivering a “clear message” to the public and media.
– Freedom Works has several domain addresses — some of them made to look like they were set up by amateurs — to promote the protests.
– Americans for Prosperity is writing press releases and planning the events in New Jersey, Arizona, New Hampshire, Missouri, Kansas, and several other states.
This type of corporate ‘astroturfing‘ is nothing new to either organization. While working to promote Social Security privatization, Freedom Works was caught planting one of its operatives as a “single mom” to ask questions to President Bush in a town hall on the subject. Last year, the Wall Street Journal exposed Freedom Works for similarly building “amateur-looking” websites to promote the lobbying interests of Dick Armey, the former Republican Majority Leader who now leads Freedom Works and is a lobbyist for the firm DLA Piper.
Americans for Prosperity is run by Tim Phillips, who was Ralph Reed’s former partner in the lobbying firm Century Strategies. The group is funded by Koch family foundations — a family whose wealth is derived from the oil industry. Indeed Americans for Prosperity has coordinated pro-drilling ‘grassroots‘ events around the country.
This afternoon, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, leader of the corporate-funded American Solutions for Winning the Futures (ASWF), blasted an e-mail to his supporters with a reminder to attend the protests, along with a "Toolkit" of talking points. Gingrich's ASWF is funded by polluters and helped orchestrate the "Drill Here, Drill Now" campaign last summer. ASWF has been an official "partner" in the tea party effort since at least March.
Lane Closures Needed on Route 1 Southbound For Indian River Inlet Bridge ConstructionIndian River -- The Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists that sheetpile driving will be occurring on the new Indian River Inlet Bridge. This work will require the closure of the right lane of Route 1 southbound through the work zone. The lane closure will be in effect Tuesday, April 14 through Friday April 17.
DelDOT cautions motorists who travel in and around the existing Indian River Inlet Bridge to lower their speed to 35 mph through the work zone. As activity around the bridge increases, motorists should stay focused on the road and not become distracted by the construction activity.
Information on the construction of the new Indian River Inlet Bridge can be found on DelDOT's Web site, www.deldot.gov. Click on the Building The Bridge tab.
DelDOT cautions motorists who travel in and around the existing Indian River Inlet Bridge to lower their speed to 35 mph through the work zone. As activity around the bridge increases, motorists should stay focused on the road and not become distracted by the construction activity.
Information on the construction of the new Indian River Inlet Bridge can be found on DelDOT's Web site, www.deldot.gov. Click on the Building The Bridge tab.
2 Suspects Arrested Stabbing Granddad's Sister In Ve Beach
Remember this POST back in September? Granddad's Sister and Husband were attacked in a Hotel Room Invasion and they never thought anything would come of it. It turns out a new Detective was put on the case and within a week he has two suspects in custody. The attack was Gang related. Perhaps Granddad will chime in later to comment.

Singer/songwriter Paul Lewis along with his full band are slated to perform at Pork in the Park in Winterplace Park on Friday April 17th at 6:00PM. The performance will be the first with his full band in the Salisbury area.
Lewis, who is well known for his onstage theatrics as a front man and powerful vocals is currently in the studio recording his third solo cd. The artist will be previewing new songs from the upcoming cd at the performance. Paul is originally from the Salisbury area and attended Salisbury State University where he auditioned and became part of the successful band YNOT!. Lewis went on to establish a thriving solo career that he launched in 2001 in Los Angeles. “I am excited to be performing in the area again and performing new songs for the first time in a public setting. I am also pretty excited to try some killer BBQ while there.” says Lewis.
Lewis will perform at 6:00PM on April 17th. Tickets for the event are $2.00 while kids 12 ands under are free. To find out more information on Paul Lewis you can visit www.paul-lewis.com For information on Pork in the Park you can visit http://www.porkinthepark.org
Realize Records was formed in Los Angeles, CA in 2000 as an alternative for independent musicians. In 2003, Realize openedits East coast office in the greater Wilmington, DE area and has been aggressively developing artists who deliver depth insong writing and are spectacular live performers. The company consists of music industry veterans and critically acclaimed artists.
Wicomico County Budget Delayed One Week

It’s been 3 weeks since we were treated to your press release to do damage control about the mess at the waste water treatment plant. The election is over, so the truth about this can’t hurt Bubba Comegys’ unsuccessful bid to become R. Necks Mare. That high priced consultant the City has hired must have been heard from – what’s the story? Inquiring minds want to know.
Please give us the latest dirt about the WWTP at your media event tomorrow to present your last budget as mayor. Don’t drop this one on Jim Ireton.
State Police Recognizes National Public Safety Telecommunications Week

The Delaware State Police would like to take the opportunity to formally acknowledge the unsung heroes among us- our telecommunications professionals. The Association of Public Safety Communications Officials International (APCO) honors the nation's communications professionals each year during the second full week in April. This celebration is known as National Public Safety Telecommunications Week and is being celebrated April 12-18, 2009).
This week is set aside to recognize telecommunicates, radio and IT technicians, communications trainers and administrators for their dedication to duty, responsiveness in emergency situations, training our next generation of telecommunicates and for maintaining America's voice and data communications systems.
As many of our citizens here in Delaware may not know, the Delaware State Police Communication Section is comprised primarily of four distinct units- RECOM (the State Police dispatch center in New Castle County), KENTCOM (the State Police dispatch center in Kent County), SUSCOM (State Police dispatch center in Sussex County) and HQ Communications (stationed in Dover and who provides assistance on a statewide level).
The professional men and women who are assigned at the aforementioned dispatch centers work diligently to support the uniformed division of DSP, and yes, they too work around the clock. They gather and provide critical information to responding officers such as- ‘Is a suspect armed?’, ‘How many perpetrators are there?’, ‘Is there any mental patient history Troopers should be aware of?’ This information is crucial; this information helps to keep officers safe.
Our dispatchers speak with victims and reporting persons often before the officers do. They console distraught and disturbed individuals. Occasionally, they may speak with a suspect, and keep them at bay until Troopers arrive. When children call for help, these men and women offer comforting reassurance that things will be OK and that help is coming.
Their jobs are not just about dispatching though. Our communication employees conduct research and work cooperatively with other agencies on both a local and national level. These specialists enter and retrieve sensitive data. They seek ongoing additional training and work diligently to enhance their own skills and keep abreast of the latest techniques and ideas developing in their industry.
Colonel Thomas F. Mac Leish says, “Of course I am biased, but I have to say that I honestly believe our communications professionals here at DSP are the best in the country. They love what they do and it shows in the quality of their work. Our dispatchers are often the first line of defense in any given situation. Over the years, they have undoubtedly saved the lives our Troopers countless times through their diligence to duty in relaying critical information. I am truly thankful for their service.”
Homeland Security Warns of Rise in Right-Wing Extremism

from National Terror Alert.com
An intelligence assessment released to law enforcement last week claims news of recession, the election of an African American president, rumors of new gun restrictions and the inability of veterans to reintegrate create fertile ground for radicalizing and recruiting right-wing extremists.
The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement agencies that recent news is helping “right-wing extremist groups” recruit new members and could lead to violence, and warns about the possible recruitment and radicalization of returning veterans.
“Right-wing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters and broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning,” the assessment reads.
The report also suggests that returning veterans are attractive recruits for right-wing groups looking for “combat skills and experience” so as to boost their “violent capabilities.” It adds that new restrictions on gun ownership and the difficulty of veterans to reintegrate into their communities “could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.”
"The high volume of purchases and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by right-wing extremists in anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement,” the report says.
Polk vs. Shields - Rubber Match Moves to Friday
While the overwhelming margins of victory won by both Salisbury Mayor-elect Jim Ireton and Councilwoman Debbie Campbell sound the death knell of the Barrie Comegys party, hope remains in District 1. There, incumbent Shanie Shields is tied with Cynthia Polk after last Tuesday's election, the Absentee I canvas and the Provisional canvas. Friday's Absentee II canvas, with five (5) District 1 ballots will prove to be the rubber match.
Voters throughout the city are asking, "How can this election possibly be so close?" Scandalously low turnout is one obvious answer. However, it is our opinion that turnout is only part of the answer.
While no charges of electoral impropriety have been leveled by the Polk camp - yet - there is certainly the appearance of impropriety on several fronts. A family member of Shields served as an election judge - at the sole District 1 polling place. Voters from the east side of District 1 were deliberately disenfranchised when the Tilghman administration and its rubber stamp council refused to allow those residents the opportunity to vote at Harvest Baptist Church - literally blocks from a very large block of District 1 voters. The city electoral board, Barrie Tilghman appointees all, refused to segregate challenged absentee ballots. Not leaving SAPOA out of the mix, one witness has come forward claiming that they were paid to vote and hauled to St. James AME Zion Church (the District 1 polling place) by their landlord. This is in additon to the persistent rumors of such behavior by Salisbury's leading slumlords.
Even if Shields manages to scratch out a 1 vote win, what little credibility she had maintained is effectively gone. If the Barrie Comegys council bloc of Louise Smith and Gary Comegys acts to stop the change voters clearly want it will take little more than a warm body to defeat either in 2011.
Hold tight Salisbury. Friday should be interesting. While Polk could challenge a defeat on multiple fronts, Shields cannot challenge. To date, Shields has failed to send a single representative to the Electoral Board canvasses. Perhaps she assumed that City Attorney Paul Wilber and the Tilghman appointed electoral board would serve as her proxies. Perhaps they did. Unfortunately for Shields, I doubt any would publicly admit to error or wrongdoing to help her out.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
G. A. Harrison publishes Delmarva Dealings and the Campaign Edge. In addition, he is a regular contributor to Salisbury News and Red Maryland.

Voters throughout the city are asking, "How can this election possibly be so close?" Scandalously low turnout is one obvious answer. However, it is our opinion that turnout is only part of the answer.
While no charges of electoral impropriety have been leveled by the Polk camp - yet - there is certainly the appearance of impropriety on several fronts. A family member of Shields served as an election judge - at the sole District 1 polling place. Voters from the east side of District 1 were deliberately disenfranchised when the Tilghman administration and its rubber stamp council refused to allow those residents the opportunity to vote at Harvest Baptist Church - literally blocks from a very large block of District 1 voters. The city electoral board, Barrie Tilghman appointees all, refused to segregate challenged absentee ballots. Not leaving SAPOA out of the mix, one witness has come forward claiming that they were paid to vote and hauled to St. James AME Zion Church (the District 1 polling place) by their landlord. This is in additon to the persistent rumors of such behavior by Salisbury's leading slumlords.
Even if Shields manages to scratch out a 1 vote win, what little credibility she had maintained is effectively gone. If the Barrie Comegys council bloc of Louise Smith and Gary Comegys acts to stop the change voters clearly want it will take little more than a warm body to defeat either in 2011.
Hold tight Salisbury. Friday should be interesting. While Polk could challenge a defeat on multiple fronts, Shields cannot challenge. To date, Shields has failed to send a single representative to the Electoral Board canvasses. Perhaps she assumed that City Attorney Paul Wilber and the Tilghman appointed electoral board would serve as her proxies. Perhaps they did. Unfortunately for Shields, I doubt any would publicly admit to error or wrongdoing to help her out.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
G. A. Harrison publishes Delmarva Dealings and the Campaign Edge. In addition, he is a regular contributor to Salisbury News and Red Maryland.

Don't Mess With Texas
Looks like Texas is telling the feds to shove it-- just like many other states are doing.
Homeland Security just recently issued a 9-page alert to local governments/law enforcement about so-called extreme right-wing radicals, and what they're describing includes things like what Texas is doing.
I wonder what Janet Napolitano will do-- have Governor Rick Perry arrested?
UPDATE: Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas' Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment "(http://governor.state.tx.us/news/press-release/12227)
Homeland Security just recently issued a 9-page alert to local governments/law enforcement about so-called extreme right-wing radicals, and what they're describing includes things like what Texas is doing.
I wonder what Janet Napolitano will do-- have Governor Rick Perry arrested?
UPDATE: Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas' Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment "(http://governor.state.tx.us/news/press-release/12227)
Parents/Guardians Reminded To Review Report Cards with Students
Wicomico Schools Reopen Tuesday, April 14; Parents/Guardians Reminded to Review Report Cards with Students
Wicomico County students return to school today, Tuesday, April 14, following the spring holiday break. All students should return refreshed and ready to learn, and elementary students should be returning with a signed report card envelope in their bookbag.
Report cards were sent home on April 7, the last day of school before the spring holidays. Elementary report cards came home in a brown envelope that parents and guardians must sign and return to school with their child. A box on the envelope can be checked if a parent conference is desired.
Parents and guardians should take the time to review the student's grades and work habits with them, said Margo Handy, Director of Elementary Education. "Commend your child for their excellent work and offer any suggestions. Contact your child's teacher if a conference is needed. Encourage your child to always do their best work in school."
Report cards for middle and high school students do not have to be signed and returned, but parents and guardians are encouraged to sit down with the student to review the report card. The review should cover grades, attendance, teacher comments, and progress throughout the academic year.
"We are now in the final term for this academic year," said Kim Miles, Director of Secondary Education. Parents and guardians can talk with their student about goal setting for the final term as well as the links between current academic process and the courses the student will be considering for next year."
The fourth marking period began Monday, March 30. Due to a weather closing in March, the school year will now end Thursday, June 11, with half-days on June 9, 10 and 11. (The original last day of school was June 10.)
Wicomico County students return to school today, Tuesday, April 14, following the spring holiday break. All students should return refreshed and ready to learn, and elementary students should be returning with a signed report card envelope in their bookbag.
Report cards were sent home on April 7, the last day of school before the spring holidays. Elementary report cards came home in a brown envelope that parents and guardians must sign and return to school with their child. A box on the envelope can be checked if a parent conference is desired.
Parents and guardians should take the time to review the student's grades and work habits with them, said Margo Handy, Director of Elementary Education. "Commend your child for their excellent work and offer any suggestions. Contact your child's teacher if a conference is needed. Encourage your child to always do their best work in school."
Report cards for middle and high school students do not have to be signed and returned, but parents and guardians are encouraged to sit down with the student to review the report card. The review should cover grades, attendance, teacher comments, and progress throughout the academic year.
"We are now in the final term for this academic year," said Kim Miles, Director of Secondary Education. Parents and guardians can talk with their student about goal setting for the final term as well as the links between current academic process and the courses the student will be considering for next year."
The fourth marking period began Monday, March 30. Due to a weather closing in March, the school year will now end Thursday, June 11, with half-days on June 9, 10 and 11. (The original last day of school was June 10.)
Retired Officer Brian Beaver Receives Shadow Box From The City Of Salisbury
Brian mentioned how humbled he was and how he looked forward to better things for Salisbury in the future. He also mentioned how he had been shot twice in the line of duty while working here in Salisbury.
I was personally happy I could make it to this particular meeting last night as Brian Beaver is simply put, one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. In fact, you'd probably never know he was a Cop if you met him on the street.
Brian also owns Harvest Irrigation, should anyone be interested in his work for your landscaping needs. Contact me and I'll forward you his information. Enjoy your retirement in good health Brian. The Citizens of Salisbury will miss your dedication.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases

The Following individuals were arrested by the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office on Arrest Warrants 6 April – 12 April 2009
Arrest Warrants
Ricky Jay Mears, 37, Delmar, MD; Assault 2nd/ MDOP/ False Imprisonment, held $5,000.00
Joseph Scott Jones, 45, Parsonsburg, MD; Burglary / Resisting Arrest, held $500,000.00
Jesse James Beaver, 19, Salisbury, MD, Theft over $500, held $50,000.00
Jesse James Beaver, 19, Salisbury, MD, Burglary 1st Degree, held $30,000.00
Ray Allen Lewis, 39, Salisbury, MD, Possess Contraband in Place of Confinement, Released on Personal Recognizance
Latonia A. Bratten, 34, Berlin, MD; Escape 2nd Degree, held without bond
Danielle M. Weeast, 21, Salisbury, MD; Assault 2nd Degree / Reckless Endangerment, held $5,000.00
Ernest Hastings, 55, Delmar, MD; Assault 2nd degree/ False Imprisonment, held $20,000.00
Howard Lee Wilkerson, 40, Salisbury, MD; Reckless Endangerment, held $5,000.00
Failure to Appear Bench Warrant
Keenan J. Victor, 17, Randallstown, MD; FTA Distribution of CDS, held without bond (Charged as Adult)
Charles Robert Timmons, 38, Pittsville, MD; FTA Reckless Endangerment, held without bond
Jesse James Beaver, 19, Salisbury, MD; FTA Theft Scheme over $500 – held without bond
Bryan Michael Selhorst, 31, Delmar, DE; FTA Drive Suspended, held $5,000.00
Sydney A. Hopkins, 32, Salisbury, MD; FTA Criminal Contempt, held without bond
Violation of Probation Bench Warrant
Tavon Jermell Smith, 16, Salisbury, MD; VOP – Motor Vehicle Theft, held $50,000 bond. (Charged as Adult)
Troy Lamont Barnes, 38, Pocomoke, MD; VOP- CDS Possession, held $10,000.00
Edward Gunnar Johnson, 40, Salisbury, MD; VOP – CDS Possession, held $100,000.00
Frederick Paul Coston, 41, Salisbury, MD; VOP – CDS Distribution, turned over to Worcester Sheriff
Steven Allen Lanhma, 37, Delmar, MD; VOP – Theft over $500, Fraud, held $10,000.00 bond
Circuit Court Bench Warrant – Child Support
John L. Mumford, 54, Berlin, MD; Child Support Non Compliance, held $1,000.00 bond
Circuit Court Indictment
John William Hamilton, 22, Salisbury, MD; CDS Distribution, held $20,000.00
Daniel Marquise Ligon, 27, Salisbury, MD; Attempted 1st Degree Murder, held without bond
Circuit Court Juvenile Attachment
Male juvenile, 15, Salisbury, MD; Juvenile Body Attachment, held Lower Shore Children’s Center.
Ricky Jay Mears, 37, Delmar, MD; Assault 2nd/ MDOP/ False Imprisonment, held $5,000.00
Joseph Scott Jones, 45, Parsonsburg, MD; Burglary / Resisting Arrest, held $500,000.00
Jesse James Beaver, 19, Salisbury, MD, Theft over $500, held $50,000.00
Jesse James Beaver, 19, Salisbury, MD, Burglary 1st Degree, held $30,000.00
Ray Allen Lewis, 39, Salisbury, MD, Possess Contraband in Place of Confinement, Released on Personal Recognizance
Latonia A. Bratten, 34, Berlin, MD; Escape 2nd Degree, held without bond
Danielle M. Weeast, 21, Salisbury, MD; Assault 2nd Degree / Reckless Endangerment, held $5,000.00
Ernest Hastings, 55, Delmar, MD; Assault 2nd degree/ False Imprisonment, held $20,000.00
Howard Lee Wilkerson, 40, Salisbury, MD; Reckless Endangerment, held $5,000.00
Failure to Appear Bench Warrant
Keenan J. Victor, 17, Randallstown, MD; FTA Distribution of CDS, held without bond (Charged as Adult)
Charles Robert Timmons, 38, Pittsville, MD; FTA Reckless Endangerment, held without bond
Jesse James Beaver, 19, Salisbury, MD; FTA Theft Scheme over $500 – held without bond
Bryan Michael Selhorst, 31, Delmar, DE; FTA Drive Suspended, held $5,000.00
Sydney A. Hopkins, 32, Salisbury, MD; FTA Criminal Contempt, held without bond
Violation of Probation Bench Warrant
Tavon Jermell Smith, 16, Salisbury, MD; VOP – Motor Vehicle Theft, held $50,000 bond. (Charged as Adult)
Troy Lamont Barnes, 38, Pocomoke, MD; VOP- CDS Possession, held $10,000.00
Edward Gunnar Johnson, 40, Salisbury, MD; VOP – CDS Possession, held $100,000.00
Frederick Paul Coston, 41, Salisbury, MD; VOP – CDS Distribution, turned over to Worcester Sheriff
Steven Allen Lanhma, 37, Delmar, MD; VOP – Theft over $500, Fraud, held $10,000.00 bond
Circuit Court Bench Warrant – Child Support
John L. Mumford, 54, Berlin, MD; Child Support Non Compliance, held $1,000.00 bond
Circuit Court Indictment
John William Hamilton, 22, Salisbury, MD; CDS Distribution, held $20,000.00
Daniel Marquise Ligon, 27, Salisbury, MD; Attempted 1st Degree Murder, held without bond
Circuit Court Juvenile Attachment
Male juvenile, 15, Salisbury, MD; Juvenile Body Attachment, held Lower Shore Children’s Center.
Fugitive from Another State
Steven Allen Lanham, 37, Delmar, MD; Fugitive from Delaware, ID Theft / Theft under $1,000.00, held without bond pending extradition to Delaware
Steven Allen Lanham, 37, Delmar, MD; Fugitive from Delaware, ID Theft / Theft under $1,000.00, held without bond pending extradition to Delaware
All Citizens Come Watch Your Tax Dollars Get Pissed Away

Dave Suiter Checks In With Salisbury News

Hi Folks,
Left Parkersburg, WV this AM. Motel last night did not have Internet access. Gotta' tell you, KNIGHTS INN is cheap but this motel was way above many high dollar places I have stayed at. Very clean and quiet!!
Left P-burg. Cool and breezy until I got to near Cinncy. Bottom fell out for about an hour. Then, SUN!! Was going to make St. Louis but saw a front starting through and got into motel just before a down pour. Forecast here is bad weather tonight, showers in AM then good weather. Will probably leave here around 8-9 local. Averagring easy 440 miles/day.
Had a nice ride Sunday. Rode US 50 all the way except when I got lost in DC.
If you ever get to ride US 50 from Chantilly west to around Romney, go for it. The road goes from 3-2 west of Chantilly and that's where the scenery gets great. The rich mans farms, horse farms, cattle farms, stone fences and beautiful BIG homes setting up on hills. For my friends on the Shore, this would be a great day trip!!
No set schedule. Hope to go through Black Canyon, CO in a few days then to SE UTAH for 3/4 days. Pictures start after Black Canyon.
Bonus Package:
Hi Folks,
Received email from a friend that asked "don't you get bored with no radio and no one to talk to?". NO! NO!! NO!!
I listen to the sounds in my head, talk to myself (no arguments there),sing Hotel California, Stuck in Lodi again, to Willie "On the road again" and talk to my bike. What?? Talk to your bike!! Bike talks back !! Like in the mountains of WVA, Honda said slow down you dummy!! Still snow along side of road and in the woods!! Seems that they don't use salt on the roads in some counties there. They use GRAVEL!! Honda doesn't gravel especially in sweeping turns.
How can one be bored when stopped at a light in a little town with all of the beautiful old buildings to look at, marvel at the flooding in southern Indiana, a wave from another biker or kid along the road, look up to see an eagle fly, a wave from the old fellow leaning on his cane in Bedford,IN, "rain drops falling on my head" (helmet), etc., etc????
Sure, the comfort of a car has advantages but I feel closer to God and Country on my bike. Rain is a minor bother!! Don't ride in snow :)) !! There is a freedom, a feeling on a motorcycle that you don't experience in a car (cage). Try it, you might like it.
Time to get my motor runnin' again and head west.
Classified Ads
The Classified Ads are really flying in again. Remember, send your items to alberobutzo@wmconnect.com and we'll get them up for Saturday morning. We need your contact information and price of each item and I can assure you that you'll get thousands of viewers looking at them every Saturday morning. If you price things right, they will sell. ONE picture is welcome with your ad.
A Tasty Way To Raise Dough
UNO Chicago Grill
Join The Volunteers of Deer's Head on Thursday, Friday or Saturday
April 16, 17, & 18th
And UNO Will Donate up to 20% of your check To Benefit The Patients & Resident of
Deer's Head State Hospital Center
Offer valid 11AM-11PM Dine In or Carry Out.
Next to Wal-Mart in Fruitland, MD
Present this flyer at time of payment for auxiliary to receive 20%
For questions or to obtain an additional flyer, contact:
Helen Young, Director 410-543-4052
Join The Volunteers of Deer's Head on Thursday, Friday or Saturday
April 16, 17, & 18th
And UNO Will Donate up to 20% of your check To Benefit The Patients & Resident of
Deer's Head State Hospital Center
Offer valid 11AM-11PM Dine In or Carry Out.
Next to Wal-Mart in Fruitland, MD
Present this flyer at time of payment for auxiliary to receive 20%
For questions or to obtain an additional flyer, contact:
Helen Young, Director 410-543-4052
Local Reader Catches Some Mighty Big Catfish
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases

ARRESTED: Gregg Allen Williams, 19 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
First degree assault
Second degree assault
Reckless endangerment
Possession of a dangerous weapon
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900010752
On April 8, 2009 at approximately 12:16 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle occupied by the below listed suspect in the area of E. Railroad Avenue and E. Isabella Street. The suspect was in the front passenger area. During the traffic stop, the officers were able to observe a small baggie of suspected CDS next to the suspect’s leg. The baggie was checked and was found to contain a quantity of suspected "crack"/cocaine. In close proximity to the baggie, the officers also found a glass smoking device containing suspected "crack"/cocaine residue. The suspect was placed under arrest and it was found that the suspect was also wanted on a Maryland Dept. of Corrections Parole Retake warrant.
ARRESTED: George Miles, Jr., 49 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
Possession of non controlled CDS as CDS
MD Dept. of Corrections – Parole Retake
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900011761
On April 9, 2009 at approximately 11:10 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle operated by the below listed suspect in the area of Davis Street and Route 50. During the traffic stop, one of the officers observed suspected marijuana on the floor of the vehicle. The suspect and vehicle were checked and a baggie of suspected marijuana was found in the suspect’s pocket.
ARRESTED: Michael Wayne Kershaw, 18 years of age
Essex, Maryland
CHARGES: Possession of marijuana
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900011903
On April 9, 2009 at approximately 2:15 pm Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to a pawn shop on South Boulevard for the report of subjects attempting to sell stolen property. Upon arrival the officers found the below listed three (3) suspects, who were attempting to sell property to the pawn shop that had been stolen from a motor vehicle. The suspects were arrested, and the property was recovered for the owner.
ARRESTED #1: Fulton Cornelius Collins, 18 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
ARRESTED #2: 16 year old juvenile Salisbury, Maryland
ARRESTED #3: 17 year old juvenile Salisbury, Maryland
All charged with: Theft (under $ 500)
Rogue and vagabond
Conspiracy to commit theft
DISPOSITION: Suspect # 1 released to Central Booking, Suspects
# 2 and # 3, released to guardian
CC # 200900011920, 200900011921
On April 10, 2009 at approximately 6:27 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the area of Priscilla St. for the report of an assault with a shotgun. Upon arrival, the victim advised the officers that a suspect known to the victim had pointed a shotgun at the victim’s occupied vehicle due to an earlier altercation. The suspect had fled from the area in a vehicle prior to Salisbury Police arrival. A description of the suspect vehicle was given to the responding officers who quickly located the vehicle. The officers made contact with the suspect and took the suspect into custody.
ARRESTED: Alonzo Jay King, Jr., 26 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: First degree assault (4 counts)
Second degree assault (4 counts)
Reckless endangerment (4 counts)
Possession of a dangerous and deadly weapon
DISPISITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900012080
What's The Deal?
After being married for 41 years, I took a careful look at my wife one day and said, 'Honey, 41 years ago we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a sofa bed, and watched a 10-inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep every night with a hot 22-year-old gal.
Now I have a $500,000.00 home, a $45,000.00 car, nice big bed and plasma screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 63-year-old woman. It seems to me that you're not holding up your side of things.'
My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me to go out and find a hot 22-year-old gal, and she would make sure that I would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed and watching a 10-inch black and white TV.
Aren't older women great? They really know how to solve a mid-life crisis... PRICELESS!!!!!
Now I have a $500,000.00 home, a $45,000.00 car, nice big bed and plasma screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 63-year-old woman. It seems to me that you're not holding up your side of things.'
My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me to go out and find a hot 22-year-old gal, and she would make sure that I would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed and watching a 10-inch black and white TV.
Aren't older women great? They really know how to solve a mid-life crisis... PRICELESS!!!!!
Fundraiser For Deers Head Hospital
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