DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, July 08, 2013
Everything You Wanted To Know About Spying … But Were Afraid To Ask
If you've been too busy to keep up with the spying scandal, here's an overview:
The government is spying on virtually everything we do
The government is spying on virtually everything we do
The government’s mass spying doesn't keep us safe
NSA spying did not prevent a terror attack on Wall Street
There is no meaningful oversight of the spying programs by either Congress or the courts
We can keep everyone safe without violating the Constitution... more cheaply and efficiently than the current system
The top counter-terrorism Czar under Clinton and Bush says that revealing NSA spying programs does not harm national security
Whistleblowers on illegal spying have no "legal" way to get the information out
A high-level intelligence source says "we hack everyone everywhere"
Some people make a lot of money off of mass spying
Spying started before 9/11... and may have stemmed from an emergency program only meant to be activated in the case of a nuclear war
Governments and big corporations are doing everything they can to destroy anonymity
Mass spying creates an easy mark for hackers
Polls show that the public doesn't believe the NSA
Surveillance can be used to frame you if someone in government happens to take a dislike to you
An NSA whistleblower says that the NSA is spying on – and blackmailing – top government officials and military officers (and see this)
High-level US government officials have warned for 40 years that mass surveillance would lead to tyranny in America
Government spying has always focused on crushing dissent … not on keeping us safe
While the Obama administration is spying on everyone in the country – it is at the same time the most secretive administration ever (background). That’s despite Obama saying he’s running the most transparentadministration ever
Top constitutional experts say that Obama is worse than Nixon... and the Stasi East Germans
NSA spying did not prevent a terror attack on Wall Street
There is no meaningful oversight of the spying programs by either Congress or the courts
We can keep everyone safe without violating the Constitution... more cheaply and efficiently than the current system
The top counter-terrorism Czar under Clinton and Bush says that revealing NSA spying programs does not harm national security
Whistleblowers on illegal spying have no "legal" way to get the information out
A high-level intelligence source says "we hack everyone everywhere"
Some people make a lot of money off of mass spying
Spying started before 9/11... and may have stemmed from an emergency program only meant to be activated in the case of a nuclear war
Governments and big corporations are doing everything they can to destroy anonymity
Mass spying creates an easy mark for hackers
Polls show that the public doesn't believe the NSA
Surveillance can be used to frame you if someone in government happens to take a dislike to you
An NSA whistleblower says that the NSA is spying on – and blackmailing – top government officials and military officers (and see this)
High-level US government officials have warned for 40 years that mass surveillance would lead to tyranny in America
Government spying has always focused on crushing dissent … not on keeping us safe
While the Obama administration is spying on everyone in the country – it is at the same time the most secretive administration ever (background). That’s despite Obama saying he’s running the most transparentadministration ever
Top constitutional experts say that Obama is worse than Nixon... and the Stasi East Germans
“Whereas, at present, every man, even if free, asks himself, ‘What can I do alone against all this ocean of evil and deceit which overwhelms us? Why should I express my opinion? Why indeed possess one?…Is it not better to go with the stream which carries me along?’ We complain of the senselessness of life, at variance with our being, and yet refuse to use the unique and powerful weapon within our grasp: the consciousness of truth, and its expression.”
Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy
Obama Campaign Manager Joins Brown's Campaign
President Barack Obama's 2012 campaign manager has joined Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown's campaign for governor of Maryland.
Brown announced Monday at a news conference in Largo that Jim Messina will help on all aspects of the campaign. That includes volunteer organizing and fundraising.
Brown also announced that he has raised $1 million since the end of the legislative session in mid-April.
Brown will likely be challenged for the Democratic nomination by Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler, whose formal announcement is expected in September.
Brown announced Monday at a news conference in Largo that Jim Messina will help on all aspects of the campaign. That includes volunteer organizing and fundraising.
Brown also announced that he has raised $1 million since the end of the legislative session in mid-April.
Brown will likely be challenged for the Democratic nomination by Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler, whose formal announcement is expected in September.
Jul 8, 1776: Liberty Bell Tolls To Announce Declaration of Independence
On this day in 1776, a 2,000-pound copper-and-tin bell now known as the “Liberty Bell” rings out from the tower of the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia, summoning citizens to the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence. Four days earlier, the historic document had been adopted by delegates to the Continental Congress, but the bell did not ring to announce the issuing of the document until the Declaration of Independence returned from the printer on July 8.
In 1751, to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of Pennsylvania's original constitution, the Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly ordered the bell to be constructed. After being cracked during a test, and then recast twice, the bell was hung from the State House steeple in June 1753. Rung to call the Pennsylvania Assembly together and to summon people for special announcements and events, it was also rung on important occasions, such as King George III’s 1761 ascension to the British throne and, in 1765, to call the people together to discuss Parliament's controversial Stamp Act. With the outbreak of the American Revolution in April 1775, the bell was rung to announce thebattles of Lexington and Concord. Its most famous tolling, however, was on July 8, 1776, when it summoned Philadelphia citizens for the first reading of the Declaration of Independence.
In 1751, to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of Pennsylvania's original constitution, the Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly ordered the bell to be constructed. After being cracked during a test, and then recast twice, the bell was hung from the State House steeple in June 1753. Rung to call the Pennsylvania Assembly together and to summon people for special announcements and events, it was also rung on important occasions, such as King George III’s 1761 ascension to the British throne and, in 1765, to call the people together to discuss Parliament's controversial Stamp Act. With the outbreak of the American Revolution in April 1775, the bell was rung to announce thebattles of Lexington and Concord. Its most famous tolling, however, was on July 8, 1776, when it summoned Philadelphia citizens for the first reading of the Declaration of Independence.
Brooke Mulford Update
Started the morning with a delay waiting for FDA approval on something. It came through and we are able to proceed. Brooke just got her port accessed for the first time. Hopefully get the chemo started soon.
You know you're a trailblazer when you're treatment requires same-day FDA approval. Let's hear it for our BRAVE little Brooke!!! Share this update and help spread the word and increase support for all the miracle workers
You know you're a trailblazer when you're treatment requires same-day FDA approval. Let's hear it for our BRAVE little Brooke!!! Share this update and help spread the word and increase support for all the miracle workers
Worcester County Health Department urges caution concerning aggressive wildlife in Ocean City
Media Contact:
Katherine Gunby
410-632-1100 ext. 1023Worcester.Health@maryland.gov
Katherine Gunby
410-632-1100 ext. 1023Worcester.Health@maryland.gov
Ocean City, Md. – Worcester County Health Department warns citizens and visitors in Ocean City to exercise caution and report immediately any aggressive wildlife, i.e. raccoons, foxes, skunks, and/or feral cats to local law enforcement/animal control.
Since June 18 when a confirmed rabid raccoon found in the area of 125th street attacked one individual and became aggressive with two others, Worcester County Health Department has continued to receive reports of aggressive raccoons, including raccoons approaching or attacking people and pets in north Ocean City, in areas including 85th Street north to approximately 130th Street.
To date in 2013, Worcester County reports 18 confirmed positive rabid animals and 15 other animals suspected of having rabies that have had contact with people or pets. These cases have come from throughout the county, including Ocean City. The results of these incidences have included rabies treatment for exposed humans and quarantine/euthanasia for exposed pets.
Worcester County health officials request immediate reporting of any aggressive or threatening wildlife to law enforcement/animal control. This will allow a quick response to the scene in order to minimize risk to human health. Local law enforcement/animal control then contacts the health department to manage any possible human or pet exposures and determine whether rabies testing is indicated.
If a pet has contact with a wild animal, do not touch the pet with bare hands. Wounds found on an outdoor pet from an unwitnessed encounter should be treated as a possible rabies exposure and the incident reported to the health department and your veterinarian.
The health department also offers the following tips to minimize risk of rabies exposure to your family and pets:
- Vaccinate pets and keep those vaccinations current. Maryland law requires vaccination against rabies for all dogs, cats and ferrets over 4 months of age. Rabies vaccinations (shots) have limited time of protection, so citizens should verify that their pets are CURRENTLYprotected.
- Do not feed pets outdoors. Pet food, even the odor of it, in empty containers and on the ground draws wildlife. While looking for food is normal behavior for raccoons and foxes particularly in the spring when there are young to be fed, these animals may return to areas they frequent if they become rabid.
- Secure trash cans and dumpster lids for the same reason outlined above. Wild animals forage for food and minimizing food sources will discourage wildlife from coming to your property.
- Remove strays from the community. Stray cats are of particular concern, as they are competing for food with wildlife and have more opportunity for exposure to rabid wildlife, such as raccoons. Many of the fights with raccoons go unwitnessed, and are only noted after the cat becomes rabid. Cats are the most frequently identified rabid domestic animal.
The Right Care At The Right Time

He praises the staff of nurses and aids who visit with him regularly. "They really care about what they do." He truly enjoys his time with his Social Worker Carly Banks, (pictured with him at left). "She is excellent." he says. These days he feels well enough to attend church twice a month at New Bethel Ministries in Pocomoke where his sister is pastor. Regular worship and prayer are invaluable to Bobby, so he was overjoyed when a bible study group from his church agreed to meet at his Salisbury home once a month.
Not long ago he took advantage of respite services at Coastal Hospice at the Lake, which not only provided a break from care giving for his wife, Theodora, but also for him. "It's a great place if you need to get away." There he met one of Coastal Hospice's patient care volunteers who now regularly visits him in his home. He considers himself blessed, having escaped tragedy more than once. Miraculously, though he was drafted into the Army in 1965, he was sent to Germany. "By the grace of God I did not get sent to Vietnam." In 1983 he suffered a brain aneurysm, but had the presence of mind and the will to drive himself to the hospital. He had another near death experience in 2001 in which he was told he only had hours to live. Despite these occurrences, nothing has shaken his faith. "When God says I've got to go, then that will be the time," Bobby says. "Until then, I thank God for every day on earth. And I thank the Lord for Coastal Hospice."
Princess Anne Police Department
Due to numerous complaints the Princess Anne Police have received about loud music and unnecessary vehicle noise, loud stereos, horn blowing etc., the Princess Anne Police will be giving no further warnings. All violators will be cited.... NO EXCEPTIONS.
Town of Ocean City, State Highway Administration and Partners Provide Mid-Summer Update on Walk Smart! Campaign

- Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan
- SHA District Engineer Donnie Drewer
- Mr. Christopher Cheswick and Ms. Cecilia Roe, parents of Matthew Cheswick, who passed away in a pedestrian accident in 2012
- Ocean City Police Department
- Walk Smart! Campaign Partners
- Ocean City Walk Smart! Street Teams
Media Briefing to highlight:
- Ongoing and upcoming engineering upgrades on Coastal Highway, including live demonstration of curb markings
- Enforcement efforts
- Ocean City Walk Smart! edducation effort featuring the Crab Lifeguard
WHERE: Ocean City Convention Center Parking Lot, corner of Coastal Highway and 41st Street
A partnership between the Town of Ocean City, Ocean City Police Department, Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) and other local businesses and agencies created the Walk Smart! Campaign to turn the tide on the recent wave of pedestrian crashes – complementing engineering and enforcement efforts to keep Ocean City residents and visitors safe this summer. Ocean City becomes one of Maryland’s largest cities during the summer months with a population that changes each and every weekend. Through the three E’s of safety – engineering, education and enforcement – SHA and Ocean City partners are working together to keep city streets safe.
Jessica Waters (Town of Ocean City), 410-289-8967
Sandra Dobson (SHA), 410-545-0303
Easton Man Charged With DUI In Hit-And-Run
EASTON - After responding to a hit-and-run accident on South Higgins Street near South Street, Easton police arrested an Easton man on Friday for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Police said Erik R. Roblero, 33, was operating a 2005 Ford Explorer on South Higgins Street when he allegedly sideswiped a parked 2004 Ford Taurus owned by Alicia R. Sheppard of Easton, and Roblero then fled the scene.
Officers found Roblero a short time after the alleged hit-and-run in the area of Dover Street and East Avenue, and he was arrested and charged with driving without a license, negligent driving, failing to remain at the scene of an accident and DUI, and later released upon his signature.
Police said Erik R. Roblero, 33, was operating a 2005 Ford Explorer on South Higgins Street when he allegedly sideswiped a parked 2004 Ford Taurus owned by Alicia R. Sheppard of Easton, and Roblero then fled the scene.
Officers found Roblero a short time after the alleged hit-and-run in the area of Dover Street and East Avenue, and he was arrested and charged with driving without a license, negligent driving, failing to remain at the scene of an accident and DUI, and later released upon his signature.
Troopers Identify Body Found North of Indian River Inlet
DSP News Release: Troopers Identify Body Found North of Indian River Inlet
· Atlantic Ocean, north of Indian River Inlet, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Date of Occurrence:
· Friday July 5, 2013 at approximately 10:12 a.m.
Rehoboth Beach, DE– Troopers have released the name of the body discovered floating in the ocean Friday as Jeffery King, 33 of Jordanville, New York.
At approximately 10:12 a.m. on Friday July 5, 2013, a boater traveling north of the Indian River inlet discovered a body floating in the water. Troopers, along with Department of Natural Resources Fish and Wildlife Officers responded to the area where the body was secured and brought back to the U.S. Coast Guard Station. The body was then turned over to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, where an autopsy was performed and identified it as Jeffery King. The cause of death was ruled accidental.
On Saturday June 29, 2013 at approximately 7:50 a.m. units from DNREC, Bethany Fire Company, U.S. Coast Guard, and state police aviation responded to the area of the Delaware Seashore State Park for a possible drowning victim. The agencies scoured the area for more than four hours in an attempt to locate the missing man before the search concluded.
Released: 070813 1525
Delaware State Police News Release
DSP News Release: Troopers Identify Human Remains, Lincoln
- Stream Bed in the area of the 8200 block of Front Street, Lincoln
Date of Occurrence:
- Tuesday June 18, 2013 at approximately 1:00 p.m.
- Edwin Montecinos, 32 of Milford, DE
Lincoln, DE- The Delaware State Police have released the name of the human remains located in a wooded stream bed near the railroad tracks in Lincoln on June 18th.
The incident occurred at approximately 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday as three juvenile boys were walking along the railroad track north of Lincoln and found what appeared to be human bones. The young teens went back to one of the boys homes and informed his mother who in turn notified the state police. The remains were located west of the railroad tracks in a wooded area at the north end of Front Street in Lincoln. The decomposed human remains were removed from the scene and turned over to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for an autopsy and determined the identity as Edwin Montecinos. The cause and manner of death have yet to be determined and a time frame has not yet been established into the length of time he has been deceased.
Delaware State Police Detectives continue their investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding this incident.
If anyone has any information about Edwin Montecinos they are asked to contact the Detective John King at 302-856-5850 Extension #208 or by utilizing the Delaware State Police Mobile Crime Tip Application available to download at: http://www.delaware.gov/apps/. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."
Released: 070813 1625
***Original Release***
DSP News Release: Troopers Conducting Death Investigation, Lincoln
- Stream Bed in the area of the 8200 block of Front Street, Lincoln
Date of Occurrence:
- Tuesday June 18, 2013 at approximately 1:00 p.m.
- Unidentified remains
Lincoln, DE- The Delaware State Police are conducting a death investigation after human remains were located in a wooded stream bed near the railroad tracks in Lincoln yesterday afternoon.
The incident occurred at approximately 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday as three juvenile boys were walking along the railroad track north of Lincoln and found what appeared to be human bones. The young teens went back to one of the boys homes and informed his mother who in turn notified the state police. The remains were located west of the railroad tracks in a wooded area at the north end of Front Street in Lincoln. The decomposed human remains were removed from the scene and turned over to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for an autopsy to determine the identification as well as the cause and manner of death.
Delaware State Police Detectives continue their investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding this incident.
If anyone has any information about this incident are asked to contact the Major Crimes Unit at Troop 4 at 302-856-5850 Extension #208 or by utilizing the Delaware State Police Mobile Crime Tip Application available to download at: http://www.delaware.gov/apps/ . Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com , or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."
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