The Mayor of Salisbury and the Salisbury Fire Department along with Paul Wilber's Office are in MAJOR Damage Control Mode over an alleged Hostile Work Environment Case against the City of Salisbury.
It turns out allegedly the NAACP is knee deep into allegations ONE Salisbury Fire Fighter has been severely discriminated against and in the typical Tilghman style, THEY WANTS SOURCES AND ANSWERS!
The Mayor allegedly believes that by dragging almost every Fire Fighter into Wilber's Office, they're going to intimidate anyone and everyone into answering just how deep a shit pile the City is actually in. This has been the tactic of this Mayor and administration for many years now and she'll play the game with the Fire Fighter and the NAACP into believing she's actually doing so for the good of those involved. BULLSHIT!
What Barrie is doing is trying to find out who's involved, how deep it is and just how badly the City will deny anything ever being wrong in the first place. If this weren't the case, Barrie would have gone to the Press and released this under cover, (so to speak) investigation in good faith. Instead, the entire Fire Department has been told to keep it quiet, as if she believes everyone there hates me and won't give me the heads up. NOT!
Anyhow, there is only one BLACK paid Professional Fire Fighter and Fire Fighters in Salisbury and around the area have flat out admitted to using the "N" Word around this person as well as one high up Official not only stating it himself, he's also used the word "Sp00k."
There have even been times in the past when a Fire Fighter was suspended by stating in a Parade, can you smell that? What? The "N" ers! The Salisbury Fire Department and other local Fire Departments haven't been very kind to black Fire Fighters and while this Blog Site has been the ONLY source locally to expose such CRAP, the Fire Fighters have retaliated with threats against me and one even came to my home threatening me on Thanksgiving and was ARRESTED for doing so and faces numerous charges.
Then of course there's the MAJOR cover up for the past few months in which even the State Police have neglected to expose the major accident in Hebron in which one woman was killed and that case has now been turned over to Davis Ruark and nothing has been said since.
It's fairly obvious that since it was turned over to the States Attorneys Office, criminal charges are inevitable. OR WILL THEY? Remember, we have experience with Barrie Tilghman and her bullshit games where she acts like she wants to help you and she actually turns against you as soon as she gets the information she wants from you. Denial will soon be obvious and NOT ONE person will be suspended or fired for treating a fellow Fire Fighter with such disrespect.
So the cat is out of the bag Barrie. Now let's see where this whole thing goes from this point forward. My advise to all of those Fire Fighters who might be in a difficult way throughout these interrogations, bring an attorney along with you, seriously! The City has NO RIGHT asking you questions without you having professional help from your own attorney. It could mean your career and she's looking to nail one, two, three, maybe even more as fall guys. Remember Olliver North?
Now that I've said something about this, you can expect heads to roll in a year or more so it won't look like Joe Albero had anything to do with it again, just like the Salisbury Zoo. Barrie Tilghman, YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!