DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Exxon on Rt. 12 & Nutters was just robbed by two black males in a white sedan 5 minutes ago. The Maryland State Police and the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office are swarming the area, including the Bypass. More to come.....
In their very last Press Conference in the old Main Street Gym, Trainer Hal Chernoff and undefeated Boxer Fernando Guerrero announced their next fight at the Wicomico County Youth & Civic Center on June 19th.
This event will not be shown on ESPN or Showtime. Instead, Fernando Guerrero will be the Main Event of the night along with 6 other bouts. Tickets will start at $15.00 and go up to $100.00. We're told they will go on sale this coming Monday and more so than ever before, I believe tickets will be sold much faster because you can't sit at home and watch the fights on TV.
Other fighters so far on the card will be Mark Davis who is 12-0 with 4 KO's, Shawn Porter, 7-0 with 6 KO's. Farah Ennis, 10-0 with 5 KO's and Dominic Wade, 2-0 with 2 KO's.
Fernando Guerrero deserves to be the Main Event and he has earned it. No doubt, mark your calendars and get your tickets early because this will be another Sell Out. They could have taken this fight to another state with ESPN but Hal & Fernando want to keep it right here at home. Let's show our support and drive ESPN & Showtime desperate to want Fernando as their main event from here on out. In the very least, we'll be able to watch this young man grow and when it comes time for a Title Fight, guess what, there's a great chance it will be right here in Salisbury Maryland.
Today's Wildlife Photos At The Albero Ranch
Today we experienced the birth of 6 new Geese. Our little guy will be quite excited that they hatched while he was away at school. The male Goose has been fending him off from fishing the Pond these past few weeks letting him know this was now their turf, for now. The cats have been running around looking at these little guys all afternoon but the male Goose keeps scaring the crap out of them, so I'm sure they'll keep their distance. Heck, he's even tried bullying the horses but they won't take any of his crap. The ducks are nesting as well, so we'll have to see what they bring this year too.
Sherwood Ford Vehicle Breaks Wind
If you haven't been out and about today, the winds are so strong they're even bringing down light poles.
Granted, these poles should be designed to stand up to such winds but when you start hanging flags and string them up from one pole to the next, this is bound to happen.
The vehicle seen above took some very serious damage from the pole crashing down on its roof and I'm sure the City/County people will have to see if the base of these fixtures are in fact stable enough to continue to host all these flags.
Yard Sales & Help Wanted Ads
Get your free ad to us before Thursday at 3pm for Friday morning's post.
It's FREE!!!
Please email your info to me, SunnyInOC, at atlanticjw@aol.com. Please type "Yard Sale" or "Help Wanted" in the subject of your email.
Felton Man Sought After Assaulting Elderly Homeowner

Troopers responded a home on Jennifer Lane in Felton after 911 was called reporting an intruder had entered the home of the 78-year-old man and assaulted him. Detectives learned that at approximately 2:00 am this morning the homeowner was awoken after a dog began barking. He was concerned and began checking his home when he went into the Florida room attached to the rear of his residence.
The man observed an intruder hiding behind a chair and confronted him. The male suspect then attacked the victim with his hands causing cuts, bruises and abrasions to the legs, hands and face of the victim. The intruder then fled the area.
As police continued investigating, they learned the victim had been receiving several hang-up phone calls recently raising suspicion as to who committed this act of violence. Troopers also learned the victim’s granddaughter recently began staying with him. Troopers were able to secure the telephone number that repeatedly was calling and hanging up and discovered it was registered to Michael A. Zimmer Jr., 23 of Felton.
Police learned Zimmer was the ex-boyfriend of the victim’s granddaughter and obtained a photograph of him. The victim observed the photo and immediately identified Zimmer as the attacker. The granddaughter was not home when the incident occurred.
DSP has obtained arrest warrants for Zimmer for Burglary 1st degree, Assault 2nd degree and Harassment. Anyone who has information on his whereabouts sis urged to call 911, Troop 3 at 302.697.4455 or Crime Stoppers at 1.800.TIP.3333. Tips may also be forwarded to law enforcement through tip lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-333 3 or on line at www.tipsubmit.com.
Salisbury Police Department Provides No Press Releases

This is in the very least a disservice to the Citizens of Salisbury, especially with crime being as high as it is here in Salisbury. We know they are putting some things out there for certain people but they refuse to post anything on their website.
So much for open government. Hey, I know, maybe there's been no crime and things are really turning around here in Salisbury. Any thoughts?
A Letter To The Editor
Millville Woman Arrested In Check-Kiting Scheme
The investigation began after authorities with the Wilmington Trust Bank in Millville contacted state police after discovering irregularities in personal and business checking accounts opened in July and August of ’08 by Wanda M. Wendell of Millville.
Detectives learned that Ms. Wendell had opened these accounts and deposited several checks into them from another account she held at the Chevy Chase Bank. However, the Chevy Chase account had insufficient funds to cover balance of the deposited checks.
Additionally, detectives learned that Ms. Wendell had deposited several of the insufficient fund checks from the Chevy Chase account into the automated teller machine at the Wilmington Trust, thus giving her next day availability to withdraw money from the Wilmington Trust account. Ms. Wendell would then withdraw the money before the bank realized the check was returned for insufficient funding.
On other occasions, she would write a check out for cash from the Chevy Chase account to the Wilmington Trust account and receive the monies instantly, again before the bank gained knowledge of the insufficient funds. Ms. Wendell was responsible for completing over eighty fraudulent transactions between July and October in 2008 netting a total loss of $14,013.14 to Wilmington Trust Bank.
Detectives also learned that Ms. Wendell deposited approximately $4,700 of legitimate funds into these accounts during the same period in an effort to conceal the fraud. By doing this, she was attempting to deceive the banks by creating the impression the insufficient funding in her accounts were oversights and not deliberate actions.
During the investigation, detectives discovered Ms. Wendell’s actions were intentional and she was arrested yesterday for 18 felony counts of Theft by False Pretense, 4 felony counts of issuing a Bad Check, 90 misdemeanor counts of Theft by False Pretense and 21 misdemeanor counts of Issuing a Bad Check. She was released on a $62,500 unsecured bail.
What the heck??????? Everyone was told Hebron paid their TWO attorneys and two consultants to do that? Looks like Hebron just rubber-stamped what the developer put before them for Waller?
The photo of Rostocki on this site is pretty good--he should try wearing that to the Hebron meetings--what did he wear to the last Hebron meeting? A tee shirt with a naked woman and very sexually suggestive words on the back...................disrespectful AND tacky.
So......let's see what we know: Waller Landing was advertised for tax sale last year for failure to pay Hebron and County taxes and paid up just before the tax sale; the LLC was forfeited by State Dept. of Assessments and Taxation; when the LLC reinstated, the Resident Agent for the LLC was not correct and now we learn that Rostocki says HE wrote the zoning codes and design restrictions for the project. Sweet!! Hebron, wake up!
Timely First Amendment Quote
of government suppression of embarrassing information."
-- Justice William O. Douglas
(1898-1980), U. S. Supreme Court Justice
Maryland Lags in Flu Vaccine Stockpile - Not Enough To Go Around?
Think Maryland's ready for the Swine Flu? Guess again. With nearly 400,000 people under the age of five and over 660,000 over the age of 65, the highest at-risk populations for complications leading to death by flu, and only 476,000 doses to go around for a population of over 5 million statewide, Maryland seems to be coming up short in preparedness. Hope they can beg, borrow or buy more in a hurry if it's needed.
"Maryland's stock of antiviral medications is 38 percent lower per capita than supplies in Virginia and 24 percent below the District's stockpile -- statistics that mirror the findings of a nonprofit agency that said last year that Maryland was tied for last in the nation in readiness for a health emergency.
According to figures released earlier this week, Maryland will have a supply of about 476,000 doses of antiviral medication available in the coming days to withstand what some health officials fear could be a widespread outbreak of swine flu. That supply works out to a course of treatment for one out of about every 11.8 state residents...."
MORE from the Washington Times
Letter from a local farmer regarding downzoning
Secondly, I want to try to clarify what you are really trying decide with this legislation. I hope you keep this perspective in mind while reviewing the comments you heard tonight and are making your decision on how you will vote.
Some people are trying to confuse the issue by saying it is about property values and property rights. The concern for property values is understandable but not supported by the evidence; and I am not talking about special interest funded studies, I am talking about the facts as they are on the Eastern Shore, which is the best evidence we can have. The members of this council know that other shore counties that have down zoned did not see a significant, prolonged drop in land values. Land values in those counties remain consistent with those in neighboring counties with higher density allowances. So this issue is not about the loss of property values.
The issue is also not about property rights. The options and rights of the farmer and developer stay the same. The farmer can still either farm his land or sell it to the highest bidder and the developer can still build as many houses on the land as the law allows. This is not a property rights issue because, honestly, no one has the right to do with or develop their land however they wish. Every piece of land in this county, in this country, is subject to zoning. Every property owner faces guidelines on what they can and can’t do with their land.
But you, as the county government, do have the right to decide how the land in this county will be used. That is what this issue is really about, not property values or property rights, but land use, as all zoning issues are. There is competition between the agricultural industry and the development industry for land in Wicomico County. Land is a limited resource and both industries want to use as much of it as possible. What you as a council are really trying to decide is what industry, agriculture or development, should be using the majority of the agricultural land in this county, in other words, which is the best use. It is my belief, along with I think the majority of county residents, that the agricultural industry and farmers should be the ones using the majority of the agricultural lands in our county. The development industry is an important sector of our economy, but its use of farmland should not take precedence over use by the industry that has always provided this county’s economy with a solid foundation. Agriculture is our number one industry and has the potential, as an industry, to be more sustainable and stable in the long run. The recent housing bubble and bust should be a warning against basing our county’s economy and land use policies on the development industry.
The 50/50 split of a parcel under the current law between use by the farmer and the developer does not leave enough land for the farmer to keep their business efficient and profitable. No wonder so many farmers see selling more land as the only option for making ends meet. What they really need is to keep more of their land in production so their businesses can remain profitable and growing. The fairest way for the farmer and developer to share the land is to eliminate the density bonus which will ensure that the large majority of a parcel will remain open to agricultural use.
If for some unfortunate reason you decide as a council that you do not have the will to do what is right and the support the agricultural industry by passing this measure, than I urge you to please begin work immediately on a TDR program for this county or some other measure, although voting yes May 5th will be the best and most immediate action you can take, so that growth can be directed away from the agricultural zones and into the urban core. Because the fact of the matter is we have to start doing something now to stop excess development on our farmlands and preserve our county’s number one industry before it is too late.
In closing, I would like to ask you to please see this, as all zoning issues are, as a land use issue and to see that agriculture is the best land use in our agricultural zones because it is necessary for our number one industry to survive. It will also preserve the character and lifestyle of this county that we all love and want to preserve. Also, one can’t be reminded enough of the permanence of development; once farmland is developed it will never return to farmland. If we don’t reduce density in these areas now we will be facing these same issues, or worse, in 5yrs time and there will be no going back, we cannot create more farmland to replace what has been lost.
I live and work full-time on a farm here in Wicomico County so my future, as a farmer, will be directly affected by this legislation either way. I would feel much more secure about that future if this bill passes, which is why I am asking you as my elected representatives to please VOTE YES!
First 100 Days: Ten Ways to Pray for President Obama
The following are ways we can pray for our president:
1. Pray that God will continually honor him with great wisdom amidst the difficult decisions that he faces each day.
2. Pray for God to protect him and our nation from harm.
3. Pray that his decisions will always reflect a courage that goes beyond polls and politics.
4. Pray that he will be blessed in his role as husband and father.
5. Pray that he will be refreshed in his physical body.
6. Pray for First Lady Michelle Obama and their two daughters, that they will experience great joy in this new chapter of their lives.
7. Pray that he will be encouraged and filled with the “peace that passes all understanding.”
8. Pray for his staff, that they will serve him well and be a strength to him.
9. Pray that he will be humble but fearless in seeking and fulfilling God’s will.
10. Pray that he will build bridges to unite a nation.
The Scriptures command us to pray for “all who are in authority that we may live a quiet and peaceful life.” Let us dedicate ourselves to taking the next 100 days to strengthen our President in prayer.
By so doing, we call forth God’s blessings upon our nation.
from Fox News
Camden Neighborhood Association Meeting
April 2009 Meeting
Thursday April 30th - 7:15 pm
Bethany Lutheran Church
(corner of Camden & South Blvds)
Guest Speaker: Sergeant Steve Schweikert,
Salisbury Police Department

(Frederick, MD) – Maryland State Police have arrested the husband of a licensed Frederick County daycare provider after an investigation revealed allegations that he sexually abused one of the children in his home.
The accused is identified as Robert W. Fry, 67, of the 4300-block of Ballenger Creek Pike, Frederick, Md. He is charged with the sexual abuse of a minor, third degree sex offense, and second degree assault.
The victim is a four-year-old child. The victim is not being identified due to the nature of this crime.
The investigation began on April 14, 2009, when an investigator from the Maryland State Police Frederick Barracks Criminal Investigation Section responded to a call from the victim’s mother. The mother stated her child had made disclosures over the preceding weekend that alleged sexual abuse had occurred while the victim was in daycare at the home of the accused.
State Police contacted Child Protective Services and a cooperative investigation was conducted. Information developed during the investigation alleges that the offenses occurred on one day during the period of March 25 through April 12, 2009. The investigation revealed the offenses occurred while the child was in daycare in the home of the accused.
Troopers learned the wife of the accused is a licensed daycare provider. On the same day the investigation was initiated, contact was made with officials from the Daycare Administration. An official from that agency responded to the daycare home and placed an emergency suspension on the operator’s license. The official also remained in the home until the other children were picked up by parents.
Based on information developed in the investigation, State Police requested and obtained an arrest warrant for the accused from the Frederick County District Court Commissioner’s Office. The warrant was served on the accused at his home yesterday. He was arrested without incident. He was taken to the Frederick County Detention Center for processing.
Although there is no indication at this time of other victims, the investigation is continuing. Anyone who may have information related to this investigation should contact State Police investigators at 301-600-4150.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release

In Wicomico County, there is an average of 585 total crashes per year involving Young Drivers (ages 16-21). There is an average of 3 fatalities and 407 injuries per year for Young Drivers as well.*
To combat these statistics, the Wicomico Highway Safety Task Force is hosting a “Mock Crash” at Parkside High School and seniors from Bennett High School will also be attending. This event is scheduled for May 1, 2009 and will begin at 8:30 am and will show the effects of drinking and driving and of not wearing a seat belt.
In a “Mock Crash” two cars are placed as if they have crashed and local agencies such as the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, Salisbury City Police, Salisbury Fire Dept and MSP Aviation respond as if the crash is real. Students will get to see what really happens at a crash scene. They will even see a crash victim taken away in a hearse.
Immediately following the crash, there will be an assembly in the auditorium where Sheriff Mike Lewis and other local people will speak about how crashes have impacted their lives.
There are 4 proms this weekend alone. The hope is that this demonstration will have an impact on the students who watch it and the ones who hear about it from their friends.
For more information contact,
Karen Waggoner
Community Traffic Safety Program Safety Coordinator
* Maryland Highway Safety Office
A Letter To Proctor & Gamble
I have been a loyal user of your 'Always' maxi pads for over 20 years and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core or Dri-Weave absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts. But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic. I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little F-16 in my pants.
Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? Ever suffered from 'the curse'? I'm guessing you haven't. Well, my time of the month is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call 'an inbred hillbilly with knife skills.' Isn't the human body amazing?
As Brand Manager in the Feminine-Hygiene Division, you've no doubt seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customer's monthly visits from 'Aunt Flo'. Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behavior. You surely realize it's a tough time for most women.. In fact, only last week, my friend Jennifer fought the violent urge to shove her boyfriend's testicles into a George Foreman Grill just because he told her he thought Grey's Anatomy was written by drunken chimps. Crazy!
The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants... Which brings me to the reason for my letter. Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi-pad, and there, printed on the adhesive backing, were these words: 'Have a Happy Period.'
Are you f-orever kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny middle-manager brain really think happiness - actual smiling, laughing happiness, is possible during a menstrual period? Did anything mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James? FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak, there will never be anything 'happy' about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory.
For the love of God, pull your head out, man! If you have to slap a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent, like 'Put down the Hammer' or 'Vehicular Manslaughter is Wrong', or are you just picking on us?
Sir, please inform your Accounting Department that, effective immediately, there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take my maxi-pad business elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flex-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your brand of condescending bullcrap. And that's a promise I will keep.
Always. . .
Wendi Aarons
Austin, T X
Key Events This Week In Wicomico County Public Schools
African-American Female Summit III - For female students from throughout Wicomico County, at the Richard A. Henson Center on the campus of UMES, 8:45 a.m.-2 p.m. Goals for Summit III focus on closing the minority achievement gap, improving student behavior, helping the participants set attainable goals for their future, and helping build stronger relationships with family, peers, and school staff. A number of break-out sessions have been planned to address the above mentioned goals. Presenters include Amber Watson of WMDT and Brie Jackson of WBOC. The day will start with each participant receiving a personal data snapshot listing their grades for each marking term this year, the number of conduct referrals/discipline actions for the year, their attendance to date, and their GPA. We have found this to be a useful tool to give the students an opportunity to analyze their progress and determine if it is leading them toward their stated goals.
8-10 a.m., Wicomico High - Wicomico High School Army JROTC Formal Inspection. This inspection will be conducted by inspectors coming from 4th Brigade Headquarters (Eastern Region), US Army Cadet Command located at Ft. Bragg, NC. This inspection occurs once every three years. It will begin with a battalion formation of all cadets. Inspectors will then visit JROTC classes during the day and receive a staff briefing conducted by senior cadets. There will also be a demonstration of Wi-Hi JROTC Drill Team and also the Color Guard. The Wi-Hi JROTC program consists of cadets from all four Wicomico County high schools. Parents, staff, friends and the community are invited to observe the Battalion Formation and drill demonstrations beginning at 8 a.m. and concluding at 10 a.m. Call Wi-Hi at 410-677-5146 for information.
African-American Male Summit III - For male students from throughout Wicomico County, at the Richard A. Henson Center on the campus of UMES, 8:45 a.m.-2 p.m. Goals for Summit III focus on closing the minority achievement gap, improving student behavior, helping the participants set attainable goals for their future, and helping build stronger relationships with family, peers, and school staff. A number of break-out sessions have been planned to address the above mentioned goals. Presenters include Earl Holland of The Daily Times. The day will start with each participant receiving a personal data snapshot listing their grades for each marking term this year, the number of conduct referrals/discipline actions for the year, their attendance to date, and their GPA. We have found this to be a useful tool to give the students an opportunity to analyze their progress and determine if it is leading them toward their stated
WCCPTA - Wicomico County Council of PTAs Awards Banquet, 6 p.m., Parkside High School. 410-546-5615
Reception for students with artwork in the Wicomico County Elementary & Secondary Student Art Show, and the students' families, 7 p.m. at the Wicomico County Public Library. The 31st annual Wicomico County Elementary & Secondary Student Art Show, featuring more than 1,000 works from students in every Wicomico school, is on display at the Wicomico Public Library in Salisbury through May 3. Art teachers have elected 20 to 50 pieces per school, including paintings, drawings, photographs and sculpture, to represent the creative efforts of Wicomico students. The artwork will be displayed in the lobby and throughout the children's side of the library. The exhibit is available for viewing during library hours: 10 a.m.- 9 p.m. Monday to Wednesday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday to Saturday, and 1-5 p.m. Sunday. For information about the Wicomico County Student Art Show, please call Gary Beauchamp, supervisor of fine and performing arts, at 410-677-4573.
3rd Annual Wicomico County Math 24 Game Tournament
The math game is on in Wicomico County elementary and middle schools, which for the next several weeks will engage students in challenging tests of their mathematics skills through math 24 Game play, with generous support from sponsor M&T Bank.
In preparation for the 3rd annual Wicomico County Math 24 Game Tournament May 21, schools are holding classroom-level and then school-level contests to select grade-level winners to represent the school. Each elementary school will send to the county tournament one student for each grade (first grade through fifth grade) in its school, for 55 elementary contestants. Middle schools will send 30 students -- two students per grade from sixth through eighth -- to create a competitive field.
Grade-level champions from 22 Wicomico elementary and middle schools will compete starting at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 21, in the third annual Wicomico County Math 24 Game Tournament. The night’s play in The Commons at Salisbury University will determine the best 24 Game player in the county for each grade level. The tournament is free and open to the public.
Sponsor M&T Bank has made a $4,500 donation to enable Wicomico County Schools to put on the third annual countywide Math 24 Game Tournament. The money helps provide prizes for participants and supports the purchase of Math 24 Game materials. Those materials include sets of Math 24 Game cards that are now available for use at all Wicomico Public Library locations, including the main library in Salisbury, the Centre at Salisbury branch, and library branches in Pittsville and Bivalve.
"By having the 24 Game in multiple library locations, the cards are more accessible for parent and student use," said Jason Miller, who with Michael Collins coordinates Wicomico County's Math 24 Game program. "We're grateful to M&T Bank and the Wicomico Public Library for their partnership in support of this math program."
To win at the Math 24 Game, students must excel in two areas: rapid reflexes and automaticity, or automatically knowing math facts. In a game, a proctor sets down one 24 Game card at a time, and the first student to press a fingertip to the card has the opportunity to solve the problem. “It excites students. It motivates them to do better in the classroom,” said co-coordinator Michael Collins. “We have students who stay in at recess to play the game.”
New this year: First-graders through fourth-graders who believe they know the right answer will click in using the Eggspert response system, a handheld clicker wired to a console with colored lights. A light will show which player clicked first. “That’s being used because without it, we couldn't always tell which student touched the card first because the responses came so quickly,” Miller said.
At the intermediate level, grades 3 - 8, students will be challenged by having to provide the final solution first, then outline the steps necessary to reach that final solution. If they use a different process to reach 24 than they gave in their final solution, they’ll receive a penalty. Also, fifth-graders will be using the Double Digits Version in order to increase the difficulty of the game.
WBI Press Release: Attempted Murder

INCIDENT: First Degree Assault/ Attempted Murder DATE: April 28, 2009
LOCATION: 7400 Esham Road, Parsonsburg, MD NARRATIVE: On April 28, 2009 at 1637 hours the Maryland State Police Salisbury Barrack received a call from PRMC indicating they had the victim of a gunshot wound in the ER. Uniform Troopers responded and confirmed. Members of WBI responded and assumed the investigation. The incident took place in a body shop located in the 7400 block of Esham Road, Parsonsburg, MD. The victim was working in the shop when the two suspects entered and a confrontation ensued. The victim was beat about his head and neck and shot in his lower back. He was transported to PRMC by private vehicle. He was treated at PRMC and will be kept over night. No motive is known at this time.
Anyone with additional information is asked to contact the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776 SUSPECTS: Two AA males one taller and thicker than the other. The larger had darker skin. They were traveling in a early 90’s model 4 door Subaru.
MSP Wicomico Bureau of Investigation
DATE: April 28, 2009 TIME: 2253 hours
Maryland Appeal Rules

Maryland Rules:
Rule 7-102. Modes of appeal.
(a) De novo.- Except as provided in section (b) of this Rule, an appeal shall be tried de novo in all civil and criminal actions.
(b) On the record.- An appeal shall be heard on the record made in the District Court in the following cases:
(1) a civil action in which the amount in controversy exceeds $5,000 exclusive of interest, costs, and attorney's fees if attorney's fees are recoverable by law or contract;
Team America Rocketry Challenge
Two teams from Wicomico High School are among the top 100 student rocketry teams in the country that will compete next month in the final round of competition of the 2009 Team America Rocketry Challenge.
The seventh annual TARC -- the world's largest rocket contest -- will take place May 16 at Great Meadow in The Plains, Va. The final competition gives middle and high school students a chance to earn part of a total prize package of $60,000 in scholarships and other prizes.
Wicomico High School’s TARC Team 1 rocket is called B N S (for its paint job of black ‘n’ silver). Team members are Lyndsey Buck, senior, Alex Seo, senior, Andrew Seo, sophomore, Kaleb Barrett, freshman, and Sean Atkinson, senior.
TARC Team 2’s rocket is named Epic, and is painted in the school colors of blue and yellow. Team members are Scott Kephart, sophomore, Victoria Wright, freshman, Brandon Hudson, freshman, Hannah Silbert, freshman, and Natasha Maldonado, freshman.
Faculty advisor for the TARC teams is Janice Austin, Wicomico High School math teacher.
The list of finalists is available at www.rocketcontest.org. A total of 653 teams from 45 states and the District of Columbia took part in the qualifying rounds of competition.
Teams design, build and launch model rockets with a raw-egg payload that must return to the ground unbroken. This year's contest goals are an altitude of 750 feet and a flight time of 45 seconds. The rockets must transport the egg laid horizontally to mimic the position of an astronaut.
AIA co-sponsors the event with the National Association of Rocketry in conjunction with NASA, the Defense Department, the American Association of Physics teachers and 34 AIA member companies. The goal of the contest is to bolster student interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics -- STEM -- education in an effort to attract young people to aerospace careers.
Two AIA companies provide premium prizes. Raytheon will once again provide a fully paid trip for the winning team to the International Paris Air Show in June. And Lockheed Martin will provide $5,000 scholarships to each of the top three teams. NASA also invites top teams to participate in advanced rocketry programs.
For more information about TARC, visit www.rocketcontest.org.
A Little Morning Fun - Pick The Perp!
TRAFFIC ALERT - Signing And Striping Improvements Near I-95 Toll Plaza
Newark -- The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) advises motorists who use the I-95 Toll Plaza that signing and striping improvements approaching the plaza will occur Wednesday, April 29, 2009, through June 2009. Traffic will be maintained throughout the project, however, single lane closures during off-peak hours should be expected. Most work will take place at night from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., but could also occur from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Byers Electrical Construction, based in Bear, will be performing this work at an estimated cost of $190,000. This project will focus on improving signing and striping approaching the I-95 Toll Plaza in the northbound and southbound directions. By improving signing and striping, drivers' awareness of which lanes they should use will improve. This will additionally improve lane utilization. Much of the backup on northbound I-95 before the toll plaza is because most drivers use the main five toll lanes but not the five additional satellite lanes to the right. In other words, sometimes while traffic is backing up to go through the main five lanes, none of the satellite toll lanes are being used.
DelDOT's expectation is that the improved signs and striping will more clearly communicate and encourage cash customers to use the right-hand satellite lanes and for E-ZPass customers to use the left-hand main lanes. Signs will be revised and simplified and the lanes will be more clearly designated for E-ZPass and cash customers.
Work will be paused over Memorial Day weekend. During much of the peak traffic on summer weekends and holidays, traffic exceeds more than 130,000 vehicles per day.
This initial project is in anticipation of the $43 million worth of improvements funded through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The ARRA, commonly referred to as the "economic stimulus," will add two "highway speed E-ZPass lanes" in the northbound and southbound directions through the toll plaza, making it consistent with the two highly effective plazas on Route 1 in Dover and at Biddles Corner south of the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal. In Newark, there will be seven lanes northbound and southbound that will accept cash and E-ZPass, for a total of nine toll lanes in each direction. In addition, DelDOT will improve toll collectors' access and safety to the plazas. This project is expected to begin construction in 2010.