DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, June 11, 2010
WBOC Delivers Another Dissatisfied Customer

Exclusive Breaking News: Someone Vandalized Sarah Foxwell's Grave Site

As unbelievable as this might seem, someone vandalized Sarah Foxwell's Grave after 6 PM last night.
Sarah's Mother Jennifer Foxwell went to visit Sarah's grave today, (as she regularly does) and found the above images.
Jennifer called me upset and in tears. We were able to quickly get a hold of S.J. Disharoon from Salisbury Monument and he raced over there to make repairs. Thanks S.J.!
There's only ONE person I believe has that kind of mind set to pull something like this and the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department has opened an investigation.
You see Folks, if it was just a kid going through the cemetery, they would have picked up the vase and taken it with them. Someone was making a statement and we urge all of you, if you saw any traffic at the cemetery last night, please contact the Sheriff's Office at 410-548-4891.
PLEASE, let this child rest in peace.
I should add, there were no other grave sites disturbed in the cemerery.
Uncovered: Obama's Mystery College Years
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A recently released book uncovers untold aspects of President Obama's mysterious college years, tying the politician to associates of Weather Underground founder William Ayers and to radical groups operating at the time.
The new book, "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's ties to communists, socialists and other anti-American extremists," charges Obama has deep ties to an anti-American extremist nexus that has been instrumental not only in building his political career but in crafting current White House policy.
The book exposes an extremist coalition of communists, socialists and other radicals working both inside and outside the administration to draft and advance current White House policy goals.
With nearly 900 citations, the New York Times best-selling title from WND senior reporter and WABC Radio host Aaron Klein bills itself as the most exhaustive investigation ever performed into Obama's political background and radical ties. Klein's co-author is historian and researcher Brenda J. Elliott.
Read the inside story on the president and his friends, get your autographed copy of "The Manchurian President" at WND's Superstore
In one of the many strange features of Obama's presidential candidacy, his 2008 campaign went to great lengths to conceal normally routine information about the candidate's college years.
The information included his first two undergraduate years at Occidental College in Los Angeles, followed by his final two years and graduation from Columbia University in New York City.
GO HERE to read more.
Rick Hoppes Permanent Fire Chief? This Just in

Joe, we have been hearing for a couple of days now that Mayor Ireton is planning on appointing Rick Hoppes as the permanent fire chief of the Salisbury Fire Department.
If that is in fact what will happen that will be the downfall of Jim Ireton's political career. The Salisbury Fire Department is in the worst shape it has ever been in. The moral at the Salisbury Fire Department is at an all time low.
Rick Hoppes has been the root of wasteful spending of tax dollars. Rick Hoppes is a racist person and has been heard numerous times referring to people of color as the "N" word. Rick Hoppes has openly ran down Mayor Ireton and some of the city council members. Rick Hoppes has a history of abusing power and retalliating agains employees in the Salisbury Fire Department.
Several people have been fired under Rick Hoppes' administration and it is known that he is going after a couple more. He has been and always will be the laziest employee in the Salisbury Fire Department.
Rick Hoppes has clearly made some stupid appointments such as Dru Bragg to Acting Deputy Chief. Rick Hoppes does not have the support of anyone in the Salisbury Fire Department of the citizens the Fire Department is sworn to serve.
This is not the leadership the members of the Salisbury Fire Department want or need. Rick Hoppes needs to go and the members of the Salisbury Fire Department do not want Jim Ireton to make that mistake. We were promised "Help Is On The Way."
I thought Mr. Ireton had heeded the plea by Gary Comegys to have leniency for the property owners that the City of Salisbury cited for failure to clear sidewalks during the big blizzards that occurred this past winter. But that didn’t happen, and the District Court has refused to uphold a fine issued by the City.
Are you really surprised? Apparently Jim Ireton is. He allowed the Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance Department to proceed on 100 or more citations that were issued.
Finally, after the first failure in court, he has directed NSCC to cease and desist. Now its operatives will have more time to issue citations for such things like grass in sidewalks and peeling paint.
Can you believe it? The City failed to clear many neighborhood streets, Fire Department and the Downtown Plaza, but tried to hold homeowners and others liable for not clearing sidewalks. Ireton should have stopped that effort dead its tracks at the get-go.
And now Mr. Ireton is wailing about changing the code. What’s needed is more common sense and compassion, not more legislation.
Lee Lee Jones

The Delmar Middle Senior High School is accepting donations for the family and has a yearbook available for friends to sign to send warm get well thoughts and wishes to Lee Lee. The office is open from 7:30am-3pm Monday through Thursday if anyone would like to make a contribution and/or sign the yearbook.
We are a close knit community and when a member of our family is hurting, we all are hurting.
Lee Lee, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
The Staff of Delmar Middle-Senior High School
Sally M. Irwin, B.S.R.N.
School Nurse
Delmar Middle-Senior High School
Oil Spill May Be Twice As Bad As Earlier Thought
HOUSTON - New figures for the blown-out well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico show the amount of oil spewing may have been up to twice as much as previously thought, according to scientists consulting with the U.S. government.
That could mean 42 million gallons (160 million liters) to more than 100 million gallons (380 million liters) of oil have already fouled the Gulf's fragile waters, affecting people who live, work and play along the coast from Louisiana to Florida — and perhaps beyond.
It is the third — and perhaps not the last — time the U.S. government has had to increase its estimate of how much oil is gushing. Trying to clarify what has been a contentious and confusing issue, officials on Thursday gave a wide variety of estimates.
GO HERE to read more.
The City of Salisbury is a finalist in the All-America City competition held annually by the National Civic League. This delegation of 11 individuals have worked diligently for the past two years with a committee of volunteers to complete a community assessment and identify projects that fit the criteria for the designation as an All America City. The criteria included:
The three projects selected for presentation at the competition were the Rose Street Revitalization Project, Homelessness (Local Churches and HALO)HH, and the Youth Leadership Academy (Salisbury University). Salisbury was successful in making it as a finalist the second straight year, and will go to Kansas City, MO for the final competition. “This is an opportunity to gain national recognition for the positive community efforts to address challenges in our city,” says Loré L. Chambers, Assistant City Administrator.
The press conference will be held in Room 301 (Council Chambers) of the City-County Government Office Building, 125 N. Division Street.
Obama's BP Rhetoric Turns Into Race Debate
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
The Drudge Report said President Obama has "gone street", sparking a race debate about whether black men can safely show emotion.
8th Grade School Dance
I'm Alex and I sometimes comment on you blog - usually in disagreement with you and your readers.
I never comment on local issues because I do not live on ES. I live in Baltimore County. I do however read some of your local news with 8th grade handicapped child news being the most recent story.
If you can find someone who is willing to part with their dance ticket. I will pay them double the price of whatever the ticket is worth. Whatever your commenters say about her mother being right or worng, the child simply wants to go to the dance. If you do find anyone, I will mail the money order payable to whomever directly to you. Just let me know price and address.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Rise In Offshore Spills Raises Wider Questions On Drilling

But it’s far from the only spill that’s taken place this year – or even the only spill occurring in the Gulf right now.
On June 7, the Mobile Press-Register reported that the Ocean Saratoga rig has been leaking into the Gulf since April 30. Interior Department spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff confirmed the next day that “small amounts of oil” were leaking from the wells beneath the rig, about 10 miles from Louisiana’s southeastern coast.
Taylor Energy, the well’s owner, said in a statement that it was engaged in an “ongoing well intervention plan” with the government to fix damage caused by Hurricane Ivan in 2004, and that no significant new spill had occurred.
Yard Sales
If you have a yard sale that you would like to post here, please email me, SunnyInOC, at atlanticjw@aol.com. Please type "yard sale" in the subject of your email. Please have all requests to me by Thursday afternoon for Friday's post.
'Israel May Strike Iran Next Month'
The official said Egypt already has implemented security measures that take into account an Israeli strike against Iran within the next month or so.
The Egyptian estimation could not be verified by officials in Jerusalem contacted by WND.
Also, officials in the Palestinian Authority said they did not have any indication of a Middle East war in the summer.
Mahmoud al-Zahar, Hamas chief in Gaza, told WND he believes a Middle East confrontation is likely, possibly in the next few months.
"You don't need to be a fortune teller to see that Israel is planning something soon," said al-Zahar, speaking on his cell phone from Gaza.
The Egyptian security official, meanwhile, said his country bolstered security forces along the border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza, believing Iran will urge Hamas to retaliate against Israel during any war with the Jewish state.
The security official said the Egyptian military has been placed on a general high alert.
He said a decision two weeks ago to open the Egypt-Gaza border took into account the possibility of an Israeli military strike against Iran next month. He said during any future war between Israel and Iran, the Gaza-Egypt border will need to remain closed due to likelysecurity threats from Gaza.
The Egyptian estimation also took into account a United Nations vote yesterday to impose a fourth round of sanctions on Iran. Tehran immediately vowed to continue with its nuclear program.
The sanctions, however, do not affect an air-defense missile deal in which Russia is expected to sell its advanced S-300 missile systems to the Iranians.
The missile system could complicate any military action aimed at Iran's nuclear plants.
Mayor Ireton To Attend Downtown Urban Salisbury Celebration
Bruce Patterson, President of Urban Salisbury said, "The Mayor and the City Staff have always been so generous and supportive of Urban Salisbury. It's really wonderful to have them join us at the first annual Ahtes Award Dinner."
"Urban Salisbury created this award to recognize dedication and commitment to the revitalization of the heart of our community. It's especially fitting that the first Award goes to Bill Ahtes."
"For over 40 years, Bill has been and is still devoted to the Downtown. He has invested boundless enthusiasm, countless hours and tens of thousands of dollars in and around Main Street."
"Along the way, he's made so many friends and improved the lives of generations of Salisburians. For all he has done, and continues to do, Bill's the rightful recipient of the first Award named in his honor."
"We're thrilled with the commitment of the Mayor and our Friends from the City. We know everyone who attends the Dinner is going to have a wonderful time."
Mayor Ireton said, “I look forward to this evening as we celebrate the past, present, and future of our downtown in honoring Bill Ahtes. My goal is that a new generation of young people will live, work and play downtown. The City of Salisbury celebrates Urban Salisbury and downtown pioneer, Bill Ahtes Friday night.”
Congress To GM: Please Stop Destroying Documents While We Still Own You

Keep Track Of BP Oil Spill Casualties With DailyDeadBirds.com

Though BP has made attempts to keep reporters away from the icky, oily dead and dying animals floating in on the greasy tides of the Gulf of Mexico, they haven't been able to stop the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service at bay.
More »
“Early this morning, TFC Wesley Brown was tragically shot and killed while serving security detail at a local restaurant in Forestville. Tragedies like this remind us all how fragile life can be, and that the men and women of our public safety agencies risk their lives on a daily basis to keep the people of our State safe. I’ve visited with Trooper Brown’s family this morning and extended my most sincere condolences. The thoughts and prayers of all Marylanders are with them on this very sad day.
“The Maryland State Police, Prince George’s County Police, local and federal law enforcement are working tirelessly to investigate this incident, capture the suspect, and bring this killer to justice.”
Maryland State Trooper Killed Outside Applebee's

An intense search is under way for a man who shot and killed a Maryland State Trooper early Friday morning at a restaurant -- possibly over an unpaid bill.
It happened outside the Applebee's restaurant on Donnell Drive in Forestville, Md. Prince George's County police have shut down several roads in the area, including Pennsylvania Avenue.
Officials have identified the trooper as Wesley Brown. He had been a state trooper for more than three years.
GO HERE to read more.
Brazilian Man Accused Of Fathering Seven Children With Daughter
Jose Agostinho Bispo Pereira was arrested after complaints that he sexually abused his daughter, whom he kept captive, said police chief Adriana Meireles said.
According to police, Pereira had sex with his daughter since she was 12 years old. Now 29, the daughter has seven children from her father.
"It is a crime. I know that it is a crime," Pereira told Record TV. "But she was committing the crime as well, wasn't she? Then, I had to do it."
"A farmer only does things because the other consents, because if the other doesn't consent, the person doesn't do (it)," he added.
Police are now investigating whether Pereira also sexually abused a 2-year-old granddaughter or his other children.
GO HERE to read more.
Pope Begs Forgiveness, Promises Action On Abuse

VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI begged forgiveness Friday from clerical abuse victims for the sins of priests and promised to "do everything possible" to ensure prelates don't rape or molest children ever again.
Benedict's pledge was similar to comments he has made over time in the past. But they were uttered in the highly symbolic setting of a Mass concelebrated by 15,000 priests in St. Peter's Square marking the end of the Vatican's Year of the Priest. The yearlong celebration of the clergy has been marred by revelations of hundreds of new cases of clerical abuse, cover-up and Vatican inaction to root out pedophiles.
In his homily, Benedict lamented that during what should have been a year of joy for the priesthood the "sins of priests came to light — particularly the abuse of the little ones."
GO HERE to read more.
Nine Questions (and Provisional Answers) About The Spill
The sea is slow to reveal its secrets, and so is BP. The regulators and other companies caught up in the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster are almost as opaque. Whether motivated by the need for self-protection, the desire to get it right before releasing information, or the inevitable fog of a shape-shifting crisis, the sometimes conflicting statements released by BP, the Minerals Management Service, and others have left a raft of unanswered questions. How much oil is spewing into the Gulf each day? How much damage is it doing, and will the ecosystem ever recover? Who made the decisions that led to this nightmare?
The woman in charge of measuring the spill, Marcia McNutt of the U.S. Geological Survey, invoked the Rumsfeldian phrase "unknown unknowns" on May 27 while explaining why her Flow Rate Technical Group was having trouble figuring out how much oil was billowing from BP's broken well (more than 12,000 barrels a day, with no reliable upper limit). The same uncertainty surrounds enviromental impacts. "I don't think anyone knows, no matter what they say," says Nicholas Fisher, a professor of marine science at Stony Brook University in New York. "People want clean, simple answers to clean, simple questions, but we don't have them."
What follows is a careful attempt to take stock: asking the important questions and laying out the best current thinking on them. At the very least, we should all know what we don't know.
Will part of the Gulf be a Dead Zone?
Big oil spills of the past are poor guides to the Deepwater Horizon disaster because all of them occurred in shallower water. This time, with the leak at 5,000 feet, a great deal of the oil hasn't reached the surface. Scientists say that under the immense pressure at that depth, much of it has turned into a diluted mist of hair-width droplets that are staying submerged in vast clouds. As recently as June 6, BP chief executive officer Tony Hayward said there was no evidence of such plumes in the Gulf. On June 8, however, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration announced that they had indeed been found thousands of feet down.
GO HERE to read more.
What's The New Protocol?
I have a couple of questions on the Humane Society and the county?
I went to Delmarva Now and saw where the sheriff's dept. had to take 2 dogs out of a car. If a city or county officer has to take a dog in...where are they taking them?
Is the Humane Society going to give them a key to take the animal there when they are closed?
Is the county going to build another chicken coop shelter like they had 45 years ago down by the old Campbell Soup Company.
Looks like after all the years of hard work to get the county and humane society on the same page, it is being torn apart and all of the hard work of many of us was in vain.
It is so sad.
Retail Sales Drop 1.2 Percent In May
Decline in consumer spending raises fears about recovery
WASHINGTON - Retail sales plunged in May by the largest amount in eight months as consumers slashed spending on everything from cars to clothing. The big drop raises new worries about the durability of the economic recovery.
The Commerce Department says that spending fell 1.2 percent last month. Auto sales were down 1.7 percent but there was widespread weakness in a number of areas. Excluding autos, sales fell 1.1 percent.
The big decline cast new doubts about the strength of the economic recovery. Consumer spending accounts for 70 percent of total economic activity. Economists are concerned that households will start trimming outlays as they continued to be battered by high unemployment.
GO HERE to read more.
White House Linked To Flotilla Organizers
A top adviser to President Obama is the contact person within the White House for communications with the Free Gaza Movement over plans to challenge Israel's blockade of the terrorist Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, according to a reputable source close to the Netanyahu government.
The source, a career official whose reliability was established through his tips for the book, "Why Israel Can't Wait," identified John O. Brennan, deputy national security adviser for homeland security and counterterrorism, as the contact.
The allegation raises the bizarre possibility that the Free Gaza Movement's flotilla action in the Mediterranean was being coordinated with the White House, something that would align with a shift in U.S. policy toward Israel being debated within the Obama administration.
Mike Hammer, a National Security Council spokesman, told WND flatly the report "is not true."
GO HERE to read more.
The Pickens Plan
It is important that no one tries to use the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico to their own benefit, but I wanted to share with you two recent newspaper editorials that help make the case for the Pickens Plan in light of the current situation.One is from the Houston Chronicle illustrating the effect of the oil spill on our dependence on foreign oil:
“To put things in perspective, if the BP spill is flowing at 20,000 barrels per day, that makes for an environmental catastrophe, but...it's roughly one-tenth of 1 percent of what we use daily.”“Here's another number that might help: 700 billion barrels of oil equivalent. That's a rough estimate of how much natural gas this country has, mostly trapped in shale formations from Texas to Colorado and in the West Virginia-Pennsylvania-New York region. It's accessible without drilling through deep waters and the product is twice as clean as coal."
Click here to read the full editorial.
The second article you should read is from the Edmonton (Canada) Journal. Gary Lamphier writes:
“If the worst oil spill in U.S. history isn't enough to make natural gas America's new fuel of choice, I suspect nothing will."“It's cheap, it's cleaner burning than coal or oil, and with the recent development of massive new U.S. shale gas reserves, America is literally drowning in the stuff.”And he finishes by quoting a Credit Suisse analyst:“Natural gas...offers a cleaner, lower-risk solution to bridge the gap to a broader alternative energy platform.”Click here to read the full editorial.
Somerset County Fire Station Redistricting
Troopers Investigate Fatal Motorcycle Crash
The motorcycle was traveling northbound on Governor Printz Boulevard at an apparent high rate of speed. The operator lost control, traveled in a northerly direction and struck a curb.
The operator was ejected from the bike. He was wearing a helmet. Mr. Miller died as a result of the injuries he sustained in this crash.
The year of the bike is unknown. The tag on the motorcycle proved to be fictitious and routine computer checks did not reveal a registration.
Mr. Miller's license was suspended and he did not have a motorcycle endorsement.
This investigation is ongoing.
My old grandpa said to me 'Son, there comes a time in every
man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin'
caps and usually it's when he becomes too old to take
an ass whoopin.'
I don't carry a gun to kill people.
I carry a gun to keep from being killed.
I don't carry a gun to scare people.
I carry a gun because sometimes this world can
be a scary place.
I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid.
I carry a gun because there are real
threats in the world..
I don't carry a gun because I'm evil.
I carry a gun because I have lived long enough
to see the evil in the world.
I don't carry a gun because I hate the government.
I carry a gun because I understand the limitations
of government..
I don't carry a gun because I'm angry.
I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the
rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.
I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old
age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere
tomorrow afternoon.
I don't carry a gun because I'm a cowboy.
I carry a gun because, when I die and go to
heaven, I want to be a cowboy.
I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man.
I carry a gun because men know how to take care
of themselves and the ones they love.
I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate.
I carry a gun because unarmed and facing
three armed thugs, I am inadequate.
I don't carry a gun because I love it.
I carry a gun because I love life and the
people who make it meaningful to me.
Police protection is an oxymoron.
Free citizens must protect themselves.
Police do not protect you from crime, they
usually just investigate the crime after it
happens and then call someone in to
clean up the mess.
Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young
to die and too old to take an ass whoopin'.....
(Author unknown - but obviously brilliant)
The Alien In The White House
The deepening notes of disenchantment with Barack Obama now issuing from commentators across the political spectrum were predictable. So, too, were the charges from some of the president's earliest enthusiasts about his failure to reflect a powerful sense of urgency about the oil spill.
There should have been nothing puzzling about his response to anyone who has paid even modest critical attention to Mr. Obama's pronouncements. For it was clear from the first that this president—single-minded, ever-visible, confident in his program for a reformed America saved from darkness by his arrival—was wanting in certain qualities citizens have until now taken for granted in their presidents. Namely, a tone and presence that said: This is the Americans' leader, a man of them, for them, the nation's voice and champion. Mr. Obama wasn't lacking in concern about the oil spill. What he lacked was that voice—and for good reason.
GO HERE to read more and see video from The Wall Street Journal.
The Good Old Days
July 3rd AFP Rally
Note: blue underlined text is 'links' to the Internet
SO THAT WE HAVE ENOUGH FOOD FOR OUR POST-RALLY SOCIAL, we need to know how many folks are participating in the rally. Of course, our chapters funds are limited (we are using the 50-50 funds), but we will spend as much as we can to provide a nice spread for rally participants.
If you plan to be at the rally, contact July3Rally@yahoo.com and give your name. Remember, only rally participants will be entitled to the free food and soda. (Alcohol drinks will be available for purchase from the Steer Inn).
All pre-registration must be made by June 23.
Details: Rally July 3rd, Routes 50 & 611, at noon ('check-in' time for Ocean City rentals/hotels, thousands will see us). Bring your signs, flags and banners, and dress in your patriotic best - - we will be on the roadside demonstrating our patriotism and concern for our country.
After the rally we will hold a social/picnic at the beautiful picnic area behind the Steer Inn on Route 589, about a 1/2 mile south of Ocean Pines.
Other Upcoming Worcester County events
THE JUNE 29TH MEETING WILL POSSIBLY OUR MOST IMPORTANT TO DATE. We will plan and prep for the July 3rd rally, we will discuss strategy, slogans and chants etc. We need to be organized! Tuesday, June 29th, 6:30 sharp, Ocean Pines Community Center.
CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE ANDY HARRIS will make a presentation and answer questions at our July 27th meeting. More on that as the time approaches.
THE BUS FOR THE GLENN BECK/SARAH PALIN BUS TRIP IN AUGUST IS FILLING UP FAST and will be a sellout at just $30 a seat. Please contact Tom Cook for ticket information. Although this is not an AFP event, Worcester chapter members Tom Cook and Brian Nygaard are organizing the transportation.
Guess What This Is

It's a hard disk drive back in 1956... with 5 MB of storage. Wow!!In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first 'SUPER' computer with a hard disk drive (HDD). The HDD weighed over a ton and stored a 'whopping' 5 MB of data. Do you appreciate your 8 GB memory stick now, or a 3GS iPhone with 32 GB of memory?
Discount Amusement Park Tickets Sold At Wicomico Youth & Civic Center
Gate Price Discounted Price
Busch Gardens (Williamsburg, VA)
Adult $61.95 $55.00
Special Days (6/1-9/7) $61.95 $48.00
Water Country (Williamsburg, VA)
All Ages $42.95 $36.00
Dorney Park (Allentown, PA)
Adult $41.99 $35.00
Jr/Sr (3+/62+) $22.99 $22.00
Dutch Wonderland (Lancaster, PA)
All Ages $31.95 $30.00
Hershey Park (Hershey, PA)
Adult $52.95 $45.00
Jr. (3-8), Sr. (55-69) $31.95 $30.00
Camp Specials (7/1-8/20) $52.95 $35.00
Special Days (5/2-6/30 Sun.-Fri.) $52.95 $36.00
Kings Dominion (Richmond, VA)
Adult $56.99 $43.00
Jr/Sr $33.99 $32.00
Summer Days (7/2-8/6) $56.99 $33.00
Fall Fun Days (Specific Dates Only) $56.99 $33.00
Sesame Place (Langhorne, PA)
All Ages (under 23 mths. Free) $56.92 $48.00
Special Days (7/1-7/31) $56.92 $39.00
Six Flags America (MD)
All Ages $54.99 $28.00
Six Flags Great Adventure (NJ)
Theme & Safari $64.19 $32.00
Hurricane Harbor $34.99 $21.00
Discounts are available for children and adults of all ages. Unless otherwise noted, children two and under are free. Reduced price tickets are available all season long and include special days at some of the parks.
For more information about discount amusement park tickets, please contact the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office at 410-548-4911 or visit the Box Office located at 500 Glen Ave. in Salisbury, MD (open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm).
Lexington, Ky. – The Lexington Legends erased a four-run deficit in regulation and won the game in the 12th inning on a two-run single by Aaron Bray into center field to top the Shorebirds 7-6 on Thursday.
T.J. Baxter started the scoring in the top of the first inning. He blasted his fifth home run of the season over the left field wall to give the ‘Birds a 1-0 edge.
The Shorebirds tacked on two more runs in the third inning. Brian Conley hit a single up the middle. Then, Kieron Pope ripped a double into the right-center field gap to give the ‘Birds a 2-0 edge. Steve Bumbry followed with a hard hit one-hopper that skipped by Jose Altuve into right-center field to score Pope and give the ‘Birds a 3-0 edge.
The Legends cut into the lead in the third inning. After Moreau retired the first two batters, Grant Hogue connected on a double. The next batter, Jose Altuve whistled a double into the right-center field gap to score Hogue.
The ‘Birds tacked on another run in the fourth. Mikey Planeta reach on an error by second baseman Altuve. Luis Bernardo walked to push Planeta to second and Garabez Rosa dropped a sacrifice bunt to advance Planeta to third. T.J. Baxter then hit a line drive sacrifice fly to left field to score Planeta.
In the eighth inning, the Legends rallied against relief pitcher Brent Allar. Altuve and Jiovanni Mier reached on back-to-back walks with two outs. Then, Jake Goebbert connected on a two run double to the right-center field gap to trim the deficit to 5-3. Then, Kody Hinze hit a single back up the middle to plate Goebbert and get the Legends within a run.
In the ninth inning, the Legends tied the game. Andy Simunic hit a lead-off double. He scored on a flare single into right-center field by Grant Hogue to tie the game at 5-5.
Delmarva regained the lead in the 12th inning. Steve Bumbry drew a one out walk and advanced to second on a passed ball by Jordan Comadena. With two outs, Tyler Stampone hit a line drive single into left field and Bumbry scored.
The Legends were able to fight back in the home half against Pat Kantakevich. With the bases loaded and two outs, Aaron Bray hit a grounder up the middle to score Jiovanni Mier and Aaron Goebbert to give Lexington the walk-off win.
Nathan Moreau was stellar for the Shorebirds in seven innings. He allowed only four hits. Moreau also fanned seven batters.
Jose Trinidad earned the win, while Pat Kantakevich was tagged with the loss.
The Delmarva Shorebirds and the Lexington Legends square off in game two of the series on Friday night at 7:05 p.m. RHP Matt Hobgood takes the hill for the Shorebirds.