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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Julia Glanz Hired As New Assistant City Administrator

2015 — Assistant City Administrator

Mayor Jim Ireton continues to hire his friends to work directly in the Mayors Office with very little to no experience. Julia is yet another person Jim has hired from his campaign staff. I know for a fact that after all the interviews were complete, Julia was NOT the front runner for this position, yet she was Ireton's choice in the end.

The Assistant Administrator position is not something to take lightly. Considering IF Jim Ireton and Tom Stevenson were away  from the City, the Assistant is in charge. Keep in mind as well, Department Heads also answer to this person.

Julia, (within Twitter posts) is what some would now call a normalphobe. She's anti republican and supports all liberal women for government positions. I'll just leave it at that.

A Letter To The Editor: Complaint

Recently read a complaint about a local dentist office in Salisbury. Well I’d like to tell your readers about an office in Berlin. Worcester County Dental Clinic for their County’s low income children and pregnant women under the age of 21.

My friend took her boy there and I went along because the first time he went he had a really bad panic attack. During the visit they wouldn’t let her or I go back with him and I didn’t like that considering what has happen in Delaware with that Pediatric Doctor. I mean children sometime become more afraid around people they don’t know duh…Then I noticed something there was a door I think might have been the mangers office with a sign on it that read “Kids are for people who can’t have Dogs” I even took a picture. WTF is that supposed to mean??? If this person doesn’t like kids then she doesn’t belong to be managing a Clinic for children. Or does this mean she is comparing children to dogs?? I cannot believe Worcester Co. let’s them have that sign on a door.

Besides that problem when they started to work on my friend’s son we could hear him screaming in the lobby. She also didn’t get any kind of consult with the dentist, just this dental assistant with a poor attitude bring him out in tears. Even the person that made his next appointment, who was constantly looking at her cell phone, had a non-caring attitude. When my friend got him home he was numb for about 6 hours. I don’t think that is normal either for fillings. Needless to say she will not be taking him back there. We are worried that he will now have a fear of going to a dentist anywhere. Thanks Worcester Co. good help is truly hard to find as they say.

The Daily Times Delivers Inappropriate Funeral Images

I have been receiving phone calls all morning about how the Daily Times published what everyone is saying are inappropriate funeral images of the entire Todd Family funeral yesterday. 

Image after image they show open caskets and images of mourning and emotional people.

The question is, do YOU feel it is inappropriate? Do you feel this is going too far? I know for me personally, when I go and mourn someone at a funeral I do not want someone taking pictures. To me, it's a deeply personal grieving experience not meant for cameras and video.

WELCOME To The University of Maryland Eastern Shore, (UMES)

Chief Hoppes talks Fire Service Agreement options at the Mayor's Monthly Roundtable

Imagine that, a new tax. And Rick Hoppes is supposed to be a Republican? He will say anything to build his multi-million dollar empire and to agree with his boss.

That's right, the Ireton proposals are crazy. Don't think for a second that Ireton and Hoppes' numbers are at all accurate. Liberal leaders always inflate the numbers and you can expect the County Executive and Staff to dissect the figures to get to the bottom of the TRUTH before they make ANY decision.

Ireton is suggesting a $0.15 tax increase on every $100.00 for County residents. This would average about $250.00 a year, (per resident) in the County.

Another option the City is considering is charging $650.00 to $700.00 an hour for every call they make into the County. 

The Mayor and Fire Chief are out of their minds. Hoppes is set to retire in two years as Fire Chief. It would seem that both Ireton and Hoppes have nothing to lose as neither will be employed with the City by then.  

Folks, it's not about serving the people. It's all about profit any more. When you run a ladder truck to an ambulance call every single time, of course the City is going to make it LOOK like they are out of pocket a ton of money. When you make several runs to the grocery store each day from different stations, of course there's going to be excessive wear and tear on vehicles. Hey, how about running 140 miles each way to a funeral!

Ireton and Hoppes are drama queens delivering a lot of false information. Mind you, there IS an overlap of service, no doubt about it. But let me assure you, the County delivers a lot of services to the City as well and I'm afraid Ireton opening this can of worms might start a storm rasidents in both the City and County don't want. 

Justice Department Probes Baltimore Police-Custody Death; 1,000 Protest

The Justice Department said Tuesday it has opened a civil rights investigation into the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who suffered a fatal spinal-cord injury under mysterious circumstances after he was handcuffed and put in the back of a police van.

After the probe was announced, at least 1,000 people gathered at a previously planned rally at the site of Gray's arrest. Protesters marched to a police station a couple of blocks away, chanting and holding signs that read "Black Lives Matter" and "No Justice, No Peace" - slogans that have come to embody what demonstrators believe is widespread mistreatment of blacks by police.

Pricilla Jackson carried a sign reading, "Convict Freddie's killers," that listed the names of the six officers suspended with pay while local authorities and the U.S. Justice Department investigate the death. Jackson, who is black, said she wants Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to know that she and others have been brutalized by police.


A Letter To The Editor 4-20-15

I went to 3rd Friday this last, meeting and greeting with Gov. Hogan and Mr. Culver and delegates Adams and Anderton, among others, and observed the following.

“Echelon” is gone, and a new restaurant is there “Under new management”. Starts with an “S”, I think… nobody but bartenders in there, even with a Plaza packed with people right outside. I expressed my note of this to my 25+ Y.O. daughter, and she followed up with a response that took me incompletely by non-surprise! She said, “Unless you’re one of the “Downtown In- Crowd”, you can’t do crap in the downtown area”.

I want everyone reading this to think about that for more than a moment.

In order to get a new business in this downtown, one must not have any business sense, experience in the bar or entertainment business, or, for that matter, any business at all! All you need is to be an “In” crowd member! Well, isn’t that special!

What downtowns in America are oriented around the Bar scene? Can anyone think of one? I can’t. Restaurants and bars where I come from feed off existing crowds who come to a place for a reason. After all, everybody gets hungry and thirsty wherever they are, but that is the point I’m making. When people get hungry and thirsty, and they’re home, they will most probably make a ham sandwich and grab a beer from the fridge, not run to a downtown area! If they are at work, they will grab a half hour lunch , but not have a beer. People go to downtown areas to shop for things for their households; clothing, furnishings, antiques, unique foods, oddities and such. Nobody “goes out drinking” anymore with all the concentration LEO’s have on DUI’s. To have a successful lot of high end bars and restaurants, you need a large customer base. Everybody will have a meal and two beers, but no one will drink three! Downtown shoppers have the day off and disposable income in their pockets because their spouses or themselves have good, steady jobs or a well -earned retirement package. Not a whole lot of college students.

So, now we have many high end restaurants opened up on the plaza, and 2 or 3 Bridal shops. Let’s see, The original and best loves are Market Street Inn, (Go, Brooke!) Add the Cellar Door and Roadie Joes,, but all of a sudden in 8 months or so, there’s the Brick Room, Echelon, Whatever they named the old fire station band place, and whatever high end restaurants across town that are already established. What else is there? A pizza shop, some art storefronts that only open for a few hours a day or two every other month, if at all, the Health Department, the GOB, some lawyer offices and the court houses, (real crowd pleasers, there), the Chamber of Commerce, Whiting Turner Construction, Gillis’ office, and Barbara Mikulski’s office.

Wait right here ‘til I get back! Does that sound like fun or what? Oh, and we get to pay to be there or get fined if our appointment goes overtime. Bonus!
I have never been so glad in my life that I’m not a Democrat Piece of “In Crowd”.

There is only this much room in this town for high end restaurants, and then, there ain’t no more.

When Wicomico County has no jobs, and the unemployment rate is highest in the state, and the County, I really don’t see where the sustainable income for all these bars is coming from. Bottom line, there are no high end, disposable income jobs coming to Salisbury, and most of what was here has gone. Liarton surely isn’t working towards getting any manufacturing, shipping, or warehousing jobs here. Nobody is going anywhere to shop without disposable income.

Wicomico (and the State) needs to attract lots of good paying companies to get our unemployed back in the work force manufacturing quality products. That is how to “Revitalize” a downtown and shrink ghettos. Opening up countless high end restaurants just won’t do it.

JUST IN: Protests are building tonight in Baltimore

Gov. Larry Hogan speaks on Freddie Gray's death

BALTIMORE —Maryland's governor spoke for the first time on the police custody death of Freddie Gray.

Gov. Larry Hogan is very interested in the case and is prepared to launch state resources if needed.

The city police in-custody death of Gray will be thoroughly examined by a multitude of agencies, including the Baltimore City Police Department, the city state's attorney's office and the U.S. Department of Justice.

"It's a tragic situation. My heart goes out to the family and everyone involved in the entire incident, and like everyone else, we are hoping to get to the bottom of it and find out the facts," Hogan said.


BREAKING NEWS: Stabbing In Salisbury

EMS has been called to East Church Street for a Robbery/Stabbing.  

  •  African American male (early 20s) wearing grey t-shirt and  black jeans. Suspect has dreadlocks and was wearing a do-rag
  •  African American male (older teen) wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans

Last seen heading away from the fire house.  

Please avoid the Baker Street/ Church Street/Naylor Street at this time as they continue to search for these 2 suspects. 

Distracted Driver Month

Today I was asked why two Sheriff's Deputies were standing at Naylor Mill and Jersey Road. After researching why, I came to learn that this is distracted drivers month. All Law Enforcement are looking for people not using their seat belts and or using their cell phones while driving.

One report came in stating they were standing on the corner at 6:30 in the morning, so you never know when and where they'll be but I support their efforts. I know many of you will say it violates our rights but you must remember, driving is a privilege, not a right. 

Oh, please don't come back saying Police use their cell phones while driving. While they are allowed to by law, I can tell you that Sheriff Lewis discourages his Officers from doing so.   

A Letter To The Editor: Fire Service Agreement Solution

Fire Service Agreement Solution

Recently this has come to the forefront as a major issue. The ultimate solution should be that each property receives the best, most responsive fire protection and that everyone, municipal residents and county residents, should equally pay for the cost based on a fair evaluation of the cost of service. This is my position as Salisbury Taxpayer and Wicomico County Taxpayer.

The best and most equitable solution would be for a “Fire Tax District” to be created. Simply put we would take those properties within the boundaries of a Municipal Fire Service and use a formula based on square footage, number of floors, rooms, occupancy capacity and one or two other standard value estimating items to determine Fire Protection Cost to each property.

The other part we need to discuss is that each property, under the Fire Services Agreement, should be assigned to the geographically closest Fire Department.

This formula would likely have to see approval through the Maryland State General Assembly and adjustments made through the State Tax Assessment Office where the Fire Protection Cost would need to be added to the Tax Bill of those properties as specific line item. Each Municipality should create an Enterprise Fund for their Fire Departments where all funds are earmarked for the Fire Departments. This would not affect the Revenue Cap and the offset for Municipal residents can be made on their County or Municipal Tax.

This creates a balanced and fair approach to the situation. Those who receive Fire Protection from a municipality have a line item on their tax bill. Municipal Residents will no longer have to subsidize the cost of Fire Protection for County Residents. Furthermore, as a citizen I believe this is not a partisan issue and my expectation is that elected officials must professionally and responsibly negotiate a fair and equitable solution.

Muir Boda
Salisbury, MD Resident

Ohio Cop’s Refusal to Shoot is Model For Police Restraint

After a spate of controversial shootings by police officers, a new incident is drawing public attention for the opposite reason: An officer is shown on video refraining from the use of his weapon, despite clearly being in a volatile and dangerous situation.

The incident involving Jesse Kidder, a rookie cop in Ohio, is drawing national publicity and praise as a model of police restraint.

After a car chase Thursday, a murder suspect jumped out of his vehicle and charged at officer Kidder, who got out of his car and had his gun ready – and a body camera running.

Suspect Michael Wilcox was thought to be armed, had a hand in one pocket as he came at the officer, and repeatedly said, “Shoot me.” Kidder replies, “No man. I’m not gonna do it.”

In the end, police backup arrived and Mr. Wilcox got down on the ground, arrested without shots fired.

The incident comes amid a national focus on cases in which police used deadly force under questionable circumstances, and notably against black men. Scrutiny of the shooting of teen Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and the “chokehold” death of street vendor Eric Garner in New York spawned a “black lives matter” movement last year.


Breaking News: Another Stabbing In Salisbury

There has been another stabbing in Salisbury on Baker Street. This is the 3rd stabbing in Salisbury that we know of in the last week. EMS was called April 18th, April 21st and now today.  Doesn't seem like crime is down after all.

Royal Farms Coming To Parsonsburg & Laurel, Delaware

Citizen attacks Baltimore police caught on tape

Salisbury McDonald's Now Serving Rocky Road

While McDonald's north uses these rocks as a part of their landscaping, now they are using them to fill all of the pot holes found throughout their parking lot. 

One of the holes, (top picture) is impossible to miss and there's a very good chance your car will bottom out, it's that deep. These pot holes didn't happen overnight. 

Just another example of how even businesses in Salisbury just don't give a crap any more. 

Judge Reverses Decision On Ireton AGAIN! Chambers To Get Her Day In Court!

While a Judge found Mayor Jim Ireton GUILTY of Civil Assault against Lore' Chambers, he stated officially Ireton/City was not liable for malice. Well, the Judge has now reversed his decision again and the Mayor is pissed. 

Now Ireton has filed another motion to ask the Judge to reverse his decision once again. Talk about a roller coaster ride! 

At this time Mrs. Chambers may have her day in Court and I'm sure she will file another lawsuit. In the mean time, Chambers has been hired by her Church as a consultant. 

Attorneys: Michael Brown family to file suit

The family of Michael Brown, the black teen killed last year by a white Ferguson police officer, plans to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the city, attorneys for the family said.

The civil suit will be announced Thursday morning in front of the St. Louis County Courthouse.

Attorneys Anthony Gray and Daryl Parks promised the lawsuit in early March after grand jury and Justice Department decisions not to charge Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting.

"They have accepted (Wilson's) self-defense," Parks told reporters at the time. "We do not accept his self-defense."


Vandals Strike Ocean City Properties


Maryland State Police Press Release

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – A Maryland state trooper has been charged with an assault on a man in custody who was under arrest for tossing a lit cigarette on the trooper.

Trooper First Class Nathan Steelman, 28, is charged with second degree assault and misconduct in office. He was charged on a criminal summons late this afternoon at State Police Headquarters. TFC Steelman will remain on suspension with pay, a status he has been on since the incident was reported.

A Maryland State Police criminal investigation began on December 10, 2014, when State Police personnel at the Glen Burnie Barrack reported seeing TFC Steelman punch a handcuffed suspect while escorting him in the barrack that afternoon. The investigation was conducted by the Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division.

The investigation indicates TFC Steelman had been off-duty and in plainclothes earlier that day when he walked by a car in an Anne Arundel County convenience store parking lot and the driver allegedly flicked a lit cigarette at him that hit him in his chest. The trooper identified himself and a verbal altercation ensued before the individual drove away.

TFC Steelman obtained a tag number and, after consulting with a supervisor, identified the driver and applied for charges from a court commissioner. The commissioner issued a warrant for Chuck T. Snook Jr., 31, of Glen Burnie, Md., charging him with second degree assault and related charges.

A uniformed trooper from the Glen Burnie Barrack and TFC Steelman went to the man’s home with the arrest warrant on the evening of December 10th. Mr. Snook was arrested, while continuing to be disorderly and uncooperative. A witness indicated TFC Steelman threatened Mr. Snook after his arrest. Mr. Snook was taken to the Glen Burnie Barrack and reportedly continued to passively resist and be belligerent. TFC Steelman told investigators Mr. Snook threatened him and his family.

The investigation indicates that while TFC Steelman was escorting Mr. Snook inside the barrack, he pushed the handcuffed man into the restroom door and struck him in the torso several times with a closed fist. At least one other trooper witnessed and reported the incident.

Mr. Snook did not require medical treatment. The charges against him were later dropped by the Anne Arundel County State’s Attorney’s Office.

The Maryland State Police criminal investigation into this incident was presented to the Anne Arundel County State’s Attorney’s Office for review. After their review, the state’s attorney’s office determined TFC Steelman should be charged with second degree assault and misconduct in office.

The Maryland State Police Internal Affairs Unit also responded to the barrack the night this incident was reported. The Internal Affairs Unit is conducting a parallel investigation that examines adherence to Maryland State Police policies and procedures, as well as Maryland law. This administrative investigation is continuing.

TFC Steelman has been a member of the Maryland State Police for five years. He was assigned as an investigator with the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center.

REXEL - Electrical Supplies, RT 13, Delmar, MD - CLOSED

Good morning Joe.

I cannot believe I am writing to report this - as I am astonished. I am in the electrical business and I frequently visit the closest electrical supplier. This morning - I decided to slip into Rexel to purchase some electrical supplies - and guess what - their outdoor sign marquee has been stripped, the building signs have been removed, their office showroom cleaned out, and there are several commercial dumpsters around the perimeter full of debris. I had no advance warnings about their closure.

I guess this building can also be added to the hordes of abandoned warehouses in and around Salisbury as another one bites the dust.

A Letter to the Editor : Dating Sites

Hey Joe,

I never thought I would be in the dating scene at 43. Not knowing where to begin since all my friends are married and I am not a bar hopper, someone suggested a dating site like or E-Harmony. I though about it for several weeks very guarded. Then I was like what the heck. BIG MISTAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The first and only guy I was communicating with online seemed very pleasant, my age, divorced with children ( no problem) and was self employed. All which turned out to be true. So after our first public date we exchanged numbers. I never told him were I worked or lived. What he left out was ....HE IS A STALKER !!!!!!!  
Being cautious I had even looked up his name in the public district / circuit court records.....and he was clean. However, he lived in Delmar, DE. and after the harassment and extreme unpredictable behavior began, I found out he had a record for domestic violence through Delaware. 

He googled my name and got my address. It got so scary, 24/7 texting at all hours in the morning. I had to print out all his crazy off the wall and threatening text messages that I would not answer and take them to the sheriffs department and file a complaint for harassment. 

Really ????? at 43 yrs. old this is what I have to deal with. I just wanted to make others aware also. I filed a complaint with the website and found out these sites cannot discriminate, and anyone including sex offenders can build a profile as long as the site is paid. Also for the short period of time I was on there, (one month) I noticed that there was a particular guy whose profile name was a real winner "Mr. Cat Daddy", and his picture changed three times from a professional white man in a tie to an African American, to a different white guy in a t shirt and shorts on the beach..... but his description never changed as to what he did, and what he was looking for in a partner. 

BEWARE. I have now learned a great lesson, and no I didn't say to myself....well one bad apple out of the bunch. I immediately took my profile down!

JUST IN: Baltimore police suspend 6 officers after the death of a man in police custody

BALTIMORE —Baltimore police have suspended six officers after the death of a man in Baltimore police custody.

Freddie Gray, 25, was critically injured after his arrest April 12. He died early Sunday morning at Shock Trauma. According to the family's lawyer, Gray suffered a severe spinal cord injury.

This has become a national story, another case in which an encounter with police has led to a death, raising questions about police conduct.


Thank God Its Friday 4-24-15

What will you be doing this weekend?

Black Bike Week: Return Of “Black Codes?”

S.C. are approving new laws aimed at controlling what they’ve publicly described as an “uncontrollable” event.

So … yeah … what’s the point of that again?

Nonetheless, two ordinances passed by Myrtle Beach, S.C. city council give police sweeping powers to define black biker week as an “extraordinary event,” and to further “define riot and unlawful assembly, and declare unlawful the participation in same and the failure to disperse.”

Coastal journalist Paul Gable of Grand Strand Daily is concerned the ordinances could have the unintended consequence of suppressing political speech.

“It applies to both public and private property,” Gable wrote. “Therefore a protest on private property could be ordered to disperse if the police don’t like what is being said.”

Not only that, Gable says there’s a racial element to the laws as well that evokes a frightening historical precedent.

“With three or more persons acting together considered a riot, the ordinance is reminiscent of the infamous Black Codes of 150 years ago,” he wrote



Maryland State Police Press Release


(Queen Anne’s, MD) – Maryland State Police have identified the three people killed in the early morning crash where a tractor trailer drove into oncoming traffic along MD 404 in Talbot County, Maryland.

The deceased driver of the westbound tractor trailer is identified as Brian Hutcheson, 38, of Ramer, Tennessee. Ramer was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical personnel from the Talbot County Fire Department. He was the driver of the 2016 Mack tractor.

The deceased passenger of the 2016 Mack tractor is identified as Danielle Mumford, 24, of Delmar, Delaware. Mumford was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical personnel from the Talbot County Fire Department. Hutcheson and Mumford were traveling with a pet dog that also died in the crash.

The deceased driver of the eastbound tractor trailer is identified as Terry Coward, 52, of Culpepper, Virginia. Coward was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical personnel from the Talbot County Fire Department. He was the driver of the 2013 Kenworth tractor.

The driver of the other eastbound tractor trailer is identified as Michael Shovan, 52, of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. Shovan was not injured during the collision. He was driving a 2015 Freightliner tractor.

A preliminary investigation conducted by the Maryland State Police CRASH Team, with the assistance of troopers from the Easton Barrack, indicates that just before 7:00 a.m. this morning, Brain Hutcheson was driving a tractor trailer traveling westbound on MD 404 in the area of Church Lane. Ms. Mumford was a passenger in the vehicle. For reasons unknown, the vehicle crossed the double yellow lines into the oncoming traffic, side swiping another tractor trailer. The westbound tractor trailer continues in the eastbound lanes and struck another tractor trailer being driven by Terry Coward.

The head on collision caused Mr. Coward's tractor trailer to burst into flames. The vehicle became fully engulfed. None of the occupants of this collision could safely exit their vehicles.

After receiving a 9-1-1 call, troopers from the Easton Barrack responded along with members from the Talbot County Sheriff’s Office. Emergency medical personnel were contacted and responded to the crash to assist. Talbot County Fire Department was immediately called and responded to handle the fire.

Due to the severity of the crash, MD Route 404 from U.S. 50 east to Church Lane was closed for several hours. The Department of the Environment was called to handle cleanup of the fuel spill. A State Police helicopter and canines from Washington, DC Fire Department were called to assist with a search to ensure all victims had been located. Road closures and detours were handled by State Highway Administration personnel.

Anyone who may have witnessed this crash is asked to contact Trooper First Class Gore at the Easton Barrack at (410) 819-4753.

The cause of the crash is under investigation.

#KylieJennerChallenge causes big trouble

Reality television star and Kardashian sibling Kylie Jenner is known for her pillow-lipped look, and now for a rash of injuries that are sending teens to emergency rooms across the country.

On Monday, the hashtag #KylieJennerChallenge began trending on Twitter, a result of teen and tween fans attempting to emulate the star's plump pout by suctioning their lips with a bottle or jar.

This online dare has resulted in photos and videos that show everything from swelling that lasts for hours or days to black and blue lips and even gashes destined to leave scars that will undoubtedly outlast the final of season of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians."


DPS Trooper Karate Kicks Suspect off Motorcycle

HOUSTON CHRONICLE) Dashcam footage shows an unusual ending to a high-speed chase, as a state trooper darts into the frame and throws a two-footed jump kick that knocks a surrendering suspect from his motorcycle.

Minutes before, another trooper pulled alongside the fleeing motorist and, through the window of his moving cruiser, fired four shots, one of which hit the suspect in the leg.

That all followed an almost 40 mile chase at speeds up to 130 mph that ended in the outskirts of Houston, the Austin American-Statesman reports, and resulted in the suspect's arrest for evading law enforcement, driving with an invalid license and possessing a prescription painkiller.


Off-Duty Officer's Car Stolen With Child Inside

An off-duty police officer with Maryland Capitol Police became the victim of an automobile theft Saturday while his special-needs child was inside the car

Authorities said the car was taken from the 1500 block of Homestead Street just before 3 p.m.

Investigators said the officer was unloading items from his personal vehicle when the thief fled with the vehicle and the child.

Officials said the officer fired a shot in the direction of the vehicle while it was being taken.


What to expect for Thursday protests in Baltimore

A Sixth day of protests over the death of Freddie Gray is expected Thursday, with various demonstrations scheduled throughout the day.

Crowds have gathered outside the Western District police station since Saturday, the evening before Gray's death but have intensified over the past week.

Another rally is scheduled 3 p.m. Thursday at City Hall, according to officials with the Empowerment Temple, which is lead by pastor Jamal H. Bryant.

A third demonstration is expected at 5 p.m. beginning at N. Mount and Presbury streets.

With those to protests in mind, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake offered liberal leave to city staffers working downtown. She also urged others working downtown to consider leaving offices by 3 p.m. — or to stay late.

Gov. Larry Hogan, at the city's request, said he has authorized Maryland state police to respond to the city and provide support for city police during Thursday's demonstrations.


Mayor Announces Latest Tool in Wicomico River Cleanup

Salisbury - Mayor James Ireton, Jr. today announced the installation of a floating debris boom across the East Branch of the Wicomico River. The boom, which is upstream of the Route 13 Bridge (Where the East Prong of the Wicomico River flows from the City Park into Downtown Salisbury) spans 42 feet, and is located in a non-navigable section of the river.

As debris enters the waterway from storm drain outfalls or direct runoff, it is caught in the boom, which prevents it from travelling farther downriver or upriver. Public Works employees then retrieve the debris and dispose of it accordingly.

Public Works will monitor the debris boom daily and will collect and dispose of debris on a weekly basis. The debris barrier is permitted by a Maryland Department of the Environment Wetland License.

UMD screening of ‘American Sniper’ postponed after Muslim student group speaks out

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (WJLA) – A decision to pull scheduled screenings of the movie “American Sniper” at the University of Maryland is causing controversy on campus and on social media.

The group Student Entertainment Events (SEE) announced its decision Wednesday. On its website, SEE wrote it had decided to "postpone" screenings scheduled for May 6 and 7 "after meeting with concerned student organizations."

The day before SEE's announcement, UMD's Muslim Students Association started an online petition against the film, writing that "it only serves to fuel hatred, promote Islamophobia, and discriminate against Muslim individuals."

“American Sniper” was directed by Clint Eastwood, and it was the highest-grossing film in the United States in 2014, per It was also nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards.


Feds Spent $410,265 Studying ‘Satisfaction’ Levels of Young Gay Men’s First Time

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent over $400,000 studying the satisfaction levels of the first sexual experiences of young gay men.

The four-year study, being conducted by Johns Hopkins University, is examining the “meaning and function” of first “penetrative same-sex sexual experiences.”

“Prior work has demonstrated that same-sex relationship trajectories support the development of self-esteem in young gay and bisexual men, while opposite same-sex relationships may be associated with homonegativity,” a grant for the project, which began in 2012, states. “Little is known about the meaning and function of first same-sex experience in [African-American] AA adolescent men and whether satisfaction with first penetrative same-sex experience impacts sexual trajectories.”

“The goal of this project is to understand the meaning and function of first same-sex sexual experience and to prospectively be able to assess its impact on subsequent sexual experiences, young adult sexual health and health protective behaviors,” the grant said.

The project has cost taxpayers $410,265 so far, with funding not set to expire until May 2016.

The study is also examining the satisfaction levels of young gay men during their first time.

“The research phase of the award is to explore the reasons for and satisfaction with first and subsequent penetrative same-sex sexual experiences (PSSE) and to examine the role of first PSSE on second and subsequent PSSEs in AA men (Study 1) and how social context impacts sexual satisfaction with first PSSE,” the grant said.


Two Arrested In Freddie Gray Demonstration

Protesters marching in support of Freddie Gray briefly scuffled with police, shouting at them and throwing objects Thursday night.

Baltimore Police said on their Twitter feed that at least two people were taken into custody for disorderly conduct and destruction of property. The protesters also surrounded a police transport van, similar to the one Gray was put in after he was arrested.

Police formed a barrier around the van and it was able to leave the area. The march carried on.

It has lasted for a couple of hours, shutting down rush hour traffic. Protesters have grown increasingly agitated.


7 Lost American Slang Words

In American English, some slang words come and go. And some stay and stay.

Or as Walt Whitman poetically observed in his 1885 defense of American slang, complete with creative spelling: "Slang ... is the wholesome fermentation or eructation of those processes eternally active in language, by which froth and specks are thrown up, mostly to pass away; though occasionally to settle and permanently chrystallize".

What gives a slang word stickability?

"I have no idea what makes a slang word stick," says Tom Dalzell, author of a slew of books on slang, including Vietnam War Slang and Flappers 2 Rappers: American Youth Slang. "Connie Eble from the University of North Carolina has our best corpus of American college slang, and she estimates that only about 10 percent of the slang terms used survive a year."

Dalzell jaws, "What makes 'cool' last for 68 years without fading? What is it about 'hip' that let it morph into hep, hipcat, hepcat, hipster, hippie (jazz sense), hippie (flower child), hip-hop, and hipster — new hipster? Why did groovy go from very popular in 1945 to dead to back to life in 1965? There is no predicting whether a new word will stick. None at all."

From the trash bin of popular culture, here are seven long-lost slang words from America's past:

1) Moll buzzer, 1870s. A criminal, especially a pickpocket or a pickpocket's accomplice, who preys on women. Example: Habitual criminal Molly Holbrook "has taken as her companion one Jim Hoya who is known to the police detectives as a 'moll buzzer,' a man who follows a female pickpocket about, and receives from her the 'leathers' taken from a woman in public gatherings." From the Chicago Daily Tribuneon Jul 26, 1874.
