DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, February 13, 2009
Horrible Accident Accident This Morning In Fruitland
The Fruitland Police are not sure if this was a mechanical error or driver error but I'm told the victim is in critical condition and in surgery as we speak. The Fire Department, (directly across the street) happened to be holding a function today so they had plenty of people on hand to quickly assist and rush her to the Hospital.
We'll see if the FPD can update us on her condition.
I'm Lost, Can You Help Me Find My Home?
Stimulus Package PASSES! Kratovil Flip Flops!
(Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Independents underlined)
H R 1 YEA-AND-NAY 13-Feb-2009 2:24 PM
QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Conference Report
BILL TITLE: Making supplemental appropriations for fiscal year ending 2009
Yeas Nays PRES NV
Democratic 246 7 1 1
Republican 176 2
TOTALS 246 183 1 3
The Daily Times Gets Hate Calls

Thursday’s The Daily Times
inadvertently listed the Sunday
single-copy price of $1.25,
instead of the correct weekday
price of 75 cents. The weekday
single-copy price will remain
75 cents. The Daily Times
regrets the confusion this error
may have caused its
Today's front page of the Daily Times has this little blurb apologizing for an alleged error charging Customers 50 cents more than the regular daily price. While I haven't been able to locate anything else in reference to this statement, what about all those Customers that paid the extra money for the paper? Will they be given a refund?
I asked this question to someone who works at the Daily Times and they said, "They can come to the Office and we'll refund their money." Well, not for nothing, but, it will cost more than 50 cents to drive there and back. I then said, you know darned well that WaWa and many other locations never give you a receipt for what you've purchased, so how will they get refunded? They replied, they just need to come to the Office.
Honest mistake or not, the Daily Times fee practices, (according to many who have commented here before) allegedly aren't that great. I was also told their phone was ringing off the hook all day with hate calls. That doesn't surprise me one bit. All I can tell you is, they have laid off so many people and overwhelmed their current Staff that mistakes like this are bound to happen and continue.
What do YOU think happened?
Do you think they were trying to raise their price and when they got slammed with calls they backed down?
Do you think someone made this error by accident, yet it has never happened before in the past?
Do you think they were doing it to get some free Press?
Two final questions.
Was this the final straw that broke the Camel's back and you cancelled your subscription or stopped purchasing the paper because of this mistake?
Finally, did YOU get a REFUND?

Friday, 2/13. Today is . . .

Do You Remember?

Americans! Where are you? Are you awake?
We haven't heard any comments from media on "Queen Madam" Pelosi's snit about having to ride home in the small private, economy jet that comes with the Speaker's job. Remember how Madame Pelosi was so aggravated that this little jet had to refuel while transporting her to California everyweek? Remember that she insisted on a luxurious 200 seat jet to fly her to California nonstop, instead?
Washington legislators who observed the Madam's Big Fat jet grinned with glee as Joe The Plumber informed all of us that Na ncy's luxury Jet will require hard working American taxpayers, to buy thousands of gallons of expensive jet fuel every week. She only works 3 days a weekbut her gas guzzler luxury jet flights home, to California, costs to taxpayers $60,000 one way! As Joe noted, 'Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday night,' so there goes another $60,000. (and everyone though CEO pampering was unreal)!!
Folks, that is $480,000 per month or an annual cost to taxpayers of $5,760,000. And she complains about the cost of the war?!? She "could" take the smaller jet which she says would cramp her style -- but since her flying in style takes precedence over war costs -- what do you say?
Military families in this country do without while this woman, who heads up the most do-nothing Congress in the history of our country, spends lavishly to fly herself and associates to and from California every week. Does that burn you, too?
Madame Pelosi expects you and I to conserv e our carbon footprint by driving smaller cars and buying a bicycle pump to over-inflate our tires for better economy while she and her hypocrite cohorts waste tax payer dollars. Ticks you off, too?
Please keep this circulating and let's join Joe bringing their "pork barrell" spending to
Influenza Breakout?
My wife had heard that there has been an outbreak of influenza in the Maryland, Delaware area. It was said that the area hospitals are packed with kids who have it and they are now sending kids to Baltimore because the hospital rooms are filled. Have you heard anything about this?"
While it's difficult to get answers to a question like this, perhaps our readers can let us know if they have heard anything about it.
The candidate forum on February 12 that was sponsored by the local NAACP organization was time well spent. Orville Penn asked significant (and some tough) questions and promoted interchange, especially among mayoral candidates Comegys and Ireton. There were two highlights of the forum, which was held at the First Baptist Church.
The first occurred when another mayoral candidate, Bob Caldwell, arrived late because he had been delayed by a minor car accident while on his way to the forum. It seems that Superman can be slowed but not stopped.
The second happened later, when Mr. Penn asked the candidates for City Council who they preferred to become the next mayor. Both Shanie Shields (Dist. 1) and Muir Boda (Dist. 2) responded that they were supporting Gary Comegys. Tim Chaney (Dist. 1) said that he supports Jim Ireton. Cynthia Polk (Dist. 1) and Debbie Campbell (Dist. 2) indicated that they were not supporting any mayoral candidate.
So, anyone who feels that the Council majority has served well can vote for Mr. Comegys as mayor and also for the same type of Council majority to do his bidding like the current majority (Comegys, Shields and Smith) have done for Barrie Tilghman. As reported here on Salisbury News several days ago, the Boda-Comegys-Shields ticket is being promoted by one of Salisbury’s more notorious landlords (Richard Insley).
The surprise of the forum was Cynthia Polk – an attractive and articulate lady who seems to have a good grasp of things. With both her and Tim Chaney as opponents, Shanie Shields may be in for disappointment at the primary election on March 3rd.
And, facing both Jim Ireton and Bob Caldwell, the road could be rough for Gary Comegys, despite Richard Insley’s seal of approval letter to his tenants, even if Mr. Comegys survives the primary.
Kudos to the NAACP for sponsoring the event and also to the First Baptist Church, a very impressive venue, for hosting it.
Help Wanted Ads 2/20/9
If you would like to place a FREE Ad listing, please email me, SunnyInOC, at atlanticjw@aol.com. Please type "Help Wanted" in the subject of your email.
Good Luck. Have a nice weekend.

That's good news or bad news depending on how you look at it. He was
reappointed to that Board by the City Council, pursuant to nomination by Barrie
Tilghman, on September 25, 2006 -- the vote was 4 (Dunn, Comegys, Cathcart &
Shields) to 1 (Campbell). Here's the minute from that meeting:
Mrs. Cathcart moved and Mrs. Shields seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.
City Clerk Brenda Colegrove presented the following items:
1. Resolution No. 1441 - reappointments of Christopher Nunzio and John Presburg
to the Traffic and Safety Advisory Committee for a term ending July 2008.
2. Resolution No. 1442 - reappointment of Richard Insley to the Housing Board
of Adjustments and Appeals for a term ending April 2010.
3. Resolution No. 1443 - reappointments of William Ahtes and Carol Wright to
the Central City District Commission for a term ending September 2008.
Following a discussion concerning Mr. Insley’s reappointment to the Housing
Board of Adjustments and Appeals, Mrs. Campbell moved to postpone Resolution
No. 1442 for discussion at a work session. The motion died for lack of a
second. The Consent Agenda passed on a 4-1 vote with Mrs. Campbell voting nay.
If Comegys becomes our next mayor, Insley's reappointment for another term on
the Board is guaranteed.
Local Artist Stops By The Humane Society
"Hi Joe,
Our day got off to an incredible start...these photos are of a 125 pound carving of a dog that a man named Tommy Wynn. In the photos, he is on the right. The man and woman on the left are Mr. & Mrs. John Riggin and their dog, Cypress, who was adopted from us.
The carving was donated by Mr. & Mrs. Riggin and Mr. Wynn. The wood is walnut and as you can see, it is beautiful. Mr. Wynn is going to have a base carved for us in about 3 weeks but in the meantime, it is on a table in our lobby for all to see and admire when they come through our doors. Not a bad way to start the day, huh? If you could, would you mind posting one of the photos for us? Thanks.
So you're telling me animals are flying through the Humane Society so fast, Tommy is now carving them to keep up with demand? Linda, I know Tommy well, he's a wonderful man with a passion for his art like I've never seen before. His talent is second to none and we have done three pieces on his work before this. You're in good company when you're with Tommy Wynn. NOW GET OUT THERE AND GET SOME MORE ANIMALS. LOL
Baltimore Sun Closing 3 Locations

Killer Bee Hives Found In Utah
SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 12) - Africanized honey bees have been found for the first time in the Beehive State. The bees, long the subject of lore as "killer bees," were recently discovered in Utah's Washington and Kane counties, the state Department of Agriculture said Wednesday.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed that seven hives — three in the wild and four managed by private beekeepers — contained Africanized bees. The hives have since been destroyed.
GO HERE to read more.
Discount Available On Boater Safety Course

In order to complete the course, a written test will be given at the end of each class. Those who pass will receive a certificate of boating safety education.
Advanced registration is required for this course. Stop by the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office open Monday-Friday 8am-5PM or go online at http://www.wicomicorecandparks.org/ to register. For more information regarding the Boating Safety Course, please call 410-548-4900 ext. 113 or e-mail kmcinturff@wicomicocounty.org.
Boy Offered Plea Deal In Double Murder, Could Avoid Jail
The St. Johns boy is scheduled for a change of plea hearing on Feb. 19. Defense attorney Benjamin Brewer said his client still must accept the deal.
Brewer declined to offer specifics, including what plea the boy could enter and whether it would involve the two counts of premeditated murder he faces.
"We believe this agreement addresses any potential needs out there as well as secures he does not get messed up going to juvenile corrections, or adult prison for that manner," Brewer said.
More Here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,492047,00.html
...Mark Twain
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress....But then I repeat myself.
...Mark Twain
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
...Winston Churchill
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
...George Bernard Shaw
Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
...James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
...Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
...P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian
Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
...Frederic Bastiat, Economist (1801-1850)
Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases:
If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
...Ronald Reagan (1986)
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
...Will Rogers
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!
...P.J. O'Rourke
In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.
...Voltaire (1764)
Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!
...Pericles (430 B.C.)
No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session
...Mark Twain (1866)
Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it.
The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
...Ronald Reagan
The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.
...Mark Twain
There is no distinctly Native American criminal class...save Congress.
...Mark Twain
What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
...Edward Langley, Artist (1928 - 1995)
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have....
Thomas Jefferson
Learn What Cops Are Thinking When They Pull You Over
Most of us have been stopped by a police officer at some point, usually for a minor infraction like speeding or an expired registration. And of course, all of us have seen movie and TV depictions of the cop who is stoic but unfailingly polite as he hands out a $200 ticket.
But anyone who follows the news knows that such stops can sometimes be fraught with peril for the police officer or state trooper -- because they never know when a seemingly routine traffic stop could lead to trouble, or even violence.
So we talked to one retired state trooper to get a better sense of what actually happens at a traffic stop from the cop's point of view -- "the anatomy of a traffic stop," if you will.
GO HERE to read more.
Tim Chaney Will Make An Excellent City Councilman
I would like to encourage all registered voters in Salisbury to vote on March 3.
Tim Chaney will make an excellent councilman for District 1. He cares about his district and all residents of Salisbury.
Chaney is a hard-working "Joe" who will be a watchdog for the city of Salisbury. He will speak at meetings, ask questions and watch the spending of taxpayers' money; he will have done his "homework."
Your vote for Chaney will be for the betterment of Salisbury. He owes no political favors. His only agenda will be to improve living on beautiful Delmarva.
Nanci C. Whiteley
"Working Together For Children"
The February edition of "Working Together for Children" is now airing on PAC 14 (Comcast Channel 14), with upcoming showings at 6:30 tonight (Thursday) and noon Saturday.
This month's show features the Jan. 20 Awards & Recognitions Night, Presidential Inauguration learning activities, the Reflections Art Program put on by the Wicomico County Council of PTAs, and the James M. Bennett High Step Team that appeared on national television.
"Working Together for Children" airs regularly at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays and noon Saturdays; visit pac14.org for additional times. PAC 14 also streams its programming live on its web site at www.pac14.org, so viewers can visit the web site to "tune in" on line when the show is on the air. DVDs of many past "Working Together" shows are now available at the Wicomico Public Library.
"Working Together for Children" is produced monthly by the Wicomico County Public Schools for broadcast to the community on PAC 14. "Working Together" was honored with a 2007 Hometown Video Award from the Alliance for Community Media in the Educational Profile category (nonprofessional production).
PWR Responds To Daily Times Article
The newspaper despite the order decided to risk contempt, imprisonment and fines to go ahead and issue the article. The article was repeated February 13, 2009 in the Daily Times.
PWR stands by its claims that the information is untrue. The Times primary source is currently under investigation for Cyber stalking, harassment and issuing a Death Threat to Mr. Stanley.
Another hearing is scheduled in Wicomico District Court on Tuesday February 10 at 9:30 am for further matters and a permanent order against the reporter Jenny Hopkinson and the Worcester County Times.
While the hearing was concluded and while the Death Threats did not come directly from the reporter but from her sources there is not convincing evidence to continue the protective order. This matter is under appeal currently.
The Birds the paper describes were in a compost pit left behind as per Department of Agriculture specifications from an illness that occurred in October 2008 in which 14 birds were infected. The Department of Agriculture's Nanticoke Lab in Salisbury had itself killed 2 of the birds for testing and found the diseases and response for PWR. These all are Domestic Birds and not under the control of the Department of Natural Resources. DNR only controls wild animals. DNR was at the property when PWR moved its animals to its new location. It found at that time there were no animals under its jurisdiction and left the property as it was not required to remain.
49 Killed In New York Plane Crash
CLARENCE, N.Y. (Feb. 13) -- A commuter plane "basically dove" into a house while coming in for a landing outside Buffalo, sparking a fiery explosion and killing all 48 people on board and one person on the ground.
GO HERE to see more.