I recently left the scene of a fire in Hebron on Farm House Drive. As usual, this was again about an 800 square foot one story home with at least 12 Fire Vehicles, (including a Ladder Truck) on the scene. THANK GOD!
I must have screwed up the settings on my camera at the time, just consider it my gift to St. Patrick's Day, LOL It sure is amazing to watch Wayne Barall running around the house taking pictures everywhere, yet he allegedly had major back surgery recently? I'd also like to know how he can run in and around the fire scene right next to the fire, (I do have pictures) without any Fire Gear on? Not that I really care, I just see a liability lawsuit in the making very soon. Especially if he's out begging others to help pay for his court costs the other day when we went to court. He already begged the Public Defender to drop his fees and the Judge allowed because he's on workers comp. Poor Wayne. Stop trespassing on private properties you Idiot and you won't have to go to Court.
I need to add this little tidbit. Last night I was at the Farm Bureau Dinner and Wayne Barrall was there. Now, even after the Judge flat out instructed him to leave after Wayne said, If I'm in Food Lion on isle 3 and Mr. Albero walks in, does that mean I have to move to isle 7? She replied, you leave, period. Last night Wayne refused to leave the building and I have at least 10 witnesses. He's already violated his probation. I wonder if the Delmar Fire Department can and will understand that?
When I'm at a function or in a building, such as my announcement of being at the new Fire Station in Salisbury on Tuesday, I expect Wayne to either leave or I'll call the Police and have him arrested. I didn't want a scene last night but I will be speaking to the States Attorney's Office tomorrow morning about last night.
Anyhow, getting back to the fire scene, it was another joke. You do NOT need 10 to 12 Rescue Vehicles on the scene, period. There wasn't a neighbor there saying, what the hell do they need all these fire trucks here for? If you don't believe me, I gave you the street name, ask them.
I'm also told the County Fire Chiefs set up these 911 guidelines. I'd say, look good and hard at the veteran Chiefs because they're the ones who are screwing up.