DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Holy Cow!
Talk about HUGE numbers! I just checked out how we're doing for the day and well, what can I say, there's just no question when it comes to breaking news Salisbury News is by far the Go To place because our numbers are absolutely through the roof.
It's funny how any time there's breaking news this happens. Between the raw sewage leaking into the river, the Ocean City fire and the Mayor wanting to possibly veto the Salisbury Police raises, WOW!
All I can say is, thank you. It's days like today that really make us feel good about what we do. I'm glad the tens of thousands of people on the Eastern Shore rely on what we provide but believe me when I tell you, YOU are what makes Salisbury News work. YOU are the ones sending in images and tips and we can't thank you enough.
Together we make our communities better informed but in my honest opinion we also make other resources more accountable. Without YOU and Salisbury News, you have to wonder where we'd be today, seriously.
President Obama addressed the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, where he paid tribute to murdered U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and continued to hail the Arab Spring, despite many of those same countries now aflame in deadly rioting.
Two comments are drawing more attention than any others, however. After days of edging away from blaming most of the recent Mideast chaos on an obscure Internet video critical of Muhammad, Obama again spent considerable time denouncing a video that he says spawned the outrage that led to scores of deaths, including those of American diplomats in Libya. The president later said the video was no justification for the violence and he defended America’s right to free speech. But later in the address, Obama said, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
Representative Allen West (R-FL) had some choice words for President Obama’s speech to the United Nations Tuesday, saying that rather than justify the attacks on American outposts throughout the Middle East by mentioning a “silly” YouTube video, Obama should have stood unequivocally firm in defending American values.
West specifically begrudged Obama’s comment that the future “must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” or any other religion.
HERE is video of Obama’s explanation:
In an eloquently crafted 4,000-word speech to the United Nations in which he invoked the legacy of Nelson Mandela, President Obama insisted upon doubling-down on the current course of U.S. foreign policy, repeating without revision long-standing administration foreign policy platitudes, while providing no new policy initiatives and admitting no U.S. foreign policy failures.
Consider the following:
Obama suggested the violence in Libya that caused the death of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a result of outrage from a 14-minute movie trailer that offended Islam.
Consider the following:
Obama suggested the violence in Libya that caused the death of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a result of outrage from a 14-minute movie trailer that offended Islam.
According to a newspaper column released in 1979 by Vernon Jarrett, father-in-law of Obama confidente Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama might owe his success to a very controversial benefactor.
Early Obama critics will remember the particularly bizarre case of Percy Sutton, a leading African-American Civil Rights leader and entrepreneur who, while being interviewed on a New York area news program, dropped something of a bomb. Specifically, Sutton claimed that then-candidate Obama had earned his admission to Harvard thanks to the intervention of a mysterious lawyer named Khalid al-Mansour, who Sutton fingered as working for one of the wealthiest men on earth. According to Sutton, Mansour had asked him to write a letter of recommendation for Obama, and was in the process of “raising money” for Obama, though what this money could be for, he didn’t specify.
Government Officials Showcase Community Projects In Greenwood Laurel And Bethel
MSP Searching For Someone
Do you know why the police helicopter is searching around Ollie's Tilghman Road area? It's really low flying with light. Didn't see any police on ground anyplace. Just went through there to and from Wor-Wic. Thanks.
Penn State’s Legal Troubles Have Only Just Begun
With Jerry Sandusky set to be sentenced next month and Penn State fined $60 million by the NCAA, it might seem as though the embattled university can put the worst of this scandal behind it and start to rebuild. In fact, a new and potentially even more punitive phase is gearing up: the civil lawsuits by Sandusky’s victims. Three have already been filed—including “Victim One,” who testified at the Sandusky trail—and as many as 20 victims may ultimately sue.
There is a tendency to dismiss these kind of plaintiffs as opportunists looking for a big check. But we need lawsuits like these to put the heat on institutions that look the other way when bad things are happening. If the suits go to trial, juries will be asked to evaluate how much physical and emotional damage was done to the men (possibly a great deal) and how important it is to punish Penn State for its shocking failure to rein in the predator in its midst. A few hefty damage awards could send a powerful message not just to Penn State, but to other schools, corporations, and nonprofit organizations where abuse may be occurring
Why Jesus’ Wife Matters A Lot — And Not At All
The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests — a breakaway group founded in 2002 — sent out an e-mail yesterday announcing that its bishops will ordain six new female clerics next month. (The howl you just heard was from the archconservative Catholic League.) These ladies have nothing if not good timing: their missive immediately made me think of last week’s news from Harvard Divinity School that an early Christian text asserts Jesus was married and suggests his wife was a disciple — which would indicate women were eligible for the Catholic priesthood all along. But it also reminded me of the other reaction I usually have to these Da Vinci Code–ish historical discoveries about Jesus: So what?
Bair Slams Geithner On Bank Bailouts
Former FDIC chairman Sheila Bair has a new book out slamming Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and his handling of the bank bailouts during the financial crisis.
Bair went on CNBC's Power Lunch today to discuss her book "Bull by the Horns" in which she dubs Geithner "the bailouter in chief" during the crisis.
Here are some key points from her appearance:
"I think [Geithner] viewed the problems through the prism of the large financial institutions, particularly Citigroup, and his worldview was if you help them out of their troubles you're going to help out the economy. I wanted to impose some market accountability. I wanted bondholders to take losses, I wanted those who had lent money to these institutions, the investors, to share more of the pain and share more of the risk. I think it was just a constant conflict throughout…There was just a philosophic disagreement throughout my tenure."
BEWARE: Fugitive Foot Chase In Hebron
Hebron resident called Police telling them they just saw a fugitive walking down the street.
Police arrive and confirmed fugitives identity and the fugitive took off running. They lost the fugitive and now have K-9 Units searching. They are also checking his Hebron residence.
There are about 6 Sheriff's Deputies there and two more on the way.
UPDATE: Fugitives name is Calvin Kinzer Reid Jr.
Guantanamo Bay: The Model For An American Police State?
For most Americans, the detention center at Guantanamo Bay – once the topic of heated political debate by presidential hopeful Barack Obama but rarely talked about by the incumbent President Obama – has become a footnote in the government’s ongoing war on terror.
Yet for the approximately 167 detainees still being held in that godforsaken gulag, 86 of whom have been cleared for release yet continue to be imprisoned at the facility, Guantanamo Bay is a lesson in injustice, American-style. It is everything that those who founded America vigorously opposed: kidnapping, torture, dehumanizing treatment, indefinite detention, being “disappeared” with no access to family or friends, and little hope of help from the courts.
For Adnan Latif – a 30-something-year-old Yemeni native detained at Guantanamo for ten years without a trial, despite a court ruling ordering his release and repeated military clearances ordering his transfer – his cell became his tomb. Latif, who had repeatedly engaged in hunger strikes and suicide attempts while proclaiming his innocence, was found dead in his cell in Guantanamo Bay mere days before the 11th anniversary of 9/11.
As we stated in our Breaking News Post earlier, this is one heck of a fire. We're told WBOC sent their chopper out there moments ago and they should have some pretty good shots from above hopefully at 7 PM.
Nevertheless, this is a wooden structure and one witness from West Ocean City said you can't even see most of Ocean City because of the smoke.
We'll continue to update you with pictures as the evening goes on. Hopefully no one is hurt.
More Lift Station Updates
More than 100,000 gallons of RAW sewage did find its way into the Wicomico River.
The City is warning everyone to not fish or swim in the River at this time.
I don't care who you are, as I stated earlier today, Salisbury's leadership MUST work on the City's infrastructure and at least maintain vital equipment. This lift station has had issues for several years now.
Enough Is Enough!
38th Street Bay Side Condos are on fire. We're told it's huge. We have people on the scene taking images. We'll post them very soon. The entire building is on fire.
The Declining Economic Freedom Of The United States
The United States, long considered the standard bearer for economic freedom among large industrial nations, has experienced a remarkable plunge in economic freedom during the past decade. From 1980 to 2000, the US was generally rated the third freest economy in the world, ranking behind only Hong Kong and Singapore. The ranking of the US has fallen precipitously; from second in 2000 to eighth in 2005 and 19th in 2010. By 2009, the United States had fallen behind Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Chile, and Mauritius, countries that chose not to follow the path of massive growth in government financed by borrowing that is now the most prominent characteristic of US fiscal policy. By 2010, the United States had also fallen behind Finland and Denmark, two European welfare states. Moreover, it now trails Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Estonia, Taiwan, and Qatar. The Fraser Institute's [7] massive volume on the Economic Freedom Of The World - based on the following five factors: Size of Government, Legal System & Property Rights, Sound Money, Freedom to Trade Internationally, and Regulation - covers 42 variables with the goal of quantifying the key ingredients of economic freedom.
All Stopped Up
Looks like Ireton is in desperation mode trying to suck up all the crap into tankers, (like they used to do in the past under Tilghman) and move it to the WWTP. However, there's no sludge pit any more. Hmmmmmm, be careful local residents and close your windows tonight!
Waste Water Treatment Plant Issues Worse Then Mentioned
Salisbury News was the first to break the news about the WWTP having issues. The photo above was taken just moments ago on Riverside Drive. We were told today ASAP was on Fitzwater Drive today pumping out that lift station and now they've brought in light units to illuminate Riverside Drive tonight.
This Mayor and the former Mayor have absolutely proven they cannot manage our City and its infrastructure.
Yeah, we'll be swimming in the Wicomico River in 10 years, right Jim Ireton, NOT! How about we just do a major fundraiser and build a massive community pool and stop BS'ing the public like O'Malley and the Chesapeake Bay.
By the way, WBOC is flying their chopper above. Seems they can't survive without getting their news first from Salisbury News just like the rest of the local Media.
Castration `Secret Of Longer Life For Men
Male sex hormones are responsible for shortening the lives of men, a new study has suggested.
The evidence comes after careful study of genealogy records of noble members of the Imperial court of the Korean Chosun dynasty (AD 1392-1910).
"This discovery adds an important clue for understanding why there is a difference in the expected life span between men and women," Kyung-Jin Min of Inha University said.
10 Foods That Fight Inflammation - Multiple Sclerosis
Red wine contains a compound called resveratrol, which has been found to have both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Scientists say the presence of this compound may help explain the so-called “French paradox” as to why the French –who drink red wine with most meals – can eat a diet that’s actually quite high in saturated fats and yet have healthy arteries and hearts.
Forget Free Speech Zones: 'Take Him To That Pen Over There'
Make no mistake. We are living in an authoritarian police state.
Consider how local law enforcement agencies around the country respond when a group of individuals assembles to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Whether they’re protesting the abdication of individual rights at a Tea Party gathering or the corruption of Wall Street elites at Occupy Protests, the right of the people to assemble is no longer viewed as a Constitutional protection, but rather, a nuisance akin to a swine stampede.
Whether you agree with those who protest one abuse or another, the fact is that if they have the authority to do it to those with ideologies opposed to yours, they can (and will) also do it to you.
In New York this week disillusioned Americans from all walks of like gathered for another year of protests against the corruption on Wall Street.
They were met with fierce resistance from the New York Police Department and were indiscriminately herded into detention cells eloquently described by one of New York’s finest as “pens,” such as those reserved for livestock:
Two of the seven protesters in the arrest van had blood covering on their faces.
During a recent Romney campaign stop, a heckler from the audience hollered, "Hey Mitt Witt, where are you hiding your tax returns? "
Governor Romney politely responded, "I've found a very secure place that I'm certain they won't be found."
The insistent heckler, then shouted, "And just where is that, dummy?"
Governor Romney smiled and said, "They are underneath Obama's college records, his passport application, his immigration status as a student, his funding sources to pay for college, his college records, and his Selective Service registration. What's your next question?"
Suicide Is Now The Number One Cause Of Injury-Related Death In The US
Around the time of recession rocked the United States, its population experienced a disturbing shift: Today, suicide takes more American lives than any other form of injury.
Between 2000 and 2008 motor vehicle crashes were the leading cause of death by injury, but suicide surpassed car crashes in 2009, according to a recent study in the American Journal of Public Health. The switch is the culmination of a decade-long trend; the rate of death by suicide increased by 15 percent over the past ten years, while the unintentional motor vehicle crash death rate dropped by 25 percent during that same period.
The study didn’t specifically factor in economic conditions, but many have speculated that the downturn may be responsible for a boost in suicides in America and around the world. In Greece, the suicide rate for men rose by 24 percent between 2007 and 2009, according to The New York Times. Suicides motivated by economic crisis grew by 52 percent in Italy in 2010.
In England, unemployment may be tied to more than 1,000 suicides, according to a recent paper in the British Medical Journal.
Heads Up
A Viewer writes...
For what its worth.
Sarah Lake is camped out beside the library building with camera looking towards your building constantly texting.
No doubt stalking someone.
Publishers Notes: They must be following a page from a former Police Chief. At least in this case the camera is mobile and not fixed on my front door.
For what its worth.
Sarah Lake is camped out beside the library building with camera looking towards your building constantly texting.
No doubt stalking someone.
Publishers Notes: They must be following a page from a former Police Chief. At least in this case the camera is mobile and not fixed on my front door.
Interest Rates Are Prices
One of the most enduring myths in the United States is that this country has a free market, when in reality, the market is merely the structural shell of formerly free institutions. Government pulls the strings behind the scenes. No better illustration of this can be found than in the Federal Reserve's manipulation of interest rates.
The Fed has interfered with the proper function of interest rates for decades, but perhaps never as boldly as it has in the past few years through its policies of quantitative easing. In Chairman Bernanke's most recent press conference he stated that the Fed wishes not only to drive down rates on Treasury debt, but also rates on mortgages, corporate bonds and other important interest rates. Markets greeted this statement enthusiastically, as this means trillions more newly-created dollars flowing directly to Wall Street.
Because the interest rate is the price of money, manipulation of interest rates has the same effect in the market for loanable funds as price controls have in markets for goods and services. Since demand for funds has increased but the supply is not being increased, the only way to match the shortfall is to continue to create new credit. But this process cannot continue indefinitely. At some point the capital projects funded by the new credit are completed. Houses must be sold, mines must begin to produce ore, factories must begin to operate and produce consumer goods.
Madonna: 'We have a black Muslim in the White House'
Madonna brought her MDNA Tour to Washington, D.C. on Monday night, and added a bizarre dose of politics to the show.
"Y'all better vote for f--king Obama, OK? For better or for worse, all right? We have a black Muslim in the White House. Now that's some amazing s--t," she said. "It means there is hope in this country. And Obama is fighting for gay rights, so support the man, g---amnit."
Spotlight On Maryland - Where Your Money Comes From
Estimated Maryland Revenue
MARYLAND GENERAL FUND AND BUDGET RESTORATION FUND REVENUES FY 2012-2014 (Dollars shown in thousands) | |||||||||
FY 2013 | FY 2014 | ||||||||
FY 2012 | Current | September | September | ||||||
Actual | Estimate | Revision | Difference | % Growth | Estimate | % Growth | |||
INCOME TAXES | |||||||||
Individual | 7,114,679 | 7,552,937 | 7,650,621 | 97,684 | 7.5% | 7,967,339 | 4.1% | ||
Corporation | 646,475 | 741,307 | 821,752 | 80,445 | -21.7% | 783,876 | -4.6% | ||
Total | 7,761,154 | 8,294,244 | 8,472,373 | 178,129 | 9.2% | 8,751,215 | 3.3% | ||
SALES AND USE TAXES | 4,039,348 | 4,125,696 | 4,127,690 | 1,994 | 2.2% | 4,259,363 | 3.2% | ||
STATE LOTTERY | 536,251 | 515,064 | 536,444 | 21,380 | 0.0% | 543,755 | 1.4% | ||
OTHER REVENUES | |||||||||
Business Franchise Taxes | 207,194 | 208,932 | 208,904 | (28) | 0.8% | 210,693 | 0.9% | ||
Tax on Insurance Companies | 304,022 | 308,109 | 311,560 | 3,451 | 2.5% | 319,309 | 2.5% | ||
Estate and Inheritance Taxes | 196,897 | 217,593 | 214,814 | (2,779) | 9.1% | 218,827 | 1.9% | ||
Tobacco Tax | 411,427 | 411,932 | 415,142 | 3,210 | 0.9% | 414,066 | -0.3% | ||
Alcoholic Beverages Excises | 31,010 | 31,089 | 31,616 | 527 | 2.0% | 32,238 | 2.0% | ||
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax | 5,000 | 13,000 | 13,000 | - | 160.0% | 5,000 | -61.5% | ||
Highway User Revenue | 186,722 | 0 | 0 | - | - | ||||
District Courts | 79,395 | 80,783 | 78,601 | (2,182) | -1.0% | 78,994 | 0.5% | ||
Clerks of Court | 35,139 | 34,339 | 37,892 | 3,553 | 7.8% | 37,721 | -0.5% | ||
Hospital Patient Recoveries | 66,385 | 67,962 | 69,962 | 2,000 | 5.4% | 67,985 | -2.8% | ||
Interest on Investments | 17,918 | 34,994 | 10,000 | (24,994) | -44.2% | 15,000 | 50.0% | ||
Miscellaneous | 379,982 | 383,527 | 379,821 | (3,706) | 0.0% | 363,284 | -4.4% | ||
Total | 1,921,090 | 1,792,260 | 1,771,312 | (20,948) | -7.8% | 1,763,117 | -0.5% | ||
TOTAL CURRENT REVENUES | 14,257,843 | 14,727,264 | 14,907,819 | 180,555 | 4.6% | 15,317,450 | 2.7% | ||
Extraordinary Revenues | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||
GRAND TOTAL | 14,257,843 | 14,727,264 | 14,907,819 | 180,555 | 4.6% | 15,317,450 | 2.7% |
Sunday September 23rd marked the 27th annual United American Muslim Day Parade in NYC. The parade, which included floats and flags of many nations, marched down Madison Avenue from 42nd Street to 23rd Street. Intrepid blogger Urban Infidel attended the event and captured many of the images and video seen in this story.
During the parade, a program was handed out featuring shots of the White House with the Black Flag flying over it.
Inside the full-color program handed out to those along the parade route was a four-and-a-half page article titled, “Islam, The Future of America.” That article features the first image shown above with the black flag Islam flying over White House.More
Neil Armstrong's Burial At Sea
The following photos are of the burial at sea of Astronaut and Naval Aviator Neil Armstrong last Friday. The ship, the USS Philippine Sea, CG-58, is a guided missile cruiser and performed the service.
NASA shared these images of Neil Armstrong's burial service Friday aboard the USS Philippine Sea.
New ID Laws Could Delay Outcome Of Close Election
The presidential election is Nov. 6, but it could take days to figure out the winner if the vote is close. New voting laws are likely to increase the number of people who have to cast provisional ballots in key states.
Tight races for Congress, governor and local offices also could be stuck in limbo while election officials scrutinize ballots, a scenario that would surely attract legions of campaign lawyers from both parties.
"It's a possibility of a complete meltdown for the election," said Daniel Smith, a political scientist at the University of Florida.
Pediatricians Discourage Trampoline Use
Pediatricians want to see the family trampoline get bounced.
An updated report from the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends kids stay off trampolines at home.
The report notes trampoline injuries have fallen since 2004, but nearly 100,000 emergency room visits still come after a bad hop on the springy mat.
Islam In Britain - Glass Bombed In Burnley
Burnley UK: An American reporter gets pelted with glass for interviewing 2 British women in a Muslim area.
"We are prisoners in our own home," says the woman about the danger they face from living in a neighborhood where a significant number of Muslims (Asians, as the Brits call them) have infiltrated. "Our children can't leave school unless they are in a group, otherwise they will be attacked by Muslims and have their belongings stolen." As a reporter is interviewing the two women on the Islamisation of their town and the effects it has, a Muslim mob gathers, signals each other and traps the reporter and his camera man before throwing glass bombs at them.
Note: The identity of some individuals has been faded out for their own safety
GO HERE to view video.
Car Flips Over On Bi State Blvd Delmar
A vehicle with temporary tags flipped over moments ago on Bi State Blvd. in Delmar. Rescue workers are still trying to get the man out of the car. The speed limit in this area is 35 mph.
Troopers Charge Frankford Man In Multiple Sussex County Residential Burglaries
Dates of Occurrences/Locations:
August 13 2012
37000 block of Smithfield Acres Road, Selbyville, DE
August 20, 2012
32000 block of Townsends Road, Dagsboro, DE
August 22, 2012
34000 block of Evans Road, Frankford, DE
37000 block of Smithfield Acres Road, Selbyville, DE
August 24, 2012
31000 block of Townsends Road, Dagsboro, DE
August 27, 2012
32000 block of Townsends Road, Dagsboro, DE
36000 block of Old Mill Bridge Road, Selbyville, DE
August 30, 2012
32000 block of Townsends Road, Dagsboro, DE
8 victims (8 residences)
Defendant/Charges/Bond Information:
William J. Tingle II-24 of Frankford, DE (photo attached)
34 total charges related to Burglary Second Degree, Theft, Theft of a Firearm, Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited, Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Felony, Conspiracy Second Degree, Possession of Burglar Tools, Criminal Mischief, Theft by False Pretense, and Falsifying Business Records.
Arraigned on September 19, 2012 and committed to SCI on $9,200 Secured Bond
Georgetown-The Delaware State Police Troop 4 Property Unit Detectives have charged a Frankford man in connection with 8 residential daytime burglaries of unoccupied Sussex County residences where jewelry and firearms were stolen in August 2012.
On Wednesday September 19, 2012, Delaware State Police Detectives charged William J. Tingle II-24 of Frankford, DE for a total of 34 charges related to Burglary Second Degree, Theft, Theft of a Firearm, Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited, Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Felony, Conspiracy Second Degree, Possession of Burglar Tools, Criminal Mischief, Theft by False Pretense, and Falsifying Business Records. Tingle was committed to the Sussex Correctional Institution on $9,200 Secured Bond.
The arrest of Tingle was the result of a month long investigation into the residential burglaries that occurred in mid-August in Dagsboro, Frankford, and Selbyville. Tingle would enter the unoccupied residences through forced entry and once inside would remove jewelry and firearms, including a handgun and shotgun.
The investigation culminated on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 when detectives executed a search warrant at the residence of Tingle located in the 32000 block of Townsends Road, Frankford, DE. Detectives located Tingle hiding in the attic portion of the house where he was taken into custody without incident.
Detectives continue their investigation into these burglaries.
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