Updated Road Closure and Travel Advisory from Worcester County Emergency Services Office.
MD.12 is currently closed just south of Sermon Road near the fire tower due to washout. This segment of road is expected to remain closed for several weeks. MD.12 is also closed between the Department of Liquor Control and Green Street in Snow Hill due to high water that is expected to persist for several days. People commuting from the Salisbury area are encouraged to travel via US.13S to US.113N through Pocomoke or US.50E to US.113S through Berlin.
Additionally, as of 4:30 Sunday, the following roadways remain closed due to either flooding or damage:
-Porters Crossing Road
-Whiton Crossing Road near Queponco Road
-Purnell Crossing Road
-Red House Road in the area of Creek Road and Pennewell Roads
-Sinepuxent Road between Lewis Road and Mary Road
Those commuting to Snow Hill are urged to leave extra travel time and remain aware of the possibility of standing water.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 02, 2016
How Worms Turn...
By Thornton Crowe
Well, it seems that my buddies at Breitbart have uncovered some starting revelations since I penned my musing this morning. I'm glad to see them posted below...
Low and behold, the New York Times has not paid taxes either. Where is all the upset? Where's the upheaval? Yes, the nefarious article has now proven the old adage, before casting stones, thou shan't live in glass houses.
Furthermore, what they did was absolutely illegal.
It doesn't matter if Donald Trump is a 'public' figure or running for the White House, fact is, good journalists know you don't publish personal financial information without permission from your subject. This is done through a fact-checker whose sole responsible for getting such clearance and checking facts before print.
Apparently, Baquet's fact-checker was at Starbuck's because they didn't bother to do the most rudimentary unspoken protocol everyone knows needs to be adhered to should one want to remain in the journalism biz.
So now, what to do? Trump has a perfect avenue to sue the NYT in a most provocative way. Will he do it? Unlike NYT, I'm wait for confirmation from his campaign for that story even though rumblings have been surfacing since the story ran yesterday.
Today's events should wake Americans up to the subterfuge of the Liberal biased media posing as serious journalists. There's no glory in a tell-all when mud and guts are slung on it.
It's clear that all NYT's could'ves may just cost them serious coin, not to mention the Editor going to 'prison' as he grandly stated he was more than willing to do for such a juicy tidbit. (Many journalists heard a reward was even offered for the tax returns much like an FBI Wanted poster at the post office!)
How say you now?
Well, it seems that my buddies at Breitbart have uncovered some starting revelations since I penned my musing this morning. I'm glad to see them posted below...
Low and behold, the New York Times has not paid taxes either. Where is all the upset? Where's the upheaval? Yes, the nefarious article has now proven the old adage, before casting stones, thou shan't live in glass houses.
Furthermore, what they did was absolutely illegal.
It doesn't matter if Donald Trump is a 'public' figure or running for the White House, fact is, good journalists know you don't publish personal financial information without permission from your subject. This is done through a fact-checker whose sole responsible for getting such clearance and checking facts before print.
Apparently, Baquet's fact-checker was at Starbuck's because they didn't bother to do the most rudimentary unspoken protocol everyone knows needs to be adhered to should one want to remain in the journalism biz.
So now, what to do? Trump has a perfect avenue to sue the NYT in a most provocative way. Will he do it? Unlike NYT, I'm wait for confirmation from his campaign for that story even though rumblings have been surfacing since the story ran yesterday.
Today's events should wake Americans up to the subterfuge of the Liberal biased media posing as serious journalists. There's no glory in a tell-all when mud and guts are slung on it.
It's clear that all NYT's could'ves may just cost them serious coin, not to mention the Editor going to 'prison' as he grandly stated he was more than willing to do for such a juicy tidbit. (Many journalists heard a reward was even offered for the tax returns much like an FBI Wanted poster at the post office!)
"Dean Baquet, the top editor at the New York Times, said he’d publish a story on Donald Trump’s taxes even if it means risking jail time,” CNN Money’s Chris Isidore. (Breitbart)Bad journalism makes for bad sources for voters to get information - especially when the source is so obviously slanted towards one side verses another. Time to discern fact from fiction and inform yourselves. It's your civic duty!
How say you now?
Trump Campaign: NYT Published Tax Docs ‘Illegally Obtained’ After Editor Promised He Would Go to Jail over Trump Taxes
NEW YORK CITY, New York — The New York Times“illegally obtained” tax documents of GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump from 1995 just weeks after the newspaper’s executive editor pledged he would go to prison to get such documents, the Trump campaign says.
“The only news here is that the more than 20-year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained, a further demonstration that the New York Times, like establishment media in general, is an extension of the Clinton Campaign, the Democratic Party and their global special interests,” the Trump campaign said in a statement about the publishing of the documents. “What is happening now with the FBI and DOJ on Hillary Clinton’s emails and illegal server, including her many lies and her lies to Congress are worse than what took place in the administration of Richard Nixon – and far more illegal.”
The news comes just a few weeks after in early September the New York Times’ executive editor Dean Baquet said he would go to jail to print Trump’s tax returns, even if he obtained them illegally.
“Dean Baquet, the top editor at the New York Times, said he’d publish a story on Donald Trump’s taxes even if it means risking jail time,” CNN Money’s Chris Isidore reported back on Sept. 12. “He made the remark during a Harvard University forum Sunday, when he was asked about the legal risks tied to publishing a leaked or hacked copy of Trump’s taxes.”
“The only news here is that the more than 20-year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained, a further demonstration that the New York Times, like establishment media in general, is an extension of the Clinton Campaign, the Democratic Party and their global special interests,” the Trump campaign said in a statement about the publishing of the documents. “What is happening now with the FBI and DOJ on Hillary Clinton’s emails and illegal server, including her many lies and her lies to Congress are worse than what took place in the administration of Richard Nixon – and far more illegal.”
The news comes just a few weeks after in early September the New York Times’ executive editor Dean Baquet said he would go to jail to print Trump’s tax returns, even if he obtained them illegally.
“Dean Baquet, the top editor at the New York Times, said he’d publish a story on Donald Trump’s taxes even if it means risking jail time,” CNN Money’s Chris Isidore reported back on Sept. 12. “He made the remark during a Harvard University forum Sunday, when he was asked about the legal risks tied to publishing a leaked or hacked copy of Trump’s taxes.”
The New York Times Paid No Taxes in 2014
The New York Times has excited the Clinton campaign and the rest of the media with a revelation that Republican nominee Donald Trump declared a $916 million loss in 1995 that might have resulted in him not paying taxes in some subsequent years.
The implication, reinforced by CNN’s Jake Tapper on State of the Union on Sunday morning, is that Trump “avoided” paying taxes, when in fact his tax liability was zero.
But the Times itself has “avoided” paying taxes — in 2014, for example.
As Forbes noted at the time:
… for tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes and got an income tax refund of $3.5 million even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million in 2014. In other words, their post-tax profit was higher than their pre-tax profit. The explanation in their 2014 annual report is, “The effective tax rate for 2014 was favorably affected by approximately $21.1 million for the reversal of reserves for uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of applicable statutes of limitations.” If you don’t think it took fancy accountants and tax lawyers to make that happen, read the statement again.
New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani defended Trump on Sunday, telling NBC News’ Meet the Press that Trump was a “genius” in business who was simply doing what the tax code allows every American to do by counting losses against tax liabilities, and bouncing back from failure to success.
That would include the New York Times — which, however, is still struggling.
The implication, reinforced by CNN’s Jake Tapper on State of the Union on Sunday morning, is that Trump “avoided” paying taxes, when in fact his tax liability was zero.
But the Times itself has “avoided” paying taxes — in 2014, for example.
As Forbes noted at the time:
… for tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes and got an income tax refund of $3.5 million even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million in 2014. In other words, their post-tax profit was higher than their pre-tax profit. The explanation in their 2014 annual report is, “The effective tax rate for 2014 was favorably affected by approximately $21.1 million for the reversal of reserves for uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of applicable statutes of limitations.” If you don’t think it took fancy accountants and tax lawyers to make that happen, read the statement again.
New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani defended Trump on Sunday, telling NBC News’ Meet the Press that Trump was a “genius” in business who was simply doing what the tax code allows every American to do by counting losses against tax liabilities, and bouncing back from failure to success.
That would include the New York Times — which, however, is still struggling.
School Closed Today: Delmar Middle & High 9-26-16
We were shocked to learn an entire school is closed today, (once again) due to a death in their staff. We were told a custodian that works at Delmar Middle & High School unfortunately passed away. Rather than having a normal service that would work for everyone attending, it was decided to hold the services during school hours and they have shut down the entire school for THOUSANDS of students, teachers and staff. With all due respect, well, I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. Comment away.
Former Salisbury City Councilwoman Questioned On Fundraising Donations Over Death Of Baby
The following message is from the Mother of Laura Mitchell's Granddaughter who unfortunately passed away unexpectedly.
Please remove our baby's picture from your cover page immediately!!!!
It's making us sick! Her face should be no where near yours! Remove her picture from any Web page, account, album, public pages or anything you may have posted with her beautiful face!!! Never again use her picture for anything! Don't even mention her name on any public sites or events! Next time you want to do a fundraiser for yourself. .. use your own ******* picture!!!! And you're own name! ! Call it "Laura Mitchells Wings"!!!! Don't use our beautiful baby's FACE and NAME to fund your own financial obligations! !!!! You are a piece.
We are besides ourselves, as if we didn't have enough heartbreak and agony, we have to deal with your deceitful actions. How did you survive all these years taking care of your own finances, paying bills, getting gas, buying groceries, going out to eat and such....
BEFORE OUR BABY DIED! Why is she paying your way now??? SBYNEWS
BEFORE OUR BABY DIED! Why is she paying your way now??? SBYNEWS
If you were so hard up and only had .20 cents to your name between the 2 of you grown *** adults, you should have done your own Fundraiser! ! Like I said, with your picture! And your name! Not used our baby to touch people's hearts and open thier wallets FOR YOU!!!?????? Our baby's death is not a business opportunity for you to reep benefits from! My baby did not die for you to use our pain and the goodness of our friends and family that came together, to donate whatever they could or even couldn't, to use for your own financial misfortunes! Put in some overtime at work if you have something to pay off, like my MOM does!!! All the time! Paying her own way, by herself! She manages to pay her bills and help YOUR SON and me to boot!!! She, and Barry Hill and Brenda Hudson have helped us so much... given us a helping hand and a step up for a better future. For their children and grandchildren!
How is it that 2 "smart" people, with good jobs, slowly reaching their retirement years, don't have some kind of savings? Isn't your husband some kind of mathematical genius??
And don't you have some position with treasury department or something? And you can't buget your spendings and earnings? You have to take from your grandaughters fundraiser? Yowzas!
Are you for real? Our hearts are completely and utterly broken, as if it were even possible to break anymore. We lost our baby! !!!!! Our baby girl!!!!! Ugh! Disgusting! I want to vomit!!! And 2 weeks later my Father passes away! !!
Then I have to come home, to find out, that out of $12,374 in donations You only have $5,700 left? ??? What?????
Are you kidding me right now!!! Not one penny of that went to Zoeys funeral home services or burial! Unbelievable! Thank God you at least left enough for us to get her a HEADSTONE!!!
Are you kidding me right now!!! Not one penny of that went to Zoeys funeral home services or burial! Unbelievable! Thank God you at least left enough for us to get her a HEADSTONE!!!
Honestly I was getting concerned that might "magically " disappear too!! Phew.
Where's this SPREADSHEET you say you have to account for expenses??????? As if our baby's fundraiser required a ******* spreadsheet??? SBYNEWS
So far this itemized list of expenses has been quite elusive! I have yet to see it! You have failed to communicate with me. You have not responded to messages and email! How many electronic devices between all of you in that household have under that roof? Do all of them have a "virus" or malfunctioning? Is that why you have been unable to provide us with clarity and understanding as to where the donation money's went? Are they coming by horse and buggy????? Because I'm still waiting! On my tippy toes in anticipation to see where $6,774 went!
I also recently just found out that you did a news broadcast about my baby's death trying to raise money? Who gave you permission to do that???? Who said it was ok to put our baby's name in the news or her face? We sure did not!
There was no parental consent to publicize my our baby. At this point it even seems like on that level you were using her to gain publicity? For your political mumbo jumbo!!!!! You getting some air time? Reaching out to voters??? Making some sympathy connections?
Well... here ya go... I'll help you out!!! Enjoy😘 !!! IT'S FREE!!!!!!!
I can go on forever... ... I am definitely not at a loss for words. Soooo much more to say but, I'm gonna cut it short here.
I will confide in the Father, Son and holy spirit as to handle things. I will also be confiding in Father Gary, who did Zoeys services for advice, guidance and insight on how to deal with you.
Thank God for my strength and ability keep a level head. I'll thank him for you too.
To all those reading this: contributers,... those who donated to our beautiful baby Zoeys fund...... Those who would like and feel free to do so, your own will........ please SHARE, LIKE, REPOST at your leisure.
To all those reading this: contributers,... those who donated to our beautiful baby Zoeys fund...... Those who would like and feel free to do so, your own will........ please SHARE, LIKE, REPOST at your leisure.
GO HERE to see who donated, including organizations. The Fastest growing Christian Crowdfunding site made by Christians for Christians
UPDATE: 2016 Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Affairs (FAIR) Committee Roster
Maryland Laura Mitchell, City Council Vice President, Salisbury, Maryland
GO HERE to see who donated, including organizations. The Fastest growing Christian Crowdfunding site made by Christians for Christians
UPDATE: 2016 Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Affairs (FAIR) Committee Roster
Maryland Laura Mitchell, City Council Vice President, Salisbury, Maryland
Cindy Barbosa
So, we did an interview with a news station regarding our story about Zoeys Fundraiser.
They were very interested in covering the story and did a lot of work and research into the case. Including an interview with Laura Mitchell! !
She was able to respond to them and answer their questions!
The director is waiting for this information of where the money went!!!
And I was told that Laura said that we ALL KNEW VERY WELL where the money was going . Everyone was aware that her and her husband are not rich and everyone knew that donations where going to them to use....
Really Laura? Everyone knew?
It was so clearly obvious the fund raiser was for you and Miguel? Less than 50% for Zoey???
That's what you think is the balance between you and her???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was Zoeys wings!!!!!
I'm getting seriously hot over here! I gotta bring this boil down to a simmer before it spills over!
They were very interested in covering the story and did a lot of work and research into the case. Including an interview with Laura Mitchell! !
She was able to respond to them and answer their questions!
Apparently her phone works when it comes to media, but not for her own son! The reporter says Laura Mitchell has failed to provide the spreadsheet of spendings to them also. Even though she stated that SHE WOULD SEND IT OVER TO THEM!!!
The director is waiting for this information of where the money went!!!
And I was told that Laura said that we ALL KNEW VERY WELL where the money was going . Everyone was aware that her and her husband are not rich and everyone knew that donations where going to them to use....
Really Laura? Everyone knew?
It was so clearly obvious the fund raiser was for you and Miguel? Less than 50% for Zoey???
That's what you think is the balance between you and her???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was Zoeys wings!!!!!
I'm getting seriously hot over here! I gotta bring this boil down to a simmer before it spills over!
Publishers Notes: We broke this story the other day HERE.
Viewer Opinion: Salisbury's Acme
What a disaster. While the store is nice enough looking, the prices are out of this world. Giant was much cheaper and the price point was on line with Walmart. Now days after the Acme invasion, most people are going to the Walmarts instead of the over-priced Acme.
Someone said Acme has been here twice before and failed both times. I wonder why?
Some prices are a whole $4 more than Walmart, so it's worth the time to go there instead of Acme. In an economy like what we have right now, was this really a smart move?
Proof: The other night at 7:00pm, Acme was practically empty. I didn't even have a problem going to a cashier. No lines. I asked her if she had gotten complaints about the prices and she stated, "A lot."
I was also told no rewards card, no gas discounts. What's the point of wasting your money when you can go up the road and buy more for less?
Heard they replaced the Superfresh in West Ocean City, too. Are the prices as high there as they are in Salisbury? What am I saying? They're probably higher.
Giant had a good run in Salisbury. Now the bet is, how long will it be when this Acme shuts down like the two others before? Six months? A year?
Someone said Acme has been here twice before and failed both times. I wonder why?
Some prices are a whole $4 more than Walmart, so it's worth the time to go there instead of Acme. In an economy like what we have right now, was this really a smart move?
Proof: The other night at 7:00pm, Acme was practically empty. I didn't even have a problem going to a cashier. No lines. I asked her if she had gotten complaints about the prices and she stated, "A lot."
I was also told no rewards card, no gas discounts. What's the point of wasting your money when you can go up the road and buy more for less?
Heard they replaced the Superfresh in West Ocean City, too. Are the prices as high there as they are in Salisbury? What am I saying? They're probably higher.
Giant had a good run in Salisbury. Now the bet is, how long will it be when this Acme shuts down like the two others before? Six months? A year?
Watch Live: Presidential Debate 2016
Let's hear your opinion during the live debate!
The debate is scheduled to start at 9pm ET.
If you wish to watch this live on Fox News use the link below. They have disabled embedding for this event so we can't post it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubp0CEbqW-U
VOTE IN OUR POLL! The poll has been posted on the top left of the blog. Poll will be open til 12:00pm tomorrow.
WBALTV has also posted a poll on facebook if you would like to to vote there. Their poll is very close at this time. https://www.facebook.com/wbaltv11/posts/10154756564199218
Who won the debate last night?
Take our poll!! On the top left of the blog we put up a poll last night. It will be open until midnight tonight!
The poll is now closed
The poll is now closed
If You Think Things Are Bad, Crisfield Has Raw Sewage Coming INTO Many Homes
We have been receiving calls left and right from residents of Crisfield stating they have raw sewage coming into their homes. Many cannot take showers, toilets overflowing and very unsanitary conditions.
We have confirmation that town employees are simply off for the weekend and there's no light at the end of the tunnel for residents any time soon.
Leaders there are claiming this is happening in Salisbury, Snow Hill and other areas, all of which are not true. Other leaders are complaining to citizens for saying anything on Facebook. To that representative, BITE ME! In fact, you should be thrown out of office and clearly you are not having to live with raw crap coming into your home. I can't think of anything worse when it comes to living conditions.
We have contacts at the MDE, let's see how you like this exposure now.
We have confirmation that town employees are simply off for the weekend and there's no light at the end of the tunnel for residents any time soon.
Leaders there are claiming this is happening in Salisbury, Snow Hill and other areas, all of which are not true. Other leaders are complaining to citizens for saying anything on Facebook. To that representative, BITE ME! In fact, you should be thrown out of office and clearly you are not having to live with raw crap coming into your home. I can't think of anything worse when it comes to living conditions.
We have contacts at the MDE, let's see how you like this exposure now.
A Viewer Writes: Acme in Salisbury response
Ok I feel I must comment myself as a long time Giant (and now Acme) employee....
Acme is trying to get rid of the old Giant employees? Absolutely not true. What IS true is that there is a 30 day "probationary" period in which Acme "weed out" any employees that don't make the cut.
Am I glad I stayed? Absolutely. Why? Mainly the customers, but I am also willing to deliver on what we always have as employees. Top quality service, and top quality products. Unfortunately that comes at a price and many people are willing to pay a little more for better service and products. I'm not being paid to write this as I type on my iPad on my couch at home. The reason I am is because I want you to give us a chance......to listen to YOU.......OUR customers and try to correct what is needed before you go elsewhere. I'll agree that not everything is the same as it was before but please let us know what we can do to correct what is wrong. I really do take it to heart because I care very much about MY customers.
A few more thoughts:
The meat is amazing. We have 6 butchers on duty and 2 wrappers daily. Cut, trimmed, and lean like it "used" to be a few years ago-not cut, pre-packaged and sent in from the warehouse....I am very proud of this as an employee.
All seafood is CHEAPER than it "used" to be with the exception of the crab clusters which are $2 more a pound than they used to be:(
Try to take a product back to a competitor and see how "easy" it is.....believe me it is not. We accept/return all products we sell without question.
Bakery-we "used" to get frozen products in and just throw them in the oven....not anymore! We freshly bake items like we used to do years ago. I am proud of this as well.
Boar's Head in the deli-we got it because YOU wanted it. Acme has an agreement with Deitz & Watson in ALL of their deli's and I'm sure it didn't go over well when Salisbury wanted Boar's Head instead-it's because YOU wanted it. I've heard time and time again from customers that Boar's Head is much better quality than Deitz & Watson.
Self check-outs-Acme has never believed in self check-outs. They believe in person to person service. We explained that our customers like self checkout! We wanted to cater to both crowds. Some like self check-out and some still like the person to person service. We wanted to satisfy our current customers despite what Acme's beliefs were. I think it was a good move personally....
I will end with saying that I WILL remain anonymous as I was and I still am employed. If I didn't take this to heart, love our customers (most of them!), and just really care about them I would have never taken my time to write this. Nothing is perfect, but with your help, suggestions, and comments to our management we cannot improve. Please keep this in mind when you come in. If you don't like something please tell management. I will end on what I believe myself and I feel that many people that have been around awhile will agree with:
You get what you pay for.
You are free to shop anywhere you wish. You have choices everyday of what to wear, what to eat, and where to shop. But keep in mind these places you frequent and spend your hard earned dollars.....how do they treat their employees? Are they Union? Are the employees happy? Do they give back to the community and to YOU as a customer? Do they even care about you? Do they treat you with respect? And finally, do they deliver on what they promise?
Acme is trying to get rid of the old Giant employees? Absolutely not true. What IS true is that there is a 30 day "probationary" period in which Acme "weed out" any employees that don't make the cut.
This, to me, is a good thing going forward. The special requests and the suggestions that MY customers fill out are taken very seriously. I cannot stress enough how much we (as a whole) care for our customers. Please bear with us as we make the transition from our former employer. We do listen.
Am I glad I stayed? Absolutely. Why? Mainly the customers, but I am also willing to deliver on what we always have as employees. Top quality service, and top quality products. Unfortunately that comes at a price and many people are willing to pay a little more for better service and products. I'm not being paid to write this as I type on my iPad on my couch at home. The reason I am is because I want you to give us a chance......to listen to YOU.......OUR customers and try to correct what is needed before you go elsewhere. I'll agree that not everything is the same as it was before but please let us know what we can do to correct what is wrong. I really do take it to heart because I care very much about MY customers.
A few more thoughts:
The meat is amazing. We have 6 butchers on duty and 2 wrappers daily. Cut, trimmed, and lean like it "used" to be a few years ago-not cut, pre-packaged and sent in from the warehouse....I am very proud of this as an employee.
All seafood is CHEAPER than it "used" to be with the exception of the crab clusters which are $2 more a pound than they used to be:(
Try to take a product back to a competitor and see how "easy" it is.....believe me it is not. We accept/return all products we sell without question.
Bakery-we "used" to get frozen products in and just throw them in the oven....not anymore! We freshly bake items like we used to do years ago. I am proud of this as well.
Boar's Head in the deli-we got it because YOU wanted it. Acme has an agreement with Deitz & Watson in ALL of their deli's and I'm sure it didn't go over well when Salisbury wanted Boar's Head instead-it's because YOU wanted it. I've heard time and time again from customers that Boar's Head is much better quality than Deitz & Watson.
Self check-outs-Acme has never believed in self check-outs. They believe in person to person service. We explained that our customers like self checkout! We wanted to cater to both crowds. Some like self check-out and some still like the person to person service. We wanted to satisfy our current customers despite what Acme's beliefs were. I think it was a good move personally....
I will end with saying that I WILL remain anonymous as I was and I still am employed. If I didn't take this to heart, love our customers (most of them!), and just really care about them I would have never taken my time to write this. Nothing is perfect, but with your help, suggestions, and comments to our management we cannot improve. Please keep this in mind when you come in. If you don't like something please tell management. I will end on what I believe myself and I feel that many people that have been around awhile will agree with:
You get what you pay for.
You are free to shop anywhere you wish. You have choices everyday of what to wear, what to eat, and where to shop. But keep in mind these places you frequent and spend your hard earned dollars.....how do they treat their employees? Are they Union? Are the employees happy? Do they give back to the community and to YOU as a customer? Do they even care about you? Do they treat you with respect? And finally, do they deliver on what they promise?
Please give us a chance to correct what is wrong before going on a public forum such as this and downing us. We will listen-just tell us what you want please.
Obnoxious Fire Department Sirens
With new technology like pagers, scanners and cell phones, are these obnoxious and extremely loud sirens necessary any longer for fire and or ambulance calls?
Berlin Mayoral Hopeful On Prescription Drug Charge: ‘It’s Very Unfortunate That We Have Lowered Ourselves To This Level Of Campaigning’
BERLIN – A mayoral candidate in Berlin’s coming election shared her side of the story this week following news of a drug possession charge.
According to South Carolina’s online judiciary case search, Berlin Councilmember Lisa Hall was charged with possession of the drug flunitrazepam on April 29. She says it’s being brought up now, months after it happened, because the town’s election is next week. Hall is running for mayor against incumbent Gee Williams.
“It’s very unfortunate that we have lowered ourselves to this level of campaigning,” she said. “I have purposely been taking the high road.”
Local media outlets were provided with a copy of court documents related to the charge with an anonymous letter this week encouraging the press to dig into Hall’s background.
According to South Carolina’s online judiciary case search, Berlin Councilmember Lisa Hall was charged with possession of the drug flunitrazepam on April 29. She says it’s being brought up now, months after it happened, because the town’s election is next week. Hall is running for mayor against incumbent Gee Williams.
“It’s very unfortunate that we have lowered ourselves to this level of campaigning,” she said. “I have purposely been taking the high road.”
Local media outlets were provided with a copy of court documents related to the charge with an anonymous letter this week encouraging the press to dig into Hall’s background.
Congress rebukes Obama, rejects his 9/11 lawsuit veto
President Obama lost his first veto fight with Congress on Wednesday after Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate voted overwhelmingly to override his objection to a bill that would allow families of the Americans killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to sue the government of Saudi Arabia.
The bipartisan vote came despite lobbying from Obama to uphold his veto. Obama said he objects to the bill because it could damage U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia and could undermine America's own sovereign immunity against lawsuits.
The Senate voted 97-1 to override Obama's veto, and the only "no" vote was from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
The House voted a few hours later and was also able to get the two-thirds vote needed to override Obama's veto, handing Obama his first, and likely his only, veto override in the nearly eight years he's been in office.
The bipartisan vote came despite lobbying from Obama to uphold his veto. Obama said he objects to the bill because it could damage U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia and could undermine America's own sovereign immunity against lawsuits.
The Senate voted 97-1 to override Obama's veto, and the only "no" vote was from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
The House voted a few hours later and was also able to get the two-thirds vote needed to override Obama's veto, handing Obama his first, and likely his only, veto override in the nearly eight years he's been in office.
Hall, police accounts differ greatly
Although Berlin mayoral hopeful and District 2 Councilwoman Lisa Hall admitted this week that she was charged in April with possession of flunitrazepam in South Carolina, police records say that was not the case.
Hall, according to law enforcement officials in Charleston County, was charged with marijuana possession on April 29. Prescription medications, illegal or otherwise, were not involved.
Information on that arrest sent to local media this week was apparently misunderstood, leading some to conclude erroneously that Hall had been charged with possession of the flunitrazepam, also known as Rohypnol, and which cannot be purchased legally in this country.
The error resulted from an apparent misinterpretation of the standardized charging documents, which list multiple drug classifications as well as flunitrazepam.
On Monday, however, Hall responded to the misguided speculation and said, “I was in South Carolina and I got stopped and I had a plastic bag ... this was back in April and I paid the ticket and never went back there. I don’t know why they waited until now to bring it up.”
Hall, according to law enforcement officials in Charleston County, was charged with marijuana possession on April 29. Prescription medications, illegal or otherwise, were not involved.
Information on that arrest sent to local media this week was apparently misunderstood, leading some to conclude erroneously that Hall had been charged with possession of the flunitrazepam, also known as Rohypnol, and which cannot be purchased legally in this country.
The error resulted from an apparent misinterpretation of the standardized charging documents, which list multiple drug classifications as well as flunitrazepam.
On Monday, however, Hall responded to the misguided speculation and said, “I was in South Carolina and I got stopped and I had a plastic bag ... this was back in April and I paid the ticket and never went back there. I don’t know why they waited until now to bring it up.”
Cleanup At JMB Auditorium Has Begun
Overnight storm flooded JMB Auditorium Thurs. Cleanup has begun and damage is being assessed as we prepare to restore this much-used space.
Publishers Notes: Because SBYNews had an "exclusive" on the image yesterday, the BOE felt the need to publish the above images for the rest of the media to have something to use. (LOL)
However, there was NO explanation as to how this happened. Perhaps the roof collapsed?
Police Killed 5 White People The Same Day As Keith Scott
Not a single word was heard from the mainstream media about any of these deaths.
5 white people were killed September 20, 2016, the same day Keith Scott was killed. There has been non-stop media coverage since this day, only one thing was missing, the “5” other deaths by the hands of police officers on that day. September 20, 2016 should go down in history as the day reality sunk in for the American public. Our mainstream media cannot be trusted. Black people are being used as pawns and the mainstream media is their puppet master. To all black people reading this article: “Share this article.”
Or do only black lives matter?
5 white people were killed September 20, 2016, the same day Keith Scott was killed. There has been non-stop media coverage since this day, only one thing was missing, the “5” other deaths by the hands of police officers on that day. September 20, 2016 should go down in history as the day reality sunk in for the American public. Our mainstream media cannot be trusted. Black people are being used as pawns and the mainstream media is their puppet master. To all black people reading this article: “Share this article.”
Or do only black lives matter?
City of Salisbury Mayor Jake Day assesses flooding at Canal Woods
LIVE on #Periscope: City of Salisbury Mayor Jake Day assesses flooding at Canal Woods https://t.co/5gULm7aJ0U— Salisbury Police (@SalisburyPD) September 29, 2016
Mayor Jake Day convened a briefing with City department heads this morning at 9:00 a.m. to assess current conditions, and plan for the next 48 hours. The situation as it stands now:
•Crews were out overnight responding to reports of flooding at multiple locations around the City. SPD responded to multiple calls of standing water on City streets, and SFD responded to 2 fires inside City limits, and one assist in Allen, MD.
•Per standard protocol, Public Works crews are currently out assessing the integrity of dams around town, and ensuring that storm basins are clear of debris to ensure proper drainage. Citizens who notice a clogged or obstructed storm drain are encouraged to notify Public Works at 410-548-3170, or via the Salisbury app on iPhone and Android.
•The Red Cross has established an emergency shelter location at the Wicomico High School auditorium. For more information, contact the Red Cross at 410-749-5331.
•Salisbury’s Business Development Specialist has begun outreach to Downtown businesses which are located in flood-prone areas. At the current time, none have reported significant damage or issues.
•There have been two small areas of road washout – one on N. Park Drive in the area of Village in the Park, the second on Burton St. between Cypress and Lake Streets. A small sinkhole has been reported at the intersection of E. William St. and Business Rte. 13. The State Highway Administration is on the scene.
•Mayor Day has reached out to Wicomico County Schools Superintendent Donna Hanlin who advises that schools will close 2 hours early today.
The National Weather Service has advised that the area will remain under a Flash Flood Watch through the evening hours. High tide this afternoon will coincide with the arrival of another band of heavy rain which is expected to bring 1 to 2 inches of precipitation within the span of an hour. Conditions during and after this period of rainfall may be hazardous. Citizens are urged to exercise caution, and to slow down and allow extra room for braking. Always avoid areas of standing water, rushing water, or areas where the road bed has been compromised in any way. In the event of an emergency, please call 911. To report non-emergency issues, call Public Works at 410-548-3170, or the Salisbury Police Department at 410-548-3165.
The City will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as warranted. For updates on the storm situation, follow @CityofSBY, @SalisburyPD, and @SalisburyFD on Twitter, “City of Salisbury, Maryland” of Facebook, and SalisburyPD on Periscope.
Was Hillary wired for Trump debate?
Internet goes crazy as images show possible electronic help for Clinton
Images have emerged following Monday night’s 2016 presidential debate between Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton and GOP nominee Donald Trump that are fueling widespread speculation online that Clinton may have been wired for the event.
And some say she may have been wearing a battery pack, an earpiece, a microphone and a wire.
Charisma News cited a Reuters image that it said appeared to reveal a flesh-colored earpiece in her left ear.
Images have emerged following Monday night’s 2016 presidential debate between Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton and GOP nominee Donald Trump that are fueling widespread speculation online that Clinton may have been wired for the event.
And some say she may have been wearing a battery pack, an earpiece, a microphone and a wire.
Charisma News cited a Reuters image that it said appeared to reveal a flesh-colored earpiece in her left ear.
Storm Wreaking Havoc In Salisbury 9-29-16
Salisbury Fire Department has received several calls in the last hour of
people stranded in their cars due to the road being flooded, people
stuck in elevators and also electrical hazards due to the flooding.
Area fire departments are responding for lightning strikes that have caused fires.
Delmarva power has approximately 450 residences in the Salisbury area without power. Estimated time of restoration is currently listed at 4am.
Police agencies have also responded to several alarms.
Please be careful if you must go out or are out in this storm.
click 'READ MORE' below to see the list of calls the SFD have responded to in the last few hours and they are still getting calls!
Area fire departments are responding for lightning strikes that have caused fires.
Delmarva power has approximately 450 residences in the Salisbury area without power. Estimated time of restoration is currently listed at 4am.
Police agencies have also responded to several alarms.
Please be careful if you must go out or are out in this storm.
click 'READ MORE' below to see the list of calls the SFD have responded to in the last few hours and they are still getting calls!
Top Rated Talk Show Host Michael Savage Pulled Off the Air After Discussing Hillary’s Health
Top rated radio talk show host Michael Savage was abruptly pulled off the air on Monday afternoon after launching into a segment on Hillary Clinton’s delicate health. The talker called his abrupt removal an act of “sabotage.”
Savage, host of the nationally syndicated The Savage Nation radio program, was discussing Hillary’s health and suggested she may have Parkinson’s disease when he was alerted that his show had been pulled from the air on New York’s WABC radio.
The host discovered that The Savage Nation was pulled off the air and replaced by the “Curtis And Cooby Show,” in the Big Apple.
Not long after discovering he was pulled from WABC, as Savage was telling his audience what happened in New York, his live feed was suddenly cut off to many of his other affiliates and a replay of an earlier episode was substituted for the live feed.
Savage, host of the nationally syndicated The Savage Nation radio program, was discussing Hillary’s health and suggested she may have Parkinson’s disease when he was alerted that his show had been pulled from the air on New York’s WABC radio.
The host discovered that The Savage Nation was pulled off the air and replaced by the “Curtis And Cooby Show,” in the Big Apple.
Not long after discovering he was pulled from WABC, as Savage was telling his audience what happened in New York, his live feed was suddenly cut off to many of his other affiliates and a replay of an earlier episode was substituted for the live feed.
BLM Just Took Things to a WHOLE NEW Level: “Kill White People”
The Black Lives Matter movement has inspired hatred across the nation, which was evidenced by violent, hateful, racist graffiti in Hillsborough County, Florida.
WFTS-TV reported that deputies found graffiti that said “kill white people” spray painted on a wall along Gornto Lake Road in Brandon along with other tags that read “black power,” “BLM,” and “black lives matter.”
“It’s uncalled for, there’s a way to protest, there’s a way not to, this is just, it hurts everybody,” Cat D’Alessandro told WFTS-TV.
A deputy was tasked with covering the hate speech painted on the wall and when D’Alessandro saw this, she bought her own spray paint to help out.
“I was kind of sad really because why does it have to be like, why does it have to get to this,” D’Alessandro said.
WFTS-TV reported that deputies found graffiti that said “kill white people” spray painted on a wall along Gornto Lake Road in Brandon along with other tags that read “black power,” “BLM,” and “black lives matter.”
“It’s uncalled for, there’s a way to protest, there’s a way not to, this is just, it hurts everybody,” Cat D’Alessandro told WFTS-TV.
A deputy was tasked with covering the hate speech painted on the wall and when D’Alessandro saw this, she bought her own spray paint to help out.
“I was kind of sad really because why does it have to be like, why does it have to get to this,” D’Alessandro said.
Maryland woman arrested for indecent exposure in Rehoboth
Jennie Lee D. Martin, 37, of Chevy Chase, Md. was contacted by officers Saturday evening as she was walking topless in the first block of Wilmington Avenue causing concerned citizens to call the police.
At around 6:45pm, officers from the Rehoboth Beach Police Department were dispatched to the area of Wilmington Avenue and First Street for reports that a female was walking around with no shirt on. Officers were able to make contact with Jennie Lee Martin on Wilmington Avenue, near the Boardwalk. Martin, who was topless at the time police contacted her, complied with officer’s request to put her shirt on, but failed to provide officers with identification. Martin demanded that officers show her the law prohibiting her actions or any signs stating such.
Further on scene investigation revealed that prior to police arrival, a male witness, who observed several families hiding their children’s view of Martin, approached Martin and asked her to put her shirt on. Martin allegedly responded with profanity and spit on the man. Martin’s behavior and this particular altercation were witnessed by a nine year old child.
When officers attempted to take Martin into custody she refused to allow officer to place her in handcuffs. Officers were forced to restrain Martin and forcefully place her into handcuffs.
As a result of her arrest, Martin’s purse was searched and officers located marijuana consistent with personal use and a broken pipe inside.
Officers reported that an odor of alcohol was emanating from Martin when they were interacting with her.
Martin was arrested for 1 count of first degree indecent exposure, 1 count of resisting arrest, 1 count of possession of marijuana, and 1 count of disorderly conduct, which are all misdemeanor offenses. Martin was committed to Sussex Correctional Institution in lieu of $1500.00 secure bail.
No injuries resulted from this incident.
At around 6:45pm, officers from the Rehoboth Beach Police Department were dispatched to the area of Wilmington Avenue and First Street for reports that a female was walking around with no shirt on. Officers were able to make contact with Jennie Lee Martin on Wilmington Avenue, near the Boardwalk. Martin, who was topless at the time police contacted her, complied with officer’s request to put her shirt on, but failed to provide officers with identification. Martin demanded that officers show her the law prohibiting her actions or any signs stating such.
Further on scene investigation revealed that prior to police arrival, a male witness, who observed several families hiding their children’s view of Martin, approached Martin and asked her to put her shirt on. Martin allegedly responded with profanity and spit on the man. Martin’s behavior and this particular altercation were witnessed by a nine year old child.
When officers attempted to take Martin into custody she refused to allow officer to place her in handcuffs. Officers were forced to restrain Martin and forcefully place her into handcuffs.
As a result of her arrest, Martin’s purse was searched and officers located marijuana consistent with personal use and a broken pipe inside.
Officers reported that an odor of alcohol was emanating from Martin when they were interacting with her.
Martin was arrested for 1 count of first degree indecent exposure, 1 count of resisting arrest, 1 count of possession of marijuana, and 1 count of disorderly conduct, which are all misdemeanor offenses. Martin was committed to Sussex Correctional Institution in lieu of $1500.00 secure bail.
No injuries resulted from this incident.
VERMONT — A ‘Black Lives Matter’ flag is now flying high at the University of Vermont. As shown in the photo below, the BLM flag is flying next to both the American flag, and the Vermont state flag, outside the student center building.
News station FOX 44 reported on Friday that the flag is the doing of the Student Government Association which put up the flag on Thursday.
According to FOX44, some people are up in arms over the bias display, and believe if a flag is to be flown it should read “All Lives Matter.” They also left comments saying it was inappropriate to fly an organization’s flag at the same height of the American flag.
Just Say No to Narcan? Heroin Rescue Efforts Draw Backlash
CINCINNATI (AP) — First responders in U.S. communities reeling from waves of heroin overdoses say some people tell them they should just say no to using so many resources on drug abusers.
Authorities say people have expressed frustration about rescuing addicts who often immediately resume using the potentially deadly drug. There are also concerns voiced about the wide-ranging social and government budget costs involved, including for the overdose antidote naloxone.
Some signs of heroin overdose backlash:
— Gov. Paul LePage in hard-hit Maine vetoed legislation this year to expand access to naloxone, usually under the brand name Narcan. He has explained that when people are receiving a dozen or more doses, they should start having to pay for it. The Legislature overrode his veto.
— An effort by authorities in Ohio’s Hamilton County to get a dangerous heroin batch off the streets by offering immunity for people who turn in drugs drew a rebuke from Sheriff Richard Jones in neighboring Butler County, who argued it only enables dealers and users and gives them an excuse if they are caught.
Authorities say people have expressed frustration about rescuing addicts who often immediately resume using the potentially deadly drug. There are also concerns voiced about the wide-ranging social and government budget costs involved, including for the overdose antidote naloxone.
Some signs of heroin overdose backlash:
— Gov. Paul LePage in hard-hit Maine vetoed legislation this year to expand access to naloxone, usually under the brand name Narcan. He has explained that when people are receiving a dozen or more doses, they should start having to pay for it. The Legislature overrode his veto.
— An effort by authorities in Ohio’s Hamilton County to get a dangerous heroin batch off the streets by offering immunity for people who turn in drugs drew a rebuke from Sheriff Richard Jones in neighboring Butler County, who argued it only enables dealers and users and gives them an excuse if they are caught.
LIVE: Police are in a chase with three suspects, shots fired in Accomack County. More to come...
UPDATE: The Worcester County Sheriff's Office is assisting the Pocomoke City Police Department with an armed robbery that occurred at the PNC bank in Pocomoke. Detectives from the Criminal Bureau are on the scene as well. Additional information will be released as it is developed.
UPDATE: The Worcester County Sheriff's Office is assisting the Pocomoke City Police Department with an armed robbery that occurred at the PNC bank in Pocomoke. Detectives from the Criminal Bureau are on the scene as well. Additional information will be released as it is developed.
Health department advises pre-teens to get HPV vaccine
With the school year underway, the Worcester County Health Department is reminding parents to confirm their pupils are up-to-date on the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
The Health Department is advising children of both genders between the ages of 11 and 12 to receive the vaccine this year. According to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HPV is the most commonly sexually transmitted disease.
In a press release, Travis Brown, county health department spokesperson, said HPV can also lead to cervical and other cancers.
“Fortunately, HPV vaccination is safe and effective and protects both males and females from the diseases potentially caused by HPV,” he said.
Statistically, Brown said roughly 79 million Americans are infected with HPV, with approximately 14 million new cases occurring each year.
The Health Department is advising children of both genders between the ages of 11 and 12 to receive the vaccine this year. According to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HPV is the most commonly sexually transmitted disease.
In a press release, Travis Brown, county health department spokesperson, said HPV can also lead to cervical and other cancers.
“Fortunately, HPV vaccination is safe and effective and protects both males and females from the diseases potentially caused by HPV,” he said.
Statistically, Brown said roughly 79 million Americans are infected with HPV, with approximately 14 million new cases occurring each year.
A Letter To The Editor: Downtown Parking Lot Incident
Joe -
With all of the talk of revitalizing the downtown area and attracting more business, I would like to share this malicious incident that happened to my wife's van while parked in the lot across from the county library.
Sometime between the hours of 6 pm and 9 pm on 9/24/16 someone smashed her driver's side window with an unknown object. No other vehicle was vandalized in the area. My wife was downtown with a friend exercise walking and enjoying the various activities that were taking place - Songwriter's Final 2016 @ HQ Live, etc.
As the enclosed pictures show, my wife parked in a very well lit area. It's amazing nobody witnessed the smashing of the window. Unfortunately the City Police had removed the broken window before she could take a picture of the initial damag (case #2016-46646). I'm communicating this to you to let your readers know that "thug activity" in the ' Bury is a reality in the downtown area. Also, the perpetrator(s) stole nothing from the vehicle or even opened the door. My dear wife was upset and shaken by this because she no longer feels safe taking her weekly walks in the downtown area. Wouldn't there be some sort of video surveillance for that area ? Maybe you might know who I can contact.
A Wide Gulf Persists Between Black And White Perceptions Of Policing
A new study highlights differences between the races as they view the recent spate of deadly encounters between blacks and law enforcement.
A survey by the Pew Research Center finds only a third of blacks and nearly three-quarters of whites say police in their communities do an excellent or good job using appropriate force.
From Pew's report:
"Most whites (75%) say their local police do an excellent or good job when it comes to using the right amount of force for each situation. Only 33% of blacks share this view; 63% say the police do only a fair or poor job in this area. About six-in-ten Hispanics (62%) say their community's police are doing at least a good job in this area, while 35% say they are doing only a fair or poor job.
When it comes to treating racial or ethnic groups equally, 35% of blacks say the police department in their community does an excellent or good job, compared with 75% of whites. Conversely, about a quarter (23%) of blacks say their police department does only a fair job and about four-in-ten (38%) say they do a poor job. (Among whites, about a quarter – 24% – say their department does only a fair job or a poor job in treating racial and ethnic groups equally.) Roughly six-in-ten Hispanics (58%) say their local police are doing an excellent or good job in this area, while 38% say they are doing only a fair or poor job."
A survey by the Pew Research Center finds only a third of blacks and nearly three-quarters of whites say police in their communities do an excellent or good job using appropriate force.
From Pew's report:
"Most whites (75%) say their local police do an excellent or good job when it comes to using the right amount of force for each situation. Only 33% of blacks share this view; 63% say the police do only a fair or poor job in this area. About six-in-ten Hispanics (62%) say their community's police are doing at least a good job in this area, while 35% say they are doing only a fair or poor job.
When it comes to treating racial or ethnic groups equally, 35% of blacks say the police department in their community does an excellent or good job, compared with 75% of whites. Conversely, about a quarter (23%) of blacks say their police department does only a fair job and about four-in-ten (38%) say they do a poor job. (Among whites, about a quarter – 24% – say their department does only a fair job or a poor job in treating racial and ethnic groups equally.) Roughly six-in-ten Hispanics (58%) say their local police are doing an excellent or good job in this area, while 38% say they are doing only a fair or poor job."
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