DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Brilliant idea. Why bother with snowy New York or tear-gas-filled Oakland when you can occupy the South of France by the beach and protest the elites at the same time?
But the estimated 10,000 protesters in nearby Nice on Wednesday weren’t the passive, anti-bank Occupy crowd. They were the real thing; the semi-annual anarchy tourists who make it a point to show up at any big global leaders event and steal its thunder, often with violence. Think the riots in Rome, or the Battle in Seattle during past G-8 meetings.
Michael Krieger Explains Why It Takes Only 5 Minutes
Remember, there is a very good reason that no “definitive solution” has been announced. There is none. What the Eurocrats are trying to do is pretend that lifelines to bankrupt nations will be enough to tide them over until strong growth allows them to wiggle out of the problems. This has already been proven a failure after they tried it last year as Greece is now worse than ever. So there are two choices and no one can be totally certain which outcome it will be but either one will result in massive wealth destruction. The first choice is the one I prefer (hard defaults and a declaration of insolvency of the banking system followed by restructuring) because it will place the majority of the losses and pain on the elites that led us to this ruin and who own most of the financial assets in the world. The second option (massive inflation and loss of purchasing power) will kill the poor and middle classes as well as the wealthy but financially illiterate. The ruling oligarchs will be fine (until the masses come for their heads) as they understand what they are doing and will move to protect their assets. Since the same criminal, crooked and morally bankrupt financial oligarchy is still pulling the strings worldwide you have to assume they will opt for choice number two, although unforeseen social and political events could throw a wrench into their twisted plans. Gold is the only asset that should outperform in either scenario.
Before I leave Europe, there is a must read article posted this week on Zerohedge that everyone needs to read and understand. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/how-us-banks-are-lying-about-their-europea...
Everybody Hates Capitalism
Why did it take so long? It is over four years since the financial crisis began. Yet only now are anti-capitalist protests emerging, including at St Paul’s Cathedral. So is this the beginning of a resurgent leftwing politics? I doubt it. Are the protesters raising some big questions? Yes, they are.More
Socialism failed as a way of running economies. It did, however, succeed in establishing welfare states. Socialism is a conservative force, dedicated to defending entitlements built up over a century. Meanwhile, organised labour is only strongly entrenched in the public sector. This gives it the same conservative agenda: defending the welfare state. Strikes by UK public sector workers against the fiscal cuts will demonstrate this.
We have promoted an insider form of capitalism which exploits and indeed creates subsidies and tax loopholes on which the insiders prosper. The need to rescue banks was horrifying. The role of money in politics is disturbing. The danger is that we are moving from what the Nobel laureate economic historian, Douglass North, calls an “open-access order” to its opposite, a system in which political influence is decisive.
The era of bail-outs must end.
Our Fragile "Hothouse" Economy
Of the three great financial truths that have been left unspoken for the past four years out of sheer dread, lest their mere mention collapse our economy, let's start with the most obvious: if the Federal Reserve and Federal government ever crimped the dripline of "easing" and bailouts, America's financial sector would promptly roll over and expire.
Does this strike you as a robust, flexible, transparent system? Of course not. Rather, it is a "hothouse" financial sector, one that needs constant injections and a carefully controlled environment just to keep it alive.
And since the U.S. economy has been fully financialized, it is now dependent on financial machinations and skimming for its "growth," profits and the debt expansion that fuels everything else, including the metastasizing Savior State, a gargantuan aggregation of an unaccountable National Security State with crony-capitalist cartels and a dependency-inducing Welfare State.
Without the debt conjured into existence by the Fed, Treasury and the financial sector, even the mighty multi-tenacled Savior State would quickly starve.
MF Global – Regulation Matters?
Will Meredith Whitney Be Proven Right In The End?
Fed Control: Whose Side Is Senator Sanders REALLY On?
Salisbury Police Bicycle Patrol
One thing is for sure, the Salisbury Police Department is truly coming back under the new leadership of Chief Barbara Duncan and we have to also give credit to Mayor Ireton.
While crime is dropping, crime will always be there. However, we're NOT hearing excuses and we ARE seeing crimes, (especially serious ones) solved.
Its very refreshing and yes, reassuring, to say the least.
Are Americans That Stupid, Our Government Thinks So
ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers And Shredding Documents, After Exposed As Players Behind Occupy Wall Street Protests
NYCC also is installing surveillance cameras and recording devices at its Brooklyn offices, removing or packing away supplies bearing the name ACORN and handing out photos of Fox News staff with a stern warning not to talk to the media, the sources said.
Vehicle Flees After Striking Road Construction Worker
Outgoing Freddie CEO Gets $4 Million Bonus To Receive $21 Billion In Bailouts After Massive Q3 Loss
New Plan Surfaces For Postal Service
Wicomico County Health Department To Hold PUBLIC FLU Vaccination Clinic
Costs are as follows:
Flu Shot
Adults age 18 and older - $15 suggested donation
Children ages 6 months to 18 years of age - $15
Flu Mist
Children age 2 to 18 only Free
Medicare can be billed, please be sure to bring card. Pnuemonia shots are available with a doctors note.
For additional information, visit http://www.wicomicohealth.org/ ( http://www.wicomicohealth.org/ ) or call 410-543-6943.
Federal Assistance Cuts Could Literally Leave Poor In Cold
More »
True Meaning Of Harry Potter Term ‘Muggle’? Marijuana

Here’s a question you probably weren’t expecting to hear: What do burnouts and Harry Potter fans have in common?
To all of you fans camping outside your local cinemas to watch the first showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two, the term “muggle” will conjure images of cruel aunts and uncles and a nasty cousin or two.
Average Student Loan Balance For New Grads Is More Than $25K
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Thomas Jefferson
Refugees Face Organ Theft In The Sinai
The New Generation Foundation for Human Rights and the EveryOne Group, from Italy, have presented evidence that the bodies of African refugees have been found in the Sinai desert with organs missing.
Veterans Day Ceremony To Be Held At The Wicomico County War Memorial
Feds Changing Bad-Weather Policy For Workers
WASHINGTON - The federal government is hoping to avoid another "Commute from Hell."
Drivers in the D.C. area no doubt have not forgotten January's hours-long stall and crawl, a commuting nightmare that started with feet of snow falling in the region and that many believe was worsened by an exodus of federal workers hoping to beat the storm home.
In an effort to avoid a similar scene, the Office of Personnel Management is updating its snow policy, saying workers will be told to leave the office by a specific time or stay around until they're told the roads are safe.
International Security Assistance Force Data Shows Night Raids Killed Over 1,500 Afghan Civilians
Wicomico County State’s Attorney, Matthew A. Maciarello, stated the following in regard to the conviction. “We are thankful for this conviction but we are reserving further comment until the Defendant is sentenced by the Court.” Maciarello commended the Wicomico Child Advocacy Center (CAC) and its partners (the Salisbury Police Department, Maryland State Police, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, Department of Social Services, and the Life Crisis Center), members of the Peninsula Regional Medical Center Emergency Department, and Johns Hopkins Hospital for their assistance in the investigation and prosecution of this case. Mr. Maciarello also thanked Assistant State’s Attorney Jamie Dykes who prosecuted this case.
Why Would China Want To Help Bail Out The Euro Zone?
Death In Guantanamo: Suicide Or Dryboarding?
America’s Happiest Woman Is a 50-Year-Old Californian
It isn’t surprising that the Baby Boom produced the largest demographic in America, women ages 45-55. As that generation glides into its golden years, USA Today teamed up with Healthways, a well-being improvement firm, to determine what contributes to high well-being in that age group and discovered one woman who embodies those characteristics.
Forty House Republicans Sign Letter Saying They’re Open To Tax Increases
MoreWe write to you as a bipartisan group of representatives from across the political spectrum in the belief that the success of your committee is vital to our country’s future. We know that many in Washington and around the country do not believe we in the Congress and those within your committee can successfully meet this challenge. We believe that we can and we must.To succeed, all options for mandatory and discretionary spending and revenues must be on the table. In addition, we know from other bipartisan frameworks that a target of some $4 trillion in deficit reduction is necessary to stabilize our debt as a share of the economy and assure America’s fiscal well-being.
Ridding Body Of Old "Zombie" Cells Slows Aging Process, Study Shows
An Intrusion Of Reality
And it was safe. Expats sat over coffee at the plaza laughing at people back in the States, insular, fearful, ignorant of the world outside their borders. (For recent college graduates, Mexico is a country south of the United States. “South” is down on maps.) Mexico, they believed, was most astonishing perilous. Don't drink the water, avoid ice. Salads were thought especially lethal. The Federales would kill you for sport, like squirrels. On any given day, you would probably be shot several times by bandidos. It was nonsense.
Then Vicente Fox left office, and Felipe Calderon came in. He declared war on the narcotraficantes. Why he did this, I don't know, since Mexico didn't have a drug problem. My guess is that Washington pushed him into it, but I don't know.
Unfortunately Mexico, which neither produces nor uses a lot of drugs, lies between Colombia, which produces vast amounts of drugs, and Americans, who want vast amounts of drugs. Washington does not want Americans to have vast amounts of drugs. Neither did it want to lose votes by imprisoning white users of drugs, such as college students, high-school students, professors, Congressmen, lawyers, and blue-collar guys driving bulldozers. The answer was to make Mexico fight Washington's wars.
Navy Vet Gets Eviction Notice After Hanging American Flag On Navy Day
The apartment management company delivered the eviction notice to Edward Zivica after he hung the Old Glory in a common area at the Springfield, Ore., complex, KVAL.com reported. If he doesn't agree to refrain from any more such flag displays, the complex told him, it's anchors aweigh by midnight Nov. 29.
Gold Is Nothing But A Metaphor For Fear
German Parents Killed, Buried New Baby Because They Already Had 3 Kids
Named as Marcel T., 35, and Kirsten H., 38, the pair allegedly killed their son shortly after he was born in the small town of Juterborg, near Berlin, two years ago and wrapped his body in a bag carrying the inscription "Welcome to the family," before burying him 40 inches below paving in their garden.
Final Suspect In Home Invasion In Custody
ARRESTED: Lomar Lamont Belote, 29 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Armed robbery
Conspiracy to commit armed robbery
First degree assault
Handgun on person
Handgun use in a felon crime
Second degree assault
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
MF Global Shines A Light On Monetarism's Incapacity To Enhance The Real Economy
The comparison to AIG is not to say that MF Global was as interconnected, that its failure will be as devastating, or that it is the straw that breaks the European camel’s back. The urge to see the past in the present is historically valid, but it will never be exactly alike (Mark Twain had this right). Rather I think the comparison is useful in that AIG taught the wider world what was really rotten at the core of modern finance, namely hidden risks that were shockingly existential. MF Global’s failure importantly shows that none of the lessons have been heeded in the days since, providing a somewhat unique window into the real dangers that still lurk hidden in the shadows. More than that, though, MF Global demonstrates an obvious shortcoming of the financial system as it relates to the real economy.
ZeroHedge posted the bankruptcy affidavit of MF Global’s President and Chief Operating Officer Bradley I. Abelow, drawing attention to Section E, item 33 on page 13. Mr. Abelow makes the following statement under oath:
“On September 1, 2011, MF Holdings announced that FINRA informed it that its regulated U.S. operating subsidiary, MFGI, was required to modify its capital treatment of certain repurchase transactions to maturity collateralized with European sovereign debt and thus increase its required net capital pursuant to SEC Rule 15c3-1.” [emphasis added]
Men Become The Target Of Jokes
Officials From Terror-Sponsoring State ‘Exempted From Enhanced Screening’ By TSA
The cable indicates that Sudan, upset that its citizens traveling to the United States would be subjected to increased scrutiny--as were those from 13 other countries--threatened to subject U.S. passengers traveling to Sudan to the same stepped-up body pat-downs, bag checks and other security measures.
“We will have to accord you the same treatment,” it quotes a Sudanese official telling a U.S. diplomat in early 2010.
Texas Judge's Daughter: Violence Was Regular Occurrence
"It did happen regularly, for a period of time, and I could tell, because of the pattern, that things were escalating again," Hillary Adams, now 23, said on NBC's "Today." She said she left her video camera on her dresser recording and covered its light with a scarf in order to capture the video.
Car Crashes Cost U.S. $300B A Year: AAA
Every hour, car crashes kill an average of four people on America's roads.
That's the human cost.
But, according to a triple-a study released Thursday, the financial cost of car crashes is just as stunning.
The study, reports CBS News correspondent Mark Strassmann, says crashes costs $300 billion a year -- three times more expensive than traffic congestion.
FDA Should Warn Smokers Of Increased Danger Of Chantix, Study Says
Now Occupy Wall Street Seeks Global Warming/UN Accord!
Do You Kiss Your Kids on the Lips?
TSA To Conduct New Study Of X-Ray Body Scanners
Something Needs To Be Done
If you've ever been Downtown and made the turn around the corner of my building onto Market Street, well, it's a complete 45 degree turn and most vehicles rear tires end up on the sidewalk.
Its bad enough that people are constantly parking right on the sidewalk several times a day but when you get a tractor trailer that thinks this is a normal thoroughfare, well, it's impossible for them to go in either direction without their trailer almost hitting the corner of my building or at least taking up the entire sidewalk.
The City has already replaced the concrete on the corner because it was so warn out from people driving on the curbing and sidewalk. Then there's people like the second picture that think nothing will happen to the concrete curb when they ride their vehicle up onto the sidewalk. Trust me, this happens so many times in a day it isn't funny.
Nevertheless, I'd request that the Mayor and Council restrict ANY traffic on this portion of the road to passenger vehicles only. I'd then request that they PAINT the curbs again, (it's probably been 20 years or more since it was done) and then start writing tickets.
Heck, give me the paint and I'll do it.
Freddie Mac Seeks $6 Billion More In Aid
Government-controlled mortgage giant Freddie Mac has requested $6 billion in additional aid after posting a wider loss in the third quarter.
Freddie Mac said Thursday that it lost $6 billion, or $1.86 per share, in the July-September quarter. That compares with a loss of $4.1 billion, or $1.25 a share, in the same quarter of 2010.
This quarter's $6 billion request from taxpayers is the largest since April 2010.
Best Line Of The Year
“Witnessing the Republicans and the Democrats bicker over the U.S. debt is like watching two drunks argue over a bar bill on the Titanic.”
Coons Marks First Anniversary In Senate
Chris Coons tells WDEL News he's tried to work with members of both parties to create jobs, reduce the national debt and deficit and improve infrastructure, but it's not always an easy thing to do.
Salisbury Police Department Press Release: Speed Cameras
As of November 4, 2011, The Salisbury Police Department is announcing that the warning phase for its speed camera program has concluded. On this date, the Automated Speed Enforcement Systems in the areas of East College Avenue, between Eastern Shore Drive and Arthur Court, and Emerson Avenue, from Union Avenue to Talbot Street will become active and will monitor for speed violations. The registered owners of vehicles found in violation will receive a citation in the mail. The Salisbury Police Department urges drivers to be alert and drive responsibly in these school zones.
Incredible Media Hatchet Job
Add the current media feeding frenzy over Herman Cain's accuser and recall how Paula Jones's accusations against a sitting President were barely covered. The media dishonesty and bias is disgusting and frightening.
"Our republic and its press will rise or fall together"- Joseph Pulitzer.
Accident On Rt. 50 In Hebron
There's been a serious accident on east bound Rt. 50 and Old Railroad. Two priority 3 patients. Pictures to follow.
Salisbury Home Invasion Update
ARRESTED: Juvenile, 15 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Armed robbery
Conspiracy to commit armed robbery
First degree assault
Handgun on person
Handgun use in a felon crime
Second degree assault
DISPOSITION: Pending decision by Juvenile Justice
The fourth suspect in this investigation is still at large. The fourth suspect has been identified by Salisbury Detectives as:
Lomar Lamont Belote, 29 years of age
African American Male, 6’2", 190 lbs.
Last known address: Roberts St., Salisbury
If anyone has any information regarding this investigation or the location of this suspect, they are asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at 410-548-3165, or Crime Solvers of Delmarva at 410-548-1776. Information may be left at both locations anonymously.
DSP Calls Elderly Millsboro Woman's Death "Suspicious"
Neighbors hadn't seen the woman leave her house on Barkantine Drive for several days, so they called 9-1-1 Wednesday afternoon, and when troopers arrived, they forced their way into the house after no one answered the door.