Jennifer Foxwell & Tracey Powell Meet Our Maryland Legislators
If only the Daily Times had spent the kind of time they should have on the original story in Annapolis about Sarah Foxwell and the real hero's behind the new legislation in Maryland referencing sex offenders.
In today's Daily Times there were a lot of names mentioned but not really the ones who had done all the hard work to get the new legislation passed.
We'll start with Delegate Mike Smigiel. Mike fought so hard in the previous session to get these laws better, as did Delegate Jim Mathias. Unfortunately it took Sarah Foxwell's death to really gain the attention these new laws deserved, along with her Mother Jennifer Foxwell and Aunt Tracey Powell.
I think we can all agree, if you look back at our original Posts about the history of this story, without Jennifer Foxwell and Tracey Powell, nothing would have changed.
Of course there's no mention whatsoever in today's article of their participation but maybe that's because their reporters are what we might call virgins to Salisbury and the Eastern Shore.
You can click on the title above or simply type in Sarah Foxwell or Jennifer Foxwell in the search bar in the top left hand corner of this Blog and see the REAL history behind who and what made such a historic change in sex offender laws in the state of Maryland.
My hat will forever be tipped legislative wise to Mike Smigiel, Jim Mathias, Norm Conway and Governor Martin O'Malley. Putting aside our personal differences, this could NOT have been done without Jennifer Foxwell and Tracey Powell. I don't think you'll find ANY state representative who would deny such a statement.
It's a shame the Daily Times ignored their participation and chose instead to re write history.
My hat will forever be tipped legislative wise to Mike Smigiel, Jim Mathias, Norm Conway and Governor Martin O'Malley. Putting aside our personal differences, this could NOT have been done without Jennifer Foxwell and Tracey Powell. I don't think you'll find ANY state representative who would deny such a statement.
It's a shame the Daily Times ignored their participation and chose instead to re write history.