10:41 The level of hate, bigotry and downright nastiness of the people on this site is not normal.
anonymous 10:55, so your saying being gay is "normal"?
I always thought "normal" was something that is acceptable in society.
Look, one of the reasons why we publish such information IS TO SEE if in fact things/situations like this are in fact "normal".
Like what we say or do, or not, the comments do really speak for themselves. I believe this is exactly how we find out if in fact it is "normal" or not.
The unfortunate part about what I do here is that the people that read COMMENTS always seem to THINK that this is MY opinion. Let me simply say this. When it is MY opinion, my name is on it, just like this one.
Here's the other thing about it. I see the hits we get each and every day. Salisbury News is ALWAYS growing. We do NOT sink to lower levels. So those of you who say I'll never be back or those who say they never come here are full of you know what.
Like ANY business out there, some days we publish articles that you agree with and some days we do not. HOWEVER, every day the same, (if not more) people come to this Site to see what's going on in our communities or around the world.
My closest and oldest personal friend is gay and I love him like a Brother and always will. We have argued about this for 40 years now, yes, I said 40 years. We agree to disagree on issues but I have no hate towards gay people whatsoever. Do I disagree with their lifestyle, yes. Do I understand it, no. I was raised in the Catholic Church and if I'm old school, well, I have a flaw, I guess, as most of us do in life. At least I'm willing to stand up for what I believe in. BUT, this does not mean I hate someone because they believe differently.
I also believe in life and experience that we as a society today do NOT know how to agree to disagree and quite frankly that is extremely unfortunate. We ALL have a place in society and I do NOT believe those who are let's say different than the "normal" should be an outcast. That being said, when the gay society chooses to lash out at someone with a Christian belief, they should be prepared and ACCEPT what the "normal" society does in fact believe.
In this case it would seem the gay people and others who support their beliefs are the ones who actually HATE when others do not support THEM.
WE can ALL get along, and we should. However, when politicians like O'Malley, (for example) shove new laws down our throats when the majority does NOT support him, we have the right to stand our ground and disagree. God Forbid we stand firm against Gay Marriage. God Forbid us bad guys actually challenge the Governor and put such a thing on referendum.
This still is America and I personally thank God we have the opportunity in this great country to be allowed such an opportunity to disagree.
In time we'll see what the outcome is in Maryland as a society and see where this brings us.
We should have a healthy debate on this issue. The personal attacks are unfortunate but what would it say about this Blog IF we were to censor ALL the comments to favor ONE SIDE?
That being said, don't hate me personally simply because we publish comments that disagree with you. Believe me, there are tens of thousands of comments we publish that I personally do NOT agree with.
What I have come to learn over all these years is that there is nowhere else, (at least on the Shore, if not the state) in which you can openly express your thoughts and opinions in such volume. You can look around the entire Internet and there are very few Blogs and MSM outlets that come anywhere close to the volume of comments we produce on a daily basis. Of course we're not going to all agree on what is said and done but one thing is for sure, each and every one of you are more educated on how we feel as a society and or as to what is "normal" or not.
In SOME states it is "normal" and legal to have more than one Wife. In MOST states, it is not. At this point in time it is not "normal" for two men or two women to marry. However, there are no laws stating they can't live together. How do many of you feel about a man living with more than one woman? There are NO laws against that, that I'm aware of. It seems this MARRIAGE thing is blown way out of hand.
The laws and rules are flawed, no question about it.
Let us together as a society decide what is right and what is wrong. Do NOT shove it down our throats as this is NOT the American way. IF gay marriage is decided by all society to be right and acceptable, then that will become law and or "normal". Until then, stop the hate on BOTH sides.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Low-tech EMP to send U.S. back to 'Stone Age'?
Eid-ul-Fitr, the Muslim holiday celebrating the end of Ramadan, was
an appropriate setting for a panel discussion today on the threat of an
Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, attack on the United States.
The live event, hosted by Florida-based The United West, was held to raise awareness of the looming threat.
The warning presented was startling: A crude nuclear device placed on top of a 50-year-old SCUD missile and launched by a tramp steamer could cause the collective collapse of the nation’s power grid in a matter of minutes.
The live event, hosted by Florida-based The United West, was held to raise awareness of the looming threat.
The warning presented was startling: A crude nuclear device placed on top of a 50-year-old SCUD missile and launched by a tramp steamer could cause the collective collapse of the nation’s power grid in a matter of minutes.
Have I Missed Something?
Happy vs Unhappy Muslims
I have to admit, this is brilliant. I’ve never heard it put this way. It’s plain and simple!!!
Many Muslims today are not happy!
They’re not happy in Gaza .
They’re not happy in Egypt .
They’re not happy in Libya .
They’re not happy in Morocco .
They’re not happy in Iran .
They’re not happy in Iraq .
They’re not happy in Yemen .
They’re not happy in Afghanistan .
They’re not happy in Pakistan .
They’re not happy in Syria .
They’re not happy in Lebanon .
So, where are they happy?
They’re happy in Australia .
They’re happy in the UK .
They’re happy in Canada .
They’re happy in the US .
They’re happy in France .
They’re happy in Germany .
They’re happy in Italy .
They’re happy in Sweden .
They’re happy in Denmark .
They’re happy in Norway .
So, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim.
And who do they blame?
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.
Excuse me, but have I missed something here?
Happy vs Unhappy Muslims
I have to admit, this is brilliant. I’ve never heard it put this way. It’s plain and simple!!!
Many Muslims today are not happy!
They’re not happy in Gaza .
They’re not happy in Egypt .
They’re not happy in Libya .
They’re not happy in Morocco .
They’re not happy in Iran .
They’re not happy in Iraq .
They’re not happy in Yemen .
They’re not happy in Afghanistan .
They’re not happy in Pakistan .
They’re not happy in Syria .
They’re not happy in Lebanon .
So, where are they happy?
They’re happy in Australia .
They’re happy in the UK .
They’re happy in Canada .
They’re happy in the US .
They’re happy in France .
They’re happy in Germany .
They’re happy in Italy .
They’re happy in Sweden .
They’re happy in Denmark .
They’re happy in Norway .
So, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim.
And who do they blame?
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.
Excuse me, but have I missed something here?
Resort Council Reluctantly OKs $100k Pledge For Upcoming Film
The Ocean City Council voted Tuesday to approve the Tourism Advisory
Board’s request to allocate $100,000 for investment in the upcoming
movie “Ping Pong Summer,” to be filmed in Ocean City and star Susan
Sarandon, though the council’s tenor seemed to be one of trepidation.
TAB had made the recommendation after meeting extensively with the film’s producers, as well as local business representatives, a fact that seemed to sway many council members more than the promise of the film itself.
Although not necessarily enthused, the council approved TAB’s recommendation as one that had come from a consensus group to which the council had already committed funding regardless of its use.
TAB had made the recommendation after meeting extensively with the film’s producers, as well as local business representatives, a fact that seemed to sway many council members more than the promise of the film itself.
Although not necessarily enthused, the council approved TAB’s recommendation as one that had come from a consensus group to which the council had already committed funding regardless of its use.
Sen. Sessions Wants Answers As ICE Agent Faces Suspension For Illegal Immigrant Arrest
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., is demanding answers after a report surfaced that a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent is facing punishment for arresting an illegal immigrant.
The unidentified agent could face a three-day suspension after he arrested a 35-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had as many as 10 traffic violations. He was nabbed in Newark, Del.
The agent was ordered by supervisors to release the individual because he was not a “priority target.” When the officer balked, he was threatened with a three-day suspension and the illegal alien was let go.
'Holmies' Rally In Support Of Colorado Killer
What many would consider to be unthinkable is happening in the wake of last month's Colorado theatre massacre.
'Holmies' have emerged on the social media scene in the aftermath of the tragedy that took 12 lives and injured a multitude of others during a midnight showing of 'The Dark Knight Rises' in Aurora, CO.
Supporters are popping up all over Tumbler, Facebook, and other social media sites to rally in support of James Holmes.
'Holmies' have emerged on the social media scene in the aftermath of the tragedy that took 12 lives and injured a multitude of others during a midnight showing of 'The Dark Knight Rises' in Aurora, CO.
Supporters are popping up all over Tumbler, Facebook, and other social media sites to rally in support of James Holmes.
Roseanne Still Running for President, Picks Cindy Sheehan as VP
The Domestic Diva doesn't need the Green Party, apparently.
Roseanne Barr, the far-far left sitcom alum, lost her fight to represent the Green Party in the upcoming presidential elections.Barr is still running for the highest office in the land. And she's put together a dream ticket for those who think Current TV is too conservative.
Offshore Wind Transmission Line May Cross Assateague
ASSATEAGUE -- If and when offshore wind energy is developed off the
coast of Ocean City, the transmission line connecting the turbines to
the distribution network on land will have to come ashore somewhere, but
a local conservation group last week voiced concern about a proposal to
run the connection across or under Assateague Island to points west.
In each of the last three General Assembly session, Governor Martin O’Malley has pushed legislation that would open the door to the development of a wind farm including anywhere from 40 to 100 turbines off the coast of Ocean City, and in each year, state lawmakers have balked at the proposal for a variety of reasons. However, proceeding on a parallel course has been an effort to develop a network of underwater transmission lines just off the coast in preparation for a future connection from offshore wind turbines to the mainland.
In each of the last three General Assembly session, Governor Martin O’Malley has pushed legislation that would open the door to the development of a wind farm including anywhere from 40 to 100 turbines off the coast of Ocean City, and in each year, state lawmakers have balked at the proposal for a variety of reasons. However, proceeding on a parallel course has been an effort to develop a network of underwater transmission lines just off the coast in preparation for a future connection from offshore wind turbines to the mainland.
Maryland Losing More Small Businesses Than Its Neighbors
Maryland lost 4.71 percent, or 6,494, of its small businesses from
2007 to 2010, a decrease that one fiscal policy group chalks up to the
state’s tax increases. But some economic experts say that is only part
of the answer.
Maryland fared about the same as Delaware, but lost a higher percentage of business than its other neighbors, according to U.S. Census figures for businesses with 1 to 99 employees.
Delaware lost 4.72 percent, or 1,176 businesses; West Virginia lost 4.51 percent, or 1,789 businesses; Virginia lost 3.66 percent, or 7,170 businesses; and Pennsylvania lost 2.64 percent, or 7,854 businesses. Washington, D.C. gained 523 businesses, or 2.59 percent.
Maryland fared about the same as Delaware, but lost a higher percentage of business than its other neighbors, according to U.S. Census figures for businesses with 1 to 99 employees.
Delaware lost 4.72 percent, or 1,176 businesses; West Virginia lost 4.51 percent, or 1,789 businesses; Virginia lost 3.66 percent, or 7,170 businesses; and Pennsylvania lost 2.64 percent, or 7,854 businesses. Washington, D.C. gained 523 businesses, or 2.59 percent.
Dew Tour Announces Athletes, Free Music Acts
OCEAN CITY – The Dew Tour’s second event in Ocean City is just around
the corner as big announcements were made this week, including
confirmed athletes and music performances.
Ocean City is the first stop out of three for this year’s Dew Tour, and the Pantech Beach Championships will hit Ocean City Aug. 16-19.
The new Dew Tour features three new large-scale events -- Skate Legends Bowl, Skate Mega 2.0 and BMX Mega 2.0 -- and includes skateboard and BMX competitions as well as a surf event and multiple music performances.
Top confirmed athletes include Baltimore native Bucky Lasek, skate vert champion Pierre-Luc Gagnon and BMX legend Jamie Bestwick.
Ocean City is the first stop out of three for this year’s Dew Tour, and the Pantech Beach Championships will hit Ocean City Aug. 16-19.
The new Dew Tour features three new large-scale events -- Skate Legends Bowl, Skate Mega 2.0 and BMX Mega 2.0 -- and includes skateboard and BMX competitions as well as a surf event and multiple music performances.
Top confirmed athletes include Baltimore native Bucky Lasek, skate vert champion Pierre-Luc Gagnon and BMX legend Jamie Bestwick.
Terrorist Freed After Obama Admin Denies Gitmo Entrance
Judicial Watch reports that Hezbollah commander Ali Mussa Daqduq, who tortured and killed 5 U.S. soldiers in Iraq and was detained by U.S. forces in early 2007, will be freed by an Iraqi court--the inevitable, and predictable, result of an Obama administration decision to hand him over to Iraqi authorities rather than bring him to Guantanamo Bay.
Judicial Watch summarizes the pathetic abdication of justice by the Obama administration:We all knew this would happen back in December when the commander-in-chief handed over the Lebanese militant, Ali Mussa Daqduq, to Iraqi officials. A mainstream newspaper presented it as a “dilemma” for the president as American troops prepared to exit Iraq. Daqduq had been in U.S. military custody in Iraq since 2007 for his involvement in a carefully orchestrated plot that killed, kidnapped and tortured American military officers.
Ocean City Police Advising Citizens Of Wanted Subject

Ocean City Police are advising residents and citizens about a wanted suspect who was involved in an armed robbery that occurred earlier today, August 3, 2012, at approximately 5 p.m. in the area of Rt. 50 and Rt. 589. Charles Rich Conden fled from the vehicle in the area of 100th Street prior to the police apprehending the other four suspects.
The Ocean City Police Department has received information that Conden is armed with a handgun. Conden is a white male, 19-years-old, 5”09, and 150lbs and has a clown tattoo with profane words under it.
Ocean City Police are advising citizens to use caution when coming in contact with Conden. Citizens are advised anyone coming into contact with Conden not to approach this subject and should immediately contact the Ocean City Police Department at: 410-723-6600 or call 911.
The Official OCPD Report Is In
On Friday, August 3, 2012, approximately 5:00 p.m., Ocean City Police were monitoring the Maryland State Police radio frequency when they heard a call for a report of an armed robbery with shots fired in the area of Rt. 50 and Rt. 589. The suspects, who fled the scene of the robbery, headed east on Rt. 50 in a blue Chevrolet with Pennsylvania registration.
A vehicle description was broadcast to all officers and the vehicle was subsequently located traveling north in the area of 77th Street and Coastal Highway. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle in the area of 80th Street, at which time the suspect vehicle failed to stop.
During a brief pursuit, the suspect vehicle reached speeds in excess of 80 miles per hour and eventually struck another vehicle in the 10th block of 120th Street while attempting to turn right. The four suspects involved in the pursuit fled the scene of the crash on foot, however, were apprehended moments later by officers and bystanders.
The suspects were identified as one female juvenile, Sarah Jean Gryskevicz, 19, of Wilkesbarre, PA, Antonio Lee Suarez, 18, of Allentown, PA, and Payne Stewart Prasnikar, 21, of Stillwater, PA. During the initial investigation, officers learned that the vehicle was stolen yesterday in a robbery in Pennsylvania.
The criminal investigation is being handled by the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation. Charges are pending from both the Ocean City Police Department and the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation.
On Friday, August 3, 2012, approximately 5:00 p.m., Ocean City Police were monitoring the Maryland State Police radio frequency when they heard a call for a report of an armed robbery with shots fired in the area of Rt. 50 and Rt. 589. The suspects, who fled the scene of the robbery, headed east on Rt. 50 in a blue Chevrolet with Pennsylvania registration.
A vehicle description was broadcast to all officers and the vehicle was subsequently located traveling north in the area of 77th Street and Coastal Highway. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle in the area of 80th Street, at which time the suspect vehicle failed to stop.
During a brief pursuit, the suspect vehicle reached speeds in excess of 80 miles per hour and eventually struck another vehicle in the 10th block of 120th Street while attempting to turn right. The four suspects involved in the pursuit fled the scene of the crash on foot, however, were apprehended moments later by officers and bystanders.
The suspects were identified as one female juvenile, Sarah Jean Gryskevicz, 19, of Wilkesbarre, PA, Antonio Lee Suarez, 18, of Allentown, PA, and Payne Stewart Prasnikar, 21, of Stillwater, PA. During the initial investigation, officers learned that the vehicle was stolen yesterday in a robbery in Pennsylvania.
The criminal investigation is being handled by the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation. Charges are pending from both the Ocean City Police Department and the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation.
Federal Grant To Restore Historic Slave Cabin
The U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded a $195,000 grant
to restore a historic slave cabin on the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway
on Maryland's Eastern Shore.
Sen. Barbara Mikulski and Sen. Ben Cardin made the announcement Friday.
Sen. Barbara Mikulski and Sen. Ben Cardin made the announcement Friday.
Ripken: Mother Kidnapping "Premeditated"
Ten days after his mother was abducted from her Aberdeen home, Cal Ripken, Jr., has spoken publicly for the first time about the case.
Ripken told reporters today that he believes that the kidnapping was "premeditated".
"Premeditated is my word, not law enforcement," Ripken said today.
Ripken also confirmed that his mother has not returned to her Aberdeen home since the kidnapping.
Cancer-Stricken Student Convinces Aetna CEO To Pay Off His Medical Bills Via Twitter
Talk about the power of social media — one graduate student battling Stage IV colon cancer in Arizona found out his Aetna health insurance plan had exceeded his $300,000 limit.He took to Twitter to express his frustration as his medical bills continued to grow and it turns out someone very influential was listening — the CEO of Aetna, who has subsequently agreed to pay "every last penny" of the man's medical expenses and agrees that the healthcare system is broken.
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The man on PCP who was responsible for causing life-threatening
injuries to Ann Marie DelRicco and her toddler, Ava, last December
pleaded guilty to all 11 charges against him in court Tuesday.
“I’m guilty, your honor,” Andre James Kaczynski, 48, told Judge Thomas C. Groton III in Circuit Court in Snow Hill.
His public defender, Arch Mc- Fadden, asked that Kaczynski be allowed to remain free on bond during the pre-sentence investigation, but the judge revoked the bond and Kaczynski was taken to the county jail.
“I’m guilty, your honor,” Andre James Kaczynski, 48, told Judge Thomas C. Groton III in Circuit Court in Snow Hill.
His public defender, Arch Mc- Fadden, asked that Kaczynski be allowed to remain free on bond during the pre-sentence investigation, but the judge revoked the bond and Kaczynski was taken to the county jail.
A Letter To The Editor 8-4-12
CITY OF SALISBURY wants to put SKATE BOARD PARK on EAST end of SOUTH PARK DR which is in the COUNTY not CITY
South Park Drive from Beaglin Park Dr. to the Elks Club is not in the City, they do not maintain the street, they do not send the police down that street so they want to put the skate park on that street? The land on the other side of the jogging path is in the city, that is where they want to put the skate park. The Land back there is also classified as wet lands....
Why not put the skate park on North Park Drive, where they own the street and the land is wider and far from the stream that runs through it? They can use the City Police to maintain order there because it will be on their land.
South Park Drive from Beaglin Park Dr. to the Elks Club is not in the City, they do not maintain the street, they do not send the police down that street so they want to put the skate park on that street? The land on the other side of the jogging path is in the city, that is where they want to put the skate park. The Land back there is also classified as wet lands....
Why not put the skate park on North Park Drive, where they own the street and the land is wider and far from the stream that runs through it? They can use the City Police to maintain order there because it will be on their land.
Sobo's Wine Beerstro
August is going to be an exciting month for Sobo's Wine Beerstro and we are happy to offer you all some really exciting events to spice up the end of summer. Seats are limited and filling up fast so call to reserve your seats today!!!
Tuesday, August 14th
Learn how to make some of your favorite seasonal cocktails with trained professionals at Sobo's Wine Beerstro on Tuesday August 14th. We are having four cocktails with four paired food courses for only $30 a person!! You will get to make some of your own cocktails and do it just like the pros. Call to reserve your spot today!! 410-219-1117
Tuesday, August 21st
Women's Wine at Sobo's has always been a staple and we look forward to having you ladies out again. Every third Tuesday we will be featuring some fantastic new wines as well as new cuisine to pair with theses selections.
Thursday, August 23rd
You are invited to join us on Thursday, August 23rd at 6:30 P.M. for a 5 course Heavy Seas Beer Dinner paired with awesome food from Sobo's Wine Beerstro. Founder & Owner of Heavy Seas Beer Hugh Sisson will be joining us for the evening & tickets will be limited. Tickets are $45 per person and limited so call to reserve your seat today!! 410-219-1117
Tuesday, August 14th
Learn how to make some of your favorite seasonal cocktails with trained professionals at Sobo's Wine Beerstro on Tuesday August 14th. We are having four cocktails with four paired food courses for only $30 a person!! You will get to make some of your own cocktails and do it just like the pros. Call to reserve your spot today!! 410-219-1117
Tuesday, August 21st
Women's Wine at Sobo's has always been a staple and we look forward to having you ladies out again. Every third Tuesday we will be featuring some fantastic new wines as well as new cuisine to pair with theses selections.
Thursday, August 23rd
You are invited to join us on Thursday, August 23rd at 6:30 P.M. for a 5 course Heavy Seas Beer Dinner paired with awesome food from Sobo's Wine Beerstro. Founder & Owner of Heavy Seas Beer Hugh Sisson will be joining us for the evening & tickets will be limited. Tickets are $45 per person and limited so call to reserve your seat today!! 410-219-1117

On August 1, 2012 at 4:46 p.m., Ocean City police officers responded for an eviction at the Islander Motel, 2001 North Philadelphia Avenue. While at the scene of the eviction, officers monitored a call for service from the Ocean City Beach Patrol who were looking for a suspect in a reported theft of money from a beach stand vendor at 19th Street and the beach.
OC Beach Patrol officers provided a description of a container, which was described as a tool or tackle box that contained money, as well as a description of three white male suspects. One of the officers, who had been assisting at the eviction scene, was dispatched to the theft call at 19th Street and the beach. While enroute to the theft scene, the officer observed a group of subjects matching the description of the persons believed to be involved in the crime to be carrying a tackle box covered by a towel.
The officer saw three males walking toward the scene of the Islander Motel. He asked them if he could see the box and then he subsequently determined that it was the stolen tackle box. The male in possession of the stolen box was identified as Shane David Trump, 20, of Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
The victim arrived on scene at the Islander Motel and positively identified the stolen item. An inventory of the stolen box revealed a large quantity of cash (not disclosing the exact amount) as well as the victim’s cell phone. Note: the suspects involved in this theft were part of the group being evicted from their motel room.
The police investigation revealed that only Trump was the actual suspect. Police placed Trump under arrest. Trump was charged with felony theft. Trump was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was released on his own recognizance.
Gabby Douglas' Proud Airman Father Has Watched Her From Afar
While Gabby Douglas has been preparing to capture American hearts in the London Olympics, her father has been serving in the Air Force.
The 4-foot-11, 16-year-old gymnast nicknamed the “Flying Squirrel” made history Thursday when she won the gold medal in the women’s all-around competition. Her father, Air Force Staff Sgt. Timothy Douglas, who has served multiple deployments throughout her childhood, was not on hand. But he first saw in June what the world has witnessed this week in his talented and charismatic daughter.
“There’s an exuberance,” Douglas told the Des Moines Register in late June, after surprising his daughter at the Olympic Trials in San Jose. “There’s a feeling that you can’t describe.”
Gays Don't Like To Kiss In Public After All
ATF & GSA Managers Resign
Two federal managers have departed in the wake of scandals. The former deputy director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives left Thursday. William Hoover was reassigned in October in a shakeup over the ATF's Fast and Furious gun-walking operation in Mexico. Hoover was named in a congressional report fixing blame for the operation that resulted in the death of a Border Patrol agent. Paul Prouty has left the General Services Administration after 41 years of service. He was the Public Buildings Service commissioner for Region 8. The service has been criticized for an expensive Las Vegas conference it held in 2010.
100 Days Is A Long Time
The presidential election is about 100 days away. President Obama and Mitt Romney are roughly even in the various polls, with Obama holding slight leads in the key swing states.
A lot can happen in 100 days or thereabouts. Napoleon, for example, went from ignominious exile at Elba to triumph in Paris to utter defeat at Waterloo. South Korea was lost and then saved by Gen. Matthew Ridgway in about 100 days of winter in 1950 and early 1951. In 1948, supposedly doomed incumbent President Harry Truman went from 17 points down in the polls to a victory margin of 4.5 percentage points on Election Day
A lot can happen in 100 days or thereabouts. Napoleon, for example, went from ignominious exile at Elba to triumph in Paris to utter defeat at Waterloo. South Korea was lost and then saved by Gen. Matthew Ridgway in about 100 days of winter in 1950 and early 1951. In 1948, supposedly doomed incumbent President Harry Truman went from 17 points down in the polls to a victory margin of 4.5 percentage points on Election Day
Race Isn't The Problem For Obama
The president of the AFL-CIO is worried that President Obama is doing poorly among white, working class, male voters -- and he plans on putting 400,000 of his troops in the field in six key states to change the equation.
Recent polls show the president doing poorly with white males with less than a college education. Mitt Romney leads the president among white males voters by more than 2-to-1 in a recent Washington Post poll, with the president favored by only 28 percent of this demographic group. Other polls show similar results. Republicans have won a majority of white males' votes in most recent elections; but the president has slipped significantly among this cohort from his last race. In 2008, Obama carried 39 percent of white male votes.
Richard Trumka, the former coal miner who now leads the 8.4 million- member AFL-CIO, hopes he can at least convince his own white male members to vote for Obama. But, apparently, he doesn't have a very high opinion of those who choose not to follow his lead. He recently told Reuters that of the 1-in-4 union members who didn't vote for Obama in 2008, "some of this I think was pure racism. Some of them would be gun owners, some of them would be right-wing. Some of them would be ... died-in-the-wool Republicans."
Recent polls show the president doing poorly with white males with less than a college education. Mitt Romney leads the president among white males voters by more than 2-to-1 in a recent Washington Post poll, with the president favored by only 28 percent of this demographic group. Other polls show similar results. Republicans have won a majority of white males' votes in most recent elections; but the president has slipped significantly among this cohort from his last race. In 2008, Obama carried 39 percent of white male votes.
Richard Trumka, the former coal miner who now leads the 8.4 million- member AFL-CIO, hopes he can at least convince his own white male members to vote for Obama. But, apparently, he doesn't have a very high opinion of those who choose not to follow his lead. He recently told Reuters that of the 1-in-4 union members who didn't vote for Obama in 2008, "some of this I think was pure racism. Some of them would be gun owners, some of them would be right-wing. Some of them would be ... died-in-the-wool Republicans."
Investigators Looking For Wanted Sex Offender

Investigators Looking for Wanted Sex Offender
Location: 5000 block of Woodland Ferry Road, Seaford, DE
Date of Occurrence: July 23, 2012
Suspect and Charges:
Roger W. Price, 50, Seaford, DE (Photo Attached)
White male, 6’00” tall, 210 lbs., brown hair, and hazel eyes
Failure to Re-Register as a Sex Offender
Seaford, DE- The Delaware State Police Sex Offender Apprehension and registration Unit (S.O.A.R) is currently looking for a Seaford sex offender after he failed to re-register his current address.
Investigators have obtained warrants on Roger W. Price, 50, who is a moderate risk Tier 2 sex offender, after they learned that he failed to re-register is home address within three days as he is required to do by law.
Roger Price is described as a white male, 6’00” tall and 210 lbs., brown hair and hazel eyes. Price may be operating a gray 1994 Toyota Camry with Delaware registration HP16483 and could possibly be in the Bowers Beach, Frederica or Dover area.
The Delaware State Police Sex Offender Apprehension and Registration Unit is asking anyone who may know the location of Roger W. Price to call 9-1-1 or 302-739-5882. Citizens may also provide a tip by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333.
Callers can also submit information via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com.
Burn Down The Suburbs?
Not exactly, but Obama is already working to get rid of them.
Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities, by Stanley Kurtz, from Sentinel HC.
President Obama is not a fan of America’s suburbs. Indeed, he intends to abolish them. With suburban voters set to be the swing constituency of the 2012 election, the administration’s plans for this segment of the electorate deserve scrutiny. Obama is a longtime supporter of “regionalism,” the idea that the suburbs should be folded into the cities, merging schools, housing, transportation, and above all taxation. To this end, the president has already put programs in place designed to push the country toward a sweeping social transformation in a possible second term. The goal: income equalization via a massive redistribution of suburban tax money to the cities.
Obama’s plans to undercut the political and economic independence of America’s suburbs reach back decades. The community organizers who trained him in the mid-1980s blamed the plight of cities on taxpayer “flight” to suburbia. Beginning in the mid-1990s, Obama’s mentors at the Gamaliel Foundation (a community-organizing network Obama helped found) formally dedicated their efforts to the budding fight against suburban “sprawl.” From his positions on the boards of a couple of left-leaning Chicago foundations, Obama channeled substantial financial support to these efforts. On entering politics, he served as a dedicated ally of his mentors’ anti-suburban activism.
Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities, by Stanley Kurtz, from Sentinel HC.
President Obama is not a fan of America’s suburbs. Indeed, he intends to abolish them. With suburban voters set to be the swing constituency of the 2012 election, the administration’s plans for this segment of the electorate deserve scrutiny. Obama is a longtime supporter of “regionalism,” the idea that the suburbs should be folded into the cities, merging schools, housing, transportation, and above all taxation. To this end, the president has already put programs in place designed to push the country toward a sweeping social transformation in a possible second term. The goal: income equalization via a massive redistribution of suburban tax money to the cities.
Obama’s plans to undercut the political and economic independence of America’s suburbs reach back decades. The community organizers who trained him in the mid-1980s blamed the plight of cities on taxpayer “flight” to suburbia. Beginning in the mid-1990s, Obama’s mentors at the Gamaliel Foundation (a community-organizing network Obama helped found) formally dedicated their efforts to the budding fight against suburban “sprawl.” From his positions on the boards of a couple of left-leaning Chicago foundations, Obama channeled substantial financial support to these efforts. On entering politics, he served as a dedicated ally of his mentors’ anti-suburban activism.
What's Happening In Ocean City
August 4
Children's Storytelling with the Kinderman ShowFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
August 4
Berlin Peach FestivalDowntown Berlin Visit Website
August 4
Blessing of the CombinesDowntown Snow Hill Visit Website
August 4
Masters of MotownFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
August 5
Sundaes in the ParkNorthside Park, 125th Street Visit Website
August 5
Beach Lights SpectacularNorth Division St Visit Website
Aug 6 - Aug 10
Whie Marlin Open Fishing TournamentHarborside Island 14th St. Bay Visit Website
August 6
Movies on the Beach27th Street Beach Visit Website
August 7
Family Beach Olympics27th Street Beach Visit Website
August 7
Beach FireworksNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
August 8
Concerts on the BeachNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
August 9
Susnet Park Party NightSunset Park South Division St Bay Visit Website
August 9
NewFound RoadFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
Aug 10 - Aug 12
Worcester County FairBird Park Snow Hill Visit Website
August 10
The Water CoolersFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
August 10
Movies on the Beach27th Street Beach Visit Website
August 11
OC Custom Car & Bike ShowConvention Center 40th Street Visit Website
August 11
The Music School of DelawareFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
August 11
Heritage Art for KidsPurnell Museum, Market St, Snow Hill Visit Website
August 12
Sundaes in the ParkNorthside Park 125th Street Visit Website
August 12
Beach Lights SpectacularNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
August 14
Beach FireworksNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
August 15
Concerts on the BeachNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
Children's Storytelling with the Kinderman ShowFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
August 4
Berlin Peach FestivalDowntown Berlin Visit Website
August 4
Blessing of the CombinesDowntown Snow Hill Visit Website
August 4
Masters of MotownFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
August 5
Sundaes in the ParkNorthside Park, 125th Street Visit Website
August 5
Beach Lights SpectacularNorth Division St Visit Website
Aug 6 - Aug 10
Whie Marlin Open Fishing TournamentHarborside Island 14th St. Bay Visit Website
August 6
Movies on the Beach27th Street Beach Visit Website
August 7
Family Beach Olympics27th Street Beach Visit Website
August 7
Beach FireworksNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
August 8
Concerts on the BeachNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
August 9
Susnet Park Party NightSunset Park South Division St Bay Visit Website
August 9
NewFound RoadFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
Aug 10 - Aug 12
Worcester County FairBird Park Snow Hill Visit Website
August 10
The Water CoolersFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
August 10
Movies on the Beach27th Street Beach Visit Website
August 11
OC Custom Car & Bike ShowConvention Center 40th Street Visit Website
August 11
The Music School of DelawareFreeman Stage Bayside Visit Website
August 11
Heritage Art for KidsPurnell Museum, Market St, Snow Hill Visit Website
August 12
Sundaes in the ParkNorthside Park 125th Street Visit Website
August 12
Beach Lights SpectacularNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
August 14
Beach FireworksNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
August 15
Concerts on the BeachNorth Division St Beach Visit Website
Mr. President, You’re No Bill Clinton
Former President Bill Clinton is slated to deliver a prime-time address at the Democratic National Convention. No doubt, he’s going to give one hell of a talk. The man is on his game, enjoying the highest favorable ratings he’s seen since 1993; a robust 66 percent of Americans think highly of the former president.
It’s a politically astute choice by Barack Obama, as “there isn’t anybody on the planet who has a greater perspective on not just the last four years, but the last two decades, than Bill Clinton,” David Axelrod explained to The New York Times. “He can really articulate the choice that is before people.”
He sure can. Or, rather, he sure could, if he felt like it. Problem is that if Clinton actually used his perspective, he’d be giving a rousing convention speech on the benefits of free trade and free markets at the Republican convention. After all, if the man from Hope has taught America one thing, it’s that even a power-abusing letch can be great for prosperity if he just leaves the economy alone.
It’s likely that Clinton never really believed that the era of big government was actually over — or going to be over — or that it should have been over, but it is nearly inconceivable to imagine him telling voters that government was the primary source of progress and prosperity or arguing that the central reason for entrepreneurial success is not smarts or hard work or even luck but rather the yeoman’s work of bureaucrats who cobble together much-needed wind farms and such.
It’s a politically astute choice by Barack Obama, as “there isn’t anybody on the planet who has a greater perspective on not just the last four years, but the last two decades, than Bill Clinton,” David Axelrod explained to The New York Times. “He can really articulate the choice that is before people.”
He sure can. Or, rather, he sure could, if he felt like it. Problem is that if Clinton actually used his perspective, he’d be giving a rousing convention speech on the benefits of free trade and free markets at the Republican convention. After all, if the man from Hope has taught America one thing, it’s that even a power-abusing letch can be great for prosperity if he just leaves the economy alone.
It’s likely that Clinton never really believed that the era of big government was actually over — or going to be over — or that it should have been over, but it is nearly inconceivable to imagine him telling voters that government was the primary source of progress and prosperity or arguing that the central reason for entrepreneurial success is not smarts or hard work or even luck but rather the yeoman’s work of bureaucrats who cobble together much-needed wind farms and such.
Major Traffic Jam

The Dump Truck that ran off the Bypass, down the hill and into the woods was a major task for Simpson's Towing. Nevertheless, this company, (fortunately for us) has the right equipment and skills to complete such a task.
The image above is the final stage of getting that Dump Truck back on the road and towed away. When I left the Office yesterday the traffic was backed up from the Draw Bridge in Downtown Salisbury all the way back to the Bypass. That has to be one of the biggest traffic jams I've ever seen here on the Shore.
Delaware Young Farmers Program Helps 10 Farm Families Purchase Land In First Year
Farmers from Kent and Sussex Counties all received help purchasing land - nearly 900 acres total - from the Delaware Young Farmers Program, marking its first year.
Strong-Arm Tactics Don’t Foster Cooperation On Bay Cleanup
Towns and counties far from Chesapeake Bay are required to take strong measures to improve water quality to reduce pollution to the bay. How the asking gets done makes a big difference, notes columnist Tim Rowland.
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State Sells $700 Million In Bonds At Record Low Rates
The Board of Public Works approved the sale of more than $700 million in general obligation bonds Wednesday at historic low interest rates of about 2.16%.
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Shouldn’t We Be Able To Negotiate On College Tuition?
If someone offers to sell you a life-changing product ranging in price anywhere from $10,000 to $250,000 -- maybe more -- chances are that most of you will at least attempt to negotiate that price down; only suckers pay sticker price. And yet, when it comes to a college education, it's unheard of to call up competing institutes of higher learning to see if you can knock a few bucks off the MSRP.
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Great American Beer Festival Turning Into Great American PR Disaster For Ticketmaster
Drinking beer is supposed to be fun. Drinking beer with several thousand other people who also enjoy drinking beer should be even more fun. And yet, the folks at Ticketmaster have been doing all they can to make it as complicated as possible for beer fans to go to the Great American Beer Festival.
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Beginning October 1, 2012, Mopeds and Motor Scooters must be titled and insured, and a title decal must be displayed on the rear of the vehicle. Also, riders must wear protective headgear. If there is no windscreen, eye protection must also be worn.
to obey the same “Rules of the Road” as bicyclists.

- It is a bicycle designed to be operated by human power
- with the assistance of a motor;
- The motor has a rating of 1.5 brake horsepower or less;
- It has pedals that drive the rear wheel(s);
- It has 2 or 3 wheels, of which one is more than
- 14 inches in diameter.
- It is a non-pedal vehicle that has a seat for the operator;
- Has two wheels, of which one is 10 inches or more in diameter;
- Has a step-through chassis;
- It has a motor with a rating of 2.7 brake horsepower or less;
- It has an automatic transmission;
to obey the same “Rules of the Road” as bicyclists.
I possess a large cent of 1851. The cent was found in a box left by my great-uncle when he died in October, 1954, aged 69. My grandmother told me the story behind the initials crudely punched into the coin. It seems that Uncle Johnny (the JPK on one side of the coin were his initials for John P. Kelly) was in love with a girl whose initials were JSD. According to my grandmother, his sister, she broke his heart. Either she didn’t know who it was or she wouldn’t tell me. I can only guess that he put the initials on the coin as a grim reminder of his love lost. The hole in the middle was probably put there at the same time as the initials and he may have worn it around his neck. The 1851 date on the coin means the coin was in circulation for over 50 years and shows the wear of the many years since it was struck. As a result, he never got married. He lived his entire life in one room in the Brewington Building, which is on the NW corner of Main and Division Streets. Many will remember it as the old Read’s Drug Store. He never owned or lived in a home. He worked his way up to shipping supervisor at the Manhattan Shirt Factory which is now Season’s Best Antique Mall. That worked out nicely for him as he never owned a car and his employment was within walking distance. He also ushered at St. Francis de Sales Church which was also downtown within walking distance. You could find him there every Sunday.
In this day of people owning multiple homes for a variety of reasons, this is how one man’s life was changed by a simple act of amorous rejection. He apparently settled into his way of life and it was actually a very simple life. When he died, he had enough in the bank to buy several homes and a car. But, by this time, he had made the adjustments to his life that suited him and who is to say he didn’t have the right idea. A nice orderly life is something that few seek today.
Somewhere along the line we have developed the mentality that we always have to have more. Satisfaction is a very personal thing and something we have more control over than we think. The screen saver on my computer was taken from a sign my grandmother had in her kitchen. It reads, “Happiness is liking what you’re doing, not doing what you like.” A lot of wisdom from an old cedar sign with its pinked edges.
So, something as mundane as an old coin with some initials punched into it may just have a story to tell. This one did and I was just lucky enough to have someone still around that could tell it.
Are We Over Pay TV? DirecTV Lost Subscribers For The First Time Ever
Have you been staring sullenly at your cable or satellite bill, wishing you maybe didn't have to pay so much for TV anymore? Seems some customers are getting turned off pay-TV services, as DirecTV says it's finally losing subscribers for the first time, with a downturn of 52,000 customers between April and June. It added 26,000 customers in the same time frame last year, which is the toughest time of the season for luring in new customers.
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TheBlaze Interviews the Guy Fired for Berating a Chick-fil-A Employee (Updated with Quotes)
Should someone be fired from their job and threatened with violence,
torture, even death because they have an opinion different than yours?
Of course not. And yet, that is what Adam M. Smith of Arizona says happened to him.
Adam Smith’s life has been turned upside-down in the 36 hours that followed his posting the video of his protest at Chick-fil-A, which involved letting a young, female employee at the drive-thru know what he thinks about the company.
Adam Smith’s life has been turned upside-down in the 36 hours that followed his posting the video of his protest at Chick-fil-A, which involved letting a young, female employee at the drive-thru know what he thinks about the company.
Want Big Government Bucks ... Become A Coach Or Professor!
According to the experts, federal government employees are either overpaid by 58 percent or underpaid by 24 percent. That's a fact!
Both sides are dead sure their numbers are correct. From their careful and exhaustive studies we can conclude that federal workers are either paid way too much or way too little! Or something like that.
The government vs. industry pay "gap" has been debated for decades. Neither side has budged even a percentage point. But maybe both groups have been looking in the wrong place and drawing their sometimes cherry-picked data from the wrong sources. For example:
Congress is now battling over whether to raise taxes for the rich (which would include most members of Congress) or let the so-called Bush tax cuts continue past their 2013 expiration date. But while most people are focused on Uncle Sam's negative cash-flow, hard-hit state governments continue to raise taxes. For good reason, it turns out. They really need the money ...
Both sides are dead sure their numbers are correct. From their careful and exhaustive studies we can conclude that federal workers are either paid way too much or way too little! Or something like that.
The government vs. industry pay "gap" has been debated for decades. Neither side has budged even a percentage point. But maybe both groups have been looking in the wrong place and drawing their sometimes cherry-picked data from the wrong sources. For example:
Congress is now battling over whether to raise taxes for the rich (which would include most members of Congress) or let the so-called Bush tax cuts continue past their 2013 expiration date. But while most people are focused on Uncle Sam's negative cash-flow, hard-hit state governments continue to raise taxes. For good reason, it turns out. They really need the money ...
Blessing Of Combines Returns To Snow Hill
The Worcester County seat’s salute to agriculture, Blessing of the
Combines, will take place on Saturday, Aug. 4 beginning at 11 a.m.
In preparation, local farmers Byron Hauck, Bill Figgs, Roger Richardson, Buster Powell, David Shockley, Virgil Shockley, George Lee Clayville, Jack Shockley and Lee Holloway are shining up their combines for the Parade of Combines. Clerk of Court Steve Hales will introduce the keynote speaker, Delegate Mike McDermott.
Hundreds of folks gather for this annual celebration of agriculture, strolling Green Street’s booths, visiting Bank Street’s craft and food vendors, learning from Scales and Tales, checking out antique tractors and garden tractors, and taking a hay ride or a carriage ride.
In preparation, local farmers Byron Hauck, Bill Figgs, Roger Richardson, Buster Powell, David Shockley, Virgil Shockley, George Lee Clayville, Jack Shockley and Lee Holloway are shining up their combines for the Parade of Combines. Clerk of Court Steve Hales will introduce the keynote speaker, Delegate Mike McDermott.
Hundreds of folks gather for this annual celebration of agriculture, strolling Green Street’s booths, visiting Bank Street’s craft and food vendors, learning from Scales and Tales, checking out antique tractors and garden tractors, and taking a hay ride or a carriage ride.
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