NYT: President Obama will rule out on Wednesday any compromise that would extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy beyond this year, officials say.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Early Morning Death In O/C Identified
Philadelphia Avenue, in reference to a subject found unconscious and possibly not
Officers located the unconscious male subject as well as two civilians who were
performing CPR on the subject. As officers continued CPR, Ocean City Fire Department
Paramedics responded to the scene and transported the subject to Atlantic General
Hospital where the individual was pronounced dead. He has been positively identified as Christopher Paul Cherenyack, 34, of Sugarloaf, PA.
OCPD is awaiting results of an autopsy to be performed at the office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Maryland in Baltimore.
The identification was made by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Maryland,
through forensic fingerprint analysis. The exact cause of death is still pending.
Legislator Honored for Commitment to Service and Equality
BLADENSBURG, MD (September 7, 2010) – Today at a morning ceremony at the Bladensburg Waterfront Park on Annapolis Road, colleagues, friends and family members of the late Senator Gwendolyn Greene Britt gathered with Governor Martin O’Malley to dedicate the CSX Bridge over MD 450 to the hard-working Prince George’s County senator whose service to constituents was legendary.
“Today’s dedication is a fitting tribute to a visionary leader who spent her life fighting to create a stronger, fairer future for all Americans,” said Governor O’Malley. “Senator Britt was not someone who bragged about her accomplishments. But without Senator Britt’s perseverance, the new CSX bridge might not be here today. When the future of this bridge was in doubt, Senator Britt fought for the funding needed to finish construction.”
Gwendolyn Greene made headlines in the 1960s when she was arrested at the Glen Echo Amusement Park for refusing to leave. She was one of five Howard University students who were plaintiffs in civil rights suits that were heard before the Supreme Court arguing for desegregation of the amusement park.
She was also a Freedom Rider in the ‘60s and spent 40 days in jail in Jackson, Mississippi. She was a voter registration volunteer in McComb, Mississippi, helping African Americans who had been denied the right to register to vote because they could not interpret the Constitution before white registrars.
In 2007, Senator Britt co-sponsored a controversial bill with State Delegate Justin Ross that would allow convicted released felons the right to vote. The bill successfully passed both the houses of the legislature. She was a member of the Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland and chairman of the Prince George's County Senate Delegation.
Her sudden death in January 2007 after five years in the State Legislature was a tremendous loss not only to her family and constituents, but to her colleagues and those who worked with her outside of the legislature.
Legal Fund Benefit Dinner
The Wicomico Young Farmers and Ranchers are pleased to be hosting a benefit dinner to provide much needed income to Worcester County, Maryland chicken growers and farmers Alan and Kristin Hudson to help with their legal defense fund. With the assistance of the taxpayer supported University of Maryland Environmental Law Clinic, the New York-based Waterkeeper Alliance has launched legal action against Mr. and Mrs. Hudson for alleged violations of the federal Clean Water Act. Unlike the New York-based Waterkeeper Alliance, no Maryland taxpayer-supported legal clinic is helping Mr. and Mrs. Hudson. To help them pay their enormous legal bills, the Wicomico Young Farmers and Ranchers have stepped forward to raise money.
Tickets are on sale for a Thursday, September 23 benefit dinner at the Watermen’s Seafood Restaurant, 12505 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City, Maryland (westbound U.S. Route 50 in West Ocean City).
There will be two seatings: one at 5:30 p.m. and the other at 7:30 p.m.
The cost is $16 per person for an all-you-can-eat fried chicken and steamed shrimp dinner.
Tickets are limited and are going fast. To reserve tickets, contact Mr. Lee Richardson at 410-430-2016.
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson face huge legal bills and the community is being asked to help them. The Wicomico Young Farmers and Ranchers are pleased to be part of this effort.
Site Meter Is On Fire
There are more to come this morning, plus a bonus package referencing Julie Brewington. Stay tuned Folks.
MD Primary – Wicomico Republican Central Committee
One indication of a seeming renewal in the local GOP is the number of candidates running for the Wicomico GOP Central Committee. There are 13 candidates seeking 9 slots (you can vote for 0 – 9 candidates).
It is our opinion that the Wicomico GOP needs more than surplus candidates to rejuvenate the local party. We believe that 5 candidates stand out and represent (for different reasons) what the Wicomico GOP needs:
- Joe Collins
- G. A. Harrison
- Mark McIver
- Dave Parker
- Michael Swartz
We hope that, if elected, these individuals can help lead a grassroots effort that will move Wicomico County and Maryland into a more conservative and prudent future by recruiting and electing strong candidates to rival a virtual Democrat / left-of-center monopoly. Each person possesses different strengths and talents, all of which are necessary if the Wicomico GOP is to successfully move forward.
Readers may be surprised that we are saddened to see the retirement of Dr. John Bartkovich from the GOP central committee. While we have had disagreements with Dr. Bartkovich in the past, his service to the GOP and his community has been invaluable. While we may not be totally pleased with the current state of the Wicomico and Maryland GOP, we can’t imagine the current condition without the leadership of Dr. Bartkovich.
We also wish that two former members, Bonnie Luna and Cynthia Williams, had chosen to run again this year. While the local GOP may appear to be on an upswing, the talents of individuals like Bartkovich, Luna, and Williams are needed if the local and state parties hope for long term success.
MD Primary – Wicomico Democrat Central Committee
There are four persons running for seven slots. Assuming that they each show up and vote for themselves, Democrats don’t have much choice in the matter. This isn’t a dispersion on any of the candidates, just a simple numbers game.
We wish there were more Democrats running for the available slots. When the Democrat Central Committee reorganizes, they will select individuals to fill the other available slots.
MD Primary – Wicomico State’s Attorney
Republican Primary -
Candidate Matt Maciarello has no primary opponent.
Democrat Primary -
Incumbent Davis Ruark brings 24 years to the job. With the most infamous crime in memory coming to a jury next spring, do Wicomico voters really want to change horses?
Ruark’s primary opponent (who has very little prosecutorial experience) has run a stealth campaign in reference to Ruark’s 2008 DUI arrest. Ruark has admitted he was wrong, asked the forgiveness of his family and the citizens of Wicomico County. If there was evidence that Ruark was mismanaging his office we would say, “Throw the bum out!”. That evidence doesn’t appear to exist.
Democrat voters thinking about voting against Ruark should go into the voting booth remembering two words – SARAH FOXWELL. Change for change’s sake isn’t necessarily good – particularly in this year and this race.
MD Primary – Wicomico County Executive
Republican Primary -
Candidate Joe Ollinger has no opposition.
Democratic Primary -
Incumbent Rick Pollitt has two primary opponents, Tom Taylor and John Wayne Baker. While we have been a frequent critic of Pollitt’s during his first term, it is our belief that he deserves to be re-nominated for a second term.
Pollitt’s experience, as a town administrator and as County Executive, count. While we don’t always agree with Pollitt’s approach to fiscal matters, he has shown himself to be a stable influence during these tough economic times.

The Ireton administration is planning to propose that the City Council authorize a new “stormwater utility” fee to generate a “revenue stream” dedicated to funding projects to manage stormwater and perform street sweeping, etc., based on the “stormwater runoff impact” of each property, including all existing homes. In a memo to the City Administrator, the public works department has proposed a fee structure that would, in its example, charge $10 per year for each home; most non-residential properties would pay considerably more under the fee structure being proposed.
However, the basis for the calculation is not fully disclosed, so we can’t really tell if it is realistic or simply a theoretical “example”. Nor is there any guarantee that the fee would not be increased in the future, after it is initially imposed, just like the City’s other fees and taxes have been increased steadily for many years now.
Because funding for stormwater projects and activities such as street sweeping is now provided from the City’s general revenue, which is mostly generated by taxes, this so-called “stormwater utility” fee is essentially a cleverly disguised tax masquerading as a fee – just like the City’s trash collection fee. Such “fees” are devices to obtain revenue without having to face the heat that comes from raising the tax rate.
If Ireton can blow this one by the Council, what will be next? How about a “street utility” fee based on the number of vehicles at each home? Or maybe a “PAC 14 utility” fee, based upon TV sets? Then there’s the potential for “possible impact” fees – for example, because of the potential for fire, there could be a “fire utility” fee to pay for more engines and fireboats. And don’t forget about police,
Anyone out there wanna bet that the City’s tax rate will be reduced to reflect the new “fee” to create a “revenue stream” of money into the City’s coffers? And when will Salisbury residents start coming to the Council meetings if only to say: “I’m mad as hell” and then do something to keep this clandestine tax increase from taking place?
Veteran Legislators: Proctor, Vallario Fight For Another Term
Proctor still considers himself an educator first
Despite his 20 years in the House of Delegates, Del. Jim Proctor thinks of himself as an educator.
“I am an educator who happens to be in the Maryland House of Delegates,” Proctor said. “I had a full career as a teacher, a principal and an administrator. Until I retired, every day, my job was taking care of the children of Prince George’s County.”
Vallario recalls evolution of laws through last 36 years on Judiciary Committee
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Vallario has been pursuing two legal careers, practicing law since the 1960s and making laws almost as long as a member of the House of Delegates.
“I love the legislature,” Vallario said. “The legislative process is fascinating, and I feel like I’ve got a lot to offer to help the people.”
Editors Notes: Vallario is the Delegate who fought against the new sex offender laws and created so many problems while we were in Annapolis. He was disrespectful and actually got up and left the meeting where this topic was being discussed. I personally hope he doesn't sit another day past this term.
'Censored' Bar Won't Stop Online Prostitution, Some Say

Local Candidate Stands Against Tax Increase

Dustin Mills, candidate for House of Delegates, is the only District 37A candidate not to support the development of a substantial new alcohol tax. Rudy Cane and Von Siggers, both candidates for 37A, pledged to support a measure increasing taxes on wine and spirits nearly 900%. While many have used the phrase “dime a drink” to help push this policy, it really represents a much stronger impact on local small businesses. This measure, pushed by the Maryland Citizen's Health Initiative would increase taxes to help create funds for government mandated healthcare programs.
“This is yet another tax increase being pushed by liberal lobbyists and special interests,” stated Mills. “This and other tax increases continue to put a burden on small businesses and individuals in Maryland and on the Eastern Shore.” This bill would force local restaurants to raise their prices and would put an unfair burden on locally owned businesses. Large corporate businesses would be able to absorb the cost, but local restaurants would be forced to make tough decisions to make ends meet. Mills believes this is the wrong way to do business. “Locally owned restaurants are a critical part of our economy and we must do everything possible to allow them to succeed.”
This type of bill is a reflection of a broader philosophy in Annapolis of using tax increases to help fund continually growing government. This tax increase bill was created to help fund a government healthcare mandate that was passed in 2007 that had no funding source. “We cannot continue to pass laws that have no funding formula and then use later tax increases to try and support them,” said Mills. “We must guarantee we have the money up front and then we can develop programs. The state is going bankrupt and we cannot put the burden on the taxpayer, because they are burdened enough.” For more information, please contact Dustin at electdustinmills2010@gmail.com or via his website, www.electdustinmills.com.
Jewish Groups Get Most Homeland Security Grants; Few Muslim Groups Apply
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security awards grants annually to nonprofit organizations at high risk for terrorist attacks through its Urban Area Security Initiative program. The grants are for security equipment like alarms, cameras, lighting and fences.
Only two of the 20 mosques in Maryland got grants. Some who failed to apply described the process as complex and cumbersome, and they also said some Muslim groups are cautious and reluctant to apply to the government for funds.
GO HERE to read more.
Call To Action - West Road Illegal Dump Site
Hi All
In recent and some not so recent conversation spanning over two years with Mr. Edward M. Dexter, P.G., Administrator of the Solid Waste Program for the state of MD at MDE, it was made clear to myself that clean up of the site on West Road would involve only capping the site to stop chemicals from percolating into the Paleo Channel beneath the illegal dump site. So that you know, the Paleo Channel supplies about 80% of the drinking water in Salisbury.
By using such a method, our city is still being threatened by the chemicals in the ground. This clean up procedure is not only unacceptable to myself but neither is it acceptable to anyone I have spoken with about this issue.
Now is the time to voice our opinion about the clean up effort.
It would be greatly appreciated by all concerned if you could contact Mr. Dexter by phone and/or email and voice your opinion as to how you would like to see the site cleaned up. It is very unsettling to have a ticking time bomb underground threatening our health and economic well being by destroying all of Salisbury's drinking water supply.
FYI I personally witnessed the illegal dumping of construction chemicals and 55 gallon drums full of burnt motor oil and the like. It is still there, threatening all of us.
I gather from Mr. Dexter, and this is just a feeling, that if we back him by showing our concern, then he will dig his heels in and get the job done through classifying this site as a Federal EPA Super Fund clean up site. He does have funds available to his department to draw water from the monitoring wells that should come back with contaminants that will give proof positive that this site needs clean up immediately by some one now not later.
The MDE predicted that the contaminants would be in our drinking water by 2003. I hope we are not to late.
Please pass this email on to all you know any light up his phone with calls of concern.
Mr Dexter's contact info is as follows:
Edward M. Dexter, P.G., AdministratorSolid Waste ProgramMaryland Department of the Environment1800 Washington Blvd., Suite 605Baltimore MD 21230-1719
Phone (410) 537-3318 Facsimile (410) 537-3842 E-mail edexter@mde.state.md.us
This problem threatens all of our healths and economic futures.
34 Y/O Male Found Dead In O/C
Upcoming Fundraiser For Colburn/Haddaway
The Red Roost’s history dates back to the 1940’s when it originated as a chicken house constructed of cinder block and oak. Once abandoned, it was reclaimed during the 1970’s when the Palmer family created The Red Roost Restaurant. Residents of the area flocked to the eatery to sample delicious steamed crabs, fresh corn on the cob and mouth watering fried chicken. In 1996, the brothers Tom and John Knorr purchases “The Roost” from the Palmers and have kept traditions alive. The relaxed, friendly atmosphere, synonymous with Eastern Shore life, is the perfect setting to enjoy the area's world famous seafood bounty.
Come enjoy the final Sunday of the summer with friends old and new! Tickets are $50 per person and must be purchased below from:
* We need to receive your reply form by September 10, 2010 so we can order the crabs*
YES! I will be attending your Crab Feast, which is to be held at the Red Roost in Whitehaven on
Sunday September 19, 2010. I have enclosed $_____ and would like to have _____ seats at $50 per seat for the event!
Rich/Jeannie! I cannot attend on September 19, 2010 but I still want to help! I have enclosed $_________ to help your campaign.
Name: ______________________________
Address: _________________________________
Telephone: ________________
Tickets will not be given out, so please provide us with the names of all persons attending so that we may pre-print name tags. Thank you!
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Please make checks payable to: Citizens for Colburn Committee and send to:
5210 Heron Road
Cambridge, Maryland 21613
*Reply forms must be received by September 10, 2010 *
*Reserve your spot now!*
Tea Party Seeks Another Upset In Delaware's Senate Primary
WILMINGTON, Del. — Thanks to the tea party, Rep. Mike Castle's once smooth path to Delaware's Republican Senate nomination suddenly has become less predictable — and is providing a fresh reason for already staggering moderate Republicans everywhere to be frightened.
Castle has been a Delaware favorite for decades. A former governor and, more recently, a veteran congressman, his common-sense, independent approach to politics was expected to give him an easy path to nomination and perhaps victory this fall for the Senate seat held for 36 years by Vice President Joe Biden.
Instead, the tea party, which shocked the political establishment last week with the defeat of a Republican incumbent — Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski — and earlier successes in Nevada , Utah and Kentucky , has turned its attention to Delaware .
Chris Shirey , a respiratory therapist who's the Delaware Tea Party state coordinator, is eagerly pushing Christine O'Donnell , a long-shot conservative commentator whose style and appearance bear some resemblance to Sarah Palin , in the state's Sept. 14 primary.
"I never vote a straight ticket," Shirey said, "but I want smaller government. I liked Castle. I was really trying to convince him."
GO HERE to read more.
Check This Out
Under the "Subversive Activity Registration Act" members of the Tea Party, etc. will have to register with the state governments who pass this legislation or be jailed for 10 years. That's right Joe. Listen to it. If you make statements indicating your belief that the government should be controlled by the people you will be considered a subversive and be subject to registering with the state. The proposed legislation below is from South Carolina.
Obscure Marriage Laws
Marriage by proxy, which means someone stands in for a bride/groom who can't be present at his/her wedding, is limited to members of the U.S. Armed Forces. But of the four states that allow the practice — California, Colorado, Texas and Montana — Montana is the only one that allows double-proxy weddings. Essentially, neither the bride nor groom has to show up. Call us old-fashioned, but it doesn’t seem like the ideal start to the biggest commitment of one's life.
For a few months between 2007 and 2008, anyone under 18 could get married in Arkansas with parental consent. (Yes, even babies — as their parents agreed!) The original law was meant to allow pregnant teenagers to get married if their parents approved, but lawmakers forgot to put in an age minimum. The law was corrected in April 2008, making the minimum age 17 for boys and 16 for girls.
Ever been dared to get married ... as a prank? Neither have we. But apparently this happens often enough in Delaware that it's actually an option when couples file for an annulment. Along with the basic reasons such as marrying "without the capacity to consent" or "under duress," couples can now check "because of a jest or dare" when applying to dissolve their nuptials
In Kentucky, it's illegal to remarry the same man four times. Honestly, good for Kentucky: If you've already divorced him three times, someone should step in. Of course, as long as it's different men, you can get married and divorced as many times as you like.
In Truro, Mississippi, a groom-to-be must "prove himself manly" prior to marriage by hunting and killing either six blackbirds or three crows. Manly is a good thing. Dead birds? Not so much.
Despite the fact that the infamous witch trials were over 300 years ago, religious conservatism is still alive in Salem, Massachusetts — at least on the law books. Apparently, married couples are not allowed to sleep in the nude in a rented room. Of course, reflecting on numerous media reports about germs on hotel bedspreads, who would want to?
South Carolina
In South Carolina it's illegal for a man over 16 years old to propose marriage and not mean it. Doing so means he's committing a misdemeanor under the Offenses Against Morality and Decency Act. Not sure if that means he will be forced to marry the woman in question, or if he can't ask for a woman’s hand as a way to seduce her. We hope it's the latter.
Many husbands would probably say their mother-in-law isn't their favorite person in the world. But for those who really, really dislike their wife's mother, moving to Wichita, KS, might be a good option. In this city, a man's mistreatment of his mother-in-law may not be used as grounds for divorce.
Imagine it: You get a babysitter so you and your hubby can go out for a romantic dinner. Afterward you take a stroll around town. Caught in the moment, you lean in for a passionate kiss. Busted! The police can cuff you and throw you in jail — that is, if you live in Hartford, Connecticut ... and it's Sunday. Well, maybe not these days, but technically, it’s still illegal in this city for a man to kiss his wife on the Lord's Day.
It’s most likely that your wedding was officiated by a religious figure or judge. Or, if you're a bit more eccentric than some, you had a friend become ordained so he or she could marry you. New Orleans has made it illegal for palm readers, fortune tellers, mystics and the like to officiate a wedding. Guess they don't want you peeking at your future — you'll just have to go into it with blind faith like everyone else!
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release
Brooke Mulford Heads Off To First Day Of School Today

The Mulford Family have a bitter sweet day today as they are bringing Brooke to her first day of school at the Salisbury Christian School. They were seen early this morning at Subway picking up a turkey and cheese sub for Brooke.
You have come a long way young lady. Have a GREAT DAY!
Ehrlich Campaign Releases First Television Ad

Annapolis—The Bob Ehrlich for Maryland campaign today released its first television advertisement, titled “Let’s Get to Work.” The 30-second ad will air in the Baltimore TV market beginning Sunday morning. It can also be viewed by clicking here or by visiting Bob Ehrlich’s Youtube page. “Let’s Get to Work” outlines Bob Ehrlich’s priorities for Maryland, including fixing Maryland’s budget deficit, empowering small businesses to create jobs, creating excellent schools, and cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay.
Rehoboth Man Charged In Domestic Altercation

4500 Coastal Highway Rehoboth Beach, De (Wawa convenience store parking lot)
Saturday September 4, 2010 1:29 a.m.
48 year old Rehoboth woman
21 year old woman Milton, De
Russell L. Swartz-49 Ramblewood Drive Rehoboth, De
Charge(s) and Bond Information:
Assault 3rd
Terroristic Threatening
Sussex Correctional Institute $2,000 secured bond
Rehoboth Beach-Delaware State Police early Saturday September 4, 2010 responded to the Wawa convenience store located at the intersection of Coastal Highway and Wolf Neck roads.
Delaware State Troopers learned that a 48 year old Rehoboth woman and her boyfriend Russell L. Swartz were traveling home from an area restaurant when she and Swartz became engaged in a verbal altercation. The victim pulled into the Wawa convenience store off of Coastal Highway in an attempt to get Swartz out of the vehicle. It was at this point Swartz became irate and began to punch the victim and place her into a choke hold. Swartz is also alleged to have threatened to kill the victim. The victim did not require medical treatment. This incident occurred in the victim’s vehicle in the parking lot of the Wawa.
A witness to this physical altercation observed the victim in distress and walked over to her car to assist. As the witness got closer Swartz swung open the passenger’s side door almost striking the witness. Swartz told the witness he would do the same to her (paraphrase). The witness was not injured in this incident.
Swartz was later apprehended by Troopers and charged with the above listed offense. Swartz was remanded to Sussex Correctional Institute on $2,000 secured bond.
Would You Pay $25 For The Right To Speed?
More »
Exposes Ehrlich's Failed Record
Baltimore, MD - The O'Malley-Brown Campaign responded decisively to Bob Ehrlich's first ad that is filled with more of the false innuendo and empty promises we've come to expect from the failed former governor. As governor, Ehrlich raised taxes and fees by $3.3 billion (including the property tax) on every Maryland family, presided over record spending increases, cut school construction funds, and cut critical programs to protect the Chesapeake Bay.
"In his pie in the sky TV ad, Bob Ehrlich is once again distorting the facts and making more empty promises as he tries to run away from his record. Marylanders have good reason to be skeptical of Ehrlich's empty promises, given his record as the biggest spending governor in Maryland history who raised taxes and fees by over $3 billion," said O'Malley-Brown Campaign Manager Tom Russell.
"While Bob Ehrlich's empty promises are an insult to the intelligence of Maryland voters, Governor Martin O'Malley has been honest with Maryland families about the tough decisions we've made to cut state spending, reduce the size of government, and at the same time protect core priorities like public education, improved public safety, and restoring the Bay," added Russell.
Fact Check
The best indication of what someone will do in the future is to look at what they've done in the past. So at the O'Malley-Brown Campaign, we're setting the record straight on Bob Ehrlich's failed record.
Bob Ehrlich said he would reduce taxes, but actually raised taxes and fees by $3.3 billion when he was in office -- including a 58% increase in the state's property tax, a tripling of corporate filing fees, and the 58% car tax increase. In fact, while in office, Bob Ehrlich didn't cut a single tax.
Under Governor O'Malley, 85.8 percent of Marylanders now pay less in state income taxes. All individuals making less than $88,750 and married couples making less than $172,500 now pay the same or less in income and sales taxes than they paid during the Ehrlich administration.
Bob Ehrlich said he would save us all money, but actually increased state spending by a whopping 33% and issued over $2.7 billion in new debt. And since he returned to the campaign trail, Bob Ehrlich has made more than $850 Million in new campaign promises without offering any plan for how he would pay for them.
By contrast, Governor O'Malley has made the tough decisions to cut spending by $5.6 Billion, reduce the size of state government and make Maryland one of only 8 states to maintain a Triple A bond rating. According to the Baltimore Sun, "O'Malley has made repeated rounds of cuts to keep Maryland's budget in balance over the last four years - in fact, cutting projected spending far more than Mr. Ehrlich did."
Bob Ehrlich promised to fight for Maryland jobs, but then hiked small businesses' taxes and tripled their state filing fees. He encouraged Maryland businesses to move jobs overseas and joined a law/lobbying firm that specializes in offshoring jobs.
By contrast, Governor O'Malley has fought to keep jobs in Maryland-- expanding access to credit for Maryland businesses, providing new tax credits for hiring, and investing in new innovative programs to expand economic growth in Maryland. Under his leadership, Maryland has retained jobs better than all but four other states and our unemployment rate remains 25% below the national average.
Bob Ehrlich may say he cares about public education, but Bob Ehrlich actually failed to fully-fund our schools and created a crisis in public school construction when he was governor. On top of that, Ehrlich has already promised a return to the 40 percent increase in college tuition that defined his one term in office.
By contrast, under Governor O'Malley, Maryland was recently named a winner in the Race to the Top initiative for its efforts to reform our public schools. Governor O'Malley has froze college tuition costs, fully-funded public education in our state and he ended the crisis in school construction. Under Governor O'Malley's leadership, Maryland has doubled the number of charter schools to 42 and the National Education Association named Governor O'Malley "America's Greatest Education Governor" for his efforts to support public education in our State and provide our teachers, students, parents and education professionals with the tools they need to build the #1 ranked public school system in the nation.
And Bob Ehrlich says he cares about the Bay, but Bob Ehrlich actually cut critical programs, like Program Open Space, for Bay restoration. Bob Ehrlich allowed over-development and sprawl and actually tried to sell state owned land for development on Maryland's Eastern Shore.
Under Governor O'Malley, the Chesapeake Bay is the healthiest it's been in years - receiving its highest grade since 2002 from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Governor O'Malley's Baystat program has been adopted as a national model for efforts to retore the enitre Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Click here to read more about Bob Ehrlich's failed record on taxes and spending.
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Wargotz: Mikulski Policies Destroying Housing Market
Annapolis - Eric Wargotz M.D. today criticized Senator Mikulski for existing-home sales plunging a record 27.2% in July. Analysts expected the existing-home sales to plunge 12%. The housing sector is at the center of the longest and deepest recession since the Great Depression and its weakness is holding the economy back. Actions taken by this Congress have completely distorted the housing market. Congress forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to issue loans to people who cannot afford them. Senator Barbara Mikulski supported these actions.
Eric Wargotz M.D. released the following statement on the housing numbers:
"Actions must be taken to restore the housing market. For 34 years, Mikulski has taken actions that have increased government intervention into the housing market. By allowing those who cannot afford houses to buy them, she created a system that resulted in record numbers of home foreclosures. Bigger and more intrusive government is not the answer to every problem facing our nation, and yet that is what Mikulski believes. I support policies that will get Americans back to work which will in turn restore our housing market."
MEMORIES From A Friend
How many do you remember?
Head lights dimmer switches on the floor.Ignition switches on the dashboard.Heaters mounted on the inside of the fire wall.Real ice boxes.
Pant leg clips for bicycles without chain guards.
Soldering irons you heat on a gas burner.
Using hand signals for cars without turn signals.
Salisbury, Md. – The Augusta GreenJackets used an eight-inning performance by pitcher Andy Reichard and a four-run sixth inning to beat Delmarva, 7-2, in the finale of the 2010 season from Arthur W. Perdue Stadium.
The Shorebirds got on the board in the fourth inning. With two outs, Austin Rauch blasted a low-lying line drive over the left field wall to give the ‘Birds a 1-0 lead. It was his first home run with the Shorebirds this season.
In his final outing of the year, Matt Hobgood allowed only one hit and no runs in five innings. He retired the final nine batters that he faced.
The GreenJackets jumped on relief pitcher Aaron Swenson. Ryan Lollis tripled off the bottom of the right field wall to open the frame. Then, Ydwin Villegas doubled to plate Lollis. Augusta took a 2-1 lead on a sacrifice fly RBI to right field by Skyler Stromsmoe. Then, Chris Dominguez blasted a long home run to give Augusta a 4-1 advantage.
The Shorebirds moved within two runs in the bottom of the sixth inning on a Omar Casamayor single down the left field line to score Stampone.
The GreenJackets tacked on three more runs in the ninth inning to build a 7-2 edge.
Kevin Landry tossed a scoreless seventh inning while T.R. Keating hurled a scoreless eighth inning.
The Shorebirds open the 2011 season on April 5 with a special exhibition game against Salisbury University at Arthur W. Perdue Stadium. For tickets and information, call the Shorebirds Box Office at 410-219-3112.
SHOREBIRDS GAME NOTES: 9/6 vs. Augusta (Season Finale)
Please do not hesitate to contact me for information or interview requests during the off season.
PREVIEW: The Shorebirds aim to close the season on a high note with a win in the finale. With a win, the ‘Birds will avoid becoming the second team in franchise history to win less than 60 games (1999 - 58). A loss would give the ‘Birds the most loses in franchise history (1999 - 80).
60 RBI CLUB: Ty Kelly is two RBIs shy of joining the 60+ RBI club. Since the 2004 season 12 players have reached 60 RBIs: Nick Markakis (64, 2004), Jason Fransz (111, 2005), Arturo Rivas (62, 2005), Ryan Finan (78, 2006), Mark Fleisher (67, 2006), Miguel Abreu (60, 2007), Brandon Tripp (79, 2007), Chris Vinyard (82, 2007), Tyler Henson (62, 2008), Joe Mahoney (61, 2008), Joe Nowicki (78, 2008) and Ron Welty (67, 2009).
41 TRIPLES: The Shorebirds have recorded 41 triples this season, the most in a single-season since the 2000 season (42). The Shorebirds record is 48, achieved by the ‘96 team.
OFFENSIVE THRIVING: Shortstop Garabez Rosa has seen his offensive numbers boom of late. Rosa has hit safely in nine of his last eleven games (16-43, .372).
GAME NUMBER 2083: Tonight marks game number 2083 in the 15 year history of the Shorebirds franchise. The Shorebirds are 1053-1029 since the inaugural 1996 season. Since day one, 3,775,197 fans have watched ‘Birds baseball.
Salisbury, Md. – Jesse Shriner led off the top of the ninth inning with a solo home run to lift the Augusta GreenJackets to a 3-2 win at Arthur W. Perdue Stadium on Sunday night.
The GreenJackets scored the game’s first run in the fourth inning. Skyler Stromsmoe and Shriner drew back-to-back walks. Juan Martinez then dropped a sacrifice bunt to advance the runners to second and third. Then, Nick Liles hit a groundout to short to bring home Stromsmoe.
In the fifth, Chris Dominguez clobbered his 20th home run of the season to give the GreenJackets a 2-0 lead.
The Shorebirds tied the game in the sixth inning. Levi Carolus blasted a bending line drive that flew past the center field for a triple to score Ty Kelly and Tyler Stampone.
In the ninth inning, Shriner connected on a T.R. Keating pitch and drove it over the left field wall to give the GreenJackets a 3-2 lead.
Augusta reliever Chris Gloor earned the win in two innings of relief. He allowed one hit and no runs. Keating was pinned with the loss.
Chris Wilson earned his fourth save of the season. He tossed a scoreless ninth inning.
GreenJackets pitching used the strikeout to record five of the final nine outs of the game.
Edit Draft SHOREBIRDS GAME NOTES: 9/5 vs. Augusta
PREVIEW: The Shorebirds vie for a game three win in the second to last game of the 2010 season. The Shorebirds will close the 15th Anniversary Season on Monday afternoon at 2:05 p.m. The Shorebirds need one more win to avoid becoming the second team in franchise history to win less than 60 games (1999 - 58).
60 RBI CLUB: Ty Kelly is two RBIs shy of joining the 60+ RBI club. Since the 2004 season 12 players have reached 60 RBIs: Nick Markakis (64, 2004), Jason Fransz (111, 2005), Arturo Rivas (62, 2005), Ryan Finan (78, 2006), Mark Fleisher (67, 2006), Miguel Abreu (60, 2007), Brandon Tripp (79, 2007), Chris Vinyard (82, 2007), Tyler Henson (62, 2008), Joe Mahoney (61, 2008), Joe Nowicki (78, 2008) and Ron Welty (67, 2009).
41 TRIPLES: The Shorebirds have recorded 41 triples this season, the most in a single-season since the 2000 season (42). The Shorebirds record is 48, achieved by the ‘96 team.
OFFENSIVE THRIVING: Shortstop Garabez Rosa has seen his offensive numbers boom of late. Rosa has hit safely in nine of his last eleven games (16-43, .372).
GAME NUMBER 2082: Tonight marks game number 2082 in the 15 year history of the Shorebirds franchise. The Shorebirds are 1053-1028 since the inaugural 1996 season. Since day one, 3,772,606 fans have watched ‘Birds baseball.
PLAYING QUICK: Since August 1, the Shorebirds have only played in one game over three hours long (8/20 vs. Hagerstown (13 innings)).
16 EXTRA INNING GAMES: The Shorebirds have played 16 extra inning games this season, the most since the 2007 season (19). The ‘Birds are 4-12 this season in extra inning games. Eleven of the 16 extra-inning games have come at Perdue Stadium.
SEPTEMBER WOES: The Shorebirds are 2-9 over the last two seasons in the month of September. Last year, the ‘Birds went 1-6 during the final month of the year.