DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Former Pre-School Teacher Arrested For Rape In Fourth Degree
It was learned that Bollinger befriended the 14 year-old victim in the beginning of the summer of 2008. The two became friends through a mutual acquaintance and began to communicate regularly. In June Bollinger would pick the victim and two of his friends, a 13 year-old and 14 year-old boys, up in her car and drive them back to her apartment located on ALT US 13 north of Laurel. It is alleged that Bollinger had sexual encounters with the 14 year-old multiple times between June and July. The two friends of the victim reportedly were in the apartment while the sexual assault occurred on more than one occasion.
After the investigation began troopers attempted to locate Bollinger for several months and finally were successful in February 2009.
State Police charged Bollinger with 6 counts of Rape in the 4th degree. She was arraigned and committed to the Department of Correction in default of $12,000 secured bail pending and appearance in the Court of Common Pleas in and for Sussex County on March 19, 2009 for a preliminary hearing.
State Police learned that Bollinger was a pre-school teacher in Blades and was currently employed as a daycare manger at an exercise facility in Seaford. Troopers are asking that anyone who may have additional information concerning Bollinger’s contact with other juveniles is asked to contact the Major Crimes Unit at Troop 4 in Georgetown by calling 302-856-5850 ext 222. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Hand Gun Bill HB 470
Delegate Page Elmore provided this info by email about the hand gun bill HB 470.
Hand Gun Right-to- Carry Lies with Judiciary Committee
This PRO-GUN legislation to permit carrying a hand gun, HOUSE BILL 470, is still alive, but its fate is in the hands of the Judiciary Committee.
The decision is entirely up to THIS committee.
HB 470 if passed will remove “good, substantial reason to wear, carry or transport” from existing law.
The companion HB 682 that would have ”required a permit be issued in reasonable time after successful completion of Federal Flight Deck Officer Program” died in committee.
If you support this Hand Gun Bill, you may wish to contact the members of the Judiciary Committee and tell the members how you feel about HB 470 and your right to carry a hand gun in the state of Maryland. All 22 committee members meet to consider this bill and ALL VOTE on this bill. So contact as many of the 22 committee members as possible.
The following information is from the Maryland Judiciary Committee website.
(Just Google MD Judiciary Committee. It will be the first entry. )
(You may also monitor the progress of any bill online at mlis.state.md.us
Just fill in the bill # 470, hit enter and scroll down to History by Legislative and Calendar Date.)
Call or write these Judiciary Committee Members and tell them how you feel about HB 470 and your right to carry a hand gun in Maryland.
Eight of twenty-two members ARE co-sponsors!
Dial same Toll-free number for all members : 1-800-492-7122, press 1, then individual committee member’s extension.
OR WRITE members at:
House Office Building
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE MEMBERS : ** 8 are co-sponsors of HB 470
** Concentrate your calls on the 14 who are not co-sponsors
Chairman Joseph F. Vallario, Jr. Room 101 Extension: 3488
Email: joseph.vallario@house.state.md.us
Vice-Chairman Samuel L. Rosenberg Room 101 Extension: 3297
Email: samuel.rosenberg@house.state.md.us
Curtis Stovall Anderson Room 314 Extension: 3291
Email: kurt.anderson@house.state.md.us
Benjamin Barnes Room 209 Extension: 3046
Email: ben.barnes@house.state.md.us
Jill P. Carter Room 317 Extension: 3283
Email: jill.carter@house.state.md.us
Frank Conaway Room 315 Extension: 3189
Email: frank.conaway@house.state.md.us
Kathleen M. Dumais Room 350 Extension: 3052
Email: kathleen.dumais@house.state.md.us
**co-sponsor Don H. Dwyer, Jr. Room 154 Extension 154
Email: don.dwyer@house.state.md.us
**co-sponsor William J. Frank Room 213 Extension: 3793
Email: william.frank@house.state.md.us
**co-sponsor J.B. Jennings Room 319 Extension: 3698
Email: jb.jennings@house.state.md.us
** co-sponsor Kevin Kelly Room 320 Extension: 3404
Email: not on web site, call
Benjamin F. Kramer Room 226 Extension: 3485
Email: benjamin.kramer@house.state.md.us
Susan C. Lee Room 414 Extension 3549
Email: susan.lee@house.state.md.us
Gerron S. Levi Room 210 Extension 3101
Email: gerron.levi@house.state.md.us
**co-sponsor Susan K. McComas Room 326 Extension 3272
Email: susan.mccomas@house.state.md.us
**co-sponsor Tony McConkey Room 157 Extension: 3406
Email: tony.mcconkey@house.state.md.us
Victor R. Ramirez Room 415 Extension: 3340
Email: victor.ramirez@house.state.md.us
**co-sponsor Todd L. Schuler Room 305 Extension: 3526
Email: todd.schuler@house.state.md.us
Luiz R.S. Simmons Room 225 Extension: 3037
Email: luiz.simmons@house.state.md.us
**co-sponsor Michael D. Smigiel, Sr. Room 323 Extension: 3555
Email: michael.smigiel@house.state.md.us
Ktriselda Valderrama Room 225 Extension 3210
Email: kris.valderrama@house.state.md.us
Jeffery D. Waldstreicher Room 221 Extension: 3130
Email: jeff.waldstreicher@house.state.md.us
A Salisbury Firefighter's Comment With My Reply
I'd like to respond to your challenge below. First, I apologize to Mr. Disharoon if he felt threatened by one of our members when he responded passionately to being insulted. The polite thing would have been for our member to merely walk away, which is the tact our leadership has been taking regarding the insults levied on this blog. Unfortunately, the lies, overt and suggested, continue.
We in the SFD are proud of the work we do, and the accomplishments we've made under the leadership of those you continue to bash. Further, you cannot trash our leaders without trashing our organization and its members. The smartest among us know to steer clear of this blog, but so many different charges are being levied, and necessarily followed up by city administration, that it is becoming a drain on the organization merely to respond.
Like any group of people, we are almost never in complete agreement regarding every decision that comes down from SFD administration, but those members who are working for its betterment know how to become involved in the work committees that made most of the decisions that you blame on the chiefs. Apparently, not every member shares this sense of team, as you are obviously receiving information from within our organization, but those disgruntled members, by such actions, are demonstrating that they have personal agendas that are not in concert with the mission of the SFD.
The poor "reputation" you ascribe to See and Gordy is only in your minds and those who choose not to seek the truth themselves. The SFD has progressed more under their leadership, and the majority of members who are working in concert with them, resulting in adequate facilities, apparatus, and equipment; defined and enforced training requirements; and thoughtful strategic planning to ensure we are better able to stay ahead of the challenges we face.
Are we perfect? No. In fact, we have a lot of work to do, in a lot of areas, and will continue to do so despite these constant attacks. But our leaders are neither idiots nor crooks, and those of you who believe the slurs directed their way by this blog are the ones with questionable intelligence. It's apparently way too easy for some people to fire off a question about someone's integrity, then sit back and watch the damage from the comfort of their computer screen.
If you truly want the facts, stop by a station and ask your questions. If you don't like what you see and hear (or if you do), go to the City Council or the Chief's office and state your case. This forum is not the place for truth, and is not the place to effect change.
Further, you cannot trash our leaders without trashing our organization and its members.
I will NOT stand still and not say what I feel simply to please SOME of the Firefighters that will kiss See & Gordy's a$$, sorry. As I stated in my comment, learn to respect your elders and if you cannot do so, get out of the business.
The smartest among us know to steer clear of this blog, but so many different charges are being levied, and necessarily followed up by city administration, that it is becoming a drain on the organization merely to respond.
I disagree, again. Some of you follow your leaders like puppets because they have instructed you NOT to come to this Blog. That is your choice,. However, some are very upset that Comrade See & Gordy TELL you what to do and brainwash you or you are retaliated against like several of the people we have already seen. So I say to you, act like a man and tell them you'll do what you so choose on your own time. Clearly you are on this Blog anyway, not listening to them anyway, so why not just tell them you disagree? Oh, that's right, because you're a big bad Fireman that is only a man when he is following directions, I forgot. Man, that Fire Department should send ALL OF THEIR VEHICLES OUT TO BE PAINTED PINK.
"but those disgruntled members"
Let me wake you up to something you're clearly not aware of. First of all you sound like you were directed by the Mayor herself with that disgruntled crap. Nevertheless, you need to realize just how many alleged disgruntled Firefighters there are within the SFD!!!!!! You are clearly clueless, just like the Mayor believing there are only a "Dirty Dozen" people who disagree with her.
"The poor "reputation" you ascribe to See and Gordy is only in your minds and those who choose not to seek the truth themselves."
Let me ask you something. Have YOU ever been on a business trip with Bill Gordy? Oh, let's take for example, Hooters. Were you on the scene with David See on the side of Rt. 13 when he allegedly tripped over a coffee table?
"Are we perfect? No."
Neither are we, I'll admit that as well.
"But our leaders are neither idiots nor crooks, and those of you who believe the slurs directed their way by this blog are the ones with questionable intelligence."
Well, let's see here. Some of this has yet to be determined. Have there been other Fire Trucks sold as surplus items and delivered with the equipment that was NOT surplussed? Has there been other equipment that went to Deale Island, Virginia and other locations OUT of this County that were given away, without being surplussed by the City/County? We'll again see about that in due time. We'll see just who's more intelligent soon enough.
"If you truly want the facts, stop by a station and ask your questions. If you don't like what you see and hear (or if you do), go to the City Council or the Chief's office and state your case. This forum is not the place for truth, and is not the place to effect change."
Here was my question on PAC14 Feb. 23rd, 2009.
"How many homes are on the Wicomico River in the city limits of Salisbury that cannot be accessed by a fire truck whether it's a business or residential?"
The City's reply.......
"We do not have specific data on the number of homes on the river that have access issues. It is noted that there may be several homes that, due to their location and size of driveways pose a limited access problem to the fire department."
OK, I went to the horses mouth, I asked the proper question and I got no answer. You are asking us, the taxpayers, to put up $860,000.00 for a Fire Boat, yet the two top people were NOT able to provide the answer to what I would consider the very first step in selling the taxpayers on why this fire boat is such a necessity.
You can play with words, you can act like your intentions are all well and good. You can even go so far as act as if you're doing us all a favor but the reality is, you're out of control and you simply do not like being challenged. If the majority of you went into business you would fail miserably, seriously!
Salisbury News is an OUTLET for not only my opinion, it' an outlet to educate the public/taxpayer and if we're wrong we give you every opportunity to speak up yourselves, even anonymously. The sad part is, God Forbid someone inside the fire department disagrees, now they're a disgruntled employee simply because they feel differently about certain matters.
The change needs to come from individuals like YOU. Every day that passes, more and more gets exposed. Now it truly saddens me that this reflects on the entire Department because none of us here are stupid. We do not believe 95% of you have anything to do with the major issues at hand. The hand full that do will be challenged until the taxpayers are satisfied.
I'll close with this. You encourage Firefighters not to come here. You have pulled Salisbury News from any access at the Fire Department. Clearly you have a lot to hide because we deliver facts that you simply do not like to face, yet YOU are here now making a comment? Please don't throw out the word intelligent on this Blog any more.
Search For Missing Mother
Ok here's the details....
There will be a community search for Missing Women Christine Sheddy on March 21st; weather permitting (nothing but a torrential rain or massive snow storm, will keep them from searching)
Greg Holland of Flat Land Search and Rescue told me this morning that his team will be meeting at 9 am the morning of the 21st at the Pocomoke Elks Lodge. He stated that they would use the parking lot at the Elks as a staging area for the club.
Anyone who is interested in assisting in the search will need to be at the Elks Lodge located on Rte. 113 in Pocomoke approximately 1 mile north of the intersection of Rt.'s 13 and 113, at or before 9 am that morning.
According to Mr. Holland, he will break the community volunteers up into groups that will be accompanied by members of his team and they will be briefed on how to participate in the search, including where and how to walk, and what to look for.
If you would like to assist in this search please contact me at your earliest convenience at wymzie@wymzie.com and let me know your level of interest and participation.
Additionally, if you are going to participate in the actual search you will need to click here to print and sign an Indemnification that you will not hold the property owners responsible if you are hurt or injured while searching. Once you have printed and signed this you will be required to bring this with you to the search in order to participate. If you are not able to do this, there will be forms on hand to sign the morning of the search before you begin.
Keep in mind, even if you can't personally participate in this search there are many things that you can do to help. There will be dozens and dozens of folks involved and they will get thirsty and hungry. If you would like to donate your time or finances in sponsoring snacks and beverages to the volunteers, it would be greatly appreciated. Even if that is just a case of water, or a couple of gallons of gas, or a plate of cookies, any donations of time, food, gas or funds will be heartily welcomed!
Mr. Holland said that his team consists mostly of Fire Fighters, EMT's and Paramedics, who constantly train to improve their skills and abilities in search and rescue under all kinds of conditions from fire to floods, to mountain rescue.
The day has finally come, and this family needs closure. Lets do what we can as a community to once and for all know that we have done all that we know to do to find Christine.
Stephanie K. Burke
Pocomoke Tattler
'For more information contact Greg Holland at 757-894-3120 between the hours of 8 and 11 AM'
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release
Date of Incident: 10 March 2009
Location: 22000 block of Royal Oak Road, Quantico, MD
Suspect: 17 YOA juvenile, Quantico, MD
Narrative: On 10 March 2009 at 9:53 PM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a residential youth facility in the 22000 block of Royal Oak Road in Quantico, MD for a reported juvenile who was out of control, attacking the facility’s counselors. Upon their arrival they learned that one of the counselors instructed the juvenile residents it was time for bed when one of the residents refused to cooperate. When informed of possible sanctions for his behavior, the juvenile became belligerent with the counselor and threatened to kill her. Because of this juvenile’s behavior, the two counselors present retreated to their office. When they attempted to close the office door, the juvenile attempted to force it open, forcing the counselors to struggle to get the door closed, which they managed to do.
The juvenile then exited the residence and began damaging the first counselor’s vehicle by jumping up on the hood and smashing out the windshield and a side window. The juvenile then smashed the office window from outside and climbed into the office where the two counselors were. Once inside the office, the juvenile then threw a computer monitor and a filing cabinet at both counselors. One of the counselors managed to exit the office, went outside and discovered the damage to her vehicle. The counselor then entered the vehicle in an attempt to get away, but the juvenile then began punching the counselor through the open broken window.
The juvenile was placed under arrest and transported to the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office where juvenile authorities were contacted. The juvenile was detained by the Department of Juvenile Services in the Lower Shore Children’s Center pending court action.
Malicious Destruction of Property
Action Items And Next WNC Meeting
Action Items for Us, the WNC!
1. Jack Lenox - checking to see if lists of HOA's are updated, and if so how often? Should we get a new list if one has been updated? (Fineran-DONE)
2. Uploading of New WNC application forms on the County Website...with Sharptown address. (Fineran/Ireton)
3. Ray Miccicci (SP?) on ability to put an online survey on County Executive's page of County Website to solicit topics for the WNC to cover in 2009..(Fineran/Campbell), survey in Daily Times for residents without computer access
4. Contact Lauren Taylor about creating a website specifically for WNC (Ireton), and having link to WNC website on Wicomico County site. (Fineran)
5. Bring 3 names of community activists that we can enlist into helping guide the congress. (All)
Meeting again on March 24, 2009 at Community Foundation on Belmont Ave. 6:30 – 8:00 PM
(Upper Marlboro, MD) – Colonel Terrence B. Sheridan is commending a Maryland State Police corporal and a cadet for their decisive and courageous actions that saved the life of a woman whom they pulled from a burning vehicle in Prince George’s County this morning.
Shortly before 6:30 a.m. today, Corporal John P. Griffin and Cadet Andrew Neall, of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, were on-duty in the Upper Marlboro Scale House on Rt. 301, when they were contacted by a Prince George’s County Department of Corrections officer. The officer reported a vehicle had driven off the road on southbound Rt. 301 near Leeland Drive.
Corporal Griffin and Cadet Neall immediately responded to the scene. As they approached, they could see fire leaping six feet above the Hyundai. The engine compartment was fully engulfed in fire as were both front tires. Fire was also seen coming from the undercarriage of the vehicle as far back as the middle of the passenger compartment. Witnesses told the trooper and cadet they had not seen the driver.
Cadet Neall attempted to open the driver’s door, but found it locked. Corporal Griffin broke in the driver’s window and observed the passenger compartment to be completely filled with smoke.
After a few seconds, the smoke cleared enough for Corporal Griffin the see the driver slumped over the center console. Corporal Griffin unbuckled the incoherent driver and began to remove her from the burning vehicle. He said he could feel the heat from the fire at his feet and legs.
Corporal Griffin and Cadet Neall rescued the driver from the vehicle and began to carry her up the hill. They were less than 15 feet from the vehicle when the entire interior of the Hyundai erupted and was totally consumed in fire.
Corporal Griffin began to assess the driver for injuries when Prince George’s Fire Department and EMS units arrived on the scene. Once treatment was initiated by EMS personnel, the driver became coherent and later refused any further medical attention. The driver was identified as Melody Grimm, 57, of Crofton, Maryland.
The cause of the single-vehicle crash remains under investigation by State Police at the Forestville Barracks. The cause of the fire is also unknown at this time.
Back at the scale house, Corporal Griffin noticed that his boots and the legs of his uniform pants were singed from the fire. Rescuing people from fires is not something new to Corporal Griffin. He is a volunteer firefighter at the Church Hill Volunteer Fire Department. Corporal Griffin and Cadet Neall are continuing their shift at the scale house today and can be reached at 301-627-2206.
“I commend Corporal Griffin and Cadet Neall for their heroic actions today that uphold the highest standards and traditions of the Maryland State Police,” Colonel Sheridan said. “Their decisive and unselfish actions clearly resulted in a life being saved, for which we are all grateful.”
Please Check New Calendar
alberobutzo@wmconnect.com . Keep them coming Folks, people really like this thing.
The Daily Times attempted to sabotage Bob’s campaign from the get-go. Shortly after this blog exposed Richard Insley’s letter to his tenants promoting Gary Comegys and trashing other candidates, an article discussing it, relying on unnamed sources, wrongly accused Mr. Caldwell of colluding “to oust renters from residential neighborhoods.” And his coverage and treatment in that newspaper went downhill from there. The fingerprint of Gannett’s Joe Carmean is unmistakable.
Mr. Caldwell is the only mayoral candidate who has seriously discussed the fiscal crisis that the City faces and its inevitable effect on the budget. His “priorities for the next four years, plainly stated,” which should be adopted by the two candidates who will square off in the general election, are:
1. Budgetary Discipline is Essential
2. Crime Must Really be Reduced
3. City Government Must Become Open to All
4. Everyone Must Be Heard and Respected
5. The City Council Must Be an Independent Body
In summary, to quote again – we cannot control the economic circumstances that we are facing, but we can respond prudently to them by governing smarter and with genuine good will for all.
Will I Live To See 80?
Here's something to think about.
I recently picked a new primary care doctor. After two visits and exhaustive Lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly well' for my age.
A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, 'Do you think I'll live to be 80?'
He asked, 'Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer or wine?'
'Oh no,' I replied. 'I'm not doing drugs, either!'
Then he asked, 'Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?
'I said, 'No, my former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!'
'Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?'
'No, I don't,' I said.
He asked, 'Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?'
'No,' I said
He looked at me and said,.... 'Then, why do you even give a sh!t?
Secret Message Found In Lincoln Pocket Watch

From the Associated Press
WASHINGTON — For nearly 150 years, a story has circulated about a hidden Civil War message engraved inside Abraham Lincoln's pocket watch. On Tuesday, museum curators confirmed it was true. A watchmaker used tiny tools to carefully pry open the antique watch at the National Museum of American History, and a descendant of the engraver read aloud the message from a metal plate underneath the watch face.
"Jonathan Dillon April 13 - 1861," part of the inscription reads, "Fort Sumpter (sic) was attacked by the rebels on the above date." Another part reads, "Thank God we have a government."
The words were etched in tiny cursive handwriting and filled the the space between tiny screws and gears that jutted through the metal plate. A magnifying glass was required to read them.
Read more at Fox News
Why Men Wear Earings
'Don't make such a big deal, it's only an earring,' he replies sheepishly.
His friend falls silent for a few minutes, but then his curiosity prods him to ask, 'So, how long have you been wearing one?'
'Ever since my wife found it in my truck.'
(I always wondered how this trend got started)
Energy Saving Windows And Tax Credits
I wanted to let you and your readers know something that I believe they will find significant. As you know I sell and install energy efficient vinyl replacement windows. I just received formal notification from the manufacturer of the windows I install that tax credits will be availabe for people who perform energy saving home improvements to their primary residences. These credits will have a limit of 30% of the total cost up to $1500. It will be available in 2009 AND 2010 but they have to be qualifying home improvements. For example, not just any vinyl replacement window will qualify. Windows and doors must have a U-factor of .30 or greater and a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of .30 or greater. It seems like a lot of technical stuff but generally speaking if the window has a decent Low "E" glass it will make the grade.
Now, here's the important thing. Regardless of WHO installs your windows, if you get the Low "E" option in order to take advantage of the tax credit, be sure to get the "Homeowners Certification " paperwork for your records so that you will have when you fill out next years tax return. In addition to your 2009 1040 you will need to use IRS tax form 5695. What does all of this mean? Precisely this:
I install vinyl replacement windows with qualifying Low "E" glass for $203.95 (in most cases). For each window you have installed at this price you will receive a $61.19 credit toward next years taxes. That's big news. Considering most houses average 16 windows, most homeowners who have qualifying windows installed in their homes will receive a tax credit of about $979.00. That means that if this homeowner is expecting a tax refund in 2009, they would get an additional $979.00 back in their refund check! It also means that your having a window installed that will likely save you a ton of money in energy costs for about $143.00 per window - however you prefer to look at it. Either way, any aspect of this stimulus bill that permits people to keep more of their tax money is OK with me. If anyone has any questions feel free to call our office @ 410-835-8010.
Thank You
I want to thank you and everyone for your kind words and congratulations. You know, as much as I am honored and humbled by the nomination to top 100 women in Maryland, I know it is not mine alone. This nomination belongs to our many community heroes. We are blessed with so many individuals, women and men, who selflessly share their time, talents and resources to make a positive difference in many aspects of our community.
One closest to my heart is strengthening our local youth programs like Kids of Honor, which not only empowers youth to graduate from High School, but instills in them a deep sense of self worth, hope and leadership.
I also would like to extend my sincerest congratulations to another Salisbury nominee, this year, Ms. Sandra Fitzgerald-Angello of Pohanka Automotive Group.
Hala McIver
Don't miss this exciting musical performed by local youth with Kaleidoscope Children and Youth Productions at The Mezzanine!
Fri, March 13th at 7 p.m., Sat. March 14 at 2 & 7p.m. and Sun., March 15th at 2 p.m.
Seating is limited, so reserve early.
If you have a group - we have special pricing for daycares and groups. We can even schedule a special performance for groups.
Go here www.kaleidoscopecyp.com for tickets and information.
Watch The Space Shuttle Take Off Tonight From Your Own Back Yard
A couple years ago, this same thing happened and we were able to watch the shuttle go over head from our yard in Crofton. And we were actually watching when the main engines shut off so it appeared that the shuttle disappear. It was very cool.
Check out this story on the launch viewing possibilities:
I'd Like To Be Six Again
Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for her birthday.
'I'd like to be six again' she replied, still looking in the mirror.
On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Lucky Charms, and then took her to Six Flags theme park. What a day!
He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Roller Coaster, everything there was.
Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park.
Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down.
He then took her to McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake.
Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favorite candy, M&M's.
What a fabulous adventure!
Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted.
He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well Dear, what was it like being six again?'
Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed.
'I meant my dress size, you retard!!!!'
The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he is gonna get it wrong.
Fruitland Falcons Football
During Fruitland Little League's Opening day on April 18th , from 10am - 2pm, you can sign up for the Fruitland Falcons Football team. We will have a stand next to the chicken booth.
We have 3 age groups: 7 - 8 , 9 - 10 , and 11 - 13 yrs. old. There is no fee due at this time.
If you are not able to make it out on this day, please visit our website at FruitlandFootball.com and sign-up there.
Last week I purchased a burger at Burger King for $1.58. The counter girl took my $ 2 and I was digging for my change when I pulled 8 cents from my pocket and gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies, while looking at the screen on her register. I sensed her discomfort and tried to tell her to just give me two quarters , but she hailed the manager for help.. While he tried to explain the transaction to her, she stood there and cried.
Why do I tell you this? Because of the evolution in teaching math since the 1950s:
1.. Teaching Math In 1950s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit ?
2.. Teaching Math In 1960s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?
3. Teaching Math In 1970s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80. Did he make a profit?
4. Teaching Math In 1980s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20.
5. Teaching Math In 1990s
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of $20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no wrong answers, and if you feel like crying, it's ok. )
6. Teaching Math In 2009
Un hachero vende una carretada de maderapara $100. El costo de la producciones es $80. Cuanto dinero ha hecho?
Egide USA Inc. Lays Off Workers In Cambridge, Maryland
Primary SIC: Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified, Primary NAICS: Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Description: Manufacturing: Manufactures electronic circuits.
Maryland School Assessments (MSA) Starting March 17
Wicomico students in grades 3-8 should come to school well rested and ready to do their best March 17, the first day of 2009 Maryland School Assessment (MSA) testing.
The Reading MSA will be given March 17 and 18 for students in grades 3-8. Middle school students will the Math MSA on March 19 and 20, while intermediate students (grades 3-5) will take the Math MSA on March 24 and 25.
Students should come to school on time and ready to learn every day of the school year, but timeliness and attendance are particularly important during MSA. Arriving on time will enable the student to know the directions and expectations for completing the MSA, along with the rest of the class.
"Being on time to school and class, and being present for the school day, are important parts of a student's routine every day, and they are particularly important practices during MSA testing," Director of Secondary Education Kim Miles said. "If students are in attendance and on time, the teacher will be able to maintain a comfortable class routine, give clear and timely instructions, encourage all students to do their best, and ensure that students have the best opportunity to show their command of skills and strategies learned throughout the school year."
Students who are at their desk on time for the start of the school day have a better chance of being comfortable and focused when the MSA testing begins, and they will be in place to receive materials and directions needed for the test. Students must arrive on time so that staff can administer the test in a timely and structured environment without any interruptions. Being on time is a positive work habit that will pay off during MSA testing and every day.
"All students should arrive on time and prepared to do their very best," said Margo Handy, Director of Elementary Education.
The annual administration of the MSA provides an opportunity for students to showcase the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout the year. Scores on the MSA are shared with parents through a Home Report, so students should perform their best to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities.
The federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires every state to measure reading, math and science achievement at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Maryland fulfills NCLB by reporting MSA and HSA scores to the U.S. Department of Education. Students in grades 5 and 8 will take the Science MSA in late April or early May.
Students take the MSA tests for approximately 90 minutes each day, starting on March 17. There are four days of testing -- two days for reading and two days for mathematics. The test includes multiple-choice questions and questions that require the student to write a short response. Information about the MSA, along with sample test questions, are available on the Web at www.marylandpublicschools.org.
Statewide tests like the MSA are useful for guiding school-wide curriculum development efforts, creating or modifying classroom lesson plans, understanding a child’s academic strengths and weaknesses, developing individualized strategies for that child, and providing information on where a child may need extra support.
MSA scores are reported in terms of basic, proficient, and advanced performance. Basic is the lowest level of performance. Proficient is the middle level and Advanced is the highest level. The goal is to have all students perform at the Proficient or Advanced level.
Men’s Softball Swings Into Spring
(Salisbury, MD) The Men’s Slow Pitch Softball league is getting ready for another exciting season of action. The registration process has begun and the deadline for team registration is Tuesday, March 17th. Registrations and player contracts must be dropped off at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office by 5:00 pm on March 17th. Games are scheduled to begin in April and the season will conclude in August.
The league will likely consist of four divisions based on level of play. Games will take place on weeknights during the spring and summer at the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex in Salisbury. Some games may also be played at the Mason Dixon Complex in Delmar and Willards Park.
For more information contact program director Steve Miller at 410-548-4900 ext. 105 or email smiller@wicomicocounty.org.
If you would like to learn about other upcoming programs offered by Wicomico County Recreation, Parks and Tourism sign up for email alerts at www.wicomicorecandparks.org.
(Pikesville, MD) – A Maryland State Police Licensing Division investigation into an unlicensed Cecil County security alarm company has resulted in the criminal conviction of the company’s owner.
Lawrence E. Echols, Jr., 29, of the unit block of Sweet Gum Lane, Elkton, Maryland, pled guilty on February 26, 2009 in Cecil County Circuit Court to operating a securities system business without a license. He was sentenced to probation before judgment, six months unsupervised probation, and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine.
The investigation began early in September 2008 when a trooper assigned to the Maryland State Police Licensing Division received a complaint reporting that Alarms Systems, Inc., located in the 2400 block of Theodore Road, North East, Cecil County, Maryland, was operating in Maryland without the required license issued by the Maryland State Police and employing unlicensed technicians.
Two days after receiving the complaint, the investigator assigned to the case responded to the company and contacted Echols, who identified himself as the owner. Echols advised the investigator that he took over ownership of the company from his father approximately eight years ago, and that he was aware of the requirements that mandate the licensing of Alarm System Agencies in Maryland. While at the company, the investigator explained the licensing requirements to Echols, and provided him with the required Maryland State Police application for an Alarm System Agency. He was instructed to promptly complete and submit the application.
As of October 29, 2008, an application for an Alarm System Agency from Echols had not been received by the Licensing Division. The investigating trooper immediately contacted the Cecil County State’s Attorney’s Office. After being briefed on the investigation, the State’s Attorney recommended that Echols be charged criminally.
On October 30, 2008, the investigating trooper served Echols with a criminal summons, charging him with engaging in a business without a license and misrepresentation- security systems technicians.
Any concerns Maryland citizens may have regarding the licensing of securities systems agencies or their technicians can contact the Maryland State Police Licensing Division at 410-653-4500.