
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nightly News At 6 PM


The Gulls have defeated last year's national champions in a nail biter at Haverford, PA.

It was an hard fought, well-played game by two very good teams; each team took 35 shots and penalty count was even at 4 each. Cortland had a sizeable edge in face-offs. The score was tied at the start of the fourth quarter.

Here's how it ended:

Cortland St. 10
Salisbury U. 10

Start of 4th

Cortland St. 11
Salisbury U. 11
4th - 10:58

Cortland St. 11
Salisbury U. 12
4th -3:13

Period 1 2 3 4 - Tot.

Cortland St. 3 5 2 1 - 11
Salisbury U. 4 3 3 2 - 12

Don't forget that the Gulls go against Ohio Wesleyan on Saturday at Seagull Stadium; game time - 1 PM

Wicomico Couty To End Year Round School

This afternoon my Wife and I received a letter from Delmar Elementary School informing parents the YRE program will end July 2010.

They claim it is based on "proposed budget cuts" yet the state of Delaware pays Wicomico County for the Delaware Students who attend that school.

In the midst of a $500,000.00 a year Travel Budget for certain Board Members to travel each year around the Country, this is just plain stupid. The kids don't come first and we're going to prove that in the coming days.

Oh yes Mr. Fredericksen, we're about to blow the roof of of your expense account. You know, things like daily morning expenses to Rise Up Coffee, Starbucks and so on. These people can't buy their own cup of coffee in the morning, they have to get special coffee, (including WaWa) and charge it to their expense accounts.

Much more to come Folks.

Anti-Obamacare Blowout in St. Charles, MO– STANDING ROOM ONLY!- Kill the Bill


They were expecting 600…… 1,800+ SHOWED UP TODAY!
UPDATE:—- New Count— 2,225 TURNED OUT TODAY!!

An overflow crowd turned out today at 9:45 AM to attend the “Kill the Bill” rally today in St. Charles, MO

Republican Lt. Governor Peter Kinder told the fired up crowd– “We have just begun to fight!”

** The Anti-Obamacare Health Care Rally at St. Charles Convention Center .

The Wednesday Rally called by Rep. Todd Akin & GOP House Leader John Boehner is the federal-healthcare equivalent of “The Gunfight at the OK Corral” for Missouri!

This may be it! Pelosi is trying to bring this to the floor for a vote in the coming days…and is strong-arming all the moderate dems into voting for Obamacare Socialized Medicine – and Federally Funded Abortion. In a “nuclear option” procedure that was never intended for major social mandates, Nancy & Harry…and Leader Obama – clearly intend to disenfranchise well over half of the American People!

This is despite the fact they themselves condemned this same procedure a mere few years ago!

These people are FIRED UP! Several Missouri politicians spoke out against the Obamacare bill at this public rally. President Obama is locking the public out of his staged rally later today across town in St. Charles.

President Obama and Missouri Democrats including Senator Claire McCaskill, Governor Jay Nixon and Russ and Robin Carnahan want to ram their toxic health care bill down your throat but THEY DON’T HAVE THE GUTS TO FACE THE PUBLIC!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Four Years Ago Today MDE Inspects Salisbury Zoo

Four years ago today the MDE (Maryland Department of the Environment) made a surprise visit to the Salisbury Zoo to inspect illegal pipes draining into the Wicomico River. In their findings they did in fact find illegal pipes and demanded that the City completely renovate one exhibit that was draining chemicals into the River as well as a failed reverse valve that allowed human sewage to back up into a moat in two other exhibits that eventually drained into the Wicomico River as well.

Although Ron Alessi, (President of the Zoo Commission) Jim Rapp, (former Director of the Salisbury Zoo) and Public Works Director John Jacobs denied ANY knowledge of such illegal pipes, they were not only employed by the Zoo at the time the exhibit was created, their response was standard during the former Tilghman Administration.

Other long term Zoo Employees were well aware of what was going on, yet the two in charge were clueless? The MDE forced the City to make immediate changes and upgrades to assure the Zoo was no longer polluting the Wicomico River.

John Jacobs and Jim Rapp are no longer employed with the City of Salisbury.

Don't Miss Our 6 PM News Broadcast Tonight

This is a broadcast you won't want to miss.

School Assault


Yesterday at Bennett Middle, a student was seriously assaulted in a science classroom. According to my son who witnessed the event, the student's head was slammed down and sounded like it "cracked" (from a 14 yr old) and blood was flowing. He was taken by paramedics to the hospital. The attacker was taken away in handcuffs. This was not reported by any source."

Incentives Driving Toyota Sales Up, Exec Says

Automaker sees increase in sales of about 50 percent over March 2009

- For consumers, cash seems to be paving over worries about unintended acceleration in Toyota vehicles as deep incentives have helped to fill its showrooms during the past few weeks.

A high-ranking Toyota executive said the auto company's North American sales spiked around 50 percent the first eight days of March. Don Esmond, senior vice president of automotive operations for Toyota Motor Sales, said in an interview Tuesday that the early numbers surpassed the company's expectations.

Esmond, who was speaking at a conference for Toyota suppliers, didn't give detailed figures.

GO HERE to read more.

Take A Chance To Win A New Mercedes & Golf Course Townhouse For $50.00!

Folks, this raffle ends at the end of March and they'll pick a winner. To think you can win a brand new Mercedes and a Townhouse for just $50.00 is truly a once in a lifetime chance.

Aside from that, you'll be helping Chuck Campbell, (a retired Marine) get the set of lungs he needs to survive.

If you'd like to purchase a ticket, GO HERE. There's only a few days left!

Murder Charges Filed In The Christine Sheddy Case

On February 20, 2010, following the discovery of the remains of Christine Sheddy in Snow Hill, charges were issued against Justin Michael Hadel, age 19, of College Station Texas for 1st Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Murder, 1st Degree Assault, and 2nd Degree Assault. The Application for Statement of Charges in that case, requested by a detective from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office assigned to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, states as follows:

On or about November 13, 2007 at 2911 Byrd Road, Pocomoke, Worcester County, Maryland Hadel did kill Christine Marie Sheddy.

Sheddy was reported as a Missing Person [sic] to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office on November 14th 2007. The investigation revealed Sheddy had been staying as a guest at the 2911 Byrd Road, Pocomoke, Maryland address. Justin Michael Hadel-(Hispanic, Male, 11-11-1990) was also a guest at this residence during this time frame. Information developed during the investigation revealed Sheddy was murdered. Witnesses stated Justin Hadel was responsible for the murder of Sheddy and provided investigators with a potential location of her remains.

On Friday, February 19th 2010, investigators searched the location described by witnesses. During the search a clandestine grave was excavated which produced deceased human remains. Clothing found on the deceased human remains were consistent with the clothing Sheddy was reportedly wearing on the day of her disappearance –(11-13-2007).

On Friday, February 19th 2010, the Worcester County Forensic Investigator for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office-(OCME) responded to the scene and examined the deceased human remains. The Forensic Investigator [sic] advised the deceased human remains would be transported to the OCME’S office [sic] for autopsy.

Based upon these charges, a fugitive warrant was issued which was served upon Hadel on Thursday, February 25 in Texas. Hadel has now waived extradition. On March 9, 2010, Hadel was transported from Texas to the Worcester County Jail.

On March 1, 2010, the OCME confirmed that Christine Sheddy’s death was a homicide.

This case remains under active investigation by members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, assisted by the Maryland State Police Homicide Team and Cold Case Unit.

One Year Ago Today

Today's Survey Question

If You Had To Cut Your Household Budget,
Would You Cut Your Pets Luxuries Or Spouses?

How To Control Federal Spending? Try Constitutional Amendment

Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., took to the floor of the House [Tuesday] to push for a constitutional amendment that would cap how much money the U.S. government can spend.

"Federal spending is out of control, and the American people know it," Pence said. "Our nation is facing a fiscal crisis of epic proportions."

Pence has been joined by Congressmen Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, and John Campbell, R-Calif., in seeking passage of the Spending Limit Amendment, which, if passed and ratified, would cap the overall federal budget to one-fifth of American economic output.

In an editorial written earlier this week in the Wall Street Journal, Pence explained the significance of rising spending in relation to U.S. gross domestic product:

"In five years, federal spending has skyrocketed to 24.7 percent from 19.9 percent of our economy. That's the highest level since World War II," Pence wrote. "As the Baby Boom generation retires and the cost of health care continues to escalate, entitlement programs will cause federal spending to rise to 40 percent of our economy, double its post-World War II average."

He continued, "In order to pay for what we are on track to spend under current law, taxes would have to double. This would crush our economy."

"After years of trying to rein in federal spending under Republican and Democrat administrations, the American people want fiscal discipline and they want new ideas," Pence argued today. "For the last 60 years we've only taken 20 cents on the American dollar out of this economy. It's time we put that limit in the Constitution of the United States.

"If we fail to act," he concluded, "our children will be less free, less prosperous and less secure. It's time for a Spending Limit Amendment to the Constitution of the United States."

Under the specific language of the amendment, Congressional spending could exceed the cap only under three conditions:

Following a two-thirds vote of each house of Congress
While a declaration of war is in effect
In order to pay back principal on the national debt.

"With our nation facing a fiscal crisis, it is time to fundamentally change the way Washington spends the taxpayers' money," said Pence at a press conference announcing the amendment proposal. "Unless we change course, the public debt will consume the entire economy in less than 15 years. Runaway spending and record debt will make future generations of Americans less free, less prosperous and less secure.

"We have a moral obligation to put our nation's fiscal house in order," he concluded.

The proposed amendment has already drawn the endorsement of Americans for Tax Reform and the Center for Fiscal Accountability:

More from WND

150,000 Tea Partiers March On Virtual Washington

Not every American fed up with the federal government's increasing debt and tax burden made it to Washington, D.C., for last fall's tea party rally, but now a website is harnessing the power of "avatars" to create a new march that anyone with a computer can participate in.

Over 150,000 people have already joined the Online Tax Revolt, a citizens' virtual march on the nation's capital that will culminate on April 15 with actual events in Washington, D.C.

Organizers clarify that the Revolt is not a refusal to pay taxes for needed government operations, but a rejection of the federal government hiding behind a complicated tax system to mask astounding levels of spending and national debt.

"The Online Tax Revolt is open to every American who believes taxes and spending are out of control, harmful to our country and a threat to our nation's future," states the campaign's chairman and FairTax advocate Ken Hoagland on the Revolt's website. "Our economic future and that of future generations is at stake. … We're in serious trouble, and it falls to us to get the nation back on track. This march is a wake-up call to everyone in Washington that the American people won't be ignored any longer."

Though the 150,000 who have signed up so far represent a grassroots movement to make their voices heard in Washington, a number of national figures have also joined the cause. Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher, TV talk host Mike Huckabee, radio personalities Michael Reagan, Neal Boortz and Martha Zoller, as well as Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, are among the growing group of those who will "lead" virtual teams of protesters to the capital.


Actor Corey Haim Dies At Age 38

BREAKING NEWS: Actor Corey Haim has died, North Hollywood police say

Police say hospital notified them of former ‘Lost Boys’ star’s death

Actor Corey Haim, 38, was pronounced dead at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, Calif., Thursday morning after an apparent overdose, police said.

Police learned of the death, which occurred between 4 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. Thursday, when staff at the hospital called authorities, said Sgt. Frank Albarren of the Los Angeles Police Department's North Hollywood Station.

"It was an apparent overdose," Albarren said. "Unknown what type of medication."

New EPA Regulations


On April 22, 2010, a new FEDERAL regulation goes into effect that affects EVERY HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR IN THE UNITED STATES. The new regulations, administered and enforced by the EPA, require that all home improvement contractors in the nation be accredited by the agency in lead paint to work on ANY properties built prior to 1978 (with certain exceptions which add huge costs to the owner) - regardless of whether or not the building is owner occupied.

In the State of Maryland, the MDE has had similar requirements in effect, in one form or another, since the early 90's. My company and I have been accredited by the MDE in lead paint since 2001. MDE requires that you be accredited in lead paint in order to work in rental properties built before 1950. The accredidation process for Maryland requires a two day course - and of course the fee. This, however, is not good enough for the Feds. They require that you take a one day course that THEY approve - and of course pay the fee. In order for the feds to approve a course, you must submit a cirriculum of which they approve - and of course pay the fee. The instructors fee is roughly $500.00! Can you imagine the number of instructors necessary to train ALL of the contractors in the U.S.?

I have been looking and still cannot find the enumerated power that permits the Federal Government to override the States prerogative to regulate home improvement contractors. It doesn't seem to be listed as an "enumerated power" and therefore, IMHO, is unconstitutional. And guess what moral high ground they claimed to justify this blatant usurpation of the Constitution..........."'s for the children".

When will this end? Do we all need to be on the public dole? There comes a point in time that we need to make a stand. I wonder how many contractors intend to remain in compliance with State law but will not comply with these unconstitutional federal regs.

What do you think?

Dem Leaders Jockey On Filibuster Reform ( and Harry's Chair)

Sens. Dick Durbin and Charles Schumer are each considering proposals to rein in the minority’s power to filibuster.

The second- and third-ranking Senate Democrats are talking separately with junior colleagues about a move to make majority government easier.

Drawing attention to the weapon of choice for Republicans could take the attention off of Democrats’ strategy of moving healthcare reform using the reconciliation process and emphasize the minority’s efforts to block President Barack Obama’s agenda.

Even if Democrats do not go forward with legislation to curb the filibuster, simply discussing it could rally liberal voters and get the public on their side at a time when the healthcare legislation hangs in the balance.

For the two ambitious leaders, the exercise could serve another purpose: building stronger ties with junior colleagues as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s future is in doubt.

If Reid (D-Nev.) loses re-election, Durbin and Schumer are expected to run against each other to fill his spot. Democrats elected in 2006 and 2008, who are among the strongest proponents of Senate rules reform, represent a trove of votes.

Here's more

Continuous Chest Compression CPR - Mayo Clinic Presentation


Illegals: What About Us?

Immigrant rights groups on Monday demanded that President Obama impose a full moratorium on deportations of illegal immigrants, arguing that his policies have been worse for their cause than those of his Republican predecessor.

Saying they've been "betrayed" by and lost patience with Mr. Obama, the advocates suggested that the president could regain their support by leading a fight on Capitol Hill for a bill to legalize illegal immigrants. Mr. Obama took the first step toward legalization during a meeting Monday at the White House with two lawmakers working on a bill.

But a bill could take months to pass. In the meantime, the immigrant rights groups say, Mr. Obama must end deportations altogether.

"We demand an immediate stop to all deportations, because each one of these deportations, each one of these numbers, equals a life destroyed and a family devastated," Angelica Sala, executive director of the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, said at a news conference in Washington.

Last year, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said enforcement was sufficient and that the focus should turn back to legalization.

Mas de Washington Times Aqui..

Meet McCain 'Birthers': ABC, CBS, NBC, FactCheck, N.Y. Times, More

Many of the same news organizations and research groups today dismissing concerns about Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility were far more eager to cover the issue when Republican presidential candidate John McCain was the subject.

An archive search shows the question of McCain's birth certificate and his eligibility to be president was actively pursued by Democratic Party activists and the mainstream media in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election, despite the ridicule now heaped upon those questioning Obama's qualifications under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

In an article published Feb. 28, 2008, months before McCain was nominated for president by the Republican Party,, at the very center of Obama's defense against eligibility questions, was itself raising them about McCain.

In a piece that led off with the question, "How can Panamanian-born McCain be elected president?" conceded McCain did meet the natural-born citizen requirements. But the website qualified its answer, stating that if McCain did win the presidency, the issue could be challenged in court.

After the Republican and Democratic conventions, on, weighed into the Obama eligibility debate Aug. 21, 2008," claiming its "staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate." The certificate in question, however, was a short-form Certificate of Live Birth, or COLB, not a hospital-generated long-form birth certificate listing the hospital where Obama was born as well as other relevant birth information, including the name of the attending physician.

Almost coincident with the article, a flurry of mainstream media news pieces popped up about McCain's eligibility to be president.

On Feb. 28, 2008, Carl Hulse wrote a New York Times article, "McCain's Canal Zone Birth Prompts Queries About Whether That Rules Him Out."

"To date, no American to take the presidential oath has had an official birthplace outside the 50 states," Hulse wrote.

Picking up on the Times piece, ran a feature on the same day posing the question, "Born in the USA?"

The Wall Street Journal the same day published a Law Blog column asking: "Does John McCain Have a Birthplace Problem?"

CBS News speculated McCain's eligibility question "could conceivably end up in before the Supreme Court," adding the comment, "And you thought counting chads was a circus."

The next day, the Times of London published a similar piece, "McCain's Panama birth prompts eligibility probe by his campaign."

NBC correspondent Pete Williams also published a piece Feb. 29, 2008, on the MSNBC website, "McCain's citizenship called into question."

"Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and his advisers are doing their best to brush aside questions – raised in the liberal blogosphere – about whether he is qualified under the Constitution to be president," Williams wrote. "But many legal scholars and government lawyers say it's a serious question with no clear answer."

More here

Dan Rather: 'Obama Couldn't Sell Watermelons'

Host Chris Matthews tries to talk over ex-network anchor

Ex-network anchor Dan Rather is back in the news again, this time after using President Obama and watermelons in the same sentence.

The odd comments came on the "Chris Matthews Show" last weekend, when Matthews desperately tried to talk over the former CBS newsman's free-wheeling opinions.

The video was posted by the Media Research Center: GO HERE to watch video.

Caption This Photo

Young Republicans Are Ready To Rock The Vote!!

In another worrisome sign for Democrats, a greater number of young Republicans are prepared to go to the polls in the 2010 election, according to a new survey.

The enthusiasm of young Democratic voters is waning, according to the poll from the Harvard Institute of Politics.And it could spell trouble for the party.

"These 18- to 29-year-olds were a critical part of Barack Obama's campaign and they personally believe they were directly responsible for his electoral success," noted Bill Purcell, director of the institute.

More young John McCain supporters than Obama supporters are preparing to go to the polls in November, according to the survey. While 44 percent of Obama supporters said they'd "definitely" be voting, 53 percent of Sen. McCain's (R-Ariz.) supporters said they planned to go to the polls. The poll found 35 percent of Democrats and 41 percent of Republicans intended to vote.

The poll of some 3,000 18- to 29-year-olds was conducted between Jan. 29 and Feb. 22.

The results indicate "young Republicans are showing more enthusiasm than young Democrats for participating in these elections," Purcell said on a conference call with reporters Tuesday.


[Editor's note: Young Republicans.. how can we help you energize the vote? Is there a group at SU (that's not banned..)?]

Obama At The Bat

Obamacare Worth The Price To Democrats


So there was President Obama, giving his bazillionth speech on health care, droning yet again that "now is the hour when we must seize the moment," the same moment he's been seizing every day of the week for the past year, only this time his genius photo-op guys thought it would look good to have him surrounded by men in white coats.

Why is he doing this? Why let "health" "care" "reform" stagger on like the rotting husk in a low-grade creature feature who refuses to stay dead no matter how many stakes you pound through his chest?

Because it's worth it. Big time. I've been saying in this space for two years that the governmentalization of health care is the fastest way to a permanent left-of-center political culture. It redefines the relationship between the citizen and the state in fundamental ways that make limited government all but impossible. In most of the rest of the Western world, there are still nominally "conservative" parties, and they even win elections occasionally, but not to any great effect (Let's not forget that Jacques Chirac was, in French terms, a "conservative").

The result is a kind of two-party one-party state: Right-of-center parties will once in a while be in office, but never in power, merely presiding over vast left-wing bureaucracies that cruise on regardless.

Republicans seem to have difficulty grasping this basic dynamic. Less than three months ago, they were stunned at the way the Democrats managed to get 60 senators to vote for the health bill. Then Scott Brown took them back down to 59, and Republicans were again stunned to find the Dems talking about ramming this thing into law through the parliamentary device of "reconciliation." And, when polls showed an ever larger number of Americans ever more opposed to Obamacare (by margins approaching three-to-one), Republicans were further stunned to discover that, in order to advance "reconciliation," Democrat reconsiglieres had apparently been offering (illegally) various cosy Big Government sinecures to swing-state congressmen in order to induce them to climb into the cockpit for the kamikaze raid to push the bill through. The Democrats understand that politics is not just about Tuesday evenings every other November, but about everything else, too.

A year or two back, when the Canadian Islamic Congress attempted to criminalize my writing north of the border by taking me to the Canadian "Human Rights" Commission, a number of outraged American readers wrote to me, saying, "You need to start kicking up a fuss about this, Steyn, and then maybe Canadians will get mad and elect a conservative government that will end this nonsense."

Makes perfect sense. Except that Canada already has a Conservative government under a Conservative prime minister, and the very head of the "human rights" commission investigating me was herself the Conservative appointee of a Conservative minister of justice. Makes no difference.

Once the state swells to a certain size, the people available to fill the ever-expanding number of government jobs will be statists – sometimes hard-core Marxist statists, sometimes social-engineering multiculti statists, sometimes fluffily "compassionate" statists, but always statists.

The short history of the post-war welfare state is that you don't need a president-for-life if you've got a bureaucracy-for-life: The people can elect "conservatives," as the Germans have done and the British are about to do, and the Left is mostly relaxed about it because, in all but exceptional cases (Thatcher), they fulfill the same function in the system as the first-year boys at wintry English boarding schools who, for tuppence-ha'penny or some such, would agree to go and warm the seat in the unheated lavatories until the prefects strolled in and took their rightful place.

Republicans are good at keeping the seat warm. A bigtime GOP consultant was on TV, crowing that Republicans wanted the Dems to pass Obamacare because it's so unpopular it will guarantee a GOP sweep in November.

OK, then what? You'll roll it back – like you've rolled back all those other unsustainable entitlements premised on cobwebbed actuarial tables from 80 years ago? Like you've undone the federal Department of Education and of Energy and all the other nickel'n'dime novelties of even a universally reviled one-term loser like Jimmy Carter? Andrew McCarthy concluded a shrewd analysis of the political realities thus:

"Health care is a loser for the Left only if the Right has the steel to undo it. The Left is banking on an absence of steel. Why is that a bad bet?"

Indeed. Look at it from the Dems' point of view. You pass Obamacare. You lose the 2010 election, which gives the GOP co-ownership of an awkward couple of years. And you come back in 2012 to find your health care apparatus is still in place, a fetid behemoth of toxic pustules oozing all over the basement, and, simply through the natural processes of government, already bigger and more expensive and more bureaucratic than it was when you passed it two years earlier. That's a huge prize, and well worth a midterm timeout.

I've been bandying comparisons with Britain and France, but that hardly begins to convey the scale of it. Obamacare represents the government annexation of "one-sixth of the U.S. economy" – i.e., the equivalent of the entire British or French economy, or the entire Indian economy twice over. Nobody has ever attempted this level of centralized planning for an advanced society of 300 million people. Even the control-freaks of the European Union have never tried to impose a unitary "comprehensive" health care system from Galway to Greece. The Soviet Union did, of course, and we know how that worked out.

This "reform" is not about health care, and certainly not about "controlling costs." As with Medicare, it "controls" costs by declining to acknowledge them, or pay them. Dr. William Schreiber of North Syracuse, N.Y., told CNN that he sees 120 patients per week – about 30 percent on Medicare, 65 private on private insurance plans whose payments take into account the Medicare reimbursement rates, and about 5 percent who do it the old-fashioned way and write a check. He calculates that, under Obamacare, for every $5 he now makes, he'll get $2 in the future. Which suggests now would be a good time to retrain as a realtor or accountant, or the night clerk at the convenience store. Yet Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., justifies her support for Obamacare this way:

"I even had one constituent – you will not believe this, and I know you won't, but it's true – her sister died. This poor woman had no dentures. She wore her dead sister's teeth."

Is the problem of second-hand teeth a particular problem in this corner of New York? I haven't noticed an epidemic of ill-fitting dentures on recent visits to the Empire State. George Washington had wooden teeth, but, presumably, these days the Sierra Club would object to the clear-cutting. Yet, even granting Congresswoman Slaughter the benefit of the doubt, is annexing the equivalent of a G7 economy the solution to what would seem to be the statistically unrepresentative problem of her constituent's ill-fitting choppers? Is it worth reducing the next generation of Americans to indentured servitude to pay for this poor New Yorker's dentured servitude?

Yes. Because government health care is not about health care, it's about government. Once you look at it that way, what the Dems are doing makes perfect sense. For them.

Today's Nature Photo By Scott Phoebus

" Maine "


America: The only country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, our elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet we have benefits for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents, clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies.

Imagine if we gave ourselves the same support that we gave all other countries. I feel bad for them, but who cares about America ?

MSP Press Release

LOCATION: Snow Hill Road, Longview Drive Salisbury Wicomico County, Maryland


On 03-09-2010 at approximately 1336 hours, Sergeant Beauchamp of the Salisbury Barrack attempted to stop a vehicle at the above location for a traffic violation. The driver accelerated and turned into a private driveway and attempted to discard suspected cocaine. A search was conducted and a quantity of cocaine was recovered. Also seized was several thousands of dollars in U.S. currency which was recovered from both suspects.

The suspects were placed under arrest and transported to the Wicomico County Detention Center for a hearing in front of a District Court Commissioner.
1. Anthony Quince Jackson Jr. b/m age 25 of Snow Hill , Maryland
2. Jordan Edward Johnson b/m age 19 of Stockton, Maryland

Both suspects were charged with: Possession of cds cocaine with the intent to distribute and possession of cds paraphernalia

Horse Trailer For Sale

The first $2,500.00 Takes It.

Steven Baker Contract Signing

Primal Fighting Systems in Delmar, MD is proud to announce that one of their Professional MMA fighters Steven Baker has formally agreed to fight in the upcoming Shogun Fights 2 at the first Mariner arena in Baltimore, MD. Steven is one of two Professional MMA fighters that train and fight out of Primal Fighting Systems in Delmar. Steven will be facing Baltimore native Rick Desper. Desper is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brown Belt who fights out of Ground Control in Baltimore. Shogun Fights 2 takes place Saturday, March 27th at the First Mariner Arena in Baltimore. The first Shogun fights show had drew almost 6,000 MMA fans, and this show is estimated to be as big or bigger than the last show. for more information check out or call Brad Pole at Primal Fighting Systems at (410) 603-3961, and for more information on Primal Fighting Systems check out


The Ocean City Police Department reminds citizens to stay safe during the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day festivities in Ocean City. While St. Patrick’s Day has become an occasion for people to don green in celebration, it can be dangerous due to impaired drivers.

Whether you are celebrating at home, attending a parade, or socializing at a pub, there are a few things you should always remember:

􀂃 Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin;

􀂃 Before drinking, designate a sober driver and leave your car keys at home;

􀂃 If you’re impaired, use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public
transportation so you are sure to get home safely;

􀂃 Use an Ocean City bus, for only $2 you can ride roundtrip to your destination

􀂃 If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact your
local law enforcement;

􀂃 And remember, if you know someone who is about to drive while impaired, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely.

In addition, the Ocean City Police Department would like to remind individuals attending this weekend’s 30th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, that it is illegal to possess or consume an open container of alcoholic beverage in public. This includes all public sidewalks, roadways and municipal parking lots, but excludes privately owned properties.

Remember, driving impaired is simply not worth the risk. Not only do you risk injuring yourself or someone else, but the trauma and financial costs of a crash or an arrest for driving while impaired can be really significant. Don’t depend on dumb luck this St. Patrick’s Day; designate your sober driver before the party begins.

For more information, visit

Spring Spruce-Ups Made Easy At The Delaware Home Show

April 10 & 11
State Fairgrounds in Harrington

HARRINGTON, DE Feb. 18, 2010
– The Delaware Home Show returns to the State Fairgrounds in Harrington on April 10 & 11 presented by the Home Builders Association of Delaware.

The Home Show offers something exciting and useful for every lifestyle –– from first-time homeowners to move-up buyers, empty nesters and those working through their “Honey Do” List.

Central and Southern Delaware’s largest home show features nearly 100 exhibits highlighting exciting new products, time and money-saving services, landscape concepts, the hottest styles in home fashions and fabulous ideas in remodeling and decorating, the Delaware Home Show is the place to be for those wanting to make improvements to their home, both inside and out.

In addition to the free giveaways, live product demonstrations and plenty of the latest new technologies, products and services – the Delaware Home Show promises fun-packed activities for adults and children. The Delaware Home Show remains the largest regional show of its kind.

"The Delaware Home Show provides the opportunity for consumers to find items and ideas for their homes in one convenient location, no matter where you live in the Delmarva region”, according to Jennifer Casey, Executive Director of Home Builders Association of Delaware (producers of Home Show).

Visit the Delaware Home Show at the Delaware State Fairgrounds. Admission is $5 for adults and parking is free. Show hours are 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 10 and 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 11.

To download a buy one get one free coupon visit us at
For more information and or call 302-678-1520.

Pfizer CEO Gets Pay Raise For Influencing Public Policy

Lawmakers often contend that lobbying, campaign contributions and fancy parties do not sway their votes, yet at least one company begs to differ. As The Washington Examiner reports, Pfizer based its recent decision to grant CEO Jeff Kindler a raise, at least in part, on his "developing and advancing U.S. and global public policies that serve the overall interests of our Company and our shareholders."

The language, buried in the company's most recent proxy statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, explicitly cites Kindler's efforts in "opposing legislation that would allow for importation of prescription drugs."

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Today's Wildlife Photo

Bank Of America Seizes Wrong House, Holds Parrot Hostage

Bank of America finds itself the target of a new lawsuit filed by a woman in Pittsburgh who alleges that the bank not only improperly seized her home and damaged her other property, but also kept her parrot hostage even after they admitted making a mistake.

GO HERE to read more.


The Sea Gulls, currently ranked 4th and 4-0, will go to a neutral site in Pennsylvania to take on last year’s Division III champion, Cortland, which should be loaded for bear after losing its game on Sunday against Gettysburg – the team that Cortland beat in the final last year. This is the Gulls first game this year with a top ranked team. Cortland is ranked 2nd, behind only Stevenson, which stopped Salisbury in the NCAA tournament last year.

Jumping ahead, on Saturday, the Gulls are at home against a strong squad from Ohio Wesleyan, which may be the best team that they play at home this year. The Gulls other games with top-ranked teams (Gettysburg and Stevenson) are on the road.

Gas Prices’ Run Likely Won’t Top $3

Recession and joblessness will curb demand for fuel

As the economy recovers, energy prices are rising and that is placing extra strain on families' budgets.

Each spring brings a familiar ritual in gasoline markets — rising prices — and this year won't be an exception. But motorists aren't likely to pay much more than $3 a gallon, on average, during the peak summer driving season.

Lingering effects of the recession, such as high unemployment, reduced shipping and limited business travel, are keeping a lid on energy demand in the U.S. And global oil supplies are on the rise. For now, these trends are providing energy markets with enough of a cushion to prevent geopolitical tensions from causing severe price volatility.

GO HERE to read more.

The Worst Drive-Thru Foods In America

Worst Grilled Chicken
Jack in the Box Chipotle Chicken Ciabatta
690 calories
28 g fat (9 g saturated fat)
1850 mg sodium

Unlike many other fast food restaurants that have made the shift away from trans fats, Jack in the Box's menu has a number of items with more than 5 grams of the stuff. Add fries to this sandwich, and they'll come with 7 grams of nasty trans fats.

Eat This Instead!
Chicken Fajita Pita
300 calories
9 g fat (3.5 g saturated fat)
1090 mg sodium

Worst "Healthy" Food
Arby's Roast Turkey and Swiss Market Fresh Sandwich
708 calories
29 g fat (8 g saturated fat)
1,676 mg sodium

Avoid any sandwich made on honey wheat bread: Two slices contain a staggering 361 calories and 68 grams of carbs. Cut those in half by sticking to a sesame bun.

Eat This Instead!
Chicken Cordon Blue Sandwich (grilled)
488 calories
18 g fat (4 g saturated fat)
1,560 mg sodium

Worst Cheeseburger
Hardee's Monster Thickburger
1,420 calories
108 g fat (43 g saturated fat)
2,770 mg sodium
230 mg cholesterol

More sodium and fat than you should get in a day, and more saturated fat than you want in two.

Eat This Instead!
Low Carb Thickburger
420 caloreis
32 g fat (12 g saturated fat)
1.010 mg sodium

Worst Fish Sandwich
Burger King BIG FISH Sandwich with Tartar Sauce
640 calories
32 g fat (5 g saturated fat)
1540 mg sodium

Fish is only healthy when it's not breaded and fried in partially hydrogenated oil. Here, the fry treatment translates into 7 grams of trans fats and 108 grams of carbohydrates.

Eat This Instead!
Whopper Jr. without mayo
and Garden Salad
365 calories
12 g fat (4.5 g saturated fat)
1230 mg sodium

Worst Dessert
Dairy Queen Large Strawberry CheeseQuake Blizzard
990 calories
39 g fat (24 g saturated fat)
114 g sugars

This creation combines ice cream, strawberry syrup, and hunks of cheesecake for a high-fat dairy dessert. If you're set on a Blizzard, go bananas. A small Banana Split Blizzard has 7 fewer fat grams than the small Oreo, Cookie Dough, Peanut Butter Cup, or Strawberry Cheesequake flavors. Or stray from the Blizzard and satisfy your sweet tooth with a small chocolate sundae instead to save major calories and fat.

Eat This Instead!
Small Chocolate Sundae
280 calories
7 g fat (4.5 g saturated fat)
42 g sugars

Worst Potato Side
Jack in the Box Bacon Cheddar Potato Wedges
720 calories
48 g fat (15 g saturated fat, 12 g trans fats)
1,360 mg sodium
48 g carbohydrates

For the record: bacon, cheese, and fried potatoes are not a healthful trio. What's worse, though, is that Jack in the Box cooks in trans-fatty vegetable shortening. It's no secret that french fries can ruin an otherwise sensible meal, but these things take destruction to another level entirely.

Eat This Instead!
Mozzarella Cheese Sticks (3)
240 calories
12 g fat (5 g saturated fat, 2 g trans fats)
420 mg sodium

Worst Milkshake
McDonald's Large Triple Thick Chocolate Milkshake
1160 calories
27 g fat (16 g saturated fat)
168 g sugar
510 mg sodium

You'd be better off eating two Quarter Pounders than sucking one of these belt-breaking shakes down. Steer clear of milkshakes at the golden arches. If you have to have a frozen dessert, order a vanilla ice cream cone to save more than 1000 calories.

Eat This Instead!
Vanilla Reduced-Fat Ice Cream Cone
150 calories
3.5 g fat (2 g saturated fat)
18 g sugars
60 mg sodium

Worst Chicken Strips
Dairy Queen 6-Piece Chicken Strip Basket
1,270 calories
67 g fat (11 g saturated fat)
2,910 mg sodium

The strips deliver more grams of fat than four DQ Homestyle Burgers, and nearly 300 more calories than a Large Strawberry CheeseQuake Blizzard.

Eat This Instead!
Grilled Chicken Salad
with Fat-Free Italian Dressing
280 calories
11 g fat (5 g saturated) 1,550 mg sodium

Worst Side
Arby's Large Mozzarella Sticks
849 calories
56 g fat (26 g saturated fat)
2730 mg sodium

Anything with as much saturated fat as a Triple Whopper should not be called a side. If it's cheese you crave, order the French Dip ‘N Swiss or Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwich instead to save more than 500 calories.

Eat This Instead!
Martha's Vineyard Salad
With Light buttermilk Ranch Dressing
389 calories
14 g fat (5 g saturated)
923 mg sodium

Worst Drive-Thru Kids Meal
Burger King Kids Double Cheeseburger and Kids Fries with Small Coke
950 calories
42 g fat (17 g saturated fat, 4.5 g trans fats)
1,410 mg sodium

BK's dubious double burger earns the distinction of being the fattiest meal for an on-the-go kid, with nearly a day's worth of saturated fat for the average 8-year-old.

Eat This Instead!
4-piece Chicken Tenders with Strawberry-Flavored Applesauce and unlimited water
280 calories
11 g fat (3 g saturated fat)
440 mg sodium

Worst Roast Beef Sandwich
Arby's Roast Beef and Swiss Market Fresh Sandwich
810 calories
42 g fat (13 g saturated fat)
1780 mg sodium

The unwholesome trinity of mayo, Italian sub sauce, and processed Swiss cheese make this sandwich the clear loser in the battle of the beef. The Super Roast Beef replaces mayo with a low-cal spicy pepper sauce and totals 370 fewer calories.

Eat This Instead!
Super Roast Beef
440 calories
19 g fat (7 g saturated fat)
1061 mg sodium

Worst Crispy Chicken Sandwich
Hardee's Big Chicken Fillet Sandwich
800 calories
37 g fat (6 g saturated fat)
1890 mg sodium

A general rule: Avoid sandwiches with words like "big" and "monster" in the name. Hardee's Monster Thickburger is another example-it comes in at 1,420 calories, 108 grams of fat, and more saturated fat than you want in two days.

Eat This Instead!
Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich
415 calories
5 g fat (1 g saturated fat)
1175 mg sodium

Worst Salad
Chick-fil-A Chick-n-Strips Salad with Buttermilk Ranch Dressing
800 calories
60 g fat (12 g saturated fat)
1745 mg sodium

With 17 more grams of fat than Taco Bell's Fiesta Taco Salad, this is the worst salad from any drive-thru. The dressing alone sets you back 42.5 grams of fat.

Eat This Instead!
Chick-fil-A Southwest Chargrilled Salad with Fat-Free Honey Mustard Dressing
360 calories
8 g fat (3.5 g saturated fat)
1170 mg sodium

Worst Fish Entree
Long John Silver's Battered Fish (2 pieces) with small French fries
750 calories
42 g fat (10.5 saturated fat)
1930 mg sodium

Battered is one of those words that rarely describes anything healthy. Look for baked items like the cod for a hefty dose of protein, plus a shot of heart-healthy fat.

Eat This Instead!
Baked Cod (2 pieces) with a Corn Cobette
340 calories
11 g fat (2.5 g saturated fat)
470 mg sodium

Worst Drive-Thru Breakfast Sandwich
Jack in the Box Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuit
740 calories
55 g fat (17 g saturated fat)
1430 mg sodium

Skip biscuits at all costs. This one contains nearly a full day's worth of saturated fat. Instead try the Bacon Breakfast Jack-16 grams of protein makes it a surprisingly good way to start your day.

Eat This Instead!
Bacon Breakfast Jack
300 calories
14 g fat (5 g saturated fat)
730 mg sodium

Worst Hot Sandwich
Sonic Chicken Club Toaster Sandwich
690 calories
35 g fat (10 g saturated fat)
1900 mg sodium

How can a chicken sandwich pack so much fat? Start with a fried chicken breast, add bacon, cheese, and mayo, and you're there. Ditch the chicken for beef and save 10 grams of fat.

Eat This Instead!
Sonic Burger with Mustard
540 calories
25 g fat (9 g saturated fat)
730 mg sodium

Worst Mexican Entree
Taco Bell Grilled Stuft Beef Burrito
680 calories
30 g fat (10 g saturated fat)
2120 mg sodium

Ditch this and order two grilled steak soft tacos (or any menu item) "fresco" style and the Bell boys will replace cheese and sauces with a chunky tomato salsa, helping to cut calories dramatically and fat by at least 25 percent.

Eat This Instead!
Two Grilled Steak Soft Tacos, Fresco Style
320 calories
9 g fat (3 g saturated fat)
1100 mg sodium

Worst Value-Menu Item
Burger King Spicy Chick'n Crisp Sandwich
450 calories
30 g fat (5 g saturated fat)
810 mg sodium

Lean economic times make the value menu more appealing than ever. And that's fine-most dollar menus have a few sensible items. But if you eat this sandwich often, saving a few bucks will quickly result in a surplus around your waistline.

Eat This Instead!
Whopper Jr. without mayo
290 calories
12 g fat (4.5 g saturated fat)
500 mg sodium

Worst Drink
Sonic Minute Maid Cranberry Juice Slush (large)
450 calories
124 g sugars

Cranberry juice is like the Ryan Seacrest of drinks-fine in small does, but too sickly sweet to pour on heavy. A large has more sugar than three sodas. Steer clear of Sonic's slushes-most deliver an entire meal's worth of calories.

Drink This Instead!
Cranberry Flavored Tea (large)
62 calories
15 g sugar