The National Science Foundation awarded $70,717.00 to pay for 20 researchers to attend a two-day manufacturing workshop in Seoul, South Korea in March. The award went into effect on March 1, 2013, officially the first day of across-the-board spending cuts, the sequestration.
“This award will fund a United States delegation of about 20 experts to attend a workshop in Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK), to discuss advanced manufacturing with a similar number of researchers from the ROK,” the grant abstract states.
The workshop, held last month, was designed “to identify research topics of mutual interest to academic researchers supported by National Science Foundation domestically, and by the Korean National Research Foundation in Korea,” the abstract states.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Saturday, April 06, 2013
"We've Been Lied To, Robbed, And Misled"
David Stockman, former director of the OMB under President Reagan, former US Representative, and veteran financier is an insider's insider. Few people understand the ways in which both Washington DC and Wall Street work and intersect better than he does.
In his upcoming book, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America, Stockman lays out how we have devolved from a free market economy into a managed one that operates for the benefit of a privileged few. And when trouble arises, these few are bailed out at the expense of the public good.
By manipulating the price of money through sustained and historically low interest rates, Greenspan and Bernanke created an era of asset mis-pricing that inevitably would need to correct. And when market forces attempted to do so in 2008, Paulson et al hoodwinked the world into believing the repercussions would be so calamitous for all that the institutions responsible for the bad actions that instigated the problem needed to be rescued -- in full -- at all costs.
Of course, history shows that our markets and economy would have been better off had the system been allowed to correct. Most of the "too big to fail" institutions would have survived or been broken into smaller, more resilient, entities. For those that would have failed, smaller, more responsible banks would have stepped up to replace them - as happens as part of the natural course of a free market system:
Essentially there was a cleansing run on the wholesale funding market in the canyons of Wall Street going on. It would have worked its will, just like JP Morgan allowed it to happen in 1907 when we did not have the Fed getting in the way. Because they stopped it in its tracks after the AIG bailout and then all the alphabet soup of different lines that the Fed threw out, and then the enactment of TARP, the last two investment banks standing were rescued, Goldman and Morgan [Stanley], and they should not have been.
As a result of being rescued and having the cleansing liquidation of rotten balance sheets stopped, within a few weeks and certainly months they were back to the same old games, such that Goldman Sachs got $10 billion dollars for the fiscal year that started three months later after that check went out, which was October 2008. For the fiscal 2009 year, Goldman Sachs generated what I call a $29 billion surplus – $13 billion of net income after tax, and on top of that $16 billion of salaries and bonuses, 95% of it which was bonuses.
Therefore, the idea that they were on death’s door does not stack up. Even if they had been, it would not make any difference to the health of the financial system. These firms are supposed to come and go, and if people make really bad bets, if they have a trillion dollar balance sheet with six, seven, eight hundred billion dollars worth of hot-money short-term funding, then they ought to take their just reward, because it would create lessons, it would create discipline. So all the new firms that would have been formed out of the remnants of Goldman Sachs where everybody lost their stock values – which for most of these partners is tens of millions, hundreds of millions – when they formed a new firm, I doubt whether they would have gone back to the old game. What happened was the Fed stopped everything in its tracks, kept Goldman Sachs intact, the reckless Goldman Sachs and the reckless Morgan Stanley, everyone quickly recovered their stock value and the game continues. This is one of the evils that comes from this kind of deep intervention in the capital and money markets.
In his upcoming book, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America, Stockman lays out how we have devolved from a free market economy into a managed one that operates for the benefit of a privileged few. And when trouble arises, these few are bailed out at the expense of the public good.
By manipulating the price of money through sustained and historically low interest rates, Greenspan and Bernanke created an era of asset mis-pricing that inevitably would need to correct. And when market forces attempted to do so in 2008, Paulson et al hoodwinked the world into believing the repercussions would be so calamitous for all that the institutions responsible for the bad actions that instigated the problem needed to be rescued -- in full -- at all costs.
Of course, history shows that our markets and economy would have been better off had the system been allowed to correct. Most of the "too big to fail" institutions would have survived or been broken into smaller, more resilient, entities. For those that would have failed, smaller, more responsible banks would have stepped up to replace them - as happens as part of the natural course of a free market system:
Essentially there was a cleansing run on the wholesale funding market in the canyons of Wall Street going on. It would have worked its will, just like JP Morgan allowed it to happen in 1907 when we did not have the Fed getting in the way. Because they stopped it in its tracks after the AIG bailout and then all the alphabet soup of different lines that the Fed threw out, and then the enactment of TARP, the last two investment banks standing were rescued, Goldman and Morgan [Stanley], and they should not have been.
As a result of being rescued and having the cleansing liquidation of rotten balance sheets stopped, within a few weeks and certainly months they were back to the same old games, such that Goldman Sachs got $10 billion dollars for the fiscal year that started three months later after that check went out, which was October 2008. For the fiscal 2009 year, Goldman Sachs generated what I call a $29 billion surplus – $13 billion of net income after tax, and on top of that $16 billion of salaries and bonuses, 95% of it which was bonuses.
Therefore, the idea that they were on death’s door does not stack up. Even if they had been, it would not make any difference to the health of the financial system. These firms are supposed to come and go, and if people make really bad bets, if they have a trillion dollar balance sheet with six, seven, eight hundred billion dollars worth of hot-money short-term funding, then they ought to take their just reward, because it would create lessons, it would create discipline. So all the new firms that would have been formed out of the remnants of Goldman Sachs where everybody lost their stock values – which for most of these partners is tens of millions, hundreds of millions – when they formed a new firm, I doubt whether they would have gone back to the old game. What happened was the Fed stopped everything in its tracks, kept Goldman Sachs intact, the reckless Goldman Sachs and the reckless Morgan Stanley, everyone quickly recovered their stock value and the game continues. This is one of the evils that comes from this kind of deep intervention in the capital and money markets.
Several days ago it was reported that “R&B’s power couple” Jay-Z and Beyonce were spending their fifth anniversary in Havana, Cuba.
Now, they are coming under fire for that decision from no less than two members of Congress, and a number of Cuban rights lobbyists.
Mauricio Claver-Carone, the D.C. director for the US-Cuba Democracy PAC, told TMZ: “There are women getting beaten on a daily basis, women who are being jailed for no reason … people are fighting for their freedom. It’s extremely insensitive.”
Now, they are coming under fire for that decision from no less than two members of Congress, and a number of Cuban rights lobbyists.
Mauricio Claver-Carone, the D.C. director for the US-Cuba Democracy PAC, told TMZ: “There are women getting beaten on a daily basis, women who are being jailed for no reason … people are fighting for their freedom. It’s extremely insensitive.”
This Is What It Feels Like To Have Your Life Savings Confiscated By The Global Elite
By Michael, on March 29th, 2013
What would you do if you woke up one day and discovered that the banksters had “legally” stolen about 80 percent of your life savings? Most people seem to assume that most of the depositors that are getting ripped off in Cyprus are “Russian oligarchs” or “wealthy European tycoons”, but the truth is that they are only just part of the story. As you will see below, there are small businesses and aging retirees that have been absolutely devastated by the wealth confiscation that has taken place in Cyprus. Many businesses can no longer meet their payrolls or pay their bills because their funds have been frozen, and many retirees have seen retirement plans that they have been working toward for decades absolutely destroyed in a matter of days.
Sometimes it can be hard to identify with events that are happening on the other side of the globe, but I want you to try to put yourself into their shoes for a few minutes. How would you feel if something like this happened to you?
For example, just consider the case of one 65-year-old retiree that has had his life savings totally wiped out by the “wealth tax” in Cyprus. His very sad story was recently featured by the Sydney Morning Herald…
”Very bad, very, very bad,” says 65-year-old John Demetriou, rubbing tears from his lined face with thick fingers. ”I lost all my money.”
By Michael, on March 29th, 2013
What would you do if you woke up one day and discovered that the banksters had “legally” stolen about 80 percent of your life savings? Most people seem to assume that most of the depositors that are getting ripped off in Cyprus are “Russian oligarchs” or “wealthy European tycoons”, but the truth is that they are only just part of the story. As you will see below, there are small businesses and aging retirees that have been absolutely devastated by the wealth confiscation that has taken place in Cyprus. Many businesses can no longer meet their payrolls or pay their bills because their funds have been frozen, and many retirees have seen retirement plans that they have been working toward for decades absolutely destroyed in a matter of days.
Sometimes it can be hard to identify with events that are happening on the other side of the globe, but I want you to try to put yourself into their shoes for a few minutes. How would you feel if something like this happened to you?
For example, just consider the case of one 65-year-old retiree that has had his life savings totally wiped out by the “wealth tax” in Cyprus. His very sad story was recently featured by the Sydney Morning Herald…
”Very bad, very, very bad,” says 65-year-old John Demetriou, rubbing tears from his lined face with thick fingers. ”I lost all my money.”
Fisker Fires 75 Percent Of Its U.S. Workforce During Massive Layoffs
* 160 layoffs latest symptom of cash crunch
* Fisker: move necessary to "maximize value of core assets"
* Raised $1.2 bln from investors, but cash has dwindled to $30 mln
* Fisker has not made a car since last July
By Deepa Seetharaman
DETROIT, April 5 (Reuters) - Fisker Automotive, the struggling, government-backed hybrid sports car maker, said on Friday that it terminated most of its rank-and-file employees, in what sources said was a last-ditch effort to conserve cash and stave off a potential bankruptcy filing.
Fisker, which raised $1.2 billion from investors and tapped nearly $200 million in government loans, has "at least" $30 million in cash, according to a source familiar with the company's finances. This does not include $15 million Fisker will receive after settling a claim this week with its bankrupt battery maker, the source said.
* Fisker: move necessary to "maximize value of core assets"
* Raised $1.2 bln from investors, but cash has dwindled to $30 mln
* Fisker has not made a car since last July
By Deepa Seetharaman
DETROIT, April 5 (Reuters) - Fisker Automotive, the struggling, government-backed hybrid sports car maker, said on Friday that it terminated most of its rank-and-file employees, in what sources said was a last-ditch effort to conserve cash and stave off a potential bankruptcy filing.
Fisker, which raised $1.2 billion from investors and tapped nearly $200 million in government loans, has "at least" $30 million in cash, according to a source familiar with the company's finances. This does not include $15 million Fisker will receive after settling a claim this week with its bankrupt battery maker, the source said.
Bingomania Returns To The Wicomico Youth & Civic Center On Saturday, April 20th
(Salisbury, MD) Bingomania, the Eastern Shore’s largest bingo cash prize event, returns to the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center on Saturday, April 20th. Doors open at 5:00pm for early bird games and regular games begin at 7:30pm.
Admission to Bingomania includes all regular and special games, including the Jumbo Jackpot Game. Regular game payouts are $500 while special games will pay out $1000. The Jumbo Jackpot Game pays a maximum of $10,000 depending upon attendance.
Increase your chances of winning and help a local food bank at the same time by bringing three non-perishable food items to the game. Those that do will receive three additional cards for the first early bird game.
Tickets are $45 per person in advance and $55 per person at the door, fees may apply to ticket prices. Tickets are on sale now at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Ave., Salisbury, MD; M-F, 8am-6pm), online at and by phone at 410-548-4911.
All proceeds benefit the Mardela Middle and High School Bands. For more information contact the Mardela Band-Aides at 410-677-5170.
Admission to Bingomania includes all regular and special games, including the Jumbo Jackpot Game. Regular game payouts are $500 while special games will pay out $1000. The Jumbo Jackpot Game pays a maximum of $10,000 depending upon attendance.
Increase your chances of winning and help a local food bank at the same time by bringing three non-perishable food items to the game. Those that do will receive three additional cards for the first early bird game.
Tickets are $45 per person in advance and $55 per person at the door, fees may apply to ticket prices. Tickets are on sale now at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Ave., Salisbury, MD; M-F, 8am-6pm), online at and by phone at 410-548-4911.
All proceeds benefit the Mardela Middle and High School Bands. For more information contact the Mardela Band-Aides at 410-677-5170.
Pepco CEO Made $11.4 Million In 2012 Despite Utility’s Spotty Record
Pepco has been faulted repeatedly for dismal reliability and the electric company’s hundreds of thousands of customers have little choice but to go with the monopoly, yet its chief executive’s compensation package rose from $6.7 million in 2011 to $11.4 million last year, financial documents filed last week show.
Joseph M. Rigby’s base salary increased from $880,000 to $985,000 in 2012, but the bulk of the compensation came in the form of stock awards, which increased from $2.3 million to $4.7 million; incentive payments, which increased from $748,000 to $1.2 million, and pension and deferred compensation, which increased from $2.5 million to $4.2 million, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. This year, Mr. Rigby will see another raise, with his base salary increasing to $1,015,000.
Joseph M. Rigby’s base salary increased from $880,000 to $985,000 in 2012, but the bulk of the compensation came in the form of stock awards, which increased from $2.3 million to $4.7 million; incentive payments, which increased from $748,000 to $1.2 million, and pension and deferred compensation, which increased from $2.5 million to $4.2 million, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. This year, Mr. Rigby will see another raise, with his base salary increasing to $1,015,000.
The beginning Of The End
Thanks, World Reserve Currency, But No Thanks: Australia And China To Enable Direct Currency Convertibility
A month ago we pointed out that as a result of Australia's unprecedented reliance on China as a target export market, accounting for nearly 30% of all Australian exports (with the flipside being just as true, as Australia now is the fifth-biggest source of Chinese imports), the two countries may as well be joined at the hip.
A month ago we pointed out that as a result of Australia's unprecedented reliance on China as a target export market, accounting for nearly 30% of all Australian exports (with the flipside being just as true, as Australia now is the fifth-biggest source of Chinese imports), the two countries may as well be joined at the hip.
ASPCA Urges Governor To Sign Bill To Help Pets
The Senate recently passed a bill that would create a statewide spay-neuter program to help pay for the spaying and neutering of cats and dogs. The bill will now go to Governor O’Malley for his signature.
Under the bill, a new program will mandate would place a $100 surcharge on the makers of commercial pet food brands registered in the state.
By enacting this bill, officials believe the state will not only reduce its pet population, but it will also generate approximately $1 million each year by the third year of the program’s inception.
The new law will become effective October 1.
Under the bill, a new program will mandate would place a $100 surcharge on the makers of commercial pet food brands registered in the state.
By enacting this bill, officials believe the state will not only reduce its pet population, but it will also generate approximately $1 million each year by the third year of the program’s inception.
The new law will become effective October 1.
Solution For Humane Society
Hi Joe,
With all the goings on with the current director at the HS. I think it would be a great idea to reinstate the position of shelter manager. A position he did away with about the same time he did away with the accounting firm. Sandy Hudson was a good shelter manager. She has years of experience in animal control and animal welfare. She worked endlessly to get animals placed in homes instead of euthanizing them. She and I have had our differences but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the animals come first for her. She should be immediately be put back in her position as manager. This also at least makes some checks and balances and puts someone else in the position to know what the day to day operations are and what they should be. She is trained in her field where the current director has so little training it's a joke. Someone needs to be in that building that knows the laws and actually cares about the animals. Why did he do away with this position when all other shelters have someone in this capacity. No one person should be in total control. Sandy should be brought back to do her job while a nationwide search is conducted for a real shelter director with animal sheltering experience. They are some good employees at the HS but they are afraid to speak up about anything that happens there for fear of losing their jobs. Most have years more experience than David Fitzgerald and know that he isn't doing his job in the best interest of the animals. You know how people say be careful what you wish for. Well Linda Lugo and Sandy Hudson are now gone and the ones suffering are the animals of Wicomico and apparently Dorchester County at the hands of a man that doesn't even like animals and is all about the money. Please residents of the county stand up and demand an audit and demand that someone with experience that cares is put back in the building.
Decision About Petition Drive On Gun Control Up In The Air
Following the controversial passage of the Firearms Safety Act of 2013, many Marylanders in opposition to the law may be wondering: what next?
Republican delegates have not yet come together with a unified response. However, rumors of a referendum petition are moving fast.
Leading up to the vote, Republicans had no illusions about their chances of killing this bill. Even before the final decision was made, Del. Pat McDonough, R-Baltimore County, admitted that the opposition to the bill was too weak to fight it.
Republican delegates have not yet come together with a unified response. However, rumors of a referendum petition are moving fast.
Leading up to the vote, Republicans had no illusions about their chances of killing this bill. Even before the final decision was made, Del. Pat McDonough, R-Baltimore County, admitted that the opposition to the bill was too weak to fight it.
The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery
By Ron Paul
The dramatic recent events in Cyprus have highlighted the fundamental weakness in the European banking system and the extreme fragility of fractional reserve banking. Cypriot banks invested heavily in Greek sovereign debt, and last summer’s Greek debt restructuring resulted in losses equivalent to more than 25 percent of Cyprus’ GDP. These banks then took their bad investments to the government, demanding a bailout from an already beleaguered Cypriot treasury. The government of Cyprus then turned to the European Union (EU) for a bailout.
The terms insisted upon by the troika (European Commission, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund) before funding the bailout were nothing short of highway robbery. While bank depositors have traditionally been protected in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation, the troika insisted that all bank depositors pay a tax of between 6.75 and 10 percent of their total deposits to help fund the bailout.
While one can sympathize with EU taxpayers not wanting to fund yet another bailout of a poorly-managed banking system, forcing the Cypriot people to pay for the foolish risks taken by their government and bankers is also criminal. In their desire to punish a “tax haven” catering supposedly to Russian oligarchs, the EU elites ensured that ordinary citizens would suffer just as much as foreign depositors. Imagine the reaction if in September 2008, the US government had financed its $700 billion bank bailout by directly looting American taxpayers’ bank accounts!
By Ron Paul
The dramatic recent events in Cyprus have highlighted the fundamental weakness in the European banking system and the extreme fragility of fractional reserve banking. Cypriot banks invested heavily in Greek sovereign debt, and last summer’s Greek debt restructuring resulted in losses equivalent to more than 25 percent of Cyprus’ GDP. These banks then took their bad investments to the government, demanding a bailout from an already beleaguered Cypriot treasury. The government of Cyprus then turned to the European Union (EU) for a bailout.
The terms insisted upon by the troika (European Commission, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund) before funding the bailout were nothing short of highway robbery. While bank depositors have traditionally been protected in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation, the troika insisted that all bank depositors pay a tax of between 6.75 and 10 percent of their total deposits to help fund the bailout.
While one can sympathize with EU taxpayers not wanting to fund yet another bailout of a poorly-managed banking system, forcing the Cypriot people to pay for the foolish risks taken by their government and bankers is also criminal. In their desire to punish a “tax haven” catering supposedly to Russian oligarchs, the EU elites ensured that ordinary citizens would suffer just as much as foreign depositors. Imagine the reaction if in September 2008, the US government had financed its $700 billion bank bailout by directly looting American taxpayers’ bank accounts!
U.S. Hopes To Donate Cash Instead Of Food To Anti-Hunger Efforts
International anti-hunger activists expect the Obama administration to propose major reforms to its food aid efforts in which the United States would donate cash instead of shipping U.S.-grown food to trouble spots around the world.
The White House declined to comment on Friday on its plans. But people who have heard the plans said the administration has discussed the strategy with interest groups and lawmakers and touted it as a way to save money while still keeping the United States the global leader in food aid.
Many anti-hunger groups back the new strategy, but other groups, including domestic producers who sell food to the program, oppose the change.
The White House declined to comment on Friday on its plans. But people who have heard the plans said the administration has discussed the strategy with interest groups and lawmakers and touted it as a way to save money while still keeping the United States the global leader in food aid.
Many anti-hunger groups back the new strategy, but other groups, including domestic producers who sell food to the program, oppose the change.
Here They Are ......... And They Are All "D's" But One
With a vote of 53-46 in the pre-dawn hours Saturday, the Senate approved a measure "to uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty."
Here is a list of the 46 traitors that thought our 2nd Amendment isn't worth upholding, and are willing to hand it over to the UN. These traitors need to be unemployed come the next election.
Here is a list of the 46 traitors that thought our 2nd Amendment isn't worth upholding, and are willing to hand it over to the UN. These traitors need to be unemployed come the next election.
Md. House Passes Gun Control Measure
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland's House of Delegates approved a major gun control measure Wednesday to ban assault weapons, require people who buy handguns to provide their fingerprints and limit gun magazines to 10 bullets.
The House voted 78-61 for the bill, one of Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley's priorities for the legislative session scheduled to end at midnight Monday. All 78 votes in support of the bill came from Democrats, while 18 Democrats joined all 43 Republicans in the chamber to vote against it.
While there are differences between the House and Senate that will need to be reconciled before the Legislature could send the measure to O'Malley for his signature, the main parts supported by gun control advocates remained intact. They included the fingerprint requirement, which opponents repeatedly tried to take out of the measure. Lawmakers in the Senate and the House, both with strong Democratic majorities, rejected amendments that would have stripped the provision.
The House voted 78-61 for the bill, one of Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley's priorities for the legislative session scheduled to end at midnight Monday. All 78 votes in support of the bill came from Democrats, while 18 Democrats joined all 43 Republicans in the chamber to vote against it.
While there are differences between the House and Senate that will need to be reconciled before the Legislature could send the measure to O'Malley for his signature, the main parts supported by gun control advocates remained intact. They included the fingerprint requirement, which opponents repeatedly tried to take out of the measure. Lawmakers in the Senate and the House, both with strong Democratic majorities, rejected amendments that would have stripped the provision.
Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release
On March 27, 2013, at approximately 0815 hours, Worcester County Sheriff's Office Deputy was on patrol in the area of Route 113 Northbound at Kepler Lane, Bishopville, Worcester County, Maryland, when they observed a silver in color mini-van, traveling at what they believed to be over the posted speed limit of 55 miles per hour. The Deputy was able to obtain a speed reading of 65 miles per hour on the aforementioned mini-van. A traffic stop was affected on said mini-van and contact was made with the driver, identified as Chak Wah Kong, 44 years of age, of New York. Upon making contact with Kong, the Deputy observed that Kong became very nervous, his hands were shaking and he began to sweat. The Deputy was able to see numerous large black garbage bags in the rear portion of the mini-van and upon questioning Kong he stated that he was coming from Virginia and that there was fruit in the black bags. Upon returning to their vehicle the Deputy was able to look in the rear driver`s side window and was able to observe, in the seat area, a white bag that had the ends of Marlboro cigarette cartons sticking out from it, approximately 5 or 6 cartons.
Upon return to the vehicle the Deputy asked Kong about the cigarettes in the white bag and Kong stated that he did smoke. Based upon the observations made the Deputy completed a probable cause search of the vehicle. Upon inspection of the mini-van an amount of cigarettes, determined to be 190 cartons, was located. Kong was placed under arrest for possession of unstamped cigarettes. Kong was transported to the Worcester County Sheriff`s Office where the Comptroller`s Office for the State of Maryland arrived shortly thereafter and seized the cigarettes as well as the mini-van belonging to Kong. Kong was processed and taken before the District Court Commissioner where he was released on personal recognizance.
Mental Health Advocates Outraged By Lack Of State Funding For Psychiatric Care, Cuts In Governor’s Budget
There has been a great deal of partisan bickering in the debate over gun control. But the one thing Democrats and Republicans tend to agree on is the need to improve the mental health system, so that potential mass shooters are treated before their violent fantasies become a reality.
Maryland’s new gun control laws prohibit gun purchases by those who have been involuntarily committed by a judge or those who were voluntarily committed for over 30 days.
Mentally ill Marylanders have cried foul, saying that they have become the scapegoat for a national tragedy. They say that they are not getting the help they need from the state, and that they have been neglected by politicians who claim to care about their well-being.
Worcester To Get New Biking Trail
SNOW HILL -- Biking enthusiasts have another reason to appreciate Worcester County with officials approving a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Eastern Shore International Mountain Bicycling Association (ESIMBA) for the installation of a mountain biking trail at Newtown Park near Snow Hill.
“The agreement would govern the creation and maintenance of a mountain bike trail at our Newtown Park facility,” wrote Recreation and Parks Director Paige Hurley in a memo to the commission. “The trail would accommodate beginning to intermediate skilled riders and would be routed through an existing forested area that measured approximately one mile in length.”
Mountain biking is becoming increasingly popular, Hurley continued, and fits well with Worcester’s recreation strategy of offering inexpensive and healthy outdoor activities.
“The agreement would govern the creation and maintenance of a mountain bike trail at our Newtown Park facility,” wrote Recreation and Parks Director Paige Hurley in a memo to the commission. “The trail would accommodate beginning to intermediate skilled riders and would be routed through an existing forested area that measured approximately one mile in length.”
Mountain biking is becoming increasingly popular, Hurley continued, and fits well with Worcester’s recreation strategy of offering inexpensive and healthy outdoor activities.
Salisbury City Cops: Racism And Carelessness
On Saturday night my Fiancé and I were out having a drink with some friends. My son, who was staying with my father called me and wanted me to bring him a ginger ale because he had an upset stomach. So I pulled up in front of my fathers house, ran in, and came back out within 5 minutes. When I came outside, a Salisbury City cop had his lights activated and rode past my car, then did a U-turn and came back. The officer said someone had called in a complaint because I was parked the wrong way.. I was like hmm ok, so within 5 minutes someone called and complained and here you are??? Didn't seem right to me... Then the officers asked my Fiancé and I to step out of the car because they could small Marijuana. We did not have any weed in the car.. I had just bought the car on Wednesday from a car dealer in DE. Maybe that's where the smell was coming from?? So the MALE officer's searched my Fiancé and I, then searched my car. I thought male officers could not search a female subject??? Anyway, they continued to harass him for about 15 minutes patting him down, telling him that they KNOW he has weed.. Then as he was talking to them, one of the officer's said " I saw you spit it out." So now they are searching in the GRASS with FLASHLIGHTS trying to find this transparent Marijuana. We did have an open container in the car that they questioned my fiancé about... but didn't ask me if I had been drinking. And I was the driver.....Seems to me they could care less if I was drinking and driving.. they were only worried about my fiancé because he is of a different skin color than those Caucasian police officers. And normally I don't play the race card. But in the certain circumstance I will. Why sit there and harass him, when I am the driver if the car with an open container in visible sight?? (BTW I do not condone drinking and driving and I was not drunk...) And when the police were finally done harassing my fiancé, I was like so someone called in and complained right? He was like, "No I saw you park there." I just laughed... It is a shame that a black man can not even sit in a car without being harassed by the SALISBURY CITY cops, and this is not the first time and I am SURE it will not be the last!
Maryland Governor Uses Gun Grab to Raise Money for Democrats
Maryland recently passed sweeping gun control laws, laws far-left governor Martin O'Malley is more than willing to quickly sign into law. In additon, O'Malley is more than happy to tout his new gun grab while begging for donations to Democrats.
Friend --
I'm excited to share some tremendous news from Maryland!More
We just passed a comprehensive public safety package that will take major steps to reduce gun violence -- making our schools safer, and making it harder for dangerous people to acquire weapons.
This is going to make Maryland families safer -- but it wasn't an easy win.
An overwhelming majority of Marylanders supported these common-sense reforms, but that didn't stop the NRA and their deep-pocketed lobbyists and allies from doing everything they could to prevent our progress.
Emergency Beach Replenishment Project Expected In Ocean City
OCEAN CITY -- The resort beach, still slowly recovering from the ravages of Hurricane Sandy last fall and other strong storms throughout the winter, will be getting a much needed boost after the Army Corps of Engineers this week released a pre-solicitation notice for an extensive re-nourishment project that will ultimately pump a million cubic yards of sand onto the barrier island.
During Hurricane Sandy in late October, the Ocean City beaches took a huge hit with severe erosion and the destruction of much of the face of the extensive protective dune system. Some of the erosion has been corrected by natural processes over the course of the winter, but evidence of the storm still exists in many places, particularly in traditional narrow portions of the strand.
Almost immediately after the storm passed, Army Corps of Engineers officials out of the Baltimore District arrived in Ocean City to assess the damage and began to make determinations about what action would be needed to restore the damaged beaches.
During Hurricane Sandy in late October, the Ocean City beaches took a huge hit with severe erosion and the destruction of much of the face of the extensive protective dune system. Some of the erosion has been corrected by natural processes over the course of the winter, but evidence of the storm still exists in many places, particularly in traditional narrow portions of the strand.
Almost immediately after the storm passed, Army Corps of Engineers officials out of the Baltimore District arrived in Ocean City to assess the damage and began to make determinations about what action would be needed to restore the damaged beaches.
Wilding Episode Strikes Fear Into Downtown Chicago
28 teens arrested in chaotic wilding assault along Chicago’s Magnificent Mile.
Pedestrians in the Windy City’s famous shopping district were attacked by a group of 300 to 400 teens who overran the streets. Community activist Andrew Holmes urges parents to discipline their kids instead of pointing the finger at Chicago Police Dept.
Pedestrians in the Windy City’s famous shopping district were attacked by a group of 300 to 400 teens who overran the streets. Community activist Andrew Holmes urges parents to discipline their kids instead of pointing the finger at Chicago Police Dept.
Great Idea
This is one of the best ideas I've ever seen. The baby has something to lean up against, the toys can't get away and it could save countless children from drowning because the have something, besides the slick tub walls, to pull themselves up on in case the fall under the water.
Wallops Island Preparing For Largest Rocket Launch Ever
WALLOPS ISLAND -- Residents and visitors to the area will be treated to what should be a spectacular sight next week when NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Facility sends up the largest rocket ever launched at the facility.
In cooperation with its private-sector commercial partner Orbital Sciences, NASA is scheduled to launch an Antares rocket from its Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at Wallops Island, just south of Assateague Island, on April 17 with a launch window open until April 19. The Antares, which is 133 feet tall and about 13 feet in diameter is the largest rocket ever launched from Wallops in its nearly 70-year history.
Small to medium-size rocket launches from Wallops several times a year are often visible in and around the resort area and across Worcester County and the Lower Shore, but the Antares launch is unique and should be visible across a much larger area, according to Wallops spokesman Keith Koehler this week.
In cooperation with its private-sector commercial partner Orbital Sciences, NASA is scheduled to launch an Antares rocket from its Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at Wallops Island, just south of Assateague Island, on April 17 with a launch window open until April 19. The Antares, which is 133 feet tall and about 13 feet in diameter is the largest rocket ever launched from Wallops in its nearly 70-year history.
Small to medium-size rocket launches from Wallops several times a year are often visible in and around the resort area and across Worcester County and the Lower Shore, but the Antares launch is unique and should be visible across a much larger area, according to Wallops spokesman Keith Koehler this week.
Obama Pumps A New Housing Bubble
Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit ... The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place. President Obama's economic advisers and outside experts say the nation's much-celebrated housing rebound is leaving too many people behind, including young people looking to buy their first homes and individuals with credit records weakened by the recession. − Washington Post
Dominant Social Theme: No homeowner left behind.
Free-Market Analysis: It's happening again ... In the late 1990s, credit was screwed down in the US, creating in the tech bubble and bust. In the early 2000s, the Fed kept rates so low that some homebuyers actually received offers of remuneration were they to take advantage of credit offers.
There was a lot of talk early on during the financial crisis about the Fed's too-low rates. But all that died away with Ben Bernanke's various quantitative easing programs.
It was a kind of "shock and awe." What Bernanke had decided to do was so outrageous that it made low rates pale by comparison. When there are reports of Bernanke writing checks for up to US$16 trillion, it is hard to summon a great deal of interest in discussions over too-low rates.
And no doubt, this is what the Obama administration is counting on – though why they would seek to repeat the mistakes of the earlier 2000s when they are still fresh in the minds of many is a puzzle. But it seems the administration is going too push ahead.
Dominant Social Theme: No homeowner left behind.
Free-Market Analysis: It's happening again ... In the late 1990s, credit was screwed down in the US, creating in the tech bubble and bust. In the early 2000s, the Fed kept rates so low that some homebuyers actually received offers of remuneration were they to take advantage of credit offers.
There was a lot of talk early on during the financial crisis about the Fed's too-low rates. But all that died away with Ben Bernanke's various quantitative easing programs.
It was a kind of "shock and awe." What Bernanke had decided to do was so outrageous that it made low rates pale by comparison. When there are reports of Bernanke writing checks for up to US$16 trillion, it is hard to summon a great deal of interest in discussions over too-low rates.
And no doubt, this is what the Obama administration is counting on – though why they would seek to repeat the mistakes of the earlier 2000s when they are still fresh in the minds of many is a puzzle. But it seems the administration is going too push ahead.
Local Animal Cruelty Involves Abandonment, Shelter Less Tethering, Humane Society Director Says
April is Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month, but the Worcester County Humane Society is always looking for ways to help local animals in distress.
Director Kenille Davies said during an April 2 interview that the major abuse cases in this area involve abandonment and lack of proper food and shelter.
Davies said the shelter, located at 12330 Eagles Nest Road in West Ocean City, takes in far more abandoned cats than dogs. Currently, there are 45 dogs and 100 cats at the shelter waiting for new homes. She calls owners who dump their cats off at the shelter overnight “cowards.”
Director Kenille Davies said during an April 2 interview that the major abuse cases in this area involve abandonment and lack of proper food and shelter.
Davies said the shelter, located at 12330 Eagles Nest Road in West Ocean City, takes in far more abandoned cats than dogs. Currently, there are 45 dogs and 100 cats at the shelter waiting for new homes. She calls owners who dump their cats off at the shelter overnight “cowards.”
Salisbury’s Methodist Churches
No history of Methodism in Salisbury is complete without the history of both Asbury and Trinity Churches.
Asbury was built first in 1801. This was called the “red meeting house”. A new white frame, green shuttered church was built in 1856 and outgrown by 1886. In 1872 it had been named Asbury United Methodist Church in honor of Bishop Francis Asbury, who had visited the congregation in 1805 and again in 1810. All structures have been built at the same location which is on the East side of Division Street near Broad Street.
The congregation of Trinity Methodist Church was formally organized in 1866. The secretary of this organization was Nannie Rider, who later became the wife of Elihu E. Jackson. They married in 1869 in the small chapel on what was once was the corner of Bond and Old Water Streets, where the present government office building now stands. This structure was destroyed by fire in 1884. They worshipped in the courthouse until they built a new a new church in 1886.
When Asbury built their stone church in 1886, the building committee consisted of William H. Jackson, T. H. Williams, James T. Truitt and James E. Ellegood. William H. Jackson told them if they built it out of stone he would pay for any shortfall in their building fund. This is the building that stands today, but is occupied by Faith Community Church. A new Asbury was built onCamden Avenue and has been in use since 1963.
Back to Trinity. When the church burned in 1884, they built a new church but outgrew it by 1904. Since Nannie Rider had married E.E. Jackson and he had made not only quite a name for himself but a considerable fortune, he completely paid for the building of a new church in that year across Division Street from Asbury. One of the leaders of Asbury was William H. Jackson, E.E.’s brother. William H. was also a staunch Republican and E.E. was a Democrat. Not because of their political differences, but because Trinity was the church his wife was very much involved with did E.E. finance the new Trinity Church. The members of Trinity continue to worship in that building to this day.
I haven’t forgotten Bethesda. Their history is just not as colorful as the other two. Their first church, built in 1872, was across from the Presbyterian Church on Broad Street. When they opened their new church on N. Division St. the entire congregation marched from the old church to the new one.
Old Farmer's Advice
Old Farmer's Advice:
Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered... not yelled.
Meanness don't jes' happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway.
Don't judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life... Then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.
Don 't interfere with somethin' that ain't bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.
If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around..
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight,
he'll just kill you.
Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered... not yelled.
Meanness don't jes' happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway.
Don't judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life... Then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.
Don 't interfere with somethin' that ain't bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.
If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around..
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight,
he'll just kill you.
Homeless Moderate Risk Tier II Sex Offender Notification
Aaron T. Fletcher, 35, Georgetown, DE
5’09” tall, 200 lbs.
Brown hair, Brown eyes
Georgetown, DE- Aaron T. Fletcher is not wanted. This is a Homeless Sex Offender Public Notification. Fletcher is a moderate risk Tier II sex offender who has registered as homeless in Georgetown, DE. If you have information that Fletcher is occupying a residence please contact 302-672-5306. Tips may also be submitted through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333. Tips may also be submitted through the use of your cellular phone by texting keyword “DSP” and then your message to 274637 (CRIMES) or through the internet at
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