DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Good People Of Delmarva
Today my son (10) and myself went to a flower shop in Delmar. We were getting roses to put out on his fathers grave. We ask for red roses and we started talking. She then began to tell us about relay for life in Cambridge tonight. Well, my son told her about his father and how he past away in Nov. 08. She was handing the flowers to my son and said no charge. I could only say thank you and are you sure. She reply I'm sure.
As we were coming home I just keep think about how nice of her. What else could I do to help out a great cause. I thought of you Please post this on your web site. I got this from the Dorchester Chamber of Commerce I did call and kids are welcome and you do not need to be a member. Thank you Joe And thank you Flowers by Hearns
March 21, 2009
American Cancer Society Relay For Life Womanless Beauty Pageant
6:00 p.m. doors open, pageant begins at 7:00 p.m. Cambridge Moose Lodge - Moose Lodge Road. Tickets $5.00 each. Be sure to sell all their Beautiful Ladies gracefully show off lingerie, evening gowns and talent. Call Phyllis Weber at 443-521-0828 or Juanite Weber at 443-521-4298. Tickets are also available at Center Market on Race St., or they can be purchased at the Moose Lodge that night.
Adoption Updates

"Hi Joe,
Here are 2 photos of Kentucky dogs who went home. Whiskey Jack, Mint Julep are home, Sea Biscuit goes home on Tuesday and we have applications on Lexington and Louisville Slugger. Look how pretty Fiddle turned out! Her fur is very soft and came in beautifully. Banjo looks just as good. Have a good weekend. We have had a terrific day...
"Hey Joe,
Wanted to let you know that Thom of Ace Printing just came in and adopted the min-pin we had on the lost/found on your site! He wanted me to make sure to let you know. The min-pin went up for adoption today and now has a new forever home. Things are going great today... sending home 7 dogs and have applications on others! Now we just have to get some of our wonderful cats moving.
Thom, you're a great guy! We can't than ALL of you enough. Linda, what can I say but thank you. I am just having a GREAT weekend thanks to all of you.
Christine Sheddy Search Wraps Up In Pocomoke

Photos courtest of Boss Hogg, Billy Burke.
I just got back from the Christine Sheddy search and thought you might want an update. I arrived around 9:45, and at that time, all the search parties had been filled leaving 15 of us having to wait a little over an hour until the earlier groups tired out. So many people showed up that there were not enough leaders to go around! When we finally did get into another group, there were 160 signatures on the table, and people were still showing up. Our group had to grow in size, because more than half of the returning group wanted to go back out again!
We walked the roadside of Byrd road east of the Bromley intersection, then back and north up Bromley road. All our finds were marked and reported, and the search officials responded to gather the possible evidence.
Our group then returned to the parking area where there was tons of donated food and drink. It looked to me that there was more food than they expected to be donated! We all filled our bellies and as we were discussing our success, I noticed more people at the sign up table. I left at 1:00, and the lot was still full with a lot of searchers still out there.

A Perdue Tractor Trailer went off Rt 113 and into the median strip and directly into trees at the bottom of a gully. The driver had to be cut out of the cab of the truck and they are trying to figure out just how they're going to get this truck and trailer out of the gully.
Wayne Barrell is on the scene as we speak and has been forwarding pictures to keep us up to speed. Wayne also informed us that Rt. 113 South bound will be closed for hours. North bound traffic will also be delayed. Spread the word Folks.

#2. There was also a Salisbury fire at Flavors of Italy. I'm told it was just in the chimney but from the looks of all the Fire Trucks there you'd think the entire Downtown was on fire. LOL

#3. Wayne was also present for this fire in Berlin about an hour ago. I'm sure you'll be able to catch more pictures later this evening at Fire in the Hole Photography.
Barrett Chevrolet In Berlin Fires 39 Year Employee

It was brought to my attention this afternoon concerning an appalling situation.
A gentleman has/was employed by Barrett's for 39 years and 2 months. He was called into a meeting to ask his intentions for how long he chose to remain employed. Obviously, he said 10 months to reach 40 years.
Five days later, he was released. He was replaced directly as he was no longer needed. No severance pay, no gold watch, just don't let the door kick you on the way out.
This gentleman had already agreed to a pay cut in November.
Yes, he does now receive unemployment, and has been offered jobs by HIS loyal client's. This was not a commissioned position...............just almost 40 years of loyalty to get slapped in the rear.
I realize I have only one side to the story......but 40 years!!!!!!

Back in the mid-1950’s, “fast food” was nowhere to be found in Salisbury. If someone went out to eat, it was always a special occasion. And you dressed accordingly. There were an assortment of luncheonettes and diners for the working trade to patronize at lunchtime if they didn’t go home for lunch or pack it to take to work. At the diners and luncheonettes, the lunch-time fare was usually a hot roast beef or turkey sandwich or the ever popular grilled cheese sandwich.
In 1956, when I was attending St. Francis de Sales school, I made the discovery of a lifetime – the submarine sandwich. I had attained a level of trust with my parents to the point where I could ride my bicycle to school one day a week. Traffic was not as horrific as it is now and the idea of anyone taking your bicycle was unheard of. Of course, it had a City of Salisbury license plate, which was a 2” x 3” piece of metal embossed with a number which was registered by the City and issued only to you. It was attached to the rear of the seat with a metal band and you just knew that it provided all the security you would need. This was before the bad guys discovered bolt cutters.
So, every Thursday at lunch time, I rode my bicycle to that magical place, Sid’s Subs. It was located on S. Division St. near the hospital, not far from St. Francis. And, so, for 30 minutes and less than a dollar, I savored that marvel of culinary art, the cold cut sub. It was washed down with a cold orange drink. I don’t remember having to make many decisions about what kind I wanted or how I wanted it fixed. Sid Niblett made one kind and it was fairly scrumptious to me. The whole jumble of cold cuts, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions and oil was a far cry from the usual orderly sandwiches my Mother used to make. The whole experience was a transition in my life and I have never forsaken my love of a good cold cut sub.
A Wonderful Message From The Wicomico Humane Society
2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 5
4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you..
5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.
6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries.
7.. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.
8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.
10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee..
11.. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : )
12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.
13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.
14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.
15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list.
You Make The Call?

"Joe, attached is the picture I was talking about earlier on the blog. They are sitting two abreast in my driveway facing E. College Ave. Neither one of them would have been able to exit the driveway without hopping a curb. They have a total disrespect for the people they serve (or in my case don't serve since I lived outside of the City Limits). The picture was taken around August of 2007. What is the law regarding officers doing radar/chatting in a private drive?"
His comment was on another Post where he said the following.
Dave C said...
I used to own a home in the College area when I went to SU and I used to get one or two Salisbury Cruisers posted up in my driveway to do radar. If there were two of them they would actually sit partially in my yard so that they could be side-by-side to talk (This was about 2-3 years ago and I actually have a picture of it that I'm going to try to dig up later). If I needed to get in MY OWN driveway I would have to wait for them to take their sweet time to get out of the way. I'd also have to do the same if I was home and had to get out of MY DRIVEWAY. I called the Police Department regarding this issue several times-nothing ever changed. I'm not sure if it still goes on as I do not live there any longer, but I'm sure it does.
Here's the real kicker...my house was NOT in the City limits-across the street was, but not my property. Several times I called the police for various issues and they told me to call the WCSO, but yet they had the jurisdiction to do radar and chit chat in my driveway/yard? I really hope I can dig up those pics.
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
Donald Wayne West, 59yoa of Salisbury, MD was arrested for Disorderly Conduct, Trespass, and Disorderly Intoxication. On March 19, 2009 at approximately 7:44pm, Officers responded to the 900 block of North Salisbury Blvd for a subject down in front of a business. Officers made contact with West who was passed out on the sidewalk. When officers awoke West, he became loud and disorderly creating a disturbance. West was told to calm down but did not. West was transported and released to the custody of Central Booking. 200900009057
Juvenile, 17yoa of Snow Hill, MD was arrested for Motor Vehicle Theft, Theft over $500, Theft under $500, Obstructing, Hindering, Resisting Arrest (two counts), and numerous traffic offenses. On March 19, 2009 at approximately 11:05am, the Salisbury Police Department received a report of a stolen pickup truck from the 200 block of Milford St. Officers on patrol in the area of U.S. Rt 50 and Cypress St observed the vehicle being operated by the juvenile. When officers attempted to stop the vehicle, the juvenile fled from the vehicle leaving the vehicle in gear. The vehicle continued forward striking a marked patrol car. The juvenile was captured after a brief foot chase. The juvenile was released to the custody of Juvenile Services. 200900009011
Ralph & Edna
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end.
He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there.
Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act, she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable.
When she went to tell Edna the news, she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound-mindedness.
"The bad news is, Ralph hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead."
Edna replied, "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon can I go home?"
Happy Mental Health Day!
Jose & Juan
Juan begs for the same amount of time as Jose, but only collects about eight or nine dollars a day.
Jose brings home a suitcase full of ten dollar bills every day. He drives a Mercedes, lives in a mortgage-free house, and has a lot of money to spend.
"Hey, amigo," Juan says to Jose, "I work just as long and hard as you do, so how come you bring home a suitcase full of ten dollar bills every day?
Jose says, "Look at your sign, what does it say?"
Juan's sign reads; "I have no work, a wife and six kids to support."
"What's wrong with that?" Juan asks him.
"No wonder you only get eight or nine dollars a day!"
Juan says, "All right, what does your sign say?"
It reads, "I only need ten dollars to get back to Mexico.
Last Minute Details Of The Search...
This effort has grown into something that I never imagined, and I want to be sure that each and every person is on the same page.
When you arrive at 2911 Byrd Road please follow the arrowed signs for parking and park where directed to do so.
Coming in from 113, once you past the dump, you will cross a small stream, and see folk art signs that say 'Duck Crossing'.
Directly past the stream you will see an handmand arrow sign pointing to the right, and it is just past this arrow that you will take a left turning into the field where you will park. The area set aside for parking is quite high in elevation and there shouldn't be any trouble with anyone getting stuck.
If you come to the driveway that says 2911 you have gone too far and you will have to turn around and enter from designated area, as we need to keep the driveway open for the residents and emergency vehicles.
Once you have parked, you must come to the tented area and register to participate.
Even if you don't want to actually search and would just like to help out, you will be required to sign an indemnification form and register as a guest/volunteer.
Everyone who participates in the search will be required to sign an indemnification form on site.
Everyone who participates in the search will be required to fill out and sign a medical condition form.
Everyone who participates in the search will be required to show proof of Identification and their license or ID #s will be recorded.
Everyone will be given a pin or sticker for their shirt or jacket identifying them as a participant, and we ask that you keep that on all day NO ONE will be allowed to progress to the search site until they have met these requirements.
Additionally, we must keep in mind that both of the homes on the property are occupied and that we are GUESTS on their property so we don't want to wander off of the lane or designated search area, and do any independent searching.
The public staging area will be on the parking area side of the driveway of the homes, and it is requested that all volunteers stay in the public staging area until you are escorted to the Search Team Area where you will be debriefed and given specific instructions on proper procedures for the search. Once assigned to a Search Team you will be required to stay with that Team for the duration of the search.
Please understand that while all of this sounds very rigid, it is a very serious undertaking not to be taken lightly, and it is necessary for everyone's protection and security that these measures must be exercised.
Tomorrow is due to be a beautiful but cool day, so be sure to dress in layers, and I am looking forward to finally meeting each and everyone of you in person.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, and tonight before we rest, lets all asks that Gods Grace to be on this search tomorrow.