While the majority of our readers remember the TIF given out to the Old Mall project, there was another TIF project that didn't get as much publicity and is being covered up by the local MSM.
Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Gary Comegys and Shanie Shields overwhelmingly supported these TIF's and Developer Reimbursements and today claim they were progressive by getting things to move forward.
Well, if that's your legacy, so be it. I have always argued that while they may have moved things forward, it was more in their best interests than the pockets of the taxpayers and let me explain why.
Another TIF that the City supported was the Aydelotte Farm TIF. I believe the TIF was for around $7 to $8 million dollars. The project was intended to build 200 homes by 2010. Today there are only around 50 home, if that and this is 2012.
There were two developer partners in the project, both of which have now filed bankruptcy, GO FIGURE! Thanks Barrie and Council. Ryan Homes was supposed to build the 200 homes but as of the beginning of this year they have pulled their trailer and sales office out of there.
Talbot Bank finances somewhere between $12 to $15 million dollars on this project and now most of those lots are up for tax sale, including a 100 acre parcel. They went into receivership about a month ago and I believe they have around $250,000.00 in taxes due on these properties.
Just remember who's who when it comes to the next election. Remember what groups made out like bandits and which group, (you) got screwed. Know why these people are scared to death of Joe Albero running for Mayor because ALL of these projects will come to an immediate end.
I'm about making your money WORK FOR YOU. I'm about fiscal responsibility. I have plans in place that will blow the minds of all taxpayers because you'll never have to rely on TIF's or government money ever again.
So why have these people used government funding in the past, BECAUSE ITS EASY TO GET! A good solid Mayor will have to work hard to get people interested in investing in Salisbury. My plans will deliver incredible answers on how to make that happen. By now some of my ideas have found their way back to Mayor Ireton and former Mayor Barrie Tilghman. I can assure you the first thing that went through their mind was, why didn't I think of that. Then they thought, that's impossible. Well, no it isn't. They just have no clue how to go about getting it done, I DO. See you at the polls.
By the way, you should start calling your local MSM and ask them why they are keeping such important information so quiet.
GO HERE to see the last story we did on this project.
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