Ladies & Gentlemen,
It's not often you're going to catch me writing a post like this one but in a very rare occasion I have seen something the past 9 months I have to tell you, it's been an honor to be a part of.
In my short 44 years on this earth I have been driven to succeed in business and in life and I have worked extremely hard to be in the position I am in today. I grew up extremely poor with a Mother who raised 5 children and very little help from our father who would only pay child support every 8 years or so, if you get my drift?
Nonetheless, growing up and getting hand me downs as clothes and sneakers to wear was something that was never going to happen to me again and it drove me to what I believe is success.
That being said, I believe as men we feel the want and need to get approval from our parent/parents as to just how we've done in life and to many this is VERY important. I believe I have achieved that from mine and it makes me very proud to know I was able to please them and make them proud.
However, in the case of Mike Lewis, a man who retired at 41 years old and is now 42 years old from the Maryland State Police, think about what has just happened to this man. An entire County pretty much became the adopted parental roll for this young man and have for the majority said, we believe in you Mike Lewis! We trust you Mike Lewis! We want change Mike Lewis! We're proud of you Mike Lewis!
Mike, if you're reading this, (which I know you are;-) All the successes I've been so blessed with, you've out done me Sir! My hat is tipped to you and you Sir should be one very proud man today!
Joe Albero