DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, September 12, 2011
The victim was identified as Alice E. Davis, 55, of the 3500-block of Allen Road, Eden, Md. The identification was made late this afternoon through dental record comparison at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore.
A cause of death has not been determined. Although trauma on the body has been observed, further forensic examinations and tests are being conducted. More specific information will not be provided at this time.
Notification regarding this identification was made to the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office. Police have made notification to the family of Ms. Davis.
Just before 5:00 p.m. yesterday, troopers from the Princess Anne Barrack were dispatched to the 13000-block of Loretto Road, Princess Anne, in response to a call for a body that had been found. Upon arrival, troopers observed the body of an unidentified deceased person lying on the ground in the woods about one-quarter mile from Loretto Road.
The wooded area where the body was found is behind the Supreme Council of the House of Jacob Church on Loretto Road. Members of the congregation were in the woods yesterday afternoon and unexpectedly found the body.
Investigators from the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit are continuing their investigation. They are in contact with and working in coordination with the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and the Wicomico County Bureau of Investigation.
Obama Team Stood By Solyndra As Troubles Mounted
Workers Fired For Facebook Post Get Jobs Back
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100 Animals Die At Petco In Flood, Company Blames City
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Ohio Woman Hauls Trash To Mayor's Office
PORTSMOUTH, Ohio (AP) - An Ohio woman frustrated by the mix-up of the trash pick-up schedule after the Labor Day holiday decided to haul her own garbage _ right into her mayor's office.
Janice Shanks carried two bags of refuse into Portsmouth Mayor David Malone's office on Friday morning.
Shanks says she had more garbage than normal because of a holiday family get-together, and the lack of collection put her in "a real pickle."
More College Grads Defaulting On Student Loans
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Maryland Man Charged In Shooting Investigation
Fla. Driver Sues Over Ticket For Signaling Police Speed Traps
If the state loses, it could be forced to refund fines to 2,400 motorists cited for headlight-signaling from 2005 to 2010.
Although the state has not formally answered the lawsuit, the Times quotes Capt. Mark Welch, spokesman for the Florida Highway Patrol, as saying "flashing lights are prohibited on vehicles," except for turn signals.
Erich Campbell, 38, of Land O'Lakes, Fla., tells the Times he sees a pattern in the ticketing, mainly from "frustrated police officers who feel they were disrespected."
He says his $115 ticket was dismissed by a Hillsborough County judge, a move he claims is common among several county courts.
American Jobs Bill 2011: Too Late For A Do-over For President Obama
Great Quote
A Moral Steam Engine
I want to recommend a very moving film, Amazing Grace. It is the story of how a small group of people brought an end to the slave trade in England.
In 1807, at a time when slavery was a universally accepted part of life, at a time when the economy of Great Britain was dependent to a large extent upon the slave-driven plantations in the Caribbean, for the slave trade to be abolished was a singularly heroic and inspiring feat.
While Amazing Grace focuses on the life of William Wilberforce (1759-1833), the member of parliament who tenaciously held to his purpose for 23 years, there is a fantastic book, Bury the Chains, by Adam Hochschild, that centers around the life of the man who inspired Wilberforce, Thomas Clarkson (1760-1846).
The Disaster Of Wind Farming
Dominant Social Theme: Wind and solar power are good, indeed. They are kind to the environment and provide plenteous sources of cheap energy.
Free-Market Analysis: This blog-article by Christopher Booker brings up fundamental points about the dysfunction of wind power in Britain. But one could make the case that the same problems affect mainland Europe and the US as well.
We try to track elite memes, and it seems to us that – as we have long anticipated – time may be running out for the latest alternative energy movement. There are several turning points we think we are witnessing.
When the latest green mania subsides, the alternative energy movement will be seen for the nonsensical fad it is. During the 1970s, billions were wasted on ludicrous energy schemes that had no chance of working out.
The first decade of the 2000s has in many ways been a repetition of the 1970s, with the same dominant social themes of "sustainable energy" being promoted by the elites – with the same eventual problems and dysfunction.
We recently wrote about an FBI raid on the solar-power company Solyndra, which received $535 million in federal loans under a green energy program promoted by President Barack Obama. The Obama administration's fingerprints are all over Solyndra, which was apparently supposed to be a showcase for solar power. Instead, it is broke. Solyndra may mark a turning point for solar power in the US.
Now comes this article in the Telegraph about wind power. It repeats many of the criticisms that we have read elsewhere. Wind turbines are huge, inefficient behemoths and anyone who lives near one of them is likely to be driven daft by the incessant whooshing noises when they are turned on. Here's some more from the article:
In the nine years since I began writing here about wind turbines, I have been approached by more than 100 local campaigns in every part of Britain, trying to fight the rich and powerful companies subsidy bonanza available to developers of wind farms. Having been the chairman of one such group myself, I know just how time-consuming and costly such battles can be.
Obama Jobs Plan - "Screw Future Generations"
My first thought was how anyone could turn their car over at the usual 25 mph speeds on the Schuykill Expressway. My second thought was that I was damned to having to take the route from 69th Street in Upper Darby down Chestnut Street (aka The 30 Blocks of Squalor) to work. I was still steamed by Obama’s $450 billion “JOBS” plan. His new plan was touted as an infrastructure plan when it is nothing but a “screw future generations” plan. Do these politicians have no shame?
Obama and his minions will tell you that Social Security is a fantastic program. It should not be touched. They declare that it is self funding. That is a bold faced lie. The Social Security Trust Fund has a $17.5 trillion unfunded liability. This is why:
Fox Guards The Henhouse In America's Ongoing Food Fight
continue reading...
New Resolution Could Bar Parents From Knowing Baby’s Sex

A Council of Europe committee has drafted a resolution that would instruct medical staff to withhold revealing the sex of the fetus in an attempt to prevent parents from “selectively aborting,” The Daily Telegraph reported.
The resolution would apply to all 47 member states – so midwives and doctors would be unable to tell expectant parents if their baby is a boy or a girl.
Some doctors are expressing concern over the recommendation.
Detectives Probe Home Invasion Robbery
How We Cope: What Do Addiction Rates After 9/11 Tell Us?
Stanford Data Breach Makes 20,000 ER Patient Records Public
For nearly a year, the medical records of more than 20,000 emergency room patients who were treated at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., were broadcast publicly on a commercial website, according to a report in the New York Times.
Patient data, including names, diagnosis codes and billing charges, for the thousands of people who were admitted to the Stanford hospital over a six-month period in 2009, were posted in a spreadsheet on the website Student of Fortune, the Times' Kevin Sack reports. The site, which offers students homework assistance for a fee, used the spreadsheet to demonstrate how to convert data into bar graphs.
BofA Plans To Slash 30,000 Jobs; Targets $5B In Annual Savings
Bank of America (BAC: 7.00, +0.02, +0.29%) disclosed plans on Monday to axe 30,000 jobs in an effort to slash spending at the nation’s largest bank amid increased economic and market turmoil.
The job cuts mark one of the largest mass layoffs in the U.S. in recent years and come as a slew of financial-services companies attempt to reduce expenses.
Charlotte-based BofA said it expects to eliminate 30,000 jobs over the next few years. Much of that reduction will come through attrition and the elimination of appropriate unfilled roles.
Tot Dressed As Prostitute: 'Toddlers And Tiaras' Blasted For Airing Image Of 3-Y-O Pageant Contestant In Racy Costume

The hit TLC show "Toddlers & Tiaras" is known for its over-the-top costumes and revealing, baby-sized bikinis. But no outfit has generated as much controversy as the one Wendy Dickey put on her three-year-old daughter, Paisley.
Dickey dressedPaisley in a costume that mimicked the outfit that actress Julia Roberts' prostitute character wore in the movie "Pretty Woman" – the fitted, skin-baring white blouse, the tight blue mini-skirt and thigh-high, shiny black boots.
Paisley wore it all – down to the blond wig – and strutted across the stage.
10 Volunteer Opportunities For Free Travel
Daniel Shea Arrested For Lying To Police About Missing Girl
When The Pieces Of Memory Are Scattered
Arizona Police Raid Church They Call House Of Prostitution
PHOENIX - More than 30 people were indicted after Phoenix police raided a church that they said was being used as a house of prostitution, FOXNews.com reported Saturday.
Police arrested 18 people during Wednesday's raid at the Phoenix Goddess Temple, according to myFOXphoenix.com. So far, 33 people have been indicted, most of them employees.
One of the accused said he is a spiritual warrior and a healer at the temple where he works.
"To be raided in my church ... it's really sad to see what things have come down to," 23-year-old Alex Averill said.
British Man Killed, Wife Kidnapped At Exclusive Kenyan Resort
(NewsCore) - Police were on the hunt for suspects Sunday after a British tourist was murdered and his wife kidnapped in a raid by suspected pirates on an exclusive beach resort in Kenya.
The couple were reported to have arrived at the resort just hours before the raid. Police sources said the husband had been shot in the head.
The couple were attacked during a raid on the Kiwayu Safari Village overnight Saturday. The resort, which has 18 cottages on a private beach, is a favorite with celebrities. It lies close to the border with Somalia which is renowned for the activities of pirates.
High Court Upholds Murder Convictions of Vegan Couple Found Guilty of Starving Baby
ATLANTA -- The state Supreme Court of Georgia has upheld the murder convictions and life prison sentences given to a vegan couple who were charged with allowing their baby to starve to death.
Prosecutors said Jade Sanders and Lamont Thomas, who lived a vegan lifestyle and ate no animal products, were living in the city's Buckhead neighborhood when Jade gave birth to their son, Crown Shakur.
Fraternal Order Of Eagles Delivers On 9-11-11
In a Post last night I told you that I would deliver a Post today about how I spent 9-11. Well, this is it.
My Friend John Livingston called me to tell me they had leftover meals from their fundraiser. Since I refused to publish just where the "Tent City" was last week, he asked if I'd be kind enough to meet him to deliver food to the homeless.
You talk about a group of people overwhelmed with pleasure. Two gentlemen happily carried the cooler full of food and walked it back to their temporary homes and went from tent to tent putting smiles on every one's faces.
To the Fraternal Order Of Eagles, God Bless You for ALL that you do. Believe me Folks, these people do so much for our community and I am truly humbled that they would think of calling me to reach out to those most in need.
Does Anyone Understand What This McGuire Chick Is Talking About?
I'm writing this as a response to finding out my father, Tom Mcguire is running for Mayor of Delmar again. I'm writing this to clarify any doubts or questions and feel free to email me if you have them. I'm Stephanie, Tom's oldest daughter, I live in the Baltimore area. I'm almost 21 years old, I can tell you anything you need to know about my father. He's a straight up realistic guy. He is blunt and what he says you make not like, but we're all human and it took me growing up with my mom and dad the way they are to realize that it's the best way to be. No one is perfect and if it's one thing my dad is definitely not, that's perfect. He doesn't kiss ass, he tell's it like it is, and he see's the world in a realistic time frame. We need to be concerned about the here and now and the near future, not the past and not 100 years from now. I used to live in Delmar and I remember what it was like. I know that Mr. Albero needs to shut the hell up and stop slandering my father's name. I think he has a serious sick obsession and wants dirty election, like last time. My father and I may not see eye to eye and half the time don't get along, but he is my dad and I love him and respect him and when I go onto the blog sights it deeply saddens me that Mr. Albero steeps himself lower than the Dundalk shit plant to slander my dad's name. Yes I agree no one is perfect, but if Albero is such this great man, than why does he need to email people to dig dirt on my father and why does he need to stoop to this level of idiocy? I mean for real, he needs to grow the hell up. At one point when I was angry with my father I would have helped Albero, but I finally got over my own issues, and grew up and became an adult. He wasn't the best, but he did what he had to do. He goes out of his way for the ones he loves and cares about, he is the type who will offer the shirt off his back to someone who needed it, knowing my father like I do, he always has a spare! As to Joe's allegations about my father's spending habbits, who does he think he is? What my father chooses to do with his money is his own business! He's a tax payer, he pays whatever loans he has. There shouldn't be a problem, knowing Joe he's making a mountain out of mole hill. All I ask is for no harassing nasty emails, as to I will get the police involved! Look, if you want someone who will run a fair election to the best of their abilities, and who genuinely does care about Delmar, than vote for my dad Tom McGuire. All I ask is that if you have questions, direct them towards me, I'll be happy to answer any email or phone call, because I'm the real deal and I know what I'm talking about, after all, he did impregnate my mother to create me! I'd like to think that the people of Delmar would like a fair fight between Tom and Carl, instead of this nasty stuff that's being thrown around. So please, if you are undecided email me, if you are for my father email me, if you are against my father, well you can email me and I'll do my best to persuade you, but in the end people have the freedom of speech and choice and I understand this. Obviously my father didn't do too bad of a job raising myself and my brothers, if he did, than why am I doing so well and my brother's doing great as well? Take that into consideration. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Stephanie P. McGuire
Publishers Notes:
I can honestly say I have absolutely no clue what this girl is talking about. Perhaps she and Tom believe I am the one behind the Website that attacks Tom McGuire/McGoob? If that's the case they are both mistaken in a very big way. I do not have time to obsess over Tom McGuire or his wife/girlfriend Nikki. My job is to expose the truth and quite frankly McGuire has made it very simple for me to do.
Other than that, I have only published what has been made public HERE. Stephanie should learn, Tom and Nikki are now public figures running for public office. The families skin needs to become much thicker. Remember Stephanie, your father is the guy who laughs about lying to WalMart stating I said something in which never happened. Tom McGuire has called my advertisers relentlessly, lying to them, saying I said things I did not and calling me a racist. When the advertisers ask for his name he hangs up, yet he l;eaves the telephone number trail back to his cell phone, Idiot. I think Tom McGuire is capable of saying ANYTHING to advance his agenda and I do mean anything.
I have no problem standing up to Tom McGuire and I've proven that. He may be able to bully some but creating letters like the one above and telling lies will only catch up with you. I am not afraid to put my name to ANYTHING I do and I hide behind nothing. I don't drive by McGuire's house honking my horn like he does mine almost every day and I don't have FUTM tags on my vehicle.
Tom McGuire is a mental case running for public office and the citizens of Delmar need to know just how screwed up he is.
No More Cigarettes For Smoking Malaysian Orangutan

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - A captive orangutan often spotted smoking cigarettes given to her by zoo visitors is being forced to kick the habit, a Malaysian wildlife official said Monday.
Government authorities seized the adult ape named Shirley from a state-run zoo in Malaysia's southern Johor state last week after she and several other animals there were deemed to be living in poor conditions.
Shirley is now being quarantined at another zoo in a neighboring state and is expected to be sent to a Malaysian wildlife center on Borneo island within weeks.
MoreDoes Anyone Know Who This Non Professional, Immature, Big Mouth Jackass Is?
Well Mr. Jackass, "You've Been Blogged" and so has the company you work for. Bailey's Taxi Sucks.
States Scramble To Pay For Healthier School Food
At issue is the sweeping Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act that Congress passed last year at the urging of first lady Michelle Obama, who has launched a childhood anti-obesity campaign. The aim is to replace the junk food and unhealthy lunches common in many schools with more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and less salt and fat.
“Although the federal government is giving states some upfront money to implement the new law, this equates to an unfunded mandate of hundreds of millions of dollars that goes into perpetuity,” says Jeannemarie Davis, who heads Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell’s office in Washington, D.C.
Ravens Rout Steelers In Strong Opening Statement

BALTIMORE - Inside the Baltimore Ravens' locker room, Ray Rice dabbed at the blood seeping from a small cut on his neck.
"I'm not going to say the word physical anymore because look at the scar on my neck," Rice said with a smile. "That's part of the war wounds."
It was the revamped Ravens who inflicted the punishment, though, during a 35-7 trouncing of the defending AFC champion Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday before 71,734 at M&T Bank Stadium, exacting a measure of revenge after being kicked out of the playoffs twice in the past three years by their AFC North arch-rivals.
Delmar High School 40th Reunion
This weekend the Class of 1971 gathered with Elvis to celebrate their 40th Reunion. This was the largest reunion this Class has ever celebrated.
Many asked me to send out a special thanks to Greg and Carol Tingle, the hosts of this reunion. They cooked a 161 pound pig. Man it was good!
Several people traveled quite a ways to be there and from everything I saw, they all had a blast. Every one agreed to hold a reunion every year from this point forward. Elvis has left the building.
Maryland Man Pleads Guilty In Export Case
Knocked $30 Off My Cable Bill Just By Asking
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Unable To Pay Child Support, Poor Parents Land Behind Bars
Judges can jail alleged defaulters — who are not covered by the presumption of innocence — without a trial
It may not be a crime to be poor, but it can land you behind bars if you also are behind on your child-support payments.Thousands of so-called “deadbeat” parents are jailed each year in the U.S. after failing to pay court-ordered child support — the vast majority of them for withholding or hiding money out of spite or a feeling that they’ve been unfairly gouged by the courts.
But in what might seem like an un-American plot twist from a Charles Dickens’ novel, advocates for the poor say, some parents are wrongly being locked away without any regard for their ability to pay — sometimes without the benefit of legal representation.
Gas Prices Rose Almost 6 Cents A Gallon In Last Two Weeks
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A Letter To The Editor 9-12-11
As I watched the television specials yesterday, knowing the streets of NY as I do, I paid special attention to how the FD, Ladder 1, Engine 7 specifically, maneuvered the equipment in and out of the station on those small streets, never once striking the curb. Then it suddenly dawned on me, can you imagine anyone at SFD trying to maneuver their equipment on those narrow streets? They can't even get around Salisbury without ripping off a bumper let alone get down a narrow city street such as those in NY.
Found Kittens
Mr. Albero,
Would you please post the pictures of the 2 kitties. They showed up at my sister's house located in the backside of Laurel / Bethel right after Hurricane Irene. They are both extremely friendly and obviously are house kitties. I am sure their families are missing them. They are being well taken care of but she is unable to permanently adopt them. Hoping they get home to their families.
If anyone recognizes them, they can call or text me at 443-359-0171 and leave a message.
Thank you,
Justice on Display: Should Judges Deliberate in Public?
Of the three branches of U.S. government, the Judicial is the most secretive. Judges appear in public for trials and then disappear to cogitate in solitude before rendering their verdicts — which often appear suddenly, as if by divine intervention. But what if courts had to act transparently — the way other parts of government do — and let us watch them deliberate?
That is the question chief justice Shirley Abrahamson of the Wisconsin Supreme Court is asking. Last week she proposed a series of reforms for her court. Among them: requiring justices to hold their deliberations about which cases to take and how to decide them in the open. That could mean conducting deliberations in a place where the public could watch or broadcasting their discussions on television or the Internet.
FAA Workers To Get Back Pay
Live Well On Less: 6 Ways To Save In Retirement
(MONEY Magazine) -- For three decades, Bob Lowry consulted for small radio stations, logging more than 100,000 miles a year on the road. Then media conglomerates began gobbling up his clients. By 2001, at age 52, Lowry faced a tough choice: "I could reinvent myself or retire and make do with what we had."
Bob and his wife, Betty, then 47 and a preschool teacher in their hometown of Scottsdale, took a hard look at their finances. With $850,000 saved, they were short of their $1.2 million target. To retire a decade earlier than planned, they calculated that they needed to live on $45,000 a year, less than a third of their $150,000 income.
Watching SpongeBob Can Lead To Learning Problems?

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. – Fast-paced, fantastical television shows such as "SpongeBob SquarePants" may harm children's ability to pay attention, solve problems and moderate behavior, according to a U.S. study published Monday.
Researchers from the University of Virginia found that the learning ability of four-year-olds who watched nine minutes of "SpongeBob SquarePants" was severely compromised compared to four-year-olds who either watched the slower-paced TV show "Caillou" or spent time drawing.
The Two Hottest Things You Can Say in Bed Read more: Hottest Things To Say During Sex - How To Dirty Talk
When you think about what makes sex good, the physical factors most likely come to mind: how you touch each other, the positions you try, and the body parts you focus on. But there's another key contributor that is often overlooked: the words you utter.
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When It Comes To Sex Scandals, Mexico Is The Most Tolerant Country
Sex scandal, schmex scandal. Most of Mexico just doesn't really care what goes on behind closed bedroom doors.
A Reuters/Ipsos poll of more than 18,500 people in over 20 countries asked participants how willing they'd be to tolerate a sex scandal from notable citizens.
Topping the poll of nonchalant responders were Mexicans, who were the most likely to be blasé about a Tiger Woods or an Anthony Weiner sort of debacle. Many said they wouldn't bat an eye, according to Reuters, who reports that "57 percent of Mexicans would be either very likely or somewhat likely to tolerate the sexual indiscretions of stars and politicians."