DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Slots Pass In Maryland
McCain Wins Texas
I'm In Kent Narrows
I'm Taking A Break
Till then...........
Shooting At Parkside Apartments
Democrats Voting For Obama And Andy Harris
Obama Fever Grips Kenya
Pentecostals and pagans press for an Obama victory with prayers and sacrifices as the Illinois senator becomes an icon in the land of his father.
This crazy! How anti-Christian is this! If you’re a god fearing person this has to scare the hell out of you.
Heart-Warming Local Political Story
I went to the Allen Fire Company at 11:30 today to vote with my 20-year old son and my 12-year old in tow. While we were in line, an elderly woman was escorted to the front of the line. We discovered that this woman had just turned 100 years old yesterday and was still performing her civic duty. I'm not sure who she voted for, nor does it matter. But the touching thing is the fact that this 100 year old woman was black and possibly during her last election, was able to see a black man running for the office of President for the 1st time.
Mudslinging aside, whether you are Republican or Democrat, it really makes you realize how far our country has come in the past 100 years.
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect for two burglaries that occurred earlier that morning. During that morning, at approximately 1:33 am, the suspect approached an acquaintance in the area of E. Church St. and became involved in a verbal confrontation. The suspect then followed the female victim to her residence, and forced entry into her residence. Once inside the residence, he continued the confrontation and assaulted the victim, prior to fleeing from the area. The victim was not injured.
On the same morning, approximately 30 minutes later, the suspect broke into the residence of a family member and took property from the victim. The suspect was observed by several other family members as he broke into the second residence.
ARRESTED: Andrew Howard Ellis, 26 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
First degree burglary (2 counts)
Third degree burglary (2 counts)
Second degree assault (2 counts)
Fourth degree burglary (3 counts)
Malicious destruction of property
Theft (over $ 500)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200800040387, 200800040392
On October 31, 2008 at approximately 3:43 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to the Boscovs Department Store at the Centre at Salisbury for the report of a shoplifter. Upon arrival, the officers were advised by store security that store employees had observed the below listed suspect take property from its packaging, then remove it from the store without making payment. The packaging and property was recovered for the store.
ARRESTED: Troy Wayne Emore, 29 years of age Seaford, Delaware
CHARGES: Theft (under $ 500)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200800040424
On October 31, 2008 at approximately 9:40 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding warrant for a theft that occurred in March of 2008. At that time, it was found that the suspect was involved in the theft of metal from a business on Lake St. The suspect then attempted to sell the metal to a third party for profit.
ARRESTED: Christopher (NMN) Gibbs. 45 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Theft (over $ 500) (3 counts)
Theft scheme (over $ 500)
Fourth Degree burglary/theft (3 counts)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200800040455
On November 1, 2008 at approximately 1:05 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police observed the below listed suspect in the area of the Thrift Travel Inn motel on Route 13 North. The officers were aware the suspect was currently wanted on outstanding warrants, and made contact with the suspect in her room. During the contact, the officers observed a quantity of suspect crack/cocaine in the suspect’s room.
ARRESTED: Carolyn Diane Jenkins, 49 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Two (2) outstanding Worcester Co. Bench Warrants
Possession of cocaine
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200800040482, 200800040483, 200800040484
On November 2, 2008 at approximately 2:41 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Monkey Barrel Nightclub for the report of a malicious destruction of property. Upon arrival, the officers located the below listed suspect and met with the victim. The victim advised the officers that the suspect had damaged the victims vehicle in the parking lot of the nightclub. The victim and the suspect had an earlier disagreement, which resulted in the suspect causing significant damage to the victim’s vehicle. The suspect was arrested, and a search of the suspect incident to arrest revealed a quantity of suspected cocaine.
ARRESTED: Kecio Nunes Demelo, 21 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Malicious destruction of property
Possession of cocaine
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200800040638
Voter ID's
Would like to hear what your readers have to say about this.
I firmly agree. I went to the Polls this morning and was NOT required to produce an ID either. Now granted, perhaps these people knew me but with all due respect, I didn't know them. I have had several conversations with others telling me the same story. Some were required to provide an ID but most were not. Very Interesting.
Fruitland Police Department Press Release
TYPE OF INCIDENT: Motor Vehicle Theft and Thefts from Motor Vehicles
LOCATION OF INCIDENT: West side of Fruitland, MD
VICTIM: Multiple Victims
CASE NO: 08-3040, 08-3041, 08-3042
Charges: Motor Vehicle Theft; Theft, Under $500; and Rogue and Vagabond
Disposition: Under Investigation
PLEASE CONTACT OFFICER: OFC Buddy Taylor, between 0830 hrs to 1630 hrs (If additional information is requested)
Details: (include who, what, where, when, why and how):
The Fruitland Police Department is investigating the theft of a motor vehicle and a series of thefts from motor vehicles that occurred last night. Police advise that last night, one vehicle was stolen and at least eight unlocked motor vehicles on the west side of Fruitland were entered illegally and had valuable items taken from cars during the late evening or early morning hours. The Fruitland Police also advise that residents should take a moment before exiting their vehicles to secure or conceal valuable items and ensure that all doors are locked and the windows are rolled up. Anyone who becomes a victim of these thefts or anyone with information pertaining to the identity of a suspect or suspects should call the Fruitland Police Department at 410-548-2803 or Crimesolvers at 410-548-1776.
Harvest Baptist Church Pulls Obama/Kratovil Signs
Joe - thanks for featuring us on your site. We're happy to make our facility available as a service to the public. We're trying to keep the site neutral, and the campaign workers are not getting the message.
Feel free to post these if you like. thanks again for the press.
Harvest Baptist Church
Guidelines Concerning Political Signs and Activities
July 2008
Harvest Baptist Church is a religious institution and not a political organization. While we encourage our people to vote, to be active in social causes, and to take interest in the activities of the government, we do not endorse political candidates as a church.
We exist to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known. We are primarily focused on sharing the good news that all who come to trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior can have a free gift of God's righteousness which removes guilt for sin and brings fellowship and peace with God.
We do not identify with any political party, and have no desire to create any idea in the mind of any person that we are associated with any party or candidate. To that end, we have decided to prohibit any political signs. We ask that campaign workers please respect this decision and not stake signs in our landscape, bring trailers onto our property, or park vehicles decorated with campaign material into our lot.
If there is a situation that is not covered in these guidelines, we would appreciate being consulted before a campaign makes decisions about how to promote their candidate on our property. We will apply our decisions across the board, without respect for parties or candidates. We would appreciate being consulted for clarification on our policies if that is necessary.
We respect the principle of freedom of speech, and so we welcome campaign workers to distribute literature within the bounds of the law on our property. We ask that they respect the legal limits and remain 100 feet from the entrance to the polling place. Campaign workers should not give any impression that they are associated with Harvest Baptist Church or attempt to represent the opinions or thoughts of the church.
We are glad to provide the resources which God has blessed us with here at Harvest for the good of our community and the promotion of the democracy of this great nation. We ask that all would respect our decisions in this area, as we seek to respect our political process and seek to aid it any way we can.
Keith Myer
In Him,
Keith Myer
I want everyone to know the following. While the McCain/Harris Campaign chose not to place signs at unlawful locations and the Kratovil/Obama Team did, the Elections Office contacted the McCain Headquarters and told them it was now OK to put up signs there, so they did. We then came to learn through Pastor Keith this was NOT what they had desired and they removed ALL of the Campaign Signs.
It looks as if the Elections Office needs to get their heads on straight and STOP folding to the Democrats. The rules are the rules and Frank Kratovil knows the law/rules and broke it anyway.
Thank You Pastor Keith for clearing this issue up and forwarding Salisbury News the rules for this election.
Did YOU Get A Call From Andy Harris Or His Daughter?
"you said we may get a call from Andy and we got a call that was close, a call last nite from his daughter. Thought that was really nice.She was quite pleasent. He had our vote anyway but it sure did help. I thought something was up when a joseph Harris came up on caller id.
Question? Was there any other republican women being overwhelmed by the dummycrats. Everyday my wife has been getting 2-3 pcs. of mail from their party as if my wife was registered democrat.Just wondering? I know she wasn't happy about it."
Republican Poll Workers / Watchers Needed in Pocomoke
We quickly assessed the situation and I was back within 10 minutes with our EZ up tent, table, signs and some chairs to keep everyone out of the elements. Carole had been working the polling place all morning and was scheduled to leave at 1:00 but stayed until 2:00 PM when she was relived by Stephanie Burke. Stephanie (Wymzie) as many of you know is recuperating from surgery with complications that almost cost her life and she has been home from the hospital about a week now. She is the most stubborn woman I know and is at the Pocomoke Middle School greeting voters and asking for their support.
If there is anyone who can spare an hour or three on this blustery election day in Pocomoke City, we are asking for you to come to the Middle School and elementary school as a show of support. Stephanie is very committed as she is not really supposed to be on her feet for more than an hour or two at a time and I can't get her to leave the polls.
If you cannot help out PLEASE COME AND VOTE!
For Those Of You Who Thought I Was Full Of Crap
While many of the Anti Albero Bloggers and other individuals don't want to believe how popular this Site is, here's just a small sample of just how many comments we get in every day, (this sample is only for a few hours so far today) here's proof.
If you look at the comments I have allowed verses the ones shown above, I REST MY CASE! Many Bloggers don't see this many comments in three months, let alone a few hours.
Oh, trust me at this very moment these people are thinking, O M G!!!!!! Now if you were ever wondering why we're the #1 Blog throughout most of this year, now you know why. Not only do we have to produce the articles, get out there and cover the news, take the photos and deliver you the information, then we have to moderate ALL of these comments coming in and quite frankly, it's quite the task every day and we do it for FREE!
Yes, even the Daily Times is looking at this thinking, Oh Sh!t! Welcome to our world. Now they know what they're up against. Stay dry Folks, it's going to be a very long day.
3 Generations Cast Votes Today
Earmarks, Who's The Real Criminals?
- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's home district includes San Francisco.
- Star-Kist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco , Pelosi's home district.
- Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi.
- Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan workforce.
- Paul Pelosi, Nancy 's husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock.
Classified Ads
College Student Votes?
I Voted For McCain
I'm not ashamed to say that I stuck with my Party and Voted McCain/Palin for President & Vice President.
Sorry about the picture but I wanted to point out that in Delaware they do NOT give out I Voted stickers like they do in Maryland. So if you see me today and you don't see a sticker on my shirt, that's why.
I will add, during the time that I was out and about at several different voting locations, there was NOT many people out there voting. I saw more traffic at the last local election than I did this morning. Perhaps that will change throughout the day but I did see a lot of McCain stickers on the cars in the parking lots.
Democrats Frantically Trying To Get Comments Through
I will simply say this. There are some very nasty people out there Folks and I'd like to think that some of them are former Council People and those close to them. You're welcome to keep them coming but just know they won't get Posted.
Then again, maybe I'll allow one or two of them for your viewing pleasure? That will keep them straight. LMAO!
How's This For Unbiased...
It's got a great message... you can vote however you like, just make sure you are informed first!
(Some of the lyrics are hard to hear... so I found this website that has them written out. http://music.spreadit.org/you-can-vote-however-you-like-lyricsron-clark-academy/ )
Read the lyrics and you will find that these kids are more informed than half of America... makes you think.
More Illegal Activity Now At Beaver Run
WOW! The Kratovil Gas Station Really Dropped Their Prices Today
Now the big question is, will his prices be more competitive tomorrow after the elections because Republicans refuse to purchase their gas there and the Volunteer Firefighters can't stand the owner any longer?
Time will tell and as a duty to my loyal visitors I'll keep close tabs on the situation. Until then.........
Have You Seen The New Salisbury Fire Department Website?
Code & Compliance Is Keeping Close Tabs On Feldman's
While the word on the street is that there is a deal very close to being made on the sale of this building, Code & Compliance will NOT allow them to operate in this portion of the three buildings located there. There are just too many violations.
Hopefully Mr. Miller will see a closing on the sale of it and will be able to move away from any more liability. For the time being, they are closed until further notice.
Another Poll Problem In Snow Hill
Fright Night
The Obama Grandma Vote
So I watching NBC news this morning and I learned that prior to Barrack's grandmother dying she cast an absentee ballet for her grandson. Just a quick question for, if you know, NBC said her vote will count. How? Today is election day. She died prior to election day, how can her vote count? Will it count? Just a little detail I thought I was a little of balance."
MAJOR Trouble In Tyaskin
So ALL of you know, this is machine #2! Lawyers have been called in but obviously you must check your vote results because something is seriously wrong!
The woman this happened to knows these machines very well and stated, "I am not a stupid person, I know who I voted for and something is wrong with the machine. I know what I pushed."
Kratovil Breaks The Law AGAIN!
Believe it or not, there are certain polling stations that are NOT allowing political signs, this is ONE of them.
Jim Ireton, (IMO) is doing a very poor job keeping the Democrats under control and following the law. These signs are NOT supposed to be there and quite frankly you will NOT see a McCain/Palin/Harris sign on these locations because they are following the law.
Considering Kratovil should know better, considering he's an ATTORNEY, obviously they'll break the law just to attempt to get your vote.
Will people go to the seven polling stations thinking, well, I guess Andy Harris and McCain don't really want our vote?
Shame on you Jim Ireton and Frank Kratovil.
Two More US Military Units Dispatched for US
According a September 2008 ArmyTimes article the brigade recently returned from Iraq was being trained for crowd control lethal and non-lethal weapons.
This act is in direct violation of of the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act, which substantially limit the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement unless under precise and extreme circumstances.
Section 1385 of the Posse Comitatus Act states, “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”
Under the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, signed by President Bush on October 17, 2006, the law was changed to state, “The President may employ the armed forces to restore public order in any State of the United States the President determines hinders the execution of laws or deprives people of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.”
However, these changes were repealed in their entirety by HR 4986: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, reverting back to the original state of the Insurrection Act of 1807. Despite this repeal, President Bush attached a signing statement saying that he did not feel bound by the repeal.
Fears of active duty military assets being called upon to administer martial law in the aftermath of an economic collapse or a large scale terrorist attack were heightened after it was revealed the existence of a FEMA-run program which is training Pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.
This is scary folks!
If McCain wins, will the country accept it?
If Obama wins, will the country accept it?
Fourteen states are being investigated for voter fraud, because of organizations like ACORN.
Tens of thousands of Military Absentee ballots are missing, Felons in prison have voted.
Who is going to be happy?
Is this action by NorthCom in anticipation of civil unrest?
Barrak and Michelle Take Over 15 Minutes to Vote!
Yet Michelle and Barrak act as if they have never done this before, and took over 15 minutes.
Just as they cast their ballots into the machines, the screen split and Joe Biden and his mother step out thier car in Wilmington to walk into the polls.
This has got to be the most orchestrated move I have ever seen. How much would 15 minutes of face time on prime time cost?
Hope your photographic memory is working for you.
What Does Tomorrow Look Like?
What are we leaving our children? Are we giving them the same country we enjoyed as kids? Will they be free to say what they want? Are they free to work hard and better themselves? Or will they become lazy and dependent on the government? Will our children be able to sing the same national anthem we did, or will it be something in a different language? Will our kids be made to learn the Koran ands discard their Bibles?
Most of us will be in shock. We will wake up and wonder where we went wrong. We won't understand that a simple decision to put a person at the highest level of government could be such a disaster. But our children, our grandchildren, they will be the ones who are going to suffer. They will be the ones who have to once again fight for their freedom, not from an outside opponent, but from within our own country.
This is the nightmare that keeps playing in my head. This is the vision of what could happen if we elect the fellow from Chicago. I've fought for our countries freedom before, and I will fight again until the day I pass.
Please ladies and gentlemen, please don't just vote the party line. Be an American today and vote for the only true patriot who will fight till the death to keep our country free. The only person who glorifies our nation with his life long work to keep America the best country in the world. Please vote for our children's future. Please vote JOHN MCCAIN!
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases

Incident: Possession of Marijuana With the Intent to Distribute
Date of Incident: 31 October 2008
Location: 900 block of Manoa Blvd., Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Marcus A. Ewell, 18, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 31 October 2008 at 4:43 PM, Sheriff Lewis, along with deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a complaint of an individual selling marijuana in the 900 block of Manoa Blvd. The complainant specified the location of the sales and the description of the seller. Sheriff Lewis arrived in the area, located the target of the complaint and found him to be holding 17 individually wrapped baggies of marijuana. During the investigation, it was conformed that subject, now identified as Marcus Ewell, was selling the marijuana.
Ewell was arrested and transported to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Ewell was detained in the Wicomico County Detention Center in lieu of $50,000.00 bond.
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Incident: Possession of Marijuana
Date of Incident: 1 November 2008
Location: Mt. Hermon Road at Hobbs Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Jordan Park Johnson, 23, Chance, MD
Narrative: On 1 November 2008 at 1:00 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped to assist with a vehicle on the side of Mt. Hermon Road with the emergency flashers activated. As the deputy approached the vehicle, he detected the odor of marijuana emanating from within the passenger compartment. The deputy initiated a search of the vehicle and located a baggie of marijuana and a smoking device in the center console. The driver, Jordan Johnson, claimed ownership of both items and was placed under arrest.
Johnson was transported to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Johnson was released by the District Court Commissioner on Personal Recognizance.
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 1 November 2008
Location: 7400 block of Market Street, Willards, MD
Suspect: Robert Neal Pfieffer, 37, Willards, MD
Narrative: On 1 November 2008 at 1216AM, deputies responded to PRMC for a reported assault that occurred in the 7400 block of Market Street in Willards. Upon arrival to the hospital, the deputies met with a victim who stated the victim had been involved in an argument with Robert Pfieffer when Pfieffer began throwing cinderblocks at the victim. The victim used a door to prevent the cinderblocks from striking the victim, but one of the blocks did strike the victim causing injury. The deputies responded to the residence where the assault was alleged to have taken place and observed broken cinderblocks and damage to the door the victim used as a shield. While on scene the deputies located Robert Pfieffer who admitted to throwing the cinderblocks but denied striking the victim. At the conclusion of the investigation, Pfieffer was arrested.
Pfieffer was transported to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Pfieffer was detained in the Wicomico County Detention Center in lieu of $20,000 bond.
Win Extra Cash With Super Bingo At The Westside Community Center
(Salisbury, MD) See if you will be the lucky player to shout bingo at the Westside Community Center’s Super Bingo on Friday, November 7. Doors will open at 5:00pm with games starting at 7:00pm. This will be the Center’s last Bingo night of the year.
Tickets are $25 in advance and increase to $30 at the door. Price includes sixteen bingo games, five Quickie Bingo games, and five U-Pick’ems. Each game will offer a minimum of $25 in prize money. One lucky winner will take home a $300 minimum Jackpot at the end of the night. Hold’ems and Pull Tabs will be sold separately. Concessions offering fried chicken, homemade crab cakes, French fries, baked goods and more will also be available.
The Westside Community Center is located just 15 miles from Salisbury in Bivalve, Maryland. From Route 50, follow Nanticoke Road, turning left on Texas Road at the Westside Fire Hall. Make a right on to Bivalve Lodge Road and the Westside Community Center is on the right. For more information or to purchase tickets call Joy Klauder at 410-873-2993 or email westside@wicomicocounty.org.
All proceeds directly benefit youth programs at the Westside Community Center, which is located at 21109 Bivalve Lodge Road in Bivalve, MD. Operated by a local advisory council, the Westside Community Center provides recreational and educational programs to the Nanticoke, Bivalve, Tyaskin, Whitehaven and Quantico communities.
If you would like to learn about other upcoming programs offered by the Wicomico County Recreation, Parks and Tourism Department sign up for Recreation email alerts at www.wicomicorecandparks.org.
Harris Campaign Expected To Win By More Than 10 Points

The 1st Congressional Race will come down to far greater numbers in favor of Andy Harris than anyone ever thought. My guess is that he'll win by more than 10 points.
Back during the primaries there were many things to factor. Kratovil was quiet and didn't have much to say because he knows nothing about politics. He was simply the Democrats Boy with a pretty face. He has bounced around and flip flopped more than any candidate I have ever seen and it has been proven time and time again he will even LIE to get a vote. Coming from an attorney, that shouldn't surprise anyone.
Nevertheless, Harris was up against Gilchrest and even Pipken, taking away quite a few votes and he still pulled it off. Frank had little competition. Once the Eastern Shore, (or should I say 1st District voters) made a firm statement, Gilchrest was useless for this District, Andy Harris came out victorious. This doesn't happen often Ladies & Gentlemen but the reality is, people wanted change and they knew early on Andy Harris was their man.
Now that it will only come down to two Candidates, Andy Harris has clearly proven to visit the Eastern Shore 50 to 1 compared to Kratovil. He has done so to hear the people and make sure his message is what everyone wants in our little portion of the Country.
Then Gilchrest announces he's changing parties and becoming a Democrat, letting down thousands upon thousands of people. To me it's kind of like having your son come home one day after being married for 10 years and a few kids and telling you he's leaving his Wife because he's gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay and or changing party affiliations, it's just the shock factor and what I think is a perfect example.
If Kratovil and Gilchrest think they've helped secure votes, well, then they're pretty stupid. Not only has Kratovil aligned himself with Gilchrest, (a proven loser) he then aligned himself with O'Maley and ultimately Obama. Three strikes, YOU'RE OUT!
Andy Harris will be the clear winner in the 1st District Race and you know what Folks, he's a great man and will serve us all extremely well.
Today's Daily Times
#1, what were they thinking when they put a photo of the Delmar Motel on the front page when they discussed the Micro Brewery dumping any thoughts of being in Salisbury? This is about the third article they have done on this and when they sent a photographer out to get a photo of the former IGA Store in Delmar, they came back to base with a photo of a Motel instead.
#2, I was reading the business section where they have an article titled, "Don't use credit card to pay down mortgage." Here's my thinking. Are YOU really supposed to be taking advise about financial maters from a Company that is extremely close to going belly up themselves. I mean, the article is accurate. I just found it ironic that Gannet had the nerve to be telling ANYONE how to handle their finances.
Before I get a ton of comments saying, I THOUGHT YOU CANCELLED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION, I'll repeat. I did cancel my subscription. The Idiots are still delivering a newspaper though. I wonder what happens when THEY fire someone. Does it take days before they actually get it?
Have a great Election Day Folks.
The Main Street Gym Basket Bingo Fund Raiser
Here are the Bullets.
* What: organization. Main St Gym ( Non-Profit)
* What is it : Basket Bingo featuring Longaberger Baskets
* When : Thurs Nov 6th 2008
* Where: Salisbury Moose Lodge on Snowhill Rd
* Times: Doors open at 5:30 pm, Games start at 7:00 pm
* For ticket info Call Lisa @ 410-749-5350 Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Why You'll Want To Shop At Sears This Holiday Season
I know I needed this reminder, since Sears isn't always my first choice. It's amazing when you think of how long the war has lasted and Sears hasn't withdrawn from their commitment. Could we each buy at least one thing at Sears this year?
How does Sears treat its employees who are called up for military duty? By law, they are required to hold their jobs open and available, but nothing more. Usually, people take a big pay cut and lose benefits as a result of being called up for active duty.
Sears is voluntarily paying the difference in salaries and ma intaining all benefits, including medical insurance and bonus programs, for all called up reservist employees for up to two years.
I submit that Sears is an exemplary corporate citizen and should be recognized for its contribution. I suggest we all shop at Sears at least once, and be sure to find a manager to tell them why we are there so the company gets the positive reinforcement & feedback it well deserves.
Pass it on.
I decided to check this before I sent it forward. So I sent the following e-mail to the Sears Customer Service Department:
I received this e-mail and I would like to know if it is true. If it is, the internet may have just become one very good source of advertisement for your company. I know I would go out of my way to buy p roducts from Sears instead of another store for a like item, even if it's cheaper at that store.
This is their answer to my e-mail:
Dear Customer:
Thank you for contacting Sears.The information is factual. We appreciate your positive feedback.
Sears regards service to our country as one of greatest sacrifices our young men and women can make. We are happy to do our part to lessen the burden they bear at this time.
Bill Thorn
Sears Customer Care
Please pass this on to all your friends. Sears needs to be recognized for this outstanding contribution and we need to show them as Americans, we do appreciate what they are doing for our military!!!
Volunteers Are Priceless And Cute!
Baby in hand, phone to the ear, the Andy Harris Campaign is doing everything it takes to prove the Grass Roots Effort is the very best way to communicate the right message to the Voters.
Get out and VOTE today Ladies & Gentlemen. We've got some BIG decisions to make and this year more than ever throughout history, every Party needs your VOTE.
May the best Men AND Women WIN.
Posts & Comments Today
Consider The Following Before You Vote Today
If the below is true, why wasn't it plastered all over the media.
Why is he still running for President? I can see him being run out
of this country if the below is true...
From Sunday's Televised 'Meet the Press' Senator Obama was asked
about his stance on the American Flag. Obama Explains National Anthem
Sun, 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, General Bill Ginn' USAF (ret.)
asked Obama to explain why he doesn't follow protocol when the National
Anthem is played.
The General also stated to the Senator that according to the
United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171... During rendition
of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except
those in uniform are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with
the right hand over the heart. At the very least, 'Stand and Face It'
Senator Obama Live on Sunday states, 'As I've said about the
flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides, Obama said.
'There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a
symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message.
You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for
something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like
To Teach the World To Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I might
salute it.
'We should consider to reinvent our National Anthem as well as
to redesign our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It' s my
intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to
our Middle East Brethren. If we as a Nation of warring people, should
conduct ourselves as the nations of Islam, whereas peace prevails,
perhaps a state or period of mutual concord between our governments.
When I become President, I will seek a pact or agreement to end
hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity,
and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation have
placed upon the nations of Islam an unfair injustice. My wife
disrespects the Flag for many personal reasons. Together she and I have
attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past, many years ago.
She has her views and I have mine'.
Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President
of the United States and I have put aside my hatred. I will use my power
to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path of hope.
My wife and I look forward to becoming our Coun try's First Family.
Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America.
WHAAAAAAAT in the World !!!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it right. This could
possibly be our next President.
I, for one, am speechless.
Dale Lindsborg, Washington Post
Surely all must know that EVERYTHING objectionable about him has been
I wouldn't be surprised if his Grandmother didn't pass away when he went to
visit and they announce it yesterday just for the sympathy vote.
Now, I did hear some of this a while back and nothing was made of it then.
Now it's too late. And he wants to be commander-in-chief... It soooo pisseth
me off... Oh, he'll take sides all right, and methinks I know it won't be on
Pull Out Of Iraq??????
Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago ?
Body count:
In the last six months:
292 killed (murdered) in Chicago ;
221 killed in Iraq .
Chicago.... Who Runs it:
Senators: Barack Obama & Dick Durbin
Rep: Jesse Jackson Jr.,
Illinois Gov: Rod Blogojevich,
Illinois House leader Mike Madigan,
Illinois Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike),
Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley (son of Mayor Richard J. Daley)
.....our leadership in Illinois .....all Democrats.
Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago .
Of course, they're all blaming each other!
Can't blame Republicans; they're aren't any!
State pension fund $44 Billion in debt, worst in country.
Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. (Look 'em up if you
Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country.
This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois . And he's gonna
'fix' Washington politics for us?
Wake Up America!
Letter From Governor Ehrlich
On Tuesday, we have a chance to send a powerful message to Annapolis.
For four years, I fought to save Maryland horse racing and balance our budget without raising taxes by approving a responsible slots plan.
And for four years, the democratic leadership in Maryland fought us every step of the way.
Last fall, that same leadership pushed through the largest tax increase in state history and approved a very bad slots plan, making it clear that
their prior opposition was just partisan politics. They now want to amend our state Constitution in order to bring slots to Maryland in a way that won’t work and is bad for business. So Maryland families get stuck with a bad slots plan – and a big tax increase.
On Tuesday, November 4, you can send a return message by voting against Question 2, the bad slots plan. This plan amends Maryland’s
Constitution, enshrining their bad plan into our most sacred state government document. Question 2 rewards out-of-control spending policies and their $1.4 billion tax increase.
Don’t reward bad behavior. Vote against Question 2. I believe a slots program is best for Maryland, but not this one.
Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.
Governor of Maryland