Recently Joe posted about a meter tech losing his job because he didn't put the bags over the meters. Although, he aided in increasing the city's revenue by doing his job, issuing parking violations, it didn't matter. I've spoken with people that know this man personally and all of them have said basically the same thing. All around nice guy. Hard working, conscientious, responsible, diligent. Good family man. The city fired this guy? What is wrong with these people? Don't they realize how hard it is to find good employees that actually earn their paycheck? If I owned a business, I'd seek this guy out and offer him a job based on the feedback from those that know him.
So they fired an $8 to $10 an hour guy for failing to put the NO PARKING bags over meters. Then we have Pammie Oland making anywhere from $65k to $106k annually screwing up every single year she has been in the city's employ. One year Debbie Campbell finds $120k or $130k, I forgot which, that was owed to the city by the county. Is that the councilwomans job, to find revenue owed the city? Pammie wasn't fired, she was new on the job.
Then we have Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen finding about $5.8 million sitting in the water & sewer fund surplus, preventing the other idiots from voting on increasing water and sewer. Is it Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohens job to know what is in the Water & Sewer surplus fund? NOPE, its Pammies job. She wasn't fired.
Then we have the auditors management letter of last December stating there was $10.2 MILLION just hanging around not posted to the General Ledger. How do you balance your books if your accounts aren't posted to the ledger? YOU DON'T. Once again, Pammie wasn't fired. She just had a baby you know, so that's why the books are all F**KED up.
My skin crawls everytime I hear Barrie say Pam just had a baby. My reply BFD. There are women in Iraq being shot at every day and they too have babies. It wouldn't surprise me to find out Barries face is the bullseye on Gloria Steinem's dart board. In one sentence she has torn apart everything women have worked so hard to achieve.
So, if you make the big bucks and you sit around kissing Barries A$$ you won't get fired no matter how badly you screw up.
If you make an honest mistake and forget to cover those meters and someones fat ass has to walk to the GOB you will be in the unemployment line faster than you can say your own name.
That's how it works in the land of Barrie.
Barrieland, Barrieland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Wicomico bis an die Nanticoke,
Von der Chesapeake bis an den Atlantic,
|: Barrieland, Barrieland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt! :|

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Breaking News!
The hoods in the kitchen aren't working so the kitchen fills with choking, eye burning smoke when they cook. The air conditioning units drip into the ceiling and cause the tiles to fall (the AC doesn't work right half the time) They have roaches, and mice that continually get into the food. The walk in freezers are filthy There's a sandwich cooler that has been broken and taped for months. The steam deck floor drains stay clogged so water collects in the floor The city turned off the water last Thursday morning due to non-payment..... The Restaurant is: Watermans Cove on the Johnson Road!
It turns out the Health Department has in fact gone in TODAY and inspected this restaurant. "The issues identified were in fact correct." They has a salad bar that was only working at 64 degrees as well and demanded that all food be destroyed in their presence.
Ladies & Gentlemen, I received information on this restaurant and immediately went to the person I trust the most and the person I can depend on the most, County Executive Rick Pollitt. I'm telling you honestly, every single time I have gone to this man with ideas, he's been receptive. Every time I've gone to him with what I feel are legitimate complaints, he's followed through with them and this proves to be yet another prime example. Forgive me Rick for making this next statement but you know what, YOU CANNOT DO THIS WITH THE MAYOR AND OR THE TILGHMAN ADMINISTRATIONS.
I received an e-mail the other day from a gentleman IN THE HOSPITAL with food poisoning and when I received this message I immediately followed it through because I can't tell you just how many times I've walked into local Salisbury restaurants lately and saw the kitchen's in complete disrepair. I have owned restaurants in the past and I know just how difficult it is to keep a good kitchen clean. However, that's the business they chose to be in and damn it, I'm sick of seeing FILTHY kitchens!
This particular restaurant used to be a favorite of ours but we had seen and experienced changes, so we stopped going, thankfully. This is a serious matter and if YOU know of a restaurant in similar condition, please don't hesitate to let us know and we'll do what we can to make sure they too are inspected, corrected and or closed immediately.
As Mr. Rick Pollitt said, "Another victory for the free press!"
My hat is tipped to the Health Departments as well for following up on this right away.
It turns out the Health Department has in fact gone in TODAY and inspected this restaurant. "The issues identified were in fact correct." They has a salad bar that was only working at 64 degrees as well and demanded that all food be destroyed in their presence.
Ladies & Gentlemen, I received information on this restaurant and immediately went to the person I trust the most and the person I can depend on the most, County Executive Rick Pollitt. I'm telling you honestly, every single time I have gone to this man with ideas, he's been receptive. Every time I've gone to him with what I feel are legitimate complaints, he's followed through with them and this proves to be yet another prime example. Forgive me Rick for making this next statement but you know what, YOU CANNOT DO THIS WITH THE MAYOR AND OR THE TILGHMAN ADMINISTRATIONS.
I received an e-mail the other day from a gentleman IN THE HOSPITAL with food poisoning and when I received this message I immediately followed it through because I can't tell you just how many times I've walked into local Salisbury restaurants lately and saw the kitchen's in complete disrepair. I have owned restaurants in the past and I know just how difficult it is to keep a good kitchen clean. However, that's the business they chose to be in and damn it, I'm sick of seeing FILTHY kitchens!
This particular restaurant used to be a favorite of ours but we had seen and experienced changes, so we stopped going, thankfully. This is a serious matter and if YOU know of a restaurant in similar condition, please don't hesitate to let us know and we'll do what we can to make sure they too are inspected, corrected and or closed immediately.
As Mr. Rick Pollitt said, "Another victory for the free press!"
My hat is tipped to the Health Departments as well for following up on this right away.
Bubba Has SHA Car In Front Of His Home
While the Police were called out to the Mayor's Home this afternoon, Bubba's SHA Vehicle was found parked in his driveway at 2:30 PM? You don't think Bubba and the Mayor are having problems, do you?
I Mention The Name Jim Rapp And.........
The next thing I know I'm spending the entire day fielding nasty sexual comments about my Wife and even me. Now I wonder what the coincidence is of that happening? Let's see, who do you think it could be?
When YOU Set The Example, Why Would Anyone Think They're Doing Something Wrong?
Today I confronted Chief David See in reference to their selling off one of their vehicles completely loaded with all the equipment necessary to impersonate a Fire Chief. For a little more than a thousand dollars you can purchase a surplus vehicle from the Salisbury Fire Department and its no wonder one of their very own paid professional Firefighters didn't think he was doing anything wrong.
See responded with, "We all can't be perfect like you Joe." He then went on to say, "We're human Joe, so we let one slip away from us."
OK, Dee, Dee, Deeeee See, SLIP? What else has SLIPPED away from you? You see, this thing had all the lights and the whole nine yards, SLIPPED?
I also questioned See about VOLUNTEERS riding to scenes or to the Fire Department with emergency lights in their trucks and so forth. It turns out they are NOT legal unless you are a Chief. Chief See said NONE of his people in the Salisbury Fire Department have them! However, I came to learn about a memo from Chief See Dee, Deeee last year allegedly stating if they were caught with such said lights they would not help defend them. Apparently it says nothing about their demanding they do not use them. Don't make me get my hands on that Memo Chiefy because I can and will if I have to.
I guess that one SLIPPED away from you too, eh? I should add, I have purchased two undercover/unmarked Police Cars from the Ocean City Police Department. It's very easy to get your hands on them but when the SFD flat out sells you a vehicle with everything already on it, well, what can I say?
Sheriff Lewis mentioned today that this arrest was the very first of its kind for the Salisbury Fire Department. As this may be accurate, that's only because the crimes were never reported, right Deputy Chief Gordy? They let that SLIP away too.
David Cox Was Loaded With Illegal Material
As you can clearly see, the materials collected both in his vehicle and at his home showed this guy just isn't mentally right. Considering he was NOT a Police Officer, having this material around isn't going to help his cause in Court.
Sheriff Lewis was showing Chief See the Badge Cox was sporting around with. I heard through the Grapevine that Cox is already claiming he knows of 30 other people who have them, NOT! If I were Cox I'd start shutting my mouth and say nothing to anyone. Then again, he could make every one's job easier by continuing to make the States Attorney's Office job that much easier.
TWO Salisbury City Police Officers were just called out to the Mayor's Home on Monitor Court. More to come.......
Have YOU Ever Been Pulled Over By This Police Vehicle?
The Information on the Cox case is FLYING in like there's no tomorrow. Folks, this is important. If you know of ANYONE in the state of Maryland and or Delaware that has been pulled over by Mr. Cox in this vehicle, they need to step up to the plate and tell the Sheriff's Department what they know.
Mr. Cox HAS admitted that he has in fact pulled people over for traffic violations. As you can clearly see, this vehicle is illegally equipped with ALL of the lights, console, radio, antenna's and even sirens a standard Police Vehicle would have.
I just received word that the Town of Selbyville, DE. is allegedly looking for this man as we speak as they believe he may have allegedly pulled people over all that way in that area as well.
If you have ANY information on this man, being pulled over, receiving a citation, contact the Sheriff's Department at 410-548-4891.
Salisbury News Tee Shirts

Ever since I posted pictures earlier today of our new Salisbury News Tee Shirts I've been bombarded with e-mail messages asking where they can get their hands on them.
I hadn't thought about selling Tee Shirts and when I ordered these I ordered the best money can buy. I HATE Tee Shirts that shrink and don't end up the size you ordered/purchased. That's why I bought Hanes Beefy T's. If you're interested in them contact me at These shirts are $12.00 each and we'll have to arrange a way for you to get them.
Thanks for the interest Folks. I can order a lower quality shirt for less but I'd rather have something that will last and be extremely comfortable.
I currently have Large, XL and 2XL. There's a limited supply but I can have more made.
Yard Sales
Please have your Yard Sales information to me by 8pm tonight for tomorrow morning's post.
Please email your yardsale info to Please write "Yardsale" in the subject.
Thanks and good luck with your sales.
Please have your Yard Sales information to me by 8pm tonight for tomorrow morning's post.
Please email your yardsale info to Please write "Yardsale" in the subject.
Thanks and good luck with your sales.
OMG, It's Former Zoo Director Jim Rapp
While Jimmy did his best to cover his face from the camera, I happened to notice I had yet another angle of him on his way to getting food or using the portable toilet, or something like that. So let's take a guess at how he obtained HIS ticket to this event. I'll give you three guesses. However, you'll probably only need one. Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work, right Ron? That would be my guess.
Salisbury Firefighter Arrested For Impersonating A Police Officer

Incident: Impersonating a Police Officer
Date of Incident: 13 July 2008
Location: Sharptown Road at Cross Road, Mardela Springs, MD
Suspect: David Wayne Cox, 27, Eldorado, MD
Narrative: On 13 July 2008, a deputy of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped vehicle operated by David Wayne Cox for speeding on Sharptown Road in the Mardela Springs area. When Cox was stopped, he was operating a 1999 Ford Crown Victoria, gray in color, equipped with emergency lights, siren, antennae, and other equipment commonly found in police vehicles. As the deputy approached Cox, he displayed a gold badge to the deputy identifying himself as a Dorchester County Deputy Sheriff.
Upon further investigation by the deputy, it was determined that Cox was not a Dorchester County Sheriff’s Deputy, instead he was found to be a member of the volunteer fire police program in Dorchester County. On 16 July 2008, Cox was arrested by members of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and his vehicle was impounded at the Sheriff’s Office. It was later discovered that Cox had additional police equipment in his vehicle which included handcuffs, a mini Maryland State Police badge and a Maryland State Police ball cap. A search warrant was executed at Cox’s residence in Dorchester County and more items were recovered which included a firearm, Maryland State Police patch, Maryland State Police Tie Tack and Maryland State Police stickers.
Cox was taken to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was processed and taken before the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Cox was released on personal recognizance.
The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office will be holding a Press Conference relating to this case at 1100 AM on 17 July 2008 at the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone with information about this case or the activities of Cox in relation to him impersonating a Police Officer is asked to contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s office. Additionally, Sheriff Mike Lewis asks that you check out our new web site at for any questions about how to handle yourself if pulled over by a law enforcement officer.
Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
Watching Ron Alessi stand in line for himself rather then sending one of his PEEPS to do it for him was a step in the right direction. After all, the man is used to being catered by the City/Zoo.
Then again, could the Staff be seeing and recognizing all those dead animals the TAXPAYERS have had to replace in past years and they're getting fed up and refused to run for food for him? Hmmmmmmm?
Wicomico County Council President John Cannon, A Class Act!
While John LOVES to greet and say hello to my Wife, give credit where credit is due, Barie Tilghman like to kiss on the lips! Rich Coleburn said to Jennifer yesterday, "You look like a Hollywood Star." Hey, wait a minute, you don't think these guys are all being nice because of the Blog, do you? :-)
Who's Running For Mayor Of Salisbury?
The other day I announced that there would be an announcement as to who would be running for Mayor in the upcoming election. I'm sorry to say that the announcement didn't happen and it didn't for a good reason.
Considering yesterday's event was more about the politicians who are in the Congressional Race, being the honorable person this particular person is, they chose to hold off their announcement until a later date.
I respect that move and will honor their request to hold off saying anything at this time.
That being said, it brings me to this question? Don't ALL of you find it interesting how many of the people claiming they might run for Mayor have absolutely NOTHING to do with local politics until they announce their intention of running? You don't see most of these people showing up at Council Meetings for years at a time, like they're actually interested in making a difference!
I think that says a lot about who might step up to the plate and I think ALL of you should think that one out very seriously by the time you go to the Polls. Are they really "in the know" or are they simply popping in at the last minute because their ego's get the best of them?
I want to know I can trust someone I'm voting for. Look at the Congressional Race, seriously. Senator Andy Haris has a track record you can review and challenge, Kratovil has none. Andy Harris has been to the Eastern Shore, Lord knows how many times but it's been a LOT! Kratovil waits till events like yesterday. It's a no brainer for me. Who have you seen attending City Council Meetings the past few years on a regular basis? Who was Louise Smith before she popped up into the scene when the City Council Race was going on?
You see, having involvement BEFORE you announce you're running for a position means a lot. So consider yourself educated and THINK about this the next time you go and vote for someone. Don't just vote on them because they're good looking or they're your neighbor. Do what's right for everyone.
It looks like we're going to have to wait till September before we know who's going to announce their run for the Mayor's Seat.
Considering yesterday's event was more about the politicians who are in the Congressional Race, being the honorable person this particular person is, they chose to hold off their announcement until a later date.
I respect that move and will honor their request to hold off saying anything at this time.
That being said, it brings me to this question? Don't ALL of you find it interesting how many of the people claiming they might run for Mayor have absolutely NOTHING to do with local politics until they announce their intention of running? You don't see most of these people showing up at Council Meetings for years at a time, like they're actually interested in making a difference!
I think that says a lot about who might step up to the plate and I think ALL of you should think that one out very seriously by the time you go to the Polls. Are they really "in the know" or are they simply popping in at the last minute because their ego's get the best of them?
I want to know I can trust someone I'm voting for. Look at the Congressional Race, seriously. Senator Andy Haris has a track record you can review and challenge, Kratovil has none. Andy Harris has been to the Eastern Shore, Lord knows how many times but it's been a LOT! Kratovil waits till events like yesterday. It's a no brainer for me. Who have you seen attending City Council Meetings the past few years on a regular basis? Who was Louise Smith before she popped up into the scene when the City Council Race was going on?
You see, having involvement BEFORE you announce you're running for a position means a lot. So consider yourself educated and THINK about this the next time you go and vote for someone. Don't just vote on them because they're good looking or they're your neighbor. Do what's right for everyone.
It looks like we're going to have to wait till September before we know who's going to announce their run for the Mayor's Seat.
Frank Kratovil Must Think That The Voters of Stupid
Hypocrisy is nothing new to politics, particularly among liberal politicians. It's just not everyday that a seeker of elected office manages to display it within the course of 30 seconds. First District congressional candidate Frank Kratovil showed that he can.
In Thursday morning's Daily Times, Kratovil is quoted:
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
In Thursday morning's Daily Times, Kratovil is quoted:
People are tired of name calling? At the same time calling his opponent Andy Harris names? Great job Frank. I'm glad you won't be our next Congressman.Kratovil characterized Harris as an extremist who is dividing constituents at a time unity is needed.
are tired of the name calling and labeling," Kratovil said. "They want
reasonable and moderate people who are going to get the job done."
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Donate To The Salisbury Zoo
To Salisbury Taxpayers - Thank You
As someone who attended the Tawes Clam Bake yesterday in Crisfield, I'd like to thank the hard working taxpayers of Salisbury. I paid a visit to the Salisbury tent and received several bottles of that great "City Living" bottled water. While you were working to pay those growing tax bills and newly increased water and sewer rates I am sure that you were comforted by the fact that non-City taxpayers were kept from dehydration and having to walk all the way up front to obtain a nice cold bottle of water.
But wait! I thought that these types of expenses were struck from both last year's and the current budgets? Did Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman do something illegal? Not in this case.
As we have noted previously, the decision of Barrie's RUBBER STAMP to adopt what they claim is a "program" budget only limits Tilghman to very broad constraints of where to spend your tax dollars.
Remember to thank Louise Smith the next time you see her. And if she still maintains that this type of foolishness was stricken from the budget, remind her that telling fibs will get her kicked out of her Sunday school class.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
But wait! I thought that these types of expenses were struck from both last year's and the current budgets? Did Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman do something illegal? Not in this case.
As we have noted previously, the decision of Barrie's RUBBER STAMP to adopt what they claim is a "program" budget only limits Tilghman to very broad constraints of where to spend your tax dollars.
Remember to thank Louise Smith the next time you see her. And if she still maintains that this type of foolishness was stricken from the budget, remind her that telling fibs will get her kicked out of her Sunday school class.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Let Me Give You An Example Of How Bad The River Stinks Mayor, Pull My Finger!
While I passed this booth several times yesterday, the Mayor seemed to be Crazy Glued to the seat, yet no one was really talking to her or giving her ANY of her so desired special attention.
I believe the Mayor knows my original quote about her has proven to be exactly right and perfectly on target. You remember that letter/e-mail, don't you Mayor Tilghman?
Heck, even her own Husband wasn't willing to come and be next to his pride and joy.
Question of the Day, Thur 7/17
This question brought to you by an anonymous sbynews reader/commenter:
Does the public think
#1 - Are the ferries are getting too busy?
#2 - Is another way around Salisbury is needed toward to south?
#3 - To the daily users of the ferries - How do you feel about your daily ride across turd alley?
Does the public think
#1 - Are the ferries are getting too busy?
#2 - Is another way around Salisbury is needed toward to south?
#3 - To the daily users of the ferries - How do you feel about your daily ride across turd alley?
Bill Gordy Says He's Going To Vote For Andy Harris

Deputy Chief Gordy and Fire Chief See couldn't resist trying to bend the ear of Congressional Candidate Andy Harris yesterday in Crisfield.
Not only did witnesses hear the conversation, I confirmed it last night. It turns out Gordy was asking Andy Harris why he was linked to Blogger Joe Albero? Andy responded that Joe Albero is a supporter of his Campaign but wasn't aware of and links.
Gordy went on to tell Harris how much trouble Salisbury News has caused them because of the signs posted in front of the Gordy Mart Gas Stations. Andy asked why he was supporting Kratovil and Gordy replied, we support anyone related to the Fire Departments within the State. Andy replied, that's funny, I didn't know Kratovil was a Fireman? Gordy then responded by saying, oh, well, we put his signs up because Norm Conway asked us to. Andy then responded, can you explain why you originally had up Wayne Gilchrest Signs then, because I'm not aware of him being a Firefighter either?
At that point I think the Idiot Gordy realized that Andy wasn't going to fall for any more of his Bullsh!t. Now get this. In the end Gordy shook Andy's hand and said, I'll be voting for you anyway. What a pussy! I have heard about this guy being a two faced piece of you know what but now I really know it. He also claimed that I was bad for the community. It wasn't till tonight that Andy learned that I had put up Posts telling everyone that if Gordy was that stupid to put up a Kratovil Sign, people who support Kratovil should support Gordy Marts and those who support Andy Harris should buy their gas elsewhere, anywhere. Andy quickly understood why Gordy was going after me at that point. Yeah Billy, I'm bad for the community all right!
How do you feel now Frank Kratovil? Your boy will sell you out like a cheap whore just to try to get Andy to part his way with Joe Albero.
What a suck up!
YOUR City Tax Dollars Hard At Work
Well, you Idiots voted this Housewife into Office, (OVER AND OVER AGAIN) you Idiots get what you deserve!
There were thousands of FREE City of Salisbury bottles of water being loaded into coolers and given away, as if it were some kind of trophy. Woo, Hoo, Momma, we got us a bottle of water from Salisbury!
I know of a few curbs and pot holes that could use some serious attention, but the City would rather spend YOUR money giving away free water and purchasing a Booth to show off what? Gangs are growing faster than growth itself? The river is loaded with human sh!t? The Plaza is falling apart at the seams. The City is rated the 10th Most Dangerous City in America and now they want to try to become an All American City?????
Yep, you've got a Housewife running your City and what cracks me up the most is, YOU voted for her!
No disrespect towards any other Housewives who respectably take care of their home successfully.
General Manager Of The Shorebirds Chriss Bitters Shows Up In Crisfield
Chris Biters and his beautiful Bride came to Crisfield yesterday and enjoy seeing the tons of people he's come to meet over the past couple of years at the Shorebirds Stadium.
I spoke with Chris briefly and he stated the Shorebirds would definately be a part of next years event, they had a blast! You can expect to see the Shorebirds with their very own Booth next year.
Yes, Even The Salisbury Zoo Run By I'm Not Accountable To The City & County Ron Alessi Had Their Own Booth
The Salisbury Zoo was present and providing FREE Salisbury Bottle Water. Don't cure a deer. Instead, spend a couple thousand dollars renting a booth, providing Staff and giving away Free water. Oh, this cost those who make donations at the Zoo THOUSANDS of dollars,. So in reality, you're NOT feeding animals when you donate to the Salisbury Zoo, you're feeding Ron Alessi and others who attended this event when they should have been at work doing what they're paid to do, for once.
You Fill In The Blanks
What? Is That Joe Albero With The COMPTROLLER Of Maryland?
Mark McGiver, Joe Albero and Peter Franchot take some time out together for some fellowship at the Tawes Crab & Clam Bake. One has to wonder what was going through Peter Franchot's mind once he learned just who he was standing next to? I personally found him to be a very decent and stand up kind of guy.
Real Estate Tycoons Enjoy Crab Fest, Or Was It The Beer?
Wicomico County Sheriff's Department Tangles With Salisbury News
Salisbury's Nic Name Is Pillsbury
I read your news column on a regular basis and have personally dealt with an issue that I think ALL parents especically of teenagers need to be made aware of.... Salisbury's nic name is Pillsbury... reason being, our teens are getting hooked on the OXY pain pills.... swallowing them doesn't last because they want to get higher faster.. so they have been snorting them... I have personally dealt with this situation and it has caused myself, my family and my childs loved ones and close friends much pain. It's one of the MOST addicting pain medicines prescribed on the market. I spoke with a local pharmicist and was informed that a company name Purdue (hopefully spelling is correct) holds the market on this med and even possibly has lawsuits pending generic's being available... This addiction can happen to any teen... from any family- addiction does not pick and chose. I urge all parents to NOT allow their teens doctors to prescribe this medication for pain... I u rge them to hide their own prescriptions and if at any time they suspect any type of drug or alcohol use- get them help as soon as you possibly can. Vicodin, Xanax, OXY, Ridlin, you name it... they are finding ways to get it- which mostly comes from the parents medicine cabinets, and I was also told by my child who has now been clean for almost 80 days... a student a Bennett with fibromyalgia was selling her OXY pain pills for $5 each... it's happening at Parkside, Bennett, Wi Hi... Worcester Prep... my child was in an inpatient physility several hundred miles away for adolecents and as I started my email - Salisbury for our teens is known as Pillsbury- even hundreds of miles away. So parents, wake up and search rooms, drawers, pockets... whatever. Because once they are hooked... the withdrawal is the most severe and painful of it's kind. Also, once they can't get their high any more from one type of drug- they move on- herion, cocaine, crystal meth... . and let's not forget that most of them started with alcohol and pot... so it's a vicious, scary, helpless problem to go through as a parent and not be able to help your child- no matter what age when they become an addict... DOCTOR'S IN SALISBURY PRESCRIBING OXY PAIN MED'S ARE HELPING OUR KID'S ADDICTS!!! I want to get the word out to as many parents as I possibly can- people OD every day from drug use and I will do everything in my power to protect my child from ever going down that path again. If you think this is worth sharing with WBOC, WMDT or I might even contact Mike Lewis who is a old and dear friend of mine... This has got to stop!!! Thanks Joe... I know I can count on you to help get the word out!!!
I read your news column on a regular basis and have personally dealt with an issue that I think ALL parents especically of teenagers need to be made aware of.... Salisbury's nic name is Pillsbury... reason being, our teens are getting hooked on the OXY pain pills.... swallowing them doesn't last because they want to get higher faster.. so they have been snorting them... I have personally dealt with this situation and it has caused myself, my family and my childs loved ones and close friends much pain. It's one of the MOST addicting pain medicines prescribed on the market. I spoke with a local pharmicist and was informed that a company name Purdue (hopefully spelling is correct) holds the market on this med and even possibly has lawsuits pending generic's being available... This addiction can happen to any teen... from any family- addiction does not pick and chose. I urge all parents to NOT allow their teens doctors to prescribe this medication for pain... I u rge them to hide their own prescriptions and if at any time they suspect any type of drug or alcohol use- get them help as soon as you possibly can. Vicodin, Xanax, OXY, Ridlin, you name it... they are finding ways to get it- which mostly comes from the parents medicine cabinets, and I was also told by my child who has now been clean for almost 80 days... a student a Bennett with fibromyalgia was selling her OXY pain pills for $5 each... it's happening at Parkside, Bennett, Wi Hi... Worcester Prep... my child was in an inpatient physility several hundred miles away for adolecents and as I started my email - Salisbury for our teens is known as Pillsbury- even hundreds of miles away. So parents, wake up and search rooms, drawers, pockets... whatever. Because once they are hooked... the withdrawal is the most severe and painful of it's kind. Also, once they can't get their high any more from one type of drug- they move on- herion, cocaine, crystal meth... . and let's not forget that most of them started with alcohol and pot... so it's a vicious, scary, helpless problem to go through as a parent and not be able to help your child- no matter what age when they become an addict... DOCTOR'S IN SALISBURY PRESCRIBING OXY PAIN MED'S ARE HELPING OUR KID'S ADDICTS!!! I want to get the word out to as many parents as I possibly can- people OD every day from drug use and I will do everything in my power to protect my child from ever going down that path again. If you think this is worth sharing with WBOC, WMDT or I might even contact Mike Lewis who is a old and dear friend of mine... This has got to stop!!! Thanks Joe... I know I can count on you to help get the word out!!!
From The Watchdesk
Attention Salisbury Fire Dept!!!!!
Well, seems that a very close, dear friend of mine is being screwed with. This young lady, who is fairly new to the Fire Service, while operating as a member of your organization, came in contact with bodily fluids of a patient while on an EMS run. Patient was confirmed to have an infectious disease. My young friend immediately reported the incident within her volunteer chain-of-command, and requested immediate action, due to the fact that she had a scratch and was genuinely concerned.
Seems that certain members of your organization are more concerned with stonewalling her, in what appears to be false hopes that “it will go away.” From the moment that the incident was reported to certain individuals, they have taken it upon themselves to distort the truth, hide the facts, and bury the evidence. They have denied her claims, delayed action on their part, and have been constantly stalling her. She is constantly questioned about why she is acting on the exposure, and is told that it is totally unnecessary. Apparently she even had to visit the Emergency Room at PRMC to obtain more medicine when the folks at the Fire Dept. appointed physicians office denied her. Additionally, a certain someone violated HIPAA regulations not once…..but gasp….TWICE! Who gave you the right to speak to her mother without her consent or permission? Or was this a feeble attempt on your part to “downplay” the situation and try to get her mother to talk her out of taking any action???? And the second infraction? Talking to her on the phone, discussing intimate details of her personal health, while multiple other unknown persons were in the same room, apparently laughing while they made mockery of the situation? Shame on you! I wonder what the HIPAA gods would think? I wonder what MEIMSS would think?
Whatever the motivation for this is- financial?? (Perhaps the Fire Dept. does not want to open their clutched hands and pay for her medical coverage) Personal (someone just doesn’t like her and is screwing with her) or Political (shhhhh! we can’t let word get out!) I really don’t know and I really don’t care. What I do know is this-
The shit stops now. You know who you are, and you know what you are doing. She had better start receiving respect and courtesy from the administration of the SFD. Any and all benefits for this exposure had better be paid, in full, and on time. She had better not receive any bills or demand for payment from anyone regarding this matter. I don’t know what the Workman’s Comp laws are in the State of Maryland, but where I am, Volunteer Firefighters may file a workman’s comp claim if they are out of work for seven work days or more. Seems the medicine she is taking to fight off any infection (that she had to beg and plead for) has a side effect of making you extremely drowsy, causes headaches, nausea/vomiting and left her incapacitated to work her job. And before you go and claim it was “just her”, I encourage you to go to and look up Kaletra or Combivir. As of this time she has returned to work, but 8 days of no pay has left quite the hole in her pocket. If she files for workman’s comp, no one had better try and “discourage” her from doing it, and the Fire Department certainly had better not deny her the benefit.
Now, you all could easily dismiss this as some Internet Wacko just trying to jockey a position for a little bit of justice. Well, that may be partially true. I hate to see a Fire Department treat their members in such poor taste, especially the volunteer members. I bet if she were one of the paid members and this happened to her, Local 4246 would be jumping up and down screaming bloody murder and calling for heads! What is totally true is that I know a thing or two about blood borne pathogens and exposures; because on top of being a Career firefighter in another jurisdiction for over 10 years (as well as a volunteer for 20) I also work part time in Industrial Safety and Health, training industrial employees in exposure control and associated topics. I certainly hope that the SFD has a written exposure control policy as required by MDOSH.
Additionally, what is also totally true is that a letter is written. This letter currently sits in the “composed” box of my ISP’s mail server. This letter discusses the situation in extreme detail, from the moment that it happened to today. The address bar of the email contains email addresses of persons and organizations. People like Dave Statter, Billy G, Mayor Tilghman, and Governor O’Malley. Organizations such as The Maryland State Fireman’s Association, The National Volunteer Fire Council, MEIMSS, and MDOSH. Oh, and did I mention that the email is also addressed to the Salisbury Daily News. The Baltimore Sun, WBOC, and WMDT just to name a few. If she does not stop getting stonewalled, the “send” button is gonna get clicked. All she wants is the following:
1. For the SFD Administration to immediately cease and desist in any and all acts of denial, stonewalling, or otherwise purposely delaying or attempting to deny her claims.
2. For any and all of her “Injury On Duty” claims to be immediately filed in whatever official capacity that they need to be, including at the state level. The exposure shall be fully documented and placed in her personnel file, for future reference in case of sickness.
3. For any documented out-of-pocket costs borne by her, to be reimbursed upon request without hassle or lengthy delay.
4. For any and all SFD personnel to adhere to all HIPAA regulations, and not discuss the matter with anyone, without her written consent.
Now, before you guys go and get all these delusions of grandeur and decide to retaliate against this young lady in some fashion, which would be an unfortunate and un-needed reaction on your part; did I happen to mention that a second, far-better version of the aforementioned letter exists within the coffers of my ISP’s email server; one for the explicit purpose of distribution in the event that the young lady is retaliated against????? The address list is just as long, except there are a few more individuals and organizations…..People with the title of “Esq.” after their name. Organizations like The State of Md. EEOC (yes, believe it or not, volunteers come under EEOC when it comes to messing with their benefits!) There are more, but I don’t want to bore you any more lurid details. Let it be a surprise, if it has to!
Just do the right thing. Give her what she is legally entitled to, without complaint or further delay.
Thanks for listening and have a nice day!
Well, seems that a very close, dear friend of mine is being screwed with. This young lady, who is fairly new to the Fire Service, while operating as a member of your organization, came in contact with bodily fluids of a patient while on an EMS run. Patient was confirmed to have an infectious disease. My young friend immediately reported the incident within her volunteer chain-of-command, and requested immediate action, due to the fact that she had a scratch and was genuinely concerned.
Seems that certain members of your organization are more concerned with stonewalling her, in what appears to be false hopes that “it will go away.” From the moment that the incident was reported to certain individuals, they have taken it upon themselves to distort the truth, hide the facts, and bury the evidence. They have denied her claims, delayed action on their part, and have been constantly stalling her. She is constantly questioned about why she is acting on the exposure, and is told that it is totally unnecessary. Apparently she even had to visit the Emergency Room at PRMC to obtain more medicine when the folks at the Fire Dept. appointed physicians office denied her. Additionally, a certain someone violated HIPAA regulations not once…..but gasp….TWICE! Who gave you the right to speak to her mother without her consent or permission? Or was this a feeble attempt on your part to “downplay” the situation and try to get her mother to talk her out of taking any action???? And the second infraction? Talking to her on the phone, discussing intimate details of her personal health, while multiple other unknown persons were in the same room, apparently laughing while they made mockery of the situation? Shame on you! I wonder what the HIPAA gods would think? I wonder what MEIMSS would think?
Whatever the motivation for this is- financial?? (Perhaps the Fire Dept. does not want to open their clutched hands and pay for her medical coverage) Personal (someone just doesn’t like her and is screwing with her) or Political (shhhhh! we can’t let word get out!) I really don’t know and I really don’t care. What I do know is this-
The shit stops now. You know who you are, and you know what you are doing. She had better start receiving respect and courtesy from the administration of the SFD. Any and all benefits for this exposure had better be paid, in full, and on time. She had better not receive any bills or demand for payment from anyone regarding this matter. I don’t know what the Workman’s Comp laws are in the State of Maryland, but where I am, Volunteer Firefighters may file a workman’s comp claim if they are out of work for seven work days or more. Seems the medicine she is taking to fight off any infection (that she had to beg and plead for) has a side effect of making you extremely drowsy, causes headaches, nausea/vomiting and left her incapacitated to work her job. And before you go and claim it was “just her”, I encourage you to go to and look up Kaletra or Combivir. As of this time she has returned to work, but 8 days of no pay has left quite the hole in her pocket. If she files for workman’s comp, no one had better try and “discourage” her from doing it, and the Fire Department certainly had better not deny her the benefit.
Now, you all could easily dismiss this as some Internet Wacko just trying to jockey a position for a little bit of justice. Well, that may be partially true. I hate to see a Fire Department treat their members in such poor taste, especially the volunteer members. I bet if she were one of the paid members and this happened to her, Local 4246 would be jumping up and down screaming bloody murder and calling for heads! What is totally true is that I know a thing or two about blood borne pathogens and exposures; because on top of being a Career firefighter in another jurisdiction for over 10 years (as well as a volunteer for 20) I also work part time in Industrial Safety and Health, training industrial employees in exposure control and associated topics. I certainly hope that the SFD has a written exposure control policy as required by MDOSH.
Additionally, what is also totally true is that a letter is written. This letter currently sits in the “composed” box of my ISP’s mail server. This letter discusses the situation in extreme detail, from the moment that it happened to today. The address bar of the email contains email addresses of persons and organizations. People like Dave Statter, Billy G, Mayor Tilghman, and Governor O’Malley. Organizations such as The Maryland State Fireman’s Association, The National Volunteer Fire Council, MEIMSS, and MDOSH. Oh, and did I mention that the email is also addressed to the Salisbury Daily News. The Baltimore Sun, WBOC, and WMDT just to name a few. If she does not stop getting stonewalled, the “send” button is gonna get clicked. All she wants is the following:
1. For the SFD Administration to immediately cease and desist in any and all acts of denial, stonewalling, or otherwise purposely delaying or attempting to deny her claims.
2. For any and all of her “Injury On Duty” claims to be immediately filed in whatever official capacity that they need to be, including at the state level. The exposure shall be fully documented and placed in her personnel file, for future reference in case of sickness.
3. For any documented out-of-pocket costs borne by her, to be reimbursed upon request without hassle or lengthy delay.
4. For any and all SFD personnel to adhere to all HIPAA regulations, and not discuss the matter with anyone, without her written consent.
Now, before you guys go and get all these delusions of grandeur and decide to retaliate against this young lady in some fashion, which would be an unfortunate and un-needed reaction on your part; did I happen to mention that a second, far-better version of the aforementioned letter exists within the coffers of my ISP’s email server; one for the explicit purpose of distribution in the event that the young lady is retaliated against????? The address list is just as long, except there are a few more individuals and organizations…..People with the title of “Esq.” after their name. Organizations like The State of Md. EEOC (yes, believe it or not, volunteers come under EEOC when it comes to messing with their benefits!) There are more, but I don’t want to bore you any more lurid details. Let it be a surprise, if it has to!
Just do the right thing. Give her what she is legally entitled to, without complaint or further delay.
Thanks for listening and have a nice day!
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