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Friday, October 02, 2015

The Coming Corporate "Crime Wave"

In a recent appearance before Congress, Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates declared that the US Department of Justice is going to ratchet up its prosecution of individuals employed in corporations as part of a larger push against “white collar crime.” There is no doubt that such prosecutions will be very popular to a large section of voters, given that presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Martin O’Malley, along with Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren pretty much have declared thatnearly all American businesses are part of a massive criminal conspiracy that must be brought down by federal authorities.

Within the next year, we should expect to see mid-level business and finance executives doing “perp walks” in front of the news media, as federal prosecutors will charge them with various “economic crimes” in hopes that they will implicate their superiors.All of us by now know the drill and in a time of anemic economic growth complete with business failures, it won’t be hard to find scapegoats.
Everyone Is “Guilty”


The deluge lasted three long days and stretched across five high tides right at the time of the full moon. More than 90 percent of Chincoteague Island flooded. The water ran six feet deep at times on Main Street in downtown Chincoteague. The island’s chicken industry was destroyed–an estimated 350,000 birds died in the storm. Chincoteague’s famous ponies suffered horribly as well. By the time the rain stopped, more than 100 of them had died.

The culprit was the Ash Wednesday storm of March 6 to 8, 1962.

The most famous of Chincoteague’s ponies managed to survive the storm. A pregnant Misty was living at that time on the Beebe Farm in Chincoteague. Floodwaters did, in fact, reach her barn, but before that happened Ralph and Jeannette Beebe moved Misty into the kitchen of their home. She stayed there for three days. The aerial photo here shows how things looked at the Beebe Farm during the flooding.

Weather experts rank the Ash Wednesday storm among the Top 10 of the 20th century. Forty people died along the coast between North Carolina and New York. Another 1,000 were injured. The NASA facility on Wallop’s Island in Virginia suffered more than $1 million in damage. Here is the Wikipedia page on the storm.


State Makes It Legal To Shoot Cops In Self-Defense If They Violate Your Rights

Is it ever legal to shoot cops? A growing number of states are passing laws that say that yes, in fact, sometimes it is well within a citizen’s rights to shoot a police officer.

Other states have already ruled in favor of citizens shooting police officers in self-defense, (even hip-hop legend Tupac walked after shooting two cops in self-defense) now, in the state of Indiana, if a police officer initiates aggression without cause in someone’s home, violence can be used against them in self-defense – including using lethal force.

The new law was drafted to “recognize the unique character of a citizen’s home and to ensure that a citizen feels secure in his or her own home against unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant.”

This should hardly be seen as profound. In the past, self-defense was viewed as a human right. The Bill of Rights does not grant rights to the citizenry of the United States, it recognizes natural rights. One of those rights — a veritable law of Nature — is the right to resist.


Virginia executes convicted serial killer after appeals fail

JARRATT, Va. (AP) — A 49-year-old convicted of murdering three people in Virginia and California nearly three decades ago was executed on Thursday after a series of last-minute appeals failed.

Alfredo Prieto was pronounced dead at 9:17 p.m. at the Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt. Prieto was injected with a lethal three-drug combination, including the sedative pentobarbital, which Virginia received from the Texas prison system.

Prieto, wearing glasses, jeans and a light blue shirt, did not resist and showed no emotion as he was strapped to the gurney.

“I would like to say thanks to all my lawyers, all my supporters and all my family members,” he said, before mumbling, “Get this over with.”


They Had A Million Dollar Idea About Better Day Care In Urban Slums

You can't blame Taylor Scobbie for being nervous. His team was a finalist for the $1 million Hult Prize.

The challenge — issued by the Clinton Global Initiative and the Hult Prize Foundationlast September — was for undergraduates or MBA students to design a project that would provide quality education to 10 million children under age six in urban slums by 2020. There were six teams that made it through to the last round, chosen from more than 20,000 applicants.

Each team had eight minutes to present its project to a panel of judges that included Nobel Laureate Muhammed Yunus and the former prime minister of Australia, Julia Gillard.

The ideas were impressive: a laundry center that doubles as a library where parents and children in South Africa can learn together while their washing is done; or"talking stickers" to put on household items so a low-cost hand-held electronic scanning device can make the objects talk, sing and read to children.

Team IMPCT's idea is to find investors who can help improve informal day care centers in urban slums, adding more educational efforts and increasing enrollment. The process will also turn local caregivers into small business owners who operate a franchise of sorts.


Montgomery Co. board of elections accused of voter suppression, ‘secret phone calls’

ROCKVILLE, Md.– Maryland state lawmakers say they want the Montgomery County Board of Elections to reverse its decision to move two early voting centers.

If not, they’ll act to get emergency legislation passed that would add new voting sites — effectively blunting the change by the majority-Republican elections board.

State Sen. Richard Madeleno, D-Montgomery County, says the elections board could avoid further controversy by abandoning its plans to close the Marilyn Praisner Community Recreation Center in Burtonsville and the Jane Lawton Community Recreation Center in Chevy Chase.

The fight began over a decision by the county elections board to close the two early voting sites in Chevy Chase and Burtonsville and instead open sites in Brookeville and Potomac.

James Shalleck, the Republican chairman of the elections board, told a Montgomery County Council committee on government operations that the decision was made to add “geographic diversity” to the county’s nine early voting sites.


Henry Dumas Wrote About Black People Killed By Cops. Then He Was Killed By A Cop

"A young black man, Henry Dumas, went through a turnstile at a New York City subway station," wrote Toni Morrison in the invitation to a posthumous book-launch party she threw for the writer in 1974, six years after he died. "A transit cop" — who was white — "shot him in the chest and killed him. Circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear. Before that happened, however, he had written some of the most beautiful, moving and profound poetry and fiction that I have ever in my life read."

In the nearly 50 years since Henry Dumas was killed, not much more has come to light about what happened on the night of his death. No witnesses came forward to testify. Police records were lost in a bureaucratic shuffle. Harlem, where Dumas moved as a young man after growing up in rural Arkansas, had erupted in large-scale protests over the police killings of black and brown men several times before the writer was killed. But Dumas' death hardly made the news. With so little information to draw from, it's as if the last pages of his life were torn out.

Dumas' final scene echoed a theme he turned to again and again in his writing: violent confrontations between white men and black men. The work he left behind — short stories that range from hard realism to science fiction, an almost finished novel, volumes of poetry, and even a few accompaniments to the work of the mystical jazz legend Sun Ra — contains bitingly sharp depictions of racial tension in America that, in an almost unbelievably eerie way, speak to his own fate.


OC Police and Fire Personnel Kept Busy Today

Man Charged With Setting Fire In Liquor Store During Riots

A man has been charged in a federal criminal complaint with setting a fire in liquor store during Baltimore's riots.

A criminal complaint filed Sept. 24 and unsealed Thursday charges 21-year-old Darius Raymond Stewart with malicious destruction of a commercial building.

According to the affidavit filed with the criminal complaint, looters set fires inside the store in the Penn North neighborhood on April 27.


At 'Checkpoint Of The Stars,' Texas Sheriff Takes A Pass On Pot Cases

A federal inspection station on Interstate 10 in the West Texas desert earned the nickname "checkpoint of the stars" for all the entertainers who kept getting busted there. In the past six years, Willie Nelson, Snoop Dogg, Nelly and Fiona Apple were all arrested for possession of marijuana.

These days, though, after a decision by a local lawman, everyone from personal pot smokers to medium-size marijuana traffickers can avoid jail.

The Sierra Blanca Border Patrol checkpoint was once the bane of pot smokers driving from Los Angeles to Texas. Green-suited federal agents and their uncanny drug dogs would make 20 to 30 busts a day.

"I had two little buds (of marijuana) wrapped up in my Dopp kit in my suitcase in the trunk of the car," recalls Austin writer and filmmaker Al Reinert, who was busted at the checkpoint two years ago. "The Border Patrol guys never would have found it if the dogs hadn't sniffed it out."




'Allah' to join 'God' at U.S. military base?

Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, is ratcheting a battle with the authorities serving at Marine Corps Base Hawaii who placed a “God bless” sign on public lawns, telling chiefs in an email he now wants messages that read “Yehweh bless” and “Allah bless” alongside.

AS WND reported, Weinstein took umbrage with a “God bless the military” sign that’s stood in plain view on base property since September 11, 2001. MRFF aide Blake Page wrote to Col. Sean Killeen to say “this sign is a brazen violation of the No Establishment clause of the Constitution,” and should be moved. Weinstein, meanwhile, said the sign rightly belongs on chapel grounds at the military base, rather than on property not affiliated with worship.

The military base said it was looking into the complaint – but Weinstein has hiked the stakes.


JUST IN: Oregon sheriff releases the names of Umpqua Community College shooting victims

JUST IN: Oregon sheriff releases the names of Umpqua Community College shooting victims

Pemberton Park to Host Inaugural Pumpkin Tour Friday, October 23

Registration Open for Pumpkin Submissions

Salisbury, MD – Get into the Halloween spirit with Pemberton Park's Pumpkin Tour on Friday, October 23. The inaugural event features a jack-o-lantern lit tour through the trails of Pemberton Park at dusk along with other Halloween festivities.
Enter A Pumpkin
Schools, classes, businesses, families and groups are encouraged to enter a pumpkin into the Pumpkin Tour. Be creative! The tour welcomes pumpkins of all shapes, sizes and designs!
  • Registration: Open Now - October 21 
  • Drop Off / Set Up: Pemberton Park, Friday, October 23, 5 - 5:30 p.m.
  • Ages: All ages welcome!
  • Details: Pumpkins will be voted on by those taking the tour. Prizes will be awarded in several categories including Best Overall Pumpkin, Spookiest Pumpkin and more. 
  • Registration Fee: $5 Per Pumpkin
Registration is available through October 21 at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury; M-F, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.) or online at For more information, contact Allen Swiger at 410-548-4900 x108

Take The Tour
The tour will take place on Friday, October 23 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. All ages are welcome to walk the tour and participants are encouraged to vote for their favorite pumpkins. Entry to Pemberton Park on the evening of the tour is $10 per car. Free candy and games will be provided for children. Food, hot cocoa and glow necklaces and bracelets will be available for purchase.

Oregon Shooting: 'Heroic' Veteran Chris Mintz Was Shot 7 Times

An Army veteran was shot seven times while trying to save other students during the deadly Oregon community college rampage, according to his aunt.

Chris Mintz "tried to protect some people," his aunt Sheila Brown told NBC News in a telephone interview. "We were told he did heroic things to protect some people."

She said that Mintz was shot seven times and had been in surgery since the shooting that left 10 dead, including the gunman.

Originally from Randleman, North Carolina, Mintz served about 10 years in the Army. He had just started college, Brown said. He was shot in the back, abdomen and hands, and had two broken legs, she added.


Delmarva Power Disconnects Power to Part of Ocean City, Md.

Electrical service was restored around 4 p.m. today (10/2/15) to the portion of Ocean City, Md., that was affected by severe flooding that submerged Delmarva Power's electrical infrastructure. For safety reasons, Delmarva Power had to de-energize service to an area south of North Division Street and Baltimore Avenue until the flood waters receded. If significant flooding occurs in other Maryland and Delaware coastal communities, then there is the possibility that similar de-energizing of electrical equipment could occur in order to ensure the safety of customers and emergency services personnel. Delmarva Power will continue to monitor this situation and work closely with our emergency services partners throughout this severe weather event.

America...Our Stolen Country-Session 6 By Robert Quinn

To America....Land That I Love 

Article 1 of our Constitution gave the Press the right to reveal,not conceal news of interest to the American People, yet, fear of disclosure of Obama's true eligibility status has permeated the MainstreamMedia to this day. For almost six years they have been silent on this issue. Even Fox News, though vocally critical of the "Stimulus" plans, "Czar" appointees,etc. will not mention the existence of eligibility lawsuits presently in the courts. Bill O'Reilly of Fox News claimed he saw a valid Obama birth certificate but had to retract his claim when informed that what Fox actually viewed was a fraudulent "Certification of Live Birth", which, even had it been legitimate, would have been a limited document whichcould not be used by anyone seeking the Presidency but remember-this was a fraudulent document. Obama, as a former Constitutional teacher, knew that this document, if legal, could allow someone to vote or drive a car,but not drive our Nation! That would have required a valid,long-form "Certificate of Live Birth", a document which Obama would have known yet he never offered nor even mentioned its existence. Bill O'Reilly also said that two Hawaiian newspaper clippings reporting Obama's birth in Hawaii there-by confirmed his eligibility. In reality, three years after O'Reilly had been advised that, in 1961, anyone could have prepared an Hawaiian limited or even invalid birth certificate and have had the Newspapers publish it. O'Reilly, to this day, continues to address this issue with dismissal or sarcasm. To constantly use the term "birthers" in a sarcastic, derogatory manner when referring to Defenders of our Constitution, shows a closed mind at work. This from a man who ends each nightly program with "we're looking out for you". A mockery of TRUTH.

In our Nation's history, only one "Commander-in-Chief" has deliberately refused to produce a valid "Certificate of Live Birth" to confirm his eligibility. His name...Barack Obama.A man whose National Allegiance is unknown to the American people, is governing us and our military and determining our future survival or demise, yet, his ineligibility is quietly kept secret from us by most of the Media. Only organization like World Net Daily and a few others, to their credit, bring this issue to the forefront. Obama's actions have caused both active and retired military to become plaintiffs(quietly ignored by the Media) in lawsuits against him, all asking one thing:"prove that you were eligible". An easily satisfied request for a legitimate Presidential claimant. Obama's response, when heard is "sue me". Having his lawyers use every resource available to block access to any personal documents, Obama's disgraceful deceiving of these Servicemen and women has put their freedom and futures in harm's way for attempting to protect the integrity of our Constitution. There are three million members in the U.S. Armed Forces; all obligated to produce valid documentation of birth did so excepting Barack Obama. 'nuff said?

Another example of Media silence was their failing to advise America that no Hawaiian hospital ever claimed to have been Obama's birth hospital. Please allow that to sink in. To be able to say a particular hospital was the one in which the first Afro-American President was born would bestow prestigious honor on that hospital. The only proof Obama ever offered was fraudulent and/or ineligible documents which he then withdrew from public scrutiny as challenges to their validity increased. Also, many offers of free financial assistance to Obama to help minority students trying to meet tuition expenses(a project which Obama espoused repeatedly) were not even acknowledged by him. Why...because each offering came with one requirement of Obama, a requirement that he dared not accept...that he allow document experts to examine his birth certificate documents for their validity. A simple condition....except for one trafficing in fraudulent documents. To disclose would have meant to expose himself and to expose himself would depose him from office....and worse! Major contributors whose offers were completely ignored by Obama included: Globe Magazine $100.000; Birther Summit $15,000; Donald Trump,who offered $5,000,000 and then raised it to $50,000.000; yes, you are looking at the correct amount! So much for Obama trying to help minority students.

The Media treats Obama's birth certificate issue as a non-issue instigated by racial bigots or misguided ones. Obama could have resolved this issue very easily by producing a valid "Certificate of Live Birth"(had any existed) for about $50.00 in mailing costs but he opted to spend over 4 million dollars so far to prevent any disclosure of such a document.Fifty dollars vs millions. Why would anyone spend so much to avoid disclosure? For one reason....disclosure would be followed by exposure and end Obama's criminal attempt to overthrow our Nation's Constitution.If Bill O'Reilly, on any of his late night shows in which he had Obama as a guest, simply asked him, why he allowed and used fraudulent, ineligible documents to pass as valid documents Obama's deception would have been exposed at that time.

I believe most Democrats and Republicans and Media Outlets have always considered Obama ineligible for the office of President, but,those having initially accepted his deception are now too embarrassed to retract their words. For example, Bill O'Reilly of Fox News has personally received copies of all the letters (30) which I've written on this issue; letters which were all factual, not conjectual nor racist. While he never responded to any of them (no problem-I only write to reach as many as possible and hope they find value in my letters), he certainly cannot claim to have been unaware of the points mentioned or cited in those letters, so when he responded to others also challenging Obama's eligibility (not counting space aliens) with a dismissive comment I thought to myself:"I watched O'Reilly's show in the past for helpful enlightenment on this issue but now feel that it has morphed into an entertainment vehicle. By suppressing damning facts about Obama, O'Reilly is both helping to keep Obama's deception alive and our Nation to slowly die. 


Assateague: “What do the horses do during really bad storms?”

Assateague Island National Seashore

The most frequently asked question yesterday was “What do the horses do during really bad storms?” Well, in all honestly, its business as usual until instinct kicks in and tells the horses to move to higher ground. And don’t worry, Assateague actually has higher ground!

Away from the beach and bay, toward the center of the island, there are high dune ridges that create natural “bluffs” that are 10 feet or more above sea level. These ridges support the growth of maritime forests, which provide shelter from the elements. If the weather conditions get very bad, the horses and other wildlife move toward these areas and remain there until the weather passes. Up until the weather is really bad, the horses will shelter among the vegetation in lower lying areas, just as N2BHS (Carol’s Girl), N2BHS-M (Susi Sole), and N9BM-E (Yankee) [from right to left] were doing yesterday when the winds were gusting up to 36 miles per hour and the rain was falling sideways.

'Hero' Umpqua Community College Student Chris Mintz Speaks After Being Shot 7 Times

The student and Army veteran who witnesses say charged the shooter at a community college in Oregon is alert and awake at the hospital as he recovers.

Chris Mintz, 30, was shot seven times during the Thursday rampage, but he says his main concern is about the others who were injured.

"I just hope that everyone else is OK," he told ABC News this morning.

"I'm just worried about everyone else.”


Good Question

Yellow Alert Goes Into Effect Statewide

(Pikesville, MD) As a result of legislation from the 2015 Maryland General Assembly, signed into law by Governor Larry Hogan, the Maryland State Police have established the Yellow Alert Program to assist law enforcement agencies statewide with the rapid sharing of information to locate those who fail to remain at the scene of a traffic crash resulting in serious injury or death.

Effective October 1, 2015, the Yellow Alert Program has been activated. This program is designed to assist law enforcement across Maryland with finding vehicles that leave the scene of crash where someone is gravely hurt or a fatality has occurred. State law requires all drivers remain at the scene of a motor vehicle crash resulting in property damage, bodily injury, or death.

Currently, agencies investigating hit and run crashes have the ability to disseminate a description of a vehicle to one central location and in turn, the information can be quickly shared with other officers as well as the public. This cooperative effort increases the possibility of locating the vehicle and providing justice to the victims.

The Yellow Alert notification will immediately be shared with the Maryland Joint Operations Center (MJOC), Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center (MCAC), State Highway Administration (SHA) Statewide Operation Center and local law enforcement in the state.

Governor Larry Hogan Signs Executive Order Rescinding State of Emergency in Eight Counties

Remaining 16 Jurisdictions Still Under State of Emergency

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan today signed Executive Order 01.01.2015.24 rescinding the state of emergency in eight Maryland counties: Garrett, Allegany, Washington, Frederick, Carroll, Montgomery, Howard, and Prince George’s. Based on the current weather projections and recommendations from the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), the remaining 15 Maryland counties and Baltimore City will remain under the state of emergency until further notice. This allows the state to efficiently coordinate resources between jurisdictions to support response operations.
Yesterday, Governor Hogan signed an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency in Maryland in anticipation of heavy rains, potential flooding, and the possibility that Hurricane Joaquin may affect Maryland.
“With the storm moving away from our coasts, we are directing state resources to the counties and areas with the highest potential to need assistance,” said Governor Hogan. “However, the majority of the state still remains under a state of emergency and rain and wind gusts could cause power outages and flooding in low-lying areas. We continue to encourage Marylanders to use common sense and look after family members and neighbors who might need help during this time."
Residents can go to MEMA’s website,, for more flooding and hurricane preparedness information and can follow MEMA’s Twitter feed, @MDMEMA, and Facebook page,, for up-to-date information.
To report power outages, and find additional emergency contact information, visit

H2O dampened by too much H2O

The approach of Hurricane Joaquin has already dampened — pun intended — some resort festivities for this weekend. Just not the ones the city was hoping for.

Although the inlet wine festival and the offshore powerboat races for this weekend have been postponed, the H2O International VW/Audi show is still scheduled as planned.

“H2Oi is rain or shine,” said promoter Jay Shoup. Efforts to mitigate muddiness at the show’s site at Fort Whaley are underway.

However, as is often the case with automotive events, Shoup’s show itself is less of a concern to local officials compared to the impact from the large number of spectators and hangers-on that flock to the area during the event, regardless of attendance at Fort Whaley.


If Joe Biden is the best alternative Democrats have to offer over Hillary, they should be charged with cruelty to the American people

It’s amazing how the corrupt media machine continues to pump up an incompetent politician like Joe Biden. But, this is the same media that rooted for a community organizer from Chicago.

How did that work out for the country and the world?


JUST IN: Jessie Matthew gets 3 life sentences in Fairfax Co. sex assault

FAIRFAX, Va. — Jesse Matthew Jr., who also currently faces two murder trials, was sentenced for the rape and attempted murder of a Fairfax woman over a decade ago.

Matthew entered an Alford plea on June 10 for the September 2005 abduction, sexual assault and attempted murder of the victim identified as “RG” in Fairfax.

With that plea he did not admit to a criminal act, but acknowledged that prosecutors had enough evidence to win a conviction. However, the plea came as a surprise to many. It was a way to maintain innocence, but for all intent and purpose, there is no distinction when it comes to sentencing and his appellate rights are waived as well.


H20i Car Show Attendees Here Despite Rain, Winds, Flooding

Have A Look!! Webcams In Ocean City

Liberals Gush Over Video of Mom Giving Gender-Altering Hormones to Child

Liberals are gushing over a video that would have any normal person feeling sick. In it, a mother surprises her son, who is transgender, with gender-altering hormone treatment that they’ve been waiting to get for years.

A supportive mother surprised her transgender teen daughter with her first dose of hormone therapy – something she had been waiting two years for – in a moving video chronicling the life-changing moment.

Erica Maison, a mother-of-five from Detroit, Michigan, filmed 14-year-old Corey’s heart-wrenching reaction to finding her estrogen prescription hidden behind a couch cushion after two-and-half years of waiting to begin hormone therapy before she stopped the camera to embrace her daughter.

‘This was it, this was the most pivotal turning point in her life, and we both knew it,’ Erica told Buzzfeed of Corey’s emotional response to the news.

The 30-second clip begins with Corey sitting on the couch, asking: ‘What’s going on?’

Without giving away any of the surprise, Erica tells her daughter to reach behind the pillow she is sitting on.

‘Come on! What did you do this time?’ Corey says with a smile.

After she pulls out a plastic bag from behind the cushion, she opens it to find a box filled with estrogen pills.

‘Do you know what that is?’ Erica asks her, and when Corey realizes what she is holding she bursts into tears, as she stands up to embrace her mom.

… The proud mother explained that Corey was ‘always feminine’ when she was younger, but she wore boys clothes to school, and Erica thought she might be gay.

However, after Corey was taken out of school because she was being bullied, they came across a video of Jazz Jennings, a transgender YouTube star who Corey immediately identified with.

After watching one of Jazz’s clips,Corey started dressing like a girl in public, and although she faced a great deal of harassment from strangers, her mother encouraged her to be confident by advising her to ‘strike a pose’ every time a stranger tried to take her picture.


The 26th Annual Chesapeake Celtic Festival Starts Tomorrow!

OC: Flooding expected to Continue during Next Several High Tide Cycles

OCEAN CITY, MD – (October 2, 2015): With the first high tidal cycle bringing moderate to severe flooding to low-lying areas in Ocean City, town officials are cautioning residents and property owners to expect similar weather over the next several days. Flood warnings and wind advisories remain in effect, with the expectation that the current system will keep wet weather in Ocean City through Sunday.

The Inlet Parking Lot was closed at midnight and will remain closed until further notice, along with access to the beach. Residents and property owners in ALL Zone A and B locations should prepare for moderate to severe flooding over the next several days. Preparedness efforts include tying up water vessels, removing outdoor furniture and securing objects susceptible to wind and flooding. Citizens are urged to build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan, should families need to relocate during a flooding event.

Separately, Ocean City Emergency Services staff continues to monitor Hurricane Joaquin. While the hurricane continues to track east, several pre-storm action items have been completed, including removing items from the beach and closing the sea wall gates.

Before, during and after the storm, the Town of Ocean City will be posting storm related information on various websites, social media outlets and through the Emergency Alert system.

Idiot Liberals Propose ‘New Southern Flag’ to Replace Confederate Battle Flag

If we don’t have enough idiotic proposals going on across these United States, a group of progressive libs have designed a “new southern flag” to replace the Confederate battle flag. No, they are serious.

This is probably the dumbest idea I’ve heard of in a long time.


Now Liberals Want to Eliminate the Lawn in Front of Your House to ‘Save the Planet’

A liberal from Dallas, Texas, has just proposed that we get rid of our front lawns because lawns create global warming, or are bad on the environment, or some such thing.

Writing for the Dallas Observer, columnist Eric Nicholson says that lawns are only for “uptight jerks” and are “not healthy.” He also says they are bad for the environment.

Since the non-native grasses that compose most lawns can’t be kept green with rainfall alone, and because water and sunlight make the plant grow, lawns require intensive intervention, sucking up a total of about 9 billion gallons of water per day in aggregate and costing the average homeowners about 70 hours of labor per year. Lawns tend to be punishing for the environment as well. In addition to the ecological effects of runoff, which can overwhelm water bodies with excess levels of nitrogen and phosphorous, there’s the act of lawn-mowing itself. According to National Geographic, one hour running a gas mower can pollute as much as driving a car for four hours.

Lawns are particularly troublesome in arid cities such as Phoenix and Las Vegas, where it’s a challenge to find enough water for people to drink, much less keep a bunch of ornamental grass verdant. The water crunch in a place like Dallas is less acute, but the principles at play are the same. There isn’t nearly enough available water to sustain the population long-term without intensive conservation efforts or massive infrastructure investment. North Texans remain attached to their lawns, though recent price hikes for water may spur many to reassess the value of a green yard.

There really aren’t that many good reasons for lawns. Responding to a Wonkblog piece describing lawns (accurately) as a “soul-crushing time suck,” Turf magazine editor Ron Hall critiques the author for failing to mention “the economic value that nicely maintained lawns add to properties. It doesn’t hint at the good will and sense of civility lawns engender in our neighborhoods. But, the biggest omission in the piece is piece is its failure to mention the well-documented environmental pluses lawns contribute to our communities — capturing dust, their cooling effect, reducing runoff, etc.”

This is the mind of a liberal.


Notorious US Surveillance Bill May Kill Internet Privacy This Week

"Giving more of your information to the government creates a huge new target for hackers"

The US Congress, faced with a possible government shutdown, is allegedly considering the re-introduction of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) this week.

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is reportedly believed to be considering resurrecting the controversial bill, claims The Politico, a DC area political newspaper.

Opinions are divided on the issue, as one source claimed that a “likeness” of the bill will return to the table while another doubted its reintroduction, saying it was “all very uncertain” and “technically possible, but nothing definitive.”

If lawmakers approve the CISA, which many Americans see as a double-edged sword, it will grant legal immunity to companies that wish to monitor their customers and share private information with the US government if they are believed to constitute a ‘cybersecurity threat’.


Sitting On The Front Porch Enjoying Mother Nature

While high tide rolls in, the winds are kicking up quite a bit here in Ocean City. There's been many branches falling off the trees and I can only imagine how flooded it is in town. 

Now don't get me wrong. There's no need to run to WalMart in survival mode. This too will pass. 

Boehner Says G'bye — Now What?

The Poster Child for Failed GOP Leadership

House Speaker John Boehner announced his upcoming resignation — after having served five years as one of the most ineffective speakers in history.

Boehner was elected to the House in 1990 from Ohio’s 8th congressional district, a GOP stronghold that includes suburban and rural areas between Cincinnati and Dayton. I first met him in 1993 when he was campaigning for other GOP candidates, and found him devoutly faithful and a very astute, articulate conservative.

How did Boehner devolve from a successful grassroots conservative into a futile GOP establishment hack?

There are several reasons, including a primary contributing factor to his demise that has been a “secret” in plain sight for years.

But to better understand his failure, here is a brief look at Boehner’s rise through the Republican ranks.

In 1993, he became a key promoter of the Contract with America, authored by then-House Republican Conference Chairman Dick Armey (R-TX) and then-House Minority Whip Newt Gingrich (R-GA). The CWA was based on Ronald Reagan’s legacy platform. George H.W. Bush had wasted that hard-won legacy during his one term as president before losing the White House to a younger and more charismatic candidate, Bill Clinton and his “co-president,” Hillary.

The Contract with America was key to the GOP’s historic midterm election victory in 1994, restoring GOP leadership in the House and Senate for the first time since 1952 — and Boehner was one of its most effective advocates.

More here

Spraypaint spree vandals get more time to pay piper

Jordan Denton and Nicholas Bonser, who were given 90 days to pay restitution for their Jan. 25 spray-painting vandalism spree, now have more time to make financial amends.

According to court documents, District Court Judge Gerald Purnell has granted the two 18-year-old Berlin residents until the end of their two-year probation to pay make good on the court order.

Under the terms of their plea bargain, Denton and Nicholas Bonser, who were sentenced on June 19, had 90 days to pay $8,843.06 in restitution, to complete 150 hours of community service each, and to write letters of apologies to the town of Berlin for spray-painting graffiti on cars and buildings.

Those 90 days expired Sept. 19.

Court documents did not mention if any restitution had been paid, community service had been completed or letters had been received. Town of Berlin officials also reported that they hadn’t seen an apology letter from either Bonser or Denton.


'Pink Hoods': Rapper Azealia Banks Likens LGBT Community to the KKK

Rapper Azealia Banks has sent out a series of tweets comparing the gay community to the Ku Klux Klan and calling gays weaklings who are easily offended.

The first tweet read: "LGBT community (GGGG) are like the gay KKK's. Get them some pink hoods and unicorns and let them rally down Rodeo drive."

More tweets followed: "All I had to do was say one word and I moved a whole community. What weaklings!!!"

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Delaware State Police Explorers-Open House Invitation

Delaware- What are the Delaware State Police Explorers and what do they do?
Our program consists of young men and women who have an interest in Law Enforcement.  We participate in fingerprinting young children at community events; work the missing children’s area at the State Fair, and many more community events.  We also offer opportunities for the National Law Enforcement Exploring Conference and the Federal Leadership Academies as well as the Delaware State Police Cadet Program. 
We teach a variety of police procedures including fingerprinting, evidence collection, and patrol procedures.  We strive to lead them down the right path and stand as positive role models. We also plan to instill leadership, responsibility, integrity, and commitment. Every Explorer Post is overseen and run by Delaware State Police Troopers.
We have minimum qualifications: a 2.0 Grade Point Average, mature, clean cut as well as clean shaven with no criminal convictions. This is not a discipline program. The age range is 14-20 years of age and at least in 9th grade.  The program consists of high school and college students. 
Where and When:
  • Troop 1 (Wilmington): Tuesday, September 22nd at 6:30 pm at Concord High School.
  • Troop 2 (Newark): Thursday, October 1st at 7:00 p.m. at Troop 2.
  • Troop 6 (Wilmington): Monday, September 21st at 6 pm at Troop 6.
  • Troop 9 (Odessa): Thursday, September 24th at 7:00 p.m. at Smyrna High School.
  • Troop 3 (Dover): Monday October 19th at 6:00 p.m. at the Delaware State Troopers Association Hall, 6349 North DuPont Highway, Cheswold (entrance is located off Messina Hill Road)
  • Troop 4 (Georgetown): Tuesday, September 29th at 6:30 pm at Sussex Central High School.
  • Troop 5 (Bridgeville): Tuesday, September 29th at 6:30 pm at Sussex Central High School.
  • Troop 7 (Lewes): Tuesday, September 29th at 6:30 pm at Sussex Central High School.
  • *Sussex County will hold one Open House in Georgetown for all schools in Sussex County. Membership will be at the Troop closest to your residence.
All interested students should be prepared to submit a $50 program registration fee at the Open House.  Checks or cash is accepted. You will also need a copy of last year’s grades.  If you are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must be present to sign the registration.
We hope to see you at our Open House so we can explain more about our program and how to become a Delaware State Police Explorer.    

Don't Miss a Weekend Full of Live Music & Great Beer!

Sunday, October 4

Join us at Headquarters Live for a beer tasting with UNLIMITED samples! Live entertainment will be provided by Such Fools. Breweries include RAR, Southern Tier, Left Hand Brewing, DC Brau, Burley Oak, EVO, Rubber Soul, and many more! Buy your tickets online in advance or at the door. 

Doors: 3 PM | Show: 4 PM
$25 Admission | 21+ 
Friday, October 2

Kristen and the Noise returns to HQ Live this Friday! Don't miss this energetic band that performs a variety of cover songs, with genres ranging from rock and alternative to hip hop.

Doors: 7 PM | Show: 8 PM
$10 Admission | 18+ Show

Thursday, October 1

The Locals Jam Session is a one-of-a-kind jam session for our area and is open to musicians of any instrument. The Larks will supply the gear - come out to hear unique songs and pairings!
Doors: 7 PM | Show: 8 PM
$5 Admission | 18+ Show

Saturday, October 3

Don't miss the last 1st Saturday of the 2015 season, featuring The Hot Meals! Due to rain in the forecast, it will be located indoors at HQ Live! Bring a winter coat, hat or gloves for the coat drive.
4 PM - 7 PM


Headquarters Live is a music venue in Downtown Salisbury. The focus here is on music, sound quality and the performers. It is a truly unique experience compared to anywhere else in the area! Sure, we have a bar - serving domestic and craft beers, wines and wine cocktails - but it's so much more than that!

Check out our website for more upcoming shows and events!

Taxpayers fleeing Ohio, IRS report shows

During Gov. John Kasich’s first two years in office, state-to-state migration shrank Ohio’s economy by more than $2.2 billion.

Ohio’s population dropped by a total of 33,000 in 2011 and 2012 as a result of taxpayers voting with their feet, based on the latest Internal Revenue Service data.

State-to-state migration was a net drain of $1.2 billion on Ohio’s economy in 2011 and $1.1 billion in 2012. Almost 24,000 fewer IRS returns were filed in Ohio in 2013 than in 2011 as a result of Ohioans moving to other states.

Ohio’s net population and income losses resulting from state-to-state migration were both the nation’s seventh-worst in 2012.

A net loss of taxpayers in the early years of Kasich’s first term signals a serious problem for the state, since Ohio’s private-sector job growth has slowed since 2011. A rebounding economy has produced increasing tax revenues, but it’s only a matter of time until the next downturn.


Bill Clinton calls Donald Trump 'fact-free'

Bill Clinton called out Donald Trump on Tuesday, saying the Republican presidential candidate's statements about his wife, Hillary Clinton — including that she was "perhaps the worst secretary of state in history" — are "fact-free."

"You know, if he becomes the nominee, he'll have to sort of hone his criticisms a little more finely because the facts will be easy to marshal," Clinton told CNN's Erin Burnett. "But you know, he's good at this, that's what he does. And the people that he is telling it to now basically have only heard that story, so they believe it and it's probably good politics for him." Clinton cited his wife's ability to get Russia and China to agree to impose sanctions on Iran before the nuclear deal negotiations as a sign Trump is wrong. "Even the Republicans admit that the sanctions on Iran were well done," he said. Also, he added, Trump "told me what a good job [Hillary Clinton] did in the Senate for New York after 9/11."


Catalunya Serà lliure!

Secession is a dirty word in the Lincoln-worshipping ultra-nationalistic United States, where both left and right worship at the altar of the centralized state. To support secession in any way, shape, or form is to be labeled “neo-Confederate” by our logic-challenged pundits, who eagerly swoop down on anyone who challenges Washington’s supremacy. These geniuses forget that the American Revolution was an act of secession, in which the colonists separated themselves from a tyrannical monarchy that sought to tax and regulate them without their consent.

In the rest of the world, however, localism is on the rise as people rebel against the edicts of distant bureaucrats and reassert their language, their traditions, and their sense of place. Throughout Europe, especially, these rebellions are gaining strength, from Scotland toWallonia to eastern Ukraine – and now to Catalonia, which is voting in what has become a referendum on the national question. The Catalan parliament voted to schedule a referendum on independence, but this was blocked by the central authorities in Madrid, who declared it “illegal.” So a snap election was called and if, as expected, pro-independence parties gain a majority in the Catalan parliament, the process of extricating Catalonia from the Spanish monolith will begin – and the centralists, in Madrid and in Brussels, are screaming bloody murder.

The European Union isn’t at all happy with the Catalan drive for independence: EU Commission President Juncker issued a statement in answer to a written question from a Spanish legislator stating – in Spanish – that the legality of such a move is questionable. Oddly – or, rather, not so oddly – the English translation was markedly different, simply stating that the question is up to the Spanish people. Less subtle is the outright panic of the banking sector, which has called into question the stability of Catalan banks and the currency itself if the independence forces win. In a statement issued by Spanish banks, including the two biggest lenders in Catalonia, the banksters averred:

“These difficulties would force banks to reconsider their strategy of establishment, with the corresponding risk of a reduction in services, and along with that, financial exclusion, a rise in the cost of credit and a credit crunch.”


Washington Post Owner Makes $16.5B While Paper Whines About ‘Income Inequality’

How do you spell hypocrisy? W-a-s-h-i-n-g-t-o-n P-o-s-t.

The Washington, D.C., paper of record has spent the past year filling bird cages and landfills with stories about income inequality – 156 in print alone and another 404 in blogs or 560 total. Subtract one of those (listed twice in LexisNexis) that included the name of billionaire Post owner Jeffrey Bezos. And that was a column by conservative George Will declaring: “Income inequality is good.”

The remaining 155 print and 403 blog mentions didn’t have any discussion of the newspaper’s fat cat owner. Yet, Bezos is now the fourth-richest American with a fortune of $47 billion, according to Forbes. He purchased the Post for $250 million, wrote the Post.

According to the Sept. 29, Daily Mail: “But it was Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos who has emerged as the biggest overall gainer, adding a whopping $16.5 billion to his war chest in a single year after his company posted a quarterly profit in July.”

Whopping indeed. Bezos made 899,521 times the median household income in the United States -- $52,250. Were Bezos a nation, the $16.5 billion would give him a GDP rank of 150, just below Kosovo and above 81 nations including Guinea and Iceland.

Based on the past year (from Sept. 30, 2014-Sept. 29, 2015), Post readers won’t be told about that. Instead, they will hear about the horrors of income inequality.

Here are just a few examples ripped from the pages funded by the Bezos billions: