Sheriff Mike Lewis graces Salisbury News with a message at 9:00 AM tomorrow morning. Could the Sheriffs Office be planning on adding purple to their black and white vehicles to match the Ravens colors? Tune in at 9:00 and find out!

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Furnitureland & Others Step Up For Brooke

Larry Barnes, (owner of Furnitureland) will join forces with Pohanka in shuttling people back and forth to Home Depot. In fact, I'm told that Mr. Barnes will actually be driving the Shuttle, (shown above).
GREAT NEWS! There are some people concerned about the temperatures being so low that it may be too cold to attend. NOT! Get this, Mr. David Allen is providing a HUGE enclosed HEATED Tent! He will also be bringing in tractor trailers, (3 of them) to create a buffer from the wind off the Lake for the Bonfire itself.
Mr. Bobby Robinson from TreeTech will be delivering around 5 cords of wood for the Bonfire itself. HOWEVER, Doug has asked me to ask ALL of YOU to please check with anyone you know if they have any pallets to donate and burn?
Mr. Mike Snyder, (sp?) of Pemberton Appliance is donating quite a few Radiant Heaters for outside and inside the tent. Thank you Mike.
Spicer Brothers is providing a Dumpster.
Ron & Gerald Lewis provided a Bobcat to grade the entire area. Thank You Gentlemen.
Gillis Gilkerson is providing finger food.
The Fountains will be proving food as well.
OUTBACK will be providing 80 BBQ Chicken Breast Dinners.
STARBUCKS will provide 180 cups of coffee.
PHAT BOYS will be bringing a Hot Dog Cart and giving out free Hot Dogs.
So many others to mention but I'm drained. Our friend FLEA from Chrisfield (Boat Docking Contest) has offered his Professional DJ Service for the event and I'm awaiting a response from Doug as there are others offering to play acoustic guitar there as well.
So look, don't worry about being cold. There's going to be so much heat there it isn't funny. Please help me out if I forgot anyone here. Doug & Chrystal Marshall, what can I say, they're just unbelievable people. Monty Sailor, (sp?) from Bank of America, thank you for your donation. Pete Richardson, Chris Lewis from Deli 111, the Pohanka Staff, Home Depot, Kevin Myers (CPA), help me out Folks. I'm going off of memory and I just know I'm forgetting people.
Nevertheless, THANK YOU! I look forward to seeing everyone there tomorrow evening. Brooke, you have brought this community together and you are in out thoughts all day long and we're all praying for your complete recovery. I just love when a plan comes together.
REMEMBER, if you haven't typed in YES that you will be attending, please type in YES in comments on this Post too. Don't double up.
This event will take place this Friday:
What: A Bonfire for Brooke
Where: 2825 N. Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury, MD 21801
When: Friday, Jan 16 4:30pm - until
Gannett Announces 1-Week UNPAID Layoff for MOST Employees

Most SBYnews readers know Gannett Corporation operates not only the USA Today but the Salisb

My personal experience in dealing with the arrogance of the publisher and staff of the Salisbury Daily Times is both horrific and astounding, where they made no less than 5 mistakes per ad for a 4-month period and refused to make good. They were considered just little things like putting in the wrong dates & times for auctions or auction previews that might be a minor typo for a newspaper but critical error to any auctioneer or auction bidder. That is another story but in reading the horror stories from other business owners on this blog, I know for a fact that I was not alone.

US Airways Plane Goes Down In Hudson River
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - A US Airways plane has crashed into the Hudson River, sending passengers fleeing for safety in the frigid waters.
New York City firefighters are responding to the crash. It was not immediately clear if there were injuries.
Witness Barbara Sambriski, a researcher at The Associated Press, said, ``I just thought, 'Why is it so low?' And, splash, it hit the water.''
Boats Search for Small Plane Reported Down in Hudson
NY Times Article.
UPDATE: Go Here To See Video Coverage.
Delaware Electric Cooperative "Peak Alert"

6 P.M. to 8 P.M., Tonight, Thursday, January 15
7 A.M. to 9 A.M., Tomorrow Morning, Friday, January 16
6 P.M. to 8 P.M., Tomorrow Night, Friday, January 16
Because of the colder than normal temperatures across our region today and the slow track of this extremely cold weather out of our area, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., tonight, AND between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., tomorrow morning, AND between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., tomorrow night we are asking you to delay the usage of all unnecessary lights or appliances during these hours.
While one of the largest consumers of electricity in the home during these hours and during this time of year are heating costs, other large consumers of electricity include major appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, hot water heaters and stoves.
By delaying the use of unnecessary lighting and appliances between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., tonight, AND between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., tomorrow morning, AND between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., tomorrow night, we can save energy resources, avoid high cost energy and help the environment.
We thank you for your help. Together we can “Beat The Peak”
Pohanka Comes To The Rescue For The Brooke Mulford Bonfire

I just received a call from the Pohanka Auto Group. These Folks are just unbelievable! They read about Brooke Mulford and the Bonfire tomorrow night at Doug Marshall's new place on Rt. 13. Pohanka said, Joe, "we'll be bringing a Toyota Sienna and a Honda Odyssey" to drive tomorrow night and shuttle everyone back and forth from the Home Depot Parking Lot.
I called Doug and told him what Pohanka wanted to do and he was speechless. I said, are you feeling the goose bumps Doug? He said, you know, it's funny you mention that Joe because yes, I have goose bumps all over. Great people doing great things for each other, especially those in need. Can you see it now Folks? 2009 is going to be a great year in Wicomico County!
Our very special thanks goes out to the Pohanka Auto Group and ALL of their Staff so willing to give in such tough times. In order to get an idea of how many people will be attending, could you please simply say YES in the comment section of this Post. You can do so anonymously so we can get some kind of idea how well attended this event will be. Thank You.
Here's what we're recommending for parking. If you'll start parking at Home Depot at 6:00 PM, Pohanka will have two shuttle vans taking people back and forth from 6:00 until whenever the event ends.
Additional coverage on this event will be aired on WBOC at 6:00 PM tonight.
This Just In... Update on State Budget Cuts for Elderly and Disabled
This just came in from my sources with the State, listing what programs are being cut.
Dear Stephanie,
SSTA- Social Services to Adults- case management and coordination of services to adults, including homeless
IHAS -In Home Aide Service- gives personal care and chores And basically all services
EXCEPT APS adult protective service which is a federal mandate
Some of these people have no family or supports other than their workers.
We anticipate more hospital admissions, nursing home admissions etc. without these services, which in turn will cost the state more money in the long run.
It's a mess!
Hold onto your hat's ! We are in for a rough ride!
With these upcoming cuts it is imperative that we regroup and look at what each and everyone of us can do to assist those that we know to be involved in these programs.
One thing is for sure, that in a time of crisis our humanity comes to the forefront and we often find ourselves doing much more than we ever considered doing before.
Please reach out to someone. We all need each other!Adolf Hitler Campbell Removed From Parents' Home
by Sandy Maple Jan 14th 2009 6:00PM
Remember little 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell? How could we forget the poor New Jersey boy whose parents saw no harm in naming their son after one of the world's most notorious murderers? Perhaps now they are beginning to see how that wasn't such a great idea. According to Holland Township police chief David Van Gilson, Adolf and his younger siblings JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler have been removed from their parents' home by the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services.
The children's father, Heath Campbell, denied to a reporter that his children were taken and, as is their policy, the Division of Youth and Family Services would not comment. But Chief Gilson says that the kids were taken last week in the presence of a township police officer. He goes on to say that a hearing is scheduled for Thursday to decide whether the state can place the children temporarily in another home.
GO HERE to read more..
Pinehurst Elementary Shares Inauguration Day Crafts

Dr. John Frederickson and Mayor Barrie Tilghman are visiting Pinehurst Elementary School where students have crafted numerous items for the Obama Inauguration.
I wonder if he's wearing his Sundays Best and Barrie in red, white and blue? You know, setting an example and such. They are expected to be there until 11:00 am today.
The measure, which passed by a voice vote, was sponsored by Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., who is the chair of the committee overseeing the inauguration. The legislation failed the last time it was introduced in December. Feinstein wrote the bill in response to reports that tickets being sold on Craigslist and other sites. They are fetching $500 or more online.
It is believed that a lot of the selling has come from the pool of 240,000 free inauguration tickets that are mostly given out by members of Congress to friends, donors or the public. There is an exception in the bill for tickets sold after the event (presumably as souvenirs) or tickets sold by directly by the Presidential Inaugural Committee.
It's not known at this point whether this ban will become law by Tuesday, January 20. The Associated Press reports that prospects that it will be taken up and passed by the House before Mr. Obama's swearing in are uncertain. Scalpers are expected to be out in force at the Obama rally in downtown Baltimore on Saturday -- it's believed that Mayor Dixon, recently indicted (released on bail-?), will be there, too.
GO HERE to see more.
Senate passes bill banning scalping of inaugural tickets.
Deli 111 On The Plaza Steps Up For Brooke Mulford
From January 20th until January 30th (if they are taking donations past this time, I will continue the following:
I will donate 10% of anything and everything purchased form 11:30am until 1pm.
That is my busiest time of day and hopefully I can collect enough to help out some.
Have a great day.
Chris Lewis
Deli 111
111 W. Main St.
Salisbury, MD 21801
Ladies & Gentlemen, this is a FANTASTIC offer! I strongly encourage EVERYONE to go out of their way during this time especially to visit Deli 111 on the Downtown Plaza for lunch. You'll be making a 10% donation without even feeling the pinch. Might I suggest to Chris that he place a jar on the counter for anyone who is willing to give additionally to Brooke should they choose?
This is exactly what I was talking about in my New Years Wish. Sticking together and Networking with each other, we can survive in very difficult times. Thank You Very Much Chris!
If anyone else would like to advertise their offers to Brooke, Salisbury News would be happy to promote it.
Below is a website that you can go to send a note to the Mulford family(Rob, Amy
& Brooke), owners of Market Street Inn in Salisbury, you can also stay up to
date with Brooke's progress. Brooke was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. and type in brookemulford (no spaces)
What Goes Around DOES Come Around
This is a true story.
A couple of years ago, about October of that year, my room mate called me at work and said Cindy, Do you mind if I cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer. Knowing full well that we had just done it that prior weekend, I something wrong ( this was like a password to say phone reception was bad and go to another room.) What he told me floored me.
Our elderly neighbor who watched her grandchildren while their parents worked came over and asked if we had any freezer burnt food or maybe leftovers that we did not want because she could not feed herself and the kids. She only got 20.00 a month in Food Stamps and her children never provided food for the kids. She and another elderly neighbor would combine their Food Stamps and share what they bought and one would cook breakfast, one would make lunch and they shared dinners. I told my room mate, clean it out all the way AND the cupboards. She has a lot of pride and only took a few things.
I stopped to the grocery store on my way home from work and bought 2 weeks worth of meals for her, the kids and the other neighbor. As an afterthought, I bought non edible items like toilet papper. When I pulled in my driveway, I backed my car up to her place, popped the trunk open and asked the kids to help me unload the groceries. They asked my why I was making them walk across the street and I said...No..these go to your house.
Needless to say, there were about 14 bags as well as milk, juice cartons and other items that were not bagged. The other neighbor happened to be there at the time and you would have thought it was Christmas! They opened every bag with ohhh's and ahh,s. I kept my emotions in check pretty well. Then they spied the giant pack of toilet paper. They were down to their last roll and had tried to split it between both places. I will admit, I lost it then and had to walk outside and I cried like a fool. I got a lot of hugs, kisses and thank you's and it really made my day and made my heart feel good. it is Christmas Eve and my room mate and I had been playing secret Santa to these nice folks but they did not know it. We watched as they left to go to church that night. About 8:30, we hear a knock at the door. It is all of them! Their children, the wives,the husbands and both neighbors. The children had spent the day making a special program for US! They stood in our livingroom in their Sunday best and sang over 6 Christmas caroles! We then were given hand made Christmas cards and some of the best cakes that I have ever had!
I have been lucky and have had many wonderful Christmas's with my family before. But I have to admit, this one was a Christmas that I will never forget! It was the best because they made me realize how great it is to help others. What goes around DOES come around! And the best part is, the adult children felt so bad that they all pitch in now and help with food and repairs. We ALL learned a lesson."
The Bailout Explained
The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10 and, as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He next announced that he would now buy monkeys at $20 each. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.
Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of monkeys became so scarce it was an effort to even find a monkey, let alone catch it!
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50 each! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would buy on his behalf.
In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: "Look at all these
monkeys in the big cage that the man has already collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each."
The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys for 700 billion dollars.
They never saw the man or his assistant again, only lots and lots of monkeys!
Now you have a better understanding of how the WALL STREET BAILOUT PLAN WILL WORK!!!!
It doesn't get much clearer than this....
Remember These Houses? The Tilghman Plot Thickens

"This is Kerry Windsor. Houses 3 and 6 are mine. The city has done everything they can so far to prevent me from repairing those houses. #3 was arsoned in 2006. June 19. I had the materials and plans on hand 4 and 1/2 months after the fire but the city had other plans. Way too much to tell here. I had a meeting with Mayor Tilghman November 9, 2006 about this property. I called the meeting myself to keep all hands on the table. I had much trouble from Bill Holland in the past, She was supposed to be keeping him honest. She did a complete 180 on me and told me she would settle my problems with the city and she was screaming at me when I left. I could not get Bill Holland's office to look at my plans before the six month time limit and Tom Stevenson knowing I was ready to repair the house issued a demolition notice. The Mayor forced a meeting with myself, Tom Stevenson and Bill Holland the following Thursday after her meeting. Tom has made many mistakes but I credited it to him being new on the job but now it appears that he is following the Mayors directions I really wanted to like the new guy after the Bill Holland disaster..
This is the house with the porch roof I was telling you about at the Walmart Electronics Dept one evening before Christmas. While I was at the doctors office I got a call on my cell phone. Tom Stevenson had called me to notify me that a portion of my porch roof had come down. In less than 3 hours I was there with materials to secure it. They had already had it removed. All sounds so wholesome if you did not know of the other similar things that have occurred that cost me money. I received a letter the next day telling me what had happened. I requested a picture . I have never received a citation, no recourse. They sent me a bill for $1050.00. The bill was for removing and disposing of the roof. I have pictures of myself taking it to the landfill, receipts from the landfill and canceled checks. They even charged me an administrative fee for something I had no control over. The roof had been repaired after the fire. The charred wood had been replaced. I got a stop work order before it was 100 % completed but it was not about to fall down. The whole case it scheduled at the MD Court of Special Appeals for September. In essence the house would be up and running if the city had not prevented my progress. I am sure the city will have another story to justify their actions as they always do and a staff of lawyers to guide them through all their questionable actions. I have really suffered over all this and there is so much more I have not told you. I feel bad to see my house posted on the blog as if I was a derelict property owner. I am recovering from a stroke now but WILL be back in action.
House # 6. The builders of the small houses on each side were after this property. Bill Holland was helping them get it. It was condemned for lead paint. It was a up and running house in fair condition. Houses up and down the street had lead paint. Mine was condemned for it. I applied for a Lead Paint Grant several times and it gets "Lost". Now I have one being processed Here In Salisbury. The builder of the small houses died of cancer and the pressure to take my house is off. So much I could tell you. I had to board up the windows according to the city code. It brings attention to the properties. It advertises vacant houses. I had it boarded up from the inside as to make it look better but the city insisted on it being outside and painted white. I have replaced over 180 shingles on that house . They were broken by a kid named BooBoo. He is one of the arsonists. officer Dubois if the Salisbury City Police caught him red handed with the metal pole in his hand breaking my shingles. I called them when I was working on the other house, She parked down and walked up and caught him. She wanted to arrest him. His mother came to the scene. A crowd formed. I was the bad guy now. The mother called the officers boss, he came and sent the crowd home. BooBoo went home too.. The officers boss explained that with all the crowd an arrest would cause more problems... Seems the mother knows how to operate the City Police.. Meanwhile BooBoo is still breaking my shingles.I believe the big landlords have the control and are obtaining all the properties by whatever means they can, willing or otherwise. The Mayor throws the Habitat people an occasional bone to look respectable. There is way more corruption in the city that I do not know about but I do know I have been affected in a negative way by the BHZ, then the new Code and Compliance Dept. No actual police protection. Can't even get the Arson investigated when the neighbor had pictures of them coming out of the house while it was on fire. They said children were hard to convict. Two of the five children bragged that they were paid $50.00 each to do it.
Kerry Windsor"
Ammunition Accountability Act
The 2008 Legislative session has begun, and the Ammunition Accountability Act is being introduced across the country. Below is a summary of legislation that has been introduced throughout the United States. Note that Maryland is among one of those states.
Ravens Fans ONLY

This is for Ravens' fans only!!
On the first day of school a first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Steelers fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Steelers
fans. Wanting to impress their teacher, everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise, 'Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?' Because I'm not a Steelers fan,' she replied. The teacher, still shocked, asked, 'Well, if you are not a Steelers fan, then who are you a fan of?' 'I am a Ravens fan, and proud of it,' Janie replied. The teacher could not believe her ears. 'Janie please tell us why you are a Ravens fan?' Because my mom is a Ravens fan, and my dad is Ravens fan, so I'm a Ravens fan too!'' Well ,' said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, 'that is no reason for you to be a Ravens fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom was an idiot and your dad was a moron, what would you be then?' Then,' Janie smiled, 'I'd be a Steelers fan.'
A Redskins fan, an Eagles fan, a Ravens fan, and a Steelers fan - are climbing a mountain and arguing about who loves his team more. The Redskins fan insists he is the most loyal. 'This is for the Redskins! ' he yells, and jumps off the side of the mountain. Not to be outdone, the Eagles fan shouts, 'This is for the Eagles!' and throws himself off the mountain. The Ravens fan is next to profess his love for his team. He yells, 'This is for everyone!' and pushes the Steelers fan off the mountain.
A Ravens fan liked to amuse himself by scaring every Steelers fan he saw strutting down the street in an obnoxious Black & Gold shirt. He would swerve his van as if to hit them then swerve back just missing them. One day while driving along, he saw a priest. He thought he would do a good deed, so he pulled over and asked the priest, 'Where are you going, Father?' 'I' m going to give Mass at St. Francis church, about two miles down the road,' replied the priest. 'Climb in, Father. I'll give you a lift!' The priest climbed into the passenger seat, and they continued down the road. Suddenly, the driver saw a Steelers fan walking down the road, and he instinctively swerved as if to hit him. But, as usual, he swerved back onto the road just in time. Even though he was certain that he had missed the guy, he still heard a loud THUD. Not knowing where the noise came from, he glanced in his mirrors but still didn't see anything. He then remembered the priest, and he turned to the priest and said, sorry Father , I almost hit that Steelers fan.' 'That's OK,' replied the priest 'I got him with the door.'
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
ARRESTED: Keshawn Jermaine McNeil, 24 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute
Possession of marijuana
Unlawful distribution of a prescription drug
Unlawful possession of a prescription drug for dist.
Possession of cocaine
Tampering with a prescription drug
Possession of cds/paraphernalia (2 counts)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200800033052
On January 9, 2009 at approximately 10:31 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the seven hundred (700) block of Camden Avenue for the report of possible CDS activity. Upon arrival, the officers made contact with the below listed suspect who was in possession of a smoking device containing suspected cocaine residue.
ARRESTED: Micah Jerome White, 55 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/Paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900001068
On January 10, 2009 at approximately 10:10 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle operated by below listed suspect # 1. A routine records check of the vehicle revealed that the vehicle had switched registration plates and suspect # 1 was driving on a suspended license. A search of suspect # 1, incident to arrest, revealed a smoking device containing suspected cocaine residue. A check of suspect #2, an occupant of the vehicle, revealed a second smoking device containing suspected cocaine residue. Suspect # 3 was found to be in possession of a bag of suspected marijuana.
ARRESTED #1: Michael Allen Peterson, 39 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
ARRESTED #2: Mark Durand Jones, 39 years of age Delmar, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
ARRESTED # 3: Billie Sue Jones, 41 years of age Delmar, Maryland
Possession of marijuana
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: All suspects released to Central Booking
CC # 200900001115
On January 10, 2009 at approximately 9:47 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to Megan‘s Noodle House, a restaurant on North Boulevard for the report of a burglary. Upon arrival, the officers checked the business and located the below listed suspect still inside of the business. The suspect had made entry into the business by breaking a window.
ARRESTED: 16 year old juvenile Salisbury, Maryland
Second degree burglary
Third degree burglary
Fourth degree burglary
Possession of burglary tools
Malicious destruction of property (over $ 500)
DISPOSITION: Released to parent
CC # 200900001180
On January 10, 2009 at approximately 11:51 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to a residence on Alabama Avenue for the report of a stabbing. Upon arrival, the officers located the victim in a residential yard on Riverside Drive. The victim advised the officers that he and the below listed suspect had been involved in a domestic type argument that resulted in the suspect stabbing the victim in the back with a kitchen knife. The victim, identified as 26 year old Kofi Ahialegbedzi of New Castle, Delaware was transported to the Peninsula Regional Medical Central for treatment. The suspect, who was still in the area, was taken into custody.
ARRESTED: Andre Carllerel Scott, 26 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
First degree assault
Second degree assault
Theft (less than $ 500)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900001189
On January 12, 2009 at approximately 10:12 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to an apartment on Bridgeview St. for the report of a burglary. Upon arrival, the officers met with a victim who advised that his apartment had been broken into and a number of personal items had been taken. On the same date, at approximately 9:57 pm, Officers made contact with the below listed suspect. The officers found that the suspect was in possession of property taken from the burglary on Bridgeview St.
ARRESTED: Max Medard Jean Francois, 18 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
First degree burglary
Third degree burglary
Fourth degree burglary
Theft (over $ 500)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900001347
The Global Hawk

This is a photo of the Global Hawk UAV that returned from the war zone
recently under its own power. ( Iraq to Edwards AFB in CA) - Not transported via C5 or C17.....
Notice the mission paintings on the fuselage.
It's actually over 250 missions.... (And I would suppose 25 air m edals).
That's a long way for a remotely-piloted aircraft.
Think of the technology (and the required quality of the data link
to fly it remotely).
Not only that but the pilot controlled it from a nice warm control panel at Edwards AFB.
Really long legs - can stay up for almost 2 days at altitudes above 60k.
The Global Hawk was controlled via satellite; it flew missions during OT&E that went from Edwards AFB to upper Alaska and back non-stop.
Basically, they come into the fight at a high mach # in mil thrust, fire their AMRAAMS, and no one ever sees them or paints with radar.
There is practically no radio chatter because all the guys in the flight are tied together electronically, and can see who is targeting who, and they have AWACS direct input and 360 situational awareness from that and other sensors.
The aggressors had a morale problem before it was all over.
It is to air superiority what the jet engine was to a viation.
It can taxi, take off, fly a mission, return, land and taxi on its own.
No blackouts, no fatigue, no relief tubes, no ejection seats, and best of all, no dead pilots, no POWs?
Pretty cool!
2009 Assembly Session: Tough
ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- The 426th Maryland General Assembly Session started yesterday with two things that everyone knew. For starters, the annual call for bi-partisanship. This year it was made by Governor Martin O'Malley (D), despite the fact Senate President Thomas Mike Miller (D-Dist. 27) said that he wanted to bury the GOP.
House Minority Leader Anthony O'Donnell (R-Dist. 29C) in comments before the chamber convened it's session said that Republicans welcomes the call to cooperate and to work together, but they have to be invited to the table. "If were invited to the table after discussions are held and decisions are already made, that [is] not cooperation from my perspective."
This was the scene in the beginning of the day at the Phillip's Restaurant in downtown Annapolis. That was where WEAA Radio host Marc Steiner held his sixth annual Annapolis Summit which will air tonight following President Bush's farewell address on Public Radio Delmarva. The two hoour forum featued Senate President Miller, House Speaker Michael Busch (D-Dist. 30) and Governor O'Malley.
Governor O'Malley answered questions regarding the sales tax, teacher pensions, police spying, open space preservation, BGE rate hikes and the death penalty. You will also hear him mention on tonight's show that Government House has been donned with a purple flood light. In regards to the sales tax, O'Malley said that it needed to be modernized from being the 42nd lowest sales tax in the country. The governor also talked about teacher pensions, stating that he will be doing his best to make sure that teacher pensions are covered by the state. He added that we is also talking with the Maryland Association of Counties to come up with a solution.
In the meantime as the session was officially convened, the Senate unanimously selected as the Senate President Pro Temp Baltimore City Senator Nathaniel McFadden (D-Dist. 45). Senate President Miller was re-elected in his capacity again, with State Sens. Alex Mooney (R-Dist. 3), Andy Harris (R-Dist. 7) and Janet Greenip (R-Dist. 33) were the only dissenters in the selection.
In his opening remarks to the Senate, the Governor stated that the road ahead would be difficult, but the mission of One Maryland is the same adding that they have never been more needed at this current time.
Comptroller Peter Franchot (D) said that he disagreed with those who say that a potential victory in the slots fight would be his starting point for future endeavors in 2010, adding that he was going to turn the page from losing the slots fight to work on the budget. He has offered up $360 million in a rainy day fund to help with the budget woe.
Also in other news, as first reported on Maryland Politics Today, Governor O'Malley said that should the General Assembly fail to repeal capital punishment, new death penalty protocols will be ready to go. While talking to reporters following Steiner's forum, the Governor stated that protocols were being worked on while the death penalty commission was conducting it's work towards a recommendation. That recommendation was that the state should repeal it based on geographical and racial disparities, similar to a report conducted by the University of Maryland in 2002.
The governor was hopeful that capital punishment would be repealed in Maryland this year, adding that he believes that the report by the commission is very good and hopes that every member of the general assembly reads the report.
Can SBYnews Retain The Hits?
The answer is, yes. We were shy by about 100 hits but considering the volume, that doesn't bother me a bit. I'm not sure if anyone has noticed but the comments also continue to go through the roof.
Weekends are usually pretty quiet on the Blogs and that's one of the reasons Duvall didn't Post on Saturdays. However, our numbers have more than doubled on weekends. Comments alone were as follows.
1-7-09 Wednesday, 327 Comments
1-8-09 Thursday, 501 Comments.
1-9-09 Friday, 472 Comments.
1-10-09 Saturday, 150 Comments.
1-11-09 Sunday, 177 Comments.
1-12-09 Monday, 281 Comments.
1-13-09 Tuesday, 318 Comments.
It's one thing to get up every morning around 6:30 and get started with Salisbury News. I'll spend all day working on the Blog all the way till 11:00 PM each and every day. Fortunately I have one of the Contributors helping me moderate comments because if I didn't have someone helping me out, I doubt we'd have the traffic we currently do. The numbers above are just the comments we approved.
To give you an idea volume wise, go take a look at what the Daily Times has up each day comment wise and you'll clearly see Salisbury News blows them away too. Your participation and input is very important. In order to make changes, commenting on local subjects should allow our local politicians to understand how we feel and what direction the Citizens would like to see the City & County to go in. Not everyone can make the meetings and not everyone is willing to voice their opinion publicly.
Pretty much everyone now knows about Salisbury News and visits here daily. If you'd like to be heard, voice your opinion. While you can certainly do so anonymously, the impact of your message will be stronger if you use your name. You can always sign your name at the end of each comment like you would a letter, rather than having to register on Blogger. I strongly encourage local politicians to also get involved and voice their opinion here as well.
Thanks for visiting and we thank you for participating with comments. Believe me, it's not easy moderating all of them and we ask that you not use all capitol letters and or foul language as they will be rejected. In case some of you hadn't noticed, we have copied some messages and posted them with the foul language removed but that's only if we have the spare time. In the future we will not be so kind.
If I Were Mayor Of Salisbury

We have had a lot of controversy over the Bricks project and I thought I'd share my opinion as to what I would consider doing with that money instead.
You see, years ago, I was the one that was going to purchase this building. It sat for a year and had no bites whatsoever. I walked in and offered FULL PRICE on the building and when I didn't hear back from the Realtor, I figured something was up. It turns out the Mayor got wind of my purchasing the property and offering full price and the next thing I knew there was all this competition out of nowhere. So, considering I felt the price was too low, I went back to the Realtor and offered $35,000.00 MORE than the asking price, you know, since NO ONE ELSE had ever made an offer or showed any interest in this piece of property. Nevertheless, someone out bid me by $2,000.00, GO FIGURE. This is the property in which they wanted to build the Micro Brewery and the Mayor screwed them with Impact Fees so they moved to Delmar, DE. So you know, the building is back on the market now for $450,000.00.
All that being said, this is a HISTORIC Building. Why doesn't the City buy it back for a fair price and rebuild it. It can be used for many purposes, like perhaps a Police Sub Station? Not a bad idea for that area, eh? I'm not sure of all the rules and guidelines for the grant but I'd bet you could make several apartments with this project as well.
Considering the Mayor screwed the other property owners on this project, wouldn't they be better off fixing up something that actually has some positive history behind it and make good to the people that were pushed into buying it in the first place so Joe Albero didn't get a piece of property in the City? Just a thought.
Letter To The Editor About The Monkey Barrel
I was wondering if you or the readers have any updates on this establishment?
I have not heard anything about this establishment other than to see them frequently in Press Releases. Dow anyone else out there know anything more about them?
A Letter To The Editor
I recently saw a commenter balking at the purchase of more hunting land on route 12. I think $70k was the amount. The commenter would have rather seen the money go towards some other neighborhood restructure or something.
While I agree there are many things that need money spent on them, I, as a gun owner and sportsman, have paid cash money to the government through my purchase of ammunition (10%) for the sole purpose of buying habitat for wildlife, and I am against any thoughts of using my money for any other purpose. This morning’s news report has a story that someone is suggesting that FEMA funds be used to help pay for the big crowd expected at the inauguration! To this I also say no. If there is money in that fund, it should still be spent on natural disasters, not a scheduled event such as this. If there is not enough money in the inauguration fund for this year’s activities, the event needs to be trimmed to fit the budget, or a new tax proposal needs to be introduced and voted in by the general public.
A presidential election and inauguration is in no way an “emergency” or a “disaster”.
Barry G"
It's Time to Pay the Piper!
I just received this from a reader who works in the state government. It looks like the State is going to be cutting deeper and deeper to try and figure out where to come up with the money for what they find important.
Dear Stephanie,
I just had a meeting and services are being drastically cut by the State.
I need your help to get the word out to contact delegates etc, Governor, this is not acceptable for our elderly and disabled. Services are however, expanded for children.
More cuts on the way and lay offs too.
This is a sign of the times everyone! The State of Maryland will forsake it's elderly, yet expand one of the largest child welfare programs in the nation.
Everyone, looks out for the children.
Few, look after and give care to the elderly.
Yes it used to be the other way, but there are sooo many safety nets for children at this point in time, yet our elderly are far too often alone, cold and hungry.
Something is very very wrong with this picture! Our returning wounded from Iraq are facing foreclosure, business's are closing down right and left and people everywhere are loosing their jobs.
But, the Governor purchased new land to hold in perpetuity, the state is more than likely going to go waaaaaaaaaaay over budget on our participation in the inauguration, and the State is gearing up for One Armed Bandits to entice you to spend even more.
Write your Delegates, Senators and Congress, and while your at it send the Governor one too.
Our priorities are completely whacked.
And We Wonder Why Soo Many Lawyers Can't Get Face Time with a Supreme Court Judge
Nearly two dozen cases have been filed to force the President Elect to show a Judge of the Supreme Court his original Birth Certificate, his college applications, and his passport, but each time they have gotten thrown out on a technicality.
Is someone pulling some big strings here?...
Now the latest is that John Brennan, Obamas selection for Intelligence Advisor is the former head of the company that 'Breached' the passports of Obama, Clinton and McCain! Question is .... Is this quid pro quo ?
DC Government & President Bush Declare State of Emergency!
$15 Million is not enough money to have a parade and a sit in on the mall!
Has anyone asked for advise from the Tournament of Roses people, or the Macy's folks?
Has anyone talked to the hundreds upon hundreds of groups that have marched on and sat on the Mall in Washington?
By declaring a 'State of Emergency', this action allows the District of Columbia to request financial assistance from FEMA to cover the costs of the Inauguration that exceed the Congressional allocation of $15 Million Dollars for the event. Citing the “excessively large” numbers expected to converge on DC, the price tag is expected to exceed $47 MILLION DOLLARS!! Of course, the bulk of this expenditure is security related.
$47 Mill. for a man that won't even show us his Birth Certificate!
Maryland and Virginia are also expected to exceed their budgeted expenditures for this event as well and will probably be asking for FEMA help too!
Worcester County Sheriffs are assisting as are the Ocean City Police Department. What has been promoted as an honor for our local law enforcement to participate in going to end up costing us a lot more than we ever imagined.
President Bush, is supposedly one of the most hated men in the world and we don't spend this kind of money when he goes to Capital Hill. I would think that security would be a lot more costly for the most hated man in the world than it would be for a man who is as loved as Mr. Obama.
All of this while millions of Americans are losing their homes and the Government is about to lower the boom on the aged and disabled.
A Comment Worthy Of A Post
I had a vision last night as I slept. I heard voices and the strings of angels playing the spiritual songs that our forefathers sung as slavery made them work in the fields. I looked through the haze to see cotton being picked, tobacco leaves carried to the barn and scenes that gave me a pictorial history of the suffering of our ancestors. One angel whispered, "let thy faith sustain thee". Another voice echoed with," your future generations will inherit the earth. Have faith and time will reward thee". Upon wakin in the morning, a thought was implanted in my mind. The Indians are compensated for the white man stealing their lands with monthly checks. Why shouldn't all blacks who are descendents of slaves be extended the same priviledge with monies to boost their standard of living? I carried this dream to church Bible study and everyone agreed that the Lord had shared with me what the future beholds."
Let me forewarn you right here and now, if anyone comes even close to being nasty on this you'll be wasting your time writing the comment because it will be deleted/rejected.
Nutrition And Health
1. Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
2. Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
3. Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
4. Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
5. Germans drink beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.
CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.
But don't worry, your Government is trying to correct this problem.
Flying Lessons
Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call, that she narrowly escaped injury in the aircraft she was piloting. Seems she was forced to make an emergency landing in Hamilton because of bad weather. Thank God the kids weren't with her.
The FAA issued a preliminary report, citing pilot error: She was flying a single engine aircraft in IFR (instrument flight rating) conditions while only having obtained a VFR (visual flight rating) rating.
The absence of a post-crash fire was likely due to insufficient fuel on board. No one on the ground w as injured.
The photograph below was taken at the scene to show the extent of damage to her aircraft.
She was really lucky.

Junior Girls Softball Registration Is Open
(Salisbury, MD) Registration for the 2009 Junior Girls Softball League has begun. The program includes four leagues. The Pre-Minor League is comprised of girls ten and under with birthdates between 9/1/98 and 8/31/01. The Minor League is for girls twelve and under with birthdates between 9/1/96 and 8/31/98. Both the Pre-Minor League and Minor League are co-sponsored by the Salisbury Optimist Club. Players fourteen and under (9/1/94 to 8/31/96) can play in the Major I League. The Major II League is for players 18 and under with birth dates between 9/1/90 and 8/31/94 and must be attending high school.
Registration is being accepted at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office, or online at ; Registration fees for girls registered on or before February 13 will be $15 for the Pre-Minor League and $30 for the Minor, Major I, and Major II Leagues. Registration fees for girls registered February 14 – 29 will be $25 for Pre-Minor and $40 for Minor, Major I and Major II. Non-residents must pay an additional $5. All girls playing Junior Girls Softball for the first time must show birth certificates for proof of age.
For more information contact program director Kelly Rados at 410-548-4900 ext. 108 or email
The link is:
In case you missed it, here’s the press release announcing his candidacy for the office of Mayor of the City of Salisbury.
Formal Announcement Statement
I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the office of Mayor of Salisbury.
In the past, this City has overcome several major challenges, including two historic fires that threatened the town’s very existence. Salisbury not only survived, but emerged much stronger, and it became a bigger and better town. That success was due to the strength of character of the citizens, and to the quality of leadership
In recent years, however, things have changed. We have experienced large tax increases and much higher fees and charges (often with no warning) while our infrastructure has deteriorated and become overburdened. City government operates with little public discussion or input, despite the promises of “transparency”. Periodic proclamations of “lower crime” and “sound financial health” are seen as political posturing. To put it plainly - - new leadership is needed
And now we face another significant challenge. This time, it is not caused by fire or other natural disasters but by a severely damaged economy. The city will have less tax revenue, increased demands for service, and a probable reduction in cash flow from funds other than real estate taxes. It will take the combined efforts of Salisbury’s excellent employees, a dedicated City Council, and a strong leader to guide the city through very troubled waters.
I am prepared to be that leader. My background and my history make me uniquely qualified to assume the position of Mayor. I have been actively involved in many volunteer projects benefiting the community. I have been a member of City Council, and served as its president. During my time on Council, we addressed significant issues, including election reform and city agency realignment, and we created and passed Salisbury’s first rental property registration ordinance. In both elected and volunteer capacity, I have been able to bring people together. “Together” is the only way we will survive and thrive in the coming economic storm.
The leadership of an organization determines the tone of an organization. Under my leadership, the City of Salisbury will once again have an open government, marked by a return to civility on all levels.
If the citizens of Salisbury grant me the privilege to serve as their Mayor, they can be assured that I will work hard, and I will work smart. I am prepared for the challenges, and am confident that by confronting issues with Rational Thought, Experience, and Common Sense, I will effectively lead Salisbury for the next four years.
And here’s Bob’s Bio:
Realtor©, Associate Broker, Martin & Moore Realty, Salisbury
Former member/President, Salisbury City Council
Former member, Salisbury-Wicomico County Planning & Zoning Commission
Member, Wicomico Quarter-Century Commission
Charter member/Director, Salisbury Sunrise Rotary Club
Former Chairman, Salisbury Festival
Former Board Member/Executive Director, The Wellness Community-Delmarva
Former Board member, American Cancer Society
Member, Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Task Force
“Unsung Hero”, Association of Professional Fund Raisers
Member, Elks Lodge 817
Member, Moose Lodge 654
Member, Optimist Club of Salisbury
Born in Baltimore, but shortly there after became a resident of Salisbury in 1945. After graduating from Wicomico High, I attended Washington College and then served in the US Army Security Agency. I am married to Madalene (Penny) Caldwell, who is a teacher at a local public middle school. We have 2 children and 6 grandchildren.
Gun Tolerance
Audit Presentation
GO HERE for the Management Letter.
GO HERE for the Audit.