WHEREAS, Robin H. Holloway has served Wicomico County Public Schools faithfully and loyally as a member of the Board of Education for ten years from 2001 to 2011, serving as its president from 2006 to 2009; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Holloway has consistently supported the mission of the school system "to provide all students an educational foundation and a set of skills which will enable them to become responsible and productive citizens in our society;”and
WHEREAS, during the 2007-08 School Year, President Holloway gave unselfishly of her personal time and talents to engage the Board and the community in an aggressive superintendent of schools’ selection process utilizing a national search firm to ensure that the best possible candidate would be selected to the position of superintendent and chief executive officer of the Wicomico County Public Schools; and
WHEREAS, during her tenure year on the Board, Mrs. Holloway has served as a member of the School Building Commission, the Board’s Audit and Budget Committee, the CTE Advisory Committee, the School Health Council, and the Superintendent’s Facilities Task Force; and
WHEREAS, during her tenure on the Board, Mrs. Holloway also served on the Board of Directors of the Maryland Association of Boards of Education, serving as a member of its Legislative Committee as well as the Federal Relations Network Committee, the Charles W. Willis Memorial Award Committee, the Budget and Audit Committee, the Conference Planning Committee, and a participant and graduate of the Maryland Association of Boards of Education’s Leadership 1 and 2 Programs; and
WHEREAS, her professional expertise has helped to guide the Board's decision-making and policy-setting processes and has helped to establish programs for other school systems to emulate; and she has consistently supported the commitment of the school system to help ensure a safe and productive school environment for all students and staff by advocating for all safe school initiatives; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Holloway has strongly advocated support for adequate funding of public education locally and throughout the state of Maryland, and with her expertise in business and finance, she has consistently advocated that the Board and the school system must be vigilant in the use of public funds; and
WHEREAS, she has been enthusiastically involved in the long-range plans of renovating and building new school facilities to improve the quality of education for all Wicomico County students; such as Salisbury Middle School, Willards Elementary School, North Salisbury Elementary School, Prince Street School, and the James M. Bennett High School; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Holloway supported the establishment of the School Construction Savings Plan which will provide future funding for capital construction projects of Wicomico County Board of Education’s Capital Improvement Program as needed; and
WHEREAS, she has encouraged parental and community involvement in public education as evidenced by her commitment during her children’s public education experiences, her support of and participation in activities of the school system, and while serving as a mentor at Prince Street Elementary School; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Wicomico County expresses its gratitude to Robin H. Holloway for her ten years of dedicated service; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Wicomico County publicly recognizes Mrs. Holloway’s contributions to local education and to the Maryland Association of Boards of Education; and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this tribute be presented to Robin H. Holloway and a copy be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Education of Wicomico County this 14th day of June 2011.