A federal judge in Texas on Wednesday rejected a request from a group of Republican-led states to suspend the Affordable Care Act, but he extensively quizzed attorneys involved in the latest challenge to the 2010 healthcare law about which provisions should survive.
That raised the prospect that U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, a conservative appointed by President George W. Bush, may seek to roll back at least some of the consumer protections at the core of the law, often called Obamacare.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, September 08, 2018
Oregon hunter in critical condition after hanging upside down from tree stand for two days
An Oregon hunter is in critical condition after falling from his tree stand and getting tangled in his harness over 20 feet in the air, hanging upside down for two days.
The man identified as Eddie Voelker, 70, suffered critical injuries and is in a medically induced coma after being airlifted from the area near Umatilla National Forest to a hospital in Richland, Wash., KTVZ reported.
The Union County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release Voelker was found by another hunter around 11:15 a.m. Tuesday north of Highway 244, northwest of the Frazier/Four Corners area in eastern Oregon. Upon discovering Voelker, the witness had to drive to the highway in order to get cell service so he could call for help.
The man identified as Eddie Voelker, 70, suffered critical injuries and is in a medically induced coma after being airlifted from the area near Umatilla National Forest to a hospital in Richland, Wash., KTVZ reported.
The Union County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release Voelker was found by another hunter around 11:15 a.m. Tuesday north of Highway 244, northwest of the Frazier/Four Corners area in eastern Oregon. Upon discovering Voelker, the witness had to drive to the highway in order to get cell service so he could call for help.
Salvini Not Content with Stopping Migrant Boats Sets Focus on Deportations
After greatly reducing the number of migrants illegally entering Italy, populist Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini claims not to be content and has now set his sights on increasing deportations.
Recently released statistics show that only 1,491 migrants were able to land in Italy in August of this year, down a massive 65 percent from last year’s figures. Despite the success in decreasing the flow of migrants, Interior Minister Salvini has declared he is not satisfied and will now tackle the issue of deporting more illegal migrants, Il Giornale reports.
“Now we are working to increase expulsions, something that those who preceded me, unfortunately, did not,” Salvini said earlier this week and promised to cut down wait times of those facing deportation as well as make a concerted effort to chase down those who were not in compliance with the residency permit rules.
“Expulsions: from words to deeds, ” he added.
Recently released statistics show that only 1,491 migrants were able to land in Italy in August of this year, down a massive 65 percent from last year’s figures. Despite the success in decreasing the flow of migrants, Interior Minister Salvini has declared he is not satisfied and will now tackle the issue of deporting more illegal migrants, Il Giornale reports.
“Now we are working to increase expulsions, something that those who preceded me, unfortunately, did not,” Salvini said earlier this week and promised to cut down wait times of those facing deportation as well as make a concerted effort to chase down those who were not in compliance with the residency permit rules.
“Expulsions: from words to deeds, ” he added.
10 Cars From DE, 2 From VA And 1 From Jersey, The Rest Are All Local Maryland
During the peak time this afternoon/evening is became very clear that people did not in fact come from out of the area/state to visit the over inflated BS the rest of the media is spreading. In other words, lies.
I want to personally add something else. THINK people! IF this event was in fact a rain event, WHY IN THE HELL wasn't it promoted for MONTHS as a rain or shine event. It wasn't. That only came up when the bad weather was imminent to cover their A$$.
I want to personally add something else. THINK people! IF this event was in fact a rain event, WHY IN THE HELL wasn't it promoted for MONTHS as a rain or shine event. It wasn't. That only came up when the bad weather was imminent to cover their A$$.
Enough with the Victimhood: - by Sylvia Thompson
I must admit I have never in my life purchased a ticket to a sports event. I am not a sports enthusiast. But I am an American black citizen, and I have had it up to the gills with black people who embrace victimhood. I also highly resent my being expected to do the same in order to affirm my "blackness."
Black victims these days, for the most part, are the product of decades of Black Americans being used primarily by white progressive leftists to advance an anti-American agenda.
The current brouhaha surrounding the despicable behavior of NFL athletes toward the National Anthem and the American flag is a prime example of what the Left has done to my race.
One must assume these players and their guilt-conflicted white coaches and owners (and victimhood-inflicted black coaches) are being manipulated by the Left, because no intelligent, thinking people would deliberately cut themselves off at the knees. Essentially, what these young misguided mostly black men are doing is ensuring the demise of their lucrative paychecks. Further, I would wager that if these teams consisted of all white athletes, none of this idiocy would be allowed. We are witnessing this travesty because the vast majority of players are black and can whine "oppression" if
appropriate action is taken against them for their unconscionable behavior.
Black victims these days, for the most part, are the product of decades of Black Americans being used primarily by white progressive leftists to advance an anti-American agenda.
The current brouhaha surrounding the despicable behavior of NFL athletes toward the National Anthem and the American flag is a prime example of what the Left has done to my race.
One must assume these players and their guilt-conflicted white coaches and owners (and victimhood-inflicted black coaches) are being manipulated by the Left, because no intelligent, thinking people would deliberately cut themselves off at the knees. Essentially, what these young misguided mostly black men are doing is ensuring the demise of their lucrative paychecks. Further, I would wager that if these teams consisted of all white athletes, none of this idiocy would be allowed. We are witnessing this travesty because the vast majority of players are black and can whine "oppression" if
appropriate action is taken against them for their unconscionable behavior.
The twisted reasoning that claims these protests are to highlight
"injustice" and "police brutality" is a laughable crock. What they do in fact is dishonor valued symbols of this nation's heritage and cover over truth about black crime.
Black males bear the brunt of police encounters because black males commit disproportionately more crimes. Police encounters with black men are so often confrontational because so many of these men, especially the young, don't think "compliance" applies to them. They foolishly assume they are above the law and disrespect for police officers is an act of honor.
These young blacks, sadly, took much of their direction from racists Obama and Eric Holder during Obama's destructive, eight-year regime and Holder's corruption of the Justice Department. These two men, abusing their federal powers, gave young blacks the impression they need not heed the law, because laws are somehow unjust when they are applied to black Americans. The NFL lot, and any other athletes taking a similar stance, are also influenced by
Obama's and Holder's disdain for law and law enforcement.
I am not familiar with one case where a black suspect to a crime was not proven legally to have caused the behavior against him, particularly in cases where the police officer involved was exonerated by facts. Michael Brown of "hands up, don't shoot" infamy is one good example. Blatant lies were spread to cloud the truth about Brown's case.
Back in the day when I was growing up in the racially segregated South, the opposite prevailed in many cases. There was much injustice particularly toward black men, but not today. Today, too many blacks have been fed the notion that it is now "pay-back" time, and they can flaunt their lawlessness because some whites flaunted theirs during an earlier time in our nation's history.
Although Obama and Holder no longer wield power in this country, some of their minions continue on the pernicious path of "paying back" American whites for wrongs, real or imagined. But as the saying goes, there is a new Sheriff in town and he is not guilt-conflicted. He expects fair play under law and tolerating pay-back is not part of his agenda. Black Americans, when they break the law, can no longer claim victim status simply because they are black. Those days are over.
American laws and law enforcement personnel will be respected in America, again; our traditions and values will not be impugned in America without consequences, again. Anybody unsettled about this turn of events is welcome to leave this country. I suggest all the black players try a country in Africa, and see how successful they will be at making millions playing games. They will all soon learn what oppression really means.
Some self-directed, independent-thinking blacks (and there are many of us) have offered that if these millionaire protestors want to tackle some real problems, they might consider the thousands of black children killed in abortions annually (by the progressive Left), or perhaps the many, many young blacks murdered routinely on inner-city streets by other young blacks (in cities run by progressive, leftist Democrats), or the downright criminal state of education of black inner-city children, orchestrated by the progressive leftist National Education Association (NEA). The NEA's aim is to produce unintelligent pawns to feed the cause of progressivism.
I am annoyed by the expressions of "sincerity" gracing the faces of the NFL protestors-as if to convey the "hallowedness" of their cause. In actuality, they provide a picture of grown men allowing themselves to be made fools of by the progressive Left. I don't doubt, however, that some of these men have been coerced into compliance with this lost cause, either through threats of violence or shunning (from coaches and players). Alejandro Villanueva of the
Pittsburgh Steelers and former Army ranger is very likely a victim of such threats. He was publicly castigated by his leftist coach for his patriotism. The coach demanded unity behind an ignorant cause.
And finally, this issue has nothing to do with First Amendment rights. President Trump's speaking out against the clownish behavior of the athletes, on behalf of the majority of American citizens, does not mean he can or would stop any of these misguided people from making fools of themselves. To restrict them, as a government entity, would indeed be a violation of the First Amendment..... But their employers, if they were to develop even a modicum of testicular fortitude, could and should fire them for doing major damage to the bottom line of the business. The rest of us non-millionaire "Joes" would certainly be pink-slipped by an employer if we dared to be so clueless about the necessity of profits and so disdainful of the sensibilities of customers.
I will wait patiently for the true sports enthusiasts to vent their rage by simply boycotting the games. It will be sweet revenge to witness the slain goose cease producing its golden eggs.
"injustice" and "police brutality" is a laughable crock. What they do in fact is dishonor valued symbols of this nation's heritage and cover over truth about black crime.
Black males bear the brunt of police encounters because black males commit disproportionately more crimes. Police encounters with black men are so often confrontational because so many of these men, especially the young, don't think "compliance" applies to them. They foolishly assume they are above the law and disrespect for police officers is an act of honor.
These young blacks, sadly, took much of their direction from racists Obama and Eric Holder during Obama's destructive, eight-year regime and Holder's corruption of the Justice Department. These two men, abusing their federal powers, gave young blacks the impression they need not heed the law, because laws are somehow unjust when they are applied to black Americans. The NFL lot, and any other athletes taking a similar stance, are also influenced by
Obama's and Holder's disdain for law and law enforcement.
I am not familiar with one case where a black suspect to a crime was not proven legally to have caused the behavior against him, particularly in cases where the police officer involved was exonerated by facts. Michael Brown of "hands up, don't shoot" infamy is one good example. Blatant lies were spread to cloud the truth about Brown's case.
Back in the day when I was growing up in the racially segregated South, the opposite prevailed in many cases. There was much injustice particularly toward black men, but not today. Today, too many blacks have been fed the notion that it is now "pay-back" time, and they can flaunt their lawlessness because some whites flaunted theirs during an earlier time in our nation's history.
Although Obama and Holder no longer wield power in this country, some of their minions continue on the pernicious path of "paying back" American whites for wrongs, real or imagined. But as the saying goes, there is a new Sheriff in town and he is not guilt-conflicted. He expects fair play under law and tolerating pay-back is not part of his agenda. Black Americans, when they break the law, can no longer claim victim status simply because they are black. Those days are over.
American laws and law enforcement personnel will be respected in America, again; our traditions and values will not be impugned in America without consequences, again. Anybody unsettled about this turn of events is welcome to leave this country. I suggest all the black players try a country in Africa, and see how successful they will be at making millions playing games. They will all soon learn what oppression really means.
Some self-directed, independent-thinking blacks (and there are many of us) have offered that if these millionaire protestors want to tackle some real problems, they might consider the thousands of black children killed in abortions annually (by the progressive Left), or perhaps the many, many young blacks murdered routinely on inner-city streets by other young blacks (in cities run by progressive, leftist Democrats), or the downright criminal state of education of black inner-city children, orchestrated by the progressive leftist National Education Association (NEA). The NEA's aim is to produce unintelligent pawns to feed the cause of progressivism.
I am annoyed by the expressions of "sincerity" gracing the faces of the NFL protestors-as if to convey the "hallowedness" of their cause. In actuality, they provide a picture of grown men allowing themselves to be made fools of by the progressive Left. I don't doubt, however, that some of these men have been coerced into compliance with this lost cause, either through threats of violence or shunning (from coaches and players). Alejandro Villanueva of the
Pittsburgh Steelers and former Army ranger is very likely a victim of such threats. He was publicly castigated by his leftist coach for his patriotism. The coach demanded unity behind an ignorant cause.
And finally, this issue has nothing to do with First Amendment rights. President Trump's speaking out against the clownish behavior of the athletes, on behalf of the majority of American citizens, does not mean he can or would stop any of these misguided people from making fools of themselves. To restrict them, as a government entity, would indeed be a violation of the First Amendment..... But their employers, if they were to develop even a modicum of testicular fortitude, could and should fire them for doing major damage to the bottom line of the business. The rest of us non-millionaire "Joes" would certainly be pink-slipped by an employer if we dared to be so clueless about the necessity of profits and so disdainful of the sensibilities of customers.
I will wait patiently for the true sports enthusiasts to vent their rage by simply boycotting the games. It will be sweet revenge to witness the slain goose cease producing its golden eggs.
Gillum Raises $1 Million After Media Gin Up ‘Monkey’ Controversy
Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum (D) reportedly raised $1 million in the 24 hours after he secured his party’s gubernatorial nomination.
The morning after Gillum won his primary, the mainstream media did all they could to brand Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis as a racist for saying he hoped Floridians will not “monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”
The Hill noted on Thursday evening that “the $1 million cash infusion signals that donors, large and small, may be prepared to rally behind Gillum” as the left-wing Tallahassee mayor faces off against DeSantis in what may be the marquee race of the 2018 midterm cycle.
The morning after Gillum won his primary, the mainstream media did all they could to brand Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis as a racist for saying he hoped Floridians will not “monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”
The Hill noted on Thursday evening that “the $1 million cash infusion signals that donors, large and small, may be prepared to rally behind Gillum” as the left-wing Tallahassee mayor faces off against DeSantis in what may be the marquee race of the 2018 midterm cycle.
TRUMP WARNS CROOKED HILLARY: “Look at What She is Getting Away With, But Let’s See if She Gets Away With It”
President Trump held a massive and enthusiastic rally on Thursday night in Evansville, Indiana.
During his speech President Trump endorsed Senate candidate Mike Braun and had him share a few words with the crowd.
During his speech President Trump endorsed Senate candidate Mike Braun and had him share a few words with the crowd.
Pope Francis Must Resign
You’ll know things are getting better in the Roman Catholic Church if by the end of the week at least 15 high-ranking bishops have resigned because of what they have done and what they have failed to do about clerics committing sexual abuse.
One of those should be Pope Francis.
On Saturday night a former papal nuncio to the United States (which is like an ambassador to a foreign government on behalf of the pope, except also with a supervisory role over bishops in that country) stated publicly that former Pope Benedict about eight or nine years ago imposed restrictions on then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick because of his sexual abuse of seminarians, and that Pope Francis later removed those restrictions and made McCarrick one of his trusted advisers even though he knew about McCarrick’s past behavior.
The former nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, now 77 and retired, also named various high-ranking bishops in the Vatican and elsewhere as having full knowledge of McCarrick’s past behavior, of the restrictions on travel and appearing in public that Pope Benedict privately placed on McCarrick, and of Pope Francis’s subsequent reversal of that decision.
One of those should be Pope Francis.
On Saturday night a former papal nuncio to the United States (which is like an ambassador to a foreign government on behalf of the pope, except also with a supervisory role over bishops in that country) stated publicly that former Pope Benedict about eight or nine years ago imposed restrictions on then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick because of his sexual abuse of seminarians, and that Pope Francis later removed those restrictions and made McCarrick one of his trusted advisers even though he knew about McCarrick’s past behavior.
The former nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, now 77 and retired, also named various high-ranking bishops in the Vatican and elsewhere as having full knowledge of McCarrick’s past behavior, of the restrictions on travel and appearing in public that Pope Benedict privately placed on McCarrick, and of Pope Francis’s subsequent reversal of that decision.
VA Dept. nurse admits poisoning husband with eye drops over three days, faces murder rap
A South Carolina man who appeared to have died of a fall was poisoned with eye drops by his wife who has been charged with murder, according to reports.
Detectives arrested Lana Sue Clayton, 52, a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs nurse, Friday in the July 21 death of Steven Clayton at their upscale waterfront home in Clover,The Herald in Rock Hill, S.C. She was also charged with unlawful malicious tampering of food.
Steven Clayton, 64, was found in the foyer of his home after what appeared to be a fall down the stairs, the paper reported.
An autopsy determined he died of poisoning, according to the paper. She then confessed to spiking his water with a chemical found in over-the-counter eye drops to relieve redness.
Detectives arrested Lana Sue Clayton, 52, a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs nurse, Friday in the July 21 death of Steven Clayton at their upscale waterfront home in Clover,The Herald in Rock Hill, S.C. She was also charged with unlawful malicious tampering of food.
Steven Clayton, 64, was found in the foyer of his home after what appeared to be a fall down the stairs, the paper reported.
An autopsy determined he died of poisoning, according to the paper. She then confessed to spiking his water with a chemical found in over-the-counter eye drops to relieve redness.
Pastor Jasper Williams launched a scathing criticism of black-on-black violence on Friday at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, where he delivered the eulogy.
“It amazes me how it is when the police kills one of us, we are ready to protest, march destroy innocent property. We’re ready to loot, steal, whatever we want. But when we kill 100 of us, nobody says anything. Nobody does anything,” Williams said.
“Black on black crime, we’re all doing time. We are locked up in our minds. There’s got to be a better way. We must stop this today. Think down, look down, walk down, talk down, act down — most times we are low down. Where is your soul?” the pastor continued.
“If you choose to ask me today, do black lives matter? Let me answer like this: no, black lives do not matter; black lives will not matter; black lives ought not matter; black lives should not matter; black lives must not matter until black people start respecting black lives and stop killing ourselves — black lives can never matter.”
“It amazes me how it is when the police kills one of us, we are ready to protest, march destroy innocent property. We’re ready to loot, steal, whatever we want. But when we kill 100 of us, nobody says anything. Nobody does anything,” Williams said.
“Black on black crime, we’re all doing time. We are locked up in our minds. There’s got to be a better way. We must stop this today. Think down, look down, walk down, talk down, act down — most times we are low down. Where is your soul?” the pastor continued.
“If you choose to ask me today, do black lives matter? Let me answer like this: no, black lives do not matter; black lives will not matter; black lives ought not matter; black lives should not matter; black lives must not matter until black people start respecting black lives and stop killing ourselves — black lives can never matter.”
Martel: Nike Endorses Police Brutality, Torture of Afro-Cubans in Embracing Fidel Castro Fan Colin Kaepernick
Nike stole the attention of a nation on Monday, by debuting a 30th-anniversary campaign starring former San Francisco 49ers quarterback and original anthem protester Colin Kaepernick.
The announcement heralded him as a hero for subsisting off a suspected eight-digit endorsement deal with one of the world’s largest sporting goods companies.
Kaepernick has made a name for himself protesting what he claims to be systematic injustice by law enforcement against people of color in the United States. The outrage surrounding his endorsement stems largely from his refusal to stand for America’s flag and national anthem at NFL games, as a symbolic gesture that the country is not living out the values the flag is supposed to represent.
This outrage is misplaced because it ignores the reality of Kaepernick’s political ideology, one he revealed rather shamelessly by wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with mass murderer Fidel Castro’s face on it to a press conference in Miami, Florida, home to the largest community of Castro’s victims in the country. Kaepernick refused to disown Castro, instead doubling down on his praise of the dictator when confronted by a journalist member of the Cuban exile community.
In endorsing the rule of Fidel Castro, Kaepernick stood in defense of police brutality, systematic racism against people of color, and the torture and murder of political dissidents, all the ills that he repeatedly claims so urgently tarnish America. In this context, refusing to stand for America’s flag becomes a rejection of the values that Kaepernick claims to represent – and now Nike has rejected those values, too.
The announcement heralded him as a hero for subsisting off a suspected eight-digit endorsement deal with one of the world’s largest sporting goods companies.
Kaepernick has made a name for himself protesting what he claims to be systematic injustice by law enforcement against people of color in the United States. The outrage surrounding his endorsement stems largely from his refusal to stand for America’s flag and national anthem at NFL games, as a symbolic gesture that the country is not living out the values the flag is supposed to represent.
This outrage is misplaced because it ignores the reality of Kaepernick’s political ideology, one he revealed rather shamelessly by wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with mass murderer Fidel Castro’s face on it to a press conference in Miami, Florida, home to the largest community of Castro’s victims in the country. Kaepernick refused to disown Castro, instead doubling down on his praise of the dictator when confronted by a journalist member of the Cuban exile community.
In endorsing the rule of Fidel Castro, Kaepernick stood in defense of police brutality, systematic racism against people of color, and the torture and murder of political dissidents, all the ills that he repeatedly claims so urgently tarnish America. In this context, refusing to stand for America’s flag becomes a rejection of the values that Kaepernick claims to represent – and now Nike has rejected those values, too.
FBI Hid Fact That Russia Thought Carter Page Was An "Idiot" Unworthy Of Recruiting: Sperry
The FBI, in its ham-handed FISA application on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, somehow forgot to include the fact that Russian spies thought Page was an "idiot" who was unworthy of recruiting, according to Paul Sperry of RealClear Investigations.
The FBI was aware of Russians’ skepticism that Page knew anything of value or was a significant player because the bureau had recorded them voicing such doubts in a wiretap, from an earlier espionage case involving three Russian spies working undercover for the Kremlin in New York. -RCI
The FBI of course used that 2013 case as part of the FISA application - claiming to have evidence of Page's recruitment by the Kremlin, however the "idiot" part was deliberately withheld.
They have been made public only in redacted form, professing evidence that Page was “recruited" by Russian intelligence and had "coordinated" with the Russian government. But “that’s a mischaracterization of the facts in the case,” a congressional source said. -RCI
The FBI was aware of Russians’ skepticism that Page knew anything of value or was a significant player because the bureau had recorded them voicing such doubts in a wiretap, from an earlier espionage case involving three Russian spies working undercover for the Kremlin in New York. -RCI
The FBI of course used that 2013 case as part of the FISA application - claiming to have evidence of Page's recruitment by the Kremlin, however the "idiot" part was deliberately withheld.
They have been made public only in redacted form, professing evidence that Page was “recruited" by Russian intelligence and had "coordinated" with the Russian government. But “that’s a mischaracterization of the facts in the case,” a congressional source said. -RCI
Cory Booker Releases ‘Bombshell’ Emails That Prove Kavanaugh Is Against Racism
Sen. Cory Booker called himself “Spartacus” Thursday morning during the Senate Judiciary hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh after releasing documents that were confidential to the committee and not intended for public release.
Booker declared to the Senators in the room that he was prepared to lose his position for the breaking of rules: “I am, right now, before your process is finished — I am going to release the email about racial profiling. I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate.”
Soon after the grandstanding moment, Booker’s team released the documents.
Booker declared to the Senators in the room that he was prepared to lose his position for the breaking of rules: “I am, right now, before your process is finished — I am going to release the email about racial profiling. I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate.”
Soon after the grandstanding moment, Booker’s team released the documents.
Yeah, Day Gotcha Alright!
That's right -- Gotcha is coming to Salisbury. But what is it?
Gotcha is the only mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) company offering three sustainable micro-transit products – 100%-electric ride share, customized dockless bike share, and electric scooters – through a proprietary app-based platform. Gotcha empowers communities to lead happier, more productive lives through alternative forms of transportation specifically designed for each market. Gotcha currently partners with 40+ college campuses across the U.S. and with cities such as Burlington (VT), Sarasota (FL), and Toledo (OH).
Gotcha is the only mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) company offering three sustainable micro-transit products – 100%-electric ride share, customized dockless bike share, and electric scooters – through a proprietary app-based platform. Gotcha empowers communities to lead happier, more productive lives through alternative forms of transportation specifically designed for each market. Gotcha currently partners with 40+ college campuses across the U.S. and with cities such as Burlington (VT), Sarasota (FL), and Toledo (OH).
Salisbury Maryland Folk Festival Images From Last Night
A Viewer Writes: These pictures were taken at approximately 5:05 pm from 13 and Carroll Street. Nobody at all there - zilch but the backed up traffic is crazy because all the streets going around it are closed. What a nightmare.
BOOM! Joe diGenova: Rod Rosenstein Has a Big Problem – He Is Under Investigation for Things Involving FISA Warrants
Former US Attorney Joe diGenova told Sean Hannity on Wednesday night that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is under investigation.
Joe diGenova: It was obvious that a fraud was committed on the court… We can no longer trust the department under Rosenstein, who by the way, he’s got a big problem with FISA… He’s now under investigation and he can’t do FISAs anymore.
Hannity: Whoa! Rosenstein is under investigation?
DiGenova: Rosenstein is under investigation for things that involve the FISA warrants.
Joe diGenova: It was obvious that a fraud was committed on the court… We can no longer trust the department under Rosenstein, who by the way, he’s got a big problem with FISA… He’s now under investigation and he can’t do FISAs anymore.
Hannity: Whoa! Rosenstein is under investigation?
DiGenova: Rosenstein is under investigation for things that involve the FISA warrants.
CDC Investigating After Multiple Passengers Fall Ill At Philadelphia Airport
One day after 19 passengers fell ill during a JFK flight from Dubai, CBS Philadelphia reports that multiple passengers fell ill on separate international flights coming into Philadelphia International Airport on Thursday. Officials said that 12 passengers arriving at the airport on American Airlines flights from Paris and Munich experienced flu-like symptoms, with multiple ambulances dispatched to the airport.
BREAKING: Several passengers on two international flights are complaining of flu-like symptoms. Here is a statement from the airport. @CBSPhilly
A Viewer Writes: Remember To Bring A Folking Chair
Bless social media! All week long the Jakettes have been posting pictures of stages with chairs. So you would think ALL the stages have chairs. Nope. This video shows no chairs. None. BYOC. I guess they don't want you hanging out a long at this venue.
If it rains they are going to jam you all into some tiny little tent or you get to sit on wet grass or stand for hours. But don't fear! Rain or shine they are prepared!!
We considered going down to this stage later but now we have to find 4 chairs to drag down with us and we would not have known this if someone had not made a video. If we got there with no chairs we would have immediately left and gone home.
We are guessing those who knew to bring chairs were involved with the fest or works for the guberment. We are assuming City workers and their families HAD to show up for this photo op. Through out the process for the last month on all the blogs and fb posts people were constantly asking what to bring and not once did the city reply. Well here is your answer
Bring a chair to drag along with you the whole time because the city was to stupid to think you may stay awhile and want to sit down, relax, and enjoy the entertainment.
If it rains they are going to jam you all into some tiny little tent or you get to sit on wet grass or stand for hours. But don't fear! Rain or shine they are prepared!!
We considered going down to this stage later but now we have to find 4 chairs to drag down with us and we would not have known this if someone had not made a video. If we got there with no chairs we would have immediately left and gone home.
We are guessing those who knew to bring chairs were involved with the fest or works for the guberment. We are assuming City workers and their families HAD to show up for this photo op. Through out the process for the last month on all the blogs and fb posts people were constantly asking what to bring and not once did the city reply. Well here is your answer
Bring a chair to drag along with you the whole time because the city was to stupid to think you may stay awhile and want to sit down, relax, and enjoy the entertainment.
Kamala Harris Suggested Kavanaugh Spoke To Trump's Law Firm About Mueller. She Was Lying, Of Course.
On Wednesday, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) attempted to grab the 2020 Democratic presidential limelight by launching into an attack on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s latest pick for the Supreme Court. She essentially accused Kavanaugh of stonewalling on whether he had spoken with President Trump’s law firm about the Robert Mueller investigation. Kavanaugh correctly said he didn’t know what she was talking about, and also said he didn’t know every lawyer at Kasowitz Benson Torres – a law firm with nearly 300 attorneys. That didn’t stop Harris, who grandstanded for nearly 10 minutes, to the wild applause of the media. The video has been viewed tens of millions of times on Twitter.
Cop who tased girl: ‘This is why there’s no grocery stores in the black community’
A police officer in Cincinnati who used his Taser on an 11-year-old girl suspected of shoplifting was also caught on camera telling her “this is why there’s no grocery stores in the black community.”
Officer Kevin Brown, 55, is facing punishment ranging from counseling to termination for the Aug. 6 tasing of the girl, who is black, at a Kroger supermarket where she had been suspected of using her backpack to steal items, the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.
“You know, sweetheart, this is why there’s no grocery stores in the black community,” Brown told the girl, according to bodycam footage.
Brown violated four policies during the incident, including that his comment constituted prejudice and that he didn’t warn the girl about deploying his Taser, according to a use-of-force report.
Brown, who is also black, insisted to investigators that his remark was backed up by statistics and claimed he wasn’t biased in any way.
Officer Kevin Brown, 55, is facing punishment ranging from counseling to termination for the Aug. 6 tasing of the girl, who is black, at a Kroger supermarket where she had been suspected of using her backpack to steal items, the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.
“You know, sweetheart, this is why there’s no grocery stores in the black community,” Brown told the girl, according to bodycam footage.
Brown violated four policies during the incident, including that his comment constituted prejudice and that he didn’t warn the girl about deploying his Taser, according to a use-of-force report.
Brown, who is also black, insisted to investigators that his remark was backed up by statistics and claimed he wasn’t biased in any way.
April Ryan Accuses White House Of Attacking Her Because Of Her Race
CNN political analyst April Ryan accused the White House of being racist and claimed they are trying to destroy her career in journalism.
Ryan claimed in an interview with Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah on Wednesday night that the Trump administration is tougher on her because of her race.
“Do you think that maybe some of their retaliatory feeling toward you is that it feels like you are doing something that’s oppositional because you’re a black woman?” Noah asked.
Ryan claimed in an interview with Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah on Wednesday night that the Trump administration is tougher on her because of her race.
“Do you think that maybe some of their retaliatory feeling toward you is that it feels like you are doing something that’s oppositional because you’re a black woman?” Noah asked.
Kavanaugh Handshake Snub Was a Dem-Created Setup
In their ongoing campaign to obstruct President Donald Trump at every turn, Democrats have been digging deep into their bag of tricks. This week’s objective is to derail the confirmation of Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, a man who by all measures has proven himself to be a fair judge with a brilliant judicial mind. In other words, he’s just the type of person all Americans who hold the Constitution in high esteem should want sitting on the nation’s highest court. But clearly, Democrats and their increasingly hard-left base want little to do with constitutionally consistent jurisprudence. No, if a justice doesn’t commit to standing in support of leftist causes, then that person must be declared “unfit” for the job.
But it’s difficult to label a man as evil if nothing in his history supports such a conclusion, so Democrats and their Leftmedia cohorts must manufacture a smear with the hope that it will taint a good man’s reputation enough to promote their own agenda.
A classic example of this smear campaign was demonstrated at Kavanaugh’s first day of hearings on Tuesday. After being delayed by several leftist protesters, the hearing was interrupted numerous times by protesters randomly shouting statements against Kavanaugh and Trump. As we previously noted, it was a circus. So, within this obviously hostile environment, a designed moment was staged to rattle Kavanaugh. As the hearing broke for lunch, a man suddenly jumped up to shake Kavanaugh’s hand, but Kavanaugh, clearly unfamiliar with who the individual was, did not return the shake in part because he was turned around by security and escorted out.
But it’s difficult to label a man as evil if nothing in his history supports such a conclusion, so Democrats and their Leftmedia cohorts must manufacture a smear with the hope that it will taint a good man’s reputation enough to promote their own agenda.
A classic example of this smear campaign was demonstrated at Kavanaugh’s first day of hearings on Tuesday. After being delayed by several leftist protesters, the hearing was interrupted numerous times by protesters randomly shouting statements against Kavanaugh and Trump. As we previously noted, it was a circus. So, within this obviously hostile environment, a designed moment was staged to rattle Kavanaugh. As the hearing broke for lunch, a man suddenly jumped up to shake Kavanaugh’s hand, but Kavanaugh, clearly unfamiliar with who the individual was, did not return the shake in part because he was turned around by security and escorted out.
That Anonymous White House 'Resistance' Insider
Voters elected Donald Trump to drop a metaphorical bomb on Washington. He’s done just that, and members of the professional political class — the establishments of both parties and the bureaucrats lurking in what has become known as the “deep state” — have no idea what to do about it. So these folks resort to dropping bombs on Trump, as if that will matter to his supporters. Such is the case with Bob Woodward’s forthcoming book, and that in turn was perfectly set up by a quickly infamous and anonymous New York Times op-ed yesterday by “a senior official in the Trump administration whose identity is known to us and whose job would be jeopardized by its disclosure.”
Profiles in courage right there. Or at least profiles in good marketing. Consider The Washington Post’s leaks of Woodward book excerpts and this NYT op-ed as the Leftmedia’s one-two punch on Trump, which just happened to come during the week of Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Frankly, this op-ed utterly lacks credibility until we know who wrote it. If it’s a Cabinet-level secretary, that’s one thing — and a very big problem. If it’s some third-tier staffer who doesn’t even interact with Trump but does have a Napoleon complex, well, that’s something else. We don’t doubt this person’s identity will be revealed (and we’ll bet Woodward knows who it is), but there’s at least one thing already known beyond the shadow of a doubt: Whoever this is clearly thinks a lot of himself.
The author reveals three overarching and important things...
Profiles in courage right there. Or at least profiles in good marketing. Consider The Washington Post’s leaks of Woodward book excerpts and this NYT op-ed as the Leftmedia’s one-two punch on Trump, which just happened to come during the week of Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Frankly, this op-ed utterly lacks credibility until we know who wrote it. If it’s a Cabinet-level secretary, that’s one thing — and a very big problem. If it’s some third-tier staffer who doesn’t even interact with Trump but does have a Napoleon complex, well, that’s something else. We don’t doubt this person’s identity will be revealed (and we’ll bet Woodward knows who it is), but there’s at least one thing already known beyond the shadow of a doubt: Whoever this is clearly thinks a lot of himself.
The author reveals three overarching and important things...
Media outlets celebrate Cory Booker's 'Spartacus' moment even after it was proven inaccurate
Cory Booker was painted as a liberal hero in the media after his dramatic pledge Thursday to release confidential emails sent by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and the adulation from the mainstream media continued even hours after it was revealed that the documents were neither particularly damning nor confidential.
The New Jersey Democrat vowed to sacrifice his seat and even compared himself to Spartacus during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, so important did he deem the 16-year-old emails from Kavanaugh discussing post-9/11 racial profiling as a White House lawyer. Booker pronounced the move an act of “civil disobedience” and said he was ready to face punishment, including the loss of his Senate seat.
“This is about the closest I'll probably ever have in my life to an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment,” he said.
Shortly after 1 p.m., it was announced that the restrictions on releasing the emails, which had been labeled "committee confidential," had been waived in the morning. Nothing that Booker released was marked "committee confidential" at the time of its release.
"Apparently, someone just wanted to break the rules and make a scene, but didn’t check their email," a spokesman for committee Republicans said in a statement. The committee posted the same documents.
“All of this drama this morning apparently was for nothing and it’s unfortunate,” Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, told reporters.
The New Jersey Democrat vowed to sacrifice his seat and even compared himself to Spartacus during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, so important did he deem the 16-year-old emails from Kavanaugh discussing post-9/11 racial profiling as a White House lawyer. Booker pronounced the move an act of “civil disobedience” and said he was ready to face punishment, including the loss of his Senate seat.
“This is about the closest I'll probably ever have in my life to an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment,” he said.
Shortly after 1 p.m., it was announced that the restrictions on releasing the emails, which had been labeled "committee confidential," had been waived in the morning. Nothing that Booker released was marked "committee confidential" at the time of its release.
"Apparently, someone just wanted to break the rules and make a scene, but didn’t check their email," a spokesman for committee Republicans said in a statement. The committee posted the same documents.
“All of this drama this morning apparently was for nothing and it’s unfortunate,” Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, told reporters.
Secret Grand Jury Proceedings Underway Against Andrew McCabe; Witnesses Summoned
Federal prosecutors have been using a grand jury over the last several months to investigate former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, reports the Washington Post, citing two people familiar with the matter.
What's more, the grand jury has summoned at least two witnesses, and the case is ongoing according to WaPo's sources.
The presence of the grand jury shows prosecutors are treating the matter seriously, locking in the accounts of witnesses who might later have to testify at a trial. But such panels are sometimes used only as investigative tools, and it remains unclear if McCabe will ultimately be charged. -Washington Post
McCabe was fired on March 16 after Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a criminal referral following a months-long probe, which found that McCabe lied four times, including twice under oath, about authorizing a self-serving leak to the press. Horowitz found that McCabe "had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor - including under oath - on multiple occasions."
Specifically, McCabe was fired for lying about authorizing an F.B.I. spokesman and attorney to tell Devlin Barrett of the Wall St. Journal - just days before the 2016 election, that the FBI had not put the brakes on a separate investigation into the Clinton Foundation, at a time in which McCabe was coming under fire for his wife taking a $467,500 campaign contribution from Clinton proxy pal, Terry McAuliffe.
In order to deal with his legal woes, McCabe set up a GoFundMe "legal defense fund" which stopped accepting donations, after support for the fired bureaucrat took in over half a million dollars - roughly $100,000 more than his wife's campaign took from McAuliffe as McCabe's office was investigating Clinton and her infamous charities.
What's more, the grand jury has summoned at least two witnesses, and the case is ongoing according to WaPo's sources.
The presence of the grand jury shows prosecutors are treating the matter seriously, locking in the accounts of witnesses who might later have to testify at a trial. But such panels are sometimes used only as investigative tools, and it remains unclear if McCabe will ultimately be charged. -Washington Post
McCabe was fired on March 16 after Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a criminal referral following a months-long probe, which found that McCabe lied four times, including twice under oath, about authorizing a self-serving leak to the press. Horowitz found that McCabe "had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor - including under oath - on multiple occasions."
Specifically, McCabe was fired for lying about authorizing an F.B.I. spokesman and attorney to tell Devlin Barrett of the Wall St. Journal - just days before the 2016 election, that the FBI had not put the brakes on a separate investigation into the Clinton Foundation, at a time in which McCabe was coming under fire for his wife taking a $467,500 campaign contribution from Clinton proxy pal, Terry McAuliffe.
In order to deal with his legal woes, McCabe set up a GoFundMe "legal defense fund" which stopped accepting donations, after support for the fired bureaucrat took in over half a million dollars - roughly $100,000 more than his wife's campaign took from McAuliffe as McCabe's office was investigating Clinton and her infamous charities.
Levi’s Jeans Co. Declares War on Second Amendment
American jeans manufacturer announces gun control initiatives
Blue jeans manufacturer Levi’s Strauss & Co., a symbol of rugged individualism for many Americans, announced this week it’s taking a stance against the Second Amendment.
The company revealed Tuesday it’ll be teaming up with notorious anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg to form a new gun control alliance for business leaders, as well as donate to groups working to “end gun violence in America.”
In a statement released on the company’s website, Levi’s revealed they will give $1 million in grants to various gun control groups, in addition to encouraging employees to volunteer at anti-gun non-profits.
Blue jeans manufacturer Levi’s Strauss & Co., a symbol of rugged individualism for many Americans, announced this week it’s taking a stance against the Second Amendment.
The company revealed Tuesday it’ll be teaming up with notorious anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg to form a new gun control alliance for business leaders, as well as donate to groups working to “end gun violence in America.”
In a statement released on the company’s website, Levi’s revealed they will give $1 million in grants to various gun control groups, in addition to encouraging employees to volunteer at anti-gun non-profits.
Cops Cuff Black Teen Riding With White Grandmother Because Someone Thought He Was Robbing Her
An 18-year-old Wisconsin man was detained by police officers, handcuffed and placed in a squad car for questioning after authorities were alerted to a black man robbing two older white women from the back seat of the white women’s car.
He was coming home from church with his grandmother and her friend.
According to the Journal-Sentinel, Wauwatosa, Wis. police chief Brian Zalewski said an officer was flagged down by an African American couple. The do-gooders pointed to a blue Lexus with a black man riding in the back seat while two older women were riding in the front. According to the couple, it was obvious that someone was either filming a reverse remake of Driving Miss Daisy, or there was a robbery in progress.
He was coming home from church with his grandmother and her friend.
According to the Journal-Sentinel, Wauwatosa, Wis. police chief Brian Zalewski said an officer was flagged down by an African American couple. The do-gooders pointed to a blue Lexus with a black man riding in the back seat while two older women were riding in the front. According to the couple, it was obvious that someone was either filming a reverse remake of Driving Miss Daisy, or there was a robbery in progress.
Florence Threatens the East Coast
Florence has been moving south of due west (260 degrees) at 7 kt,
located south of a low- to mid-level ridge. The cyclone is
expected to continue moving generally westward for the next 48
hours while it remains sheared. As Florence begins to strengthen
and become vertically stacked after 48 hours, it should begin to
turn west-northwestward, steered by a deeper flow regime. By days
4 and 5, an exceptionally strong blocking ridge is forecast to
develop between Bermuda and the Northeast U.S., keeping Florence
on a west-northwestward trajectory with an increase in forward
speed by the end of the forecast period.
Maximum sustained winds are near 65 mph (100 km/h) with higher
gusts. Little change in intensity is expected during the next day
or so, but restrengthening is forecast over the weekend. Florence
could become a hurricane again by Sunday.
Key Messages:
1. Regardless of Florence's eventual track, large swells are
affecting Bermuda and will begin to affect portions of the U.S. East
Coast this weekend, resulting in life-threatening surf and rip
2. The risk of other direct impacts associated with Florence along
the U.S. East Coast next week has increased. However, there is
still very large uncertainty in model forecasts of Florence's track
beyond day 5, making it too soon to determine the exact location,
magnitude, and timing of these impacts. Interests near and along
the U.S. East Coast should monitor the progress of Florence through
the weekend and ensure they have their hurricane plans in place.
located south of a low- to mid-level ridge. The cyclone is
expected to continue moving generally westward for the next 48
hours while it remains sheared. As Florence begins to strengthen
and become vertically stacked after 48 hours, it should begin to
turn west-northwestward, steered by a deeper flow regime. By days
4 and 5, an exceptionally strong blocking ridge is forecast to
develop between Bermuda and the Northeast U.S., keeping Florence
on a west-northwestward trajectory with an increase in forward
speed by the end of the forecast period.
Maximum sustained winds are near 65 mph (100 km/h) with higher
gusts. Little change in intensity is expected during the next day
or so, but restrengthening is forecast over the weekend. Florence
could become a hurricane again by Sunday.
Key Messages:
1. Regardless of Florence's eventual track, large swells are
affecting Bermuda and will begin to affect portions of the U.S. East
Coast this weekend, resulting in life-threatening surf and rip
2. The risk of other direct impacts associated with Florence along
the U.S. East Coast next week has increased. However, there is
still very large uncertainty in model forecasts of Florence's track
beyond day 5, making it too soon to determine the exact location,
magnitude, and timing of these impacts. Interests near and along
the U.S. East Coast should monitor the progress of Florence through
the weekend and ensure they have their hurricane plans in place.
Just Thinking...
● Since only 11 million people have Obama-Care, how will 24 million people die if it is repealed? Will an additional 13 million people be randomly shot?
● If Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with Bleachbit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the Mainstream Media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent.
● If women do the same job for less money, why do companies hire men to do the same job for more money?
● If you rob a bank in a Sanctuary City, is it illegal or is it just an Undocumented Withdrawal?
● Each ISIS attack now is a reaction to Trump policies, but all ISIS attacks during Obama's term were due to Climate Change and a plea for jobs.
● After the London 'Lone Wolf' terrorist attack government officials arrested at least eight other 'Lone Wolves' who had conspired with the original 'Lone Wolf' in planning the 'Lone Wolf' attack. Why do they tell us even though all involved are Muslims, you can be assured, the 'Lone Wolf' attack has nothing at all to do with Islam, just like the other 1,000 plus 'Lone Wolf' attacks by Muslims are completely unassociated with Islam.
● We should stop calling them all 'Entitlements'. Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, ad nausea are not entitlements. They are taxpayer-funded handouts, and shouldn't be called entitlements at all. Social Security and Veterans Benefits are Entitlements because the people receiving them are entitled to them. They were earned and paid for by the recipients.
● If Muslims want to run away from a Muslim country, does that mean they're Islamophobic?
● If Liberals don't believe in biological gender then why did they march for women's rights?
● How did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders? How did Russia get Donna Brazile to leak debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance of the debates?
● If you don't want the FBI involved in elections, don't nominate someone who's being investigated by the FBI.
● If Hillary's speeches cost $250,000 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free ones?
● The DNC is mad at Russia because they 'think' they are trying to manipulate our election by exposing that the DNC is manipulating our election.
● If Democrats don't want foreigners involved in our elections, why do they think it's all right for illegals to vote?
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