DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, November 09, 2009
Single Car Crash Kills Driver
Date of Occurrence: Monday November 9, 2009 at 4:4o p.m.
Victim: Jeffrey A. Griffies, 44, of Seaford, DE
Delaware State Police are investigating a single car crash that killed a Seaford man.
The crash occurred today approximately 4:40 p.m. when Griffies was operating a 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer north on Conrail Road. For unknown reason the SUV exited the right side of the roadway where it struck a steel high tension utility pole. After the crash the utility pole fell on the SUV. Griffies was pronounced dead at the scene.
The crash is still under investigation and it is not known at this time if alcohol or speed played a role in the crash.
As a result of the utility pole being struck and falling into traffic. The roadway is still closed at this hour until crews are able to clear the debris and replace the utility pole.
Griffies was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash.
More From The Good Ole Boys

First of all, why does the Salisbury Fire Department need a Public Information Officer? Anyone can put out a press release if it's needed.
What work is being done by Melissa Brown, SFD/PIO, that requires 45 hours of OVERTIME? While many people are stressing out over losing jobs or being furloughed, this woman is drawing 45 hours in overtime. Is this being made possible by her live in boyfriend Acting Deputy Fire Chief, Dru Bragg? It would be a good guess considering he is the one that signs off on the overtime.
Somewhere along the line, someone at SFD made a rule stating ALL information must go through Melissa Brown, anything released without her consent is insubordination. Has the Salisbury Fire Department followed the Salisbury Zoo in creating new Joe Albero rules? Admittedly, Melissa Brown does not like Joe Albero. Big deal, that is no reason to whitewash information before releasing it to the public. Just another fine example of controlling your staff Barrie Tilghman style, through fear and intimidation.
It is our understanding that Career and Volunteer firefighters are not pleased by the recent actions of Lore Chambers removal of a qualified applicant for the position of fire chief and replacing him/her with Rick Hoppes. Like it or not, Rick Hoppes does not meet the requirements set by the City of Salisbury, nor does he meet the qualifications. Some will do anything to keep the Good Ole Boys in power at the Salisbury Fire Department.
In the beginning days of blogging, Barrie Tilghman feared Joe Albero and the power of his blog. What do you think his TV show is doing to those that have plenty to hide? None of us will be surprised when Salisbury Fire Department is the topic of the Joe Albero Show. We all know it's coming, when, is what we don't know.
Once again I'll ask, WHY does the Salisbury Fire Department NEED a Public Information Officer?
AFP-Maryland Applauds Rep. Kratovil In Opposition Of HR 3962

Membership will continue to communicate with Blue Dog during Conference process
ANNAPOLIS – Rep. Frank Kratovil (D-MD01) voted against HR 3962, the massive government overhaul of our health care system, on Saturday evening. Citing the devastating effect it would have on small businesses and the long term costs to taxpayers, Rep. Kratovil explained his ‘NO’ vote in a press release. AFP-Maryland applauds Kratovil’s decision and hopes that he will become an advocate for measures that would actually increase access to quality, affordable health care such as tort reform, portability, and allowance of insurance purchases across state lines.
“We applaud Rep. Kratovil for opposing HR3962” said AFP-Maryland state director Dave Schwartz. “However, we hope that the Congressman will advocate for real reform during the Conference process. Free market reform is the only way to stop the rising costs of health care. Our members will continue to communicate with Rep. Kratovil in an effort to make sure he knows where his constituents stand on this issue.”
The United States Senate will now take up its version of a health care bill. If a bill passes the Senate it then goes to a Conference Committee where members of both the House and Senate reconcile their respective versions into one bill. Each house must vote separately on the final product. President Obama has requested that this process be finalized before the end of the year.

What are citizens to do when their elected officials play games and attempt to cover up serious matters. The Salisbury Fire Department has been notorious for playing politics and getting their way time and time again.
It goes back to Bill Gordy and the days when a new Deputy Fire Chief was being selected. Gordy was completely dropped from the list of applicants, yet the former Mayor Tilghman, (out of nowhere) put him back on the list and out of nowhere he was selected to become the new Deputy Fire Chief. Again, he was removed from the list and then put back in and ultimately got the job.
Today we're dealing with yet another very serious matter that includes the exact same game.
As many of you know the SFD has been searching for a new Fire Chief. 40 applicants have been considered for the job. A committee was established involving seven individuals to oversee the selection and ultimately choose a new Fire Chief.
Last Tuesday they broke the 40 applicants down to a final seven people in which they held telephone interviews with the committee. When all was said and done, THREE people were chosen out of the seven and ONE of the seven was NOT qualified.
Take a WILD guess as to who the ONE person was they felt was NOT qualified. Rick Hoppes was the one the committee chose was not qualified and was removed from the final decision, just as Bill Gordy was years ago.
Now wait a minute! Bill Gordy was behind creating the selection committee. We're told most applicants never did a face to face interview and out of nowhere when Lore' Chambers learned that Hoppes was removed from the final three, she threw such a fit, Hoppes was some how, some way, brought back into the final three and is now being considered to become Salisbury's next Fire Chief.
That's right, the City pulled the exact same stunt with Hoppes as they did with Bill Gordy and let me tell you Folks, the Salisbury Firefighters are absolutely pissed off, as they should be.
I implore Mayor Ireton and the Salisbury City Council to open an immediate investigation as to the possible illegal activity here and it is important for those QUALIFIED applicants to be aware that ONE of the final THREE qualified people has been bumped from the running simply because John Pick and Lore' Chambers are still perhaps working for Barrie Tilgman.
The majority of the committee did not want Rick Hoppes to be considered and once again, (because of the Good Ol' Boys) we'll probably see an unqualified person get the job.
When will the citizens of Salisbury ever take back their City? Will the current Mayor ever prove HE is qualified to manage Department Heads and this City? Running a business is NOT all about shaking hands and photo ops. Running a multi million dollar business is a serious matter and having a Staff who is honest and behind you 100% is vital. We can no longer stand for 1950's style politics and we can no longer afford to have people using the Good Ol' Boy System as our Country is failing in a big way because of such tactics.
The only way we can move forward is by taking baby steps and changing our LOCAL form of politics and lead it into an honest and fair direction. We watched all too many times former Zoo Director Jim Rapp hire drinking buddies to care for animals at the Zoo when hundreds of qualified college graduates in animal husbandry would have loved to move to Salisbury and work for the Zoo. In the end, thousands of animals died over the years and the Zoo simply fell apart.
Do you really want to see the same thing happen with the new $14,000,000.00 Fire Department? Help Is NOT On The Way Mr. Ireton. Will you too go down in history as a Part Time Mayor who ignored such serious matters and continue to allow Lore' Chambers and John Pick run the City of Salisbury for someone else?
Attempted Murder

INCIDENT: Attempted Murder
DATE: November 9, 2009
LOCATION: 28700 Block of Ocean Gateway, Salisbury, Maryland.
NARRATIVE: On November 9, 2009 at approximately 0524 hours, the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to the area of 28700 Block of Ocean Gateway, Salisbury, Wicomico County, Maryland for a report of a disturbance between two subjects taking place in the roadway. Upon arrival, Deputies located Willie Dix Jr., 61 years of age and Jeremy Dix, 24 years of age (son of Willie Dix, Jr.). Willie Dix, Jr. was lying down on the shoulder of Route 50 and was bleeding from various injuries to include multiple cuts to his head, forehead and at least two stab wound to his chest, along with other injuries. Jeremy Dix was placed under arrest for the attempted murder of his father. WBI assumed responsibility for the investigation.
WBI investigators processed the crime scene, collected evidence and interviewed potential witnesses. Investigation continues.
If anyone has information in reference to this investigation, please contact Wicomico Bureau of Investigation @ 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers @ 410-548-1776
The suspect is: Jeremy Joel Dix, 24 years of age, male, black, Salisbury, Maryland.
*include first/middle/last names, age, race, city or town of residence
• Attempted Murder
• 1st Degree Assault
• And related charges
DISPOSITION: Under Investigation

Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr., will hold a meeting of the Salisbury Crime Task Force tomorrow, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, at 1:00 p.m., in room 306 of the Government Office Building, 125 N. Division Street.
Agenda items for the Crime Task Force meeting include the following:
Questions & comments about the matrices – Discussion on Implementation (continuation)
Police Recruitment and Retention Discussion
Maryland Safe Streets Application Update
CSAFE Update
Update from Tom Stevenson, NSCC
Open discussion
As always, the public is invited to attend.
Speak Out Against Crime in Salisbury
Attend this evening’s Salisbury City Council meeting. During public comment ask this simple question:
Will you continue to support the rising crime rate or will you take action against crime, starting now?
Let the Barrie Comegys bloc – Gary Comegys, Louise Smith, and Shanie Shields – know that you want change! This means letting Police Chief Allan Webster go and putting someone in the job that is more concerned about fighting crime than attacking Mayor Jim Ireton and Councilwoman Debbie Campbell.
Suicides In The Downturn Raise Worries About Recession’s Real Cost

Elkhart may be a harbinger of deadly increases in other hard-hit areas
ELKHART, Ind.— Coroner John White is presiding over a sad tally in this northern Indiana county, tracking rising numbers of suicides he believes are linked to the lingering recession.
Rumors of an economic recovery may be whispered elsewhere, but here, where the downturn remains entrenched, 22 people have killed themselves this year, and two more cases were likely suicides, outpacing the county's annual average of 16 self-inflicted deaths.
In more than a quarter of the cases, White said, distress caused by job loss or financial failure was cited as the last straw.
“We have a real problem,” said White. “They left notes specifically stating that the reason they did this was because of the economy.”
Debra K. Gibbs, a 54-year-old homemaker in Goshen, in Elkhart County, didn’t leave a note. Instead, she simply sent her worried daughter out for soda pop on a summer morning — and then shot herself in the head.
Despondent over a pending home foreclosure and mounting bills, Gibbs took her life on June 23, the day after crews came to repossess her 2007 Chevy Malibu, the last purchase she’d made together with her late husband, Sam.
“She was doing everything she could to hold onto what was hers,” said Gibbs’ daughter, Rebecca Filley, 30, of Cassopolis, Mich. “This was a vivacious, very strong woman, and she was taken to her knees because of money.”
GO HERE to read more.
Who Believes Salisbury News Will Drop Below 100,000 Before The End Of The Year?

138,369 Traffic Rank in US
134,853 Traffic Rank in US
It was 138,369 earlier today
133,836 Traffic Rank in US sbynews.blogspot.com Blogspot
A neighbor of mine pointed out something that is absolutely the truth. We have a "gang" problem in Salisbury and the members are Gary Comegys, Louise Smith and Shanie Shields. Their negative and fiscally irresonsible attitudes on important Council votes has done more to lead to the deterioration of this city than anything else. As soon as we eradicate the "gangs", this city may start showing some improvement. Thanks for your time.
Stabbing In West Salisbury
Sleep Tight, Don't Let The BED BUGS Bite!

While the Salisbury Kennel Club brings in hundreds, (if not thousands) of people for their annual Dog Show, the Judges have to be housed somewhere. This year they chose the Comfort Inn in north Salisbury.
It turned out, this was not the best of choices as one of the Judges had to be removed from one of the rooms because it was loaded with BED BUGS.
One Judge was removed at 2:00 AM in the morning and put in another room, it was that bad. Who inspects for this kind of thing? All I know is, I'd be furious!
Two Posts In One
1.) The Salisbury Kennel Club Dog Show on Saturday was very well attended and the Show was once again a success. I'd like to thank the Kennel Club for bringing in so much money to the local economy.
2.) Salisbury News also noticed the following. If you look closer at the image above by clicking on it, you'll see the new ceiling tiles Fernando bought for the Civic Center. Ever since the ShowTime event, the Civic Center realized that the place was simply looking like crap and since that time they have started replacing the tiles.
One more fight at the Civic Center and who knows, maybe ALL of the ceiling tiles will finally be in place. That is, until the next Monster Truck Event. I know I wouldn't want that job, would you!
Salisbury Invaded By UFO's
Everywhere I looked while riding east bound into Salisbury these flying crafts were descending onto a Farm near the Royal Farms on Rt. 50. I no sooner past this group and the next thing I knew there were a bunch more flying on the other side of the Royal Farms. I had no idea so many people were into this, did you?
As always, click on images to enlarge.
Dead Wrong: Man Attends Own Funeral After Mix-Up Over Body's ID

(CNN) -- On the holiday known as the Day of the Dead, a Brazilian bricklayer walked into his own funeral.
The sight of Ademir Jorge Goncalves alive shocked relatives, some of whom tried to jump out of the windows of the funeral home in southern Brazil.
"In my 10 years in this business, I have never witnessed a scene like this," said Natanael Honorato, manager of the funeral home in the Parana state.
On November 1, some family members and friends had identified the victim of a car crash as the 59-year-old Goncalves.
GO HERE to read more.
Two Years Ago Today
The old Salisbury Mall started to come down. Can you believe it's been two years and still nothing has become of the eye sore. All the bickering and fighting, everyone wanted something done NOW. Here we sit two years later and it's rarely brought back up again and those who seemed the most concerned now sit idle, almost as if they're too tired to fight any more.
All I can say is, while we're in such harsh economic times and you have a developer who could be forced into getting the ball rolling, the City & County sure don't care very much, do they.
By now we should have at least seen the retail store structures built, yet nothing has happened. Oh well, so much for taxes and jobs.
Rick Pollitt’s Plan to Raise Your Taxes
On Tuesday evening, the Wicomico County Council will hold a public hearing on County Executive Rick Pollitt’s proposed amendment to the FY2010 budget. We are being told that this budget amendment is designed to cut spending. That’s what we are being TOLD.
In reality, Pollitt’s proposal is designed to bring about a PERFECT STORM that is designed to end Wicomico County’s revenue cap and would result in higher taxes for all property owners. Only you can stop it.
Pollitt’s proposal will strip the county of all contingency and reserve funds that are not already committed. Pollitt has already admitted that next year’s budget situation is expected to be WORSE than this year’s. By stripping the county of it’s contingency funds (and even borrowing from an enterprise fund), Pollitt puts voters in a position where they face a drastic reduction in services all at one time. Pollitt then hopes that a majority of county voters will then be willing to lift the revenue cap. The obvious result of this is HIGHER TAXES.
Bells Will Be Ringing
Your becoming a volunteer will not only fill your heart with joy, you'll be helping so many needy Families this year who have fallen upon hard times.
Please join the Salisbury News Team while we promote you or your business daily and showing others just who is willing to "GIVE BACK."
Schedules will be going up this week and we want to fill them as fast as possible. Remember Folks, if you want to volunteer and you're a bit older than some of us younger whipper snappers, sign up early to get an inside spot inside the Salisbury Mall or the Center of Salisbury.
I personally thank you for considering doing so and I look forward to seeing all of you out there.
Motor Vehicle Crash Involving School Bus

Narrative: On November 9, 2009 at approximately 7:40 a.m., Wicomico County Deputies responded to a motor vehicle crash in the area of Quinton Hill Circle Road, Wicomico County, Maryland. Upon arrival, deputies observed a pick up truck had collided with the rear of a school bus. The bus driver and 2 students were transported to PRMC for medical attention. A passenger in the pick up truck was also transported to PRMC. The crash is still under investigation at this time.
NY-23: Owens Breaks 4 Campaign Promises In First Hour In Congress
Owens indicated in a press release that he was now in favor of the bill in direct contrast to his earlier position during his campaign.
According to Politico.com, Mr. Owens assured voters that he felt the public option had no place in the health care reform bill. Contrary to that position, Mr. Owens now indicates that he intends to vote in favor of the bill even though it now contains a public option.
Mr. Owens also indicated during his campaign that he was firmly opposed to cutting Medicare benefits, taxing health care benefits, and increased taxes on the middle class in any way as you can see clearly in the screenshot below, taken directly from Mr. Owens' campaign website.
The House Health reform bill contains sections that cut Medicare benefits, tax existing health care benefits, and increases taxes on the middle class, yet Mr. Owens stated today that he will now vote in favor of those things contrary to what he had promised the voters of NY's 23rd Congressional District that he would vote against.
Mr. Owens indicated in his press release today that "This legislation will reform the insurance industry and provide increased access to affordable healthcare without taxing healthcare benefits, cutting Medicare benefits or raising taxes on the middle class, and that is exactly the direction we need to go."
When The Gouverneur Times attempted to contact Mr. Owens to clarify this information, we received no direct response to our phone or email inquiries. Both FactCheck.org and the Congressional Budget Office agree that HR 3962 contains potentially hundreds of billions of dollars in planned cuts to Medicare, yet Mr. Owens indicates that he supports this legislation and says that it does not cut Medicare benefits. Either Mr. Owens has been snowed or the public is about to be.
HR 3962 also includes a range of various taxes on middle-class families as well as language to repeal tax relief already in place. Has Congressman Owens blindly followed Ms. Pelosi's rhetoric in believing that the end to a tax cut is not the same thing as an increase in taxes or is he hedging his bet with very carefully chosen words?
HR 3962 now also contains language that allows illegal immigrants to be covered under the legislation. When The Gouverneur Times attempted to contact Mr. Owens for clarification of this language, we received no response other than the press release heretofore mentioned. Specifically, we asked if illegal immigrants would be forced to purchase healthcare insurance as citizens will be and whether or not they would be forced to do so at standard rates or if they would qualify for the public option subsidy.
The Associated Press said this morning that: "House leaders said that, in keeping with the Hispanic Caucus' demands, there was not likely to be any prohibition added to the House bill against illegal immigrants shopping in the exchange."
GO HERE to read more.
He Said To Me
I said to him . . . You wear pants don't you?
He said to me . . ....... Shall we try swapping positions tonight?
I said . That's a good idea - you stand by the stove & sink while I sit on the sofa and do nothing but fart
He said to me.. ... What have you been doing with all the grocery money I gave you?
I said to him . ..... Turn sideways and look in the mirror!
He said to me. ..... Why don't women blink during foreplay?
I said to him .. . They don't have time
He said to me. . How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?
I said to him .. . I don't know; it has never happened.
He said to me. . Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive, caring and Good- looking?
I said to him . . . They already have boyfriends.
He said...What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?
I said. . . A widow.
He said to me..... Why are married women heavier than single women?
I said to him . . . Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and go to bed. Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to the fridge.
Join The 2009 Red Kettle Club

Now, more than ever . . .
The Salvation Army - Salisbury Corps Serving Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset Counties
You are cordially invited to become a founding member of The Salvation Army Red Kettle Club. Starting this year, businesses, organizations and individuals who donate a leadership gift of $1000 or more to the Red Kettle Campaign will automatically become a member of the Kettle Club. Higher giving levels include Partner, Site Sponsor and Sponsor.
Your generous donation will help ensure that The Salvation Army can meet the urgent holiday need to warm homes and hearts, feed empty stomachs and hungry souls, and transform need and despair into joy and hope for thousands of families, children, seniors and individuals who are suffering in Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset counties. Not only will your generosity help fill the immediate need, but it can help The Salvation Army continue “doing the most good” throughout the year.
Sponsor Level - PASCO, Inc.
Member Level
Bank of Ocean City
Baxter Enterprises
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Brenner
Cato Gas & Oil, Inc.
College Avenue Car Wash
Richard A. Henson Foundation
Lifestar Ambulance, Inc.
PNC Bank
Strategic Wealth Management Group
George and Marie Vickers
We hope that you will consider becoming a member of the Red Kettle Club. We will be acknowledging these generous donors from now until Christmas and would love to add your name to the list. For more information, contact The Salvation Army at 410-749-RING, (7464). Thank you!
Is The Marcellus Shale Too Hot To Handle?

The information comes from New York's Department of Environmental Conservation, which analyzed 13 samples of wastewater brought thousands of feet to the surface from drilling and found that they contain levels of radium-226, a derivative of uranium, as high as 267 times the limit safe for discharge into the environment and thousands of times the limit safe for people to drink.
The findings, if backed up with more tests, have several implications: The energy industry would likely face stiffer regulations and expenses, and have more trouble finding treatment plants to accept its waste -- if any would at all. Companies would need to license their waste handlers and test their workers for radioactive exposure, and possibly ship waste across the country. And the state would have to sort out how its laws for radioactive waste might apply to drilling and how the waste could impact water supplies and the environment.
China October Auto Sales Up 72 Percent On Stimulus

Powered by tax cuts and stimulus spending, China's October auto sales soared 72 percent from a year earlier, outpacing U.S. sales for another month, according to data reported Monday.
Automakers sold a total of 1.2 million cars and trucks, the government-sanctioned China Association of Auto Manufacturers announced.
That was down from September's 1.3 million but well ahead of the 838,000 vehicles sold in the United States in October. China's sales this year rose to 10.9 million vehicles, compared with 8.6 million in the United States, according to Autodata Corp.
Global automakers are looking to China's fast-growing market to drive sales amid slack demand elsewhere. Sales have been spurred by tax cuts and subsidies meant to help nurture China's auto industry and encourage purchases of more fuel-efficient vehicles.
Beijing's 4 trillion yuan ($586 billion) stimulus has helped to prop up spending on cars and other big-ticket items, and lifted economic growth in the latest quarter to 8.9 percent from a year earlier.
China, with 1.3 billion people, has long been expected to overtake the United States as the biggest vehicle market. But the U.S. slump has hastened that shift by depressing American sales while China surged ahead.
Automakers have seen strong growth in sales to first-time buyers in smaller Chinese cities as incomes outside the country's prosperous east coast rise. In the populous countryside, the communist government is spending 5 billion yuan ($730 million) to subsidize purchases of light trucks and minivans.
Despite China's growth, the October sales were far below the U.S. monthly record of 1.8 million vehicles in July 2005.
General Motors Co. said Monday its China sales in October more than doubled from a year earlier to 166,911 vehicles. It said sales so far this year have surpassed 1.5 million units.
"This has been a year of records for GM in China," said Kevin Wale, GM China Group president, in a statement.
On Friday, Daimler AG said its Mercedes Benz unit's China sales soared 83 percent in October from a year earlier to 6,400 vehicles. It said sales for the first 10 months of the year rose 55 percent to 50,700 units.
China's biggest auto makers are GM and Germany's Volkswagen AG but ambitious Chinese automakers such as Geely Automobile Co., Chery Automobile Co. and BYD Co. have taken significant market shares.
Chinese exports are rising but no domestic producer has managed to meet U.S. safety standards. Most Chinese exports go to other developing markets in the Middle East, Latin America and Africa.
A Geely-led consortium has been picked by Ford Motor Co. as the preferred buyer for its Swedish unit Volvo Cars, which give a Chinese automaker a prominent global presence for the first time. BYD has backing from billionaire American investor Warren Buffet's MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co.
Recap All Of Sunday's NFL Action
Four 'Contenders' in Serious Trouble
Halfway through the season, the Giants, Ravens, Packers and Bears are alive for playoff spots.
Based on what happened to them Sunday, it looks like time to start preparing for 2010. For not only did they lose, the way they lost and the psychological ramifications make it even harder to recover.
You could throw Houston in there too, but the Texans can still have a good season -- at 5-4 they are on course for their first winning season ever, although the way they lost Sunday to unbeaten Indianapolis opens up enough "what ifs?'' for 16 games. And the way they've played the Colts during their eight-season life makes losses to Indy inevitable. Last season, they managed to blow a 27-10 lead at home in half a quarter; they are now 0-8 lifetime in Indianapolis and 1-14 lifetime overall.
Look Familiar

HURLOCK -- A Maryland state trooper rescued a Hurlock man from his burning home Sunday morning, police said. More
Here It Is: "The Joe Albero Show"
Remember the square I made showing there was another section in the back right corner, an area no one knew about with a sludge pit. The image above shows what I was talking about. However, the way it's shown in the picture, the area I spoke of is in the bottom left corner. Also notice how the entire area is surrounded by trees. It's no wonder the MDE didn't even know it existed.
The image above is a small portion of the so called sludge pit. Notice any child could have accessed the area and fallen in.
These are some of the sand bags they had used to line the back of the sludge pit to stop the sludge from running down hill to the Wicomico River.
These are some of the piles of human feces I mentioned in the show. Notice there's no liner underneath, nor on top, as required by law. First you have to get a permit just to store it, (which the City didn't have) and then you have to do so properly, which they didn't do.
I have plenty more pictures and hopefully in future shows we'll be able to provide images on screen when we do the show.