
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tonight's Full Moon

Troopers Continue to Urge Caution During Winter Storm

Dover, DE - The following is an update of traffic incidents investigated by the Delaware State Police as of 4:00 p.m. today, Sunday, January 24, 2016.

Troopers have responded to a total of 178 property damage collisions, 22 personal injury collisions, 354 disabled vehicles, and 88 traffic hazards statewide.

The following roadways have been closed due to being snow covered or flooded:

Sussex County

Delaware Rt. 1 has been re-opened between Dewey Beach and Bethany Beach. No additional road closures have been reported.

Gold Alert Issued for Missing Long Neck Teen: UPDATE

Caleb Winter has been located. The Gold Alert has been cancelled.

Long Neck, DE - The Delaware State Police are issuing a Gold Alert for Caleb Winter, 14, of Long Neck, Delaware.

Troopers are looking for Caleb Winter who hasn’t been heard from since approximately 2:45 p.m. this afternoon, Sunday, January 24, 2016, after he left his residence in the Rehoboth Shores development in Long Neck, DE.

There is a concern for Winter's safety and welfare as troopers have been unable to make contact with him to check on his welfare and attempts to locate him have been unsuccessful.

Caleb Winter is described as a white male. He is 4’08” tall, weighs 105 lbs., and has brown hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing a black and blue camouflage jacket and grey sweatpants.

If anyone has any information in reference to the whereabouts of Caleb Winter, they are asked to contact Troop 7 at 302-644-5020. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet at, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."

Governor Larry Hogan Announces Closure of State Offices on Monday, January 25, 2016

ANNAPOLIS, MD - Governor Larry Hogan has ordered that all Maryland State Government offices will be closed on Monday, January 25th. Emergency essential personnel should report as scheduled.

"I want to thank the citizens of Maryland for heeding our call to be patient and to be safe by staying off the roads. I must ask that Marylanders continue to be patient as the cleanup and recovery continues,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “Tomorrow morning conditions will be icy and dangerous. By closing state offices tomorrow, crews can carry on with their work to clear state roads."

For further information on the operating status of state government, visit:

Breaking News: OPM closing DC area federal offices Monday

Federal employees get one more day to dig out from the historic blizzard that hit the District, Maryland and Virginia metro areas.

Read the full story.


We will update this post as we receive more closings & delays


Queen Anne's County Public Schools closed Monday, January 25th 12 Month Employees Report at 10:00 am

Worcester County Schools  will open 2hrs late tomorrow, Jan. 25. No AM Pre-Kindergarten. All school programs will begin following the two-hour delay.


Indian River School District
Due to inclement weather, all schools will be closed for students and instructional staff on Monday, January 25. All 12-month employees should report two hours late. The Board of Education meeting scheduled for Monday evening has been postponed until Monday, February 1st at Indian River High School.

Delmar School District
Due to the sporadic icy conditions of backroads, the Delmar School District will be closed Monday, January 25. Enjoy the snow and be safe. 

Snow Emergency Lifted In Wicomico County

Wicomico County has lifted its Snow Emergency at of 1700 hours 1/24/16.

If You Thought The Snow Was Bad Here

My Sister spent three hours today shoveling her car out of the snow in northern Virginia. 

Governor Larry Hogan: Stay Off the Roads

Snow Emergency Plan Worcester County- Lifted

Effective 1-24-2016 at 1400 hours, The Maryland State Police Berlin Barrack in conjunction with local agencies and the Maryland State Highway Administration have LIFTED the Snow Emergency Plan for Worcester County.

Governor Larry Hogan: Moving from Response Mode to Recovery Mode

Winter Wonderland

I returned back to Ocean City today and was shocked at all the snow I was seeing.

Talking to neighbors I was informed that ALL of the snow had gone away after it rained. What you are seeing now is what fell yesterday. Absolutely beautiful.

Summer Is Just Around The Corner, I Hope!

From Delmar To Ocean City

Road Conditions From Salisbury To Ocean City

Route 50 is perfectly clear until you hit the Bypass. I just couldn't believe how bad that portion of the roadway is. 

Here's something cool. The last picture on Rt. 50 is a shot of ME driving east on Rt. 50 just passed the Rt. 90 overpass. 

Bethany Beach Erosion

Rest In Peace Bob Warfield of Ocean City, MD.

I came to learn today that Mr. Bob Warfield passed away yesterday morning. Bob was not only an old neighbor of mine, he was one of the greatest real estate agents and developers Ocean City has ever known. 

Many of you will remember, Moore, Warfield & Glick. We lost Hal Glick just weeks ago and now Bob Warfield has also passed. 

Our sincerest condolences to his family and close friends. 

Building Fire In Salisbury

510 Naylor Mill Road. The Matech Building. Smoke is showing from the loading dock

UPDATE: Situation is under control

SPD Press Release -1-24-16 (Robbery Investigation/7-Eleven 13-S)

Delmarva Power - Winter Storm Wrap-up - 1/24/16

OC: Recovery Efforts Begin, Damage Assessment Continues, Minor Flooding Expected to Continue

OCEAN CITY, MD – (January 24, 2016): The sun is shining and the Town of Ocean City is wasting no time beginning clean-up efforts today, as crews work diligently to move sand and restore the beach. Minor flooding in downtown’s low-lying areas could continue during high tide today but winds and precipitation have subsided. Road closures on St. Louis Avenue and Philadelphia Avenue (south of the Route 50 Bridge) will remain until water recedes.

While initial damage reports from the storm system are minimal, Ocean City Public Works employees will be working through the next two weeks to restore areas of the city back to normal. Public Works employees will first focus on restoring the Inlet Lot, clearing the Boardwalk of significant amounts of sand and snow, ensuring that all roadways are passable and restoring the beach back to its normal state. The Inlet Parking Lot remains closed to the public until further notice. Citizens are encouraged to avoid areas of the Boardwalk, beach and Inlet Lot where Public Works crews are working.

The Town of Ocean City would like to thank residents, our local and state partners, businesses and visitors for staying informed and being prepared, before, during and after the storm. Due to the preparedness of the citizens and the hard work of employees and our allied agencies, the Ocean City community experienced zero storm related injuries and minimal city-wide damage.

Thank you for following our City Wide Emergency Alerts. This is the last Emergency Alert and news updated regarding Winter Storm Jonas. Additional information regarding cleanup will be posted on social media sites if needed, however; the town is optimistic that Ocean City will be open for business, as usual, before the weekend!

Game Day Favorites: Wings, wings and more wings

Since just about everyone loves wings, I couldn't decide which one recipe to post for today. Why select just one when there are 15 to choose from!  Here are 15 different recipes on how to make wings!  Enjoy!!
Click HERE

Snow Emergency Lifted In City Of Salisbury

Salisbury -- The Snow Emergency which has been in place since 6:00 p.m. yesterday, 1/23/2016 is officially canceled. Motorists are urged to continue to exercise caution as temperatures come up and streets begin to clear.

City Of Salisbury Council Meeting Agenda & Packet - Monday, January 25, 2016

40 inches of snow and counting......

Click the title of this post if video fails to display

Wicomico County Schools Closing Early Today 1-22-16

Fri Jan 22nd, Schools will be closing 2 hours early. There will be no after-school activities.

Delmar & Wicomico County School Districts Closed Today 1-21-16


Another viewer says: Happening now...Sheriff and State Police cars with sirens and lights going into Stephen Decatur H/S.

Students are being evacuated to the Middle School.

Please be aware that this morning, Stephen Decatur High School received a telephone call to the main office indicating that there was a bomb in the building. In accordance with our protocol, law enforcement was immediately notified, and all students and staff have been safely evacuated from the building.

We are working in partnership with the Worcester County's Sheriff's Office to evaluate the safety and security of the building while ensuring all our students and staff are safe. As additional information is made available, we will provide updates.

Question Of The Day 1-23-16

What Is The First Thing That Comes To Mind When You See This?

A Message From Sheriff Michael A. Lewis

In the past seven days, Delmarva schools have experienced computer-generated bomb threats, also known as robo-calls. Some of these threats were made in Western Maryland as well. Today, Wicomico and Worcester Counties received similar threats along with Sussex County, Delaware, New Jersey, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Deputies and a certified bomb dog thoroughly searched Salisbury Middle School with negative results for any explosive device.

Like last week, I have met with and remain in constant communication with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in an effort to maintain a collaborative response to these threats. Today, I learned from the Baltimore Field Office of the FBI that they have now formed a Bomb Threat Task Force that will continue to work with local law enforcement in an effort to track down those responsible for these threats. The FBI will assume primary investigative responsibility for these cases. We in Wicomico County will continue to work closely with our federal partners to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and faculty members, while being mindful of our duty and responsibility to investigate these threats on a case by case basis. Decisions to evacuate our schools are not taken lightly. After much thought and careful consideration of the facts in each case, a joint decision will be made by the Sheriff’s Office and the Board of Education to shelter in place or evacuate the school.

It’s so easy to second-guess our collective decision regarding school evacuations when you aren’t privy to preliminary information. For investigative purpose, we cannot disclose all information learned during each of these cases. However, this information does assist us in making an informed decision as to “shelter in place or evacuate” a school. The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office will remain in Wicomico County Schools and work collaboratively with the FBI to carefully evaluate all relevant information.


The purpose of this post is not to be argumentative. Rather, it is to obtain the views and opinions of our readers. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers.

Here are the undisputed facts: on January 20, 2016, a criminal jury trial occurred in the Circuit Court for Wicomico County (Case no.: 22-K-15-0603). The Defendant is a 42 year old, single, white male. 

At the time of the incident, he was struggling with some issues, including homelessness. At the time of the trial, he was doing better in many ways and was working a full-time job in construction. His criminal record, over the course of the last 20 years, includes prior convictions for theft. He has never been convicted of a felony or any crime of violence.

On June 27, 2015, the Defendant walked into Giant and took 5 steaks and a 30-pack of Coors Light (Total value, according to Giant, was $107). The Defendant is spotted walking out of Giant by Giant employees. The Salisbury Police are called. The Defendant leaves the food and beer outside the door and runs. He is quickly spotted by the two police officers, and a foot chase ensues. As Defendant is running, he takes off his shirt, shoes and hat and leaves them on the ground. The Defendant is caught near the railroad tracks behind Giant. He is tackled to the ground by one officer. The second officer arrives shortly thereafter and punches the Defendant in the head. The officers claim that the Defendant did not allow himself to be handcuffed, and the punch to the head was unintentional. The Defendant claims he was punched in the head immediately and viciously and for no clear reason.

The Defendant is charged with 6 crimes: 1) Obstructing and Hindering; Disorderly Conduct: 2) Failure to Obey a Lawful Order; 3) Disturbing the Peace; 4) Resisting Arrest; 5) Littering; and 6) Theft (Misdemeanor; under $1000).

At trial, the State does not prosecute ("nol pros") counts 1 (Obstructing), Count 3 (Disturbing the Peace) and Count 5 (Littering). Count 2 (Failure to Obey) is dismissed by the Court at the conclusion of the State's case. The jury finds the Defendant not guilty of Count 4, Resisting Arrest. The jury finds the Defendant guilty of Theft.

The Court then proceeds to sentencing. The Defendant is sentenced to 5 years in the Department of Corrections (prison). All prison time is active; there is no suspended sentence or probation.

Based on the facts above, is the sentence fair? Should a man, under the circumstances, be sent to prison for 5 years for this crime? Should it be more? Should it be less? What are the alternatives? As noted above, there are no "right" answers. 

When I studied this case I thought, wow, 5 years for $107.00, that's amazing. In my experience I have witnessed many honorable judges deliver a harsh sentence but it is usually followed by 5 years but reduced to 2 years. This means the person is expected to serve the 2 years but IF they get into trouble again during their probation the balance of the 5 years kicks in and is added to the new sentence. 

Nevertheless, we're interested in your thoughts. 

Why Is The Main Stream Media Keeping School Bomb Threats Regional?

Last week and today we reported multiple school bomb threats in Maryland and Delaware. However, we quickly learned of additional bomb threats in other states across the country. So far SBYNews has reported threats in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Massachusetts and California. 

Do you think something is fishy?

Why is it taking this Blog to expose the truth. The MSM has networks around the world who could feed you this information in no time. 

You mean to tell me someone just hasn't figured this out yet? Something stinks!

A Concerned Citizen Writes...

I figured out how to send the screen shot of the Vice President of Fruitland little league, Fruitland park and Rec council member and county employee what a sicko. My concern is does he have an alternative motive to be around children? I don't think so but he should not be posting such inappropriate comments and tagging a place children go and can see. He should be asked to step down, we tried to stand up to FLL once before about this and we were removed from the board. I hope this can remain anonymous but at the same time let concerned parents know what the FLL tolerates without reprimanding their board member thanks for all you do for the community.

Stacey Dash: ‘There Shouldn’t Be a Black History Month’

Actress and Fox News contributor Stacey Dash skyrocketed to the No. 1 trending topic in the U.S. on Twitter Wednesday after she called for eliminating Black History Month.

Appearing on “Fox & Friends,” the “Clueless” actress, who is black, said it’s “ludicrous” that celebrities like Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith are boycotting this year’s Oscars ceremony over the nominees’ lack of diversity.

“We have to make up our minds,” she said. “Either we want to have segregation or integration, and if we don’t want segregation, then we have to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the Image Awards, where you’re only awarded if you’re black.”

“If it were the other way around, we would be up in arms. It’s a double standard,” she added. “There shouldn’t be a Black History Month. We’re Americans, period.”

Co-host Steve Doocey asked her to clarify her position: “Are you saying there shouldn’t be a Black History Month because there isn’t a White History Month?” he asked.

“Exactly,” Ms. Dash said.

More here

Whoopi Goldberg: I'll move if Donald Trump is elected

Whoopi Goldberg is planning to move out of the country should Donald Trump be elected president.

"The View" cohost announced on Wednesday's show that while she didn't know where she would go, a Trump presidency signals "it's time" for her to move.

“I’ve always been an American, and this has always been my country, and we’ve always been able to have discussions,” she said. “And suddenly now it’s turning into, you know, ‘not them, not them.’ And you know, we have a lot of friends whose parents saw this already. They don’t want to relive this. They don’t want to relive this. So I need all the candidates to get it together. Get back to American values.”



If video fails to load for you click on the title of this post

The video you are about to see is just about the scariest example of what NOT to do during a bomb threat evacuation.

Once the students had gathered in groups outside the school, "a teacher yelled, drop everything and run". 

I have to tell you, these children were scared for their lives and this is not funny.

It's no wonder so many Parents have had it and are not sending their kids back to school. 

And Sheriff Mike Lewis wants to turn decision making on emergency situations up to Superintendent John Fredericksen? 

Yeah, Salisbury News and that Joe Albero is a bad guy, I don't think so. You are NOT seeing this anywhere else. The video was taken by a student at Parkside and every single parent needs to look at this and challenge the BOE. 

If it wasn't for Salisbury News, only a hand full of people would know the Board of Education is nowhere near trained enough to handle emergency situations. 

This is why I have strongly urged our Legislators to please create a state wide protocol or at least encourage the state wide Boards of Education to start training these teachers in proper procedures.

Jada Pinkett Smith, Spike Lee boycott Oscars

Two big-name celebrities have come forward to lead an #OscarsSoWhite boycott.

Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee have announced that they will not attend the Oscars this year after the Academy snubbed actors of colors in its nominations.

Smith, whose husband, Will Smith, did not receive a nomination for his critically acclaimed role in "Concussion," posted on Facebook that she will not "allow" people of color to be ignored anymore.

"At the Oscars...people of color are always welcomed to give out awards...even entertain, but we are rarely recognized for our artistic accomplishments," she wrote. "Should people of color refrain from participating all together? People can only treat us in the way in which we allow."


Today's Survey Question 1-20-16

Do You Think Smoking Pot and Driving 

Should Be Criminal Offense?

Snow In Salisbury

It just started snowing in West O.C. as well.

Dan Didn't Say It Was Going To Be Like This.

We'll keep updating you on snow conditions.

Send us your pictures if you like. 


Were told the roads are covered in Gumboro.