The budget takes effect on July 1, 2012, the start of the new fiscal year for Salisbury. The real property tax rate will remain at 81.9 cents per $100 of assessed value.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Salisbury City Council’s Amended Budget Becomes Law
The budget takes effect on July 1, 2012, the start of the new fiscal year for Salisbury. The real property tax rate will remain at 81.9 cents per $100 of assessed value.
County Council Faces Taxpayers Over Budget
Nevertheless, we're told a post card was sent to all the parents from Superintendent Fredericksen asking they show up. No doubt, because we only learned of the BOE's interest in a Post they put up later in the day yesterday.
I took several pictures, spoke to several people and left. Some stories were interesting but most were the same. The Board of Ed wants more money and the citizens that were there seemed to be absolutely clueless towards the fact that, guess what, there is NO money.
Picture in your head your 16 year old kid coming to you for money and you don't have it. They get louder and louder, give you every excuse as to why they must have it but your pocket is empty. You reach into your pockets and pull them out like elephant ears and there's nothing there. They see there's nothing there but they keep right on going with why they have to have it. Are you getting my drift?
It kind of sucks running for Office because I think you all know what I'd LIKE to be saying here.
A Comment I Thought Should Be A Post
Robert F. Kennedy Assassination
The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, a United States Senator and brother of assassinated President John F. Kennedy, took place shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968. He was killed following celebrations of his successful campaign in the Californian primary elections while seeking the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. The perpetrator was a twenty-four year old Palestinian immigrant named Sirhan Sirhan, who remains incarcerated for this crime as of 2008. The number of reporters near the scene meant that the shooting was recorded on audio and the aftermath was captured on film, with the subject dominating news coverage over the following week.
Kennedy's body lay in repose at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York for two days before a funeral mass was held on June 8. His body was interred near his brother John at Arlington National Cemetery. His death prompted the protection of presidential candidates by the United States Secret Service. Hubert Humphrey went on to win the Democratic nomination for the presidency, but ultimately lost the election to Richard Nixon.
As with his brother's death, Robert Kennedy's assassination and the circumstances surrounding it have spawned a variety of conspiracy theories, particularly in relation to the existence of a supposed second gunman.
Fitness Trainer Describes Gaining 70 Pounds in Order to Empathize With His Clients
Last year, Manning, 30, went from 193 pounds to 263 pounds — on purpose. He wanted to empathize with his clients when it came to losing much needed weight. Although he is now back to his original size, he and his wife recently appeared on Good Morning America where they discussed how Manning’s extreme experiment in empathy was more than just a physical change.
Drew and Lynn said one of the biggest surprises was the effect the 70-pound weight gain, which only took six months, had on their marriage.
“I was shocked because I thought this was all going to be a physical transformation,” Lynn said on Good Morning America. “It was hard. It was really hard on our marriage to see that happen.”
Are You Addicted to Facebook?
Norwegian researcher Cecilie Schou Andreassen says some people who frequently use the social networking website can show the same signs of addiction associated with gambling.
The symptoms can be diagnosed by answering six basic questions:
$36.2 Mil To Study Minority Housing Counseling
JW launched a probe to uncover how much taxpayer money is being spent on research that, incredibly, always concludes housing counseling is a positive and valuable thing for low-income populations and minorities. The Obama Administration has poured tens of millions of dollars into the coffers of leftwing community groups that help minorities seeking a good home or struggling to keep one on the verge of foreclosure. In fact, in last few months alone, the nonprofits have received $42 million.
Among them are hundreds of national, regional and local organizations like the powerful open borders group with close ties to the president, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR). Earlier this year the NCLR, whose federal funding has skyrocketed since one of its top officials got a job on the Obama White House, got nearly $2 million to help combat predatory lending, train poor Latinos about financial literacy and help them become homeowners.
Spanish Abortion Doctor Must Pay Child Support For Failing to Kill Unborn Child
The procedure went well according to the surgeon, who even had the patient come back for a follow-up ultra-sound two weeks later and confirmed the “success” of the surgery.
Only one problem: the patient felt pregnancy symptoms 3 month later and was quite surprised to hear from her OBGYN that she was 5 months pregnant.
ExxonMobil Shareholders Vote No on Same-Sex Couple Benefits in USA
“Benefit coverage for spouses is based on legally recognized spousal relationships in the individual countries where we operate,” said Kimberly Brasington, a media relations adviser for ExxonMobil.
“In the United States, we have adopted the definition of spouse used in federal law," said Brasington. "Employees in countries where national law recognizes same-sex relationships receive spousal benefits under ExxonMobil programs.”
Disney's New Diet For Dids: No More Junk Food Ads
The Walt Disney Co. on Tuesday became the first major media company to ban ads for junk food on its television channels, radio stations and websites, hoping to stop kids from eating badly by taking the temptation away.
First Lady Michelle Obama called it a "game changer" that is sure to send a message to the rest of the children's entertainment industry.
With Hitler's armies in control of most of mainland Europe, the Allies knew that a successful invasion of the continent was central to winning the war. Hitler knew this too, and was expecting an assault on northwestern Europe in the spring of 1944. He hoped to repel the Allies from the coast with a strong counterattack that would delay future invasion attempts, giving him time to throw the majority of his forces into defeating theSoviet Union in the east. Once that was accomplished, he believed an all-out victory would soon be his.
On the morning of June 5, 1944, U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe gave the go-ahead for Operation Overlord, the largest amphibious military operation in history. On his orders, 6,000 landing craft, ships and other vessels carrying 176,000 troops began to leave England for the trip to France. That night, 822 aircraft filled with parachutists headed for drop zones in Normandy. An additional 13,000 aircraft were mobilized to provide air cover and support for the invasion.
Why Last Night Was A Total Set Up By The Board of Ed
You know the $2,000,000.00 the Board of Education was demanding last night, Fredericksen KNEW for a fact no matter what was said and done the County Executive NOR the County Council could legally fund that $2,000,000.00 no matter what!
That's right, Fredericksen knew about it the whole time. So while they were sending out Post Cards and calling people to attend the meeting, by law it couldn't be done at all. Fredericksen and Dave White asked for the funding AFTER the Budget had already been proposed, SO IT CANNOT LEGALLY BE DONE.
Kind of makes many of you feel kind of foolish now, doesn't it? Between the crying, pleading and theatrics, it was all for nothing. Did you read about that in the Daily Times? Heck, the Daily Times not only didn't know today was D-Day, (when called) the assistant editor said she didn't even know what D-Day was!
Its no wonder Salisbury News keeps growing and the DT's keeps failing. When you refuse to publish something like D-Day, when the BOE fails to educate students about important American History, IMHO, this Country continues to fail. When it's more important to push a lie encouraging others to stand up for something that was impossible, we fail as a Country. Thanks Daily Times and John Fredericksen, you continue to amaze me, that's for sure.
Popular Senior Denied Diploma Because of Too Much Cheering
But for the second leading tackler of the Mt. Healthy Fighting Owls, cheering has earned Anthony Cornist a penalty he doesn't think he deserves.
"It's crazy how somebody can do that to you," he said from his family's living room Monday.
When Anthony walked across the stage at his high school graduation, his family made some noise.
The School response HERE
Syria's Insurrection Is Not America's War
Exactly what these vital interests are is left unexplained.
For 40 years, we have lived with a Damascus regime led by either Bashar Assad or his father, Hafez Assad. Were our "vital interests" in peril all four decades?
In 1991, George H.W. Bush recruited the elder Assad into his Desert Storm coalition that liberated Kuwait. Damascus sent 4,000 troops. In gratitude, we hosted a Madrid Conference to advance a land-for-peace deal between Assad and Israel.
It failed, but it could have meant a return of the Golan Heights to Assad and Syria's return to the eastern bank of the Sea of Galilee.
We could live with that, but cannot live with Bashar?
Comes the reply: The reason is the Houla massacre, where more than 100 Syrians were slaughtered, mostly women and children, the most horrid atrocity in a 15-month war that has taken 10,000 lives.
Publicly-Funded Oakland School Sends Kids Panhandling To Raise Cash
But that’s not the problem here. In Oakland, those kids are raising money for Saint Andrew Private School, a publicly-funded school that often sends students out to raise money by panhandling in dangerous areas, even after nightfall. Said one student, “It’s called interpersonal communications class.” The pastor, Robert Lacy, would apparently drive the kids around in a broke-down white van with no seatbelts, and then drop them off to raise funds.
Immoral Beyond Redemption
Suppose I saw an elderly woman painfully huddled on a heating grate in the dead of winter. She's hungry and in need of shelter and medical attention. To help the woman, I walk up to you using intimidation and threats and demand that you give me $200. Having taken your money, I then purchase food, shelter and medical assistance for the woman. Would I be guilty of a crime? A moral person would answer in the affirmative. I've committed theft by taking the property of one person to give to another.
U.S. Author Threatened With Decapitation
Spencer said the threats issued via the social networking site Twitter are part of the increasing pressure by Muslims to impose Islamic law – which bans criticism of Muhammad – on the free world.
Spencer, director of, told WND: “This is an increasing tactic on the left, as well as by Muslims. They don’t seem to have any attachment to the principle of freedom of speech.”
“There is no more important work in our country today than the work of first responders. For the last 10 years, together, we have been pursuing – first in Baltimore, then in the State as a whole – 12 Core Capacities to improve homeland security,” said Governor O’Malley. “The first in those 12 Capacities is having an interoperable communications system that works every day to connect the men and women on the front lines. Today has been a long time coming, and it’s a significant step forward for connecting all of Maryland’s first responders to enable them to share information and help us create a more resilient Maryland.”
“Maryland FiRST” will provide statewide interoperable communications to connect Maryland’s first responders on one secure radio system. Today, the ceremonial first call on the new radio system made by Governor O’Malley connected Maryland State Police at the JFK Highway Barrack in Cecil County, Maryland State Police Headquarters in Pikesville, the Maryland Transportation Authority Police at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and the Kent County Emergency Communications Center on the Eastern Shore of Maryland on one digital and secure radio system.
“This new statewide radio system will allow all of Maryland’s public safety agencies to communicate more efficiently on the same system, which will ultimately enhance our mission of homeland security,” said Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police. “This new technology which makes instantaneous radio connectivity possible will provide emergency responders with even more tools to improve our state’s emergency preparedness.”
This first phase of Maryland FiRST will be fully operational by the end of 2012. The connection will cover central Maryland and Kent County, and key infrastructure patrolled by the Maryland Transportation Authority Police which includes: the I-95 corridor, BWI Airport, Port of Baltimore, the Inter County Connector (ICC), the Key Bridge, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, the Harry Nice Bridge and both tunnels under the Baltimore harbor. The next phase will build-out the system on the Eastern Shore and be completed by the end of 2013. The entire Maryland FiRST system is anticipated to be complete by 2016.
Mark Moon, executive vice president of Sales and Field Operations, Motorola Solutions, Inc. added: “Helping our federal, state and local government customers achieve maximum interoperability is a high priority for Motorola Solutions. We are pleased to work with the state of Maryland to establish Maryland FiRST and create a fully digital and secure radio system that enables police and first responders to react quickly and effectively in emergencies. First responders will rely on Maryland FiRST to complete their missions, and Motorola is committed to providing the dependable communications they need.”
LA High School Brings Planned Parenthood to Campus
The Los Angeles Unified School District and controversial abortion and contraception provider Planned Parenthood are teaming up for a special program at Roosevelt High School.
Single motherhood rates among teens are down in Los Angeles County for the last several years; for teenagers 15-19, there were 29 births per thousand, vs. 37 per thousand in 2005. But at Roosevelt High School, located in a low-income, heavily Latino area, single motherhood is still out of control.
So the school will now host Planned Parenthood on campus. Students do not need parental permission to receive either an abortion or contraceptive care in California. Planned Parenthood provides free contraceptive care, including a patch, a ring, pills, or a shot. “We don’t really experience the traditional narrative of angry parents not wanting access to reproductive care in the schools,” explained Planned Parenthood’s LA executive director, Sue Dunlap. “It’s really the opposite.”
Survey: 1 In 5 Pees In The Pool
Lesbian Files Bias Claim Against Md. Girls Home
Sarah Rutledge contends her supervisor at San Mar Children's Home in Boonsboro told her not to mention her wife at work. She claims the directive was part of a written improvement plan after Rutledge was put on probation in September.
San Mar President Bruce Anderson denied on Monday that any illegal discrimination occurred
While Defending Enhanced Interrogation, Former CIA Chief Hayden Beat Up A Subordinate In Front Of Obama
During the transition period from the Bush to Obama administrations, former CIA director Michael Hayden wanted to defend the CIA's practice of 'enhanced interrogation,' what critics call 'torture.' Obama had been harshly critical of the practice during his campaign.
Hayden got that chance in December of 2008, at a meeting with Obama and his top security advisors at their Chicago office.
From the book:
Hayden had prepared assiduously , showing up with charts and slides. But his most unusual prop was David Shedd, the deputy DNI for policy, plans, and requirements. Not long into his presentation., Hayden called Shedd over. Suddenly, unexpectedly, Hayden slapped Shedd's face. Then he grabbed him by the lapels and started to shake him. He'd wanted to throw him up against the wall during this demonstration, but there were chairs in the way. Instead he explained to Obama and his aides about the interrogation technique known as "walling," in which detainees were thrown against a flexible artificial wall that made a loud noise on impact but cause little physical pain.
Hayden went on to explain that the only other three techniques still used then were playing loud music, keeping lights on all day and sleep deprivation. He didn't mention that sleep deprivation was accomplished by hanging prisoners from ceiling hooks.
Get Your Free Obama Phone Now
Liberal Talk Show Host: National Anthem Is an ‘Abomination’
This time, Press’s target is nothing less than the United States national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner,” which Press dislikes for several reasons, according to this clip from his show:
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release 6-6-12
· 1,207 Grams of Marijuana
· 61 Grams of Powder MDMA
· 16 Tablets of Ecstasy / MDMA
· Various items of paraphernalia to include a commercial heat sealer and scale
· $1,075.00 in U.S. Currency
Mr. Huynh was transported to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and charged with the following offenses:
1. Possession of Marijuana
2. Possession with intent to distribute Marijuana
3. Possession with intent to distribute Marijuana (School Zone)
4. Possession of powder MDMA
5. Possession with intent to distribute powder MDMA
6. Possession with intent to distribute powder MDMA (School Zone)
7. Possession of Ecstasy / MDMA
8. Possession with intent to distribute Ecstasy / MDMA
9. Possession with intent to distribute Ecstasy / MDMA (School Zone)
10. Possession of Paraphernalia
Mr. Huynh was subsequently transported to the District Court Commissioner for initial appearance where he was committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $25,000.00 bond. The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team was assisted by the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office, Pocomoke Police Department, Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force, Eastern Shore Virginia Drug Task Force, and Drug Enforcement Administration during the execution of this search and seizure warrant.
Pledge Allegiance to U.S., or U.N.?
What would America be like to be under a global government? What about human rights, and would the U.S. be demonized to set an example? Who sets standards for the environment, finance and education, and who can be delegated to make decisions? And does the concept of a nation-state still exist and still matter?
Those issue will be on the agenda at the American Freedom Alliance’s invitation-only Global Governance vs. National Sovereignty conference.
It will be held June 10-11 at the Intercontinental Century City Hotel in Los Angeles. Registration details are online.
Remembering D-Day June 6, 1944
War Is America's New Economic Stimulus Policy
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Yes, I’m mad as hell again. I just read some bad news that should make every American mad as hell. In fact, two bad news items.
First, as a U.S. Marine vet, I got angry reading that there have been more military suicides than war deaths the past decade. Yes, more Iraq and Afghan war vets have killed themselves than were killed by America’s enemies in combat. And more are expected as we had more than two million serve in the two wars.
Second, if the economic, psychological, political and moral consequences of the past two wars aren’t bad enough, many politicians and candidates — some of whom never served in the armed forces — are proposing that the full Congress pass the Ryan budget and force Pentagon generals to spend billions more than they requested.
This is insane. More taxpayer money for the Pentagon war machine? Why? We’re winding down two wars. We’re dealing with the tragedy of vet suicides. These same politicians whining about the debt and taxes. So why do they want to increase Pentagon spending? Do we love war that much? Are they planning to start a new war? Let’s analyze this contradiction.
Yes, an epidemic: military suicides now exceed war deaths
Wasting Money In Wicomico
As always,
Anonymous county employee
OMB Directs Agencies to Use Evidence-Based Budgeting
That means agencies will have to show a return on the investment on their programs, with more successful programs being more likely to receive funding.
In a memo last month, OMB Acting Director Jeff Zeints directed agencies to use evidence and "rigorous evaluation" in submitting their 2014 budgets.
"We're not being ideological. We're not saying we should do X or Y just because that's the way we've always done it. We're asking the question, What works and what doesn't?" said Robert Gordon, OMB executive associate director, in an interview with The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp.
Elderly Woman Faces Eviction From Apartment For American Flags On Balcony
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What The Color Of Your Front Door Says About You
See the full article
Report: Insurance Claims Systems Adjusted To Lowball Payouts
A former insurance company executive has authored a report for the Consumer Federation of America detailing how easy it is for the country's largest insurers to tweak their computerized claims system in order to issue payments to injured policyholders that are less than what they should receive.
Get Ready For Ultra High-Definition (4K) TVs
See the full article
― Friedrich Nietzsche
“I once saw a snake having sex with a vulture, and I thought, It’s just business as usual in Washington DC. ”
― Jarod Kintz, The Days of Yay are Here! Wake Me Up When They’re Over.
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts… perhaps the fear of a loss of power.”
― John Steinbeck
“No matter how corrupt, greedy, and heartless our government, our corporations, our media, and our religious & charitable institutions may become, the music will still be wonderful.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country
“It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.”
― Mark Twain
“Do you know we are being led to
Slaughters by placid admirals
& that fat slow generals are getting
Obscene on young blood
Do you know we are ruled by t.v.
― Jim Morrison, An American Prayer
“When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads.”
― Ron Paul
Did I Miss Something?
US Ends Funding for Pakistan's 'Sesame Street'
The organization in question is the Rafi Peer Theater Workshop, a group based in the city of Lahore that jointly developed the show with Sesame Workshop, the creator of the American series.
The show, which includes Elmo and a host of new Pakistani characters, first aired at the end of last year and was supposed to run for at least three seasons. The U.S. hoped it would improve education in a country where one-third of primary school-age children are not in class. It was also meant to increase tolerance at a time when the influence of radical views is growing.
The Face Of Corporatist Hypocrisy
Now, as a guy who is living in a taxpayer-funded villa after his bank-insurance-derivatives-hedge fund-ponzi company blew up, we know Benmosche is a hypocrite. In my view, management should be held personally liable a long time before taxpayers. That’s right, I believe in personal responsibility and that means no hiding behind limited liability and bailouts, no matter how “systemically important” you claim to be.
But let’s set aside disgust at government for first setting up this scenario via Gramm-Leach-Bliley, and then in 2008 throwing money at hypocritical grifters like Benmosche.
Is he wrong about social security and medical services?
Spending costs money. You can spend as much as you like so long as you have the revenues to do so. But the US government is failing to fund its current spending, let alone the $61.6 trillion (that’s a low-end estimate — the high end estimate is $127.5 trillion or 737% of GDP) of future liabilities for social security that the US government is mandated by law to spend.
If You Have Children, Pay Close Attention To This Brochure
Click on the image above to enlarge it. Then think about it. $20.00 Per Week, including breakfast and lunch per child for three weeks is absolutely unheard of. Let your child learn to play piano or another instrument. Let your child learn how to dance or paint.
The Center for Performing Arts of Salisbury is a non profit group that needs your support. If your a business, please consider making a donation to this incredible organization. They are new but their hearts are full of love and wisdom for children.
Tracy Parks
I am reaching out to the community to ask for donations to help a local Delmar family. Tracy Parks, a 1990 Delmar High School graduate and Mother of 10 year old twins that attend Delmar Elementary passed away in her sleep Monday morning. In addition to her twins, she is survived by her Mother, Dori Parks. Tracy worked at Boscov’s in Salisbury for over 20 years. An account has been opened at the Bank of Delmarva to help with burial expenses. Donations can be made at any branch with checks made payable to Tracy Parks Memorial Fund. Or you can mail your donation to The Bank of Delmarva at 2727 N. Salisbury Blvd Salisbury, Md. 21801
Any support is greatly appreciated by the family.
Thanks so much for all your help,
Stray Dog
Statement From Governor Martin O’Malley On PAYCHECK FAIRNESS ACT
“It’s unfortunate that some members of the U.S. Senate have chosen politics over our people – preventing America from moving forward, growing jobs, opportunity, and hope for a prosperous future.
“Over the last few decades, women’s contribution to family finances has become increasingly important. In Maryland, women contribute nearly half to the family’s income. Yet at the same time, women make 14.6 percent less than a man performing the same job – a statistic that reflects a similar disparity in many states across the nation. It’s unfair and contrary to the foundations of our country that these members would block legislation that would give workers stronger tools to combat wage discrimination, prevent retaliation for discussing salary information, and help ensure more adequate compensation for victims of gender-based pay discrimination.
“I applaud Senator Barbara Mikulski for reintroducing the Paycheck Fairness Act. I commend the leaders in Congress who actually want to move America forward, protect our people, and make investments in our future.”
Six-Figure Income Qualifies For Housing Aid
The plan calls for developers to set aside 20 percent of new residences in the area for households that make between 50 percent and 120 percent of the area median income — $107,500 for a family of four, according to the 2011-12 figures from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The bulk of that 20 percent would be distributed to those making about $70,000 to $120,000 per year, per county guidelines.
For complying with the county’s affordable housing guidelines, developers can build 20 percent more units.
Maryland Young Republicans Chairman's Statement On Pay Inequity In Senator Ben Cardin's Office
"Senator Ben Cardin wants to politicize the issue of pay equity through his support of the Paycheck Fairness Act. Unfortunately, Senator Cardin has taken no steps to address paycheck fairness within his own office.
"An analysis conducted by the Washington Free Beacon shows that Senator Cardin pays male staffers in his office 31.5% more in salary than female staffers. Publicly available salary data corroborates the inequality in pay for female staffers in Senator Cardin's employ. While Senator Cardin wants to dictate the salaries of individuals based on gender in the public sector, Senator Ben Cardin is allowing blatant and obvious paycheck inequitiy towards women who in his employ.
"I hope all Marylanders will join me in urging Ben Cardin to put an end to the discrimination and paycheck inequities occurring within his office."
The Maryland Young Republicans are the leading organization of Republican youth in the Old Line State. We are Maryland's officially chartered affiliate of the Young Republican National Federation. But we are so much more than that. Our clubs consist of active members of our communities. They are members of local central committees, active in community leadership, and running campaigns for office across Maryland.
Californians Get Ready To Vote On Proposed $1-Per-Pack Cigarette Tax Increase
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The Fruitland Police Department has been named as a runner-up in its category for a prestigious Maryland Law Enforcement Challenge Award. Co-sponsored by the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association, the Maryland Sheriff’s Association and the Maryland Highway Safety Office, the Maryland Law Enforcement Challenge promotes competition among Maryland police agencies, while recognizing and honoring those that excel in traffic safety enforcement.
Maryland Chiefs of Police Association President, Chief William J. McMahon, stated “I want to congratulate the officers of the Fruitland Police Department for their commitment to the Maryland Law Enforcement Challenge. Competition for these awards is very tight every year, and the efforts of the department have been a key to preventing crashes and the resulting injuries and deaths on our roadways.”
The Maryland Law Enforcement Challenge is a competition between similar sized and types of law enforcement agencies. This award recognizes and rewards the best overall traffic enforcement programs in the State of Maryland. The areas of concentration include efforts to enforce laws and educate the public about occupant protection, impaired driving prevention, and speeding enforcement. Agencies submit an application which documents their efforts and effectiveness in these areas. The winning safety programs are those that combine officer training, public information and enforcement to reduce crashes and injuries within its jurisdiction.
“Enforcing Maryland’s traffic laws is a top priority of this agency,” stated Chief Phillips. “Receiving recognition for involvement in the Maryland Law Enforcement Challenge is just a small step in thanking the men and women who are out there every day, saving lives and making a difference in our community.”
A panel of traffic safety experts reviews each application and assign points based on the program’s criteria. After judging, the scores are averaged and a final score assigned. After all of the applications are scored, the agencies are ranked in their categories. All judges are members of the law enforcement or public safety community, and have demonstrated advance knowledge of highway safety initiatives.
Md. Casinos Generate More Than $14 Million in May
The Lottery said Monday that the Hollywood Casino Perryville generated about $10.1 million, and the Casino at Ocean Downs generated about $4.5 million.
Gross gaming machine revenue per machine per day was $217.05 for Hollywood Casino and $179.87 for Ocean Downs.
In Lightbulb Lab, LEDs Have Been On 8,000 Hours And Counting
See the full article
U.S. Ranks 131st In The World In Preventing Premature Births
Each year, 12 percent of American babies, or nearly half a million infants, enter the world too soon. That gives us a premature birth rate on par with that of Somalia, Thailand, and Turkey, and behind 130 other countries.
Recall Protester Threatens Kleefisch, Hopes Colon Cancer Kills Her
Video HERE
Ron Paul's GOP Battle Reveals Some Truths About Political Parties
The many ways in which the old guard of the Republican party has repeatedly sought to disenfranchise Ron Paul voters and delegates are too numerous to count. Some cases have been noted by Doug Wead and by others with anti-Paul strategies ranging from smearing Paul supporters with carefully edited videos to having Paul supporters arrested for no reason.
People unfamiliar with how parties have functioned historically, may be shocked by such things, but these actions are really just more of the same from the GOP and from American political parties in general.
This year’s efforts to simply destroy anyone the party leadership dislikes are hardly the first instances of occasions on which an American political party has taken steps to nullify or ignore primary and caucus results that it did not like. For example, in 2010, Dan Maes, a businessman who ran for governor in Colorado against former Congressman Scott McInnis, was abandoned by the GOP after receiving the nomination. McInnis was heavily favored as the moderate, establishment candidate while Maes was regarded as an upstart from the populist and conservative wing of the party. Near the end of the primary campaign, however, McInnis was accused of taking money from an employer for written work he allegedly stole from someone else.
Getting Kids Out Of The House Just Got Easier: Summer Jobs For Teens Hit 6-Year High
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Whatever Happened to Justice? Supreme Court OKs Police Tasering Pregnant Women
Malaika Brooks, 33 years old and seven months pregnant, was driving her 11-year-old son to school on a November morning in 2004, when she was pulled over for driving 32 mph in a 20 mph school zone. Instructing her son to walk the rest of the way to school, Malaika handed over her driver’s license to Officer Juan Ornelas for processing. However, when instructed to sign the speeding ticket – which the state inexplicably requires, Malaika declared that she wished to contest the charge, insisting that she had not done anything wrong and fearing that signing the ticket would signify an admission of guilt.
What happened next is a cautionary tale for anyone who still thinks that they can defy a police officer, even if it’s simply to disagree about a speeding ticket. Rather than issuing a verbal warning to the clearly pregnant (and understandably emotional) woman, Officer Ornelas called for backup. Officer Donald Jones subsequently arrived and told Brooks to sign the ticket. Again she refused. The conversation became heated. The cops called in more backup. The next to arrive was Sergeant Steven Daman, who directed Brooks to sign the ticket, pointing out that if she failed to do so, she would be arrested and taken to jail. Again, Malaika refused.
Walker win vaults Wisconsin Governor Into Vice Presidential Discussion
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s ability to fight off a concentrated Democratic recall challenge on Tuesday has instantly thrust him into the picture as a possible vice presidential pick for Mitt Romney, giving the low-key Mr. Walker the edge over rivals such as the more voluble New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
Mr. Walker, like Mr. Christie still in his first term, has substantive advantages over the better-known New Jersey governor, considered by many conservatives as, at bottom, a moderate who “talks conservative.” The recall win caps Mr. Walker’s triumph in actually breaking the union lock on government employees in his state. New Jersey Democrats carp at Mr. Christie for having threatened to do what Mr. Walker has pulled off.
“Gov. Christie confronted unions through YouTube while Gov. Walker fought unions in the battlefield of the ballot box and prevailed,” said Oregon Republican National Committee member Solomon Yue.
This Is Why You Should Photograph Your Rental Car
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Al-Qaida Loses Its Best Asset
"Abu Yahya was among al-Qaida's most experienced and versatile leaders - operational trainer and Central Shura head - and played a critical role in the group's planning against the West, providing oversight of the external operations efforts," a U.S. official tells WTOP.
He was tracked to a village near the town of Mir Ali in North Waziristan, which is where the strike took place. His driver and bodyguard were killed in the strike ... the third in a three-day period in the area.
Biden Spends $1 Million Annually For Weekend Trips
Every Friday, Biden takes a helicopter designated as Marine Two from the vice president’s residence to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland and then hops on Air Force Two to fly back to his home in Delaware. At the end of the weekend, he returns on Air Force Two, usually a Boeing C-32.
During warm weather, Biden regularly returns to Andrews on the airplane on Saturdays to play golf at the Air Force base with President Obama. After the golf game, he flies back to Delaware and returns to Washington on the plane on Sunday evening — all at taxpayer expense.
The cost of flying Air Force Two is $22,000 an hour, so each half-hour trip to or from Delaware costs about $10,000. Each golf game costs taxpayers $20,000. At that rate, the annual cost to taxpayers of Biden’s weekend trips is well over $1 million.
U.S. Marshal and Occupy DC Member Injured in Clash Over Eviction
Despite the injuries and traffic jam caused by squad cars and protesters, no arrests were made.
Surveying the scene unfolding in the 900 block of Maryland Avenue Northeast, Michael Burroughs, a 59-year-old neighbor, said the protest started out peacefully. When he saw a marshal being taken away with a bandaged head, “that’s when all hell broke loose.”
According to Lynzey Donahue, spokeswoman for the U.S. Marshals Service, an officer was injured during a scuffle to remove a human chain and blockade made of crates from the front door of the olive-green row house.
Troopers Investigate Serious Motorcycle Crash
Date of Occurrence: Tuesday June 5, 2012 at approximately 6:50 p.m.
Operator and Vehicle Information:
Operator #1: McKenzie L. Ivory, 16, Harrington, DE
Vehicle #1: 2005 Jeep Liberty
Operator #2: Jason L. Diehl, 26, Harrington, DE
Vehicle #2: Sport motorcycle (unknown make/model)
Harrington, DE-The Delaware State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit is investigating a crash involving a motorcycle and SUV that occurred earlier this evening north of Harrington.
The incident occurred at approximately 6:50 p.m. this evening as McKenzie L. Ivory was operating a 2005 Jeep Liberty westbound on Winkler Road, stopped at the intersection with US13. Ivory proceeded into the intersection after the stop, into the path of a pair of motorcycles heading northbound on US13 in the left lane. One of the motorcycles, operated by Jason L. Diehl, struck the driver’s side of the Jeep ejecting Diehl into the roadway. The other motorcycle was just behind Diehl in the same lane and was able to avoid the crash.
Diehl, who was wearing a helmet, was removed from the scene by EMS and transported to Kent General Hospital in Dover with serious injuries. Ivory, who was properly restrained, was not injured in the crash.
This investigation is on-going and US13 northbound and southbound lanes were closed for three hours as the crash was investigated and cleared.
Investigators Looking For Wanted Sex Offender

Location: Delmar, DE and possibly Willard, MD
Date of Occurrence: February 1, 2012
Suspect and Charges:
George F. Morgan Jr., 31, Delmar, DE (Photo Attached)
White male, 5’03” tall, 145 lbs, blonde hair, and blue eyes
Failure to Re-Register as a Sex Offender
Delmar, DE- The Delaware State Police Sex Offender Apprehension and registration Unit (S.O.A.R) is currently looking for a Delmar sex offender after he failed to re-register his current address.
Investigators have obtained warrants on George F. Morgan Jr., 31, who is a moderate risk Tier 2 sex offender, after they learned that he failed to re-register is home address within three days as he is required to do by law.
George Morgan is described as a white male, 5’03” tall and 145 lbs., blonde hair and brown eyes. Information has been received that Morgan is possibly living in the Willard, MD area.
The Delaware State Police Sex Offender Apprehension and Registration Unit is asking anyone who may know the location of George F. Morgan Jr. to call 9-1-1 or 302-739-5882. Citizens may also provide a tip by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333.
Callers can also submit information via the internet at