My husband and I live on the East side of Wicomico County and we went to the Civic Center to vote yesterday. When we walked up we saw Maryland Delegate Carl Anderton hanging out with the Democrat tent kidding, carrying on and laughing with them the whole time. When we got closer Delegate Anderton called us over and told us we needed to vote for Jim Mathias, Dan O'Hare, Jack Heath and Michele Gregory.
My wife and I are both Republicans and we thought Carl Anderton was as well. What the Hell is Carl Anderton doing with the Democrats and why the Hell is he telling us to vote for Democrats?
I hope you post this to help get the word out that your RINO Delegate is trying to get Republican voters to vote for Democrats. He has got to go.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, November 04, 2018
Human Trafficking Warning Here On The Shore
Savanna Hoffman
October 25 at 2:24 PM
I’m usually very quiet on Facebook but I really feel like I need to post something. I wanted to make a post to warn everyone in my area, especially if you go to Salisbury mall. My friend and I went to the Salisbury mall for lunch today. As we were sitting down eating, we were approached by a young girl asking to sit with us. (Keep in mind the whole cafeteria was empty so she could of sat anywhere else) She sits at our table and tries to make small talk with us. My friend noticed a man standing a couple feet away hiding behind one of the pillars in the cafeteria. As she was talking to us, my friend noticed this man staring at us and sort of signaling this girl things. As soon as this girl sat down, there was a very eerie feeling that came with her. It was one of those unsettling feelings you get when you know something isn’t right. She kept reaching into her bag but would stop when people would notice. She seemed very nervous too because she would keep tugging on her sleeves and her actions were off. We finally tried to get up and leave, but the man approached us quickly and tried to start a new conversation to try and get us to stay. It was one of the most uncomfortable and eerie feelings in my life. I have friends who have heard about human trafficking situations around the Salisbury mall and that thought was in my mind the whole time. Moral of the story, please do not go into places alone. Be careful and be on the lookout of situations like this. It’s a sad world we live in.
Sara Workman
October 24 at 10:01 PM
So I know you’ve all seen someone post something like this before but I’m gonna put out a warning anyway.
Tonight, Travis Alan and I were at Walmart North Salisbury with both of the boys doing some shopping. There weren’t a ton of people in there so it was easy for me to notice the same couple people walking around the store. However, after the second time I noticed two older men walking oddly close to us, I got a bit weirded out. Didn’t think too much of it still but went on alert. At one point near the end of our trip, I split off from Travis with just Evan and took him to look at some Halloween stuff. I felt like someone was walking up behind us kind of close so I instinctually turned around and noticed one of the older men was walking further ahead of his counterpart, oddly close to Evan. When we made eye contact, he turned around and walked back the other way. Okay, now I was creeped. Travis caught up and we checked out. On the way to the door, I got that eery feeling again. Something told me to check and make sure Evan was close by. When I turned my head, I noticed the same man walking ahead of his counterpart yet again, this time much closer to Evan. He immediately jerks his body in the other direction as soon as I turned my head. Then they both walk the other way.
I’ve never honestly been so convinced that someone was actually attempting to kidnap my child. Tonight I absolutely was. Be vigilant. Don’t let them go off ANYWHERE without you. Even to the next aisle. The days of wandering away from your parents to look safely at toys are long gone.
Jessica Kelleher-George
October 23 at 7:42 PM
Ladies Please Please PLEASE be aware of your surroundings. Today I had gone to Walmart in middletown de around noon after being there for about 25 minutes I was out in home and garden lookin at Christmas decorations and noticed a man following me he had nothing in his hand nor did he have a shopping cart. For the next 10 minutes every time I turned he was there. I I had gone back in to the store to look at the indoor decorations and again he’s there. Finally the last draw was him walking closely behind me and as I slowed down to look at heaters he popped into the isle. I started walking away and he again was right behind me so I pulled my phone out immediately and he walked away very quickly. So after thinking all these stories were just a bunch of bs I now know THEY ARE NOT!!! My kids will not be aloud to go out of my site and I will always have my phone in my hand! I normally don’t get scared or shaken up but I must say this was a huge eye opener😡 I stood in line texting my mom pacing looking around to see if he was anywhere around watching me. But he was gone! Thank god for the cashier who walked me out bc the manager just didn’t seem to care
Beth Hitch
October 20 at 5:04 PM
Parents please watch your children. I am sitting at the boardwalk enjoying the festivities and a man in a wheelchair came up parked. He was next to me but ahead of me. So I was able to see over his shoulder. I look and he has his camera out zooming in on the little girls playing in the sand and boardwalk. We contacted OCPD they came over and he left. It's just sick and scary to think that some creep would be doing that. This a picture of the man in Ocean City MD taking pictures of little girls...
Taylor Smith
October 15 at 7:46 PM
I was at Walmart north Salisbury a few weeks ago with my dad. He was a few aisles down from me because I was trying to rush and get everything I needed. While I was in the frozen food aisle I heard a guy say “hold on one min man” and he came down the aisle. He asked my name (probably shouldn’t have told him but I thought he was gonna be like oh okay I thought you were someone else” then he proceeded to ask me if I had a boyfriend, I told him yes, he asked me his race then asked if I liked black men. I started to walk away at this point and he goes “I can show you a much better time than he can”. Thank god I saw my dad. I know it’s not super suspicious but it still made me feel uneasy and weirded out.
Nicole Bishop-Herr
September 21
Update 9/22 10:30am - Salisbury Centre Security has been in contact with police about the incident and gave me a call to check on me this morning.
Hi friends. I want to let everyone know about something really scary that happened to me today at the Centre at Salisbury in hopes of helping others out there.
As I was leaving work today, I noticed a car was following me slowly as I walked on the sidewalk around Macy’s. Once I got to my car I weaved around cars, going back and forth so as to see if I was actually being followed. The car kept driving slowly around the lot looking for me.
I went to my car, and the car pulled up in front of my car. I shook my pepper spray and the driver waved at me.
I got into my car - (now I’m thinking I shouldn’t have, as he knows what my car looks like.)
The driver waited for me to pull out and proceeded to follow me.
I drove up and down a couple aisles.
He followed.
I got out to the access road around the mall, and sped up to lose him, and swerved into another lot, then drove around to Macy’s again so I could go inside and let security know.
He was there and pulls up in front of my car, facing the other way. I had pulled out my phone to take pictures of him. I leave my car in drive and start screaming at him to roll down his window. He does. I ask him who is he? Why is he following me? Where is he from? He says no. “Cheng”. Here. No. I ask him if he is lost. If he needs help. He says no. I tell him I am going to get security.
I drive off and park in a handicap spot (with my placard from my doctor,) and race inside and let Macy’s manager and security team know. I then went to Mall Security. Mall Security made a report and escorted me to my car. We keep an eye out for the car. He is literally pulling in as we got to my car. He drove back by us. Security took a good look at him as he drove to another lot and acted like he was parking.
The security manager told me to get in my car and leave in a different direction and they were going to confront the man.
I don’t know what transpired after, but I’m real shook up. I just want to make sure people are looking out for each other, and if you don’t feel safe to please reach out to someone. I will update if I find out anymore.
Update 3:50pm - mall security confronted the man and he denied following anyone. Security explained his actions were inappropriate, and a report has been filed.
Update: 8:42pm To all who have commented saying my actions were wrong,
I am truly sorry for not being able to think fast enough, to push through the terror and panic to think of the best and most rational response - and for that I’m deeply sorry.
I was terrified. I AM terrified. Still.
If anything, I pray this post and the comments and advice can help anyone to be more vigilant, conscious, and aware.
October 25 at 2:24 PM
I’m usually very quiet on Facebook but I really feel like I need to post something. I wanted to make a post to warn everyone in my area, especially if you go to Salisbury mall. My friend and I went to the Salisbury mall for lunch today. As we were sitting down eating, we were approached by a young girl asking to sit with us. (Keep in mind the whole cafeteria was empty so she could of sat anywhere else) She sits at our table and tries to make small talk with us. My friend noticed a man standing a couple feet away hiding behind one of the pillars in the cafeteria. As she was talking to us, my friend noticed this man staring at us and sort of signaling this girl things. As soon as this girl sat down, there was a very eerie feeling that came with her. It was one of those unsettling feelings you get when you know something isn’t right. She kept reaching into her bag but would stop when people would notice. She seemed very nervous too because she would keep tugging on her sleeves and her actions were off. We finally tried to get up and leave, but the man approached us quickly and tried to start a new conversation to try and get us to stay. It was one of the most uncomfortable and eerie feelings in my life. I have friends who have heard about human trafficking situations around the Salisbury mall and that thought was in my mind the whole time. Moral of the story, please do not go into places alone. Be careful and be on the lookout of situations like this. It’s a sad world we live in.
Sara Workman
October 24 at 10:01 PM
So I know you’ve all seen someone post something like this before but I’m gonna put out a warning anyway.
Tonight, Travis Alan and I were at Walmart North Salisbury with both of the boys doing some shopping. There weren’t a ton of people in there so it was easy for me to notice the same couple people walking around the store. However, after the second time I noticed two older men walking oddly close to us, I got a bit weirded out. Didn’t think too much of it still but went on alert. At one point near the end of our trip, I split off from Travis with just Evan and took him to look at some Halloween stuff. I felt like someone was walking up behind us kind of close so I instinctually turned around and noticed one of the older men was walking further ahead of his counterpart, oddly close to Evan. When we made eye contact, he turned around and walked back the other way. Okay, now I was creeped. Travis caught up and we checked out. On the way to the door, I got that eery feeling again. Something told me to check and make sure Evan was close by. When I turned my head, I noticed the same man walking ahead of his counterpart yet again, this time much closer to Evan. He immediately jerks his body in the other direction as soon as I turned my head. Then they both walk the other way.
I’ve never honestly been so convinced that someone was actually attempting to kidnap my child. Tonight I absolutely was. Be vigilant. Don’t let them go off ANYWHERE without you. Even to the next aisle. The days of wandering away from your parents to look safely at toys are long gone.
Jessica Kelleher-George
October 23 at 7:42 PM
Ladies Please Please PLEASE be aware of your surroundings. Today I had gone to Walmart in middletown de around noon after being there for about 25 minutes I was out in home and garden lookin at Christmas decorations and noticed a man following me he had nothing in his hand nor did he have a shopping cart. For the next 10 minutes every time I turned he was there. I I had gone back in to the store to look at the indoor decorations and again he’s there. Finally the last draw was him walking closely behind me and as I slowed down to look at heaters he popped into the isle. I started walking away and he again was right behind me so I pulled my phone out immediately and he walked away very quickly. So after thinking all these stories were just a bunch of bs I now know THEY ARE NOT!!! My kids will not be aloud to go out of my site and I will always have my phone in my hand! I normally don’t get scared or shaken up but I must say this was a huge eye opener😡 I stood in line texting my mom pacing looking around to see if he was anywhere around watching me. But he was gone! Thank god for the cashier who walked me out bc the manager just didn’t seem to care
Beth Hitch
October 20 at 5:04 PM
Parents please watch your children. I am sitting at the boardwalk enjoying the festivities and a man in a wheelchair came up parked. He was next to me but ahead of me. So I was able to see over his shoulder. I look and he has his camera out zooming in on the little girls playing in the sand and boardwalk. We contacted OCPD they came over and he left. It's just sick and scary to think that some creep would be doing that. This a picture of the man in Ocean City MD taking pictures of little girls...
Taylor Smith
October 15 at 7:46 PM
I was at Walmart north Salisbury a few weeks ago with my dad. He was a few aisles down from me because I was trying to rush and get everything I needed. While I was in the frozen food aisle I heard a guy say “hold on one min man” and he came down the aisle. He asked my name (probably shouldn’t have told him but I thought he was gonna be like oh okay I thought you were someone else” then he proceeded to ask me if I had a boyfriend, I told him yes, he asked me his race then asked if I liked black men. I started to walk away at this point and he goes “I can show you a much better time than he can”. Thank god I saw my dad. I know it’s not super suspicious but it still made me feel uneasy and weirded out.
Nicole Bishop-Herr
September 21
Update 9/22 10:30am - Salisbury Centre Security has been in contact with police about the incident and gave me a call to check on me this morning.
Hi friends. I want to let everyone know about something really scary that happened to me today at the Centre at Salisbury in hopes of helping others out there.
As I was leaving work today, I noticed a car was following me slowly as I walked on the sidewalk around Macy’s. Once I got to my car I weaved around cars, going back and forth so as to see if I was actually being followed. The car kept driving slowly around the lot looking for me.
I went to my car, and the car pulled up in front of my car. I shook my pepper spray and the driver waved at me.
I got into my car - (now I’m thinking I shouldn’t have, as he knows what my car looks like.)
The driver waited for me to pull out and proceeded to follow me.
I drove up and down a couple aisles.
He followed.
I got out to the access road around the mall, and sped up to lose him, and swerved into another lot, then drove around to Macy’s again so I could go inside and let security know.
He was there and pulls up in front of my car, facing the other way. I had pulled out my phone to take pictures of him. I leave my car in drive and start screaming at him to roll down his window. He does. I ask him who is he? Why is he following me? Where is he from? He says no. “Cheng”. Here. No. I ask him if he is lost. If he needs help. He says no. I tell him I am going to get security.
I drive off and park in a handicap spot (with my placard from my doctor,) and race inside and let Macy’s manager and security team know. I then went to Mall Security. Mall Security made a report and escorted me to my car. We keep an eye out for the car. He is literally pulling in as we got to my car. He drove back by us. Security took a good look at him as he drove to another lot and acted like he was parking.
The security manager told me to get in my car and leave in a different direction and they were going to confront the man.
I don’t know what transpired after, but I’m real shook up. I just want to make sure people are looking out for each other, and if you don’t feel safe to please reach out to someone. I will update if I find out anymore.
Update 3:50pm - mall security confronted the man and he denied following anyone. Security explained his actions were inappropriate, and a report has been filed.
Update: 8:42pm To all who have commented saying my actions were wrong,
I am truly sorry for not being able to think fast enough, to push through the terror and panic to think of the best and most rational response - and for that I’m deeply sorry.
I was terrified. I AM terrified. Still.
If anything, I pray this post and the comments and advice can help anyone to be more vigilant, conscious, and aware.
GO HERE and check out this video as well.
Salisbury Station 1 Forces Accident
A Viewer Wrote: The fire truck was behind a vehicle at a red traffic light. They turned on their lights and siren, which forced/encouraged the vehicle in front of him to proceed to get out of their way when another vehicle came through their green light and struck the vehicle trying to get out of the way. Unfortunately the vehicle in front of the fire truck is likely at fault but the fire truck should've known better and should've waited for the light to change. I forget to mention that the firemen had just walked out of the Acme with a shopping bag in their hands.
A Viewer Writes: Early Voting
People talk about voter fraud and I never paid it any attention until today.
This is my first time voting in the State of Maryland and they neither asked for my voter’s card or ID. They only asked for name, address and month and day of birth.
I voted at the Civic Center and wonder when will this area catch up with the times? We can’t afford computers? Do you really need to visit four stations in order to finally record your vote?
Even without computers this process could have been easily streamlined especially since they don’t look at your identification.
Just my thoughts on the local voting process.
An avid reader
People talk about voter fraud and I never paid it any attention until today.
This is my first time voting in the State of Maryland and they neither asked for my voter’s card or ID. They only asked for name, address and month and day of birth.
I voted at the Civic Center and wonder when will this area catch up with the times? We can’t afford computers? Do you really need to visit four stations in order to finally record your vote?
Even without computers this process could have been easily streamlined especially since they don’t look at your identification.
Just my thoughts on the local voting process.
An avid reader
Pocomoke City Police Seize 843 Cartons of Cigarettes
Pocomoke City Police Seize 843 Cartons of Cigarettes
On 10-31-2018 Pocomoke City Police were conducting a traffic stop at Route 13 and Stockton Road when a vehicle failed to move over. Pocomoke Police initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, a 2017 Volkswagon with NY plates. Upon making contact with the driver police noticed a large blanket covering a large box in the cargo area with several cartons of cigarettes in plain view. After further investigation it was discovered the occupant of the rental vehicle was carrying 847 cartons of cigarettes from Virginia into Maryland. Pocomoke City Police, assisted by the State of MD Comptrollers Office determined the cigarettes had a retail value of $54,373.50 with a tax loss to the State of Maryland in the amount of $16,860.00. Arrested was Gamil Ali Aljahmi, age 23 of Bronx, New York. He was charged with a felony count of transporting unstamped cigarettes and cigarette possession unstamped over 30. He was held at the Worcester County Detention Center on $10,000 unsecured personal bond.
Donald Trump Jr. Slams CNN's Don Lemon for 'White Men' Comment
Donald Trump Jr. called out CNN’s Don Lemon Wednesday after the anchor declared that right-wing white men are the “biggest terror threat” in America.
“Amazing. I thought this was some sort of joke quote taken out of context but no… it’s just Don Lemon being a moron. Unfortunately this is how so many leftists actually think. Disgusting! Imagine the outrage if you changed ‘white men’ with any other demographic?” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted.
“Amazing. I thought this was some sort of joke quote taken out of context but no… it’s just Don Lemon being a moron. Unfortunately this is how so many leftists actually think. Disgusting! Imagine the outrage if you changed ‘white men’ with any other demographic?” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted.
Amazing. I thought this was some sort of joke quote taken out of context but no... it’s just Don Lemon being a moron. Unfortunately this is how so many leftists actually think.
Imagine the outrage if you changed “white men” with any other demographic?
Food Stamps For Soda: Time To End Billion-Dollar Subsidy For Sugary Drinks?
If you peer into Americans' grocery carts, you're unlikely to see a mix of foods and beverages that make for an ideal diet. And this is true for many of the nearly 42 million people who receive food stamps, too.
According to a 2016 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, sweetened beverages, including soda, are among the most commonly purchased items by recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — or SNAP.
SNAP households spend about 10 percent of food dollars on sugary drinks, which is about three times more than the amount they spend on milk. In New York City alone,as we've reported, this translates into more than $75 million in sugary drink purchases each year that are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers.
Given our biological attraction to sugar, perhaps it's not a surprise. Our collective sweet tooth — which was shaped by evolutionary forces — extends far beyond SNAP households. In general, non-SNAP households spend almost as much on sweetened drinks — about 7 percent of food purchases, according to the USDA report.
According to a 2016 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, sweetened beverages, including soda, are among the most commonly purchased items by recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — or SNAP.
SNAP households spend about 10 percent of food dollars on sugary drinks, which is about three times more than the amount they spend on milk. In New York City alone,as we've reported, this translates into more than $75 million in sugary drink purchases each year that are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers.
Given our biological attraction to sugar, perhaps it's not a surprise. Our collective sweet tooth — which was shaped by evolutionary forces — extends far beyond SNAP households. In general, non-SNAP households spend almost as much on sweetened drinks — about 7 percent of food purchases, according to the USDA report.
Mass McDonald's fight: Customers throw punches and climb over the counter
This is the shocking moment a mass brawl erupted in a Baltimore McDonald's.
Staff were powerless to intervene as customers fought, smashed up the counter and bizarrely stole paper cups.
The horrifying clip begins with a group of people standing by a till at the far right of store.
One man can be seen preparing himself before throwing a punch at another customer. It is not clear why the fight erupted.
Staff were powerless to intervene as customers fought, smashed up the counter and bizarrely stole paper cups.
The horrifying clip begins with a group of people standing by a till at the far right of store.
One man can be seen preparing himself before throwing a punch at another customer. It is not clear why the fight erupted.
Troopers Arrest Trio for Burglary – Bear
Bear – The Delaware State Police have arrested three subjects responsible the burglary of a Bear convenience store that occurred early Thursday morning.
The investigation began at approximately 2:21 a.m., Thursday, November 1, 2018 when Troopers responded to the Express Food Market, located at 703 Pulaski Hwy., Bear. Upon arriving on scene Troopers discovered that the main entrance door had been smashed out, and a subsequent inventory revealed that an undetermined amount of tobacco products and lottery tickets had been stolen.
Through various investigative measures and leads, information was obtained which resulted in the execution of a search warrant at a room in the West Motel, located at 711 Pulaski Hwy., Bear. The search resulted in the recovery of property that was confirmed to have been taken during the course of the burglary. In addition to the stolen property, further evidence was located which positively linked three occupants of the room to the crime.
Loushannon Dennis, 22, Kyle Griffith, 20, both of Bear, along with 17 year old Phillip Plummer of Dover, were taken in to custody without incident and transported to Troop 2.
Each suspect was charged with the following:
- Burglary 3rd Degree
- Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony
- Possession of Burglar Tools
- Theft Greater than $1500.00
- Criminal Mischief Greater than $1000.00 but Less than $5000.00
- Conspiracy 2nd Degree
Dennis and Griffith were both released on $17,000.00 unsecured bail. Plummer was released to the custody of his guardian on $4,000.00 unsecured bail.
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