DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Narcotics detectives determined that the shipment of Marijuana was coming from the western part of the United States.
Based on the investigation, OCPD Narcotics Unit detectives with the assistance of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Criminal Enforcement Team obtained a Search and Seizure warrant for the suspect, his unit and vehicle which were located at 12704 Old Bridge Road in West Ocean City.
(707 Cottages)
On October 7, 2011, police executed the Search and Seizure Warrant. As a result of the Search and Seizure Warrant, investigators seized the following items:
• Package containing 1lb and 1 oz of marijuana
• 6 additional bags of marijuana containing 4 additional oz of marijuana
• Several MDMA tablets
• Scales
• 2 computers
• Cell Phone
• $310 in cash
As a result of the investigation two persons have been arrested and charged as follows:
• Edward Dale Cropper Jr., 26, of The Villages, Florida has been charged with Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of CDS Paraphernalia
• Susan Degregory, 52, of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida has been charged with Possession of MDMA.
Both Cropper and Degregory were seen by an Ocean City, District Court
Commissioner. Degregory was released on her own recognizance and Cropper
was held on $25,000.00 bond. Cropper has been transferred to the Worcester
County Jail.
BREAKING NEWS: Senate Confirms Commerce Secretary
'Adult Baby' Claims Disability Checks Will Continue Despite Coburn Complaint
A man living as an "adult baby" in California claims the federal government will allow him to continue collecting Social Security disability checks, after investigators apparently closed the probe into his case requested by Sen. Tom Coburn.
Stanley Thornton drew the outrage of Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican, after he was featured on the National Geographic Channel show "Taboo" earlier this year. Coburn asked for an investigation from the Social Security Administration, questioning why he was allowed to receive federal benefits -- all the while living part of his life as a baby, sleeping in a crib and drinking from a bottle.
“Our number one job is supporting private sector investment and building private sector confidence in Maryland’s economy,” said Speaker Michael E. Busch. “The Sunny Day Fund was created for extraordinary economic development opportunities, like Bechtel. I am pleased that we can make this strategic investment in a growing area of our State to retain 1250 jobs.”
Why We Need To Blame The Fed For The Financial Crisis
The Federal Reserve has caused every single boom and bust that has occurred in this country since the bank's creation in 1913. It pumps new money into the financial system to lower interest rates and spur the economy. Adding new money increases the supply of money, making the price of money over time—the interest rate—lower than the market would make it. These lower interest rates affect the allocation of resources, causing capital to be malinvested throughout the economy. So certain projects and ventures that appear profitable when funded at artificially low interest rates are not in fact the best use of those resources.
Eventually, the economic boom created by the Fed's actions is found to be unsustainable, and the bust ensues as this malinvested capital manifests itself in a surplus of capital goods, inventory overhangs, etc. Until these misdirected resources are put to a more productive use—the uses the free market actually desires—the economy stagnates.
Girl Scouts Add New "Good Credit" And "Finance" Badges
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Fraudulent Defense Contractors Paid $1 Trillion
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 - Hundreds of defense contractors that defrauded the U.S. military received more than $1.1 trillion in Pentagon contracts during the past decade, according to a Department of Defense report prepared for Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Sanders (I-Vt.) called the report "shocking." He said aggressive steps must be taken to ensure taxpayer dollars aren't wasted.
"The ugly truth is that virtually all of the major defense contractors in this country for years have been engaged in systemic fraudulent behavior, while receiving hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money," said Sanders. "With the country running a nearly $15 trillion national debt, my goal is to provide as much transparency as possible about what is happening with taxpayer money."
How To Avoid Cyberscams Surrounding Gadhafi's Death
Just because a link comes from a friend, it does not mean it's safe to click
Bagged Salad Recalled For Possible Salmonella Contamination
There have been no reported illnesses linked to the recalled products.
VIC Issues Bank Of America As "Terminal Short" Thesis
The Business Of Government
Businesses seek primarily to increase their revenues and profits. Government revenue depends on taxes. Government accumulates taxmoney by squeezing it out of people's productive earnings with threats of audits, fines and imprisonment. Our government already collects roughly $2.1 trillion annually from the productive taxpayers of America. We hardly need to increase our federal government's revenues like a private business!
Senior S&L Prosecutor: Bank of America Pulling A Decades-Old Scam
Bank of America Is Pulling the Scam Which Banks Have Pulled for Decades
Professor of economics and law – and the senior S&L prosecutor who put more than 1,000 top executives in jail for fraud (Bill Black) writes today:Lewis and his successor, Brian Moynihan, have destroyed nearly one-half trillion dollars in BAC shareholder value [through control fraud]. (See my prior post on the “Divine Right of Bank Profits…”) BAC continues to deteriorate and the credit rating agencies have been downgrading it because of its bad assets, particularly its derivatives. BAC’s answer is to “transfer” the bad derivatives to the insured bank – transforming (ala Ireland) a private debt into a public debt.More
Banking regulators have known for well over a century about the acute dangers of conflicts of interest. Two related conflicts have generated special rules designed to protect the bank and the insurance fund. One restricts transactions with senior insiders and the other restricts transactions with affiliates. The scam is always the same when it comes to abusive deals with affiliates – they transfer bad (or overpriced) assets or liabilities to the insured institution. As S&L regulators, we recurrently faced this problem. For example, Ford Motor Company attempted to structure an affiliate transaction that was harmful to the insured S&L (First Nationwide). The bank, because of federal deposit insurance, typically has a higher credit rating than its affiliate corporations.
BAC’s request to transfer the problem derivatives to B of A was a no brainer – unfortunately, it was apparently addressed to officials at the Fed who meet that description. Any competent regulator would have said: “No, Hell NO!” Indeed, any competent regulator would have developed two related, acute concerns immediately upon receiving the request. First, the holding company’s controlling managers are a severe problem because they are seeking to exploit the insured institution. Second, the senior managers of B of A acceded to the transfer, apparently without protest, even though the transfer poses a severe threat to B of A’s survival. Their failure to act to prevent the transfer contravenes both their fiduciary duties of loyalty and care and should lead to their resignations.
I would bet large amounts of money that I do not have that neither B of A’s CEO nor the Fed even thought about whether the transfer was consistent with the CEO’s fiduciary duties to B of A (v. BAC). We took depositions during the S&L debacle in which senior officials of Lincoln Savings and its affiliates were shocked when we asked “whose interests were you representing – the S&L or the affiliate?” They had obviously never even considered their fiduciary duties or identified their actual client.
Mom Pleads Guilty To Feeding Kids Beer, Cocaine
4-year-old son, 10-month-old daughter in state custody
BRIDGEPORT, Connecticut — A Connecticut mother has pleaded guilty to charges that she forced her 4-year-old son to drink beer and gave her 10-month-old daughter beer and cocaine.
Study Confirms Your Worst Fears About Public Potties
No. 2: If you can, maybe just hold it until you get home.
Former Lobbyists Are In Top Spots On Toomey's Staff
Greek Protests Are NWO Scam?
Dominant Social Theme: This is an independent protest and expression of people's anger. Beware of people power.
What Chinese Unemployment?
Occasionally we read in various columns of mainstream journalists that the Chinese have shot themselves in the foot when they (in violence of Friedmanite precepts) failed to revalue their currency upwards. The world will retaliate by imposing punitive tariffs, creating horrible unemployment in China and causing civil unrest.
These journalists should be careful in making wishes, because they may just get what they've wished for. One of these days China may open its mint to gold and silver, setting the example to Asia and the Muslim world and, possibly, to South America. Other countries may follow suit. That will be the ultimate revaluation that restores trade relations to normalcy, at least in that part of the world that returns to the gold standard.
There was a time when unemployment "insurance" and other forms of dole were unknown in the United States. That was during the time when the country was on the gold standard and deflation meant an increase in the value (purchasing power) of gold. Whenever this happened, the battle cry inevitably was: "There is gold in them thar hills," and people who had lost their jobs typically went out prospecting and panning for gold. Panning for gold always gave them an income and a chance to save some capital. The country did very well, thank you very much, with this "natural unemployment insurance." The bottom line was: More gold for the economy. More gold cured the disease – deflation – and soon things were back to normal. Unemployment did not have a chance to become "structural."
Of course, given the present anti-gold mindset – as seen in the thinking of the Fed and the government – today large-scale prospecting for gold is prevented in the name of "protecting the environment." Keynesian economists say that they have the perfect substitute for more gold coming to the economy; namely, printed paper money, which also has the advantage that you can fine-tune its creation from a central control panel, the central bank. What they forget is that their "ersatz" gold is highly counter-productive. Rather than easing the debt problem plaguing the economy, they make it worse thereby perpetuating, even aggravating, the unemployment situation.
MDGOP Comments on General Assembly Passage Of Partisan Gerrymandered Map And Next Step
"Yesterday's vote shows the true cost of one-party rule here in Maryland. The good alternative plans to the Governor's map were either killed in Committee, or were voted down by the Democrat majority on the floor of the House and Senate. The map passed by the legislature violates the Voting Rights Act in that it does not provide for the creation of a third Majority-Minority district."
"The Maryland Republican Party fully supports the efforts of the Fannie Lou Hamer PAC to ask the courts in intervene to ensure fair representation of minorities under the Voting Rights Act. Marylanders have a right to fair district lines that represent true communities of interest rather than partisan political interests," Mooney concluded.
Thanks to the 99 Percent Movement, Media Finally Covering Jobs Crisis And Marginalizing Deficit Hysteria
Occupy Wall Street A Counter To White-Collar Fraud
O'Malley Signs Congressional Redistricting Bill
The Democratic governor signed the measure on Thursday, shortly after the state Senate took a final vote to correct about 24 typographical errors in the bill.
Rand Paul Grills Geithner
Housing Starts Soar 15%, Confusing Keynesians Once Again
Starts surged in September at their fastest annual pace in 17 months on a big increase in groundbreaking for multi-family units.Housing starts for buildings with two or more units climbed a remarkable 51.3 percent to a 233,000-unit rate. Single-family home construction increased 1.7 percent to a 425,000-unit pace.
Bottom line: Bernanke is printing money, it is getting into the system and impacting the economy. Krugman and crew will be scratching their beards over this one.
BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Predator Drone Fired On Qaddafi Convoy
From Fox News
Krugman Sees The Global Inflation That Is Coming
There was some excitement yesterday over reports that the European were going to establish a 2 trillion euro rescue fund. Was this the “big bazooka” needed to put an end to the debt crisis? No....More
First, when you try to figure out how the thing might work, it turns out to have much less lending capacity than early reports suggested.
Second, who’s backing this thing? Even France is looking a bit shaky, so it’s unclear how it’s supposed to work if government Treasuries are the guarantors. What you really need is open-ended funding from the European Central Bank, and that’s not yet on the table....
How's This For Social Unrest?
Talk about chaos. After a brief period of credit-fueled economic respite, the onset of the global depression in 1929 had people in the streets clamoring for change. Hitler's National Socialism promised the world... and under such economic distress, people believed him.
There are two important lessons here. First is that hyperinflation comes very quickly. Confidence languishes for months, even years... until one day the currency begins to slide, slowly at first, then exponentially.
The second is what followed. Economic disaster begets social unrest, the two are inextricably linked. Populist rebellions and roving gangs became a constant presence in the republic.
It's at this point, when people are really hurting, they're the most impressionable. They're looking for somebody, anybody, to lead them out of the turmoil. What they got was a charismatic leader with a grand plan.
Here in Cambodia, a similar story unfolded in the 1970s.
Citi Joins Goldman And JPMorgan In Settling Fraudulent And Misleading CDO Practices: Wristslap Costs $285 Million
- Citigroup will pay USD 285mln to settle SEC charges for misleading investors about selling CDOs related to housing market, according to SEC
- Citigroup's main US broker-dealer unit misled investors about USD 1bln CDO tied to US housing market, in which Citigroup bet against investors.
- Citigroup bet against investors as housing market showed signs of distress, SEC said
- CDO defaulted, Citigroup made $160m in fees/trading profits
- $285m will be returned to investors, SEC says in statement
- SEC also faults Citigroup employee Brian Stoker and Credit Suisse portfolio manager Samir H. Bhatt
Florida Bank, Used As ATM By Insiders, Won TARP Loan But Now Teeters
UN Agenda 21 - Coming To A Neighborhood Near You
People Are Back To Making Late Payments On Their Credit Cards
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Police Drug Operation Continues To Round Up Suspects
Target Store Has Great Black Friday Idea: Only 30 People At A Time
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Pennsylvania Gov. Corbett Approves Harrisburg Takeover
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Gov. Tom Corbett has signed a new law giving him unprecedented power to force Pennsylvania's capital into a state-sanctioned financial recovery plan.
The Republican signed the legislation Thursday morning, less than a day after the House voted -- without debate and by a large margin -- to approve the plan to deal with Harrisburg's staggering debt.
Yard Sales anyone?
Please email me, SunnyInOC, at atlanticjw@aol.com with all the details!
Don't leave anything out!
Please have all requests to me TODAY!
Don't Be Alarmed
Federal Retirees Get COLA Bump In 2012
The Social Security Administration uses the average monthly index — of the Consumer Price Index — for the third quarter of 2011 and compares it to the third quarter average from the last year that a COLA was activated — in this case, 2008.
Benefit For Women Supporting Women Friday
Salisbury University Killing Local Restaurants In Salisbury Area
You can come out and enjoy a themed dinner at The Bistro in a university setting, with additional dining choices available in The Marketplace, which is adjacent."
You see Folks, there was an initial agreement between the City and SU referencing the Commons Restaurant. The deal was, only people associated with SU, Alumni, employees, students, etc. were to be allowed to dine in this TAX FREE environment.
The key problem here is that SU made a promise it refuses to keep. The big question is, will the Mayor have the stones to not only make them accountable, will he make them stop such marketing tactics and shut them down to the public. A deal is a deal and this is why my hat is tipped to Tim, Terry & Debbie for stoping the old Fire Station 16 deal.
The Comons agreed they would NOT compete against local restaurants and they should be held to such. As all of you are aware, this is an extremely difficult economy and MANY restaurants have been forced to close their doors in the past two years and it could get even worse.
The loss of ANY business is not only critical to the restaurant owners, it's critical to the local economy. If you keep closing down locally owned restaurants it means NO tax revenue. If SU continues to compete and put other businesses out of business, THEY, (SU) PAY NO TAXES! Their overhead for employees is NOTHING like what other tax paying restaurants are paying and the trickle down effect is more costly than most would understand.
Contact Mayor Ireton and your City Council Members at ALLCityCouncilMembers@ci.salisbury.md.us and Mayor Ireton at jireton@ci.salisbury.md.us and STOP Salisbury University from devistating the local economy.
Franchot Votes Against $7 Million In School Projects Because AC Is Not Included
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Dad Furious After Teen Daughter’s Sex Tape Goes Viral
Baltimore City police are investigating a video that’s gone viral. It involves a 14-year-old girl whose father says she had no idea it was all over the internet.
City Council Agenda
- Proclamation - proclaiming “Municipal Government Works Month”
- October 3, 2011 closed session minutes separate envelope
- October 3, 2011 work session minutes 1a
- October 10, 2011 regular meeting minutes 1b
- Resolution No. 2111 - approving the By-laws of the Retiree Health Plan 1c
- Resolution No. 2112 - accepting donation of a protective K-9 vest 1d
- Resolution No. 2113 - accepting funds awarded through a grant from the 1e
- Resolution No. 2114 - approving a Maryland Department of Housing and 2
In Case You Hadn't Noticed
Today we've elected to make some changes to Salisbury News. Rather than bombarding the Site with a million articles per day, we're attempting to limit the volume of articles while providing as much local news as possible per day.
Mind you, there are many days when there just isn't a whole lot of local stuff going on. So we'll adapt each day as we continue with such mentioned changes.
One thing you'll see different is more of the local stuff in the early morning hours. We'll provide articles every 15 minutes, (as usual) and throw in the more breaking news in between. So DON'T complain when an article gets buried, there's no way around it. If its a hot story we'll keep bumping it up like we usually do.
Since I'm up really early in the morning each day, I started posting at 5:00 AM this morning to give the early birds something more to look at. We've also changed the weather to 5:00 AM instead of 7:00 AM.
You'll see more of the political news from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM and we're not going to run all the way to midnight every week day any more, unless there's that much news to share. So just know that we'll be breaking in throughout each day with current real time information. For example, 8:07, 8:23, 8:37, 8:53 and so forth.
We'll see how this format works for a few days and see if every one likes it. Let us know what you think.
More Union Jobs = More Union Dues
Maryland Property Owners Subject To Radical U.N. Plan Of Restrictive Zoning
Somerset County Sheriff's Office Press Release 10-20-11
'Natural' Diet Pills Tainted With Banned Prescription Drug
Wicomico River Overflows
Coons Co-Sponsoring Anti-"Bath Salts" Measures
Coons' office announced Wednesday he's co-sponsoring two measures, one an amendment to an appropriations bill designed to help coordinate federal, state and local law enforcment efforts aimed at producers and users of the synthetic stimulant.
Is Your Partner Cheating On You? Blame The Economy!

Researchers at the University of Kansas just found one more piece of bad news about this so-called recovery: A crummy economy could prompt men, even those in monogamous relationships, to seek out more sex partners. In a study that will be published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology next month, social psychology professor Omri Gillath studied the responses of men who had been instructed to think about their death and were then shown sexually suggestive imagery. The subjects experienced a stronger physical response to the images, measured by an increase in heart rate, than a control group.
DE Woman To Be Recognized At White House Thursday

A Delaware woman who's worked for 20 years to help victims of domestic violence will be recognized for her efforts Thursday at the White House.
Cherelyn Homlish supervises three domestic violence assistance programs, chairs the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence and is an adjunct professor at Wilmington University.
'Occupy' Memo Could Discourage Victims From Reporting Assaults
Efforts by the Occupy Baltimore protest group to evolve into a self-contained, self-governing community have erupted into controversy with the distribution of a pamphlet that victim advocates and health workers fear discourages victims of sexual assaults from contacting police.
The pamphlet says that members of the protest group who believe they are victims or who suspect sexual abuse "are encouraged to immediately report the incident to the Security Committee," which will investigate and "supply the abuser with counseling resources."