Over the past 5 years Salisbury News has delivered some very powerful tips to local law enforcement. Sheriff Mike Lewis, (more so than anyone) knows very well just how much we have been able to assist in numerous cases and today was no different.
HOWEVER, even though I have not been able to make direct contact with Mike Lewis or Matt Maciarello, I used to be able to rely on Chief Gary Baker to pass on information. That too has now changed.
You see, even though a Mother has run off with these children, even though this case is in the hands of the Sheriff's Department, even though I have an exact address, even though I have been attempting to call the Sheriff's Department, they refuse to answer their phone.
Therefore I was forced to make contact with the Maryland State Police and fill them in on the details. Yes, I left Gary Baker a message telling him I had such information on this person, Mr. Baker never returned my call. Last week I left him a text message on another case but again I never received a reply.
Look, here's my problem with all of this. It's one thing that Mike Lewis and Matt Maciarello no longer appreciate what I do. However, when there are CHILDREN out there who have allegedly been kidnapped and taken out of state, I DRAW THE LINE RIGHT THERE!
That being said, today I learned that someone I know will in fact be running against Mike Lewis for Sheriff of Wicomico County. Not only am I pleased that this person has chosen to commit himself to the race, he can actually beat Mike Lewis. The morale at the Sheriff's Department is at an all time low, officers are leaving the department and its childish behavior like the above case in which Sheriff Mike Lewis needs to move on and let a true professional do the job.
By the time the new election comes about, I will be exposing information about the Sarah Foxwell case that will hand deliver the election to the new incoming Sheriff and my guess is Mike Lewis doesn't have the stones to run again anyway. We'll then hear something like, I'm not running again so I can spend more time with my Family. You know the usual excuse.
Since I know Matt, Gary and Mike read Salisbury News, let me ask you guys this question. If it were YOUR children missing and I got word of exactly where they were located, would you answer the phone then? Grow Up Gentlemen!
In the mean time, the case is now being handled by the Maryland and Delaware State Police along with WBI.