DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Baywater Animal Rescue Hires Christina Kimerle As Operations Manager
Unidentified Man Plants Drugs On Adam Kokesh - Arrest Or Setup?
During the arrest of Adam Kokesh, an unidentified man is videotaped placing something on Adam Kokesh while the police are restraining Adam. Most likely planted drugs. Was this a setup?
The guy planting the evidence in Adam's pocket was in plain clothes, pretending to be "arrested" along side him. So was this a plain clothes federal agent that was planted there in order to plant them? It's only by complete chance that someone was there with a video camera to catch it at that precise angle.
The guy planting the evidence in Adam's pocket was in plain clothes, pretending to be "arrested" along side him. So was this a plain clothes federal agent that was planted there in order to plant them? It's only by complete chance that someone was there with a video camera to catch it at that precise angle.
Michelle Obama Once Dated Inspector General At The Center Of IRS Investigation Into Anti-Tea Party Political Favoritism
A young Michelle Robinson, the future first lady of the United States, may have dated Treasury Department Inspector General J. Russell George at Harvard Law School, a new report claims.
George, 49, has testified in two congressional hearings about the IRS's unethical targeting of conservative organizations with special scrutiny after they applied for tax-exempt status.
The revelation of a previous link to Michelle Obama came in a lengthy interview with George - published a week after the IRS scandal was brought to light
George, 49, has testified in two congressional hearings about the IRS's unethical targeting of conservative organizations with special scrutiny after they applied for tax-exempt status.
The revelation of a previous link to Michelle Obama came in a lengthy interview with George - published a week after the IRS scandal was brought to light
IRS's Lois Lerner Has History Of Harassing Religious Groups
Lois Lerner, director of the IRS’s Exempt Organizations Division and a central figure in the recent IRS scandal, has been accused of a number of untruths since she admitted the agency has targeted hundreds of conservative and Tea Party groups for over two years.
Though some of her defenders claim she is "apolitical," prior to joining the IRS, Lerner’s tenure as head of the Enforcement Office at the Federal Election Commission (FEC) was represented by what appears to be politically motivated harassment of conservative groups, particularly those with religious ties.
According to Mark Hemingway at the Weekly Standard, Lerner was head of the FEC’s enforcement division between 1986 and 2001. In the late 1990’s, the FEC initiated a burdensome investigation of the Christian Coalition, an endeavor that ended up costing the organization hundreds of thousands of dollars and many hours of time.
Though some of her defenders claim she is "apolitical," prior to joining the IRS, Lerner’s tenure as head of the Enforcement Office at the Federal Election Commission (FEC) was represented by what appears to be politically motivated harassment of conservative groups, particularly those with religious ties.
According to Mark Hemingway at the Weekly Standard, Lerner was head of the FEC’s enforcement division between 1986 and 2001. In the late 1990’s, the FEC initiated a burdensome investigation of the Christian Coalition, an endeavor that ended up costing the organization hundreds of thousands of dollars and many hours of time.
The Fourth Scandal
While most of the media are fixated on Benghazi, the IRS abuses, and the DOJ’s interest in reporters’ phone calls, the biggest scandal of all may be Kathleen Sebelius’ shakedown of health care companies to pay for activities Congress has refused to fund.
It is illegal for government officials to solicit money from companies they regulate, according to Sarah Kliff from The Washington Post. She writes –
Federal regulations do not allow department officials to fundraise in their professional capacity. They do, however, allow Cabinet members to solicit donations as private citizens “if you do not solicit funds from a subordinate or from someone who has or seeks business with the Department, and you do not use your official title,” according to Justice Department regulations.
That should be a no-brainer. But Ms. Sebelius has violated the law before. Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute reminds us that in 2012
It is illegal for government officials to solicit money from companies they regulate, according to Sarah Kliff from The Washington Post. She writes –
Federal regulations do not allow department officials to fundraise in their professional capacity. They do, however, allow Cabinet members to solicit donations as private citizens “if you do not solicit funds from a subordinate or from someone who has or seeks business with the Department, and you do not use your official title,” according to Justice Department regulations.
That should be a no-brainer. But Ms. Sebelius has violated the law before. Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute reminds us that in 2012
…the U.S. Office of Special Counsel concluded that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act by campaigning for President Obama and other political candidates while traveling on official business, an offense for which other federal workers are fired.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
Mohandas K. Gandhi
Mohandas K. Gandhi
Tyranny Around The Corner
A few weeks ago, President Obama advised graduates at Ohio State University that they need not listen to voices warning about tyranny around the corner, because we have self-government in America. He argued that self-government is in and of itself an adequate safeguard against tyranny, because voters can be counted upon to elect democrats (lowercase "d") not tyrants. His argument defies logic and 20th-century history. It reveals an ignorance of the tyranny of the majority, which believes it can write any law, regulate any behavior, alter any procedure and tax any event so long as it can get away with it.
History has shown that the majority will not permit any higher law or logic or value – like fidelity to the natural law, a belief in the primacy of the individual or an acceptance of the supremacy of the Constitution – that prevents it from doing as it wishes.
History has shown that the majority will not permit any higher law or logic or value – like fidelity to the natural law, a belief in the primacy of the individual or an acceptance of the supremacy of the Constitution – that prevents it from doing as it wishes.
According to the British newspaper The Independent, Cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed believes the attempt to behead a British soldier in London can be justified "under certain interpretations of Islam."
Bakri Mohammed, who was banned from Britain for "extremist activities," is believed to have influenced London attacker Michael Adebolajo through his sermons.
The cleric said when he saw the video of Adebolajo holding a knife and a cleaver in his blood-soaked hands after the attack, he thought Adebolajo to be "very courageous."
Bakri Mohammed, who was banned from Britain for "extremist activities," is believed to have influenced London attacker Michael Adebolajo through his sermons.
The cleric said when he saw the video of Adebolajo holding a knife and a cleaver in his blood-soaked hands after the attack, he thought Adebolajo to be "very courageous."
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA May 28, 2013 6:00 P.M.
Government Office Building Room 301Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.
6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
6:12 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Kim Nichols
April 23, 2013 closed session minutes (separate envelope)
May 6, 2013 closed session minutes (separate envelope)
May 6, 2013 work session minutes
May 7, 2013 budget session minutes
May 9, 2013 budget session minutes
May 13, 2013 regular meeting minutes
May 14, 2013 budget session minutes
Resolution No. 2277 – adopting a Computer and Internet Use Policy to define guidelines and restrictions regarding the use of computer resources and communications technologies by City of Salisbury employees
Resolution No. 2278 – adopting a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Use Policy to define guidelines and restrictions regarding the use of remote network and system access by City of Salisbury employees
Resolution No. 2279 – entering into an agreement with Wicomico County, Maryland to use their emergency backup power generator to power the City Server and Network Equipment in the Government Office Building
Resolution No. 2280 – declaring that SCRIBEAMERICA, LLC is eligible to receive Enterprise Zone benefits for property located at 100 East Carroll Street, Salisbury, Maryland
Resolution No. 2281 – approving a waiver of Resolution No. 1312 (Paving Policy) for the utility connection at 309 East Main Street Resolution No. 2281 – approving a waiver of Resolution No. 1312 (Paving Policy) for the utility connection at 309 East Main Street
Resolution No. 2283 – approving a reallocation of a portion of the FY13 Sewer Fund Budget to appropriate funds for a concrete breaker and backhoe
6:17 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Mayor’s Proposed FY 14 Budget
Ordinance No. 2243 – appropriating the necessary funds for the operation of the Government and Administration of the City of Salisbury, Maryland for the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, establishing the levy for the General Fund for the same fiscal period and establishing the appropriation for the Water and Sewer, Parking Authority and City Marina Funds
Ordinance No. 2244 - amending water and water and sewer rates to decrease sewer rates by 6.5%, making said changes effective for all bills dated October 1, 2013 and thereafter unless and until subsequently revised or changed
6:50 p.m.
RESOLUTIONS – City Administrator John Pick
Resolution No. 2282 – requesting permission to accept, from the U.S. Marshal’s Service, two new vehicles currently described as a silver 2013 Dodge Caravan and a silver 2013 Ford Explorer which will be outfitted with emergency equipment, all at no cost to the City of Salisbury and will be utilized exclusively by the officers assigned to the U.S. Marshal’s Service and the Capitol Area Regional Fugitive Task Force (CARFTF).
Resolution No. 2284 – approving an allocation of a portion of the MTBE settlement to appropriate funds to cover a portion of the cost of the Park Water Treatment Plant Meter and Piping Improvements Project
7:10 p.m.
ORDINANCES – City Attorney Mark Tilghman
Ordinance No. 2245 - 1st reading - approving a Budget Amendment of the FY13 General Fund Budget to appropriate funds received from the Speed Camera Program to purchase a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) and accessories for use during natural or manmade disasters and large crowd control
Ordinance No. 2246 - 1st reading – approving a Budget Amendment of the FY13 General Fund to appropriate funds received from the Speed Camera Program for the purchase of a high intensity forensic light source and viewing glasses for criminal investigations and the purchase of a K-9 heat alarm temperature sensor and door opener
Ordinance No. 2247 – 1st reading - approving a Budget Amendment of the FY13 General Fund to appropriate the funds received from the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) for emergency operations conducted in preparation and during Hurricane Sandy in October 2012
Ordinance No. 2248 - 1st reading – adjusting the Capacity Unit Fee in accordance with Chapter 13.02 of the City Code
Ordinance No. 2249 - 1st reading – adjusting the payment schedule for Comprehensive Connection Charges in accordance with Chapter 13.02.070 of the City Code
Ordinance No. 2250 – 1st Reading – amending Chapter 13.04 of the City Code to create a Wastewater Credit Allowance by adding Section 13.04.100
Ordinance No. 2251 – 1st Reading – adding Chapter 15.23 to the City Municipal Code, to create a procedure under which the City may petition the Circuit Court for appointment of a receiver to rehabilitate vacant structures, to demolish vacant structures, or to sell vacant structures or vacant lots to qualified buyers
Ordinance No. 2252 – 1st Reading – approving a Budget Amendment of the FY2013 General Fund to appropriate funds for Attorney Fees
7:40 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
6:12 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Kim Nichols
April 23, 2013 closed session minutes (separate envelope)
May 6, 2013 closed session minutes (separate envelope)
May 6, 2013 work session minutes
May 7, 2013 budget session minutes
May 9, 2013 budget session minutes
May 13, 2013 regular meeting minutes
May 14, 2013 budget session minutes
Resolution No. 2277 – adopting a Computer and Internet Use Policy to define guidelines and restrictions regarding the use of computer resources and communications technologies by City of Salisbury employees
Resolution No. 2278 – adopting a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Use Policy to define guidelines and restrictions regarding the use of remote network and system access by City of Salisbury employees
Resolution No. 2279 – entering into an agreement with Wicomico County, Maryland to use their emergency backup power generator to power the City Server and Network Equipment in the Government Office Building
Resolution No. 2280 – declaring that SCRIBEAMERICA, LLC is eligible to receive Enterprise Zone benefits for property located at 100 East Carroll Street, Salisbury, Maryland
Resolution No. 2281 – approving a waiver of Resolution No. 1312 (Paving Policy) for the utility connection at 309 East Main Street Resolution No. 2281 – approving a waiver of Resolution No. 1312 (Paving Policy) for the utility connection at 309 East Main Street
Resolution No. 2283 – approving a reallocation of a portion of the FY13 Sewer Fund Budget to appropriate funds for a concrete breaker and backhoe
6:17 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Mayor’s Proposed FY 14 Budget
Ordinance No. 2243 – appropriating the necessary funds for the operation of the Government and Administration of the City of Salisbury, Maryland for the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, establishing the levy for the General Fund for the same fiscal period and establishing the appropriation for the Water and Sewer, Parking Authority and City Marina Funds
Ordinance No. 2244 - amending water and water and sewer rates to decrease sewer rates by 6.5%, making said changes effective for all bills dated October 1, 2013 and thereafter unless and until subsequently revised or changed
6:50 p.m.
RESOLUTIONS – City Administrator John Pick
Resolution No. 2282 – requesting permission to accept, from the U.S. Marshal’s Service, two new vehicles currently described as a silver 2013 Dodge Caravan and a silver 2013 Ford Explorer which will be outfitted with emergency equipment, all at no cost to the City of Salisbury and will be utilized exclusively by the officers assigned to the U.S. Marshal’s Service and the Capitol Area Regional Fugitive Task Force (CARFTF).
Resolution No. 2284 – approving an allocation of a portion of the MTBE settlement to appropriate funds to cover a portion of the cost of the Park Water Treatment Plant Meter and Piping Improvements Project
7:10 p.m.
ORDINANCES – City Attorney Mark Tilghman
Ordinance No. 2245 - 1st reading - approving a Budget Amendment of the FY13 General Fund Budget to appropriate funds received from the Speed Camera Program to purchase a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) and accessories for use during natural or manmade disasters and large crowd control
Ordinance No. 2246 - 1st reading – approving a Budget Amendment of the FY13 General Fund to appropriate funds received from the Speed Camera Program for the purchase of a high intensity forensic light source and viewing glasses for criminal investigations and the purchase of a K-9 heat alarm temperature sensor and door opener
Ordinance No. 2247 – 1st reading - approving a Budget Amendment of the FY13 General Fund to appropriate the funds received from the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) for emergency operations conducted in preparation and during Hurricane Sandy in October 2012
Ordinance No. 2248 - 1st reading – adjusting the Capacity Unit Fee in accordance with Chapter 13.02 of the City Code
Ordinance No. 2249 - 1st reading – adjusting the payment schedule for Comprehensive Connection Charges in accordance with Chapter 13.02.070 of the City Code
Ordinance No. 2250 – 1st Reading – amending Chapter 13.04 of the City Code to create a Wastewater Credit Allowance by adding Section 13.04.100
Ordinance No. 2251 – 1st Reading – adding Chapter 15.23 to the City Municipal Code, to create a procedure under which the City may petition the Circuit Court for appointment of a receiver to rehabilitate vacant structures, to demolish vacant structures, or to sell vacant structures or vacant lots to qualified buyers
Ordinance No. 2252 – 1st Reading – approving a Budget Amendment of the FY2013 General Fund to appropriate funds for Attorney Fees
7:40 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
MAC Incorporated Fund Raiser At Jolly Roger Water Park
Saturday, July 2 7, 2013
10 am to 6 pm
Support Health & Wellness Programs
This treasure of fun includes:
Amusement Rides 2– 6 pm-Limit 2 rides roller coaster
Rides excluded Zip Line-Speed World
Splash Mountain Water Park 10 am – 6 pm
Children under two are free to water park
Miniature Golf 10 am - 6 pm
Water basketball and volleyball for adults
Relax and Enjoy…….
Sundecks with lounge chairs
Food and ice cream stands
Full bath and locker room facilities
For tickets or further information call 410-742-0505 Ext. 113
This is a rain or shine activity.
MAC Inc, the Area Agency on Aging, is a United Way Agency
'Restoring liberty in America is not only possible, but already underway'
Sheriffs and peace officers from across the country will be meeting with likeminded supporters for a national convention focused on one goal: restoring constitutional rule in the United States of America.
From May 31-June 1, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, or CSPOA, will be meeting in St. Charles, Mo., for its Heartland of America Conference.
The purpose of the conference is to equip sheriffs, peace officers and public officials with information and public support to carry out their oaths of office – specifically, to uphold the U.S. Constitution – recognizing that in the case of federal overreach, the county sheriff may be the last line of defense in protecting Americans’ constitutional rights.
“We are going to train and vet them all, state by state, to understand and enforce the constitutionally protected rights of the people they serve, with an emphasis on state sovereignty and local autonomy,” explains CSPOA Founder and Executive Director Sheriff Richard Mack. “Then these local governments will issue our new Declaration to the Federal Government regarding the abuses that we will no longer tolerate or accept. Said declaration will be enforced by our Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers.
Sheriffs and peace officers from across the country will be meeting with likeminded supporters for a national convention focused on one goal: restoring constitutional rule in the United States of America.
From May 31-June 1, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, or CSPOA, will be meeting in St. Charles, Mo., for its Heartland of America Conference.
The purpose of the conference is to equip sheriffs, peace officers and public officials with information and public support to carry out their oaths of office – specifically, to uphold the U.S. Constitution – recognizing that in the case of federal overreach, the county sheriff may be the last line of defense in protecting Americans’ constitutional rights.
“We are going to train and vet them all, state by state, to understand and enforce the constitutionally protected rights of the people they serve, with an emphasis on state sovereignty and local autonomy,” explains CSPOA Founder and Executive Director Sheriff Richard Mack. “Then these local governments will issue our new Declaration to the Federal Government regarding the abuses that we will no longer tolerate or accept. Said declaration will be enforced by our Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers.
Governor visits Academy of Health Sciences at Prince George's Community College
KETTERING, MD - Governor Martin O’Malley joined by students, educators and other officials, visited the Academy of Health Sciences, an innovative early college high school in partnership with Prince George’s County Public Schools and Prince George’s Community College, to highlight the Administration's Early College Innovation Fund passed in the 2013 legislative session.
The Administration remains committed to increasing access to postsecondary education and helping students obtain credentials that position them to compete for jobs in growing sectors of Maryland’s economy like cybersecurity, biotechnology, and life sciences. The Early College Innovation Fund serves to encourage the development of early college access programs that provide accelerated pathways for students seeking career and technical education (CTE) or training in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines.
“Maryland’s economy is an Innovation Economy, Prince George’s Community College is an Innovation school, and Prince George’s County Public Schools are innovation leaders. The Early College Innovation Fund will support accelerated pathways for students seeking CTE or STEM training while increasing access to postsecondary education and allowing our children to obtain the skills they need to be competitive in a 21st century global economy,” said Governor O’Malley. “Working together with our educators and academic partners, parents and students, we can make the better choices to invest in our children’s future by giving them the tools they need for the jobs of tomorrow.”
The Academy of Health Sciences is the state’s most successful model for early college high school. Upon graduation, each student earns both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree.
“Governor O’Malley is the nation's leader on college affordability. This year, Maryland became the first state in the nation to guarantee hardworking high school students college credit paid for by local school systems. It's a game changer for middle and low income families. And Prince George's, with the Academy of Health Sciences at the Community College and College Park Academy, where students will earn University of Maryland credits, is the leader in Maryland,” said Senator Jim Rosapepe, a member of the Senate Education Subcommittee and former member of the University System of Maryland Board of Regents.
“We are dedicated to giving our sons and daughters the freedom to excel,” said Delegate Jolene Ivey, a member of the Education Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee and Chair of the House Prince George’s Delegation. “Children who get an early start with STEM subjects can shoot for the stars. The Early College Innovation program is the rocket fuel.”
“We have had incredible success in creating early college opportunities for County high school students through an innovative partnership between the Prince George’s Community College and the Prince George’s County Public School system,” said Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker, III. “I want to thank Governor O’Malley for taking the time to come and see this fantastic program firsthand. His commitment to ensuring that our state has a top flight education system is unwavering. I believe our children can achieve anything when they put their minds to it. This program is about expanding opportunity and exposure. I want to see more students in our schools exposed to opportunities like this.”
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) will generate competitive grants to fund partnerships of local school systems and higher education institutions to create early college high schools or other forms of early college access. The support would bridge funding intended to help eligible partnerships bear some of the start-up costs associated with creating new early college programs. Priority would be given to proposals that launch early college high schools (also known as “middle colleges”) focused on CTE or STEM and that provide students with credentials (in the form of degrees, certificates, and certifications, as appropriate) in fields for which there is high-demand in Maryland.
The O’Malley-Brown Administration has set the goal to Increase Student Achievement and College and Career Readiness in Maryland by 25 percent by the End of 2015. The State of Maryland is also working toward the goal to ensure that at least 55 percent of Maryland’s adults age 25 to 64 will hold at least an associate’s degree by the year 2025. For an unprecedented five years in a row, Maryland’s schools have been named #1 in the nation by Education Week Magazine. In 2012, Maryland elementary school students achieved their highest MSA scores ever in both reading and math. Maryland middle school students achieved their highest scores ever in math. According to the College Board, Maryland students have ranked #1 in AP success for seven consecutive years. Maryland students are graduating at a record rate, according to data from the class of 2011.
Maryland is the first state in the nation to set specific STEM education standards.To read more about the Administration’s Early College, affordable college, STEM, and innovation initiatives, click here.
KETTERING, MD - Governor Martin O’Malley joined by students, educators and other officials, visited the Academy of Health Sciences, an innovative early college high school in partnership with Prince George’s County Public Schools and Prince George’s Community College, to highlight the Administration's Early College Innovation Fund passed in the 2013 legislative session.
The Administration remains committed to increasing access to postsecondary education and helping students obtain credentials that position them to compete for jobs in growing sectors of Maryland’s economy like cybersecurity, biotechnology, and life sciences. The Early College Innovation Fund serves to encourage the development of early college access programs that provide accelerated pathways for students seeking career and technical education (CTE) or training in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines.
“Maryland’s economy is an Innovation Economy, Prince George’s Community College is an Innovation school, and Prince George’s County Public Schools are innovation leaders. The Early College Innovation Fund will support accelerated pathways for students seeking CTE or STEM training while increasing access to postsecondary education and allowing our children to obtain the skills they need to be competitive in a 21st century global economy,” said Governor O’Malley. “Working together with our educators and academic partners, parents and students, we can make the better choices to invest in our children’s future by giving them the tools they need for the jobs of tomorrow.”
The Academy of Health Sciences is the state’s most successful model for early college high school. Upon graduation, each student earns both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree.
“Governor O’Malley is the nation's leader on college affordability. This year, Maryland became the first state in the nation to guarantee hardworking high school students college credit paid for by local school systems. It's a game changer for middle and low income families. And Prince George's, with the Academy of Health Sciences at the Community College and College Park Academy, where students will earn University of Maryland credits, is the leader in Maryland,” said Senator Jim Rosapepe, a member of the Senate Education Subcommittee and former member of the University System of Maryland Board of Regents.
“We are dedicated to giving our sons and daughters the freedom to excel,” said Delegate Jolene Ivey, a member of the Education Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee and Chair of the House Prince George’s Delegation. “Children who get an early start with STEM subjects can shoot for the stars. The Early College Innovation program is the rocket fuel.”
“We have had incredible success in creating early college opportunities for County high school students through an innovative partnership between the Prince George’s Community College and the Prince George’s County Public School system,” said Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker, III. “I want to thank Governor O’Malley for taking the time to come and see this fantastic program firsthand. His commitment to ensuring that our state has a top flight education system is unwavering. I believe our children can achieve anything when they put their minds to it. This program is about expanding opportunity and exposure. I want to see more students in our schools exposed to opportunities like this.”
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) will generate competitive grants to fund partnerships of local school systems and higher education institutions to create early college high schools or other forms of early college access. The support would bridge funding intended to help eligible partnerships bear some of the start-up costs associated with creating new early college programs. Priority would be given to proposals that launch early college high schools (also known as “middle colleges”) focused on CTE or STEM and that provide students with credentials (in the form of degrees, certificates, and certifications, as appropriate) in fields for which there is high-demand in Maryland.
The O’Malley-Brown Administration has set the goal to Increase Student Achievement and College and Career Readiness in Maryland by 25 percent by the End of 2015. The State of Maryland is also working toward the goal to ensure that at least 55 percent of Maryland’s adults age 25 to 64 will hold at least an associate’s degree by the year 2025. For an unprecedented five years in a row, Maryland’s schools have been named #1 in the nation by Education Week Magazine. In 2012, Maryland elementary school students achieved their highest MSA scores ever in both reading and math. Maryland middle school students achieved their highest scores ever in math. According to the College Board, Maryland students have ranked #1 in AP success for seven consecutive years. Maryland students are graduating at a record rate, according to data from the class of 2011.
Maryland is the first state in the nation to set specific STEM education standards.To read more about the Administration’s Early College, affordable college, STEM, and innovation initiatives, click here.
Discounted Amusement Park Tickets Available At Wicomico Youth & Civic Center
(Salisbury, MD) Are you craving the rush of a roller coaster or the smell of funnel cakes this summer? If you plan to visit one of the many amusement parks in the Northeast or Mid-Atlantic regions you can save money by purchasing discounted tickets from the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office.
MRPA 2013 Amusement Park Ticket Prices
Busch GardensSpecial Days (3/17-10/27): Gate Price $70.00; Selling Price $54.00
Water CountryAll Ages: Gate Price $49.00; Selling Price $39.00
Dorney ParkAdult: Gate Price $49.99; Selling Price $40.00
Jr./Sr. (3+ & under 48” & 62+): Gate Price 29.99; Selling Price $29.00
Dutch WonderlandAll Ages: Gate Price $37.99; Selling Price $34.00
Hershey ParkAdult: Gate Price $58.80; Selling Price $50.00
Jr. (3-8), Sr. (55-69): Gate Price: $37.80; Selling Price $39.00
Special Days (5/3-6/28; Sunday-Friday Only) Gate Price $58.80; Selling Price $38.00
Kings DominionAll Ages: Gate Price $61.99; Selling Price $45.00
Spring Savings (April & May Weekends): Gate Price $61.99; Selling Price $37.00
Summer Days (6/29-8/4): Gate Price $61.99; Selling Price $37.00
Fall Fun (Weekends in September & October): Gate Price $61.99; Selling Price $37.00
Sesame Place (under 23 months are free)All Ages (Good Any Day): Gate Price $64.19; Selling Price $52.00
Six Flags America (MD)All Ages: Gate Price $65.99; Selling Price $39.00
Special Days (March, April, May & July; June 6, 13, 20, 27; August 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29)
Gate Price $65.99; Selling Price $31.00
Six Flags Great Adventure (NJ)Theme & Safari Combo: Gate Price $67.40; Selling Price $38.00
Hurricane Harbor: Gate Price $41.99; Selling Price $29.00
Discounts are available for children and adults of all ages. Unless otherwise noted, kids 2 & under are free. Reduced price tickets are available all season long and include special days at some of the parks.
For more information about discount amusement park tickets, please contact the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office at 410-548-4911 or visit the Box Office located at 500 Glen Avenue in Salisbury (Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm).
The Angelic Travon
Marijuana, guns and fighting: New photos and texts from Trayvon Martin's cell phone paint troubling picture of slain teen
Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial is set to start next month
His attorneys have released a batch of photos and texts from Martin's cell phone including images of Martin smoking and a photo of a gun
Prosecutors want evidence omitted from trial
The defense team also want to use blood tests that show traces of marijuana in Martin's system
Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial is set to start next month
His attorneys have released a batch of photos and texts from Martin's cell phone including images of Martin smoking and a photo of a gun
Prosecutors want evidence omitted from trial
The defense team also want to use blood tests that show traces of marijuana in Martin's system
Congressman Harris Votes For Keystone XL Pipeline
The Real Job Creator for Baltimore’s Ellicott Dredges
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. voted this evening in favor of H.R. 3 “The Northern Route Approval Act” that would build the Keystone XL pipeline. After 1706 days of waiting for a green light from this administration and over 15,000 pages of review, this bill would remove any remaining obstacles and force President Obama to make a decision on this important energy independence and jobs project.
Last Friday, President Obama visited Ellicott Dredges in Baltimore where he talked a lot about cutting regulations and making it easier for businesses to create jobs. The irony is that the CEO of Ellicott Dredges testified before the House Small Business Committee the day before President Obama’s visit calling for the pipeline’s construction. President Obama could have done more for Ellicott Dredges and companies all across this country that support the energy and infrastructure sectors by staying in Washington to sign an executive order supporting the Keystone XL pipeline. Instead, he traveled to Baltimore for a photo-op.
“The American people have been waiting long enough for the President and Washington bureaucracy to get out of the way of this bipartisan energy independence and jobs project,” said Congressman Harris.
“The Keystone XL pipeline would create 20,000 jobs right now to build the pipeline and roughly 118,000 long term jobs to support the energy production. This is a no-brainer that must be approved by the President now in order to get Americans back to work and create a more secure energy future.
“President Obama had a unique opportunity last Friday when he visited Ellicott Dredges in Baltimore to throw his support behind this jobs-rich project. Instead, he used the visit to make more empty promises about cutting regulations. Enough is enough. Americans need these jobs. The House voted today to do just that, and the President should urge the Senate to get this jobs bill to his desk as soon as possible.”
Fast Facts:
· 20,000 jobs would be created to build the pipeline
· 118,000 jobs would be created long term to support the pipeline
· 830,000 barrels of oil a day or 1/2 of what the US imports from the Middle East
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. voted this evening in favor of H.R. 3 “The Northern Route Approval Act” that would build the Keystone XL pipeline. After 1706 days of waiting for a green light from this administration and over 15,000 pages of review, this bill would remove any remaining obstacles and force President Obama to make a decision on this important energy independence and jobs project.
Last Friday, President Obama visited Ellicott Dredges in Baltimore where he talked a lot about cutting regulations and making it easier for businesses to create jobs. The irony is that the CEO of Ellicott Dredges testified before the House Small Business Committee the day before President Obama’s visit calling for the pipeline’s construction. President Obama could have done more for Ellicott Dredges and companies all across this country that support the energy and infrastructure sectors by staying in Washington to sign an executive order supporting the Keystone XL pipeline. Instead, he traveled to Baltimore for a photo-op.
“The American people have been waiting long enough for the President and Washington bureaucracy to get out of the way of this bipartisan energy independence and jobs project,” said Congressman Harris.
“The Keystone XL pipeline would create 20,000 jobs right now to build the pipeline and roughly 118,000 long term jobs to support the energy production. This is a no-brainer that must be approved by the President now in order to get Americans back to work and create a more secure energy future.
“President Obama had a unique opportunity last Friday when he visited Ellicott Dredges in Baltimore to throw his support behind this jobs-rich project. Instead, he used the visit to make more empty promises about cutting regulations. Enough is enough. Americans need these jobs. The House voted today to do just that, and the President should urge the Senate to get this jobs bill to his desk as soon as possible.”
Fast Facts:
· 20,000 jobs would be created to build the pipeline
· 118,000 jobs would be created long term to support the pipeline
· 830,000 barrels of oil a day or 1/2 of what the US imports from the Middle East
The New World Order: Islamic Caliphate
We have seen videos on TV of Muslim Jihadis beheading infidel hostages. Less attention has been paid to the fact that Muslims are beheading entire nation states. Although this is happening in slow motion, it is no less dramatic. Historically, the major cities have constituted a country’s “head,” the seat of most of its political institutions and the largest concentration of its cultural brainpower. What happens when this “head” is cut off from the rest of the body?
In many countries across Western Europe, Muslim immigrants tend to settle in major cities, with the native population retreating to minor cities or into the countryside. Previously, Europeans or non-Europeans could travel between countries and visit new cities, each with its own, distinctive character and peculiarities. Soon, you will travel from London to Paris, Amsterdam or Stockholm and find that you have left one city dominated by burkas and sharia to find… yet another city dominated by burkas and sharia.
In many countries across Western Europe, Muslim immigrants tend to settle in major cities, with the native population retreating to minor cities or into the countryside. Previously, Europeans or non-Europeans could travel between countries and visit new cities, each with its own, distinctive character and peculiarities. Soon, you will travel from London to Paris, Amsterdam or Stockholm and find that you have left one city dominated by burkas and sharia to find… yet another city dominated by burkas and sharia.
Discover Wicomico County’s Hidden Treasures At The Wicomico Geocache Dash
Salisbury, MD – The Wicomico Geocache Dash & Bash will return to Salisbury for its third year on Friday, June 7 & Saturday, June 8. Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. During the Dash, participants will navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and attempt to find the geocache hidden at that location. Caches will be located throughout Wicomico County’s hidden treasures including parks, marinas, museums and historical sites.
The weekend will also feature a Pre-Dash Social, a Post-Dash Bash and optional All-You-Can-Eat Crab Feast. The Pre-Dash Bash will take place on Friday evening at Adam’s Ribs in Salisbury. There is no cost to attend the social; Geocache Dash merchandise, food and drinks can be purchased individually. The Dash will launch from WinterPlace Park on Saturday morning at 7:00am. After the Dash, join the Bash and enjoy food vendors, geocaching vendors, cornhole, a bounce house and door prizes. The All-You-Can-Eat Crab Feast will begin at 5:30pm. Tickets for the crab feast are $25 per person and will be available on site.
The Wicomico Geocache Dash & Bash is free, family-friendly and pet-friendly. A schedule for the weekend’s events can be found below.
Friday, June 7
· 6:30-7:30pm: Pre-Dash Social at Adam’s Ribs in Salisbury
Saturday, June 8 (All events take place at WinterPlace Park in Salisbury)
· 7:00-10:00am: Geocache Dash Launch
Kayaks will be available for water caches between 8:00am-4:00pm.
· 2:00-8:00pm: Post-Dash Bash
· 5:30-7:30pm: All-You-Can-Eat Crab Feast
The weekend will also feature a Pre-Dash Social, a Post-Dash Bash and optional All-You-Can-Eat Crab Feast. The Pre-Dash Bash will take place on Friday evening at Adam’s Ribs in Salisbury. There is no cost to attend the social; Geocache Dash merchandise, food and drinks can be purchased individually. The Dash will launch from WinterPlace Park on Saturday morning at 7:00am. After the Dash, join the Bash and enjoy food vendors, geocaching vendors, cornhole, a bounce house and door prizes. The All-You-Can-Eat Crab Feast will begin at 5:30pm. Tickets for the crab feast are $25 per person and will be available on site.
The Wicomico Geocache Dash & Bash is free, family-friendly and pet-friendly. A schedule for the weekend’s events can be found below.
Friday, June 7
· 6:30-7:30pm: Pre-Dash Social at Adam’s Ribs in Salisbury
Saturday, June 8 (All events take place at WinterPlace Park in Salisbury)
· 7:00-10:00am: Geocache Dash Launch
Kayaks will be available for water caches between 8:00am-4:00pm.
· 2:00-8:00pm: Post-Dash Bash
· 5:30-7:30pm: All-You-Can-Eat Crab Feast
DEF Golf Tournamen
Honor an Educator by playing in DEF golf tourney at Deer Run
The Delmarva Education Foundation will hold its first Honor an Educator benefit golf tournament at Deer Run Golf Club in Berlin on Saturday, June 8. Proceeds from the golf tournament will benefit both DEF and the new Marian Colbert Memorial Scholarship fund.
DEF is a local non-profit that helps make the dream of obtaining a college degree a reality for students in Wicomico, Worcester, and Somerset counties by assisting them with finding money to continue their education. Many of those served by DEF are low-income, first-generation college students who don’t have anyone in the family to help them work through the college application and financial aid process.
The Marian Colbert Memorial Scholarship is being established in memory of Deer Run owner Ed Colbert’s first wife, Marian, and will provide much-needed money for local students to go to college.
The registration fee is just $100 per player. The tournament features a Captain’s Choice Scramble format and kicks off with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. Registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, golf and cart, range balls, one mulligan per player, team prizes, hole-in-one prize. There will also be silent and live auctions, a putting contest, cash raffle and much more. To Register, Call Deer Run at 410-629-0060.
Golf tournament sponsors are also needed as are silent and live auction donations. As a golf tournament sponsor at the $1,000 level, sponsors will receive a free team entry for 4 players, a 1/2 page advertisement in the event program, a sponsorship mention in all tournament marketing and a large professional hole sign posted on the golf course during the event. Additional sponsorship levels are also available.
By becoming a sponsor of DEF’s Honor an Educator golf tournament, local businesses can help ensure that all residents of the lower Delmarva Peninsula have the opportunity to succeed in college. To become a tournament sponsor or to learn more about DEF, call Rota L. Knott, executive director, at 410-219-3336.
The Delmarva Education Foundation will hold its first Honor an Educator benefit golf tournament at Deer Run Golf Club in Berlin on Saturday, June 8. Proceeds from the golf tournament will benefit both DEF and the new Marian Colbert Memorial Scholarship fund.
DEF is a local non-profit that helps make the dream of obtaining a college degree a reality for students in Wicomico, Worcester, and Somerset counties by assisting them with finding money to continue their education. Many of those served by DEF are low-income, first-generation college students who don’t have anyone in the family to help them work through the college application and financial aid process.
The Marian Colbert Memorial Scholarship is being established in memory of Deer Run owner Ed Colbert’s first wife, Marian, and will provide much-needed money for local students to go to college.
The registration fee is just $100 per player. The tournament features a Captain’s Choice Scramble format and kicks off with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. Registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, golf and cart, range balls, one mulligan per player, team prizes, hole-in-one prize. There will also be silent and live auctions, a putting contest, cash raffle and much more. To Register, Call Deer Run at 410-629-0060.
Golf tournament sponsors are also needed as are silent and live auction donations. As a golf tournament sponsor at the $1,000 level, sponsors will receive a free team entry for 4 players, a 1/2 page advertisement in the event program, a sponsorship mention in all tournament marketing and a large professional hole sign posted on the golf course during the event. Additional sponsorship levels are also available.
By becoming a sponsor of DEF’s Honor an Educator golf tournament, local businesses can help ensure that all residents of the lower Delmarva Peninsula have the opportunity to succeed in college. To become a tournament sponsor or to learn more about DEF, call Rota L. Knott, executive director, at 410-219-3336.
FBI Agents Killed In Virginia Were Investigating The Boston Bombing
Two FBI agents died in a “fall” from a helicopter in Virginia this week. Days later it has emerged that these agents were involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.
Goodbye To Illinois
Former State Senator and Republican Cook County Board President candidate Roger Keats and his wife Tina are leaving Illinois to live in Texas . They bid farewell to their Illinois friends with the following letter.
Dear friends,
As we leave Illinois for good, I wanted to say goodbye and wish all of you well. I am a lifelong son of the heartland and proud of "The Land of Lincoln " state.
After 60 years, I leave Illinois with a heavy heart. But enough is enough. The leaders of Illinois refuse to see we can't continue going in the direction we are and expect people who have options to stay here.
I remember when Illinois had 25 congressmen. In 2012 we will have 18. Compared to the rest of the country we have lost 1/4th of our population. Don't blame the weather, because most of us love the 4 beautiful seasons of Illinois .
Illinois just sold still more bonds, and our credit rating is so bad we pay higher interest rates than junk bonds. Junk Bonds!
Illinois is ranked:
• 50th for fiscal policy
• 47th in job creation
• 1st in unfunded pension liabilities
• 2nd largest budget deficit
• 1st in failing schools
• 1st in bonded indebtedness
• Highest sales tax in the nation
• Most judges indicted (Operations Greylord and Gambat)
Five of our last 9 elected governors have been indicted. That is more than the other 49 states added together! Then add 32 Chicago Aldermen and (according to the Chicago Tribune) over 1,000 state and municipal employees indicted.
The corruption tax is a real cost of doing business. We are the butt of jokes for stand-up comics. We live in the most corrupt big city, in the most corrupt big county, in the most corrupt state in America . I am sick and tired of subsidizing crooks. A day rarely passes without an article about the corruption and incompetence. Chicago even got caught rigging the tests to hire policemen and firemen!
Our Crook County corporate tax system is intentionally corrupt. The Democrat State Chairman, who is also the Speaker of the Illinois House (Speaker Mike Madigan), and the most senior alderman in Chicago, each make well over a million dollars a year putting the fix in for their clients tax assessments.
Cook County 's property tax system is a disaster: The assessed value of our Chicago home was 50% higher than the sale price. Our home value is down 40%, our property taxes are up 20%, and our local schools have still another referendum on the ballot to increase taxes more than 20% next year.
The Illinois system is unfair and incompetent. In the Hill Country of Texas (near Austin and San Antonio ) we bought a gracious home on almost 2 acres with a swimming pool. It is new, will cost us around 40% of what our home in Wilmette just sold for, and the property taxes are a third of what they are here.
We are moving to Texas where there is no income tax, while Illinois just went up 67%. Texas sales tax is half of ours, which is the highest in the nation. Southern states are supportive of job producers, taxpayers and folks who offer opportunities to their residents. Illinois shakes them down for every penny that can be extorted from them.
I could go on, but enough is enough. I feel as if we are standing on the deck of the Titanic and I can see the icebergs right in front of us.
I will miss our friends a great deal. I have called Illinois home for essentially my entire life. But it is time to go where there is honest, competent, and cost effective government. We have chosen to vote with our feet and our wallets.
Our best wishes to all of you.
Roger and Tina Keats
Dear friends,
As we leave Illinois for good, I wanted to say goodbye and wish all of you well. I am a lifelong son of the heartland and proud of "The Land of Lincoln " state.
After 60 years, I leave Illinois with a heavy heart. But enough is enough. The leaders of Illinois refuse to see we can't continue going in the direction we are and expect people who have options to stay here.
I remember when Illinois had 25 congressmen. In 2012 we will have 18. Compared to the rest of the country we have lost 1/4th of our population. Don't blame the weather, because most of us love the 4 beautiful seasons of Illinois .
Illinois just sold still more bonds, and our credit rating is so bad we pay higher interest rates than junk bonds. Junk Bonds!
Illinois is ranked:
• 50th for fiscal policy
• 47th in job creation
• 1st in unfunded pension liabilities
• 2nd largest budget deficit
• 1st in failing schools
• 1st in bonded indebtedness
• Highest sales tax in the nation
• Most judges indicted (Operations Greylord and Gambat)
Five of our last 9 elected governors have been indicted. That is more than the other 49 states added together! Then add 32 Chicago Aldermen and (according to the Chicago Tribune) over 1,000 state and municipal employees indicted.
The corruption tax is a real cost of doing business. We are the butt of jokes for stand-up comics. We live in the most corrupt big city, in the most corrupt big county, in the most corrupt state in America . I am sick and tired of subsidizing crooks. A day rarely passes without an article about the corruption and incompetence. Chicago even got caught rigging the tests to hire policemen and firemen!
Our Crook County corporate tax system is intentionally corrupt. The Democrat State Chairman, who is also the Speaker of the Illinois House (Speaker Mike Madigan), and the most senior alderman in Chicago, each make well over a million dollars a year putting the fix in for their clients tax assessments.
Cook County 's property tax system is a disaster: The assessed value of our Chicago home was 50% higher than the sale price. Our home value is down 40%, our property taxes are up 20%, and our local schools have still another referendum on the ballot to increase taxes more than 20% next year.
The Illinois system is unfair and incompetent. In the Hill Country of Texas (near Austin and San Antonio ) we bought a gracious home on almost 2 acres with a swimming pool. It is new, will cost us around 40% of what our home in Wilmette just sold for, and the property taxes are a third of what they are here.
We are moving to Texas where there is no income tax, while Illinois just went up 67%. Texas sales tax is half of ours, which is the highest in the nation. Southern states are supportive of job producers, taxpayers and folks who offer opportunities to their residents. Illinois shakes them down for every penny that can be extorted from them.
I could go on, but enough is enough. I feel as if we are standing on the deck of the Titanic and I can see the icebergs right in front of us.
I will miss our friends a great deal. I have called Illinois home for essentially my entire life. But it is time to go where there is honest, competent, and cost effective government. We have chosen to vote with our feet and our wallets.
Our best wishes to all of you.
Roger and Tina Keats
How The Smartphone Killed The Three-Day Weekend
Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer and all it evokes: vacations, slower workweeks, casual dress codes, getting the pool ready and pulling out the outdoor furniture.
It would seem an ideal time to take a break, but our ability to unplug and relax is under assault. A three-day weekend? We can barely get through three waking hours without working, new research shows. The average smartphone user checks his or her device 150 times per day, or about once every six minutes. Meanwhile, government data
from 2011 says 35 percent of us work on weekends, and those who do average five hours of labor, often without compensation -- or even a thank you. The other 65 percent were probably too busy to answer surveyors’ questions.
It would seem an ideal time to take a break, but our ability to unplug and relax is under assault. A three-day weekend? We can barely get through three waking hours without working, new research shows. The average smartphone user checks his or her device 150 times per day, or about once every six minutes. Meanwhile, government data

37th Annual Delmar Day In The Park Festival
Sat. June 1st, 10am till 6pm. State Street Park, Delmar, DE
Food, crafts, games, attractions, giveaways, raffles, 50/50, demonstrations, live entertainment and more! A fun-filled day for the entire family!
We've added more this year and we hope you'll come on out and have some fun!
Festival sponsored by The Greater Delmar Chamber of Commerce
Food, crafts, games, attractions, giveaways, raffles, 50/50, demonstrations, live entertainment and more! A fun-filled day for the entire family!
We've added more this year and we hope you'll come on out and have some fun!
Festival sponsored by The Greater Delmar Chamber of Commerce
Federal Audit Finds Baltimore City Schools Misused Federal Stimulus, Title I Funds
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A federal audit finds stimulus dollars intended for Baltimore City Schools is spent on things far from the classroom.
Christie Ileto explains where your tax dollars went.
The audit shows federal stimulus, Title I dollars, went to dinner cruises, makeovers and meals and now, state lawmakers and parents want answers from the school district.
Christie Ileto explains where your tax dollars went.
The audit shows federal stimulus, Title I dollars, went to dinner cruises, makeovers and meals and now, state lawmakers and parents want answers from the school district.
Muslim Youth Burn Stockholm!
Youth gang riots in the Swedish capital Stockholm have entered fifth straight night. Hundreds of mostly immigrant teenagers tore through the suburbs, smashing windows and burning cars in the country’s worst outbreak of violence in years.
At least six vehicles were torched throughout the city late on Thursday while the police called for reinforcements from other Swedish cities bracing for further unrest.
Firefighters were putting out flames that engulfed several cars and a school in immigrant-dominated areas of Stockholm.
At least six vehicles were torched throughout the city late on Thursday while the police called for reinforcements from other Swedish cities bracing for further unrest.
Firefighters were putting out flames that engulfed several cars and a school in immigrant-dominated areas of Stockholm.
Alberta Tar Sands Oil Is Already Flowing and Leaking Into the United States
Yesterday, BuzzFlash wrote about how the de facto decision to let Alberta tar sands oil flow into the US -- and particularly Texas refineries and ports -- has already been made, beginning with the third segment of the Keystone Pipeline that is almost completed.
After we wrote the commentary, the House passed a bill that is a power grab by the big oil companies, TransCanada pipeline, and Canada to build a fourth more direct Keystone XL pipeline to Steele City, Nebraska. It would increase capacity and profit, but it is not necessary for the tar sands oil to flow in the US; it already is.
After we wrote the commentary, the House passed a bill that is a power grab by the big oil companies, TransCanada pipeline, and Canada to build a fourth more direct Keystone XL pipeline to Steele City, Nebraska. It would increase capacity and profit, but it is not necessary for the tar sands oil to flow in the US; it already is.
Salem's Sanyo Solar To Lay Off 52 Workers As Industry Fallout Continues
The Sanyo Solar plant in Salem that opened three years ago with nearly $45 million in government subsidies will lay off 52 employees, joining other companies in Oregon that have been hammered by declining profits as the price of solar panels drops.
The firm will continue to employ about 150 people to manufacture ingots, the cylindrical blocks of crystalline silicon that make up the base material of solar power cells, said a spokesman for Panasonic Corporation. Panasonic acquired Sanyo last year.
Sanyo's ingots "are very well done, they are a bright spot in our manufacturing process," said Aaron Fowles, the spokesman.
The firm will continue to employ about 150 people to manufacture ingots, the cylindrical blocks of crystalline silicon that make up the base material of solar power cells, said a spokesman for Panasonic Corporation. Panasonic acquired Sanyo last year.
Sanyo's ingots "are very well done, they are a bright spot in our manufacturing process," said Aaron Fowles, the spokesman.
Who Runs This Country?
Isn't this the sad truth!
Illinois Bans Abstinence-Only Sex Ed: ‘In Fantasy Land, We Teach Our Kids Abstinence’
Illinois public schools will be required to include medically accurate information about birth control in their sex ed classes under a measure that the state legislaturepassed this week. HB 2675, which Gov. Pat Quinn (D) is expected to sign into law, will prohibit health classes from teaching abstinence-only curricula.
Illinois’ current law requires sex ed classes to emphasize abstinence as “the expected norm,” and stipulates that “course material and instruction shall stress that pupils should abstain from sexual intercourse until they are ready for marriage.” Public schools can choose between teaching abstinence-only education, using a mix of stressing abstinence while providing comprehensive information about birth control and condoms, or simply declining to provide any sex ed instruction. Under HB 2675, schools won’t be able to choose the abstinence-only option anymore — they’ll need to either offer comprehensive information about prevention methods, or decide not to offer any sex ed courses whatsoever.
Illinois’ current law requires sex ed classes to emphasize abstinence as “the expected norm,” and stipulates that “course material and instruction shall stress that pupils should abstain from sexual intercourse until they are ready for marriage.” Public schools can choose between teaching abstinence-only education, using a mix of stressing abstinence while providing comprehensive information about birth control and condoms, or simply declining to provide any sex ed instruction. Under HB 2675, schools won’t be able to choose the abstinence-only option anymore — they’ll need to either offer comprehensive information about prevention methods, or decide not to offer any sex ed courses whatsoever.
After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:
'Let me see if I've got this right.
'You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.
'You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride.
'You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.
'You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams.
'You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.
'You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps.
'You want me to do all this, and then you tell me......
I can't pray
'Let me see if I've got this right.
'You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.
'You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride.
'You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.
'You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams.
'You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.
'You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps.
'You want me to do all this, and then you tell me......
I can't pray
When my grandfather ran away from home in 1905, he ended up in Pee Dee, SC. He found work in one of the many lumber camps that were sprinkled throughout South Carolina. I’m sure that every job he had at first was manual in nature and hard. But, if he was anything like he was all the years I knew him, hard work was just something to do, not fret about.
His prime mode of transportation in those years was the railroad. He was quick to point out that he was a hobo – and not a bum. He said that a hobo would work for his keep and a bum just rode the rails and bummed around.
Two things were begun during his five years on the road that would never change during his entire life. The first was the growing of a moustache. He told me he grew it to look older and to my knowledge it was only removed once in his life. A nurse at Peninsula General Hospital in Salisbury removed it when she shaved him. He was at the end of his life and was in no condition to have a say in the matter. And, I guess at that point, it really didn’t matter.
The second was the beginning of his lifelong association with Prince Albert tobacco. He didn’t have much money in those days and, when a salesman gave him a free sample, he showed his gratitude by using a can of it every day for the rest of his life. I never saw my grandfather that he didn’t have a can ofPrince Albert stuck in his hip pocket. In his latter years when he could afford them, he showed the same loyalty to Dunhill pipes. When he was finished smoking a bowl full, he would empty the bowl of burnt ashes by beating the pipe against the nearest hard object, usually the brick wall of whatever he was building. It didn’t matter whether the pipe was new or old, it received the same whack. One time, he broke a quarter-sized piece off the bowl and, since the pipe was fairly new and they were expensive, he decided to have it repaired. Not just any repair but an Albert Disharoon production. He put a little glue on the broken piece and reattached it to the bowl. He then took it to a jeweler and had him fashion a sterling silver band about ¾ inches wide, complete with his initials, to encircle the bowl, thus holding everything in place. He was so proud of that pipe until he lit it for the first time and it became red hot. It looked good, but he could never smoke it again.
(This is part 2 of a 7 part story of my grandfather’s life – part 3 next week)
Obamacare Premiums In California Lower Than Predicted
Health insurers in California will charge an average of $304 a month for the cheapest silver-level plan in state-based exchanges next year, according to rates released Thursday by Covered California, which is implementing the Affordable Care Act there. But many residents will pay a lot less than that for coverage.
Rates will vary by region, age and level of coverage, and many lower-income Californias will qualify for federal subsidies that will greatly lower the premiums. The plans will come in four tiers, ranging from bronze to platinum. The former will charge lower premiums, but carry higher out-of-pocket benefits, and the latter will have the highest premiums but have the lowest out-of-pocket costs.
Rates will vary by region, age and level of coverage, and many lower-income Californias will qualify for federal subsidies that will greatly lower the premiums. The plans will come in four tiers, ranging from bronze to platinum. The former will charge lower premiums, but carry higher out-of-pocket benefits, and the latter will have the highest premiums but have the lowest out-of-pocket costs.
Obama Revised Guidelines On Drone Strikes
President Barack Obama has revised White House guidelines for when to launch drone strikes against terror suspects. Now, drones will stay grounded if suspects can be captured alive. The guidelines were made public on the same day as the President's national security policy speech at the National Defense University. Since 2009, four Americans have been killed by U.S. drone strikes overseas. In his speech, Obama said he would be open to establishing a special court to approve drone strikes ahead of time. He also renewed his commitment to closing the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Bill Introduced To Stop Government From Hiring People Who Haven't Paid Taxes
Two senators have introduced a bill to make sure federal employees pay their taxes. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has teamed up with Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) to stop the government from hiring people who haven't paid up. The measure also would direct agencies to fire workers who are seriously delinquent. It would not apply to those who have worked out a payment plan with the IRS or who are appealing a tax bill. They cite IRS data showing more than 300,000 current and former feds owe back taxes. A similar bill failed in the House.
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