
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C07001624
Delmar Police Dept Fraternal Order Of Police Lodge 111, et al vs Delmar Mayor And Commissioners, et al Case Type: Other CivilFiling Date:11/19/2007
Case Status: Open/Active
Case Disposition: Disposition Date:
There's more to the Court Documents but here it is in a nutshell.
FOP Lodge 111 has Filed suit against the Town of Delmar, Maryland over Collective Bargaining. Get this! I've been informed that the State of Delaware offers Collective Bargaining for ALL Municipalities with more than 25 Employees. Now that doesn't mean 25 Police Officers. That means 25 Employees, period.
That being said, the Delmar Police Department works for both the state of Maryland and the state of Delaware. Therefore they have filed a petition with more than 320 signatures, (more then required for that Municipality) to put Collective Bargaining on the Ballot and the FOP filed it to the Town Attorney and the Mayor of Delmar.
The first set of paperwork went and sat with absolutely NO REPLY whatsoever. So, the FOP sent it AGAIN for the second time and guess what, NOTHING HAPPENED. Being that you only have a certain amount of time to get something like this on the Ballot, it became VERY obvious the Mayor was stalling and the Police Officers learned the Town Attorney was delaying at the request of the Mayor.
So the FOP filed it again for a third time in which the Mayor responded by telling them they would only consider it IF they were to do so they wanted to include the Labor Code along with it so the Voters could vote on BOTH! This would mean at least 7 pages of documents added to the Ballot and everyone immediately realized this was yet ANOTHER stall tactic on the Mayor's behalf and he pissed off the FOP bad enough that they have Filed a Lawsuit against the Town of Delmar.
Ladies & Gentlemen, you're reading it here first as NONE of the other News Sources are even ONTO this story.
There's more. The Town of Delmar has a rule in which if you don't take your vacation and or sick leave by the end of the year you lose it completely. Well, when you're a small Police Department like Delmar is, there's a sense of loyalty in such a small department and you just don't screw your Brothers and Sisters by taking off and leaving no one to work. Therefore many Officers easily lose quite a bit of earned pay because they're so small. Get this though. If you quit, you get the pay. If you leave and take a job elsewhere, you get the pay. It makes no sense. So why doesn't the Town of Delmar just flat out pay them the money instead of forcing them to lose it?
This is one reason for Collective Bargaining. Now keep in mind, the Chief of Police works at the pleasure of the Mayor & Council. Therefore, you're not going to hear a whole lot from him about this issue and or who he supports, I respect that. Once again, this is yet ANOTHER damn good reason for collective bargaining. They can't retaliate against you and make your life a living hell if you in fact stand up for the men and women serving under you.
Barrie Tilghman has made the perfect example of just how badly she'll RETALIATE against you in ANY department if you do NOT agree with HER. I'll not name names at this time but ALL of you know what I'm talking about.
I'm sure you'll be seeing and or reading more about this situation in the very near future on the local news stations and in the DT. Let's sit back and watch who gets on the ball first with this one.
I personally stand behind the FOP Lodge 111 on this one and I'm honored to expose the shenanigans of the Mayor of the Town of Delmar for stalling and turning against the will of the taxpayers of Delmar who signed the Petition to bring it to the Ballot.