Ireton's speech, which ran about ten minutes in length, included a small history of the river and his personal connection to it, details of the most recent findings on it's condition, and his strategic vision for the recovery of the Wicomico River and it's relationship to Salisbury.
The good health of river is "vital to our sense of space", Ireton said. The Wicomico has always helped define Salisbury since it's earliest days but due to excessive pollution, sewage spills, and contaminated runoff, the river is no longer enjoyed and utilised like it once was. Salisbury must take ownership of this problem.
The health of the river is a key component to the revitalization (relevance) of downtown Salisbury as well. It's no wonder the condos on the river haven't sold when you can't even jump in the water for fear of bacterial infection. Forget about the fishing and crabbing that once took place there.
In closing, Ireton pointed out that Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegeys claim a record of environmentalism, yet they have not held themselves to the same standard the preach. The 72" Waverly drainpipe is a perfect example. When the opportunity arose to do the right thing where the river is concerned, they chose not to, hoping you wouldn't notice. Well, we did.
How can Tilghman reconcile this and the proposed pipes to run down Isabella St against any plan to revitalize the North Prong? I fail to see how making this water even more polluted will attract and encourage business and consumers to relocate there.