DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Club For Growth Releases 2007 Congressional Scorecard
“These top-scoring members of Congress are staunch defenders of American taxpayers,” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. “Their votes are critical to lowering taxes, cutting wasteful spending, and promoting economic growth for all Americans. The Club for Growth scorecard allows taxpayers to see how their senators and representatives are performing in Congress and find out who is truly fighting for pro-growth, limited-government policies. We hope that support for pro-growth principles will continue to grow, allowing more members to earn this award and more Americans to benefit.”
The ratings are based on a comprehensive examination of votes in the House and Senate pertaining to key economic issues, including taxes, wasteful spending, entitlement reform, free trade, and regulation. Each lawmaker is given an economic growth score ranging from 0 to 100, with a score of 100 indicating the highest support for pro-growth policies. The Club is also introducing a searchable database that allows you to search past and current scorecards by party, state, house, and member.
The Club for Growth is a nationwide membership organization dedicated to advancing public policies that promote economic growth. The Club’s website can be found at http://www.clubforgrowth.org/.
Defender of Economic Freedom Award Winners
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) 100
Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ-6) 100
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) 97
Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-5) 100
Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) 97
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (TX-5) 100
Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) 92
Rep. Mike Pence (IN-6) 99
Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) 91
Rep. Paul Broun (GA-10) 99
Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) 90
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN-07) 98
Rep. Bill Sali (ID-01) 98
Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ-05) 98
Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN-06) 98
Rep. Tom Price (GA-06) 98
Rep. John Linder (GA-07) 98
Rep. Tom Feeney (FL-24) 98
Rep. Steve King (IA-5) 98
Rep. John Shadegg (AZ-03) 97
Rep. Chris Cannon (UT-03) 97
Rep. Ed Royce (CA-40) 96
Rep. John Campbell (CA-48) 96
Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-4) 96
Rep. John Kline (MN-02) 96
Rep. John Sullivan (OK-01) 95
Rep. Eric Cantor (VA-07) 95
Rep. Randy Neugebauer (TX-19) 95
Rep. Mike Conaway (TX-11) 94
Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-01) 94
Rep. Sam Johnson (TX-03) 94
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (CO-04) 94
Rep. Trent Franks (AZ-02) 94
Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02) 93
Rep. Tim Walberg (MI-07) 92
Rep. Joe Pitts (PA-16) 92
Rep. Nathan Deal (GA-09) 92
Rep. Dean Heller (NV-02) 92
Rep. David Davis (TN-01) 92
Rep. Connie Mack (FL-14) 92
Rep. John Culberson (TX-07) 92
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (GA-03) 92
Rep. John Boehner (OH-08) 92
Rep. F. Sensenbrenner (WI-05) 91
Rep. Brian Bilbray (CA-50) 91
Rep. Todd Akin (MO-02) 91
Rep. Wally Herger (CA-02) 91
Rep. Howard McKeon (CA-25) 91
Rep. Kay Granger (TX-12) 91
Rep. John Carter (TX-31) 90
Rep. Kevin Brady (TX-08) 90
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) 90
Rep. Jack Kingston (GA-01) 90
Rep. Sue Myrick (NC-09) 90
Rep. George Radanovich (CA-19) 90
Pocomoke Police Nab "Joe Cool" for Attempted Murder Minutes After Stabbing

Officers checked for witnesses, finding a witness who stated he witnessed the stabbing. The witness recognized the suspect by his street name “Joe Cool”.
A few moments later another witness advised police they seen the suspect enter a brown pickup at the intersection of Route 13 & Dividing Creek Road.
The officers observed the said truck and performed a felony traffic stop. Apprehended and charged was:
The victim is in critical condition as the cut was 2 CM deep and is potentially life threatening.
Information provided by:
Let's Get Rrrrrready To Rrrrrrrrummmble

Last week I put up a Post in which I took a portion of it down because we didn't want to jump the gun in case DelDot changed their mind.
However, Delmar's Fire Chief Shawn Johnson made contact with DelDot after several accidents had occurred at several dangerous intersections along Rt. 54, (Line Road). He no sooner contacted them and went into their office, they immediately got in their vehicle and drove to each location and agreed to have the rumble strips and lines installed within 2 week.
To our pleasant surprise they were out yesterday and today installing the lines and rumble strips in the hopes of making each intersection much safer. So thanks Shawn and DelDot for a job well done.
Student Fundraiser & Sponsorship Drive
Salisbury News Blog
Dear Mr. Albero,
My name is Katherine (Katie) Reyes and I am a freshman at Washington High School in Princess Anne, Maryland. I have been selected to participate in the Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference held in Washington, DC in conjunction with the 2009 Presidential Inauguration.
http://www.cylc.org/pyic - for more information and verification
The Conference offers a unique opportunity to those of us selected from around the country to participate. I am enclosing the Preliminary Schedule of Events and some additional information about the Conference and the experiences it offers to the future leaders of our country.
I have been participating in leadership activities both locally and nationally since I was 10 years old. Ultimately it is my goal to expand my knowledge and experience in order to give back to our communities here on the Eastern Shore and assist with my career goals for the future.
In order to participate in this program I will be attempting to raise sponsorship funds of $2,500 to cover the expenses for the event. Any sponsorship funds in excess of this amount will be donated to Autism Speaks, a charity helping fund research and special needs assistance for those suffering from Autism. I hope to be able to donate at least an additional $2,500 to this charity through this sponsorship effort!
I am hoping that you would consider helping me promote this drive on your blog. I am required to complete my fundraising efforts by June 30, 2008. Any assistance you could give would be greatly appreciated.
I am attaching some information on both the Conference and the charity, Autism Speaks for your review. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this phenomenal opportunity with me, I would be happy to speak with you. BB&T is helping to handle the collection of funds and I have put that information below.
Thank you again for your consideration. Have a great day!
Katie Reyes
Katherine (Katie) Reyes
Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference Hopeful
Donations can be sent to:
Katherine Reyes
c/o BB&T – North Salisbury
2400 N Salisbury Blvd.
Salisbury, MD 21801-2137
Memo: PYIC-AS Fundraiser
Email Questions To: Reyes0408@Comcast.Net
What's Wrong With This Photo?

Also in today's Daily Times Go Magazine they included this photo inside the Salisbury Zoo. Just to prove they're NOT following their own set of NEW RULES, look carefully at this photo and you'll see this woman carrying the family DOG! Pets are absolutely NOT allowed inside the Salisbury Zoo. However, in this case, they're not just in the Zoo, they're way in the Zoo!
It's bad enough we get to watch so many beautiful animals caged up and taken from the wild. It's another thing to bring in your pet and absolutely drive the caged animals that have an instant instinct to KILL this animals as they would in the wild.
The caged animals can also get so stressed out, it could kill them. I have a multitude of photos similar to this one but I thought it was pretty cool to see yet another photographer capturing exactly what I've been talking about for years down there.
The Zookeepers obviously are not doing their jobs and policing the Zoo. That is, unless Joe Albero walks through the doors. Then the radios go off, CODE 4, CODE 4! That means Joe Albero is in the Zoo. Pretty cool, eh? I have my own emergency code whenever I walk into the Zoo, ROTFLMAO!
Nevertheless, I just had to share this photo since so many of you no longer get the Daily Times. Obviously nothing has changed down there. Pitiful!
Today's Daily Times Go Magazine Photo
Iris Society Show

The Eastern Shore Iris Society will be holding their annual show this Saturday,May 10th in the J.C.Penneys court at the Centre at Salisbury.Open to all iris growers,entries will be accepted from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Vases will be provided by iris society. Judging takes place from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Show will be open to the public until 4 p.m. For more information call 410-860-0893 or 410-334-2344
Request For Information For The Wicomico War Memorial
(Salisbury, MD) The Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Veteran’s War Memorial is searching for further information on the citizens who gave up their lives in service of their country. The memorial honors Wicomico Citizens who gave their lives during combat in service to the United States. Memorial committee member Ed Hearthway has been diligently collecting information on fallen service members and is looking to gather more information. If you have a family member or friend that you have information to share about, please email Ed at hearthwaye@aol.com.
The project has been made possible by the generous donations of area citizens, businesses and civic organizations. And, although the organizers are pleased with the support the project has received, ongoing support is needed to keep the project funded. Donations are being accepted at:
Wicomico War Veterans Memorial Fund
c/o John Terrell
500 Glen Avenue
Salisbury, Maryland 21804
For additional information in the ways that you can contribute, please call John Terrell at 410-548-4900. This year’s Memorial ceremony will be at 10:00AM on Saturday, May 31st in front of the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Question of the Day, Thur 5/8
Please read the article below. Here's the most important paragraph:
"He (Chrysler LLC Chairman & executive Bob Nardelli) also announced a three-year, $2.99-a-gallon gasoline price guarantee for people who buy or lease new vehicles between Wednesday and June 2. The offer is based on 12,000 miles of driving per year at the vehicle's rated fuel economy. Buyers will get a card for buying gas that is linked to the customer's own charge account, Chrysler said Monday evening. The customer will be billed $2.99 a gallon, and Chrysler will pay the rest."
Even after announcing 11,000 job cuts last November, how are they able to this? Didn't the Delaware plant close last year?